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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Mar 1929, p. 7

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ver ecoming car' is d again ch sends t. Peco- f sunlit pleasure arly for aid that ring" is The e after through of win- ught of one, e when ead to at the ind the ong af- 1 char- iy be a re 'Ea- y 3. e sure 5, was re- d barn ut re- woms- \D our, 1 our, 1 n bak- la, 3-4 ilk or -2 cup aisins, well» covers, ng the point, se the -2 tea~ ons. of en, re- r every and 85 ile for re are THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1929 PAGE SEVEN Jews From the Busy Communities of the Oshawa District HARMONY Harmony, Mar. 11.--Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Hastings have returned to their home here after spending several months with their daugh- ter in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. C. I. DeGuerre and daughters of the city visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Willson on Thursday. Mrs. M. Mackie was a recent visi- tor with friends at Belleville, Mrs, A. Hastings and Mrs. E, Ed- gar of the city visited Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm, Hastings on Friday. "A pleasant time was spent on Friday evening at the home of Mrs. M. Mackie, Rogers street, when a dozen: girl friends of Mrs. Harold Mackie"s from the city gather®l there and gave them a miscellane- ous shower. A number of lovely and useful things were given. The evening was spent in games. Re- freshments were served and the friends left for their nomes about midnight, wishing Mr. and Mrs, Mackie many years of happy mar- ried life. Harmony, March 13. -- Dalene Luke is very ill and under the doc- tor's care. We all wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs, L. Edwards spent the week- end in New Toronto with relatives, Mrs. M. Mackie and Mrs, F, Jef- fery spent Wednesday with rela- tives in Port Perry. Mrs. J. L. McGill visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Willson on Sunday. On Monday evening a pleasant. time was spent at Mrs. M. Mackies' on Rodgers street when about 30 young friends of Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Mackie's from the city gathered there and gave them a linen shower. A mock marriage was the most in- teresting and amusing item of the evening's program, The following took part: Miss Gladys Moore, Min- ister; Miss Beatrice Legge, groom; Mrs. Harold Mackie, bride; Miss ZeNenor Lander, best man; Mrs. C, Rice, flower girl; Miss Kay Dow- sett, ring bearer; Miss Jessie Mow- at, bridesmaid. The many beautl- ful and useful pieces of linen were hidden in different places through the rooms and Mrs. Mackie was re- quested to find them. Bridge and other games were played during the remainder of the evening. Refresh- ments were served and at a late hour the friends parted wishing Mr. and Mrs. Mackie a long life of prosperity and happiness. Mrs. Fice, sr.,, of north Oshawa who has spent the past several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ter- willegar left to-day to visit other friends and relatives in the city and elsewhere. ORONO SILVER WEDDING Orono, March 11.--Quite a large number of relatives and friends gath- ered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. H. J. Best, north of the village, on Friday evening last, to unite with them in celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding day. The event was carried out in the nature of a surprise to them, and after the invited guests had all as- sembled Mr. A, J. Staples was called upon to act as chairman for the evening, and after informing the host and hostess of the nature of the gathering, called upon Mrs. R. Best to read the address and present a beautiful china dinner set of ninety- seven pieces, which was accepted by grateful acknowledgement in a few well chosen remarks by the recipi- ents. Misses Laura Allin, Helen Powers and Mr. Harold Allin each enter- tained by a solo, Mrs, Sterling a reading, and Miss Eileen Sterling a recitation. Short congratulatory speechs were made by Rev. William Sterling, Wm. Armstrong, Sr.,, D. T. Allin, A. J. Knox, John Armstrong, John Larriman, H. J. Souch, C. C. Cain, A. J. Tamblyn, Mrs. Clarence Cain and Mr. Dearborn of Oshawa. On the conclusion of this part of the program.the whole party joined in a few suitable musical numbers, after which a choice lunch was served by the ladies, and the balance of the evening spent in social chat and games, all leaving for home in good time, well pleased with the .. hours spent at this hospitable house and wishing Mr. and Mrs. Best con- tinued years of health and happi- ness, Dr. M. S. Tucker, of New York City is spending the week at his fa ther's, Dr. M. M. Tucker. Miss Ber- nice Tucker, Ottawa, was also home for a few days. We extend hearty congratulations to the three gifted young pupils of Mr. A. Lynde, all of whom obtained honors in their singing examinations at the Hambourg Conservatory of Music last week. Miss Helen Pow- ers took the intermediate examina- tion in the vocal course, and Misses Dorothy Rowe and Rosaline Gamby the Junior. Miss Powers also took an exceedingly high stand in her Theory examinations set by the To- ronto Conservatory of Music, obtain- ing first class honors in both inter- mediate history and junior counter- point. Mrs. Colville's pupils were all successful in passing their music examinations. Miss Edith Trull ob- tained her intermediate, Miss Viola Noden the Primary, and Miss Helen Scott the Primary with honors. The Orono Community Memorial Park Association held their annual meeting on Wednesday of last week