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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Mar 1929, p. 13

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) iHE OSHAWA DAILY 11MED, SALURDAY, MARLH JU; SEER Ton ght's Best Features | 6,30 NBC AWEAF)-Whits House Dinner 800 W Omaha, mn Band sn Nf We iphony--dir. h Mystes Fora : "The Hunch- "Wesly Forum~Prominedt St. Paul. Tibrd Inf. Band. \Y'S. DAYTIME, FEATURES regoty New York, U.S, Navy 10.00 NBC em WJZ De Dr. Copeland br, 11.00 1,15 NBC Artin (WEAF)--Houschold Ia- zs WIR Detroit. Musical Matinee (daily) Siow Har" (Central)--Farm and 2.30 10.00 nx Milw: hestra Chicags." es Came, 1 SWE, WRU ed KWK, WE Chica, Tea Time Musi 15 Cobmbly io enue ble ww wR Detroit, "Fisher Theatre Enter. in oa wig, BZ, 7.00 KI KA (306)--Pitts. WCAU Phila. bi De ime. 6.30 KYW (24 ar Vii NBC ah House IX Ee psn WIN Wer "Wr, 1 We WTAG, WCSH, WAR, WIS. W, ly WBT, KSTP. NBC System: Pals to 2)~Pitts, Tracy Brown's or- Music to Eastman WAS. i stem: Spiggtoy's WHAM AS Rochester Theatre uA Wiele 'Wi NBC Talk; St t. Regls us. ow i. Unique Trios. WEVA dha on, Amos 'n' Age Orches- UN ha : 6.15 ig ~that's in your radio ~that's in the air oq -a. radiotrons a Pioneers of sure your faut 1a is 4 the | 0. 4 = | a Eh nit e _¥ hs pt Special Programs for Sunday 1.30 NBC (WEAF)--Royal Filipino Orchestra 2.00 NBC (WJZ)--Roxy Symphony 3.00 COLUMBIA--Ballad Hour 6.30 NBC (WJZ)~--Anglo Persians 7.00 WGN CHICAGOQ---Chicago Symphony to WTMJ, 'WOW, KSD, WDAF, KSTP * "8.15 NBC (WJZ)~Colliers Hour 8.30 COLUMBIA--Sonatron Program 9.00 COLUMBIA--Majestic Hour ~-9.15 NBC (WEAF )--Atwater Kent Hour 10.30. WENR CHICAGO--Edison Symphony i LUA [5 Fis Wine: Super-Dynamic Speakers SEE AND HEAR THE 'MARVELOUS MAJ ESTIC Wonderful Tone--Astonishing Accuracy--Rare Beaut) The Adams Furniture Co., Limited 15 Simcoe Street South § yo R ¥) bh W), se a Model 72 $293.25 COMPLETE (With Tubes) ANNE 178 pS "EASY TERMS TRI cli unevenness. little it costs. Tired Feet This advertisement is addressed par- ticularly to the women of Oshawa----- the housekeeper, Properly fitted shoes have a lot to do; . of course, with how tired 'one's feet get, but also and just as important is the condition of the floors ever which those feet must walk in miles of housekeeping duties. Get away from the hills and Hollows . by installing SATIN FINISH KANT/ KUP Hardwood: Flooring; guaranteed not to swell or warp, thus eliminating In the kitchen? Linoleum of course, cushioned on that wonder. substance --TEN/TEST. Please inquire, you'll be siltprised how Oshawa "umber COMPANY LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 their daily. 