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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Mar 1929, p. 10

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PAGE TEN m= To-Ni ht's Best Features Be J2)-The Kmeteong Quakers, 9.00 WIP Phila, Penn, Charter Musical, NEC ERDAS Fate in Paris. 9.30 NBC OWjzx Phin Theatre Memories. NBC )--Schradertown Band. 10.00 WGN En Great Moments from 10.30 NBC R EAF)--~Half Hours with the an SEH i he ol iE US. Army WGR, KDKA, 00 WLW Cinci, Women's Hour, By NBC System (WEAF)--Household In- Tow WSB Atlanta, U, of Ga, Program Mal Qu Licago. Musical potpourrl, fr] iia WBEM. Chi cago, Beauty 3.3 NBC ystem "(W1Z)--RCA Demonstra- Wiw 'Cincinnati, Demonstration Hour, un WCFL Chicago, Matinee Dance. 30 WOC Davenport. Home management, TONIGHT'S PROGRAM $.30 NBC System: Bill and Jane : WEAF, WE Chicago, News 1 Music, 306 tt, ews; Book Man. id Waal Lo RR Sandman Cir. BC System: Waldorf Astoria Music N WEAF, WCAE, WR " Markets, (379, 'ye cheriectady. Yar System: Kaufman's Orchestra to Ww. W. AC (244)--Boston, Dinner music, 6.30 WBAL CR% Baltimore. Pennolene Pa- BC System: Raybestos Twins Shri nl WOR. WCAE, wisp, WOW, WDAF, wWwJ, WOC, NBC Fr Chopin Eight to WIZ, WTM, 487)--Milwaukee, Seckatary Hawkin: Sr Network: Enna Jettick Melo. Gres to WABC, NAG WEAN, WHK, WLBW, BL, WCAU, * La : WA APG Wo KMOX, WOWO, MBC, KOIL, WRHM, 5.00 wat ody Sp ghield. Maytag Ra- AT, )--Baltigiore, Esskay Hour. WCAE Pitta Studio program; Uncle Gimbee, A i TIME TABLES | " CPR, TIME TABLE, Schedule taki: fF ) a, Ss, ite "He A em Going 5.48 am. Daily, a.m. Daily. 8.40 am. Daily Sunday, 4.5 p.m Daily, 04 4 2.34 p.m. Dail Sunday, A ep Sai pm. Daily 8.03 ig Daily except Sunday, 1110 pm, Daily. po Daily. All times shown above are times trains depart from Oshawa Station. 4 C. N. R, TIME TABLE Effective Jan, 6, 1929 7 p.m.~Daily except ginder. 1.9 p.m.~Daily except Seturday, 12.09 a.m, =Dail¥. 12.25 a.m.~Dai ¥ Westbound 44am.eD 54 =~ Daily. 5,53 a.m. meDally except Sunday, 6.20 a. 9.07 a.m, 8ily except Sunday, 2.06 p.m.~Daily except Sunday, 4.37 pa a--Daily, " pn Dail, 3 Sul): Sunday, m,=Lal 0 845 Loy Daily except Sunday, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Efzectsve wn snd alter Nov, # Leave Arrive Osha Whitby 113 at SHE § 358 Base ik BF 11.00 a.m. il Fy Tin ii SEE 8 SITS 11111 3111 ERREEE ge Ii i I f iE | ] A 19 Prince St. " Easy-to-Find"' RADIO PROGRAM Phila, Concert T: NRCS sem Wonder Hour © WEAF, 4 wey j2%5)-~Sducacatady, Speaker} Nig i A Landt ral +A ok. WRv rw Concert ensem-. Win (270) Amos 'n' An- WAG 6 (G17) Warcester, News; Ban. croft Orchestra ras Uh, DEE ot, Tk WIE KDKA & oh WIR, WTMJ, KW 7.30 CNRW (384.4)--Winnipeg. Ft. Garry WCAU _ (256)--Phila, P lais d'or orches, NBC Aim Reps + Orchestra 0 WER. (Buffalo. iu NBC System: Dixie Suds WEL WIE W W. AS." ik £ We 8.00 Wi a Musical Art Corie Network: Class, Ah to WOR. A AN, WAT, wane," WHAK, WREC, WCAO, = WISN, _WJAS, WMAQ, KMOX, y WELBW, WHE, AS WGN (416)Chica; Fiogrwalker. NBC System: estra Notcrs 1a WEAF WRC WEE VW, WGK, Ksp. WEAN, WFAA, KO WCAE, WY, WW), WDAF, Wu P, iE (492)--Phila. Musical Shower, G (272)--Atlantic City, Dinner mu- Wie (500)~Hartford. Musical Fur- 8.10 wiz (949-New York, OU