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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Mar 1929, p. 10

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" Easy-to-Find RADIO PROGRAM Glad Girls. Thiers Theatre. Amos 'n' An. GBD, (Qu0-Oua, Uscl Dick, bee. s ¥ MacDonald a + RY WOW. WT enectady, WEAF, WFAA, WGY (379.5)=Sch, Mixed quars 7% tet. WGR _ (545)--Buffalo. ha ABC NEE Sram 24 Oni 1 Yaar, W. WBT, WBZA, WJR, 'WLS, WSB, WsM, WEBC, 745 WEAF (45)--New York, Piano Lwins FN NE, "or System (W] Cope- : reser Concert orch fn es. 3 Rls, System: irestoue Concert to umbia Network: Ida Bailey Allen; WEEL, ewel 45 NBC System EE ma 15 NBC System In. 1.00 pum. NBC System (Centrah--Farm and Hour, 8.3 WGN Chicago. Women's Club, #.00 NBC System Z)-U.S, Navy Band #0 WEW Cine, 1d' Friends and Faces, t NBC System (WEAF)--Auction Bridge $45 WMAQ Chicago. Garden Club, NBC Fp WEAF ane to baad 784 "38)Chicngo. Beh dd Program (1% hours), £00 KDKA, (306)--Fitts, Book M: Wo WB Corr Phita, Male to WLW | (48)~Cinci, Prof. Kyrock; or os Network: School Daze to WOR, L, WMAK, WAAL, © WAC, WeaAo, WEAN, WHE, Kull, WKRC, WGHF, WISN, WOWO, WIAK WOBY, © WWNG, WMAQ, WLBW, Weal, Hom rv f BC System: . oo] WDAF, WRC, WCSH, WN: WOR! we WIP (492)~Phila, U, of Penn Di ti IDLENESS | servations ux Ministry of » {made among the homes of the un- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1929 INMINING AREAS Has 2 Wone Effect Than Lack of Food or Clothing London, Mar, 11.--"From ob- servations which we made person- ally in the houses we visited, ob- which were confirmed by what has been told us by vari- ous informants, the diet in the households of the unemployed men comprised little beyond white bread, butter or margarine, pota- toes, sugar, jam, tea and bacon in limited quantity." . Sir Arthur B. Lowrey, chief in- spector, and James Pearse, of the ealth, this report of- ficially on an investigation they employed in the coal fields of South Wales and Monmouth, Meat," the report continues, "was seldom eaten except in very small quantities on Sundays, very often not more than a shilling's worth for the whole family. Fresh milk was not seen by us except when supplied from a welfare cli- nic, the usual milk being skimmed or condensed. Fresh vegetables, other than potatoes, were seldom an, BC System: Waldorf to WEAF. "WRC, Astoria Mi to WEAF, WCAE, WOW, WBAL, WHAM, KDKA, WK, KYW, KWK, WREN, KO WE2, (a0)--Springteld. Markets; Dine er us 5 WIZ (94.5)-New York. Palais dor Columbia Network: Coe, Couriers 89 Drchestra, WC WGHP, WMAQ, 83 KORA och KMOX, WGL, KMBC, KOIL, WCAU, WAL Gm--Baitimors. us WEB, WHE w Whak, WEAN, 256)--Phila, Musical Furriers ' WER (a5 Buffalo Statler orchestra, Club, NBC System :Duo Discs to WJZ, WBZ, DKA, WELW, Musical A Philh ok SPECIAL! Men's Boots and $2.50 I. COLLIS AND SONS 850-54 King St. W. Phone 733W UPTOWN OFFICE fio KingSt, Ww. Phones 1. and 660 eaten, and it was noticed that al- 'most invariably the bread was not baked at home." The report does not record any widespread manifestations of im- paired health which could be attri- buted to insufficiency of nourish- ment. "In this view," it remarks, '""we are confirmed by the opinions of the medical practitioners who have the best opportunities of watching the physical condition of thef amilies. Expression of such an opinion, has, however, often been accompanied by reservations indicating surprise at the absence of {ll effects,and apprehension that the Inevitable sequel of the pro- longation of such conditions must be a detriment of physique." At another point, the report says, "apart from diet, another fac- i |tor which must tend to impair the physical