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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Mar 1929, p. 12

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12 PAGE TWELVE w= Marsh Caught Fire Belleville--Fire in the small marsh at Rossmore lighted the sky and created some excitement until it was discovered what was afire, . Presentation to Doctor Picton--A very pleasing event took place, when on behalf of, the club members, Judge McLean presented Dr. F. T, Knight, who is soon to leave town, with a handsome golf bag with a set of golf clubs and golf balls. Street Car Smashed Kingston--Street car No. 15 on the Bagot street line was badly smashed ! when a motor car driven by a man i by the name of Hilyard, 111 Stephen street, crashed into it at the corner of ,Ordnance and Bagot streets. Pilot Forced Down _Belleville--Air pilot Smith flying the air mail from Montreal to To- ronto was forced down by fog at Deseronto and brought the mail to Belleville for transportation to To- tonto by train, Licenses Issued Kingston -- Fifty licenses have al- ready been issued to trappers by Per- cy T. Bould, who is charged with this duty in the district, while it is expected that this number will be easily doubled before the season has fairly commenced. Auto Thieves Busy Kingston--Auto thieves still con- tinue to get in their work in King- ¢ ston. Another car was reported stol- EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS Entirely Herbal WorksWonderson Peevish Stomachs and Lazy Bowels The old, reliable Gallagher's Tonic and System Builder the and fz, ature's own i ge g o this tonic. No mineral ) drugs. Sota De throne Joy of Hrsg. ood for the perves. Clears up skin troubles--even Eezema. Builds you up. Sold, as or Calloghers Huta Housriold Remedies are, by 2 F. W. THOMPSON 41} en on Wednesday night. The car is owned Fred Moxley and was tak- en off Wellington street where it was parked. Arena Closes Kingston -- It was announced by Secretary J. S. McDonell of the Ath- letic of Control that the Jack Rarty Arena will for the sea- son on Saturday t. Public skat- ing will be afforded until a later hour than usual on Saturday, Scotch Boys Coming Brockville saieorjing to advice re- ceived at Fair-Knowe Home here, a party of from thirty-five to - forty boys from the Otpian House of Scot- land will leave Glasgow on April 6; for distribution from the ome amongst farmers through Eastern Ontario, Fractured Elbow Colborne -- Mr, Robert Coyle had the misfortune to sustain a fracture of the right elbow bone one day last week through falling on the icy road- way near his store. When his feet went from under him, he came down with his full weight on his elbow. Object to By-law Peterboro -- Strong disapbroval of of the no left hand turn rule at the corner of George and Charlotte Sts, was expressed by the members of the Retail lr Association at their meeting in the offices of the Cham- ber of Commerce. Fighting Ice Peterboro--Squads of sturdy men armed with pick-axes, poles and dy- namite continue the fight with the swirling waters of the ice-jammed Jackson Park Creek. The battle with the waters had begun at break o dawn and never abated until dark ness clouded operations. Salaries Increased Peterboro--At a brief meeting of the City Police Commission the po- lice estimates as submitted at a previ- ous meeting and to the City Council were passed. Each member of the police force receives a $100 increase to his year's salary, Chance For a Free Tri Kingston--Through the kindness of Mrs, Frederick Etherington, Presi- dent of the Kingston Art and Music Club, the Music Committee of the club is offering a free trip to the To- ronto Exhibition this year with board for three days to the Kingston boy or girl under sixteen who writes the best essay on "What Kind of Music ml A THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY,' MARCH 16, 1929 1 Ballieboro--Little Virtle McMahon, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Hillard McMahon had the misfortune to fall out of his chair on Thursday, break- ing his arm. He was immediately rushed to Dr. Turner at Millbrook, where the fracture was