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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Mar 1929, p. 17

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animals, that may not seem ' colorful r modish ------ cere -- EPCRA FRET sr 5 T PEREEITAL RES CRSA I EER CTA TERE (HST ATER SF EAE EN TA NE rrrmser I A SA TREE " 5 rr ammes Ep TRE GS AAAI TOT OE E23 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 192 wai NINETEEN tyles as Dictated by Paris To Be Foun d in Oshawa Stores (By Marjorie Howe Dixon There seems to be a most spirited race on between the bathroom and kitchen. First the bath fixtures ap- * pear in delicate tints, then the kit- chen sink retaliates with color and the kitchen range as well. Brighter, more dashing patterns, appear in the shower curtains for the bath. Very ~ well, says the kitchen. All 'the pots and pans will wear colored enamel and all be different too. The bath with its lovely walls in- faid with tiles is a thing of beauty. The kitchen grows more charming ' every day. For a while the sanitary side of these rooms seemed stressed, --only white, or at most blue and white, would do. Somewhere along the way the discovery has been made that pale peach porcelain is as sani- tary as white, What a difference to us all! Color Scheme in Bathroom Whether the bath be as small as it very well can be, and yet cofitain the usual fixtures, or as spacious as an art gallery, it now considers a def- inite color scheme to start with, After all, some of the ads for bath- rooms do make you think of art gal- One can imagine titles for leries. d tiled niche from them,--"Authentic " an old Moorish castle," or "Boudoir of Madame Pompadour in her late twenties." In one of these regal apartments, the only thing that makes you feel sure that it really has plumbing, --~so well are all hard facts concealed,--is the appearance of a drain pipe under a wash bowl. Perhaps it was the wash bowl! that decided the color scheme, Imagine a wash stand of black and gold mar- ble, with brass water faucets, period legs of brass, a framed mirror set in the wall above, with an open shelf at its base for lovely crystal bottles. Tall slim cabinets are decessed and shut their contents from view with decorated panels. Flowered Curtain Fabrics In this most unusual bath, flow- ered water-proof fabric is used for shower curtains and at the windows. To their golden light, add a black and gold marble floor, a pair of lac- quered commodes, a tall wide wall mirror and a tiled bath recess,--and What do you think the Moors of Granada would think of a tiled bath recess using their characteristic blue and green tiles for its decoration? We are not prepared to state whether they would regard it as ele- vation, or desecration. One of these niches, not content with artistic tiling for background, must needs carry on with wash bowl, tub and so on of pale green poreclain, Other Bathroom Fixings To "the man of the street" living in every day apartment or bungalow, where white still predominates in the fitxures of the bath, these gay color schemes may seem out of reach. Much color may be very attractively used, however. A set of bath bottles in peach or green may be purchased. One of the new bath cabinets has a graceful mirror for its door. As it swings open, the neat shelves are revealed, Then there are shower curtains of bright rubberized fabric. Lavender on green, with ruffles of green, makes one gay set. Oil cloth or glazed chintz can be used for drapes or for the roller shades, some people admit that they like to read in the tub, and would prefer to have their books bound in oil cloth, Perhaps a library shelf might be added. Matching in Wash Cloths Then, of course, there can be ever so much color in the face and bath towels, These and the wash cloths can be carefully matched in color or they can harmonize, or they can just play they are a rainbow, It is our private opinion that col- orful kitchens began it. Several years ago, bright gingham curtains were used, and gradually the sad dark brown dingy kitchens of the 80's and 90's have been replaced with light clean-looking tones,~that is, since we have recovered from the cold blue and white that was the last word in sanitation at one time, " Color in Oil Cloths Besides color in pots and pans, in the oil cloth lining our shelves, be sides tinted porcelain sinks and pastel stoves, there are even new Bathroom Cleopatra herself would sigh with envy. . colors in the metals to add to the joy of work in the kitchen, Chromium is perhaps the chiefest of these. In one of the new waterless cookers, chromi- um is used for the stand that holds Prints and the Princess --- Different One Every Day No, this 1s not a fairy story. It is a true tale of the future. The story of what the modern princess --the girl in the spring of 19%9 will wear. Every day a print -- and all of them different. For this mode is varied--rich, colorful--it contrives many a new idea. And the new- est of the mode's inventions