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Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Mar 1929, p. 11

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Fl Laat) § -e = lg [ED ~~ meets IGTION,. 4 AGE ELEVEN CONANT ANNTS BARRISTERS » Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. Con- eneral pract of | ronto) veyancing and "ame eo 74 Sieog St doh, Oshawa, ea North. Phone 3754F, (139+t8) BA. I.LB.: AF Annis BA. LL8 HERBERT C, TREUNEER ORGAN: ist and choirmaster of King street ww ith) United Church will APU, pupils in ird 'plana, organ and vocal music, i h Nowy fou Bul loan, ilding. it, hen uilding Opposite Voices alte free. 63 Drew St. of Commerc Bui Ix Get JOHN, OHN H, RENW GAN « TF HANGAN: choirmaster Simcoe United .. Solicit AN ta Public, a ctor | - A Office 14 14 Charen. Teacher of piano, >| cal. Studio at the church Ki] King St. East," Oshawa, Phone BOW. Residence phone 837. Connaught St. Phone A banjo, Harry Wagner, Toronto teacher at Harris Music Store, 11 Simcoe St, 8, Five free lessons given on instruments sold, (Feb, 26-May 26) ul CREIG! visters, Conveyancers, Notaries ube Ro ay Ofte ie Si Boone Phon we 5 coe e v EX sraon, K.O, T, K. Orelghton, Solicitor, Notary, "ove Dewland's DA Store, 16 Simcoe street north, Phone 67. Residence 3206W, Agency in t Fire e- Se asl Fire Companies, (118tf) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R, N, Johns, 80 Simcoe north, Your insurance wants attended to and vour interests protected, INSURANCE--USHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Local agents for one of the best English companies, Of fice 38 Simcoe St. (86-tf) Transportation CARTAGE, . MOVING, GRAVEL references to maternity work and di-| sand ana cinders, Local and 100g seases of women. Two years' post| distance hauling, Phone 3048 and fone uate experience, Office and resi-| 2192F, Smith and Cox, 44 Bond St, ence A Simcoe St. N,, (cor. Brock) | Ww 2 i. PHYSICIAN, SUR- Six Buicks added for service, Li ooh, Accoucher, Office and resi-| ty, service and Courtesy our motto, ence, King St. East, 0 corner Victoria Bi Phone 678, (65h) St_Oshawa, Phone 94 COLEMAN CARTAGE snd STOR. "GRANT BEKRY, PHYSIC age. 85 Bond St. West. Phone Biyacon, Contra, digvaet 48 rcks for promt sevice Moving residence, 97 Bond Fast. Phone 1185. yan an orig . Surshouse Bie 4 DR. B, J, HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI-| from' al) trains. (6811) cian snd Surgeon, special attention | ECE EES rel iven to. X-ray work and Elector Cartag e, local i long distance ov theopy, OF Office, Disney Block. Phone rl A Rh Ih Ag of jstance Jag ce open Y am. to 9 p.m, Residence 161 King East ARVMSTRONG'S a HOUR TAXI 2416. tf) | service! Phone 678, Also local and DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D,, C.M,,| long distance movings, L. R C FV and 8 Edinburgh, (Mar, 18-Apr, 18) A 4 4 " plsters, etc, Money to loan. Alger Bldg, Opposite Post Office, Phone 1614, A, J. Parkhill, A, C, H, Field A P S, BAR- risters, Solicitors, etc, 24% Sim- coe St, N, Phone 8160, Money to Joan. (26tf) Medical DR. HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon. Obstetrician, Special Physician, Surgeon and Obstetric- fan, Office 143 Simcoe St, N, Phooe Beauty Parlors 8020, residence 161 King St. B, BETTY TOU PERMANENT Phone 3155. (Des, 31tf) DPR, ALVIE BE, STEWART, SPE- cialist in surgery, Office 142 Sim~ coe street North. Resid 166 Simeoe street North, Phone pi Ear, Nose, Throa* Specialist DR F. T, BRYANS OF 160 50 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & ells Dri Store each Saturday, from 1 till p.m, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments may be wade at drug store. Phone 97. 