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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Mar 1929, p. 16

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. IHE USHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1929 ORTARO REVS ; prot . 1 Shorey Shorey, 84 {Pt 0 D r of wg glove manu- facturin name ' gied: here Sunday or "several weeks' {liness. He learned the trade of a tanner in : Kingston, | 'and worked at it in Boston, Mass, re establishing a glove factory. in Elmira N.Y. and founding his rockville business 22 years ago. i Accepts Call to Qnebec : kville.--~Rev. A. Cecil Dixon, ! r of the Almonte Baptist Church for the past two and a half years, has accepted a call to 'the pastorate of the Baptist church in Quebec. . He was formerly sta- tioned in Danville, Que., and serv- ed as a chaplain with the Imper- jal forces during the late war. Power Interruptions a Brockville--~Due to severe elec- trical storms between Smiths Falls and Ottawa yesterday mornmg shortly before 7 o'clock and this afternoon about 1.30 o'clock there were 10-minute interruptions of the hydro electric power ser- vice over the Gatineau line as the switches were thrown off as a pre- cautionary measure, Reception for Nurse Lindsay.--A public reception for the new public health nurse, Miss Mabel R. McMillan, was held by the Lindsay Women's Institute n the town hall yesterday. J. Patrick Weir Dies Brockville. -- J, Patrick Weir, . 'who died in Ottawa yesterday after a long illness, for 15 years iden-- val 4 Rd titled with the sales staff of Cana- da Foundries and Forgings, Ltd., of this town, chiefly in connection 'with the forge units of tne wwun- pany, He was a brother of W. M, "Weir, of Montreal, its president. Brockville.--A male patient who had escaped from the Rockwood Ontario hospital at Kngston was taken into custody by Chief Brown and Provincial Constable Robinson at a farm house about eight miles west of the town last night and today was returned to Kingston. ' To Explore Arctic Brockville.--speaking at a mass meetingo f Anglicans held here last night in the interests of missions, the Venerable A. L. Fleming, arch- deacon of the Arctic, mentioned the fact that next month a party of prospecfors intended to set out by air for the Copper Mine river, with the object of determining the ex- tent of the copper devosits, J. K. Williams Promoted Belleville.--In the list of pronio- tions in' the Department of Natton- al Revenue approved by the Uva Service Comission recently the an- nounceient was made that John Kating Wiliams has been promoted from Customs Excise Examiner to Special Exciseman Grade une, Belleville, Ont. Services Recognized Belleville. -- In recognition of- the splendid service R. J. Murray bas rendered to St. Andrew's church both in Sunday school work and church activity the kirk En route miles of 0 8 . Steamer. Trips--] DEAN SINCLAIR LAIRD DEAN LAIRD'S SIXTH ANNUAL 21-DAY TOUR AcrossCanadasaBack 334.0 From TORONTO Corresponding fares from other points. Leaving Toronto by special train via CANADIAN PACIFIC - Monday, July 22, 1929 isi important and in i dove Moustain Grandeur and World-famous Beauty Banff, Lake Louise, Emerald Lake; Yoho Valley Motor Drives--Hxtensive sight-seeing trip on Banff-Win: ere h ee --Koot ov giving full information can t eral Passenger Agent, C. P. R. Toronto, Ont., including all expenses. laces. Seeing 600 ' s Spots t Sound, and across the Great Lakes. be had on application Agent sid G. Bruce Burpee, or Macdonald College P.O., Que. session and board of mangers met \ | after the morning service Sunday | and made a presentation of a club bag to Mr. Murray. ~_ Underwent Operativm leyille.--Ex-Mayor W. Jeffers Diamond, who fs in his ninetieth year, was taken ill oh Sunday and was - last night operated upon 'at the General Hospital at Belleville by Dr, Austin of Kingston, Dr. Robertson and Dr. McCleary ot Belleville. Mr. Diamond came through the operation well, "Pass Dairy School . Brockville, -- Edgar Hough, of North Augdsta and Kenneth Weir, Merrickville, have passed the ex- aminations of the Eastern Dairy school, Kingston, for the term end- ed on March 20. : Anniversary Lindsay.