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Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Mar 1929, p. 10

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TET IRA TY NaSe7540 0 jession f Bove a ie ny : Nights Best Features ti, Debate U, of Cincinnati vs, a0 Mobiloil Orchestra, : $0 N 3 Boa "Thelma ei a " Easy-to-Find"" RADIO PROGRAM WGY (n5)-Schenestady, Mark REY atem: Bonnie Laddies: orches: ww 8 -Cincl. Debate--Cincinaati V8. ie: " 630 Gi: " En Des i io "WHAL (283; timore, Dinner of Palin, oker, chestra, 1000 Colbie: Kolster Hour: Symphony WEAD: as rnin, Ba 1200 KOA Denver. In the Garden "An In. | 7.00 KDKA "(W6)--Pitts. Address; - enter: THURSDAY'S BEST FEATURES to WRC, System (WJ. br. " br, Z king School, Be Symem Household In. vo pn. Ne System (Central)=Farm and 4s WIP: Phila, Violin chol 18 Ne vie as ind Army, band ban AF " Chitago. Elie hour to TONIGHT'S PROGRAM 5.30 NBC System: Bill and Yane to WEAF, BW BM (389)--Chicago, Organ; Concert 8.00 NBC. System: Waller! storia Music WBAL (283) Baltimore, Sandman cies cle. nA TIME TABLES | m, WEAF New York, U.S, Marine | Si WM, tainers, 223 M Werk EPugh Cod Song . WEAR (454.3)~New York, Synagogue ervices, 4 4 £45)Buffalo, Shea' WEE Tutus ny NBC Spain: Jedd Highlanders to Why VE iE WSB (405)--Atlanta, LiMo OR Miners, WDAF 53) "Kansas Citys Dance ore Wher stem: La Touraine to WEAF, WOR, WTAG Wo WEAR wee, WEE Wile, W hid Wiz $04.5) --New York, uk Jno, WOR "li2a)~Newark, Orchestra; solo Sts, 45 NBC System: "Washington Politics" to " wiz Want KORA WLW, WRC, 8.00 Crea (357)--Toronto, Imperi use, WGY (379.5)--Schenectady, G,"E, Pro. ram, FBC" System; Mobiloil Orchestra wit WBZ WEAL, WHAM, : WLW, KYW, W TP, WTMJ, CPR. TIME TABLE, KoA KYOO, KWK, WFAA, KPRE, Sunday april 8 bo hi Columbia Networks Sigmon' Show ! Boing West Boat to WOR AG, I, WLBW, 5.48 CAO, WCCO, AS," WADC, Lp Bp WMAQG, WEAN, WFBL, KMOX, 840 am Daily Sunda: WHK, WMAL, 'WKBW, WISN, 4&4 am. Tally mop " WRVA (270)--Richmond, Entertainers 2.3 on Daily Sunday, 8.30 NBC System: Wonder akers to na, Dally CEL TIT WEAF, WTIC, WKY, WTAG, , WOW,' WRC," WCAE, KSD, w SH aug. Sunds WCSH, wie, WFAA, MJ, 3a SHES} naay: WEEIL, WWJ], WDAF, WIAR, bm Dally except , WIP (492)--Phila, Hawaiians, A LRRD Tg All times ve are times iraing 4 d Ww, od times' phows oi xvi Wie WhAR, Wa, w Jeet C. N, R, TIME TABLE Effective Jun, 6, 1920 Ww. V. wr (ra) Minntie City, Harmonies; ers, 9.00 CHCA (357)="Toronto, Shea's Hippo- rome, bi twork: Van Heu . Columbia Network: Van sen pre sxcept Sunday, ram to WOR, WCAU, Al "a wh White Woke WMA. except Sunday, WOWO, KMOX, KMBC, WSPD, except Sunday, KOIL, , WLBW, WMAL, ? WEAR WEEL "WHC, WOR, WGY, except Setunday, WOC, 'KSD, WOW, oA WBAP, GEL wi Hl Yl Westbound WTAG, WesH ie WEA WTAM, WJ, N, WTMJ, W NBC System: Smith Bros. to WJZ, except Sunday, WEAL, KYW, WIR WBZ WBZA, . WHAM, KDKA, KWK, WREN, except Sunday, WIP (492)--Phila. i forum, except Sunday, WRVA (270)~Richmond, Variety pro. ram, only, oda 9,30 Wik 89)-Paltimore, Viclinist, - » ystem: almolive gf ¥ Sasi Saar. WEAF, WEE, WTIC, WIAR, WTAG, -- STP, WRC, WGR, Ant WCAE, WTAM, "WW. WGN, fy; Oshawa, Bowmanville WES Yiu], WoNL Kio, wey, 4 BUS LINE WHAS, WSM, 'WSB, KOA, WHT, DAY SCHED' .. s i» end sites Nov, 4 # y AX WMG Jur (375)--Ft, Worth, Miller enter- lamers, WHAM (258,5)--Rochester "On Wings of Song." West : NBC 5 to Zz, SR Aen them KDkA, Wik, wie: waza V7 sm 03am 9.45 am, Columbia Networks Ls Paline, Hour rio 120 oe 1% om ye WFBL, WMAK, = WCAO, WIAS, om. 200 2% om WADC, WRC, * WGHE,' WMAQ, 2% pm. 300 pm 520 pm, WOWO, ~ wcto, = KMOX, KMBC, pa b WSPD,. WLBW, WMAL, KOIL, 1 J pm 40pm 42pm 45pm. WHK," WISN, oh 5% WPG' (272)--Atlantic City, Studio pro- pm "%i5pm 6pm 