when the election of officers resulted as follows: -- President, Dr. Neil Colville; secretary, Mrs. J. R. Cooper; treasurer, J. J. Gilfillan; di- rectors, Mrs. Jas. Dickson and W. Jos. Hall. After considerable discus- sion it was decided to bring our Memorial Park under the provisions of the provineial act by conveyling the property to the municipality in | the mild trust for this community, Dr. Col- ville and Mr. J. J. Gilfillan were ap- pointed a committee and waited on the township council at their March meeting when their bylaw was passed, and the five directors of the association with Reeve M. J. Hol- man and Councillor Fred Couch were appointed as the board of manage- ment of the Orono Community Mem- orial Park. A life-long resident in the person of John Patterson, prominent farmer of Kendal district, passed away at bis home, Main street south, Orono, on Friday, following several weeks' illness with heart trouble. Deceased was born on the homestead farm, lot 15, 17th concession, Clarke, and his life 3p {0 4 low yours ado Wiel ho mo to Orono, was spent within easy sight of the old home, he hav- ing become owner and occupant of ; character, honor- able and estee by a large circle of friends. He was for many years a member in good standing of the old Methodist church at Kendal. In politics he was an ardent Conserva- tive. Surviving are two brothers, Mr. Thomas Patterson of Orono, and Mr. George Patterson of Thornton, Ont, and four sisters, Mrs. J Mrs. John White, Mrs. W. F. Rolph, The late Mrs. John F. Mc- Millian of Cobourg, William of Orono, Dave of Cobourg, were also sister and brothers. The funeral services, conducted at the home by the Rev. William Sterling, were largely at- tended, many life-long friends from Kendal and other/parts being present. The pall-bearers ware Messrs. Len Gamsby, William Staples, O. A. Gamsby, Ed. Morton, Fred Brima- combe and Cecil Glass; flower-bear- ers, Ernest Patterson, Milton Robin: son and Harper Carscadden. Miss Livingston has returned home at her brother's, Mr. George Living: ston, after a couple of months with her people in Toronto, who have been on the sick list. The Women's Missionary Society held their monthly meeting Tuesday afternoon which was well attended. The program was in charge of group one. Mrs. R. Rainey, convenor. Mrs. Sterling took the 'Scripture lesson and gave a splendid address after which the hymn, "Break Thou the Bread of Life," was sung by the group. The program continued with a reading by Mrs. Walsh, papers by Mrs. Dean, Mrs. Rainey and Mrs. F. Kelly and a solo by Miss Laura Al- lin, all of which was thoroughly en- Joyed. Mr. and Mrs. M. H, Staples enter- tained the Young Men's Bible class and Canadian Girls in Training of Park St. United Church at a skating party and a social evening at their home. After an hour's skating, Mr. Staples arrived at the rink with his horses and sleighs and took the young: people to their house where a cleverly planned entertainment of games and music was enthusiastically participated in by the delighted guests. A dainty lunch was served, after which Mr. R. E. Sherwin and Mr. Lawrence Allin in a few well chosen words, thanked Mr ,and Mrs. Staples for the very enjoyable even- ing. Before returning to Orono by sleigh the party joined hands and sang, "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows." MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, March 12. -- Both services on Sunday afternoon were well attended. Our pastor, Rev, J. H. Stainton, B.A,, B.D., occupied the pulpit and delivered a splendid ad- dress on "Character Building." Miss Edna Swallow and Mr, Swallow very nicely rendered a duet. Mr. Truman Power spent a few days last week in Toronto. Messrs. Arthur and Jack Baker visited their sister, Mrs. L. C. Snow- den, on Sunday. Mr. Wilson Power, Ottawa, recent: ly visited his brother, Mr. Chester and Mr. George Powc: and other relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Snowden, To- ronto, spent Sunday with their par- ents here, Mrs. Earl Osborne, S8haw's, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Truman Power, recently. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr, John Aldworth and family in the death of Mrs, Ald- worth. The funeral, which was held at the home on Monday afternoon, was largely attended. PICKERING Pickering Mar, 13--Mrs, John Murkar is spending a few days with ber daughter, Mrs, D. J. Callaghan of Toronto. Miss Vivian Bunner of Bowman- ville accompanied by two friends, called on Mr, and Mrs, W, J. Clark, on Sunday. The Ladies' Aid Society of St. An- drew's Church met at the manse on Wednesday afternoon with group B in charge of the program. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Craig, and the fatter's sister, Mrs. J. T. Clark of Toronto called on friends in the vil- e on Wednesday. . W. Knipe of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, J. Stork. A meeting of representatives of the three protestant churches in the vil- lage, was held on Sunday evening, in St. Paul's church, to discuss plans for the week of prayer, which is to be held during the last week of March. They include services by the three clergymen, a layman's meeting, and a special services of young people. It is expected that great benefit will be derived from these services. Miss Martha Moore of Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Chap- man, A surprise was in store for Mr. Gormley: Crawford, on Tuesday, last, when at the close of the day his fel- low employees of the mill room of the General Motors gathered and af- ter the reading of an appropriate address, presented him with a lovely electric