49-tf) drug store Phone 7 (49th) Eye, Eur, Nose and Tiros SON, OFFICE , P, RI over Mitchell's a Store, Hours 10 to 12 a.m, 2 to 5. Evenings by Wave Shop. Permanent nt wave: special $6.00, Marceling, oY Wolly, Simcoe street north Phone 2 PERMANBENY WAVING (DOES not need Finger Waving), $7.60, Evalyne Branch, 111 Colborne St East. Phone 608). (69-1) EXPERT MARCELLING BY ent Wave Shop. Marcel and sham- poo $1 Phone 2968, (34t1) WATSON'S BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina Bt, We specialize in ladies' hair cutting, marcelling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 50 cents, For appointments phone 2653, (Mar, 12-Apr 12) Money to Loan sppointment, Office 'phone 2660, Residence, 4327, (91) Fh AND DFARM [OAKS # PRO: field, Barriators, ete, Alger Blog, Dental Phone 1614. (491) DK 5. J. PRICLIPS, DENTIST, MONEY T0 LOAN ON FIRST office over Bassetts'. Phone. 959; | mortgages. Apply Louis 8, Hyman, Residence 306. 4-1 yr.| Barrister, 16 Simcoe street. north, D A A, TisT,| Oshawa, © 7 (4410) 87 King street.east, Alzer building, Phone 2860. Evenings by appoint- Relating sid Decaitling ment. (48t0) DR. H. M, CUD COE ST. Roth over Mi Ys Drug Store. | expe. ng; ete, se. Tota years or extraction. a a Co er street. Phone ok LE HUBBELL" DENTIST, | 26/W. (45-tf) itrous gas rac. 4 ECORATING tions. O > Kore Bank Bldg. LR pW Work Phone 948. sesidence. gusranieed. Estimstes gives. DR. J. VF. 13 | Phone 942W. 135 Brock east Simcoe St. N., ever Dewland's. Phone 1957. Resi, 292W. Evenings by appointment. (July tf) Deny Thins ¥ Bldg, Pho a0 , e ne THE OSHAWA PAINTERS ~-- POMERY, AUCTIONEER, Phone 1013M. Mar, 8-Apr. 8) street north. Phones 219) snd 210W. service (1070) Second Hand Dealer Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman- | BR. SECOND HAND DEALER. FUR- niture bo: and sold. 186 Bloor St. East. 1617M. MES. PENTLAND, SPIRELLA Managiug Corsetiere, Spirella Shop ER Flrin St BE Phone 936. Watch Repairing FA" YON GUNITEN. EXPERI Swiss watchmaker, repair shop fants' Layettes for le I; nt, 44% King Street West. Your Md 381 Jaryis St, Phone 27 souage 1s solicited. 2) (ac, 15-Ar. 15) Real Estate for Sale and Land Co. Lots on o's vou Ofice 38 Simeos street for sale on_pay i attest. Extended sun ixtures install. led. Cable for i Stove. New- vi papered throughout, Divided con- A cellar. Laundry tubs, Apply 241 Grooms Ave, vate) street. All conveniences, A real buy $3,600, Phone 1637W, or aw, house on paved street, Modern cone veniences, centrally located, Apply Box "O" Oshawa Dally + FOR SALE CHEAP--COMFORT- able six roomed cottage, half acre of land, good barn, driving shed, first-class hen house and runway. Apply BE, E, Embury, Port Perry, Ont, (641) ) NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION GREATEST HOME BARGAIN EVER OFFERED IN OSHAWA! Daily all this week starting Tues- day from 4 to 6 p.m, this splendid home at 643 Hortop Ave., will be open for inspection, and if you're interested in buying a house at a good many hundred dollars under the market make sure to see this, The terms of sale are in keeping =| with the price--just like rent! Six rooms and bath, square plan, ex- ceptionally well-built and fully modern, large lot--these are just a few of the features, The rest will reveal themselves to you when you visit it. Go direct to premises any at Engels, 21 Bond St, W. day this week between 4 and p.m, Phone 295 for nd to see this home hour, (65¢) FOR BSALB-- BBVEN ROOM house, All conveniences. Side drive and garage, South east of city, Five minutes run from G.M.C, A snap for quick sale, or would, let to responsible party, Phone 2376W, (65¢) FOR SALE -- THREE BUILDING Lots, or exchange for good used car or what have you to offer? 