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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Mar 1929, p. 16

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" THE OSHAWA DAIL, MES, SATURDAY, MAR. ille.--George Adams Mc~ tormer 'well gown busi- yea . of 'spring by heavy motor traffic, w-- Hote ~The Hon. Dr. John D. "of tt, 4 3 Mrs, ve been abroad or Some ok, are sailing on the SS. Maur- etania for New York on Saturday. Dr. Reid suffered an attack: ot in- fluenza while. abroad, Roly President ti ngeton oward Kelly was ected president of the Kingston 3 Hotary club, Stovepding Frank W. . Coates. W. D. aham was Te- ~ elected secretary ad G. M. Stenton was re-plected treast treasurer. Disastrous Fire Belleville.~Shannonville, nine miles east of Belleville on the pro- vineial highway, was visited by one of the most disastrous fires. in its history for some years. The large frame general store owned by W. Murphy was completely destroyed. Clothing Store 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 Not Identified Belleville.--No identification has been made of the torso of a man's body found floats Deak the Shore por the pat "a und but i ot es | LR po Mather Par in this lo- cality are not getting the usual | the tapping of their Maple syrup, how- {ever, is Beles. retailed at the same price as last year, namely two dol- lars a gallon, ARAKI] Brockville Man Killed Brockville.--John M. Quartus, the dairy employee run down and killed by a street car in Winnipeg Wednesday, was a son of George Quartus, 28 Pearl street west, of this town. . Tear. Down Old Office Peterboro.--The old office occu- pled by the clerk of the surrogate court on the county property at the court' house is' being torn down, and the lot will eventually be iron- ed out, seeded and groomed into a lawn. Easter Bonnets Burn Kingston.-- Easter bonnets suf- fered in a fire in the Winston mil- linery store. The damage is esti- mated at $1,000. Miss Ida Wins- ton is the proprietor. Fire started in the workshop known cause. Roads Im Campbellford.--As nearly as can be learned from taxi drivers, there is not a passable road leading out of town. On the Brighton road, the bridge at Orland has been wash- le T Prompt and Courteous Delivery HEAPING BIG TRUCK LOADS OF THE - FINEST OF HARD WOOD, WITH BLOCKS "TAKEN JUST $9.00 WHICH IS $5.00 CHEAPER THAN A CORD OF ANY OTHER HARD WOOD. HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY FOR SALE ALL SMALL OUT, FOR SMALLER LOADS OF HARD WOOD IF DESIRED DIXON COMPANY TELEPHONE 262 FOUR DIRECT LINES TO CENTRAL COAL | SETHE ETT *|had the misfortune from some un- hota al 5 Lower 'Peterboro.--That Ce t tion be sent to the Lr mmends c Power Commission of Ontario to lower the electrical power to com- mercial and domestic users in this city was .the decision reached at the meeting of the Peterhoro Util- ities ission. anor Comet iv. PotlaieE -- George Hamilton to have his barn destroyed by by fire o cveniifs M Hamilton was water- ing his ows when one of his aged to get his horses out but lost 'his harness, some hens, buggy, cut- ter and all the feed. e 'Busy Cobourg.--At the annual meet- ing of the Durham "B'" Egg Circle, a very fine report was presented by the manager; Blake Symons. This year 78,267 dozens of eggs which sold for $25,989.57, The cash paid to members amounted to $23,464. 19. Pi . To Discuss Holidays Peterboro.--The City Council is to have a deputation wait on it at its next meeting Monday night, ask- ing that the half holiday for the season of 1929 include the montns of May, June, July and August. There is quite a difference of opin- ion among the merchants as to the half holiday. To 'Honor Foch Lindsay.--A memorial service in commemoration of the late Marshal Ferdinand Foch, generalissimo of the Allied Armies in the Great War, will be held at the Cenotaph Sunday afternoon under the aus- pices of the Lindsay Branch of the Canadian Legion, Girl Injured Burnt River. -- Little' Phyllis Hodgson met with a serious acci- dent on Thursday when she broke one of het legs while climbing up the wagon wheel to get on the wagon. The horse stepped forward and she lost her balance and got tangled up in the wheel. Found in Lake Kingston.--Mrs. Nancy Smith, aged 63, resident of 87 Clergy St. W., Kingston, was found drowned after escaping from the Kingston General Hospital where she had been 'confined. The body was found in the lake at the foot of Barrie St., by nurses who institut- ed a search as goon as the patient was discovered missing from the' ward. Seek Motorist Belleville.