coffee percolator in honour of bis recent marriage. Mr. Crawford was taken wholly by surpise, and much appreciated the kind of his fellow workmen. Once more Pickering has been visited by a freshet. On Wednesda: ild weather and rains, so swell- ed the waters of Duffin's creek that they once again covered the highway just west of the big bridge. The flood in January had carried away most of the ice, so that the highway was clear, in that respect, and the cars had no difficulty - in passin, through the six inches of water whi covered the road-way. flood in this vicinity has become so frequent last when they ft their play, "An Old-Fashioned Mother," in the atdi~ torium of the church. The play, which is a good one with a splendid moral, was well presented, each play- er. being well chosen for the part. The play, which was one of pathos, was lightened ocasioually Sy a glimpse of humour contributed for the most part by Jey Gosling, the joke of the village, ably played by r. Kenneth Morley, Another out- standing character was Deborah Un- derhill, the mother, portrayed by Mrs. (Dr.) Fallaise, in a most pleasing manner. Between the acts, musical numbers were contributed by Mrs, Lawson, Miss H. Law, Miss G. Gib- ohn | son, Mr, W, Bath and Rev. R, H, Rickard. NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Mar. 12.--Miss Beatrice Heaslip was at home to her friends to a party on Wednes- day. evening. Mr, and Mrs, John Alexander and Mr. and Mrs, Russell Jollow, ate tended the funeral at Blackstock, of the former's uncle, Mr. G. Hat- ley, on Tuesday. Mrs. Ed Ross entertained wun Monday evening for her friends and neighbors, with an oyster supper, the occasion being her own and her small son's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. I. Kirman enter- tained with an old time dance va Friday evening. Mr. Wallace Pascoe, of Enfield, spent the week-end with his cou- sins, Messrs, Will and Jack Alex- ander, The pussy willows are out again which is a sure sign of spring, So Oshawa children can start hiking right away as there will be inter esting things to find in the woods from now on. Miss Lily Phillips for the week-end. Miss Frances Barrett and Mr. Bill Gibbie motored and visited the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pipher at Toronto, Sunday. Mr. Henry Simpson, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Barrett, Sunday. The attendance at Sunday school on Sunday was 71. Rev. Mr, Bun. ner conducted the evening service as usual, Both services were well attended. The Sunday school pupils who received prizes in examination "On the Dangerous Effects of Alcoholic Beverages," from the W.C.T.U., through the Northern Messenger of Montreal, are as follows: Everette Pogson, Olive Taylor, Doris Fisher, Howard Powell, Fred Parker, Grace Warren Ruby Warren, Doreen Hea- slip, Velma Solomon, Margaret Tattersall, was at home TAUNTON Taunton, March 12--Congratula- tions to Miss Marian Hoskin whose pupils passed their musical examin- ations with honours, The people around here intend 0- ing to the box social at Zion on Fri- day, March 15th. Colds are still very common around here. We are sorry that little Grace Scott has been quite ill again and hope she will soon be better. Mr .and Mrs. Arthur Ross of Co- lumbus visited with Mr, and Mrs. G. L. Scott on Sunday. ar, Miss Norma Glaspell is in Oshawa sick with measles. Mr. Wilbert Lamb of Portage La Prairie called on Mr. Jesse Arnott recently. 3 Mr, and Mrs. William Beckel vis- ited the former's sister, Mrs. Burns of Bowmanville recently. ; On Saturday March the ninth a gay, little party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor, the occasion being the fourth birthday of their granddaughter, Miss Marjory Campbell, Mrs, Birks and her daughter Mary of Bowmanville were present, MYRTLE Myrtle, Mar, 12--But for the promptness of Mrs, Frank Shell the lives of her daughter, Mrs. Albert Timmins and her husband, might have been lost. About three o'clock Sun- day morning Mrs, Shell was aroused by what sounded like someone chok- ing, and going to their bedroom she found them both unconscious and unable to speak from the fumes of coal gas of a heater adjoining their room. Trying to arouse them with- out avail, she threw the doors open and rushed to a neighbor who sum- moned a doctor and first aid was gi- ven them, It was some time before they regained consci and Mr, Timmins was very ill until Sunday CG afternoon. On investigation it was found that a brick and mortar had clogged up the chimney and the gas could not escape through it. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Beadle, of To- ronto, visited Mrs, Beadles' parents, ie. and Mrs. W. J. Cook, on Sun- y. Mr. Andrew Lawrence of the Col- lege of Pharmacy, Toronto, spent the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John C. Lawrence, The boys of this neighborhood who by are working on the new line of the Bell telephone north spent the week end at their homes here, They were working near Blackwater last week but owing to the stormy weather made the least progress since they started having covered only two miles. They are experiencing some real thrills, too. During the blizzard early Thursday morning the night watch had th pl t exper- ience of having the roof blown off his tent and he had to take shelter in a neighboring barn where he near- ly perished until daybreak when the | gy people of the house began to stir around. The following which appeared in Monday's Globe is of interest to this borhood as the Habn family have had their summer home here ida for a number of years. "The marriage been arranged and will shortly take