7.10 wor 545) Buffalo, Statler Orchestra, 7.15 KDKA"® "(306)--Pitts. Home Radio club (370)---Mpls. St. Paul, Bar. ba s ¢ Ogura: meek, Ma (303)--Sps MeEnelly' 's or« Isle" to WCSH, Dinner 7.30 3. stem: 'Romance WTIC, WJAR, brim (379.5)~Schenectady. Wen (416)--Chicago. Nighthawks, en- yim (280)--Cleveland. Hollenden or- 7.45 yg "0--Chicago. ¢ Organ, . WIZ, WHAL, KOKA: KWK,? KOA: MI WSM, WRC, WFAA, WHAS 8.00 W. adc (374. Bt. Worth, Traction hr. ron, Musical program fxr JE Puladeghin News hour; x. AX, REN, WSM, WBT, wMC. a2) Atlantic City, News; t B ISt. P St. Pal, Musical features eco $370) Mgls, St. Paul. Fireside NBC Pe LR Band to WEAF, or KYW, WEL WCA WWJ, KSD, WHO, WEC, he to 7) Ww, WHAS, WREN, PR , WEAK stam Ka erwoven 2 Wik. 1% WHAM, or WRVA, Ww. AK WBAL, "WhZA, KYW, \tlantic Cit: Nigus of Slab Atlan! Gorin oy Wis WEBG, AC WIL, W iL (268)--Rochester. WV (428)~Clnci, Farm pr Es Packard 1 KD 2. "What, KyW, Rh wre © gray adnan City, ag a Baltimore: nest Wi WOWO, KMBC, WSPD, KOIL, J, WISN; WJAS! 10.30 KDKA ' (306)--Pitts, Wm, Penn Wins. y (389)~Chicago, Lombardo's hid Very U (456)~Phila. WPG hi Atlanti Orches 11,00 KYW (@4)--Chie ago, News; Orchestra WCCO (370)~Mpls. St. Paul, Long's orchestra. NBC System: Wright Sisters; Pollack's Orchestra 3° WHO, WKY, s YIOD, WGY" ( (379. RY + VI0D, Or- chestra. NBC System: Slumber Music to WJZ, WBAL., W (428)--Cinci. Gibson orchestra. Wor (422.3)~Newark. Goldens orcles. 'G (272)--~Atlantic City, News; Sil- hig op r Orchestra. WTIC (500)-Hartford. Bond orches. 11.13 WRVA (270)--Richmond. Organ, 1.9 KOA (361)--~Denver. Grabau's orches. KSTP (205)-St. Paul, Amos 'n' Andy; Band, KMOX' (275)--St. Louis. Wylies orch- estra, WLW S25) Cindi, Sinton orchestra. Atlas. Skylark. s 'Angeles. Concert Dance Music; City. Tray 11, 3 REE ( Rs oh voli Dance program (3 (316)--Kansas City, Popular GE G7) Myls, St. Paul. Gold Me- WDAF (152)--Kansas City, Song Fest. NDAY_ PROGRAMS 00 WIZ oH New York. Children's hr. ne WCAE (242)--Pitts. St. Andrews church Boston. Services. Jultale Servictss Serv KDEKA (306 Piste, wg 11.30 WIBT re sicago., Gospel Tabernas (487)--~Milwaukee. Org: 11.45 K WC acne icago, "Feonles church. 12,00 KFAD (389)--Lincoln. Servic WCAU (256)--Phile. Musi Schoo Cotte 12.30 NBC Ane os 3 Siveatse, Sear to WEAF wiz New York. tet to ree quare Rheumatism no Part of Nature's . She offers her healing herbs to stop iin Ere Ne AL NR Artists. Hour to WJZ, WM) (487, 2 Miimaukee: Music. 115 WLS (345)~Chicago, Concert orchestra, Singers, 1.30 NBC System: Filipino WRC, WHAS, Xap, KSTP, WOW, WFAA 2.00 NBC System: Biblical Drama to WEAF, WAR WTIC,; RSD, WO WGY, WF. 700, WHAS, ' y Melddy Orchestra. fo WTAM, WHO, PRC. (258.5)--Rochester, Nae ' Sys : he Symphony to KYW YW, ¥ WEZ, BZA, DEA. Wir IR DAL WREN, BC, WLW, WKY. 2.30 NBC System: Vocal to WEAF, WTIC, WFAA, WHO: 3.00 WBZ (303)~Springfield. Concert. NBC System: Speaker to WEAF, WTIC, WJAR, WHO, WRC, WGR. Columbia Network: oad Hour a /. WCAU; x WA z "en y' A 'GHP, MOX, PD, "WEAN, WAL, ME 8 ou BE wl ra RVD. 3.30 WGY (379.5)--Schenectady. Organ, 4.00 Columbia Swan: iihetral §lousin Ww oy WCCO, Peoples Confer, KWK, WBAL, ' ROTP, "WTM], WREN, EAN, WHEK, WLBW, Bw by Studio pi System: Dr. Parkes Cadman to pro- Weal: Wi es y : : KyQ0, a en. 