--A hit and run mo- torist, still at large, but. actively hunted for by the police, caused an automobile accident late Thursday afternoon at the corner of Pinnacle street and Victoria avenue. The motorist sped at a high rate of speed from the scene after upset- ting a car owned by F. H. Sweat-~ man of Frankford. Gift to Church Belleville.--Organ chimes, the memorial gift of Mrs. J. A. Smith of Rochester, N.Y,, in memory of her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon who for many years lived in Belleville and were mem- bers of Bridge Street United Church have been installed and will be de- dicated and played. for the first time on Easter Sunday. Named After Gananoque Gananoque.--WIith two syllables of "Gananoque" incorporated in its name, the SS. Ganandoe, built tn the order of Paterson Steamships, Limited, of Port Arthur, has just been launched at the British yard of Swan, Hunter and Wigham Rich ardson, to engage in the St. Lawr- ence and lakes grain trade. A sis- ter ship of the Ganandoc will he the Prescodoc, named after the town of Prescott. The average age of the mem- ers of President Hoover's Cabinet s sixty, and we're waiting with an pen mind to see whether this proves that men ought to be chlor- oformed at that age or not.--Ohio State Journal. Ten to one the Mexican revolu- tion will collapse when the rebel army begins asking, "When do we eat?"'--Toledo Blade. Saturday | horses upset the lantern. He man-|. Circle has handled during the past' TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS Toronto wholesale dealers are following prices, delivered Toron (Buying) exe ® Ness 8 sa TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting 4 the following prices to the trade} Smoked meats--Hams, 3 to cooked hams, 44c; aked oly 2c 3 bi fast bacon, 26 to 38c; to 3lc; do., smoked, "30 hg 40c. Cured meats--Long clea: Ibs,, $215 70 to 90 Ibs., $10; and u su: 50; my, 8: ahs Lard--Pure--tierces, 16 1-dc; 16 1.2c; pails, 16 3-4c; prin, "181.2 to 1%. Shortening, erces, 13 3-4 14 3-4; tubs, 8 Sides pails, 14 3.4c; tins, 6 3+4c; prints, -4c, Pork loins, 31 1-2¢c; New York, shoulders, 22 1.2¢; pork butts, 27c; pork hams, 26 1-2¢c. CHICAGO PRODUCE . Chicago, March 30.--Butter lower; receipts 8,826 tu Creamery extras, 44 3-4c; stand- ards, 44 1-2c; extra firsts, 44 1-4 to 44 1.2c; firsts, 43 3-4 to 44c; seconds, 43 to 43 1-2c. Eggs unsettled, receipts, 33,152 cases; ex- tra firsts, 28 to 28 1-2c; firsts, 27 174 to 27 1-2; ordinary firsts, 26 1-2 to 2c, ? PRODUCE AT NEW YORK New York, March 30.--Butter steady; re- ceipts, 8, 385, Creamery higher than extra 46 1-4 to 47c; extra (92 score) 46c; first (88 to 91 score) 45 1-4 to 45 3-4c. Eggs ir- regular; yeoeipis, 37,022. Fresh gathered. ex- tra, 29 to 29 1-2c; extra first, ¢8 to 28 3-4c; first, 27 1-4 to 27 3. 4; seconds, 27c; org. packed, closely selected extra, 30 to 31 1-2c; extra first, 29 to 29 1-2¢; first, 28 4 to 28 3-4c, Cheese steady; receipts, 152,866, BUFFALO LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, March 30.--Hogs, 3,700; hold- overs, 1,000; scattering sales 35c to low- er; bulk unsold; 160 to 320 lbs, $1E75 to $11.85; 290 1Ibs., $11.50, Packing sows, $10 to S102; pigs and underweights, quoted $11.25. NOSE SHINY? wonderful Then use this new powder Duska a tri in istry and the a art. This powder is so pre- paved that it permits the evaporation of moisture and thus prevents shine. Duska Face Powder adheres and spreads as evenly as face cream. It produces a transparent radiance, the charm of a youthful complexion. Done up in an eye-striking, mod- ish red package, it will take your fancy at first sight. $1.00 a box Sold only at . THE Re cle s | STORES JURY & LOVELL King E. Simcoe S. Phone 28 Phone 68 COAL pes the lower urned--Fresh YE a, solid FT ives, 790. vealers steady. Good to choice, fw and common, eT to as folloys: es bulls ord Country Jides, cured, : 1-2¢ Er, tlc; pound, , 11 -2¢ to. 10 og od ides, Ni to ik 3 No. 3 rade, $230; Nes grade. ole Pe cake, 7 of nie Solids de" in bar: ond dh 1:2c per Ta He 3 per pound, Tallow rels, $6 to $6.50. "== CONSTABLE'S FATE STILL IN BALANCE Judgment Reserved i in Cre Over Shooting o Peter Brennan Lindsay, March "30.