place of Hilda Claire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Hahn, To- ronto, and Harry Wright, son oi |H Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Hooke, Aking- of late that the inhabitants are be- |don, England. inning to book upon it is an every ay occurrence, A capacity house greeted St. Paul's Dramatic Society; on Friday evening A number from here attended the dance at Mr. Walter Trull's west of | Wall Ashburn on Friday night. Mr, and Mrs, W. D. Dyer, oi Col- umbus, visited Mr, Levi Tordiff's, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Wesson and Master Wyatt Kent left on Friday for their home in Saskatchewan af- ter spending the greater part of the winter with Mrs. Wesson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Cook, and other relatives here. 5 Special preparations are being made for the week of revival meetings that are to be held in the church here, the week preceding Easter. The fol- lowing ministers are expected to take art: Rev. P, C. Jull, of Brooklin; ev. Mr. Clughston, of Columbus; Rev. R. F. Richards, of Port Perry; Rev, A. L. Richards, of Whitby and others. These meetings should prove very helpful and the committee hope that-a good number will attend them. CLAREMONT Claremont, March 12--Mr, Robert Rawson is on the sick list. Miss Isobell Gregg of Toronto Nor- mal School spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, David Gregg. Miss Burgess of Toronto who has been visiting friends in the village returned to her home on Tuesday. Miss Michell spent a few days last week with Mrs, Thos. Condy an other relatives. Mr. Luther Bowes of Peterboro visited with his mother, Mrs. Readman on Saturday. Mrs. Robert Rawson spent last week with her parents, near Stouff- ville, Mr, and Mrs. John Spencely of north Claremont are moving into their new home in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Lickorich and famly have gone to Agincourt where they will in future reside. Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Overland and Mr. and Mrs, H. G. Macintyre at- tended the dance held last Wednes- day evening in the Alexandra Room of the King Edward Hotel in honour of the members of the graduating class of the Training School of Wel- lesley Hospital. The list of graduates present include the names of the Misses Mabel Bryant and Evelyn McCullough of Claremont and the Misses Heclen Barclay and Kathleen McKinnon of Brougham. Congra- tulations are being extended to these young ladies who have successfully completed their course in training, The Misses Effie Miller and Mary MacNab, who have been visiting in Toronto, returned home on Satur- day evening. The directors of the Horticultural Society met at the home of Mrs. W. Ward on Saturday, Mar 2nd, to select shrubs, etc, for the premium list for 1929. The secretary has re- quested that members return these lists as soon as possible, Congratulations are being extended Miss Margaret Overland, pupil of Miss Blanche Raymer, who has pass- ed her introductory piano examina- tion at the Toronto Conservatory of Music. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Proctor, who have spent the past month visiting friends in the village and vicinity have returned to their home near Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. G. M, Forsythe re- cently entertained the members of the Women's Missionary Circle and men of the congregation of the Bap- tist Church. Two interesting papers were read: "Why Missionaries are needed in a Christian Country," by Mr. A, Stevenson, and "Get, grow, give," by Mr, J. Coates. Following the devotional period, a pleasant time was spent in social intercourse, at the close of which a dainty lunch was served, A choral concert will be given by the Stouffville Choral Society, under the auspices of the Claremont Choral Club in the Community Hall, Clare- mont, on Friday, March 15th, at 8 o'clock. The program given. by: this choir of seventy five voices will varied enough to suit all tastes. The C.G.LT. group of the United Church met at the home of Miss Marion Kilpatrick on Friday even- ing last at y o'clock. This Canadian Girls in Training group, which has been recently organized has an en- thusiastic membership of teen-age program for the next few months, girls, who are planning an interesting As this organization is inter-denom- and are cordially invited to join. The, lage and vicinity will be welcomed, inational all teen-age girls of the vil- meeting was followed by a discussion business and devotional part of the of the club's program, and a sing- song. Afterwards a dainty lunch was served by Mrs, Kilpatrick. The next meeting be held at the home of Mrs. David Gregg on Friday ev- ening, March 22nd, at 7 o'clock. Among the new books recently placed on the shelves of the Clare- mont Public Library, are listed the following: "Songs for Youth" by Rudyard Kipling; "The Stolen Idols" by Frank Packard; "The Lively Peggy" by Stanley Weyman ; "Cana- dian Cities of Romance" by Katherine Hale; "The People of the Twilight" D. Jenness; "The Living Forest" by Arthur Heming; "Under the Grey Olives" by Marion Keith; "Peeps at the Royal Navy by J. Barkie; "Prince Melody in Music Land" by E. Simp- son; "The Hounds of God by Rafall Sabatini; "The Window" by A. Grant Rosman; "Matooni's Vineyard" by E. P. Optenhelin "Wintersmoon" by Hugh Walpole; "The. Wanderer" by Alain Fournier; "Doomsday" by Warwick Deeping; "The Promised Land" by Gilbert Parker; "The Feast of the Lanterns" by Louise J. Miln; "The Se Gull" by Kathleen Norris; "The Eternal Challenge" Joseph ocking; "The Forsyth Saga" by ohn Galsworthy; "Judy's Perfect ear" Ethel Hume