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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Mar 1929, p. 6

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: : PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1929 e - the Community Constant daily testing and blending of the world's choicest | p= \ b J * * The Women's Corner SOCIAL and||| Pretty Girl Women's Institute Meetings J wiiire Retsime Juve uiitic fv sa tear : . guaran & : "4 1) SOLINA INSTITUTE Vocal solo, Miss Evelyn Millson; For Anything of Interest to P ERSONAL Tells How She Solina Women's Institute has| paper, Life of st, Patrick, Mra. B. _| R. Taylor; r i ; the Homemaker and the Housekeeper ror EY been organised 26 years last Jab-| yy yy members; Irish jis, Misses N a The bhi of its oi te = rea P uary, They celebrated their 25th) yea; and Mary Millson; contest, . opera ors in anniversary in June, 1928, with a| nursery rhymes; mock marriage : Although St, Patrick's Day comes } could be used to advantage here. contributing items to this H d C 1ds banquet and invited the President | when Kathleen Mauvoureen and on Sunday there is today and Mon- | Otherwise a white linen tea cloth column, Sead in a postcard ea 0 and Secretary of each branch and| Patrick Finegan were united in . da day when we may truly celebrate | with gerviettes to match, with may- |} "0 00 sp, also Hampton' branch. They give|bonds of alimony by Father Ma- . 4 h the day set aside for that Saint, |be a little green embroidery, will . donations to Red Cross, Navy|loney. Following which some of in The green and white of this day are |serve the purpose. For favors to League, Consumptive Hospital, | the gentlemen drivers - added the . obo & ] Las very refreshing and everyone likes (add color to the tables use those| no. + wm Call and Mrs. Geor needy families in Northern On-| finishing touch by an old time 18 00 te pict to carry out the designs and 1deas |jjttle nut baskets mounted on Me eat . ge tarlo, Decorated local church, | chivari, They were invitéd in and ; ter: completely, Bridge still remains Auts of Renfrew are visiting Mrs, bought curtains for Sunday School [a St. Patrick's luncheon was served The the favorite means of entertaining sii EHD Vid the D. H. Corbett, Ritson road south, room, gent fruit and flowers to|to all. : ula among the women since it is least N : : sick and shut in. s n HO eo and is a pleasant way | Which were of white china with| Miss Edith Vokes of Walker- ick 8% have organized their mem- BROOKLIN INSTITUTE RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good Bu of spending an entire afternoon |8reen shamrocks design on them. ville is spending the' week-end at bers into groups for the present| Thirty-five women and girls by without a single trace of boredom, [These would be ideal for this her home, Albert street. year, There are six groups with a|have registered and are enjoying x \ Pla Let's give a St. Patrick's bridge, bridge, For the table use a sham- * vo» convenor and about six or seven|the class in "Home Nursing and Mr. an¢ airs, Joan Wilson of Dearborn, only son of Mr. and Mrs ary Also let's carry every little detail |¥ock floral centre. This should be| ps, Lloyd W. Nott of Wind- in a group. Each group supplies| First Aid" which 8 now in full | R28lan announce the negagement| Hiram Dearborn, Columbus, the 2 out in the green and white color |as tall as possible, Paper marcle-| oor ig spending the week-end with rogram and refreshments for the |swing in the Brooklin vg | Of their eldest daughter, Annie| marriage to take place early fs "T! scheme, Sus or any white flower with green | jo; parents, Mr. and Mrs, H, Lobb, ;| prog swig 3. tis Bro ome 3| Mildred, to Frederick Eugene] April inc! For the bridge there is very lit- | foliage, and lots of it, would make Queen street. moby . boning fu. Ni Institute. The classes were held L ' Ma tle that one can do in green and |a lovely centre. The goblets with dds aa