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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Mar 1929, p. 7

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'Get the Habit" Wors hip Easter Sunday 3 pm, Sunday School and Bible Classes "The Man Who Was Always in Second § " Place" 5 COME AND WORSHIP Parsonage--Telephone 218 11 a.m.--"The First Easter Morn." EASTER MUSIC The music at the morning service will be led by a children's choir with flowers and several canaries as a kground. The adult choir will lead the musical por- bac] tion of the evening service. MORNING Chorus--*'Ye Gates of Eastertide." CHILDREN'S CHOIR {Solo--""O Come to the Garden of Glory" Chorus--*'Ring. On." 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Classes. EVENING 7 pm.--"My Greatest Argument For Im. Abthem--Y6 Choirs of New Jerusalem THE CHOIR "Solo part will be sung by Mrs. Fred Langmaid. Male Quartette=*Lo In The Grave He Lay." Mr. Frank Hare, Mr. C. Staples, Mr. Frank Walters, and Mr, H. C. Treneer, Solo--*I Know That My Redeemer Liveth." --JFrom the Messiah, by G. F. Handel.* Mrs. Dunn. Duet--*'Seeking The Master" § Mrs, Crozier and Mrs. O. D. Friend. "Anthem---'The Hallelujah Chorus". 3 ---From The Messiah, by G. F. Handel. The Choir. Fe King St. United Church | REV. CHAS. £. CRAGG, M.A., D.D., MINISTER Address: 139 King E, : Church--Telephone 228 =Loraine Spires. --By Loland Smart. --By Strebbins. By C. Austin Miles CHURC (Athol St. Near Simcoe) Rev, H. A. Ackland, B. Th., Pastor E 11 AM. "Did Jesus Christ Really Rise From The Dead?" LORD'S SUPPER AND RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS 3 PM. Bible School with Adult Classes 6.45 p.m.--Song Service 7 PM. "Why Did Jesus Christ Die?" > Monday--S8 p.m. Young People's Society EXTENDED TO ALL » . - LJ - First Baptist Easter Celebration A. 'M.--"Now fis, Christ | Risen From the Dead": PB, M.--"For the Joy, That Was Set Before Him". "1 MUSIO; ~ A. M.--Anthem, "Awake Thou That Sleepeth" (Sem- per). Th P. M. -- Anthem, "I Heard a Voice". (Semper). "He/ Was spised" (Handel) Solo by Mrs. Jen-. kins, &4 i The Public Cordially Invited Haster decorations by members of. the "Amici" class. . ARE Yah I Ss Il Centre Street UNITED CHURCH REV. W. .P. FLETCHER. B.A, D.D, 7 a.m.~--Sunrise prayer meeting, Baptist Church, under the auspices of the Young People's Union, 11 a.m. -- Communion. "We Would See Jesus". 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School 7 pm~--"Our Eternal Hope". Monday Evening, 8 p.m. --Young People's. Tuesday, 7.30 p.m.-- Children's Concert. A Pe Christ Church * (ANGLICAN) : _ Cor; Hillcroft and Mary Sts. REV: R. B. PATTERSON . ¥ NA G54 tncubnbent, 503 Masson St. Sunday, March 31 8 a.m --Holy Communion 11 a. m. -- Matins and Holy 'Communion, 3 2/30 p.m.;--Sunday Schoo Rally. : 7 p.m.--Evensong. Spe- cial Music by the Choir. % : Ct | 3 LJ St. George's: ANGLICAN Cor. Bagot and Centre Sts CANON C. R. JePENVIER M.A, . 89 Athol Street West Sunday, March 31 Holy Communion--8 am. . 11 a.m. --Morning Prayer Sunday School Centre St.--2.30 p.m. 7 p.m --Evensong. Baptisms 2nd Sunday each RR ------------ il Gospel In City Churches : ALBERT STREET UNITED A special Easter program has been arranged for the Albert Street Unit- ed Church tomorrow. The Sunday school groups will assist at the morn- ing service, and an illustrated ser- men, The Christian Hope", will be delivered by the Rev. R, A. Whattam at service. From: seven to sevent-fifteen there will be an Eas- 'ter song service, and the choir wil sing special music appropriate to the season, © tsi or his ay morning theme at St. Andrew's United Church the subject, "Living Witnesses of the, Resurrec- tion," a theme partic ly appropri- 'ate to the Easter sea: : HOLY TRINITY ANGLICAN . Special . music appropriate. to the occasion will mark the Easter Sunday services at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church tomorrow. There will: be -a . choral celebration of Holy Commun- ion at 8 am. and 11 am. In the af- ternoon, a special: children's service, followed by baptisms, will be held in the afternoon, when the rector, Rev. S. C. Jarrett, will deliver an appro- priate address. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The pulpit in Knox Presbyterian | Church on Sunday will be occupied by the Rev. George Atkinson, of Guelph, and the choir has prepared special music for the Easter season. KING STREET UNITED CHURCH "The First Easter Morn", will be the subject of the discourse by 1 v. C. E. Cragg at King Street United Church on Sunday morning. At the morning service, there will be a special children's choir, with a background of flowers and song can- aries adding an unusual touch to the service. The regular choir in the evening will provide special Easter music, including "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth," and the "Hallelu- jah Chorus," from Handel's Messiah. NORTH SIMCOE ST. UNITED A baptismal service and ordination , of elders will be the chief features of the morning service at North Simcoe Street United Church tomorrow. In the eyening there will be Easter mu- sic, also' an Eastertide address by the Rev. A. Mansell Irwin, the pastor of the church. CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH _An unusual service will be held at Centre Street United Church at seven o'clock on Sunday morning, this be- ing. a Sunrise Service under the aus- pices of the City Young People's Un- ion. The sacrament of the Lord's supper will be observed at the fore- noon service, conducted by the Rev. Dr. Fletcher, CHRIST CHURCH Special Easter music and messages are announced for Christ Church to- morrow, with Holy Communitn at 8 am. and 11 am. SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH "The choir of the Simcoe