310 Al- bert St. (66h) FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, Centre hall plan, seven rooms and bathroom, Hardwood floors through- out, Chestnut trim, panel beam ceil- ing, brick fireplace, built-in bookcases $ | in large living room, Large tiled kit- chen with built-in cupboards, ironing board and laundry chute; built-in lin- en press, Garage, Phone builder 2829w, evenings, (66h) FOR SALE--LOTS ON 169, 179, 189, 199 Huron St, Apply Mrs. N, Han- son, 34 Lennox St., Toronto, (66f) K SEMI-DETACHED Seven rooms, all conveniences, Gar- age, Brock St, East, Oshawa. Apply Roy E. Thompson, Myrtle Station, Phone 120-32 Port Perry. (M.W.S. Apr, 15) FOR SALE--BRICK BUNGALOW, five rooms, all conveniences, good garage, side drive; on paved street. 500 for quick sale. Arlington ps CASH, ONE HUNDRED DOL- lars per year buys a ten acre fruit, truck and poultry farm with good buildings; handy to tewn, railroads and canning, factories, Box 9 Brigh- ton, Ont, (67a) BOWN REAL Phone 2746 6% Prince St. 8 room brick, all modern conven- fences, chestnut trim, divided cellar, very central, $6,000, 7 room, rug brick, all conveniences, hot water héating, garage, on paved street, central, $51 J 6 room, brick, every convenience, garage, paved street, close to High chool and General Motors, $4,700. Above houses sold on easy terms. (67¢c ARA 1 8, Exceptionally well located, fn prosperous Ontario town of 3,500; good desler franchise with leading company; steady service and pair business; Duco plant, mi h ine shop, etc.; owner desiring to retire; will consider any reason- able offer. Full particulars. Box "gs Oshawa Daily Times, (Mar, 20-23-25) solid brick on Louisa St, For par-| ticulars phone Oshawa df | Rates for | | Classified Ads. | First insertion--13§ cents por word, Minimum charge--30e, Bach sulsedusnt insertion le per word. Three consecutive inser. tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Box number 10c additional Professional or Business Cards, $250 per month for idly) isis Rp or lass; 10 a word per month ig phd additional word, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 i Ask for Classified Ad De. | partment Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load, Also bone dr, body wood. Waterous-Meek limited, Phone 1288, (Apr. 20tf) TWO SEAL COATS, FOR BALE One size 38, $49.50, regular $100, Squirrel trimmed; sized 40, $89.50, regular $150, Last two seal coats (54tf) FIRST CLASS GRAVEL AND sharp sand for concrete, Also loam at any other|g..nq for filling purposes, Deliver- ed anywhere in city, Joseph Heard and Sons, Whitby, Phone 39, (Mar, 7-April 7) YOUR DRIVEWAYS now, Gravel, sand and cinders, Prompt service, Prices reason- able, Phone 2873W. J. Pigden, 97 Colborne St, E, Mar 13-Apr.13) FIX UP if | tive rooms all latest conveniences lana shower baths. For further par- | Grier, Phone 2089J, | Grier, Phone 2989J, For Ret MODERN APARTMENTS North Simcoe St., Simcoe Manor and ° Buckingham Manor. South Simcoe St. Victoria Apts. Four and including, Electrio refrigeration, stoves, and fixtures, laundry rooms, with Bleetric Dryers, incinerator, ticulars, Apply Your Local Agent or Janitor on Premises, The Trusts and Guarantee Co, Ltd,, Mana for