condition of the poorest of the population is the insufficien- cy of proper clothing and footwear. The existence of this deficiency is more immediately obvious than population, to say nothing of the adults and infants." The report suggests that any ad- ditional funds can best be allocated to the: transfer of miners from areas in which they cannot find work. "It is not much to say," the report continues, 'that every thoughtful person with whom we have talked has expressed great concern at. the destructive effect of idleness upon the character and morale of the unemployed than at the hardships involved in the scant supply of the necessaries of life. "It is a common observation that work is needed rather than food or clothing. We feel that there is much justification for this view. From the first we were struck more by the aspect of de- pression among the unemployed men and their listlessness, than by any other signs of poverty. We think it 1s our duty to represent that in interests of the nation as a whole, and not only of the mining communities, steps should be tak- en to do away with the burden of this idleness," The report further states that al. though theré is no obvious evidence of widespread deterioration of phy- slque, there could be no question that, in some areas, women, especi. ally the mothers of young children, suffer to an unusual extent from languor and anaemia, TOWN FOR SALE! West Eminence, Pa.,, Mar, 11.-- Wanta buy this town, lock, stock and barrel? Fifteen thousand acres of land, enough homes for a pop- ulation of 2,000, a small logging railroad and bui'dings--all some- what the worse for neglect, are offered for the small sum of $15,000. Collapse of the timber industry in the vicinity makes the bargain possible. Your Own Home 4% Prince St. Oshawa, Ont. ONE MAN KILLED IN "DISNEY" 20 King St. E. Phone 14650 Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING 8ST. W. 'Telephone 572-228 Night Calls 510-1560 Attempts by police to question Clark were fruitless. Beyond identifying himself he refused to give any details of the affair, telling officers: "You can ask me MIAMI CARD GAME Injured Hotel Guest Refuses to Throw Light on the Mystery Miami, Fla., plete mystery shooting affray at Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, in which one man was killed, another wounded in the chest and arm, and a score of fashionable guests at the sma't resort hotel thrown into confu- sion, Miami police co-operating with the Dade County sheriff's office and the police of Coral March 11~--Com- surrounded a the Miami Gables, learned that a card game had been in pr.gress in a suite on the 14th floor of the hotel, which is one of the newest of the Biltmore chain, arose. Several pistol said to have been fired. Officers called by hotel employ- ees found the body of an unidenti- fied man lying on the floor be- neath a card-table. The name Tom Walsh was found in his clothing. Arthur L. Clark, 149th Street, New York City, was the injured man, A bullet pierced his left chest and en ered his left arm, Physicans said he was not seriously injured. when a dispute shots were of 567 West all the questions you want, but I won't say a thing." JEWISH MEMBER 1S CALLED TO "THRONE" Quebec, Mar, 11--For the first time in the history of the legis- lature, and possibly for the first time in any British Legislature, a representative of the Jewish race mounted the Speaker's tarone here Wednesday, Hon. Hector LaForte, the speaker, was called away from his duties owing to an {illness of his father and was replaced by Joseph Cohen, (Lib., St. Lawrence, Mont- ere, 9.00 CNRO (434.5)~Ottawa. 