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Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Mar 1929, p. 12

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LEVEN ple in a . This ] fit is coun- SAP BH Better Milk ' Pigton,--Dr, Garfie! latt, ad- dressing the we that milk re Brockville, -- The canvassers tor the building fund of the new par- ish hall of St. John's Church, Prescott, have succeeded in rais- ing ober $15,000 in their four-day drive, vor Pasteurization Kingston, -- The Kingston and | District Milk Producers' Associa- tion approve of a provincial act making the pasteurization of milk used for domestic purposes com- pulsory throughout Ontario, Car Recovered: Lindsay,--A Nash car was stol- [ en from Mr, Roy Webster, Oak- wood, over the week-end, Mr, | local young man, was knocked 'Webster noticed his loss yesterday minutes he was telephoned rrom Toronto and notified that his car had been recovered, Have Raised ialeed $15,000 Fai Col, Ingall Appointed Ottawa," -- The appointment of Picton Kiwanis Club, | Col. C. M' Ingall A SupeHiniandont of the Kev Lins entered only pasteurized or cer- of the excise tax collec! milk: be 'used for the Picton department ' of * National has been appro Service: Commission, Chimney Fire Lindsay.--A chimney fire at the home of Fred Avterkirke, An street, gave the fire brigade a |, 0. "5 the Brockville District short run yesterday morning at |? ie about '9.30 o'clock, Vegetable Growers cause much trouble or damage, rich} of Ogdensburg, expects this year to 'be again in command of the ferry steamer Charotte Hous wkhich ' plies . between u e Landing, N.P., and Aultsville, Ont, | the west side city bus had the mis ol Coin r ola None night, John F, Sowards entertain- ed Hon, Charles McCrea and a num- ber of friends at his home, and a very interesting feature of the ga- thering was the presentation of a portrait of Mr. McCrea to the dis- Broke Ribs When He Fell ,. | tinguished visitor, The portrait Davison, | was painted by Miss Patricia So- Moira street, had the msifortune | wards, the host's daughter, "Knocked Down by Car Kingston, -- William McRae, down by an auto at the corner of | dered useless, and notified Toronto, Within 15 | Sydenham and West streets, For- tunately, the auto was not travell- ing very fast, and the young man escaped without injury. a. Bid Curate Farewell ~~ Prescott.--~A large number of | te the men of St. Mary's in the Knights of Col ther Donohue, curate of the par- ish here for some time, who has been transferred to Gananoque, A -- Drydock Busy Kingston.--The steamer Reyait eveuuy, mpany iby. the Civil] over a total of thirteen vessels|Years: that have entered this dock for re- pairs since the close of navigation. 1 Comrse this week. Umbrella Burned on Bus Belleville.--~A lady passenger on fortune to have an umbrella de- stroyed. The article was placed a' | too near a register with the result that it caught fire and was ren- Belleyille, -- Robert to fracture a number of ribs yes- afternoon, + when he slip rel moe and fell, what hub the Boas. h n nded an uce rooms to say farewell to Rev. ¥u~| the $itegn at a and BINS Citizen Dies Falls, --Following: 11} health os about three years' dura- tion, William Knapp, a highly -es- t the a Seemed Sitisen 38 Mezrichville, | clon passed away at his home here Sat» kot the, King Ris. tobuinding urday morning at the age. 'ot 13 Ir ------ Donations to "¥" Belleville.--~The Board of Direc- tors of the Belleville Y.M.C.A, re- Brockville.--~Under the joint aus- |. ceived at their last meeting a com- munication J de glesutor ; Association | the estate o e late es L. Y. It did not | J/ 3" ve Ontario Department of | and R. B, Hatt that each had di Agriculture, a special short course | rected that $500 be given to the Roosters in fruit and vegetable growing and | Y-M.C.A, to assist in carrying on To Somand Ferry their Christian character-building Brockville--Captain John Good-' Poultry Taising la being beld here program with the boys and young men of Belleville, Minister Receives Portrait Kingston.