Owner, Toronto, Apply Mr, (111tf) FOR RENT-- FURNISHED FOUR roomed suite in Victoria Apts, 8Y1 Simcoe St, South, Apply bu George", 804 Simcoe St, 8, Bvery modern convenience, ° Telephone |S 16560 or see Disney, 29 King St, East. (40te) TO RENT. A house, Westmount Lodge Garden, Phone 1400, (66¢) FARM TO 0 Highway, Westmount. Good build- ings, Phone 1400, (66¢) TWO UNFUR D R 8 rent, All conveniences, Apply 266 Halg St, (66¢c) TO RENT-- CLEAN, BRIGHT furnished bedrooms, Swit married couple or gentlemen, One block from Motors office, Apply 69 Divi- sion St, TWO FRONT ROOMS TO RENT on ground floor, Fireplace, Close to Motors, Phone 265517, (66¢) FOR RENT -- COMF A bedroom, Apply 238 Golf St, Phone 1841M, (66c) FIVE ROOM HEATED FLAT TO rent, 287 Division St, (85¢) TWO OR THREE ROOMS TO vent, Phone 3127W, (66¢c) THREE FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, Bedroom, dining room and kitchen, $20 a month, Apply Mrs, Wilson, 217 Celina St. Phone 2134J, (66¢) TO RENT -- THREE ROOM UN- (66c) | A. ing, hairdressing. nto emale firm has an opening for a young lady who ia looking for a per manent position where intelligent, conscientious service will be ap- preciated. Good appearance and experience in meeting the public important, Stenography desirable, Apply in first instance by letter, giving full particulars of experi- ence, if any, references, etc, to Box "P" Times, (63tr) ANTED AT = GIRL FOR general housework, capable of taking ull charge in: small family, Apply Box 497, or phone 493, Bowmanyi he 0 0 take full charge of housekeeping. Good home, Apply 86 Simcoe St, N, Phone 2968, (66b) SALESLADY WANTED--EXPER- ience absolutely necessary. Appl. 19% Simcoe St, N. y (68a f OMAN W, FOR chen work, Must have a little knowledge of cooking to assist chef, Apply Commercial Hotel, ) (67d for light housework. Apply 303 Bond St, E (87¢) Help Wanted--Male WANTED -- PIANO SALESMEN, Apply Luke Furniture Company, af- ter 7 am, (66¢ ITIOUS, D men allowed fifty cents an wouy, learning best paying trades, En» gineering, electricity, garage worky chauffeuring, bricklaying, barber Literature free, Write ----' Dominion Goyernment Chartered Trade Schools, King West, Toronto, Ontario, (Wed, & Sat., Mar, 30) WANTED EXPERIENCE farm hand married, Apply Roy Bonnetta, Phone 168-15 or Whitby Post Office, (67a) Every convenience, YOUNG MAN WANTED FOR sales work. High school education preferred. Permanent position with good future, Alger Press Limited, (67¢) furnished flat, Apply 322 Jarvis St, Phone 2522w. SS Position Wanted HARDWOOD FLOORS LAM BY EXPERT MECHANICS O14 floors finished like new. Storm windows, combination doors, General Contractors. B. W. HAYNES 6 St. WwW, King Phone 481, 89 Simcoe St. N. Phone 227 LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES and TRUCKS ALL MAKES Quickest Service and Lowest Rates Avail- able. Solve your ready cash problew. Greer &Humphreys 24%; Simcoe St. N. Phone 3160 Open Evenings V. A. Henry Insurance & Loans Simcoe St, § i, 1198W----Office 1858) --Residence For Your Drug THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St, 8~~We Deliver ] 1927 Star Six Sedan ROSS, AMES & | GARTSHORE CO, | Hudson-Essex Distributors 9 Prince St, Oshawa Fhone 1100 Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner FOR SALE--BICYCLES, USED and new reduced $12 up, Cash and terms, Williams Cycle Store, 12 Athol St, W, (66¢) FOR SALE--GOOD BRIGHT seed, Two Moore, Columbus, R.R, No, 8, (66¢c) FOR SALE--NEW 8 PIECE DIN- ing room suite, will sacrifice for half price for cash, 317 Gliddon Ave., up- stairs, (66¢) FOR SALE--TWO BIG LEATHER Chairs, good as new; also bed couch, nearly new. Apply 16 Brock St. W. (66¢) FOR SALE -- HEINTZMAN CO. Pianos, new and used; also radios, latest' models, terms arranged, C, Trull, Oshawa, Phone 553). yd (Mar, 19-Apr. 19) TWO SIMMONS BEDS AND BED pillows. Nearly new. Phone 2382W, (66c) WALLPAPER AND PAINTS, MOST complete stock in Oshawa, Muffitt (65tr) ONE 350-EGG BUCKEYE INCU- bator, one 500-chick coal brooder, slightly used; cheap. 