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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Mar 1929, p. 8

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fol. Trt. 5 Yule PAGE ZIGHT v THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1929 For Second Toronto, March. 16.--Toronto Marlboros are junior champions of the Ontario Hockey Association for the second year in succession, a feat which has not been accomplish- ed since 1916 and 1917 when Aura Lee were titlists in two comsecu- tive years. Going into their second game with Kitchener last night with a two goal lead obtained in Kitchen- er, the Toronto representatives were defeated 3-2, but won, the round 4-3, the smallest of margins, 'The victors now will meet Sault Ste, Marie Greyhounds, N.O.H.A. champions, here March 18 and 20. The winners of this series meet the winners of the Ottawa Shamrock- Montreal Victoria tussles in the eastern Canadian final home and home games, March 23 and 2b, The junior situation cleared up for the moment, attention turns to the Ottawa Shamrocks-University of Toronto series for the senior championship of Ontario which be- ging here tonight. fans rely on the O.H.A. senior tit- lists to bring a victory to Toronto, | they have a healthy respect for the Ottawa Valley champions who come with an enviable reputation. Besides Harold Starr, their burly captain, known better here for his exploits on the rugby field, they have Dagcy Coulson and Dr. Ves Richards, both of whom are known in Toronto as clever hockeylists. Coulson is a former St. Michael's College star, and Richards played for the U. of T. seniors for two er three seasons. A large' crowd is ex- pected to attend the game tonight, which will' be followed by an en- counter Monday in the Capital. Shamrocks arrived here yester- day reporting all their players in Although local | ship shape. Varsity, too, have no injuries to report so that both teams will be at full strength for tonight's important clash. Last night's lineup was: Kitchener--Goal, H. Shantz; de- fence, Seibert and Shantz; tre, Heller; wings, Schnarr and' Fel- baum; subs, Reinhardt and Mader. Marlboros--Goal, Moore; de- fence, Levinsky and Pringle; cen- tre, Convey; wings, Conacher and Jackson; subs, Darragh and Hack- ett. : Referee--Jack Hemphill, Water loo. MAROONS SEEKING N.O.H.A. PLAYERS Montreal, Mar. 16.--The Mont- real Maroons for the first time since the spring of 19265, have dis- banded following the completion of the regular National Hockey League schedule. "They finished the season's campaign last night when defeated by Montreal Cana- diens, 1-0. Only once before in the club's history have they been out of the playoffs, the occasion being the season of 1924-25, the first year of the club's existence. LADIES TAKE ONE GOAL LEAD TO OTTAWA Toronto, Mar. 16.--Toronto Pats will carry a one goal lead with them when they invade Ottawa for the return game In the play-offs for the senior ladies' championship of Ontario, as a result of their 1-0 victory over Solloway-Mills of Ot- tawa here \last night. Here 15 The New % MAJESTIC All Which Has Astounded The Radio World oh 3d, y fring into yous home every nots, every at last & a Radio which will Hee Is & Radio able only in Here is one of two Al Electric MAJESTIC models built to fro dectric without batteries, acids or other power a por any power socket, priced within the reach of any purse, AAR Come and let The MAJESTIC tell its own story. ) %; Come and judge The MAJESTIC on its merits--By its performances, M4, Cc BATE td es ZL Wo C3 Set with the most perf, Post -Colonial period design with instrument panel of matched burl walnut framed by paneling of bird's-eye maple. Seven tubes, complete by shielded, using RF.L. bal- anced drewlt. MAJESTIC Super-Dynamic Speaker, Vol- control ume instantaneous in ection, Single dial conbrol.y Complete with Tubes 9 Electric Radio exactly as it is put on the air, q b , panel also o ched Oriental walnut framed with bird's-eyc mople panel, Some rodio egw Yat $293.25 Complete with Tubes Convenient Termg "THE ADAMS FURNITURE CO., LTD. "+ 15 Simeoe Street built {burg Pirates, slapped $50 fines each MAJESTIC power unit, to over 5,000,000 48 Sower wis ever bul ¥; fhe lon four of his players when: they dis- Canpro Leaders Toronto, Mar, 16.--Victories in the Canadian Professional League last night by. Windsor and Toronto, strengthened those teams in their (occupancy of second and third places respectively. Defeating Lon- don 3-1, Windsor closed in on De- troit who are now but a point ahead of the Bulldogs, while Toronto went three points up on Kitchener, 4th place team, by winning 6-2 from the Flying Dutchmen. [ Windsor's win gave them re- venge for the 7-6 beating the Pane thers handed them Wednesday. London presented an air-tight de- fence in the first period, but in the second and third Windsor had the better of play. A win for Kitchener against the Millionaires would have brought them to within a point of Toronto and five points ahead of Buffalo, the fifth place team. But, as a re- sult of their loss, Buffalo may overtake them in the remaining games and they are not sure of a play-off position. The only match scheduled for to- night is between Hamilton and Buf- falo, when the Bisons may creep up to within a point of the Flying Dutchmen, Sunday Kitchener plays the league leading Detroit Olym- ples. PORT ARTHUR CARRY Regina, Sask., Mar. 16.