--The Lindsay corps of the Salvation Army held special services this week-end, it being the 46th anniversary of the institution of the Salvation Army in Lindsay. Severe Storm Lindsay, -- A fierce electrical storm raged in Lindsay in the early hours yesterday morning, but as far as is known no damage was done in that town, For about fif- teen minutes this morning the town was using Fenelon Falls elec- tric power, as the power from the eastern lines was cut off. The pow- er was turned off at 9.15 but was on again in a very short time. Optimistic Campbellford. -- 'Rain or shine, the monster reunion which Camp- bellford is arranging in the form of an Old Home week for the last three days of July and the first three of August, is bound to be a success, ' Elect Officers Peterboro. -- The 'organization meeting of the Peterboro County Holstein Breeders, which held its first meeting a week ago, wus meld in the office of the local agricul- ture on Saturday. The following slate of offiters was elected: Presi- dent, G. A. Brethren; vice-presi- dent, Carman Seymour; secretary- treasurer and sales agent, C., E. Moore. Yachtsmen Busy Kingston.--Activities have start- ed at the Kingston Yacht Club, with several sailors already hav- ing their boats in good shape, awaiting the breaking up of the ice in the harbor. Cars Stolen Kingston. -- Three autos: were stolen over the week-end, but all were recovered. Ice Breaking Up Kingston.--Several local people who motored east on Sunday, stat- ed that the ice in the river below Gananoque is fast breaking up. There is practically no ice at all out to Grindstone Island, ana ma the course of a few days it is ex- pected that river traffic east of here will bg well under way. sss +++ Good Results . Kingston. -- The "Better Seed Campaign" held in this district under arrangments made by the agricultural representative, A. W. Siret, at which demonstrations of seed cleaning were given in num- erous centres of the county by W. B. Ferguson, of Strathroy, is ex- pected to bring excellent results. Extend Offices : Kingston. -- A permit has been taken out at the office of the City | Do. Engineer for an extension to James Richardson and Sons office at the corner of Ontario and Princess streets. The extension will be on the Princess street side and the estimated ocst is given as $6,000. It will be constructed of stone and brick with cut stone in the front. Ottawa Highway Good Ottawa. -- Except for a bad stretch of road near Kemptville, the highway from Kingston to Ot- tawa is now reported to be in ex- cellent * shape. Work 18 w ve started at various points so that by June the highway should be as good as any in the porvince. FLOOD DAMAGE IN EUROPE CONTINUES Hungary and Rumania Re- port 40,000 People Are Homeless Budapest, Hungary, Mar, 27.-- Floods continued throughout many sections of Hungary and Rouman- ia, with, as many as 40,000 persons homeless, according to ad- vices received here. - The rising river waters have swept away a number of villages in Bessarabia, the reports said. No definite estimates of the damage were available although recent ad- vices from Bulgarian and other central European cites indicated that rivers swollen by melting snows had overflowed an immense area. QUALITY COAL Phone 3060 MALLETT BROS. | Produ 2 Prices in the Commercial Markets INEW THEORY ON COUNTS MURDER -- ATION Toronto Ba are ATION the following prices, delivered Toronto: Eggs, raded, returned--Fresh ex- pan hci rea stn 2c; seconds, Pe. No. - 3 No, &, b Char ream Special, 46c SES RNRRRE Do, 4 10 5 Ibs. vesesressesn March 27. Fg x feeling --A stronger I #0 in the butter market and prices were marked up 1-2c per Ib, The demand we "ih fresh eggs "EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, March 27.~Hogs--! 