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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Mar 1929, p. 10

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Sg = nema x ----------_---- am A ASA. Sg J -- ler OIL served olas 19 we hi a come 1 Duk¢ sout) ER FOE BRAT WR to mea ------ 58 1 ? LIND ES A * 3k To-Night's Best Features JR NBS (WEAF)-Voters Service. (W]Z)~Stromberg : Carlson-Sex- son Cv, Paul Whiteman's Orchestra . "Easy-to-Find" RADIO PROGRAM Hour, wi 9.3 Newark, Th ad Sasa Boies ot 3 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1929 WCCO (370)--Mpls. St, Paul. Musicians wore PRE VAR Whe Sag: Ww WRAL SEEN: hE NCR Sew Yor Smalle and WN. (244)--Boston, News; Amos 'n' ( ci. Dog Talk; Gibson OIL FAME Whi Ind, March 12.-Colonel . Stewart, whose defiance of the Rockefeller interests resulted in the battle of proxies here, has al- ways loved a fight. His friends and associates were not so very surprised a few months ago when he elected to fight John Rockefeller, Jr., rather than comply with Mr. Rockefeller's request to re- linquish his office as chairman of the board of the Standard Oil Company of Indiana, a position that he had held 11 years, 1, Stewart went with the Stand- ard Oil Company 22 years ago after A : bande' SB (405)--Atlanta, Pomar's orches, | the company had been attracted by nm bit Gy om vie tour. 7.30 CFCA Tae. ih / Radio. | his reputation as a corporation lawyer : f in the Northwest, and asked him to Wednesday's Features ER a, 20 yea handle a case which had gone against n BW, WCAQ, | it, | . 10.00 a. Hou. System (WJ2)=Dr, Cope- SIA mint ul. Master Stewart, with the light of battle in System; (WEAR)--Netional Home System. Soconyland to WEAP, em bla Network: Ids Bailey Allen, wi WER, , WGR, WGY, CO AL Hous 9 stem : Funda al 4 -- a and A VALE! "Wok arm . WIR (400)~Detroit, Talk; Entertain COKE 1.58 AQ icage. Ass'n, Commerce pro- ers. t- he . le W ) NBC's U.S, Navy Band SRE Wd Wha, Nav i] WGN Chicago. Mandolin Trio, NBC System (WEAF)--Pacific Vaga. WLW '¢ wh Musical a sings, WOR Newark, Newark Police' Glee Club, N30 WLS Chicago. Strolling Guitarists, TONIGHT'S PROGRAMS $30 WEAF (454)~New York, Bill and Jane to WR WIZ (845) New York Markets, Z (303)--Spri Id, Lowes orches, NRG Lk Walder: Astoria Concert WRAL (283) ~DBattimore, Sandman Circle, WHAM _ (258.5)~Rochester, i Markets; WIZ MS New York. Old - Man unshine, 128)--Cinel, Thies orchestrs, 6.15 WAM { ae: lamar F, wins 6.30 CRE 0, ebec, La Soleil News, WBAL (283)--Baltimore, Dinner music GY. (379,5)~Schenectady, Ten Eyck WGR (345)--Buffalo, Statler orchestra, P00 RDRA C(00--Pitte. Address; Sacred WHAL (28%)~Baltimore, Amoco pro. JCAU (256)--Phila, Orchestra, TIME TABLES | times times Sowa above are train C._N, R, TIME TABLE Effective Jan, 6, 1929 a.m ~Dail, t Sunday, £8 tm Bid," 9.59 a.m, ~Daily, pm.~Daily except Ye. Daily. p.m.~Daily except Saturday, Daily, s.m,~Daily. w jig i it i FERRRRRRRREEE - 3 ° # & Seafront er SE § $6 SE i PRE OB 3434444453 BEERRRRRRERFEE Eeeadetuiies HH 1111114 i fy fit h sk N RANA A (PRPRERRRRRERER sobs FERERRERRREES BERRRRREREREE 53339337332 E i : : 8.00 NBC System: w . WGR 545)--Buffa WGY (379.5)--Sch semble, "tet 16 WJZ SB, WHT. phony, Columbia Network tics" to WABC, Ww. w KYW, 'WREN, K NBC System: WEAF, WCAE, KSD,'W WCSH, WGY, WGR, chestra to WA NBC System: WEEI, KSD, KSTP, WMC, WOR keteer: Columbia Network WABC, WNAC, WFAN, N, WHK C WEAF, WSM, WSB, bi 41 , 2 WSUN (333)--St, game; Speakers, KYW (2% rat Fight, semble. NBC WBZ, Orches chestra, WABC, W ' WFBL, hy WGHP, WOWO, WSPD, WHK, KM NBC System: WEAF, WEEI KSTP WDA WFAA, WHAM WLW (428)--Cinci. WMAQ (447.5)--Ch per h 11,15 WCCO (370)--Mpls, Walton y 11,30 Pacific Network: Don Amaizo, WLW (428)--Cinci. 