645 pm dbl om OV Aun 1000 BRL can--Bosimors. The Mary. y hig y nders, E945 pm 10.20 pm. 10.40 pm, 10.55 pm, WIP (492)--Phila. Adelphia orchestra. pm, 1040 pm, 11,58 p.m, WLW (428)--Cinci, * eat Adventures' Going East RG System; The tinentals to Hospital Fed Oshaws Bowmanville pA HRA Network: Kolster Hour to 60am 60am /Zasm WOR, WCAU, WNAC, WIJAS, 70am 750 em 82 am. Wace, WKRC, WeHP, WMAD, £30 8,m, 850 am OA am. WOwO, KMOX, WSPD] MAL, 1000 aa, 1020 a.m, 10.55 am. WHK, WLEW, WEBL, WMAK x WBE BR22 Hail Hop VEN, die WE 8 pm. w : 1% pm. is pam. 00m 10.15 Ea (Z72)--Atlantic City. Indien pro Som. pr yes so vid i pm 10.30 kFCA (357)~Toronte, Concert ensem- ) pa pm, S&H pin. NEC System: Gold Strand 60pm 70pm 72pm BNpm to WEAR Wear "Wey Orhastis 80pm 05pm 940 pm. WLIT, WoC, WGR, WOW, WT, b 550 pm. 1010 pm. 104 pam. WSM," WEB WRC, WWJ, *_KSD, hy bed) $e i neh busses 10 KSTP, WKY, WIAR, WT, : WMC, WOAI, a WAG, KOA, SUNDAY AND MULIDAY SCHEDULE WCAH (209)-Columbus, Nat'l Guard West Program, wi Ww. 0h oon 8 Qrchest wee fon 5 WS (0)---Au 130 ie seattle w bi mL Smber Davenport, WFLA (33)=Clearwater. Feature pros 3 \ Fillmore's a | WPG ()~Atiaatic City. Novelty or. wa WAT gto, Jon, Ob t Nig fo 3 ales, Orchestra to , ater, Dance Ram. $9~Buffalo, Statler orchestra. Wi ; Hotel Ken. Music to WJZ, 3) k. Go arch RO Creveiarct en er rn 11.08 WOES ™{0)--Mpls, St. Paul, Erick. Y ra, . , Hart's O 'Toronto, Hart! Lh Dichestsa ert, Novelties also KEX (294)--~Chicago, Fiorito's orches, COAL COKE WOOD Limited Waterous-Meek UPTOWN OFFICER KOR (361)-Deaver, "An Indian Lodge." HOUSE PRESENTED T0 PROF. EINSTEIN Gift of City of Berlin on 50th Birthday Anni. Berlin, Mar, 20--While Profes- sor Albert Einstein, famous author of the theory of rélativity, fled to the seclusion of a friend's home in the suburbs to avoid the ovations accorded him on his fiftieth birth day, the City of Berlin honored its distinguished burgher by present- ing a house to him, One must live in Berlin, where the housing shortage, with the ex- ception of Moscow, is probably the | most acute in the world, to appre- ciate the magnitude of this gift, At any rate, it is said that the history of democratic -municipalities con- tains only one other example of such generosity, and that is the gift of a home by the City of Vien- na to Richard Strauss, the compos- er, The house which Berlin {s pre- senting to Einstein is located in a park at Neu-Cladow on the river Havel, not far from Potsdam, Hero the distinguished physcist will be able to enjoy the seclusion that he has longed for in Berlin and failea to get, Among the many honors and gifts showered upon Einstein, there were two which he appreciated above all others, according to his friends, One is the fund that has been raised by the Jewish National REO" AGE OR oun | § | ferred u THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1929 erusalem to be called Einstein Woods. Another is the endowment that has been raised i te Jewish Old Age Relief Soci to afford financial assistance to Jewish scholars and artists, This manner of honoring him found the cordial approval of Einstein, who has col- laborated closely in the work of the society since its establishemnt, Among the scientific honors con- n Einstein on the occa sion of his fiftieth birthday anni. versary is his election to honorary membership in the Natural Science Faculty of the University of Paris, Hundreds of letters, telegrams, and cablegrams have been pouring in at Einstein's Berlin home from all the world, Here they are piled in baskets, and will be read at his leisure, But although Professor Einstein has received congratulatory mess- ages from universities and academ- fes in almost every country and from