800; holdovers, 1,700; jirong to 10° cents' hi Ibs., $11.90; Police Believe Third Party . Present at Wernigerode Slaying Hirschberg, Germany, March 27.-- A new theory--involving the presence of a mysterious third personwas under consideration by police in in- vestigation of the ng last week '| of Count Eberhard Stolberg-du Wer- 'migerode at his castle at Jannowitz. . Police said they had reason to be- lieve that some "third person might have been present in the room with Feed wheat, 81 1-2. re 722 The ry for all grades of was Bons and were firm, cases. : The 'cheese market Soptinued quiet but teady. Receipts were: " 4 A) Chane, westerns, 22 1-2 to 22 5-8¢c. Butter, No. 1, pasteurized, 42 to 42 1-2c. Eggs, iresh extras, 38c; do, fresh firsts, 6c. ODUCE AT NEW YORK New go March 26.--Butter, unsettled; receipts, 12,633, Creamery, higher than ex- tras, 48 to 48 3-4c; extra (92 score), 47 3-4c; firsts (88 to 91 score), 46 3-4 to 47 1-2¢c. Cheese, steady; receipts, 181,898, Eggs, irregular; receipts, 60,553, Fresh ga- thered extras, 29 to 30c; extra firsts, 28 1-4 (cif, Goderich and B , Pri track, 1c higher than fA Tice included, Bran . Manitoba No. 1 feed, 54 1-8¢c. No, 2 feed, 50 1-8c, (c.i.f, Goderich and Bay ports.) No. 2 yellow, kiln dried, $1.05 14, No, 3 yellow, kiln dried, $1.03 1.4; No. 4 'yellow, kiln_dried, $1.01 1-4, (Delivered Toronto.) Oats Millfeed delivered, Montreal freights, bags , per ton, Ji2.23 shorts, per .25; middlings, ,25, Ontario (Bhar ree sound, heavy oats in car lots, 50 to 53¢c, f.o.b, shipping points. Ontario good milling wheat, f.0.b, shipping points, according 0 i sights, $1.30 to $1. Malti to . to 28 3.4c; firsts, 27 1-4 to 27 3-4c; Chicago spot market--Butter, extras, 461-4c; standards, 46 1.4c; tone firmer. Eggs, firsts, 2/c; tone firm. 27c; storage packed, closely selected extras, 30 1-2 to 31 1-2c; extra firsts, 29 to 30c; firsts, 28 1-4 to 28 3-4c. CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES arl Buckwheat--85 fo Rye--No. 2, $1.05. Manitoba flour--First patents, 87c, On! Track, Montreal patents, per barrel, $5.70, s, in jute, $7.40, Toronto; second patents, in jute, $6.40. tario Flour car lots, 90 per cent, thé Count and his son, Count Fried- rich, when the shot was fired. Count Friedrich was arrested and charged with manslaughter after he told con- flicting stories as to the circumstances of the shooting. Police said he con- fessed to the shooting, but it was accidental. His story, however, aroused some doubt and the investigation continued, following the theory that the young Count might, have been protecting some third person in the shooting of his famous father. Before the funeral on Saturday, Count Friedrich told the police he was prepared to make an important statement after the funeral, but ap- parently he changed his mind and did 32, | not reveal any new facts to the in- vestigators. Decisive victories are now being scored in Mexico by whichever side gets to the telegraph office first. --Petrolia Advertiser-Topic. THREATENED WAGE: CONFLICT IN RUHR 380,000 Miners Affected by Refuse ---- Berlin, Mar. 27.--A wage cons flict involving 380,000 Ruhr mins ers is threatened by the decision of the miners' union to denouncé the wage agreements expiring May 1, The workers' new wage demands have not yet ben announced. : Mine owners refuse to grant an increase. The Conservative news paper, the Lokal Anzeiger, declares that the infliction of additional wage burdens on the Ruhr mining industry is calculated to exclude German coal from the international markets. The Socialist newspaper, Vorwaerts, asserts that a vast ma- jority of the miners are receiving only the minimum wage. Avoiding One Train, Killed by Another Guelph, Mar 27.--Stepping back to avoid being struck by a train travelling west, Archie Black, 75, of Christie near Campbellville, was instantly killed yesterday when he was hit by a C.P.R freight train going in the opposite direc- tion. He had lived in Christie for 30 years and was employed by the Christie Henderson Co. An inquest bas been ordered. Chicago, March 27.