CEE : The program begins in Novem-|las tweek, each afternoon from Be: white. Of course a small dish of [the white bowls and green stems | , .. w ; Abernethy and son A ber. Mrs, N. Yellowlees, convenor|two to four and will continue un- . doz green and white bonbons are ac-|are suitable, ¢ and M : ; of Group I, had two papers, Music| til Friday of this week. The . icf _| Arthur, and Mrs, Percy Sherwin : ard question drawer and refresh-| course is interesting and helpful Pk x is ceptable, and so often there are For the salad, if it is the inten- | ,¢ Camqpbellford are spending a P 1 those pretty little. shamrock-shap- | tion of the hostess to serve a salad, | few days in the city ments. December, Group 2, Mrs.|and under the capable leadership giv ed candies that one can buy. T'f|make it so that a number of the y J. Baker, convenor, Report of|of Mrs, Lowe, of Toronto, the : sti possible the bridge covers might be | ingredients are green. The let- Mrs.! Karl Serta oa of Windsor convention, music, community | members are havng a very profit- 3 green, The prizes should be con- |tuce, green peppers, pickles and a ding the week-end ip th singing, January, Miss E, Rey-|able time. The class will conclude whi fined to the St, Patrick's idea. For | numerous other ingredients may it peng ag ont Sen Rg elk nolds, convenor Group 3. Exhibit|with an entertainment on Friday bec the consolation prizes you might |help in the green color scheme, If 5 if 5 oh nts, Mr, and Mrs. * Several times last winter 1 | {Of 01d time photos, Miss Lulu|night in the Township Hall. There a give a plain every day potato, which | there are to be sandwiches get one | B+ Parker, Prince street, bs : Bikey Reynolds gave a splendid talk on | will be special musical numbers : tem is typically Trish, or a little silk | of those little shamrock cookie cut- * ee used Pinkbam's Phenrin to break } | her recent trip to England music. | and the film "The Hunchback of J pla; Irish flag. There is also the 01d |ters and cut the sandwiches in those | The guests were received by head cold. I found it to | | February. Mrs, G. Leask, conven-| Notre Dame" will be shown. * i the clay pipe, tied with shamrocks. For | shapes, They are very attractive, Miss V, Shaw, Mrs. A, J, Frank, up a A or Group 4. Splendid Valentine Another branch of the Women's iy i ) The the first prize a pot of shamrock | Green jellies may be used with the | and Messrs, Harold Smith and E.| | be the best remedy I ever tried, | | program. Singing. contests. Valen- | Institute has been organized at y 3 to will be suitable, Since one asso-|galad, There are little cakes that | Farrow. and I am recommending it to | | tine contest and Valentine lunch. |Greenbank, which makes a total of A -- i | fea ciated the domestic animal, the pig, you can buy, which may be made * : - C ten branches for South Ontarl oF Ep { y \ = sals with Ireland, one might purchase (in green or white, but they are Mr, W,; A, Spence, B.Sc, air my friends. -- Charlotte Crosier, Solina Women's Institute held| Keen interest is bein ar 0. : ] e a little glass pig, which serves as (ghamrock shape and are appetising | pilot of the Dominion Explorers East Saugus, Mass. | | ine March meeting in the base-| throughout the distriet ag wn wn a NF "riot fi Javer weight Jud offer that for as well. A green dee may be pro- Limited, Barren Lands, is a guest Pinkham's Phenrin will | | ment of Eidaa Church, Maren 14, bili Herr ig fi! nay ing e. ok a e onfection- A bat p . . o and In will see innumerable ar- Soya re me oy iy yin to a Dr a3 Mrs ¥.1 Susevas, 10 £f - Tl b k hen sixty-one ladies were pres. plans ave being made for the un-| [ANY of these Prizes given ABSOLUTELY FREE for selling : the Heles, Which may be used Jor Lal carry out the color scheme and it * 0» ettectually break up aj jen Y tier the: busthom 'was conduct Yoal Wostag for South Ontario in only 20 bottles HIGH CLASS PERFUME at scr se, a eans make em ' 2 3 . » eB Ww. mee . . t . } ally Toish oe possible. Of dspende entire iy upon te Shility a. Washington Lang 1 im- cold in 1ts early stages. It ed, Mrs, T. Baker, convenor of|at the Ontario Ladies' College in . specially reduced prices. pi gourse the score cards and tallies | When the hostess carrie out her | PonV'08, Eel Torowng hie xe-| | quickly relieves headaches || Group 5, took charge of program. | Whitby. 