--Port Arthur, interprovincial league champions, will take a slim lead in- to the second of their Allan Cup playdowns series with Regina Vics as the result of a 1-0 victory scored against the Saskatchewan champ- fons here last night. The conquer- ors of the Dominion champions, University of Manitoba, earned their lead by outskating and out- checking 'the Vics throughout 60 minutes of slow hockey, made ra- ther uninteresting by the heavy ice. NEWS FROM THE TRAINING CAMPS Cripples in the New York Giants' camp are fast recovering. Carl Mays, submarine twirler; Fred Fitzsimmons and Andy Reese are back in action, More batting practice seems to he the need of the New York Yankees. Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig were absolutely impotent at the plate when the world's champions nosed out the Tampa team, 1-0, The Yankees col- lected but eight hits, with Tony Laz- zeri getting three of JJhem. Latest advices from Miami, where Glen Wright, shortstop, is being treated for a sore shoulder, indicate that he will be back training with the Brooklyn Robins within a week or $0. x * With two one-sided games to their credit, the Philadelphia Nationals were unusually peppy yesterday as Athletics today, * * Donnie Bush, manager of the Pitts- regarded a "no gambling" sign he tacked up in the camp headquarters. Bush avers he is going to be boss in every sense of the word this year, Already the rookies know how many places are open for them on Manager Dan Howley's St. Louis Browns, Howley has set a numerical classification of ten pitchers and sev- en infielders, five outfielders and three catchers for his June 15 limit of twenty-five, The roster shows 3 pitchers, two catchers, two infielders and one outfielder are due to get the hooks, The six hurlers fighting for the three extra places, as Howley considers Crowder, Gray, Ogden, Blaeholder, Stewart, Hoffman and Strelecki as regulars, are Rip Collins, Claude Jonnard, Heb Cobb, Oscar South--Oshawa Estrada, John Duvid and Chad Kim- sey. oO GENERAL ADMISSION Curling Rink BOND ST. E. Lengthen Leads ONE GOAL LEAD ithey prepared for the battle with the | 'for St. Louis will get the call for Club. Eight rinks are to be here games each year since its donation. honor. Bond St. East, tative is to have the honor of acting was in Oshawa last night to make siness ties for a few days. too much tendency to rel price that this style of can produce when they feel like it be on hand to do a turn or two. The basketball team will be hard SPORT SNAPSHOTS The Oshawa Curlers are again entertaining some "soopers" from Tor- onto this afternoon, they are not Victoria players but from the Granite Brandon-Bailes trophy. This cup put u 1 brothers of Oshawa and Fred Brandon has been the cause of friendly greatly shown in the winning of the various committees for the coming dance. : lans he left on the late train for Ottawa where he will be occupied by to a series of games for the ay competition by the Bailes The Granites were the victors last year, but in this afternoon games the locals hope to be able to win the The games start at 2 o'clock at the Oshawa Curling Club on In the Varsity-Ottawa Shamrock senior game of Sonight being played in the Arena Gardens, Toronto, H. C. Lecky, Oshawa's HLA. represen- as time-keeper, A. Moore, husky Blue Devil Rugby player and one whose help was ntario Intermediate Championship arrangements regarding his work on the completion of these Advices from the Leafs' training camp last night were to the effect that a regular cloudburst has visited Albany yesterday and the players were obliged to do their training indoors, A recent arrival is Lefty Thomp- son, who joined the club in the tail-end of last season and, although ap- pearing on the light side for International league company, performed well. However, probably one of the reasons for the rainy spell is that President Lol Solman and Vice-President Jim Dunn are expecte hourly at the camp. Marlboros just managed to win the O.H.A, junior title last night, The Dukes were handed a 3-to-2 defeat in Toronto, but they have shown better performances than the one they displayed last night. The Dukes showed on a defensive game, and they nearly paid the ockey exacts when a speedy, determined team provides the opposition, The Kitchener youngsters deserved their victory last night, but if Marlboros had gone out to play the kind of hockey they the result would have be different, Penalties nearly cost the Dukes the title, and until they learn to play cleanly and stay on the ice and put forth their best cfforts at all times' they will fall