Man Don: WRVA (270)--Richmond. Hawaiians, in WAVA Newark: Veedol Vodvil to OR, AG WEAN WFBL, WMAK, WHE, KMBCG, WCCO, WAG wie" ER, Raiox, LBW, AL, WJAS, KOIL, wi ' WCAU, KFH, Wi NBC System: Armstrong oi x WJZ, WHAM, WBZ, Wis WBZ, WREN, WBAL W WH. 5 was, MA we 1 Wall. 9.00 Colum ia Networ Tue WOR, WNAC, WEAN, Pw Wowo, KOIL, WHK MAK, WeADY WADC LBW, WERC, WGHP, WMAG, KMOX, WCAG, WSPFD, WJAS, WMAL, WCA WEBM 8)-.Chiengo, Comesrt sishes stem : venin; Ve WEEI, WTIC, WRC, WGY, Wi tn i VIET EVE. WBAL, KOA, WIAS, WRVA, WBZ, BAL HOR WOAL 30 NBC 8; Schradertown Band » . AR Woy, WHC, WDAF, KSD, WEEL WIAR, W WTAG, WCSH, 'WLIT, WR WWJ WOW, NBC'S stem: Philco eatre Memories to to WIZ W A, STE, KWK, KYW, 'WBAL, RDKA, wi WR WMT, WsIy KPRC, WOAI, AE) WEAR, W 10.00 Columbia Network: Kodak Hour WOR, ERO WAG, WEAN, WFBL, WM CAO, WADC, WKRC, WMAQ, KOIL, KMBC, WOWO, WREC, WGHP, WAL, WLBW, 'WSPD, KMOX, WIAS, WCCO, WIBW, : Wiis (374, 8)--Ft, Worth, ~ Musical KBE Sys t Palais d'or Orchestra to £) WT 8 WEAF. WTIC, WHO, WWJ, WGY, WRYV. NBC System: The { Chal ers Wiz 0 BZA, WBZ, WEB WHAS WHAM, WE Wy 'WRVA, WREN, KVOO, WFAA, KPRC, WOAT, WBT, WTMJ. WM (461)--~Nashville, Caldwell Sym. wre (H)--Cricago, The Jewels 10.30 CFCA (357)--Toi Concert ensemble, NBC System: With ces to same network as Kodak Hour, NBC System: Spitalny's Music to wa, RED: BZ, WBZA, WIOD, WRVA (270)~Richmond.. Richmond or- WEw" (428)--Cinci. Radiostte. WTAM (280)--Cleveland, Dance musit 10.45 WOAF (492)--Kansas City, Amos and Andy. 11,00 CKGW i2)/Toronts, Romagelli Or. (haste) aL, RMOX br ry Louis, News; Amos 'n' An BC Syst: The Skellodisns to WLS, RoD, WOC. WOW, WDAF, = KOA, XV0O0, KSTP, J WGN (416)--Chicago, Tomorrow's Trib, Hungry Five, tem: Bernie's Orchestra to WEA? WRVA, WHO, WOW. NBC System: Plumber Music to IZ WTMJ. Ww, WHAM, WMAK G5) bain Dance orches- Sin (2i4)--Boston, News; Gallagh- wi 70) Richmond, Organ. "| 1.10 hoi. A Brigode's Ore | VMAG (447.5)--Chicago. Musical Pot- Wor (545)--Buffalo, Statler orches, 11.15 WIP WD Phila, Organ, 11.30 CFCA (357)--Toronto, Hart's orchestra WIR Detroit, Dance Maus wi Ge. Bhowboast @ 1-2 wa W. A. "HARE | OPTOMETRIST 23Y/, Simcoe St. North Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Faultiess Lenses Rt FOR SHOE VALUES gr" Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELER Estab'ished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY your W is not giving satisfaction we can repair snd us gin gre Pugin D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian National and Oshawa Railroads, incoln, Concert (2 hrs.) | "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES; FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1929 (@9)-Atlanta. Hawaiiag Eusem: (91)~Vancouver. CNRV Flay I (68.5) Los Angeles,' Concert -or- yam ton, KOA San Muse. ee: KGS Gains Play "The Spy's GERMAN HAS CURE FOR RHEUMATISM ' London, March. 15.--A German that out of 2,500 cases of rheuma- tism he has obtained 48.3 complete cures and 31 per cent. improvement from a treatment consisting of a »{ subcutaneous injection of a com- pound of lymph from tubercular influenza bacilli streptococci, pneu. mococei and other microbes with no injury to the patients, even those with weak hearts. COAL COKE WOOD Waterous-Meek Limited UPTOWN OFFICE Phones 1 medical expert at Weimar -claims | 58; 80 Kin ngst. W., + SIX BAELOR, WOULD BROTHERS Y IF STARTING LIFE AGAIN Bonne Terre, Mo., March 15.