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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Mar 1929, p. 12

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g treat- f 0} ~ WANTS DOMINION PAGE. [\/ELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 192". ted. Leon: 1 f ce. Blagte, KC, soulise i" conflicting stories given by the wit- ccused, raised the point of the gt i! tion of automobiles and that the legislator could hardly )S AUTO TRUCK GUILTY ITS OWNER IS ACQUITTED \ have had the motor vehicles in mind When the law was drafted in 01. ere were no au en, and the word 'appliances' can hardly be taken to mean automobiles," he own tor ted e prosecutor © that perhaps the word vessel" meant automobile, : 4 "Automobiles were in in Joi soasected the ju ad per, aps hem still run he added in ruling that the word "ap- pliance," as mentioned in the statute, may be'interpreted as meaning auto- mobile. Aronoff was acquitted due to the nesses as to the identification of the accused. x CONSULTED ON STATE PERSONELL 'London, March 21.--It has been re- vealed at Dublin that an important, intervention was made by .the Irish Free State cabinet in connection with the establishment of the Council of Father and Son Used Same Remedy Ontario Man Swears by Dodd's Kidney Pills Mr. A. C. Cooper Suffered with Dreadful Kidney Attacks Toronto, Ont., March 20. (Special) --"On different occasions I have ha dreadful attacks from the Kidneys." writes Mr. A. C. Cooper, 22 Tennis Crescent, Toronto, Ont. "Sometimes the pain was almost unbearable. I remember the remedy my Father used when Doctors said he could not live. Dodd's Kidney Pills pulled him through. They have pulled me through every time also." Dodd's Kidney Pills are purely and simply a kidney remedy. They act directly on the kidneys strengthening them and putting them in condition to do their full work of straining the impurities out of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills have restored sound health to thousands of troubled men and women. Give them a trial at .once. The road to good health lies through the kidneys, so keep them in ood condition with Dodd's Kidney ills. State to discharge the duties of the Sovereign during His Majesty's ill- ness. As soon as the intentions of the British Cabinet. were announced in this connection, President Cosgrave of the Irish Free State strongly pro- tested against such action being tak- en without consultation with the other nations of the British Commonwealth. He protested on. the ground that the politicians or notables of any one Council of State should not include member of the Commonwealth but only members of the royal family. Consequently the papers recalling Professor Timothy Smiddy and ap- pointing Michael MacWhite in his place as Irish Free State Minister at Washington bore only the signatures of the Quetn, the Prince of Wales and the Duke of York. It is stated the question of the Council of State will be discussed at the next Imperial Conference when the other members of the British Commonwealth may, d | according to the Free State sources, support the attitude of the Free State. The following are members of the Council of State appointed to act during the King's illness: Queen Mary, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of York, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord-Chancellor and Premier Stanley Baldwin, Apparently it is still necessary for the King to personally sign such do- cuments as those concerning the ap- pointing or recalling of the diplomat- ic representatives of the Empire in spite of the presence of governor- generals, The oldest newspaper in the world is the official "Pekin Gaz- ette." It has been published eon- tinuously for over one thousand years. More than 1,600 of the pa- per's editors have been executed. Look Out for MorTns< HF These pests are everywhere. No home immune. Make sure your things are safe. Spray FLY-TOX. Kill moth millers, eggs and moth worms. Take no chances. Buy FLY.