Bennett; "The Nicest Girl in the School" By Angela Brazil; "Now We Are Si~" by A. A. Milne; "The Outdoor (.':1 im Flor- ida" by Laura L. Hope; "The Tale of Fatty, Coon" by Arthur S. Bailey; "Lullaby Land Baseball Joe of the Silver Mines" by Lester Chadwick; "Children's Missionary Sermons" by Kerr; "Around Home" by Peter McArthur; "Betwixt Heaven and Charing Cross" by Martin Bur- rell; "Blazing New Trails," by Archer ace; "Great Men of Canada" by John Henderson; "Ballads and Ly- nics" by Bliss Carman, HAMPTON Hampton, March 15, -- Mrs. Chas. Langmaid is spending a few days with Miss Lizzie Reeves. Mr. C. E. Horn is unloading a car of oats at Tyrone station this week. Mr. A. E. Bilictt and son, Fred, attended the Rotary Club dinner on Friday of last wcck, at the Balmoral Hotel, Bowmanville, being guests of the club, - Mr, Fred Billett, B.H.S. contestant in the International Oratorical Con- test for Port Hops district, held in the opera house, Cobourg, on Friday evening, March 8th, was one of the cight youthful orators. Although he failed to win the honors, he deserves high commendation for his splendid work, Mr, Billett's address was on "The Unification of Canada," which he also delivered at the Rotary Club on Friday, Those who listened to him were loud in their praise and applause on his oratorical abilities and splen- did material contained in his address, Rev. ). H. Bick occupied the Enn- iskillen pulpit on Sunday evening in the absence of Rev. J. Whyte, who reached very appreciatively to a rge congregation: here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill, Ennis. killen, were guests of Mrs, C. Johns d |and daughter on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb, Tink, Solina, visited at Mr, L. T. Pascoe's recently. Mr. Wm. Cowling purposes having J. a sale of all his household furniture and furnishings also house, stable and five acres of land, on Wednesday, March 20, at 1.30 pm. Mr. Cowling intends making his home with his son, Howard, who is moving into our village in the house being vacated by Mr. A. Martin, Her many friends will be glad to know that Mrs, Charles Johns is pro- gressing favorably since her operation in Bowmanville hospital on Thurs- day. Miss Mary Hogarth, Solina, visit- ed her sister, Mrs. Hargaret Pascoe, recently, After a car ride over slushy roads, the young people of Hampton assem- bled at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Howard Wonnacutt, Enniskillen, on Wednesday night. After the com- pany had Pom, comfortably seated in the spacious home of the bride and groom, Miss S. Virtue called on Miss Marjorie Pascoe to read a short ad- dress and at the appointed time Mr. Laverne Clemens and - Miss Ruth Johns presented Mr, and Mrs. Won- nacutt with a very pretty reed fern- ery. On behalf of his wife, who was Miss Mabel Carr, of Hampton, Mr. Wonnacutt made a short speech, thanking the company for their ap- preciative gift when all ng "For they are jolly good fellows." The re- mainder of the evening was spent in various games and music. Lunch be- ing served in abundance previous to leaving for their respective homes. Radio listeners have been advised not to expect such mild weather as we have 3d having the last few days but to prepare for cold weather yet to come. Although the robin has been sighted and heard, it is not time to store your winter apparel yet. Darlington Council Township Buys Road Grader Regular meeting of council was held on Thursday, March 7, with members all present and Reeve Silas Williams presiding. Communications were read and fil- ed as follows: Counties Clerk report- ing admission of Mrs, Edith Randall and Mrs. Altona Mark and infant to Bowmanville Hospital; W, E, N. Sin- clair, K.C,, Oshawa, acknowledging receipt of judgment of his honor Judge Connor, re Thomas Baker drainage appeal; F, W. Bowen, M.P,, acknowledging receipt of resolution by Darlington Council re clearances of liquors from Canada to the United States; Dept. of Public Highways en- closing cheque for $6,975.13, being 30 per cent of township roads for year 1928; Ontario School Trustees and Ratepayers Association Convention in Toronto, April 2, 3 and 4; Dominion Bureau of Statistics asking for a re- turn of amount of stone, sand and gravel taken from pits in the town- ship and used on township roads dur- ing year 1928--referred to Road Sup- erintendent, Renting of certain lanes and streets in Hampton was laid on the table for one month. James Curtis, S.A.0., presented his report for month of Janaury, Ap- sion to cut down tree in front of property of Mrs, C. Horn, Hampton. Referred to the Reeve, Thomas Cowling, Haydon, made re- uest for financial assistance. Re- erred to Reeve and Councillor Mut- ton, R. A, Pettitt, Enniskillen, made re- quest for financial assistance. Re- ferred to Reeve and Councilman Pas- coe. Sale of trees on roadside at Lot 1, Con, 7, was referred to Councillor Mutton and Road Supt. Request of Dr. G, E. Reaman, Supt. of Boys' Training School, Bow- manville, that Council consider the paving of roadway from Bowmanville corporation limits to entrance of Boys' Training School was not con- sidered favorably. Clerk presented report of Judge O'Connor, re Baker ditch appeal, con- firming the award of Engineer Proc- tor, and assessing the costs of trial to Mr. TT, Baker, > Report was ordered filed and clerk instructed to send an account of the bill of costs to Mr. Baker together with his share of payment of the award as made by the engineer. Council deci to purchase an 8 ft. Adams' Road Grader to be deliy- ered about April 15, 1929, Treasurer acknowledged receipt of $1.08 from the Pedlar People, refund on tube; Treasurer Province of On- tario 30 per cent grant on Township highways $6975.13 and L, T. Pascoe taxes 1928 $2002.24. Orders were drawn on Treasurer as follows : A. W. Annis, sheep inspector .