--The spot market ad- vanced 1.2c to 3-4c on all grades except sec. onds, Extras and standards are quoted 46 1-4c, which is 3-4c_ higher than yesterday. March batter was firm early and market advanced 1-4c to 46 5-8, then weakened and sold back 1-4c at close. Both April and December butter were 1-8c weaker, e spot market is unchanged on eggs and March eggs were firmer and sold from 27 1-4¢ to 27 5-8¢c. April fresh firsts sold 27c to 27 1-8c; April storage old at 29% and November old at 32c to 32 1.4c. There were 30 cars delivered today on the March fresh option. " commitments--March fresh eggs, 565; March storage eggs, 1; April fresh eggs, 9; April storage eggs, new, 2; November eggs old, 153; November eggs, new, 20; April but. ter, 3; June butter, ; March butter, 121, BIGAMIST GIVEN SIX MONTHS' TERM Brockville, Mar. 27, -- Pleading guilty to a charge of bigamy, Davia Diffin, of Lansdowne yesterday was sentenced by Judge Dowsley to serve six months in the Ontario Reformatory. Diffin married a Lansdowne woman while he had a wife and child in Ireland, where ne came from last year. HARD, DRY AND ECONOMICAL THE GREATEST FUEL VALUE IN THE CITY TELEPHONE 262 HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY BIG BLOCKS and BIG LOADS GENERAL MOTORS WOOD IMMEDIATE DELIVERY DIXON COAL CO. Simmons' Bed Outfit - Simmons' Bed Outfit walnut finish bed with panel in head and foot fitted with Simmons' rais- ed frame spring and mattress. Reg. $29.25. Special .......c...s. cisenses oe We have selected from our beautiful stock of high grade furniture the items enumerated below and have cut the price to the bone. Here is an opportunity you should not miss to procure high class furniture and furnishings at a big saving. These prices are for this week only. Gibbard SOLID WALNUT comprising white - felt $24.95 Simmons' Bed Outfit Simmons" walnut finished bedstead in a pleasing new design with 3 Imi- BEDROOM SUITE Ruffled Curtains New ruffled Curtains in white voile with' rose, mauve or blue drape. Valance and Tiebacks. These are the new combination curtains with drapes and valance made of ~'Sun-fast Rayon Silk and are certainly very Of Course You Want Your Home Spic'n Span for Easter COMFORTERS Large size Comforters covered in smart Silk- olines and filled with guaranteed pure cot- ton. A good range of patterns and color- ings to select from. Sizer 72 x _ 72. Special each .....cmenveessoerecae tation cane panels of pierced steel, fitted with Simmons' Link Spring and Simmons' Alaskan Mattress. Reg. $30.49. $25.75 Special ......ccniivens ovis Felt Mattress Special. value. in Felt Mattresses covered in good quality Art Ticking well-filled and strongly tufted. All sizes in stock. Special, $6.95 Each ........ te . Richly shaded walnut is used in the construction of this beautiful $2.49 bed, night table and bench. Reg. $279.50. Special DE LE PP TT ' Mason and Risch Henry Herbert Duo-Art Reproducing PIANOS PANATROPES RECORDS 9 Piece Dining Room Suite Well made Dining Room Suite, $ : 1 09 HIGHEST PRICES ALLOWED ON TRADE IN. Furniture Co., 63 King St. E. beautiful. Reg. $5.50. Special Fo, a seins seuisbantnasiasy $4.98 3 Piece Chesterfield Suite comprising : : Chesterfield, Easy and Wing Chairs up- holstered in fine quality mohair in wal- nut or taupe shade with reversible spring filled cushions. 3 designs to choose from. & $189.50. Special wisiiesseseccsceen inet, Oblong Extension Table 8 iece ; pi : Li and set of 6 Slip Seat Diners up- 8 Piece Dining Room Suite in Quarter Cut Golden holstered in leather. A very nice Oak, comprising Buffet, Extension Table and Set s suite. at a remarkably low price of 6 Diners with Slip Seats upholstered in real : ® 18-79 for this week's selling. Finished in walnut. Reg. $159.50. Special LU 3 Piece Chesterfield SUIT leather. Reg. $149.50. Special ........c0000e

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