-TOX now. Every bottle guaranteed. Your retailer sells it. directions get Fly. Tox moth ciecular from id yi eg gd WY Sg rpg ee A F LY-TO Made in Canada This Year 'Round Rogers Batteryless Combination Only $207°2° HIS is your ity to ---- LETT ) WTI purchase the famous Rogers Model "Four-Twenty" combined with a splendid Radio Table Spedker at from $40 to $50 less than you would have to pay for a console-type electric radio, ; {The artistically-designed Walnut Table matches the Receiver perfectly and is equipped with the latest type Magnetic Cone, especially for use with this model. Receiver and designed Table being separate units, the complete outfit can be easily moved from room to room or packed up to take away to your summer home, Radio has become a year round source of education and " entertainment and Rogers is the Rogers record of four years of ideal year round radio. The oven performance is your assurance of reliability and satisfaction. Ask us to Demonstrate--Easy Terms GENERATOR & STARTER CO. LTD. 15 Church Street--Oshawa. Va ' position of agreed to go with Mummy to La |e J " live. : Marcin takes sick and is com- ' fined to her bed. Beatrice rebels against the poverty in which they She longs for wealth becausp it will enable her to help the anae- mic Marcia who is slowly dying Challoner who is old enough to be her father, proposes and Bee accepts his proposal. CHAPTER VII Beatrice had insisted upon sim- plicity; she would not wear pridal white and a veil, no matter how passionately Marcia and her moth- er urged it. Only twenty-four hours before the acual event she burst into angry tears, while they were talking to her, and protested that as Houston was paying for everything--flowers and break- fast, Marcia's gown, and Mummy's and hers: paying for their actual rent and food and doctor's bill all this while--the less display the + better. Marcia and Mrs. St. John, both wrapped in sentimental dreams, had been shocked and pained by this frankness, but in the end Bea- trice had her own way, and wore a creamy organdie not any more ela- borate than March's and a small white hat, with a little white fea- ther wound tightly about the low crown. He burning hair blazed against all the whiteness, but her face was unusually pale and her voice quite inaudible in the respon- ses, Afterward everyone in his own family teased Houston, in a digni- tied, characteristically Challoner fashion, for his own eager, audible answers to the clergyman's ques- tions, and Beatrice--flushed and radiant at her wedding breakfast --Jaughed at him too. "You sounded perfectly sure of yourself, Hugh!" hig mother said. She called him Hugh, and Beat- rice liked the abbreviation. Some of the other members of his family called him "Alpert," which 'was really his given name, but the world of architecture knew him as "A, Houston Challoner," and that was the name upon Beatrice"s new cards. Her wedding day was a blur to her. She was conscious of feeling sorry for everybody--for Hugh, handsome and proud and pleased --and so inexorably forty-eight; for poor pallid, sentimental Mar- eit, entirely inaffectual in her or- gandie, with her pink roses; for Mummy, fuesing and awestruck, and too polite to all the Challon- ers, and finally for herself, feeling, strangely young, lonely, tall and bewildered somehow, ifn the ereamy scalloped gown and the hat with the white feather around it. She smiled at everyone, she was polite to everyone. The wed- ding was at ten o'clock, and Bea- trice had been up and dressed for four hours by that time. Report- ers had besieged the St. John apartment; Marcia had had hyster- fes; Mummy had jumbled tremul- ous advice and agitated ecompli- ments during the long trying pro- cess of the three women's dressing. She had laid Beatrice's scallope?l creamy gown upon the bed, and a wet scrap of blue paper from the hat box had happened to be on dhe bed, so that Beatrice's last domes- tie act as a girl had been to wash the blue stain carefully from her wedding gown and press it with an fron, Marcia, for weeks, had taken the martyr. She had Crescenta, and drink Jersey milk and bask In California sunshine and sleep under California stars, with the air of a heroic big sister who humors a spoiled little one. And just of late she had implied rather than said openly, but im- plied none the less, that she had given up Houston Challoner to Beatrice; that she could be happy without him; she could make the | sacrifice; it was petter, happier for them all that it should be so. "You must be very happy--for us both, Bee!" she whispered, on the wedding morning, wistfully, emotionally. "I shall be far away ~--my life is over, dear. All my hap- piness I pour into you!" Beatrice--harassed tired, excit: ed with all and more than a bride's usual unsureness of herself and of what she was doing--had had an fmpulse to slap her sister in the face. She was willing to die for Marcia, but