'EASTERN GIFT CO. R the { may all be Irish, plans so extensively it makes the | ooo) ital nen 1 2¥a i and nevralds : . egd., crit Where the green and white may | guests feel as if sho really wants |, napa Ten he ad bis neuraigic pans. 4575 Adam Street - MONTREAL, Que. | be truly carried out is at the tea | ty please them. Although it takes | £20t @mputa Me. N o that they would attend the regu-| Art Petrie, R. H. Corbold, H. ' tables, If one is fortunate enough |, jittle time it makes someone a lit Contains 'no Narcotics lar meeting on Monday afternoon. | Warburton, 8. C., Larmer, L. Eagle- he to own a number of those new {ja more light-hearted and may be Mr, Charles Davidson of Camp- Will not affect the heart . so» son, W. Weeks, Art Truman, W. ' green damask table cloths they |, wee bit happier and then we are | beliford is spending a few days % DRUG STORE The committee to whom the|Little, G. Brough N. Moffatt Y ; : i happier for having accomplished | in the city, the guest of Mr, and 306, AT YOU credit is due for this successful | Irwin, Bert Salter H. Barker % YN that, See how perfectly an affair | Mrs. T, L. Wilson, Colborne street entertainment was: Mrs. A, J.|George Campbell, H. Kerr, Don ou dan MLS re | | § C SS of this sort will be run and how | east. PINKHAM S Frank, Mr, J. F. Jarrell, Mr.| McKinnon, C. Neal, D, Fleming whole heartedly the guests will en- $3 9 "Bud" Davidson, Mr, Pat McAdam | A. Glenny, E, Sharpe H. Iteld, W. S 4] > Y ter into the festive feeling. Miss Jennie Walker, nurse-in- IN and Mr, Arnold Larmer, The out-| Gerrow, M, Peffer, J. McLean, H. WIL | Yomises = training in the Sick Chidren's Hos- PHENR of-town guests included: Mr. and | Turnbull 'H. Davidson, N. Gil- . pital, who has been spending a few Mrs, C. Acton and Mr. George J.|bank, fi. Leigh, M. Bowman, G days with her mother, Mrs, A.| | Pinawaw Lasonstonics, Lynn, MASS. § | pot," 1 moronto; Mr, C. F, Dob. | McBride, C. Elliott, R. Dunlop. H. You can't dre 3 dress Walker, Kenneth avenue, returned Tar , C. ,» R. Dunlop, H. no matter how careful you may be--without » y + > * 3 A ney of Walkerville; Miss H, Wed-| Lapp, H. Gourley, D, Trotter, E. 1 col That's the idea behind Di d ' il ) to Toronto this morning. lock of Peterboro; Miss A, M.|Drinkle, A. Coureur, N. Moffatt. Ther rt ds Hapa a hs aod Dus, miieés n i Boys, Harold Clutf, Herb King and | Kelly of Gananoque; and Miss V.|L. Arkley, J, Bond, T. Rosling, T. from three to five times more aniline than other dyes on Mrs. R. Smith, Albert street, 1s| pjgio Musgrave at the plano, of | Parkes of Lindsay. The guests | Millar, the market. * . Ch kl entertaining at a birthday party cpca fame, entertained the audi-| from the city included: Mr. and . : . : uc es this evening In honor of her aged | once with many of their well-| Mrs, C. E, McTavish, Mr, and Mrs. Next time you want to dye, try Diamond Dyes, See low easy grandmother, Mrs. R, Barry, Who | own hits, Mr, Ernie Bruce of| W. B. Gillott, Mr, J, F, Jarrell, Mr. ® it is to use them. Then compare results. Note the absence of that is ill, Mrs, Barry is among the M re-dyed look; of streaking, or spotting, See how soft, bright, new Toronto, who has just completed | N, F. Tonkin, Mr. G. H. Lander, 4 : xl, 1 few octogenarians of the city, a tour with the "Dumbells"', gave|Mr. H. W, Hiscock, Mr, and Mrs. ive looking the colors are. Then observe how they keep their brilliance ; THE FINEST VALUE IN 2%. several skits in his entertaining |H. R., Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W, R. through wear and washing. If