9.00 CF! Toronto. Musicale, Wiz SO Soringheid. Lowe's pro- ErCA (57)~Topats, kaw G12)--Toronto, Chain program LL (90)--Kansss Clty, Johnston's System: Vallee's Orchestrs to CCO (370)=Mpls. St. Paul Willahrt's WEA" Gaty~Clesrwater News; Musi. WEAF, WTIC, WSM, * ' ' WIR (400)--Detroit, Lingemsn Mis po (358.5)--Rochester, Courtesy N stem: So. Sea Islanders ® BC System: Edi Orchnsts.. to Wiz, KWR, WAL. WIZ, Whe Wh L' KDKA, WIR, KYW, WREN, KWK, WEBC, WTM). WLW (428)--Cincinnati, Minstrels, Columbia Network: Physical Culture Hour to WOR, W. WKR( WIAS, WHE," WLBW, WCAU Wik, wuok Wiad. Jofac WEAN, KOIL, WSPD, WMAL, WGL 9.30 WBBM (389)--Chicago. Chicago orch. NBC System: Motors WEE WWJ, WTI DA WGR, WSB, WB 0. WTMJ, WGY, WIOb, whic, KY, WTAG, oh "Real Folks" to WJZ, WBZ, WBZA, WHAM, KDKA, WLW, WIR, KWK, KYW, WREN, WBAL. Columbia Network: Vitaphotie Willer hr, wo U, WNAC, A KMO WEBW, WMAL," RMBC, WPG (272)--Atlantic City, Concert or. chestra, 10.00 Columbia Network: Burn's Pageant to WOR, WNAC, WEAN, WFB! WLBW, WMAK, WSFD, W WJAS,' WADC, WKRC, WGHP, KMOX, WM WCAU, A KOIL, WMAL, WOWO, KMBC, WAPL 29-8 rmingham, News; Fea. tures: Band, WBAL (283)--Baltimore, The Patter. WHAM (258.5)--Rochester, Smith's or. chestra; News, WIP (é92)-Phils. BI Patio Dance Or- |e WIR' (400--Detroe Vets of Foreign ars, NBC System: Or Recital to WIZ, WPG Atlantic City, Entertainers 10,30 NBC System: Empire Builders to WEAF, "WWJ, WOG, WLIT, WKY, "KYW, WGR, WRC, WOW, Ww WHAS, Wk), WB, WEEL WAL WAR, 'WTAG, WGY, WCAE, TE, WAM West, WOAL KOA, WET, WEBC, WFLA OI Creamer Popular mu- sic, WIP (492)--Phila, Dougherty's orches, NBC System: Mil Musicians to G, WHEN, WE © bia Network: Choral WOR, WCAU, WNAS went, WMAK, WCAD, WADC, WKRC, = WGHP, = WMAQ, KMOX, KOIL, WSPD, WHK, WOWO, WLBW, WMAL, KMBC, 11.00 CKGW (312)~Toronto, Orchestras pro- im, NBC System: Oper "Marrisge of Fi- aro" to WEAF, wis wGY, WRvA, WIA Wek, WCAU (256) Orchestra, . WCAE (242)--Pitts. Radio Jubilee, WIP (492)--Phils, Warren's orchestra NBC Sysesms Slumber Music to WJZ. WPG )--Atlantic City, News; Sil. ver Slipper Orchestra, ] # I BEER. EEexdoeeniben: : skebecss 3313113 RRREBRRRREESS BEceessebises FRERBRRERREREE Eiess Hi 3 8 kr Hp fil ] WHE C16)--Cleyeland. 11.30 CNRC (1345)--Caigary. Sriu (280)~Cleveland. Dascs or» 11.45 WNAC' (244)~Boston, Gallagher's Or- WSB (405)--Atlants, Brown's Orches. 12.00 WOR (S45 Buffato: : WHN (257) Wylie's Orches. Concert pro- geabesncEBes (FRRRRRRREES 1411131111113 3444941933771 BRREREREREEEE an, New York, 's Thes- tra; organ, WLW (im Cininnad. Gloson FOR SHOE VALUES 3 ' Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELER Estab'ished 1886 12 Simcoe. St. South E BC SE BEE FE esubpesebieue P orch, orch, : < ; 2 fp fi il 11 Bons BREE 4 FERRERS Boosts BERRRES § 3 Hip i HII 1111111 ; : Hi 1 1 SE } Besse ] BREREE ' REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY fa sue Wo AES OD SILT we Sve a D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER for Canadian Ni Official Watch fnspector ational and Oshawa 10 King St. W, Phone 189 -- ELLA CINDERS--The John Smith Blues OH, ELLA, IF YOU ONLY KNEW MICH FOR, 4 IN | Cunt bid TE Bv Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb yy f Cath, YES TOMMY, THERE ARE MILLIONS § OF BOYS AND GIRLS IN THE WORLD WHO NEVER SAW A SHOWFLAKE Noll «gn A THIRD OF THE EARTH'S SURFACE SNOW NEVER FALLS. F YOU LOOK AT SNOWFLAKES UNDER A MICROSCOPE YOU WiLL FIND THAT THEY ARE SIX-RAVED ' PHONE FOR DR, v : AWPULLY DEPRESSED WiLL YoU PLEASE YOU DONT LOOK VERY SICk , YOUNGS LADY: OULD You LIKE "TO TAKE FR A SPIN IN {2 My cAR? Xi : 4 By Russ Westows To You RA TAKE YSYouR FIANCEE 2 --- 3 GO WITH ME = i

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