it was becoming In- sransingly difticult to live with er. : There was a beautiful little new watch ticking on her wrist; it said twenty minutes past one when she and Hugh came away from the de- corously happy wedding group in the dining-room of his big house up on Tory Hill, and began saying good-byes in the hall. The open roadetr was waiting in a blaze of sunshine at the side door; the ser- vants were everywhere--useful, smiling, efficient, Somebody had put Beatrice's mew suit case Into the car, and her new woolly white coat; a rough big champagne-col- ored Airedale had come up the side steps, and sidled into the hall, and was nosing Hugh's hand. "Come on, now, we must make this snappy!" Hugh was mutter- ing, excited and nervous and hap- py. Beatrice noticed beyond him a little confusion at the front door; "Its Mr. Bert, sir," a middle a late arrival eagerly. "My, Bert!" Hugh exclaimed, The Make Believe Wit About A Young Girl Who Married Her Employer. Co ---- amazed, looking about. lady sald, 'submissively, "Yes, sir. He just came up the drive in a taxi, sir. I thought you mightn't have seen him sir," Nelly said delightedly. Beatrice heard Hugh say "Bert"! in an astounded tone, and she turned to see a tall, loosely built young man come rapidly through the scattered groups in the hall, and stoop his high head to kiss his father, simply. ""Hello, Dad!" Bert Challoner sald, in a youthful sort of voice, with a laugh in it. "I had to come home to see you--hella, is this the mater? Greetings, Mad- ame Beatrice!" Everybody laughed delightedly ag he took both her hands, and she swayed a little on her feet like a tall, creamy lily, perfumed and rosy and wide-eyed, in her organ- die gown, with the little white feather wrapped tightly about her brilliant hair. "From Paris!" she sald, with her wide, slow smile, "From Paris. New York Tues- day. And I'm too late!" "My dear' boy, you should have wired," sald his father, "I know it. I know it. Frog's brains--that's my trouble", the boy said, not removing his . eyes from Beatrice's face. "But the truth is that made up my mind to leave early one morning, before I was half awake, and sailed that day," he explained. His tone had become absent-minded: it was as if some absorbing problem had suddenly presented {itself to him, and would not be shaken away. "So--! You're Beatrice?" he said slowly, "Well," he added, in an odd tone, looking straight into her eyes, "that's that, isn't it?" Immediately he began to greet the other members of his family, and after that Beatrice and Hugh went away. The girl tucked her scalloped ruffles tightly about her, seating "erself in the luxurious low-slung roadster, said Hugh took the wheel. It was a hot day, the leaves in the gardens of Tory Hill all hung motionless in the sun- shine; even the shadows semed to vibrate with heat, and the roads were almost empty. The new country club was not opened yet, but one of the smaller cabins there was in order, and many of the servants were already to work. Hugh, as president of the club, had, of course, been able to arrange that he and Beatrice should have it all to themselves for ten days, except for the negligible presence of decorators and paint- ers and gardeners, The girl had not seen it before; she was ecsta- tie apout the little cottage, its open fireplaces and casement win- dows that gave upon golf greens and flower beds. She and Hugh were there af four o'clock; there was plenty of time. to freshen up and wander about the whole wonderful place before Harrison, the dteward, ser- ved them a delicious supper on their own cabin porch. They look- ed at the stables and the lockers and the plunge, walked all over the golf course, and met McCandlish, the "pro", who said that indeed he'd take Mrs. Challoner in hand. There was a natural pond, where Hugh said a hundred dollars' worth of golf balls were lost every year. 'There were 'eighteen new greens being added to the course already finished, and much dig- fling and sodding and watering going on in the lovely autumn sun- set. There were some mild Alder- neys grazing, and Hugh said that the clubhouse had its own milk and cream and would have fruit and vegetables too some day. Her lovely white wedding shoes got mud 'on them, but that didn't mattér--they'd clean as good rs new, Hugh said. . "Sun bother you, dear?" "No, my hat just shades my " "It's adorable," Hugh said, in a voice that made her feel prickly and uncomfortable, somehow. "Weren't we lucky to get it?" "Ah, it you're talking about luck--!"" : (To be continued) (Copyright, 1928, by Kathleen Norris.) 