you don't agree Diamond Dyes are I In the account of the St. Pat-! giotehn manner. For his songs Mr, Emsley, Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Frank, better dyes, your dealer will refund your money. CANDIES TODAY Fick's tes ..vcu by Chris C.urch| Bruce was accompanied at the|Mr, and Mrs, K. C. Watson, Mr, The white package of Diamond Dyes is the original "all-purpose" on Thursday an error was made piano by Mr. F. W, Snell. The|and Mrs. C. R. Locke, Mr. and Mrs, dye for any and every kind of 'material, It will dye or tint silk, wool, --~ in the name of Mrs. Carnell, Who | Bayes Hawaiians, also of radio|I. E. Gillette, Mr, and Mrs, F. A. ' cotton, linen, rayon or any mixture of materials, The blue package TAKE A BOX HOME so successfully arranged the en-| fame were thoroughly enjoyed. A | Hardman, Mr, and Mrs, E. F, Far- is a special dye, for silk or wool only, With it can dye your tertalnment for the afternoon, dance was held after the entertain-| row, Mr, and Mrs. F, W. Snell, : valuable articles of silk or wool with results equal to the finest pros ONLY so ment, the music for which was|Mr, and Mrs.*F. Smith, Mr. and vp essiona] york. When you buy--remember this. The blue pock- Mrs. Frank James entertained | supplied by O. Reynolds' "Gondo-| Mrs. D, Coppin, Mr, and Mrs. J. age dyes silk or wool only, The white package will dye every kind at a euchre yesterday afternoon at | jiers", H, McKeever, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. ; of goods, including silk and wool. her home, Royal street, under the ". a.» Rutledge, Mr. and Mrs, H, W, % Your dealer has both packages, auspices of the Sunshine Lodge.| The Simcoe South school audi-| Nicholls, Mr, and Mrs. W, Meath, * C There were eight tables In play. | torium was *'en fete" last evening | Mr. and Mrs, C, Hansel, Mr. and The prize-winners were Mrs. G. E. | when a dance was given under the | Mrs, Anderson, Mr, and Mrs. C. ", Mason and Mrs. Minsker, Tea Was | auspices of the South Simcoe Home | Collins, Mr, and Mrs, H, McGillis, fii a K ARN'S served by the committee in charge. | and School Association. The hall| Mr, and Mrs, Clemence, Mr, and DE LUXE . on was artistically decorated with | Mrs, Burley, Mr. and Mrs. Griffin, , HAIRDRESSING The fourth annust @inner of the | punting and emblems of St. Pat-| Mr, and Mrs. Gardner, Mr. and ] RUG Parts Department of General Mot-| rjck's Day, Although the weather| Mrs. Stear, Mr, and Mrs, E. \ 20:2 ARLORS . ors waa Jed last. evening inthe was so unfavorable it did not| Spires, Mr. and Mrs, P, Davis, Mr, b e 5 um, Mary| dampen the spirits of the guests,|and Mrs, D, Storie, Mr, and Mrs. PHONE 38 NEXT P.O. PHONE 378 street, rit entertainments #908" | The Moonlight Sercnaders furnish | F. R. Daniels, Mr. aod Mrs, W. R. : ; EE © Ave al-| ed delightful dance music and al-| Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. J, N., Wil- : ; , . ways recelved the highest ¢om-|though they were deprived of the|son, Misses Doris Kilburn, Violet / [1] NORTHERN "» ) mendation, but last evening's din-|aid of the moonlight they were | Watson, Florence Boaprey, Bertha : 30 2nd dali far Jurpund id helped by the lightning, This was| Copeland, G. Normoyle, E. McKay, | «2 i J ] ons, whic! en | one of the most enjoyable evenings | Margaret Toms, Bernice Goyne, Whe ia R bb F W previously given, ever given in the auditorium, Dur-| Marjorie Slack, Reta Weeks, Helen n your ' d\ { x u cr oot ear | 8 9 ing the evening supper was served | Ewing, J. St. Andrews, Muriel * RE (A [= 1 The tables were 1lald for 230(by the refreshment committee of | Draper, Audrey Werry, Lillian Children C 1 The "Northern" range of Overshoes for and were prettily decorated with| the Home and School Association, | Dearborn, Mae Hoar, Clara Moore, Men, Women and Children offers ¢ red roses, through the courtesy of > isin N. Toms, Miss McCutcheon, Miss a.wider Russell Perkin, A turkey dimmer| The Hospital' Auxiliary