'Harry D, Wil- son Hardware, 23 King St. W. (67b) FOR SALE--GRAY STROLLER. Almost new, Apply 83 Warren avenue, (87h) FOR SALE -- QUANTITY OF sweet clover, White Blossom. Phone 1648 r 13, (Mar. 20-Apr. 20) Room and Board BOARDERS AND ROOMERS WAN- ted, Apply 331 Kingsdale, Phone 1479M, (BTL) BOARD AND ROOM, ALL CON- venfences. 278 Albert St. (65¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO entlemen. Apply 312 Kingsdale Ave. hone 1842w. (66¢) NICE BRIGHT ROOM WITH board in private family, north end; Phone 613m. (67h ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlenien, private family, home con- veniences; also garage. Phone 1033m. Close to Motors, 366 Division St , 67¢c Pets and Live Stock dr dl indi Js oli oe et ane Ve i ol ) | and Park, 82 Simcoe St. pe Te) Wanted to Buy all kinds of meta, scrap batteries, Sah and. Dou try. Goods ries 0 for, Phone son Residence 99 Mill St. (13442) _{ POULTRY WANTED, -- PAYING highest prices. Extra good price fat hens, Call Whitby 81, (Mar, 12-A 12) Ei to buy six room house. Small cash payment. Balance as remt. Mod- ern. No agents, Box "D" Oshawa Daily Times. (66e) Work Wanted RE-UPBOLSTERING, CHESTEE- (yw elds made to onder, We sae you ou money. Estimates free. G. - ud : (56tF) i i, for and delivered 75c. If rental Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill street. Phone sipped $i. 1885W. (Mar. 8-Apr. 6) J. BEVAN, 175 KING ST. WEST-- installed, Gumey Fi Witiaces | eave- troughing, etc. work guaranteed, rea- sonable prompt. attention. Phone ol P (Mar. ly 20) Ww. -- CAPABLE young man desires work fimmedi- ately on farm in mear wicipity of this city. Steady, non-smoker. Good references. Phone 723 r 11. 1672) ARD AND FREEMAN, BUENA esta Dark, Oshawa, breeders and : Light Sussex ' Poultry, eggs for sale; also stock. Hatching 5s (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) row harley, Jas, E. | FOR RENT -- TWO ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, heat and water, $15 a month, Apply 63 Cadillac Ave, (66h SINGLE ROOM TO RENT -- PRI- vate home, Close to Motors, Phone 2485w, (66b TO RENT--FURNISHED DOUBLE bedrooms with separate beds. Apply 122 Simeoe St. N. + (66c) BEDROOM SUITABLE FOR ONE gentleman, Breakfast if desired, Phone 2524W, 3564 Kingsdale Ave, 166c) TO RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, 99 Wood St. Phone 1944), (66¢c) TO RENT--BIX ROOMED HOUSE All modern conveniences, Quarter mile out of limits, reasonable rent. Apply Garnet Cochrane, R. R. 3, Oshawa, or second house *west Park Rd, on Base Line south side, (66h) : NURSING -- PRACTICAL NURSE with hospital experience. would like work, willing to assist with light household duties, Phone 2598f, be- tween 8 and 9 p.m. '(66c) Lost and Found LOST--SMALL POLICE PUP, RE- ward on return to Mrs, C, R. Love- kin, Newcastle. (66b) PURSE FOUND CONTAINING LUMBER F.L, BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard. Phone Oshawa 324 Whitby 12 sum of money, Owner pl 140 Church St., prove property and pay for ad, (66 LOST--WHITE GOLD WRIST watch with initials "D.E.K." on back, Sunday evening between 140 Church St, and Catholic Church, Finder please phone 841J, ST-- TERRI PUP, black and white. Answers to the pame of Jiggs. Finder please h 380. . (67a) ROOM FO RENT, ONE OR TWO | gents. Also garage, North end of town. Phone 1811M, (66¢c) OFFICE TO RENT -- HEATED rooms, two offices and waiting- roonr, Phone 188, Felt Bros, 12 Simcoe St. S. (M.W.F.) 