5 po Napoleon used to say: "When I want any good work done, 1 cuuse a man with a long nose. In my observation of men, I have almost invariably found a long nose and a long head go togeher." ~-- Increase Your Weight . 5 Pounds 30 Days Or Money Back ch ists Real phar ists and everywhere know that McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets contain just the proven essential ingredients that increase weight, create appetite, build up the power to resist disease and i puts good solid flesh on skinny men and women. So now men and women who keep up with the times are taking Mc- Coy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets-- rich in health building, strength cre- ating flesh producers and as easy to take as candy. So 'why not start today? Why not fill out those deep hollows in neck, cheeks and chest? Why go on narrow chest when you can take ad- vantage of this straight forward of- er, Try them for 30 days if you want to gain five pounds or more. And bear this in mind, if they don't help vou in that time your money will be -efunded. 60 Tablets 60 cents-- iconomy size $1.00, At Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mitchell, W, H, Karn, and druggists everywhere, {HAVANA WODLD BE HAGUE OF AMERICA Institute of International Law Is To Be - Erected Havana, Mar. 21.--Havana {is destined to be the "Hague of the Western World," according to Dr. James Brown Scott, president of the American Institute of Interna- tional Law, in whose presence President Machado signed a de- cree ordering plans for a Havana palace to house the institution per- manently. With President Machado and Dr. Scott when the decree was signed | were Dr. Antonio S. de Bustamante, | president of the Sixth Pan-Ameri- can Conference here last year; Vic- tor Maurtua, Peruvian Ambassa- dor to Brazil and Pedro Martinez Fraga, secretary of the directory council of the institute. Plans for the international pal- ace were ordered to be drafted by engineers of Cuba's Public Works Department, It will be located on the water front facing Cabanas for- tress and at the end of the Avenue of Missions (Avenida de las Mis- sions), built for the Sixth Pan-Am- erican Conference and edicated the day that former President Coolidge arrived here, , Seat Of Arbitration Although details of its structure 'fragrance of the fruit fresh from the sunny vineyards. terprise are members of a direct- ing committee of 11 of the inter- national institute. They left the President with the knowledge that they may announce details of the international palace at the direc tors' meeting scheduled for Briar cliffe Manor, N.Y., mext October, when Europe's International Law Institute holds its meeting. Work on the palace 1s expected to start immediately so that it will be completed by November, 1929, when a meeting of five members from each of the twenty-one Am- ton on October 12, 1915. It has acted as the legal consultation bur- eau for the Pan-American Union. According to Dr, Scott, the hous- ing of this institution in Havana assures this city of a future as the cradle of American internationa: laws and codes. -------------------------------- Body Found in Culvert Geulph, Mar, 21.--~The body of Mrs. Thomas Sleeman, 53, Moore- field, Ont., was discovered in a cul- vert about a mile from that village Camp at Beau Rivage Brockville.--At a recent confer- ence of representatives from the Tuxis Boys' Parliament and the Ontario Boys' Work Board, held at Gananoque, plans were completed for holding an area training camp for older boys and leaders at Beau Rivage Island from July 6 to 13. Airmail Plane Crashes Baltimore, Mar. 21.--An aero plane carrying mail from Philadel. phia to Washington and Richmond, crashed early today in a field near through life with sunken cheeks and | have not been drawn, it has been |erican countries will be held. specified that it be large enough to accommodate academy of international law, edi- The American International In-|truding from the culvert led to the the committee, an |stitute was founded in Washing- | discovery. Glenburnie, Md. yesterday. A pair of goloshes pro- | the first beacon light south of The pilot, Vers nee Treat, was uninjured. torial officers for publications of the institute, an inter-American library and offices of members. Dr. Carlos Miguel de Cespedes, Secretary of Public Works, will