12.00 K KR (309)--Seattle. KPRC (545) gram, NBC System: Strombe: WBZ, WM, wi BAL, WHAM KWK, KOA, WFAA, KPRC, WOAI, KSTF, WHAS, WLW (428)~Cinci, Cincinnati Sym- os MOK, 8.30 NRC System: Michelin Hour to WJZ, WBZ, WBZA, WH. Wal Al DKA, KWK, KVOO, WFAA, KPRC, WOAL P hylactic Program to WTIC, WIAR WWJ. WEEIL WHO, WDAF, WFI, 9,00 Columbia Network: Everead, WEAF, WGR, W WHO, WRC, WCAE, A KOA, WDAF, vo: WEBC, WHAS WM, WSH, KVOO, n-One Theatre to Lip) BZ, WBZA, WBAL, WHAM KDKA, WLW, KYW, K (422)~Newark, WTAG (517)--Worcester, Studio; Mus- NBC Byatem; Three: 'S, System: Dutch Master Minstrels to WTA WBE WhEA, to / HAM. KDKA, WLW KYW, WHEN" whith KWEK, 10,00 CNRW (384.4)--Winnipeg, Studio pro gram. WE ' ' WBBM, WGHP, | WOWO, KOIL, WLBW, WISN WMAL, WKBW, WCAO, WCCO, NB ystem: Clicquot Eskimos to PYWEET, WTI WT WFI,' WRC," WGY, X WEY, WGR, KOA, WFAA, WCAE, Syncomatics to WIZ WBAL KWE REN, WGN, WLW, 4 i Network: Orchestradians, 10.30 Pacific ane Heeney-Von Por ystem: Contraltones to WEAF, WFI, WHO, WRVA, WEY" (979.5) sehenestady, Studio en- System: Orchestradians to WJZ, WBZA, WHAM, KOA, WBAL, KDKA, WIR, KSTP, W. KWK, WRC (315.6)--Washington, tra, C (500)--Hartford, Organ, WMG CAP --Miiwaukes, 'Musical pro- §/AG (517)~Worcester, Bancroft Os- 357)~Toronto. Watson orches. 11,00 crea (357)~To a nya ! WMAL, KDYL, WBEM, WKRC, RKO Va WTIC, WJAR, KOA, WTAG, WCSH, WRC, WGY, WCAE, WTAM, KY' WFI, WWJ, WIAX, WTMJ, WEBC, WHAS, Wen With, WMC, ¥, WSB, WBT, WRVA, KPRC, (258.5)--Rochester. WISH (268)~Milwaukée, Silver Slipper NBC System: Slumber Music to WIZ, WRC, Andy also WDAF, WeG (272)--Atlantic City, Silver Slip- tra KYW (294)--Chicago. Fiorito's orches, KMBC (315)--Kansas City, Dance mu- MOX (275)--8t. Louis, Wylies orches. Houston, . WDAF (492)--Kansas City, Varied pro- WLW (428)--Cinci, Sohio Musicians to WRC (315.6)--Washington. Lotus orch. to WEAF, KSD, lo. Organ, enectady., Studio en- rg, Carlson Sex. WAZA, KDKA, 'WMC, KVOO. 1 "Washington Poli. WNAC WEAN WLBW, WKBW, WFBL, WCAQ, KOIL, WHK, AM, W, WTAG, WRC ; Paul Whitman's or- RR. TAR, WHK, WLAC, WHRC, © WCCO,' NC, CFCA (357)--Toronto, Hart's orchestra Hour to GY, WGN, , WREN, KW. Male quartet, t+ Curtis Institute to L, W WF ) WADC, WKRC, Wo," KMOX, WSPD, Petersburgh, Bridg EN, KWK Madrillon WEAN, WCAU, WIAS, WA KMOX, WKBW, BC, KOIL, WLBW, Organ; , Variety Hour, icago, Amos and St. Paul, [Izaak Quintile ensemble Mixed quartet, Semsealy REERSE R343 BRRER 1 Seseats 14111113 i | I 1 11 { b | Ye" FOR SHOE VALUES £80055 BRERRIT] fi RERRERE {Beccset «ROBBER i f ; If / Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELER Wags 1. of fon a 12 Simcoe St. South 10 King S¢. W, REPAIRING WATCHES ; OUR SPECIALTY rome WD aks en he coms tins D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Cansdien Nations] end Oshews Railroads. Phone 189 , WCAU WNAG, WISN, WOOD Waterous - Meek COL. R. W. STEWART OF STANDARD SAID TO "LOVE FIGHT" his eyes, succeeded in having the case reopened and won. In 