reduced, Ice Becoming Honeycombed Kingston--Continued mild weather accompanied by a warm rain, is leav- ing its marks upon the ice in the harbor which is beginning to honey- comb in places. crossing from Wolfe Island with teams and sleighs, but no large loads are being brought across. «Sf Streets Approved Colborne--The Department of Pub- signating "stop streets" in Colborne received Departmental approval, This by-law has been in force since that date, at all intersections where "stop" signs are erected. Milk Producers Banquet Colborne -- The annual banquet of the Northumberland Milk Producers' Association was held at the Bruns- wick Hotel, Colborne, on Tuesday evening, March 12, 1929, when mem- bers and their wives and daughters to the number of about eighty en- joyed the sumptuous dinner, Truck Strikes Pedestrian Cobourg--When a transport truck, driven by Harry Robson, Port Hope, skidded when the brakes were applied on the provincial highway here, Wil- liam Cane and Rose Coombs, 10, were knocked down by the rear of the truck, which swung around on the wet pavement, ~ A Warrants Issued Kingston -- Detective Ennis, of Montreal, arrived here yesterday with warrants for the arrest of Nor- man and Lawrence Menard, accused of murder in Montreal. The men are in the penitentiary, having been sen- tenced last week at Cobourg in a rob- bery case. jon Receives Gift Campbellford -- At the regular meeting of Campbellford branch Can- adian Legion, No, 103, BES.L, on Thursday evening last, Comrade A. H. McKeel presented the members of the local branch with two handsome checker boards and two sets of checkers, the work of his own hands. Aged Man Dies Brockville--At the ripe old age of 84 years, John Jarvis Newman passed away at his residence, Merickville, at an early hour on Friday morning last. His entire life having been spent there, he was widely known, while his kindly nature had won for him an unusual number of friends. Seeking Highway Campbellford -- A large deputation armers are still | Ye FREER ! 108~ (| b SEF Ely 10 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa || Like Best and Why." from Brighton Village, Brighton Township and the Town of Camp- Ii 0 NL IE Field and Garden Seeds Alfalfa, Red Clover, Sweet Clover, Alsike and Timothy Seeds All Government Standard No. 1. Also a complete line of Garden Seeds in bulk, Lawn Seed a Specialty COOPER - SMITH (CO. 16 CELINA ST. PHONE 8 IR TRAE bellford, waited on the Minister of Highways at his office in the Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto, on Tuesday, with the object of having the Depart- ment assume as a provincial highway the road between Brighton and Have- FISH PURCHASES INTORONTD GAN Result of New Freezing Pro- cess, Dr. Huntsman Says Saint John, N.B., Mar. 15.--So satisfactory is the mew process for freezing fish for shipment that fish from the Maritime Provinces so treated sell in Toronto for 5 cents a pound more than the fish, which HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY BUY -- FOR ECONOMY Generar Motors Woop Hard Wood Blocks, Big Loads, Dry and Good Siss. No Heaping Loads of the Smaller Hard Wood Blocks Being Sold as Scrap Wood F $3.50--Limited . Sot Lod Fox Oly 3.50} ited Qinaty ling for just $4.00 THE ABOVE ARE ALL LARGE TRUCK LOADS eed id Loads. Good $3.00 JEDDO COAL SOLVAY COKE POCAHONTAS AND CANNEL DIXON COAL CO. PHONE 262 FOUR DIRECT LINES The shoulder-length Bob is taking a real place among fashions of the hour for the younger set. In many high schools and colleges, more than half the girls are Setting their hair grow to the new length. This style as worn by New York City girls is shown in the above photograph of Miss Edna Rabbe, 1925 Avenue G, Brooklyn, Miss Rabbe says: "I am certainly delighted that I let my hair grow to the © Sty length now that I have found y to keep it easily manageable and attractive. My hair is apes 80 much fluffier and more vigorous than it has been for a long time. And it is free from all traces of dandruff, now. I attribute its improvement to the method I am using to care for it. It's so ular among the girls in my set. we do is put a little Dan- on our