short of real championship calibre, The Curlers having enjoyed a long season are on the completion of tonight's games placing the ice at the disposal of the skating enthusiasts. This plan becomes effective tonight and there should be quite a number of skaters who have been disappointed in getting their favorite exercises, will at it this afternoon in an effort to hang a victory on the Peterboro teams when they visit them next Saturday. Today's practice will in all likelihood be the only one before the game. The boys of the "Oshawa City Football Club" have got off the mark well and the two nights training so far have been well attended. Next week the training night will be Monday from 6.30 to 8 at the Y.M.C.A. All last year's members and any new members will be welcomed. From all appear- ances this season's team should be stronger than 1928 and we hope to cap- ture.a trophy or two to bring back to the city, TIMES ORGANIZES SOFTBALL CLUB Team to be Entered in City +» and Industrial Softball League At a meeting held in the editorial iroom on Friday afternoon, the male staff of The Oshawa Daily Times organized a softball club and decided to enter a team in the Oshawa City and Industrial Softball League. There was a good attendance of prospective players, and the concensus of opinion was that clubs in the league should [be confined to the industries and or- ganizations entering them so far as players are concerned. The officers of The Times Soft- ball Club were elected as follows: Hon, Presidents, C, M. Mundy and A. R. Alloway. President: Cecil Grisewood, Secretary-treasurer, M. McIntyre Hood. Manager and coach: Charles Ma- son. The president and Mr. Mason were appointed as delegates to attend the next meeting of the league, to be held on Tuesday evening of next week. OXFORD CREW IN MID-SEASON FORM London, Mar. 16.--The Oxford crew, training for the great boat race with Cambridge on March 23, surpassed themselves in a full course trial on the Thames yester- day afternoon, covaring the dis- tance from Putney to Mortlake in 19 minutes 18 seconds, This is one minute and 12 seconds faster than the actual race last year, when Cambridge won, snd com- pares with the record time of 18.29 set by Oxford in 1911. The Dark Blues' effort was fol- lowed by Premier Stanley Bald- win, who was educated at Cam- bridge. The Oxford men started too early to get the best tide. They were paced by the Wesminster bank crew. The collegians got away with 10 strokes in the first quarter minute, 19 for the half and 36 for the first minute. The bank; crew held the university eight in the first minute and even gained in the second, but were shaken off . at Craven Steps, where the Colleg- fans were rowing 31 strokes to the minute, ---- MADISON SQUARE GARDEN SIGN THREE CONTENDERS New York, Mar. 16.--Bill Carey, the rugged vice-president of the Madison Square Garden Corpora- tion, who is filling Tex Rickard's shoes quite competently, finally has got the heavyweight situation under control. All three of the leading contenders for the crown discarded by Gene Tunney, now have put themselves in the hands of the corporation for the brief eli- mination tourney Carey plans for next summer, 2 Paulino Uzeudum, stubby Bas- que fighter, came into the fold af- ter much haggling, signing a con- tract which gives his exclusive se:- vices to the garden for one year. HOWLEY'S INFIELD The same infield Manager Dan Howley expects to open the season the initial 'exhibition struggle to- day. It will be Lu Blue at first, O'Rourke at second, Kress at short \ NEWS FROM TRAINING CAMP Richmond, Pa., Mar. 16.--Rain here yesterday caused Manager Harry 8 .Hinchman or the Reading Internationals to postpone inaugur- ating the Keystones' spring train- ing grind on the Richmond Ath- letie association diamond, the scene of the Reading "Keys' "' camp until Saturday morning. With 30 players--four catchers, 12 plichers, eight infielders and 6 outfielders -- here ready for the spring training, Manager Hinch- man has a stronger outfit than any year since Reading entered the In- ternational league in 1918, CHING JOHNSON TO PLAY IN FINAL GAME OF SEASON New York, Mar. 16.--Ching Johnson, crack defence man on the New York Rangers, who has been out of action most of the season with a broken left ankle, will re- turn to the world champions' line- up here Sunday night against Pitts- burg in the final game of the Na- tional Hockey League season. . If the ankle bears up under the strain, Johnson will start Tuesday night in the first of two Stanley Cup play- off games with the New York Am- ericans. The results of the hockey games played last night were as follows: ALLAN CUP PLAY-DOWNS x8t. Francois 5 Bathurst .._.. 2 x--8t. Francois wing round 8-2." Port Arthur . 1 Regina ,..._. 0 JUNIOR O.H.A. FINAL Kitchener ., 8 Marlboros ..__ 2 xMarlboros win championship 4-3. CANADIAN LEAGUE Millionaires .. 6 Kitchener .... 2 Windsor 8 London ,.... 