1915 he be- came general counsel and in 1918 he was chosen chairman of the board. Col. Stewart is 62 years old, a na- tive Jowan who made his early repu- tation as a lawyer in South Dakota. Jerusalem, March 11. -- John Rockefeller, Jr. asked whether he was worried over the outcome of the Standard Oil Co, of Indiana meeting in Chicago, at which the Rockefeller forces will try to unseat Robert W. Stewart from the chairmanship of the. board of directors, said: "I am worried about nothing." In discussing the general cil ac- tivities of the Rockefeller interests with regard to the Indiana branch, Rockefeller said: "I am interested in the general policies of the company, not in its actual management." Then he shifted the subject, He spoke of his father, who "is always well, and who at 89 is stronger than I am." He continued: "This is my first visit to the an- cient countries," he continued, "The more I see of them the more humble 1 become. The great Egyptian structures, five thousand years old, show what a great debt we owe to antiquity." The Rockefeller party, including Prof, James Breasted, of the Uni- versity of Chicago, is going to Haifa from here, but Rockefeller said he has no intention of studying the Mo- mul oil pipeline or any other business problems on this trip. He said he had never been a director of any of the oil companies, and that only through his father had become a substantial stock holder in them. D. | nied by the president of the Mos! Rockefellers are interested are under aug | found dation, He Rd he of the organization is just un< der 200 millions of dollars, The party is spending but t days in Syria and Palestine, Mrs, Rockefeller will hurry home then to be on hand when her four sons come from their. colleges for the Easter vacation. On esday the party visited the Holy Sepulchre, and also the mosques. They were Accomppa- em Council. Before seeing newspaper men the party attended "little ser- vice" at the guest house. Halibut Industry in British Columbia Is 150 Years Old Vancouver, Mar, 12.-Although Brit ish Columbia is little more than half a century old, the halibut industry of the West Coast is 150 years old, ac- cording to John W. Nicholls, of Prince Rupert, prominent packer and authority on the halibut, "Halibut fishing is probably our oldest industry," said Mr, Nicholls, "for there is evidence of it at the dawn of the white man's era on the Pacific coast. Captain Cook's journal tells us of catching halibut in the Gulf of Alaska in June, 1778, and John Jewett, Chief Maquinna's fa- mous captain, referred to the Pacific halibut in 1903." These dates belong to a period when the west coast was a primitive wilderness inhabited only by Indians, SPECIAL! Oxtonta nvr. $2450 63,000,000 pounds, and since then the Your Own Home %2Prince St. Oshawa, Ont. Even traders were scarce and the age of discovery was just beginning. Commercial fishing, however, did not get under way until 1887, Eleven years later a fleet of New England fishing schooners came to these war ters, their owners hoping to cash in on the Klondike gold stampede. They "DISNEY" 20 King St, E. Phone 1550 Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING ST. Ww, Telephone 572-223 Night Calls 510-1560 $350 Lots in Dearborn Park sub-division for sale, Just west of Simcoe St, N, An of tunity to get a grand site at