$ 200 W. R. Allin, services and wit- ness fee re Baker ditch .... 14.35 M. A. James & Sons, ptg., .. 1900 W. F. Ward, administration of F. G. Kerslake, sanitary in- spector L. B, of H. ....... . 745 proved. T. Way, Hampton, asked permis- ¢ F. R. Kerslake, disinfectants Lo B.of He vevoves Kuss 16 Mrs. R. Hatherly, milk for Mrs Savage (charity) ...... canes S80 C. D. Hodgson, suppli Savage (charity) ...... Mrs. A. F. Rundle, supp 3 Nichols (charity) «o.coiveeees W. W. A R. Collacutt, sheep damages ... 15.00 E. M. Proctor, services engineer re Baker ditch ........c0.00.. 73.00 Treas. W. Durham, agricultura society, Grant, so eeeeersercns 50.00 T. H. Richards, salary and sup- - PHES +. vatenivrinsvrzenervsse 4100 Council adjourned to Saturday, Apr. h at 1 pm. Shalym W. R. Allin, Clerk SEAGRAVE Seagrave, Mar 13--The Dramatic Club held its monthly meeting on March 6, at the home of Miss Ila Moon. The meeting was opened by a hymn, after which each girl uoted a verse of scripture, Miss Lottie Mark read the scripture lesson from St. John 6, 1-21, Eight members answered to the roll call and two visitors were present. The minutes of last meeting were read and adap- ted. Then followed business. It was moved by Ruth Stone, seconded by Louise Haley that the girls make a quilt, and that the work be started next meeting, It was decided that next meeting be held at the home of Miss Velma McMillan, The club was favored by a duet by Vera Tanner and Ila Moon, This was followed by a contest. A game was then played. A hymn fololwed by the benediction closed the meeting. Refreshments were served by Miss Ila Moon. Mr, and Mrs, Orval Stone are visiting friends in Toronto and Ham- ilton, Mr. R. P. Hill of Woodville visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Wanamaker = on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harding, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hatley and Mr. Wilbert Lamb attende Geo. Hatley of Layton on Tuesday afternoon, Mr, Hately was in his 84th year and very highly respected in the community. Mr, Hately was an uncle of Mr. F. Hately of Sea- Grave, who has the sympathy of his friends. : Mr. and Mrs, F. Watson and little daughter Jean visited in Port Perry on Sunday last. Mr, and Mrs. Melville Sleep enter- tained a number of their friends on Monday cvening. After games of various kinds were played, all sat down 'to a bounteous oyster supper, doing justice to the oysters and other good things. The hockey fans journeyed to Port Perry rink on ed evening where they defeated Manchester. The March meeting of the Wo- man's Association and W.M.S, was held at the home of Mrs. H. Leask on Wednesday afternoon, Mar. 13, a good attendance of members and visitors being present. The vice president, Mrs. S, Reynolds was in the chair, The meeting was opened with the singing of an Easter hymn and the scripture lesson was read by Mr, R. Scott. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted, then followed roll call and business. The president read two letters on mis- sioary work the ideas of which will be carried out, in the way of dressing a little girl in the foreign ficld. Sev- eral good readings were given, those taking part being Mrs, A. Orchard, Mrs, B. Dowson and Mrs. A, Bruce. The pastor, Rev, Mr, Davidson, clos- ed the meeting with the benediction. After which lunch was served by the ladies in charge. Mrs, Hoar who has been visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A, Or- chard for some time has returned to her home in Bowmanville, . Mr. Roy Scott had rather a thrill ing experience on Tuesday when he waved his hand to the Scagrave school children from an airplane, ORONO Orono, March 11.--Mr. and Mrs, H. G. MacDonald motored to Toronto Sunday with Mr. O. W. Rolph, and spent the day with her daughter, Mrs, 0. W. Rolph, who was taken sudden ly ill while visiting in the city. She was taken to St, John's Hospital and underwent an operation from which she has made rapid recovery. Mr. and Mrs, James G. Tamblyn entertained their neighbors and riends of Clarke Union section to supper on Friday evening last on the occasion of the thirty-sixth anniver- sary of their wedding day. An en- joyable time was spent in music and games. Before the party broke up, all joined hands in singing "For they are Why good fellows," Rev. Wm. Sterling supplied at Newtonville United Church on Sun- day morning last, the pastor, Rev. T. Wallace, being ill. Mrs, Sterling took the morning service at Park St. Church. In the evening Rey, Sterling occupied his own pulpit. His subject being "The Fallen Women." There was 2a large congregation. Mr. Regin- ald Sutton sang a pleasing solo. quartette of four young men sang "Beautiful Isle of where," their voices blending beautifully, Mrs, R. Brown, organist presided. An interesting and well attended meeting of the Orono Horticultural Society was held in the school room of St. Saviour's Church; on Monda; evening, with the president, Mrs, J. E. Cooper, in chair, A good re- t of the recent Eee tion, Jed in oronto was given by 'tl elegate, Mrs. A. A. Rolph, with suggestions of gpecial benefit to' the local society. apers were read by Miss Kate Wad- dell and Mrs, A. J. Knox. A vocal solo by Miss Ellen Allen, a piano duet' Misses Eileen Sterling and Edna Best and community singing made up the musical part of the program. J Mr. and Mrs. Peter Davie and sons, Angus and Arthur, who spent the winter with friends here and at