--Following a Knights Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets ||: RODUCE AT NEW YORK March 20,~] utter, cas easy; re. TORONTO PRODUCE QuoTATIONS ew ont ce, "gaivered are Yay ig the ° THEQSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1929 244 cases a year ago. Deferred deliveries Sclusod Bn, were sf gt eggs, 648; foil Ontario oat heavy oats in fre: April storage RES, 74; 3, lots, 50 to Sic, f.o.b, ping p points. lov. eggs, new, 20; April atario o food w milling wheat, Bi 2) Iie butter, 5; March butter, | poin tg rs ts, $1.30 to 7: De. butter, 34. foie Salis, 7 : pot market--Butter, hi 48¢c; heats © ts 3 phic 47 1.2c; tone unsettled. Eggs, oi 3 565 frets, E3 tone firmer, anitoba Flour--First patents, in 15,5¢ i. Logue hi 934 to 48" 1c; extrg i" her than extras, a versy La. Market draggy, Ii firsts (8 2 9 of 1% to rs by done bet ter iv ill es rh sal Row, mari. 3 : = Song ic ta Soci in fres) firsts, 30c nT Cheese, 'steady; Iss a, og, 'sirable, 160 to 230 = hd poy 2.50; $7.70, Toronto; second patents, in jute, EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK Flour utalo, March, 2. Tlogi~Receipts. Png er 'barre' 502% % per cent pas TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Local wholesale h: dealers Tegutas: receipts, SLESE All ed offering sold $12.25; packing "sows, | are" making ds to Churning Br ee Special, LY "No. 1, 46¢c; $10.50 to igs and undefweights cen. d at T No, 2, 43, Sh -- ne at No. 1 timothy, loose, per ton $19.00 to $20.00 Cheese--No, 1 large, Soret, parafiined MONTREAL PRODUCE Cartle-R eho. steady, Cutter cows, | No. 1 timothy, baled +.vvvsoer N and government gr "2. Montreal, March 20.~The weakness 'that $30 to 4.5. No, 2, do. 1300 14.00 Live Dressed | developed in the local butter Bea , 200, Vealers about steady; | No. 3' 4 "do. 1.00 13.00 Chickens, J pounds desrearees 33 02. day was more pronounced today and Yo ay on in-between grades; good | Lower grades 00 9.00 Do, 4 to 35 lbs, 28- were reduced another 1.2¢ per pound, Phe ta choice, $18 to $18.50; cull and comman, §10 Wheat, Wie rte 2- was attributed to the increased selling ROEM Oats Straw <eeeesese wees 900°... HE Ko 5 Ibs, sees Do, 400 5 1a rerrrrsnaes gooked hams, 35 to breakfac Ibs, $21; 70 to 90 and up, $18; lightweig] $11,50; heavyweight ol phils, 16 1-20; TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Totonto wholesale dealers are quoting the following prices to the trade: Smoked meats--Hams, mediy sure, ther for the pected. Receipts were 3, 34 32 » o open "wea the 27 |of the 3 Fn and the A of .a_ larger 20 [fodder make earlier than was generally ex- 4 403 An 20 25 32 30 La Ig cep oi, 100, Undettone weak; not cacy to (gst market, TORONTO HIDES AND WOOL Toronto wholesale Sealers in hides and % TORONTO GRAIN IN QUOTATIONS wools are quoting prices XR shi as PE a Vert RL ced co th Toe Bord of | le "Cr Hit go EE ad id 1 casess Trade are the g brands, 6c; country hides, i, 9c; cured, es: Cheese--Westerns, 22 1.2 to for. car lots: 9 1-2 to 10c; calf Skins, green, lic; do, putter, Now 1, 'pusteuriseds 41 34 to Wel) To Meniteby Wh sured: 14 14 3% ogte kx oH 31 1-2, A 4 ' $43 Eggs, resh extras, 43c; fresh firsts, dlc, No, 3 northern; $1.28, lo. 2, $3; No, 3; $2, r per No, /4 'wheat, $1.24 1.2, d, flat rate, py op an rejects, Bs CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES No. 5 wheat, $114, per pound; vices, 15¢ x . bound, Tallow m, 27 to 2c; | Chicago, March 20.