-- Six brothers, who have lived to- gether in amicable bachelorhood for more than half a century on a farm in the Ozark foothills near here, ad- mitted unanimously that if they had their lives to live over again they all would marry. They are Andrew, William, Peter, Adoph, Joseph and John Janis, agva respectively 74, 71, 68, 63, 61 and "We've misesd half our lives, we realize it now, but it's too late, sald Peter as self-appointed spokes- man in an interview. The other five bachelors sat in a circle around two huge box stoves in their immaculately-kept farm house. At intervals of about a min- ute and one-half, one of them would rise, walk unhurriedly to the stove, lift the top lid, and nearly quench the fire with tobacco juice. "Yes te mused William, clamp- ing shut the stove lid, "A good wo- man is the next thing to God, and 3 baa woman is in league with the evil." Peter made a trip to the stove, "But there's one thing about a bachelor," he said. "You can stay out late as you want to then come in and go to bed without ny arxu- ment. There's no one waiting for you with a stick of cordwood, al- though probably enough men need te | ' "It surely does look funny, does n't it, none of us ever married. We always had our girls but I guess we never found the right ome." 'The venerable bachelor sextet, by request, drew up their combined ad- vice for young people. . it was: "Get married as early as you can, at 21 settle down, raise a good family, and grow up with it." FRENCH TROOPS IN RHINE DISCUSSED Radical Opposition to Poin- care Regime Adopts New Tactics Paris, Mar. 156.--The Radical Socialist opposition to the Govern- ment of Premier Raymond Poincare adopted new tactics yesterday in its attack on the Cabinet, concentrat- ing all of its energies on the investi. gation of death of French soldiers in the Rhineland army of occupa- ion. Questioning of the Government in {tions concerning care of an effort to raise serious allega- French troops in the Rhine valley was de- manded by Socialist Deputy Barthe, as the Cabinet entered what gen- erally is expected to be one of the most critical weeks of its existence, Problems of possible consequence to the Government have increased in the last fe wdays, centering main ly around the Rhineland army af- fair and the religious articles gov- erning re-establishment of mission- ary societies in France and retur. of confiscated clerical property. Poincare has supported the relig- fous articles, but was forced t withdraw them from the budget bil last year and from the collective credits measure last week, Premier Optimistic, The Premier--despite the specu- lation in official circles--remained optimistic as to the outcome. He be- Ey Do YouOwn Your Own 4% Prince ST. Oshawa, Ont. Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING ST. W. Telephone 572-228 Night Calls 510-1560 lieves the religious articles pro- blem has been well regulated and expects the Government to triumph in the vote which will be taken on them probably this week, Aristide Briand, Foreign Minister, tackled the issue immediately upon his re- turn from Geneva and debate start- ed yesterday, The Rhineland army affair also will be taken up, it was announced, and the Minister of War and the Cabinet may be placed in a serious position if a satisfactory explana- tion for the death of soldiers is not forthcoming. The Premier is expec- ted to demand that an investigation commission report before the af- fair is discussed at great length. Nine Commit Sucde Vienna.--Twenty-one persons at- tempted to commit suicide in this city yesterday because of poverty, unemployment, or blighted love. Nine of them succeeded. The oth- esr are in a critical condition, MAY COMPENSATE IN G. STARKE CASE Movement on Foot at Ot- tawa to Make Amends Ottawa, March 15.--Compensa- tion for George Starke of Montreal |" apparent victim of a miscarriage of Justice 1s suggested in a question of which A, W. Neill, M.P., gave notice yesterday. Mr. Nell will inquire: '"Hag the attention of the Govern- ment been called to the case of George Starke, who was sentenced to two years' imprisonment and 20 lashes for an alleged robbery at a ticket office of the Montreal Tram- ways in Montreal? He was convic- REDUCED TO $5,200 6 Rooms and Attic. One minute to Motors, brick, all conveniences, A Bargain for $700 cash and rent for balance, DISNEY REAL ESTATE 29 King St. E. Phone 1550 ted of having held up a tramway employee named Caisse, but the said Caisse has now been convicted of having been the principal in the robbery, and has been convicted of the said George Starke. 'Will the Government take into consideration compensating this man for the unfortunate miscare riage of justice under which he suffered?" Farmers of South Africa are com- plaining that the grey squirrel, im- ported from America, has become a pest and is doing much damage to crops, Re ELLA CINDERS--The Missing Mail a= rm By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb BRINGING UP FATHER-- rv BEN J BUY MY TAING 'TOVER WONDER 1F 4'™M DONG RIGHT LEAVING Wit S OUT TO TT TO YALL. HELL BE 80 LONESOME" OUT ME - 1". SEY Now AY THE OFF) TRANGING MY VOICE . IMPORITANT> BUT HELL. OE HO UNHAPPY WATH FEELING [od t+ HAD TO weil! | GOT YOUR TIOCWET- MAGGIE! | SRBEA GLY TO GT \T) 2 SAFELY, TOMMY, P TOY BRIDGES ARE MADE FROM CELLULOID AND TESTED 0 DETERMINE HOW REAL ONES CAN BE BUILT SL WELL, I'LL BET AN ENGINEER CAN'T TELL FROM A CELLULOID MODEL WHETHER HIS BRIDGE WiLL BE FIRE-PROOF OR NOT, YALL BEND AND TWIST UNDER WHATEVER Ee MODELS ARE EXAMINED THROUGH A MICRO- 10ADS THEY MAY BEAR, SCALE MODELS ARE SCOPE, WHILE PRESSURE WHICH IS CARE" ss ~ CUT FROM SHEET CELLULOID. THESE MODELS FULLY PROPORTIONED IS APPLIED AT THE " it UNDER VARIOUS TESTS REVEAL INA FEN POINTS WHERE THE LOADAND OTHER FORCES : in I i i | MINUTES WHAT MIGHT REQUIRE MONTHS, OR WILL EVENTUALLY REST. Hi! i DE IMPOSSIBLE TO CALCULATE WH AGURES. 135, King rir tne ts Gt Bis te murs | 3-13 -om- R----_-- | HEAR T'S GOING TO BE QUITE HOTA "™ 'S perjury and theft at the trial of ° DR. G Surgec infants resider DR. B cian a gives theopy 2050. ( Reside 2416. DR. D L. R. Physic fan. Of 8020, Phone DR. A cialist coe 8st Simcoe

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