low 208t, J. fi. R. LUKE were disappointed in not obtaining a cargo of gold, but. on the way down from the north the men paid out halibut lines and they found their eldorado not in the gold creeks but in the depths of the Pacific, Their harvest was rich indeed, By 1907 the halibut industry had a production of 26,000,000 pounds for the year's catch, Three years later this total had been doubled. Five years later the peak was reached-- catches have dwindled, The halibut Prince Rupert is British Colum- bia's chief halibut port and it is there that the fleets make their headquar- ters, Harbor Improvements Discussed By Hoover Washington; D, C.,, Mar, 12, -- Representative Dempsey, York, chairman of the house rivers of New 52 King St. E. Phones 871 or 687w Dempsey said later that indica tions were that there would be no measure dealing with the subject taken up by Congress before Dec. ember, The president, he said, had indicated that he wished to limit the subjects taken up at the special session to those that were most ime peraive, There were several demands in the house at the last session for the ln Api aR i IF ! rosa a | |] | Per SY] SMITH! MOBRODY, HK Sa vr SAT HOME, AND THE SOCIETY OF L II (Ht INTLED WILL HAVE CANDIDATE =. 0 6 0 Lop OTR LJ oo Zo (3d al By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb bors committee, called upon [enactment of measures t thor- Limited Tn 3 three : ; A it and har ures to author -quarters of an hour in- schooners are obliged to seek their | President Hoover yesterday to dis- |ize additional channel impr UPTOWN OFFICE terview he outlined to newspaper L COLLIS AND SONS | | prize further and further west and [cuss the possibility of taking up |work along the great Taps vsent 80 King St, W, | men the merger which was consum- Moa a {last year several ships fished as far |legislation dealing with river and |bill dealing with the subject wes ® | mated in January, whereb all the. ne wW by as Sanak Island, near thhe Aleu-| harbor improvements at the special | brought to the house during the Phones 1 and 660 | philanthropic bodies in which the tian archipelago, session of congress, session, ------ an -- - ov o- Re ---- ELLA CINDERS--Neek the Sneak a ---- BRE SRR SA ae ! REARD Mv VOICE AND SAID | SHOULD GO TO VTALY RIGHT AINAYY AND STUDY: HE SAID) SHOULD GO ALONE 90 THAT | COULD GET RIGHT INT GOING TO TAKE HI% ADVICE IT I'm By Geo. McManus DID Wou TELL MY WIFE SME SHOWLD GO TO | TALY ALONE . | DID ONLY Tae L. CAN STUDY SINGING PROPERLY: SLLARS T | Je esr ove or itr ep THE HEROINE OF WIS PLAY "CAMILLE WAS ALPHONSINE PLESSIS, FAMED AS BEING ONE OF THE MOSY BEAUTIFUL WOMEN OF PARIS, SHE YAS KNOWS AS MARIE DUPLES'S5" CAME FROM WER DISLIKE OF SCENTED BERNHARDT \ ~ ON THE STORY OF CAMILLE, E3he pLav RATED A strvsaTION ven PRODUCED IN PARIS IN 1852 AND HAS SINCE ENJOYED GREAT POPULARITY. SARAH BERNHARDT WAS A NOTABLE "CAMILLE, VERDI'S OPERA,'LA TRAVIATA, IS BASED © 1529, King Features Syndicate, Toc, Gross Britain rights reserved. JE DOCTOR F SO AW FOR A | MOTHER THINGS TS TILLIE THE TOILER--A Heavy Shopper REST, MR. 9 DEDERED A GOOD 0 S01 J ALONG AND HELP ME DO SOME SHOPPING 7_ You WROWS IM 5 TAKE . VACATION o, 5 (ra WikL YOU A LYTLE 4 # WHY AONE TO KEEP OQ ONS ARTICLE, MAC i THE OTHERS ARE By Ruse Westows mony) 5 $ Ftd

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