are the combining of materials. In the ensemble, for instance, (there will be many of these in prints) the coat is smart when it is fashoined in a printed crepe, and the same design is used in the frock of chiffon. Another thng wheh munce we prints so popular is the fact tnat they are printed bothin lorge and small Patterns. That is, the same design is available in a very small patetrn or it can be chosen in o Irge pattern. This, too, is for the sake of the ensemble, which is a fashion to be considered in spring wardrobe. The coat might be chosen in the latge pattern, the frock in the small, or vice versa, as you prefer. Dark backgrounds are very smart. But don't think such prints are dull. They are very gay in faet, with designs in rose and orange, yellow ana wue other bright shades of the season. If you prefer a vivid back- ground, however, you will be just as much in fashion. But choose patterns that are small, They come 'in both the conventional and the natural flower patterns as well as in the small geometric figures. These will fashion the more tailor- ed types of printed frocks. planning -- Your , The modern trend idea has wu- .tered the fabric field, as you doubt- less have been aware for some time. This season many of the best artists have turned their attention to fabric designs and the results are beautiful and unusual. Boutet de Monvel, for erample, 'a Parisian of note, has made one beautiufl leafy design, which he calls "Palms." - Guy Arnoux has one called "Stars," and Georges Le Pape hag designed "Chevrons." Then there are what is known as "reverse color prints" and they make interesting and charmmg ensembles--the coat, coat lining or jacket having a dark ground with fikures in a light color and the dress with the same design but with the background a light ecui- or and the figures dark. Another trick of the prints is the combination of a printed echirton frock and a lame coat printed in exactly the same pattern. Such a costume as this will be seen dining at many a smart cafe this spring. These are quite charming in the natural flower patterns, which are again fashionable. This type of printed material of- ers many attractive possibilties for new afternoon frocks. The borders in general are very narrow and simple in design, sometimes being but a series of stripes to carry out the color scheme of the rest of the material. ? the top pans, Chromium appears in the shining faucets at the sink, It is further used in flat ware, in percola- tors, waffle irons, and so on. These latter are electric fixtures. This metal is supposed to have the merit of re- taining its lustre under continuous use/ Many are already using a fine aluminum and copper alloy in their flat ware that has the smooth lovely texture of gold, It now is made in service plates, beakers, candlesticks, compotes and so on. Inventions for Wives Among the various inventions to assist the housewife are two deserv- ing special mention, One of these is a commodious sink that "does almost everything," and the other is a motor combination, 'that does all the other things." The sink has a dish washer on one side and a clothes washer on the other. However, there will still be a few duties for the housewife, She will have to place the dishes in the washer. and take them out and put them away. But there, why should one poke fun at the statement that it "does almost everything"? The clothes washer is a small one and is intended for the smaller, lighter, and finer things. In the center portion is a deep sink with a special holder for catching debris from vegetables, etc., that may be lifted out and cleaned, Underneath the sink are two con- tainers that swing out. Ore is for brushes and cleaning fluids, The others is a garbage container to keep the unsightly drainer out of sight, N for Incinerator The disposal of garbage has ever been a problem. The mention of it above reminds us that there is a very good incinerator that may be in- stalled in the basement. It is gas- fired and is planned to do away with odors and unsanitary disposal ar- rangements, The other kitchen help that "does everything else" is an electric fixture that enables one to use a motor for many hand operatioins, This piece of equipment can be used for turning the ice cream freezer, for slicing vegetables, for grinding meat, for stirring batter or mayonnaise, or to grind coffee. There is no question about the motro-driven appliance saving much of the housewife's time and energy. And what shall she do with the energy thus saved? You ask her. She will need it all in the present busy world, and will need time off for rest as well, Clocked Stockings Returning to Favor The vogue for greater feminin- ity in clothes is having its effect on hosiery. The designers of hos- fery seem to be agreed on the re- turn of the clocked stocking, es- pecially since the darker beige, tan and brown tones have been en- dorsed by Paris for Spring. The clocks are widely varied. Some are quite wide at the starting pony and