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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Mar 1929, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1929 * PAGE THIRTEEN adian and British governments mark- : ot ed _ F. Be they: aol , tis being the tish schooner "I'm Alone" by a Unis| ed time last might i Tm Alone | fire of the United States coast guard, Barn Destroyed en to Western hospital. T HELD 4 "had . they usdbrsiang, thle} ite ted States count Sar cutter. case, ian ght dn, the Lm Alone is believed to have been a British Seven-year-old Willlam Rowland referred . W. 7 TE § : ink- | Citizen, although he was born in the] ' ' Peterboro.--Fire of unknown or-| of 42 Bright street, suffered slight adit ; yrke formerly pedis 3-3 stinctively that if a : satlietion portion on the. Si French possession of Saint Pierre. | 1gin destroyed the barn on the | head injuries when he was knock~ F F . | the Peaiar People remarking about | was made the United States govern- miles off the Louisiana coast, when sit ¢ is Jatin of R. 3,.1ully, Soyith dine of ph gL wont feat TRackviie: : RS - un. Depuiy Grand will 'rectify it and 'tthe suspected rum-r p oo ington t esterday] Smith, last night. Six horses ! 3 Y MEMBI Yi 0 Bis élficiency wheu Déty ; endsl ERE IL SE wis 'boar "al cdmination, Ay som the ook Sheps 1 Fy prod longing to Mr. Tully, and a team | He was taken fo St, Michael's hose : i Rowia ii i 0 alee Tui oat: , jon, Vincent ormally call | surviving members of the I'm: Alone's | belonging to - Alfred Tully, who ie a. Fanos » %, cretary of state yester- | crew, When their, case cones wp. in| had been sawing there, were de- pliments to the Oshawa Club on |!siaction ven. "that day and received the latter's assur- | the United States. courts their guilt] stroyed, together with a number ; 'he expressed their' aciive organization and. the | The Jal y hy A ates an : hat oe matter would be prop- | or innocence of the eharge on con-| of young cattle and hogs. ) Page 3) |thanks and appreciation for being [co-operation shown were the newspapers it might be felt certain | "py ECE EE ion Ja walk bs oF SeCOmEaRY mv 4 (Continued from Page t only invited to Oshawa but |issue of an enjoyable speech. i ot" wot |. The Hinde of . ritish 'goy- | hibition. be of seconcary im PEDESTRIANS INJURED Y Supreme Council, extending hot _. oD bn DRE , L; Toast To Local Ait tndue' acrimon. stnment, s said; io be that 'it "will. portance, ihe. Jivking i Shei st tip a fearty eve ite he, alors bis the ae the Oshawa Club c After 88 Stertaining solo by J.| "The refusal of Cap n mons. unless. Hie a Dadian bARLN he United States x enc |" Toronto, Mar. 27. -- Arthur Eli Sarty. ny ' nd h . Ward entitled "Drake Goes surrender drew the is Of Canadian reds "a ship of foreign reg- | Ott, 8ged 40, of 47 Perth street, : with the beautiful spirit of jrecelved he and Bis fellow offices | og 0," 50st to Toronto Lodge of [Sir is of Canadian registry [ment to pursue a ship of [SLL BEed 40. 31 37 Fert stiul 1 , The main subject of Mr. Row- 'tion of some papers. far as. is known, The seaman, |istry to dn indefinite distance out to| Suffered a fractured leg when he Ay aud affection whish yreual land's speech was the benefit | Perfection was proposed by W. G. Maingay, who lost. his Ti When ri poi and finally sink it if the chal-| Was run over by a truck near Bloor , address Mr. Honuett asked | BAHIA bY 0 re come yA Be pila A Yn Dlarte 'Washington, D.C, Mar. 27.