'WGY, WFAA, WET, 4.30 WPG WY Soc; ee otart vive BC's stem: iclans to McKinney Mus WBAL, WLW, KWK, WBZ, WHAM, KDKA, WIR, WREN, 8 5.00 ib (357)=Toronto, Record Hour. K (337)--Shenandoah. Orchestra; NBC System: Cook's Travelog to w WoN (416)~Chicago, Arabian Nights. WLW (428)--Cinci, Vesper Services. w. (447.5)~Chicago. Musical Pil- 5.10 eco' 70)--Myls. St. Paul, Presby. 5.15 wre (273) ~ Atlantic City. Services. 5.30 Columbia Network: Presbyterian Servi- WABC, WNAC, WEAN, Weil, WAL, Ww. Gil, "KOIL, MAD, GHP, KOIL, Wow KMOX. WAL, BW. NEC System: WEAF, NoY. Y, WHC, wer WCAE, WKY, : Dr. Harry E. Fosdick BAL, WLW, PRWK, WBZ, WBZA, WREN, WHAM. 6.00 ca "(357)~Toronto, Concert : ensem- KDKA {30o) Pitts, Orchestra NBC System: ica jon B ¥, WEEI A Wet WRC, Co wrAM KSTP, Devitt orchestra. Noa Li 6s Phila, Dh ph Program to WEAF, WEEI, WRC, WGY, AR, WCAE, KSD, WTAM, WWJ, WDAF, WGR, "WOW; WTIC, WH , WTAG, WCSH, WEI, NBC System: Anglo Persians to WIZ, WBZ, WBIZA, aaa WHAM, WEBC, Lr WLW, W I, KWEK, KYW, WR EN, KOA. K 7.00 CFCA' SY roan, A, RDEA (306)--~Pitts, Services. BC. System: Old Company's Songa- Nae to WEAF, WEEI, WTIC, WFI, WAR, WTAG, WCSH, WRC, WGY, WHAM (258.5)--=Rochester. Religious Drama, BC: Syste: Tlie Nomads to WIZ, WBAL, KWK, WREN WLW (428)-Cinci. Dintner program, System: Major Bowes Family to WJAR, WRC, WHAS, WSR, WI. WGY, KSD, WTIC, LY, WHO, ystem: Baldwin WIZ, Ww BZA, WBAL, KWK, WHAM, WIR, WLW, WREN, KOA, WHAS, SM, WKY, WFAA, KPRC, WOAL, KYW, WSB, 8.00 KFNTF (357)--Shenandoah. gram, Columbia Network: La Paling Smoker to WABC, WFBL, WCAO, KMOX, L, CCO, HK, WCA I WEBW, WMAL, Ww. ADC, WKRC, ho [DAF (492)--Kansas City, Entertain. NBC System: Enna Tettick Melodies to WJZ, WBZ, WBZA, WBAL, WHAM, RDKA WIR, KWK, WREN, 7, WHAS, WSB, WFAA, A RRC WKY, : Colliers Hour to WJZ, 'WBZ; WBZA, KDKA, KOA, KYW, \, WLW, WBAL, WHAM, Concert to Musical pro- CKNC (517)--Toronte, Eveready hour. Columbia Network: Sonatron Program to WABC, WEAN, WNAC, WFBI. WCAU; WMAL, WIJAS, WADC, Made for those who hold their pens at an angle, Chligue pen group or between their Sugars, Waterman's new now comp the 7 Pens at $7.00. famous In title over a year, No. 7 has achieved tre- mendous a of its simple to suit one's pn gd Ag lic 'er No.7. And they BR petit gn tiar il Try the new Oblique at your dealer's, eo o it has a grey colour-band. by Waterman's Ink fin Waterman's Pens Watermans Service and Selection at 5,500 Canadian Merchants A205 KMBC, WKRC, WGHP, KOIL, WCAO, WOWO, < WSPD, - WHK, WLBW, WDAF (492)--Kansas City. WDAF Players. 