taper off at the end. Open work designs are noted, as well as novel chain motifs, and there are many small criss-cross puiierus, The short tennis socks are again making an appearance, nis ume a more pronounced one, because of its ready acceptance last season by the younger set for beach and gen- eral spors wear. The new sucks are made in fine lisles, neuvy rin- bed rayon and silk mixtures and a lighter than service weight silk. Those made of regular stocking silk have plain ribbed silk tops, while the rayon mifxtures nave cuffs in wide circular stripes. Those of lisle boast clever little figures o nthe cuffs representing various sports, For the school girl there are new full length stockings made wun heavy ribs. They come in beige, bright red, green, white, powder blue, and a soft gray. There are other stockings in jacquard weaves and designs. Zigzag panel stripes inbright "colors on either a white or beige ground are also quite smart and come in colors to match the new knitted sport frocks. Yellowed lingerie may be tinted a delicate shade with ordinary soap dye. On Fashions Stage Re iy formzl is a sophisticated evening gown cut and decorated in orn manner. 'Nude skys raper manner. jacket and eatin is its fabric, and off-white strass bands it, geometrically. The decol'stage has a triple openwork necklace of the and strass outlines te backline also. The loose panels all sf The colorful participator sports attire links a crepe jumpcr cuit banded in brilliant orange satin with a brown sleey. j scarf of crepe. She's shod with sandals of woven brown calfskin. strass down, in' beige eless Beautiful Hands Depend on Care The hands may be a woman's chief claim to beauty, or they may be ex- tremities that she wants to sit upon in order to hide them. The choice of which kind she has rests largely with her. Short, spatular hands, long, sen- sitive hands, small hands, all depend upon grooming and grace for their beauty, The washing of the hands with warm water and fine soap, always followed by a lubricating hand lotion keeps them clean and soft. The ap- plication of a night hand cream "at bedtime bleaches them to a pale love- liness, The effect is aided and the bed linen protected if the hands are covered with loose cotton gloves, The nails must have regular care if they are to tip the hands effec- tively. They should be kept scrup- ulously clean with a nail brush and an orange wood stick. THE CHECK FINDS CAREER FOR ITSELF Someone experiments, and soon there's a vogue. Who first chose the check to play with this season, it is difficult to say, but the check went to Palm Beach, and there its tribe increased! Palm Beach pref- erences ordinarily become fash- fon's favorites of the summer, but the check already finds itself with a career in other places. Checks in Many Fabrics Woollens that have grown softer and more colorful have faken the check pattern for their own--the tinier checks, of course, that could never make a frock, a tail- ored suit or an ensemble distaste- fully conspicuous. Silks, ever open to new print ideas, use the check frocks or s&s notes of accent on plain frocks. Checked silk gabar- dine is a resort fashion promising to carry over into summer. Check- ed gingham will make our sleeve- less sunshine dresses and our jaun- ty little jackets, Matching our lit- tle fashions -- bags, belts, and scarfs--we may choose checks now and later. Blouses As a Color Note Frequently the blouse is the oniy means u of introducing another color in the ensemble. Very often it strikes the sole color note in the cos- tume. The smartest shades for mod- ish contrast with various ensemble colors are chartreuse, Bermuda coral and the off-white shades. Brims Turned Up The off-the-face hat is a smart type for resort wear and for spring. The newest versions are characterized by a brim which rises sheer in front. At the sides the brim is most often turn- ed down, widened and intricately manipulated. The back line is long. |} in whole -- ---- EE ---- -- w------ a -------- ARR Are SPRING 1929 featuring New Styles and Lower Prices from "FASHION CRAFT" "F, orsyth" $1.95 $2.50 New Shirtings from $3.00 New pring Suits and Top Coats READY for your choosing 35¢. Specials in New Spring Hosiery 3 for $1.00 v Super Value Blue Suits for Spring 1929 Guaranteed Pure Botany Wool, London Shrunk English Serge. Styled and Tailored by "Fashion Craft". Young Men's single and double breasted and Men's single breasted. All sizes. New price . . . . $25 Spring Neckwear New Spring TOP COATS, A complete range of styles and cloths from "Fashion Craft" including the popular guards model for young men. $1950 $21.50 $25.00 "FASHION CRAFT'S" low price Latest Achievement ] A wonderful range of fancy suitings in tweeds, and wor- steds to retail at the new Snes nensesssenssRssesres $25 Lig a oo» - BORSALINO HATS Spring styles & now in BROCK HATS Spring styles $6.00 HORTON HATS - Simcoe Street South, Oshawa SE CTE I SLT Ee ~

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