1 "How to get much into Little--" is our problem in writing these small ads for our laundry. It would be im- possible to start with one ofour crispy fresh bundles of family wash, and, with the space at our disposal tell you of all the modern equipment, safeguards and laboratory research that have been responsible for such posi- tive, week-in and week- out satisfactory results, We gladly welcome visi- tors, however, and are never too busy to show them through our plant. Perhaps you could spare a half hour to see for yourself our five different kinds of "family wash" done in soft water and pure soap without any marking or starching. If impossible to come, phone and let us tell you about them. "Phone 788 'and Grim... third, Allan Cup * * Officials Toronto, Mar. 16.--President W, A. Fry of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association, announced last night that he had appointed the following officials for tonight's Allan Cup playdown game at the Arena Gardens, between Varsity and Ottawa Shamrocks: Referee--W. Bell, Montreal. . Goal umpires -- Wirey Hagen, Toronto, and D. A. Lowry, Toronto, Timekeepers -- James T. Suther- land, Kingston, and Harry Lecky, Oshawa, Penalty Time-keepers -- Glen Armstrong, Toronto, and W, M., Tackaberry, Toronto. President Fry also announced that Ralph St. Germaine, of McGill University, would referee the Jun- for O.H.A, memorial cup games between Ottawa Shamrocks and Montreal Victorias Monday and Wednesday of next week. O.H.A. SUSPENDS BRANTFORD PLAYER Toronto, Mar, 16, -- Howard Winter, of Brantford, was suspend- ed by the Ontario Hockey Associ- ation at a meeting of the executive at the King Edward hotel yester- day, and the Amateur Athletic union of Canada will be notified to cancel his amateur card until such time as he appears before the O.H. A. executive and 18 cieared of the charge that he demanded $100 to play in the game of February 14, 1929, between the Woodstock and Brantford intermediate teams. The Brantford club was commended for its action in bringing the matter before the executive. At the close of the meeting the members of th O.H.A, executive held their annual dinner and then attended the O.H.A. junior final game between Marlboros and Kit- chener, BOSTON AND PITTSBURG TO PLAY WIDE-OPEN GAME Boston, aMr, 16, -- The Boston Bruins have been authorized by President Frank Calder or the Na- tional League top game with the Pittsburg Pirates, under the new proposed rules which permit offside passes in the attacking areas and kicking the puck. Officials of the club said that there is no question but that the hockey rules will be changed this summer, and explained that they wanted to test the proposed chan- ges and obtain the reaction of hockey fans before the club voted on the matter. They predicted that the game would be the most wide open fray ever staged in the Nationa: League and that the officials' whistles would seldom halt the play. lay tonight's | WINDSOR PRO HOCKEYISTS 'WIN FROM LONDON BY 8-1 Windsor, Mar. 36. -- Although London had a big edge in the play for the first period and though Joe Ironstone played brilliantly in the nets for the full hour, Windsor Bulldogs exacted revenge for Wed- nesday's 7-6 defeat at London when they conquered Bert Cor- beau's team in a final contest here last night, 8 to 1. VARSITY WINS INTERMEDIATE TITLE Kingston, Mar. 16.--Varsity won the intermediate intercollegiate hockey title here last night when they defeated Queen's by the score of 8 to 1 in a game in which the Blue and White were better all the way. ARLBOROS WIN JUNIOR OHA. TITLE, KITCHENER CLOSE RIVALS Marlboros Junior Champions Succesive Year [ J] EXHIBITION BASEBALL At Fort Myers, #la.-- R.H.E. Philadelphia (Nat.)., ,.14 .1 0 Phildelphia (Amer.). ,.15 16 4 Batteries--Sweetland, Milligan, Collins and Davis, Susce; Yerkes, Rommel, Walberg and Cochrane. At. St. Petersburg, Fla.-- R.H.E. New York (Amer.) .. ..5 11 1 Boston (Nat.).. .. ...4 7 0 Batteries -- Wells, Sherrid and Jorgens, Dickey; Cooney, Greene field and Leggett, Smith, At Avon Park, Fla-- R.H.E. Washington... .. .. ...612 3 St. Louis... .s +n. .s..7T 11 3 Bateries--Weaver, Brown Hop- kins and Gharrity, Tate; Mitchell, Frankhouse, 8S. Johnson and E, Smith, Mancuso. , A "RESORT HOTEL Witha COUNTRY CLUB ATMOSPHERE AUTILUS MIAMI BEACH." FLORIDA One of America's finest and most modern fireproof resort hotels, An Unequalled Winter Playground & Polo Fields 80 Acres of grounds in the center of all sport activities. Every known out-of-door sport and health-giving re. 3 creation under ideal climatic comditions, . Buperd Tennis Courts 8 Ezcellent Golf Courses Bathing--Yachting--Motor Boating Fishing [mend with the Nautilus are sixteen non-housekeeping villas. GEORGE 8. KROM, 'Men's $6.00 Oxfords \ ith Straps or Ox- ford Ties In the wide "widths EE and EEE in pat- ent and black kid. SPECIALS FOR TONIGHT SEE - AGNEW. SURPASS FOR BIG Reductions Women's RAIN BOOTS STR LT Form qui wa Part Lot your into Britis the, w whicl just | the I tener nelly, com] . (Ox

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