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS por rent, near Motors, Reasonable, Apply 300 Leslie St. (67¢) FOR RENT -- SIX ROOM HOUSE, electric, fas furnace. For particulars hone 3195j, (67¢c) FOR RENT -- SIX. ROOM HOUSE garage, stable, garden, possession at once. Opposite Union Cemetery, Ap- ply 163 Colborne St. E. (67¢) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS to rent, hardwood floors, new house, all conveniences, 317 Gliddon Ave. (67¢) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS to rent in new home; all conyenien- ces. Apply 131 Roxborough Avenue, corner Colborne. (67¢c GARAGE TO RENT--PHONE Z% (4 M TO R IN A' i 24 Prince St. (67¢c) FOR J (¢) F ed rooms; $18 a month. Near Mot- ors. Phone 1503W. (67b) Wanted to Rent three furnished rooms by April 15. Must be central. Box "W" Osh- awa Daily Times. (66c) WANTED TO RE house, Paved street. Modern. Care- ful 'tenant, April first. Box "€" BARRED ROCKS AND WHITE Wyandottes, trapnested. Robi headed by registered and R.O.P. Myansed males. Records: 261, 51, 239, 235, 224; Prices $2.50, $2.25, $2.00, $1.50, per 15 eggs. Pen run $8.00 per 100, Wyandot- tes Exhibition and Utility $2.00 per 15. 10 per cent, deposit with order. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Edgell, North Oshawa, Oshawa P.O. (Mar. 2-Apr. -2) SALE--TANCRED STRAIN, Wife Leghorns; bredoisy Barred Rocks, Haishing efes, a hicks, Started chic s and Pullets, 72%r21. Vireit N. Aig?) vy 3-, 15) SAAN 1% years. (862) Al eld Pedigree, 102 Bruce St. Motor Cars FOR SATE=FORP TON TRUCK (2% with gravel box. Good con- dition. Apply 296 Pine avenue. - Oshawa Daily Times, * (66c) WANTED TO RENT -- HOUBE for seven, Three boys working. Call 551W after five. (87¢) For Seale or Exchange i SA four roomed brick house, Motors, paved street, good used car as down payment. Enlonee as rent, Apply 274 Fieneh (86¢) Roomers Wanted Ww, D--TWO Gi near Lig- front room. Apply 115 Brock Et. E. or phone 2968. (66h) y | got St. doy of April 1929, men roomers. Private home, Bright | eas Building Material SALE OF GLAZED BASH, Frames, Doors, Flooring, Roofing, Shingles, Paint, Hardware, Wall- board, Haying Outfits, Ladders, Metal Siding, ete., made up during winter mopths at lowest costs and now offered direct to users at fac- tory distributors prices, Special Free Sale Catalog. Address Halli- day Company, 14 Halliday Bulld- ing, Hamilton, (Wed. & Sat. till Mar, 23) inch cement block anil brick. 192 Alice St. Phone 2043J, (Mar.20-Apr. 20) IN TI Cleaning and Pressing NORMAN LAMBERT --D, cleaning and pressing. Goods called for and delivered, Phone 523. 