brushes whenever we use them. This makes my hair so easy to dress any way I want it and holds it in place as I arrange it. Dan- derine soothes my scalp and keeps it and my hair so clean, I don't need to shampoo more than twice a month, now. And all my friends admire the way it makes my hair so bright and s Danderine does more to bring out the natural color, the gleam and lus- tre of your hair, than shompoos or brilliantine. It removes that oily film from it, gives it new life and lustre, It cleanses and invigorates the scalp; helps overcome dandruff. Danderine is delightfully fragranced; isn't oily, doesn't show. All drug stores have the gegerous 35c bottles. TORONTO POULTRY AND EGGS quoting country shippers for Dealers are raded eggs, delivered, cases returned: lic Highways under date of February | Roosters-- 13th, gave notice that the by-law de- | irregular ing all over the count Fresh extras ' cDlutrsal--This coy marke: is dull and 518 oo 3 wei vy receipts, Buyers |}! vg s ole B00 ate. crersupplied today end find it hard : oung Chtclena=_ Alive 30.35 |, St. John.--The undertone on this egg mar- 4 to 5 lbs. each . 24 30.33 | ket is weak, with an increasing tendency Under 4 lbs. each . 2 27.30 [of shading in order to keep stocks Hens-- '| cleared up, A a small increase Over § Ibs. each ... 2% 2 and, with importations from P.E.L, supplies 4 to S Ibs. 2 2 are sufficient to meet the local demand. 2 2 Prices to retailers arc: Extras, 45c to 48; 20 firsts, 43c to 46c; seconds, ¥c to ec. { ti 20 EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK \ East Buffalo, March 16,.--Receipts of hogs, Young hens, over 8 Ibs. | 1,800; holdovers, 600; market active, strong CAN eres srcevsssenceners 00. M4 to 15c higher; bulk desirable 160 to 250 Ibs. Young 'toms, over 8 Ibs. $12.25 to $12.35; 260 to 300 Ibs, $12 to $12.10; €ACh seesrncenssrctnnasenee 00 42 Poa dows. Ji to $11.50; packing sows, 8 to 11 Ibs, each .ieveees 16° 25 Receipts of cattle, 150; steady; medium cows, $8 to $8.50; cutter cows, 5.5 to $7.50, Over 5 lbs, each wee 0 2 Receipts of calves, 4 to 5 lbs, . ave 28 good to choice, $18 to $18.50; cull and com. Staggy as as old 0 mon, $10.50 to $15.50, Above h mar- | R of sheep, 2,000; lambs slow, stea- SIR Produce Prices in the ~ Commercial Markets are still. wi and i indi the g Ret range of values in eggs and poultry on delivered basis. TORONTO DAIRY PRODUCE tions to Shi Creamery, pasteurized, No, 1 4244 to 43% do Seconds ..iieseessresiererens wi $d 42 'oronto, Above prices for goods delivered Churning Cream-- ing cream, fob, sh 1, 45¢c; ' on ipping points, are: Special, 46c; No, 0, . 2, 42c per lb, fat. NTREAL PRODUCE MO! Montreal, March 16,--~Owing to the con- tinued hea States and arrivals from the United tario, further weakness devel- oped in the egg market and values were reduced another two cents per dozen. Re- ceipts were 1,491 cases. ; he inquiry for potatoes continued of a limited character and the undertone to the market was again easy, Prince Edward Is. land Green whites at 67c ountains sold at 72, and per 9 Ibs, in bags, with Maple Leaf brand offerings, at 85c, New Brunswick Green Mountains sold at Sic to 52 1-2¢, per 90 Ibs., in bulk, ebec mixed whites were quoted at 45c to 47 1-2¢c per XN Ibs., in bulk, Further weakness developed in the local butter situation and prices scored another decline of 1.4c per lb, which was attributed to the increased supplies of New Zealand butter coming forward and the more liberal offerings from Western Canada, Receipts were 2,878, packages, The cheese trade was dull, but values were well maintained. Receipts were 234 boxes. ality plain io $17.85; a hel to $15.75; shorn wethers, $10.50; sheep steady ; n-- TORONTO GRAIN IOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: toba Wheat No. 2 Northern, $1.33 1.2, No. 3 Northern, $1.30, No. 4, wheat, $1.26 No, 5 wheat, $1.16, No. 6 wheat, Feed wheat, 89, (cif. Goderich and track 1c higher .than No, 1 feed, 57 1.2, No, 2 feed, 55 1-2, (c.i.f, Goderich and No, 4 yellow, kiln (Delivered Toronto.) Millfeed delivered Montreal freigh included--Bran per ton, $34.25; i ri per ton, $36.25; middlings, Ontario