be in charge of its construction. Dr. Brown Scott, has been in Havana for a week working with Dr. Bustamante and the other prominent men to crystallize opin- jon in favor of establishing the in- ternational court here. He said he received help on all sides, that Cubans appreciate their insular geographical position, recognize their military and naval isolation, and since the birth of the republic have dreamed of Cuba as the in- tellectual and political arbitration centre of the Americas, Will Start Construction The four jurists who received the President's backing in their en- You Can Lose That Indigestion PINK CAPSULES FOR INDIGESTION will restore your old pep and vigor. They are sold under a rigid guarantee, meaning no more ® SUNBEAM © CHICK STARTER MAKES CHICKS LIVE, THRIVE a» GROW Sunbeam Chick Starter--a quick developer--an all-nourishing feed, mild, digestible, containi gredients, make an ideal feed for Baby Chicks. Read these words from L. R, Guild & Sons, the famous Poultrymen of Rockwood, Ont.: "Wonderful results with your Sunbeam Chick Starter. I one case a lot of 850 chicks got chilled oo but for your nr "Chick Starter we would have lost a Ask your Dealer for Sunbeam Poultry Feeds Manufactured by STANDARD MILLING CO., OF CANADA, LIMITED cod-liver meal and lactic acid, which, with other in- rge percentage." TORONTO indigestion, no more gas-- no more heartburn. Get a box now from Karn's and all good druggists, Phone 8 of its claim to goodness, THE MODERN WAY TO SHOP-- THE SURE WAY TO SAVE Zit, COTTAGE ROLL Ib. 22¢ PORK SAUSAGE iii ks Ib. 26c HAM AND CHICKEN ROLL 75.5% 1b. 38¢ mre PORK LOIN ROAST - - 15.28¢ LUNCH HAM--Thinly Sliced. . .. .Ib. 30c BACON--Sliced Breakfast CRF OT Ib. 25¢ , oe wns BEEF SIRLOIN Yn inluiser ib. 27e ROUND - - No "WASTE ib. 25¢ RUMP C5508 iiiitTony 1b. 25¢ WING od ® ENDER ROAST 1b. 30¢ PORTERHOUSE A": Ib. 35e sesy uv BOILED HAM 1b. 4S. wx, VEAL RUMP FILLETS ................Ib. 35¢c CUTLETS ......c0onvnevesonins Iba 40 LOIN AND RIB CHOPS. ......... 1b. 32 - FANCY BRITISH F ISH SALMON p07 Average Ib. 15¢ CUTS AND STEAKS SLIGHTLY HIGHER FRESH ATLANTIC ¥ COD--By the Piece ..............lb. 13¢c HADDOCK Ib. 12¢ Don't worry about the shoriness of time have slotted yourself f week- be ypu or your end shopping knowledge that A & Ps great staff of food-buying authorities exercises such foods that always there is the positive assurance that every item in an A & P Store has -- PUT ° STORE * NAME °* HERE -- DON'T WORRY . Theu- Canadian women daily turn to their neighborhood A & P Store the quality of the merchandise bought at the A & P, secare in their discrimination in its choloe established THE FAMOUS WHITE NAPTHA SOAP THAT HELPS YOU WASH P&G SOAP - » 10 Cakes 36¢ HEINZ CATSUP ™niito cuor. Large Bottle 23c SAUCE, Millionaire Brand 2 Small Bottles 27¢ TO MAKE PANCAKES TASTE JUST RIGHT USE SYRUP Crown Brand 2 No.2! Tins 2%e S.OS. CLEANSER - - = =- 2 Pkgs 27c POST'S BRAN FLAKES ™* Hass" 2 Pkgs. 23c CLEANSES THE SHEEREST FABRICS WITH SAFETY 1 - . 3 Small Packages 24¢ VITONE Sr IMOLATING. DRINK 1/.1b. Tin 31c Ib. Tin 53¢c 5 ROSES FLOUR MA*R 05°" 24-1b. Bag $1.09 |} AGED AND CURED TO SUIT THE MOST DISCRIMINATING - CHEESE New Ib. 26¢ Old Ib. 31¢ WESTON'S "B" SODAS - - 28-0z Pkgs23c MAYONNAISE 2XCor? shawn 8Y/-0z. Jar 25¢ : WEEK-END SPECIALS SUGAR Granulated - . 10 lbs. Sde SILVEEBROOK HIGHEST QUALITY PASTEURIZED 1b. 48¢ BUTTER Our Own Brand ~- » FRESH CREAMERY ...........0000000000000.1b 43¢c BRANSTON PICKLES, C. & B. AMMONIA, Snowflake .....Pks. So JOY .sassssccsesensccsssssserns GILLEX CAKE, Weston"s Valencia Loaf Ib. 210 TEA S ov owx MONEY-SAVING PRICES BLENDED INDIA ...1b.49c JAM 40-0z. Jar 35¢ ASSAM AND INDIA. Ib. 61c Rose 3 lbs. 21c INDIA CEYLON ....Ib. 7lc ORANGE PEKOE ...Ib. 73¢c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PREIGHT 15 70 5 LBS, SWEET, JUICY FRESH ORANGES - ~ an uavets 2 Dox. 35e FILLETS--National Brand .......lb. 20c ur Fancy Florida - p Jor 2 . resh Cur y - - i HALIBUT STEAKS--Fancy White. 1b. 27c | gua} 1 OTS Tender. - 2 Bunches Sc FILLETS--Highliner Brand . .......lb. 20c || CARROTS New California 2 Bunches 15¢ : NEW STORE OPENS FRIDAY this pe Field-M He gerv in Indi and to death, crett w on com a fakir tives a coiled ¢ 'Sect much-d lieve," 'along, this." "We and th was im British to be « to pack las ask refused the' ne Boas the Ho the ata ings fo a rathe me An and ju the fal Lo a --

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