66 Ba- * (Mar, pa 19) Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD a. by business girl. Appl Box "R' Osh. awa Daily i mos, PY 665) LL NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Evans Glover, late of the Town- ship of East Whitby, in the Coun- ty of Ontario, widow, ' deceased, Who did OB OF SOUL cihe 28th day of March 1928 are motified to send to the undersigned Solicitors or Edgar Glover the Administra- tor on or before Thursday (ue 12th day of April 1929, their names and and full particulars of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any)' held by them duly verified by statutory declaration, Immediately after the said 12th the assets of the said deceased will be distrib- uted among the parties entitled thereto regard only to the haying claims of which it shall then have notice Dated March 19th, 1929. Messrs. Grierson & Creighton, Solrs. for Edgar Glover, ator. (67-78-84) Tire Repairing ALL Ribs OF TIRE REPAIRING at ideal re wes hy (26) famieson Bros 438 Hospitals (85¢) Piano Tuning PIANO TUNER--NEIL YELLOW- lees will be in town every week end Orders left at Harris Music Store. Phone 1490, i (Mar. 19-Apr. 19) REGISTERED NURSE BOARDS patients requiring , Very reasonable. I Phone Whitby 350. Whitby Po. ate Hospital. Drinks Divinferiom, Dies Soon After Montreal, Que., Mar. 20--C. M. Hollingsworth, 56, of Basubenvillc, Ohio, vice-president of the Ohio Valley Clay Company, died here a few minutes after he had faken - drink of strong Glsigfectant by mistake. An inquest be held when relatives arrive from Steub-1 Feb. 21-Mar. 21) | en ? (86c) {fl _ DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store Corner King and Prince Cash or Terms Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Sh 161 King St, W. Phone 1214 Phone 193 W. J. SARGANT Yard---80 Bloor Street B. Orders Promptly Delivered EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of; The Eyes in Modern Life \ Optometry Feature Service iy 'our Eyes and Health { Eye Care and Eye Strain Disney Block 2 1516--Phone~1516 -_ Near City~ 5 acres with good 7 room house, barn and chicken house, on Gove t Highway. Bnap at 84.900, Terms given, LYCETT.. ] 25 King St, E, Phone Office DESIRABLE TO RENT About 1,200 Square Feet Heat, Light, Centrally Located Apply Box "N" Oshawa Patty Times andJanitor CANADA FACING SHRINKAGE OF ITS POPULATION So Claims H. H. Stevens in Budget Debate in the Commons Ottawa, March 20.--Canada 'fs faced with a shrinkage of popula- tion which is "appalling", accord- ing to Hon. H. H. Stevens, Conser- vative member for Vancouver Centre, who spoke in debate on the budget in the House of Com- mons yesterday. "From 1921 to 1928 we lost in numbers all the immigrants who came to Canada, im addition to 240.000 of our native-born," as- serted Mr. Stevens. The persistent shrinkage in population was a challenge to the =zovernment and to varlizieat. Mr. Stevens elaborated his state- ment with figures obtained, he said, from official sources. In 1921, be stated, the census showed the population of Canada as 8,788,000. From that year up to 1928 a total of 962,000 immigrants came to the dominion. Births during the per- iod numbered 1,939,000. The three added r made a total of 11,689,000. From this figure Mr. Stevens deducted the total number of deaths during the period from 1921 to 1928, which he placed at 824,000. This gave him the fig- ure of 10,865,000 people. . "If the immigration policy of this country had been wise and successful we should have in Can- ada today, including our natural increase, 10,865,000 souls," said Mr. Stevens. "But what is our population according to the bur- eau of statistics. Our actual popu- lation is 9,655,000, and if we deduct that from the figure I gave a momedt ago we have an actual shrinkage of 1,200,000 people in the last six or seven years. This is mot a question of figures; fit is Pg ad fact confronting the counm- "Beau Geste"" has been produced as a play in London. PA : Ri | urged titled milk the bt ish hi ing ol drive,

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