9.00 Columbia Nefwork: Majestic Al Thea~ tre to WABC, WRAC WFBL, WADC, KMBC, WBBM, Rolls WISN, wcco, WCAO, WOWO, KMOX, WSPD, WHK, NBC "Our G WEAF, WTIC, WIJAR, WFAA, WOW, WCAE, WOAI, WTM MJ, WH AS, KVOO, WSB, Dr Was wes, WHO, WRC, wy oY GR, WKY, KSD, W ee Wk 945 NBC Sys Kent Hour to WE. ll RE, i WWJ, 57 WGN, "KSD WEEI, WBBM, Sy. Bi soverament" to > System: Feature Pr WJZ, KDKA, KWK, WH CKNC (517)--Toronto, Music Conser- vatory. WIP (492)~Phila. Organ, CNRW (384.4)--Winnipeg. Concert, Columbia Network: De Forest AC, Ft. Garry 0, WOWO, KMOX, WPG (272)--Atlantic City, Musicale. 10.15 WBAL = (283)--Baltimore. Reyeries. Shestre (492)--~Kansas City. Concert or. chestra, NEG System: Studebaker AF, WFIL _WGY, TAM, WIAR, WHAS, WSB, kd, WEAF, WIIG, WRC 'WGR hr WE WTMJ, WFAA, WHMCS WET, KPRC, Wise! Wo. WHO, WSM, WKY, WGN. 10.30 Columbia Network: Around the' Samo- WNAC, WEAN, cio, WIJAS, KRC, WGHP, MAL, WOWO, Wik WATAQ WAY, 4 i 10.45 WDAF' (492)~Kansas City, Amos and NBC" System: Feature program ' to WEAF, WRC, WCAE, WOC, WOW, WHAS, WIAX, WKY. wWGY (an, 5)--Schenectady, Television. 11.00. KSTP jp). Ties Amos 'n' Andy, Musical ' Progr: WCAU (26 Phila, Pancho's orches. WHK §216)~Clevel and. Amos 'n' Andy, Days Orches Yr 00)--Detroit. News; Amos 'n' WPE (272)--Atlantic City. Organ. 11.15 WIR (400)=Detroit. Dance Music; or- gan. nu RJR )---Seattle, Salon orchestra, OX (275)--St. Louis. Your hour. 1200 KPRC (549)--H. Studi WHE (210)--Clevelasd. Club 'Madrid Champions For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. S~~We Deliver WOAL KSTP, | Eastman Music School, WISN (368) Milwaukee. Studio pro- | CAE, LE LR RCN A RN CR RA NR RNB RRONNRNBENRIEER! For satis!actory repairing to Churchley. Optical Parlors C. CHURCHLEY When We Test Eyes--Itls Done Properly JURY & LOVELL your watch and clock work reasonable. Old goods, The Credit Jeweller Oshawa Phon» 28 or 20 and Help Build Up Our to Build Up Our City. sin Street Your Laundry Doue Properly Just Phone 2520 and a driver will cal: OSHAWA LAUNDRY 'And Dry Cleaning Co. Oshawa dimcoe St. 8. 1 + 12 Simcoe Street South SHOPPING DISTRICT Every Dollar Spent in Oshawa Helps Dry Cleaning it i you want yor clothes cleaned #0 thy will look like new. phone-- PARKER'S Phone 788-- 780 Borsalino Hats A complete mew shipment for Spring Just received. Browns, Sands, Greys in Welt Edge, Snap Brim or Roll Brim. The very newest styles in the world's best Hat. $8.00 SIBERRYS' 27 King St. East Opposite Post Office Phone 1110 "You Get Married--We Feather the Nest" Radios--and the Wonder Orthophonic Also Exclusive Dealer for the Victor Record in Osbawe vo D. J. BROWN King Street West Phone

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