prominent politicians liks Dr, Hermann Mueller, Chancellor of Germany, one congratulation is con- spicuously missing, President Paul Von Hindenburg, who has found time to send birthday greetings to every obscure Prussian general, hus abstained from sending any word to the distinguished scientist, REPORT 1,000 DEAD IN FLU EPIDEMIC Mysterious Disease in Al- bania Proves Devastating to Inhabitants Mar, 20--Re- Tirana, Albania, porfs of 1,000 deaths at Scutari 6 Rooms and Attic, Ome minute to Motors, brick, all conveniences, A Bargain for $700 cash Telephone 572-208 Night Calls 510-1560 cholera, apparently similar to what is known more commonly as intesfinal influenza, are causing alarm here, Because of inadequate medical | supplies, and the limited number of doctors, the disease is said to be spreading rapidly, Fearing that it may spread beyond Albania's frontiers, the neighboring states have instituted a rigid quarantine on ti border, WATER MAIN BURSTS DROWNING A MAN Montreal, Que,, Mar, 20--With a roar of a cataract, a thirty-inch water main burst in the cellar of the Montreal Laundry Company Limited, Busy Lane, yesterday, hurling hundreds of tons of water and rent for balance, DISNEY REAL ESTATE 20 King St, E, Phone 1550 damage to property for blocks around, The dead man is Lorenzo Peppe, 57 years of age, of 650 Richmond street, The body was removed to the morgue, FIVE WORKMEN BURNED BY METAL Die When Huge Crucible . Upsets Ton of Red Hot Liquid on Them alive yesterday through the acci- dental collapse of a huge crucible full of molten steel, A ton of red hot liquid metal poured over the vitims, of whose Prague, Czechosloyakia, Mar, 20 --Five workmen, including a fore- 80 Ki St. W. Foundation in America to plant f mysterious form of influen- | into the street, drowning one ma f th Witkowit Phones ne and 660 ay orn b Figen po of ua r symptoms of | and causing thousands of Prin of iPod in ghey i niga LA gstiss remained -- »---- - veny ~---- -- A ------------ ELLA CINDERS--A Lover's Complaint By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb BRASS Li.5 Pe. hg Coppight 1925; OH JOHN, d put SAY THAT! " READ OF A MAN J WHO ONCE HS NO, 1 oak | SWEETHEART THAT, AND IM CAME GAVE WM THE CATE LE DIO IS STILL PURSUING hig ub DIE=FIFTY-TWO YEARS ES ON WS Ly 738 LATER! __a wesrlo \ (4) 5 ls : u @ | hy, I : Q brain bear Jon és roaring on 4 20 way from the west ---- YEAR A THOU GRACIOUS, THIS NO TIME OF THE TO BE IN VTALNY: WHY SAND REASONS W/iHY SHE SHOLLD REMAIN HOME- | am 9.30 a.m. hi a.m, a, m 122 pm 218 pm 20 pm is W. A. oa sis ba x pa. : OPTOMETRIST bE Laem LHe wom 23Y/, Simcoe St. North East ' . oS - Hundreds of people weer i iS em WXem 1D Hg " Hare's Faultiess Lenses Pm. pm. .N p.m 8 om 30 ba Fred ---- pm Spm 53pm 645pom JWpm JXNpm 8465pm Wem ISNpm ees jis pm. 1.30 pm. 128 pm e ros Hospital . , ® 7 he LEADING JEWELER 'ished 1886 Estab 12 Simcoe St. South till fs Repuis gost CONGER * Concer Lemes CoarCo Lvrren J. H.R. LUKE Phones 871 -- 931 -- 687-W Manager. hit, Fon by | ne rE ---- THE YIORK OF THE FRENCH NOVELIST PROSPER MERIMEEDIZET 15 HOM CLASSED 45 THE SACATESY NM -------_ trf(ud tL OPERATIC GENUS THAT FRANCE 5 PRO- DUCED. HE WAS BOR IY 1838 AND DIED AY THE AGE OF 57 BEFORE TE ORD HAD RECOGNIZED 15 6EYIUS. CARMEN TS FIRST PRODUCED IS PARES MAR 3087, . TILLIE THE TOILER-Thirteen's Lucky for Some I ---- cian, refere seases uw ence hone ira } eon, ence, St. 0 DR. C Surge: infant reside DRI cian ven theop) 2050, | Reside 2416. DR. I L. R, Physi fan, O 8020, Phone DPR, | cialist coe 8 Simeo Ear, DR F Street office Store p.m, | of dis only. drug [ Eye, DR, B over } 10 to appoin Reside fll Al le i

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