~March butter futures | No. 6 wheat, 97 1-2, cake, 7 § z » 71 5, in bare oked rolls, 2c; saw some spirited selling on Je Chicago Feed wheat, 87 1.2. rels, $6 to wi od Gi d. Bay ports. Price on ar bacon, 50 t 810; 2 to 200 o 7 in Sparre: | a are per barrel, | about normal and the spot easier except in Lard--Pure tierces, 1c; R45 16 to 16 1-2¢c, | top grades, March fresh. ints, 16 1.2 to 17c, Short- ening, tierces, 13 3-4 to 14 3-4c; tubs, 14 1-4c, pails, 14 3.4c; tins, 16 3-4c; Pork loins, 28 to 30c; New ork shoulders 2lc; pork butts, 2c; pork 26¢, weaker levels, Some of the tradi an was pro. uli '1c higher than above), bably switching to postpone very Belleville, -- A Telephone pole dut Manitoba Oats was broken by a motorist yester. age so far this season compared wi eastern buying Yas again noticeable, «The | No 1 feeds 55 3.4c. egg futures sold strong with the price above the previous close much of the time, Receipts were mod. rints, 15 3.4c, | erate and the spot firnt, markets show only 26,467 cases put in stor. th 207,» | (Delivered Toronto.) The 26 leading day 'afternoon near Bay side wnen his car went out of control, Both front wheels, lights and bumpers on the car were broken. The car was brought to a local garage for repairs. 0, , 53 3-4c. (c.i.f. Goderich and Bay ports.) No. 2 veliow; kiln dried, $1.10, No, 3 yellow, kiln dried, $1.07 1.2, No. 4 yellow, kiln dried, $1.05 1-2, Millfeed, delivered Montreal freights, bags Printed Silk All New 12 PAIRS ONLY SAMPLE NOVELTY BLOOMERS /A very high grade quality in fancy stripes, trimmed $1 95 self colors, An exceptional offer at, pair .....,,0.. ® Flat Crepes 25 Single Dress length of Imported Printed Silks. On)Y ove diss. of 8 poten, They gorgeous in color and design Easter oering at, 3 de gn rrsnrens FLAT CREPES An excellent quality | "83. Ee Gabardine COATS The latest creations in several styles, Trimmed fur of best quality, silk lin. ed, Colors navy, copen, sand, brown, green, black, Sizes 14 to 44, Eagter Special ..... 00s sssssress'Ponsnss A wonderful offer of genuine French Kid Gloves from that well known maker, , not in all colors. These are all perfect $2.49 pair. 3 Corner Silk Heavy goods. Easter Special with purse LTE IN A Special LANDEL. All new shades, all sizes, but 1 ony 42 of these handsome real leather SSORS TO EASTER COATS & DRESSES THOS MILI f [24 Cs EASTER OFFERINGS Merchandise - Thursday - Friday - Saturday 50 Smart Style FROCKS Every one an exclusive model, A Joye. ly range of colors, Oshawa has meyer seen such a geprgeous array of Dresses, Of heavy Flat Crepes, fine georgettes and printed crepes with contrasting trimmings, Easter offer, each, .,s0000 \ Special in Colored Pure Linen TABLE DAMASK Of pure linen in wonderful designs woven in colors. In Spas, blue, gold, green, Easter Sppial; 98¢ | PRINTED CAMBRICS 40 different esis Every possible | shade, 38 in. wide. Queene | The colors are guar- | anteed absolutely | Fast, = 45 Crepe de chine Scarfs * New Easter Merchandise in latest Futur- ist designs and contrasting colors, Special $1.79 CORTICELLI FULL-FASHIONED Silk Hose A Real Easter Offer Our regular stock of the famous Corticell; Hose, absolutely perfect in every way. # Every color and sige, Easter Special $1.79 pair The New Easter UMBRELLA The golden line Umbrella of the well known gloria silk and wool cover. In all colors. Each one packed in Easter gold box. $2.95 36 Only Silk Slips Shadowproof in ful sangs of colors. Reg. Wao \ Fine Jersey Silknit OUR 300 yards of smart sew Silkk Draperies. 36 in, wide in 5 different Do not miss this lot at CHENILLE VELVET RUGS Another dipmant of these popular Rugs have just come to hand. $1.98 FE | 1 COCOA MATS--EXTRA SPECIAL and look at the price. Easter Big Special, yard 59¢ Rt tut -- vo East meet to m ' Chie held Char ance to b the 1? by A this calve but pres! the Thor al h 61st peac ted | sena ed t ston ces V prov. atior attor terde at V force "loa repr pecte Bn 2 cial he I + pe Lake by H trade open « terri clude Jand, still the | o'clo bodi the i wvesti wide has "mer Viet disas Ni al sl the f duri It is "at le deat! dust; Indic "Dr. . labo: yest gene sions heav der BOrg ing,

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