--The shooting of Peter Brennan, jail 'breaker and vagrant, as he fled from a provincial police posse near Bolsover in the darkness of early morning on Febru- ary 16, is still an undecided issue, After a five-hour sitting in the county court of Victoria, Judge Swayze reserved judgment late on Thursday as to whether Provincial Constable Robert Purvis, of Colling- wood, who is alleged by the crown to have fired the shots which brought Brennan dowp dead in his tracks, was guilty of "shooting Brennan with intent 'to, maim him, His honor will give he decision on Thursday, Ap- ril 11. On the fate which the court holds for Constable Purvis rests also that of Constable S. F. Cooke, of Orillia, another member of the squad of five police officers who went out on the night of February 15, on the trail of Brennan and his companion, Or- val Shaw of Skunk's Misery fame. Four Year Old Boy Killed by a Truck Hamilton, March 30.--John Cum- mings, four-year-old son of Michacl and Mrs. Cummings of 267 Bay st. north, was instantly killed on Thurs- day afternoon-at Bay and Barton streets, when struck by a truck driv- en by Arthur Seager of 3 Francis street, driver. for the Lake of the Woods Milling company, The little victim was running across the inter- section and the right front wheel body. Witnesses rushed to the as- sistance of the lad, but he was dead in a few moments. Coroner Dr. Mc- *Ilwraith was called and ordered an inquest. S. S. NO. 4 DARLINGTON EASTER SCHOOL REPORT Names in order of merit, 75% hon- ours, 60% pass. r. IV--Ada Annis, 90; Harold Os- Doce, 81; Evelyn Wade, 80. Jr. IV -- Jean Vinson, 83; Glenn Pickell, 81; Donald Courtice, 77; Harry "Worden, 76; Sydney Worden, 57. Sr. I1I--Morley Flintoff, 46. Jr. I1I--Douglas Oke, '66; Doris Wade, 65; Lloyd Montgomery, 56: Allan Vinson, 54; Reta Flintoff, 48. Jr. II--Velma Pearce, 80; Leona Flintoff, 74; June Marshall, 50; El- eanor Vinson, 44; Clifford Johns, 38. Jr. I--Florabelle Marshall, 61; Ste- phen Kichko, 40. Pr.--Ralph Found, Percy Flintoff, Peter Kichko. G. E. Spence, teacher More than 100 farmers attend ed the school in marketing held iw February in Ontario, under the auspices of the United Farmers' organization and the Ontario De partment of Agriculture. Talking pictures aren't going to get very far, it seems to us, un- til. then can be devloped to out- talk the girl who sat behind us at one of them the other night.--New POWER (COMPARE Oldsmobile's 62 hotsepower egiac with the scents RoTpepoes aing of oa Dae wih he you'll understand why the Finer Oldsmobile moves in a-class of its own! Then get behind the wheel of an Oldsmobile She driver's seat fo the esact position that spells comfort and relaxation--and drive, Learn what 62 horsepower means in perfor- in abundance--power to spare on the steepest hills--snap, verve and action. Zhu sto uiess iat S0ly Olismullle's xa standards of precision engineering could accomplish. For the finer Oldsmobile sets a standard of performance in keeping with the stylish / luxury of its rich ments. - York Evening Post, Fisher the fo of fn Lovey So Body, eon aphalsteries 'snd pois Come in sad se he fer Oldmoile dey. LDSMOBILE PRODUCT OF GENERAL. MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED MOTOR CITY SERVICE, LIMITED Andiew Moffatt, President 26 Athol Street West Oshawa, Ontario : TR | rms on ve Sopot ing Prices hi to cured, . i: kip | of the heavy truck passed over his |= SUPERB BEAUTY mucn Larger Bodies As soon as you see and drive the pew Whippet 'our or will - i its are markable for erfor depend. ability and low consumption of derstand success and record sales. First, there is the wie desi. makes' new Whippets the style authorities in n that Then, when you enter either car, you will be gratified with its spacious, fully appoi ed interiors. The longer 700, Touring $595. WHIPPET SIX COACH A pA Factory. Favonias Taxes Sas. R. W. NICHOLLS COURTICE The ruins of an Augustinian Priory' Church, founded in the year 1811, and discovered beneath a tennis court at Conishead Priory, Ulverstone, are to be covered over again and the tennis court returfed. The church was built of yellow (Lancaster). sandstone,! Twenty-two noted gansters hav: and the roof slated. The nave was just been run out of Chicago 100 feet in length, and the walls 3i4| That is fine for the whence, bu feet thick. One precinct wall is 205] not so good for the whither.--Sax feet long. Diego Union. ~ THE ARCADE, LIMITED Your Easter Gloves Free!! WITH EVERY COAT OVER $19.50 SOLD ON SATURDAY EVE NING FROM 4 P.M. TO 10 P.M., A PAIR OF FRENCH KID GLOVES, YOUR CHOICE OF COLOR, VALUED *T $240 A PAIR, FREE EASTER HATS That are different. New shipment received today at most popular vrices.

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