held | Fraser, Helen Smith, P, Gerrow, for It selection than ever. Jersey or Cashmer- eman : i was served and there was a-great| their annual St. Patrick's bridge | Lillian Clemence, Jessie Southwell, ette in various heights with buckle, strap 4 deal of hilarity when the Bt. Pat-| party in the Genosha Hotel yester-| Evelyn Trull, Dorothy Southwell, Mothers, who take one simple pre- Tn or Whizzer fasteners. i rick's hats were donned and the| day afternoon, There were over | Vera Cook, C, Abernethy, H, Me- caution, are seldom worried, With a horns and ticklers and other fav-| three hundred present at the|Claren, Vivian Fulton, Marie Sel-|bottle of Fletcher's Castoria in the ors were handed out, The stage of | bridge and many more came later |by, J. McDonald, Doris Smith, E,|house they can do what their dactor the auditorium was artistically | for tea, Spring flowers decorated | Watson, H. Gillespie, Anna Car-|would tell them to do, when baby is decoreted with palms, ferns and | the spacious rotunda and dining| diff, M. Brady, Anna Williamson, | fretful, feverish, colicky, constipated large baskets of tulips. Mr. W. E.| room, while the card tables were | Leola Fulton, Edith Lucas, Vida|or stuffed-up with cold--give a few Gillott, Manager of the Parts De-| arranged with appropriate St. Pat-| Shaw, Vivian File, Margaret Shel- | drops of this pure vegetable, plgasant partment, welcomed the guests and | rick's novelties, Individual prizes|ley, G. Duncan, B. Cardiff, K.| tasting preparation. It comforts Baby Mr, C, E. McTavish, General Man-| were given for the high score at|Dowsett, Pauline Turner, Margaret |and soothes him to sleep in a jiffy. ager of Parts and Service, also|each tables, while special prizes| Hart, Velma McLean, Sybil Brin-|It's perfectly safe for the Youngest gave a short address. were won by Mrs, 8. J. Phillips, | ning, Adelaine Goheen, Doris Dob- | infant. Use it freely--and as often . Miss Vera Moyse, Mrs, Laird, Mrs. | ney Olive Frise, Reta Boddy, Dor- | as needed, specialists advise. A more Following the dinner an enter-| R, G. Mills, Mrs. Donald, Mrs.|othy Hainer, Mildred Bull, Verna | liberal dose is all it takes'to comfort tainment was given of which Mr.| Hartley, Mrs. Gordon Drew and | Fisher, Mabel Fisher, Iva Gilbank, |and relieve older children, when fev- F. A. Hardman was master of | Miss Coyte, The success of the| Annie Farrell, Isabel Moore, Mur- | ¢rishness, bad breath, no appetite, ceremonies, The Ellis Hoslery | bridge was undoubtedly due to the| iel Gillett, Dorothy Moffatt, Au-|colds, etc, show they need a good : management of the Genosha Ho-|drey McTavish; Messrs, H, Flin-|Purging. The park of genuine Cas- tel, who placed the entire ground | toff, N. Gerrow, W. Jarrel, 8. Ar-|toria is the Pleel of signature on floor at the disposal of the Auxili-| mour, J. Grant, H. Howitt, C. Yule, | the wrapper. or it to avoid ary, and not a little praise is due| H. Wilton, H. Baldwin, J, Leonard, | mitations, the able committee under the con-| F. Hobart, D. Hagerman, L. Luke, TT --------. venorship of Mrs. Harry Wilson.| J, McNaught, C. Bottomley, BE. 5 / Aa During the afternoon an invitation | Walker, W. Tippet, A. Morgan, L. |. lc LY was extended to all those present| Powers, A. Larmer, W. L. Web- Y ~ to become members of the Auxili-|ster, O. A. Richards, E. Attersley, C . S 1 @) R | fs ary and the hope was expressed | H, Smith, N. H, Ashley, Jack Frost, DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE OH- 115 ouR LovELY Soup | SWIFIsSE) SMELL Spire gy Pa oo ft 4 go 2% Se ) { ror FANG THERE was ThE LOVELY SOUP THE | £ 5D GEN wn {3 ANGES= AP = They Dropp Ty Down {3g PR aks PRL SLA AR Cored Aro was F L. DM o Thi! TE 25 VP J This MiPPO SAEBZED So MAD HE BLEW J Tiex FLEW OVER THE Lion AND The OUR PETS FAR AWAY SAVAGES AND DRoPpPsp Stones on Tien © 1929, King Features Syndicate, loc. Grast Brizsin rights reserved.

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