oats--G above. i toba Oats | Bay rts.) I My i No. 2 yellow, kiln dried, $1.11 0. ye y Al JA, Now 3 Yellow, Kin dried, dried, $1 Saturday Night Special A REAL BARGAIN 200 Pair Dimity Bloomers Very fine weave, well made, in all sizes. In Mauve, Pink, Sky, Maize. From 8 o'clock to 10 o'clock Only | 29c¢ pair to cho 7.58 higher os hg $15 'oronto Board of All new Spring Goods. At 800; vealers steady; 1.2, Travellers' Samples of | | | House Dresses, Children's Cotton Dresses, Panty Dresses and Babies' Frocks, Half Regular Price | Bay porte: Price on | $1.08 1.2, 06, The Arcade, Limited | ts, bags $41.25, , sound, heavy oats in|frozen and reached the customer Bridgeman, first lord of the Ad- conference, Mr, Bridgeman contin- car lots, 52 to 55¢, f.ob. shipping points. | frozen, and was put into the pan | miralty, told the House of Com- | ued, pointing out that prior to the Ontario good millin points, according to . Buckwheat--88 to %0c Rye--No, 1,05 $7.70, Toronto; second Track, Montreal, car tents, per barrel, $5.70, Barley--Malting, 76 to wheat, fob. shipping | for cooking in that state. cights, $1.30 to $1.32. | ""rrpe public, he said, had to be | al estimates. educated in the cooking of the fish ts in jute, fijents in Jute, every care in keeping the fish, lots--90 per cent. pa- in which the daily sale of all kinds is as genuinely fresh, as can be ob- tained in that city. The new pro- cess is being tried out in the biolog- ical stations at Halifax, N.S,, and St. Andrew's, N.B,, and the demand for the fish is far greater than tue supply. This is the statement of Dr. A. G. Huntsman, of Toronto, director 'of the two biological sta- Hons, Who aa hk Saint John on his way from St. Andrews to Halifax, 2 He spoke of the actual freezing Three New Cruisers of the fish as but a small part of It was necessary to have fish that was in prime condi- the process. tion and absolutel was necessary to see that through- | cruisers will be laid down during out transit the product was kept of fish amounted to about a ton. London, Mar. 16. -- Three new | tons 'more. y fresh. It also mons Thursday in introducing nav- | conference 2, $1.05 and how to handle it on purchase, | not yet been settled but th e other Manitoba flour--First patents, in os while the dealer also had to observe | two et be smaller type cruisers Of that toal 1,650,000 tons were the coming financial year, W. C. | scrapped before the Washington Great Britain had scrapped more tonnage in ships The design of one cruiser has | than she has left now. In Venezuela there is only one with six-inch guns destined to re- | telephone for every 250 inhabitants All this frozen fish so far had i " Aisle vor St lel a 80 CAF ial Place other bo Tors wuich | compared with one for every seven The first lord of the Admiralty sald that as regards disarmament, Great Britain had done more than any Stuer country. . mistice, she had Planned in England than 2,160,000 tons of armed ships and cancelled orders for $314,000 in the United States, QUALITY Since the Ar- scrapped more CO A L Phone 3060 MALLETT BROS. 23 Prince When We Test Eyes--It Is bought new J he Credit Jeweller Done Properly JURY & LOVELL Phone 28 or 20 Optical Parlors Your Laundry Done Properly Just Phone 2520 and a driver will cali OSHAWA LAUNDRY Mill Street and Help Build Up Our SHOPPING DISTRICT "Every Dollar Spent in Oshawa Helps te Build Up Our City. Dry Cleaning PARKER'S And Dry Cleaning Co. Simcoe St, 8. Oshawa Men! Spring Topcoats $5.00 Down A $5.00 deposit will secure your Spring Topcoat for Easter or later. Make your selection now when variety is best. Wonderful variety in all the popular models and materials, All sizes. Special prices $16.75 $19.75 $24.50 SIBERRYS' 27 King St. East Opposite Post Office Phone 1110 'Radios~and the Wonder Also Exclusive Dealer for the Victor Record in Oshaws D. Jowellor if you want your clothes cleaned so they honiec J. BROWN King Street West Phone 180 'Money Spent in Oshawa Helps Oshawa - SESS SEESSEESSEENEEISESSSEEEEEEEEEEEEREER y shag : & SSS SENSES SSS SNES NIE EES NSN E SEES EEE EEEEEEEEEES + SEE

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