Bowmanville, returned last week to their home at Youngstown, Captain Stalker, and was born in Stalker mill residence, north of the town. He went west twenty years 00| ago and is now a prosperous Alberta farmer, having nearly 1000 acres of land. Mrs. Davie is a daughter the late W. J. Coulter, Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beal have 80 | employed with General Motors of 20.58 | Oshawa, 2; Bowmanville 4, Orono ms, sheep damages: 6.00 |G. '|'three fine numbers. the funeral of Mr. | 7% A |awa and a brother of the late Mrs. Alberta. Mr. Davie is 2 nephew of the late moved to Oshawa where Lawrence is Canada. The first game of the second ser- ies of our Big 4 Hockey League took place here Friday last and resulted as follows: Orono 5, St. George's, M.C. 3. Mrs. Adolph Henry returned last week from Bowmanville where she has been assisting in nursing her father, General John Hughes. Mrs. T. H. Powers and Helen spent a few days in the city recently. The services at Centre St. Church on Sunday morning last were assist- ed by a quartet composed of Messrs. Reg. Sutton, Wm. Mitchell, Wyvan Reid and Colin Taylor, who rendered Misses Ettie and Ethel Winter and Mr. William Irvin, Toronto, visited at Mr. I. Winter's Sunday week, Mr. W. E. Davey was in Detroit with a party from Oshawa, guests of the General Motors of Canada while on a visit to the General Motor Grounds near Flint, Mich." The party left Toronto by private car and were given the finest possible enter- tainment, At Windsor Mr, Davey called on Mr, and Mrs, Percy Lowrie and son Harry, A letter received by Mr, J. Atfield on Friday from London, England, contained the sad news of the death of his mother whom he saw for the last time five years ago when over on a visit. Deceased was in her 87th year. Surviving are a family of five, one daughter and four sons, William, Charles and Alfred of London, Eng, and John Atfield of Orono. Mrs. Fred Blackburn visited her sister in Toronto recently. . Mr. Stanley. Bruton, clerk at the drug store, attended the Rexall icon- vention in Toronto, Congratulation to Miss Gladys Cobbledick on her brilliant success at the mid-winter theory examinations of the Toronto Conservatory of Music. In junior history she made 98 per cent, and in primary rudiments per cent. This standing places her in the front rank of successful candidates, Miss Cobbledick is a pupil of Mrs. (Dr.) Colville, Orono. Miss Ada Riggs is spending a few days with her cousin, Mrs, Almond Blewett, Toronto, Mr. James Eagleson spent the week end at Peterboro, NEWCASTLE Newcastle, March 1i.--Miss Min- nie Barrett moved her household ef- fects last week into her new home 2 Mr, Wm, Henry's house, North Mrs, J. E. W. Philp entertained very pleasantly on Tuesday evening. Mrs. (Rev.) Wm, Sterling, Orono, took the services on the Newtonville circuit last Sunday for Rev. T. Wal- lace, who was still sick with the grippe. Miss Minnie Webber, Bowmanville, visited numerous relatives here last week, Misses Beatrice and Grace Bragg were guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin from Fri. day to Sunday evening. Reeve W. F. Richard was in To- ronto last week attending the Pro- vincial Good Roads Convention, +Mr. Merkley Clark spent a recent week-end with his cousins, the Bar- rie brothers, of Canton, Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Cotter and family have moved from Beaver St. to Mr. D, J. Galbraith's farm house, Belmont, Mr. 8. J. Jackman, Bowmanville, will be judge at Horticultural So- ciety's annual spring show, Mrs. 8. C. Bonathan went to To- ronto on Monday to spend a few days with her son, Rev. John Bonathan. Friends in the village have missed Mr. N. L. Richard of late, he having been confined to his home for the past two weeks or more with an in- jured back. Mr, and Mrs. W, J.'8. Richard and family, Shaw's, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pearce and family and Mr. and Mrs. H. R, Pearce and family, Newcastle, attended the celebration of the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, Ira F. Pearce, Bowmanville. There were asnumber of relatives from South Darlington. Mr. and Mrs. Pearce were married in Newtonville on this date 40 years ago by the Rev. Mr. Whitlock, who had previ- ously been the pastor of the Ebene- zer and Maple Grave churches, with which the groom and bride were re- spectively connected. THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, March 12-- Congratulations are being tendered Raymond LeRoy for scoring second in the O.C.I. Cadets February shoot in the Dominion of Canada Rifle As- sociation competition, which was com- pleted recently. Mrs. G. H. Robinson motored to Toronto Tuesday evening with friends. All were sorry to read of the death in Spring Water, Saskatchewan, of Robert D, Kennedy, formerly of Osh~ W. J. Stevenson. Our sympathy is extended to Mr. Stevenson and ta - ily. Despite the storm and very heavy roads last Friday, a goodly number attended 'the sale held by Mr, Stan- ley Bagg. Mr, George Mornien also held a very successful sale last week. The Ladies' Aid hot supper has been postponed indefinitely, due to the King Street Church congrega- tional "At Home." The Sunday School attendance on March 10th was 77. Little Miss Dor- othy Wiggins sang very sweetly, The skating party is held this week on Saturday evening at Whitby, af- ter which the young people are being entertained at the home of Mr, Har- old Pierson, . Last week Miss Edna Reeson was hostess to the weekly party of young people and all report a very jolly evening spent playing games. Miss Betty Robinson went to Tor- onto with friends on Saturday to see Shakespeare's play, "A Midsummer Nights Diam, iven by the Strat. iord-upon-Avon Festival Company. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. French recent- ly left on a long trip to the south. Sorry to say that 2 number of our J neighbors are leaving our vicinity. ag Mornien and family leave for Oshawa this week. Mr, Wether- up and family move into Oshawa next week. Mr. George Smith, owner of the place, intends to occupy it in the future. Mr. R. Winnocott and family also are: leaving soon, r. and Mrs. Norman Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. Lane visited in Ash. burn on Sunday. Mrs. W. R. Irwin - spent several Jays in Toronto last week. Sorry to report that there are measles in our district. There are still a number of cases of whooping cough, Mr. George Scott has returned to Toronto after spending Sunday with his parents. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Buss have returned home after several days' visit in Toronto. Mr, Wilfred Pascoe and family, of Oshawa, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pascoe, A number of our neighbors have been on the sick list, Mrs. I. Hug- gins, Mrs. A. Robinson, Mrs. W. A, Scott and Mrs. R. Bennett, but we are glad they are much improved. Miss M. Holliday spent the week end in Toronto. Many from here attended the ban- quet given in the Centre Street ers' Association, An interesting hockey match was layed Monday evening between the ys in Harold Pascoe's and Everett Jackson's classes. The score was 3-2 for the younger boys. Our congratu- lations to them. ENNISKILLEN Enniskillen, Mar, 13,--The Sun- day services were well attended, In the evening we had the pleasure of hearing Rev. Mr. Bick of Hampton, who preached a very helpful ser- mon. Rev. Mr. Whyte taking the Hampton service. Quite a numher attended the funeral of Mr. Carlyle Ashton, Hay- den. Rev. Mr, Trumpour, assisted by Rev. -Mr. Whyte conducted the funeral service, Mr. Trunipour gave some helpful messages he said except a grain of seed died it will fade away, but when it comes forth in all its splendor, we see many 'beautiful things in nature, He said God in His wise providence had plucked one of His flowers, so through death we come to that ful ler and more abundant living through Christ. Two hymns of Carlyle's, "The Old Rugged Cross' and "In the Garden" were read. The sympathy of this community is extended to the family in their bereavement, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Annis visited their father in Bowmanville hose pital on Sunday. Mr, Charles Stainton, of Sunder-, fand, visited his parents, Mr. auu Mrs. W. J. Stainton, over Sunday. Burketon league visited Black. stock on Wednesday and report a profitable meeting, The yearly meeting of the beef ring came off very successful. All anxious to join up again, League was in charge of the first vice-president, Mrs. H, McGill. Two hymns were sung, followed by prayer. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. Pye. Alice Ashton gave a reading. Mrs. R. Ormiston gave an interesting topic. Grace Werry rendered a piano solo. A reading by M. McGill and a hymn was sung and the league closeed with the benediction. The monthly meeting of the La- dies' Aid was held on Wednesday in the basement of the chuzch. The president, Mrs. T. McGill, conduct ed the meeting. Rev. J. M. Whyte gave a good talk on women's work in the church. Mrs. T. Slemon and Mrs. O. Jeffrey favored with a dues, Mr. C. Smith is on the sick list, Hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Gordon Werry and Milton Stainton motored near Owen Sound to attend a wedding. ed friends at Guelph, Woodbridge, Toronto. Glad to say Master David Simp- kins was able to be brought home from the hoepital after his recent operation. RAGLAN Raglan, March 11.--Several from here attended the dance in the Town- ship Hall last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs Lioyd McKee of Manchester visited relatives here on Sunday. Mr, Lloyd Thompson of Oshawa spent the week end under the par- ental roof. Mr. Fred Pearson, who has secured a position in Toronto, spent the week end at his home here. Mrs. N. Grose of Toronto spent last week with his sister, Mrs. D, Thompson. Mr. W. Slute spent Sunday with ree latives at Oshawa. Mrs. May of Goodwood is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A, Pilkey, Misses Jane and Edith Nevilles, Miss Twilla Turner and Hazel Pear- son of Toronto spent the week end with the latter's mother, Mrs, Fred Pearson, KEDRON Kedson, March 11.--The young people of Kedron are presenting their play entitled "A Case of Sus pension," at Columbus on Wednes- day evening of this week. The Women's Association met at the home of Mrs. L. Hancock on Wednesday afternoon of last week. There was a full attendance and the afternoon was spent in quilting and other sewing. Mr. ond Mrs. Norman Gimbletf and children visited his mother, Mrs, Thomas Gimblett of Maple Grove. * Miss Laura Cawker of Niagara Falls, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, H. T. Cole last week. The friends of Mr. Wesley Lee are sorry to hear of his illness, and hope that he will soon be out aro.ud again. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Langmaid and daughter Evelyn of Zion were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Mountjoy on Sunday. The Women's Association will hold a social evening in aid of the flower fund, at the home of Mrs. Harold Mountjoy on Wednesday, March 20 Everybody welcome, ; United Church by the Milk Produce They visit- Mr. and Mrs. A. Slute and family, 5 H BA PETTY #6 BRE mR sow PR a

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