--Can- schooner went down under the gun lenge is unhe and Dufferin streets. He was tak- |! ¢ recall | the nation and the home from the , ws er . ; : ! ga Ey Bons a Masonie work carried on by acre Ospinwa to dois the Scotfish Rite, -------- éction Lodge of Toronto in the Deuibery o the 'Anclent Tyee nd also saying thst 3 Yas two. yours id . Iu concusion it, ea of which are the Social Activities |from the Perfection Lodge came ; of these Osha . ad out that the oi Be in {that the various lodges through-|t® Fong wa, for the PuIvOse of. ox charge of the supper and enter-|out the laad are holding at regular this City. Since that time the club ment was complimented on the |intervals. These benefits, were fc- |b great] increased .in member- tcess 'of their efforts 'The open- |curately summed up in a few 8 a pao jag number was an enjoyable solo [words '*'Men Know One Another a3 A..Drummond T.P.G.M, who /"A." B. Creighton, followed by a|and when they know one another © Loo" "or ots of Alfred i --- F. Webster at his absence through n m1 illness. Mr, Webster was to have pv EO TTA ; been the speaker of the evening The Newest S hy . but owing to his being indisposed, pring JB ' this had to be cancelled. After : § complimenting the hosts Mr, Styles are on Display AN Drummond extended an invitation to visit Partestion. Lodge in To- z ronto on April 8. Our store is simply jammed full of the: , IP A witty address by Oscar King, newest styles and creations of 1929. ' " and a monologue " A . Friend ] A invitatio: A . ol ne' by Bert rke followe R : Wewniand Ee A ri Sal by delightful chorus led by D, F, ; In this our Annual Easter d : 4 Johnston served to bring the en-]| © | e we again feature out- plays of Spring costumes, ) | tertainmnt to a high standard, Sal ag : es by Officers : standing values in timely AR Mr. H. A. Brown, General Man-| *' ' |S mer H nsur- FROCKS / i ' 1 ager of the General Motors, ot Can- ) chandise . of wu ho : ada voiced his thanks at being passed quality and at Every dress included in \ : present, and sisted how Ulinrested - prices that com! ir-tant this very special event \ : <ll| tish Rite Club had met with in - i is a new style, Every | - Oshawa in the short time of fits| ; attention. "dress sparkles with in- existence. ve . - Speeches by the retiring dividuality and Ri | officers thanking the members for Can charm eavy 4 their cooperation and express- . flat. crepes! Filmy chif- ing their willingness to assist in : G . £ uit Ti 2 ¢ fons! Block and fes- BY 4 the best possible manner the newly rapexr » thal prints! Popular A These Coats have elected officers. ? AE dhe been greatly 're- A. G. Storie ex:ended a heart - E 4 Bay i georgettes! Every dress AVS duced and will come to the ed 2 bounty wal. Ie side California Candies is just unpacked ak) go quickly. No artists for their work of the even v= 2s 2 fresh from the manu- Hl matter what type ing and all the men that worked y P eaches Tins e for . facturers. Avid! ot coat you are to put the meeting over with the interested in, unequalled success, + Bayside Brand Easter $8.95 up hore In compiois [ll copra § Fruits for py === | GHEFOO NOW IN Salads 2 Jelly ~The ANY. 1 HAND Red Pitted . : ; ns Fashion Shoppe 3 OF REBELS Cherries Bea "8 4 Simcoe St. S. Phone 3083w Hoven oon uad, frot pr Ww pure Delmonte Brand Ib. 19. ' m tially malting order 3 ag city, S Aprico Fin Defeat of the Nationalist troops , ! 1 followed the treachery and defec- & Hawalian Crushed Chocolate Hott of J ", Hols nulnber who . we ver ) : : Pin PASSING ALL var lord of Shantung orovine 3 eapple Te Easter Egg: SUR he Nationalists, who were led F Delmonte With Cream Yolk by General Liu Chen-Nien, began to EXISTING ST ANDARDS retreat at § a.m., after reverses in ; Peaches Tin 6 for 9 Se se na A A RSA ae red Roe ow 1 battle eh naa raged for two : ays east of the city. ey passed : i through the city eastward in the 1 Halvadior iced i Il rection o ; i Now, the ee BATIN FINISH | oat "ore enamide 2 Domino Brand Chocolate Chicken. KANT/KUP hardwoods. . Never |J| shorsshorer act wooo | § Rie® rts or Rabbits i ssible to offer dents remained inside. The Chine Fancy Whole Grain before has it been pe ese Chamber of Commerce sent a 6 for 2 P this leader in its field, with the delegation to Chang to' arrange & For Breakfast Try peaceful transfer of the town. Loot ted Kant/Kup feature, at the = paten P lng bv the victorious troops was 3 'Wheatlets 4 Ty J . knperted Licoties same price as ordinary hardwood Not i" - : flooring. Nanking, China, Mar. 27.--Li 2 Cream of Allsorts 1b. 25¢ : CharSem governor of Santon, who > . P : ; ! was imprisoned here recently by or- : Ww -r 2 Charming rooms, sanitary and ders of the Nationalist central gus y heat Pht. 4: Treat the Kiddies to Hoama-Cotored | . ernment, has not been executed. ; 4 Eggs on Easter easily cleaned are! now possible, Rumors were current yesterday 5 The Breakfast Cereal the cost is that this had been done. =: : ° s and the smallness of £8 Mutfets ~~ 12 | Chic Chic Egg Healthful ; (Continued from Page 1) O- P NY LIMITED 1924 rum-smuggling treaty are likely 3 Roman Meal Pit. A ' | to be clari i fi . "I'm. Alone" 200 miles off the Louis. : vs : 5) 25 Ritson Road North Bl iana cosat on Friday by an United Corn Flakes 3-20. : | | expected, either in the form of a Black guard to search, seize and pursue fo sev mats icles are considerably inter: 6-Pad Pht. ..c...ovvenensors 23 the germs of difference which could partment officials, the case involves London, Mar, 27.--~London newspa-~ never be inflated beyond their true Lbs., Father Happy| SHREDDER ORANGE Vinol 1%" a delicious compound of amazing. ; Complete information is available || SCHOONER SINKING S Kellogg's wo Dyes Pkt. 10: by telephoning us at 2821. A AY NOT REACH = BranFlakes 2": 2 bye ' 1 . Oshawa Lumber [I DPIONATICSTAGE| § Grave wes = 27. ---- % Br. Jackson's sinking Ha i Fi Se come 4 the L Quaker Brand py States patrol t. k Sr ------ , i, art TELEPHONE, 2621-2620 offal m3 Sly of the complete] ¥ guigs Gruyere | ? > CROSSE AND , i p 6 portions +3 A == ie finiiiag § Cheese i 35 RO Juepctd ro ropes found, wilia se. 5. Somant and X sailing dis . , ; STEELE & BRIGGS |... coc voi ino Cleaner sn 14 ested in the possible courses which Seeds |: ini] § seuss : reports of the incident see in' them < Soap a Bars 29: FRESH, CLEAN--IN BULK reg il ge gd) Baker's Premium © Why Buy Seeds in Small Packets cate ayers. I the Ag Chocolate i: | J Wher. you can get a much larger quantity in bulk? Blicsh Pea Comiaut "S voewrymg | See Our Special Lawn Grass Ji. 'oicio's best] § Crisco nm 2 Be Seed The bonds of friendship can i 3.1b. Tin by 74c This Seed will grow well in the shade. value.--Christian Science Monitor. : : . a ; -- = Shirriff's Sample Package! Special Lies to Market | Sickly Boy, Gains 15 12-Ounce Jar Gardener, : pos | : 8 he boy, 2, would mot eat. ! gave 1 M A RB MA L A DE . m ne an ; e way he eats and ; | Go HarryD. Wilson |=:5acims= £| 0. HARDWARE =~ |#FuEs sl § | Lushus seLey j weight to thin children : ? adults, Nervous, easily tired, anemic 3 FREE! = a - : le, are surprised how Viriol gives : STORES OPEN UNTIL LATE THURSDAY EVENING: CLOSED ALL DAY GOOD FRIDAY. 23 King Street West . pe or sleep and a BI FEE " N ¢ ap- = s sR rr WO Serr NIN INAS DF N71 371 NOW ANAN OF EY gE. Batiss delicions. Jury. & Lows pov efiufivnefiafiviiefivdiedi 7 WIN IN IY OY DY DY . YORY AN 199199109100! ell, Di ts, Jets Aegan TEN

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