Street | United Church has been making great preparations for the . celebration of Easter Sunday by special musical of- ferings which will be a feature of the morning and evening services. At the morning service, the Rev. E. Harston will dwell on the ressurection theme from an unusual standpoint, his sub- ject being, "The Most Challenging act in History." MAKE ME STRONG "I want to let go, but I will not let go! ! I am tired, it is true, and discouraged and blue, Worn out through and through! But I will not let go! I want to let go, but I will not let go! I am poor and perplexed, disheart- ened and vexed, Care not what comes next! will not let go! But I I want to let go, but I will not let go! There are battles to fight by day and by night, : For God and the right! And I wil not let go! I want to let go, but T will not let go! I Heyer will yield, nor lie down on the 1d, 3 Nor surrender my shield! No, I will not let go! 1 want to'lét go, but I will not let go! Be this ever my song 'gainst legions of wrong! / 10 'God, make me strong that I may id not let got Ali Fairbairn. GRACE Lutheran Church Sunday, March 31 WELCH'S PARLOURS 9.30 a.m.~Sunday School. 10.30 -a.m.--Public Worship Rev. A, C: Hahn, 256 Athol St. BE. ALL ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME pel Hall Sunday, March 31 -- "Remembering Wednesday, 8 p.m.---- 3ible Reading. ° Friday, 8 p.m.--Prayer {eetings. ALL ARE WELCOME ST. ANDREW'S UNITEI The Rev. F. J. Ma well LL follows Human Failures It came to me in what might have been called an idle moment. I was on the train and had tried in vain to Bet interested in a book which I had taken with me to read during my), brief absence from home. Picking up a magazine provided By the railway company for the benefit of the pass- engers, my attention was arrested and my interest aroused by a very striking J2asraph. To me it seemed like the lament of a lost soul, i : the magazine did not belong to me I copiéd the confession on the back of an old envelope. It reads as : "The truth is I have failed altogether to acquire the technique of living. Man is born to be happy, but my haPpiness has always been fat around: the corner. 'Man was n to be free and is everywhere in chains. I have forged my own chains, built my own cage round about me, and beat my wings like an imprisoned peregrine because I can no longer soar." : What a confession of human fail- ure! Yet, mark you, the writer is reckoned a success by all who think they know him. He is cultured, clev- er, prosperous! But I fancy he has discovered that what 'is commonly counted success is very superficial and transitory. It is not easy to rea- son men into such an attitude to fife; experience alone can teach some peo- ple. 2 What a commentary on the culture of our civilization! Hungry for hap- piness, yet compelled to starve. Born to be free, but all the time in chains. Confined to cages built by ourselves. Although it is the confession of an individual soul, it is"equally true of the universal heart. Out of Christ, none can honestly say that he has acquired the technique of living, Man is a sinner by nature and by practice. He sins in thought, word and deed. He falls short of being a perfect personality he would be perpetually happy and absolutely free, morally and spiritually, The stream of human life must have started somewhere. This stream 35 polluted, There may be many con- tributing causes since, but an original cause must be found to explain how the pollution started. Philosophy's answer may be clever, but it is not convincing. Modern science says sin is due to the conflict of the ape and a higher reason, evolved by slow de- grees. The Word of God says in ef- fect, "Sin is any want 'of conformity Ste or transgression of the Law of We are driven back to the Federal Head of the Race to find the cause of all human failure. In Adam.all die. In Christ shall all be made alive. Christ saves you from the penalty of sin by His Cross and offers you the technique of living in the warm light of that first Easter morning.--A.F, IN CHURCH It was an exquisie morning, the cool clear air filled with a liquid chor- us of bird song, and with the frang- rance of May blossom. Half-opened bluebells pushed their way up through the grass in the park, and the chest- nut tree$ were lit with great white candles. All life seemed to be soar- ing upwards, and Jane's heart soared too. The church was of the same date as Mountsorrel, and lovers.of Gothic ar- chitecture sometimes said it was not religious in character. It was a de- licious little building, of faded red brick, with grey stone copings, with here and there a shapely urn as a decoration, The west door was en- tered by a fantastic porch, supported on stone Corinthian columns and sur- mounted by the most elaborate' urn of all. Inside the church, the light streamed through the greenish hue UNITE © --CHURCH Canada OsHAwWA 'The House of Friendship" Rev. Ernest Harston LL. B. 52 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 148 "The Most Challenging Fact In History" 3PM "Sunday School 7 PM. "Cold Scepticism" The Minister. Will Preach at Both Services A hearty welcome is extend- ed to all visitors in the city to worship with us this Easter- tide--A glad hand awaits you. il : Li CHURCH OFFICE--BAGOT ST. All the Churches Bid You a of the plain grass, like light under water. The Basildon pew was surrounded by high walls of carved wood, and when Jane knelt in it she was hidden from the rest of the church, But she could see the alter, which was raised above the choir by a high flight of steps, and she felt alone with the old priest in his vestments, his gentle voice coming to her like a murmured plain-song, to which the birds in the churchyard carolled a descant, It was unearthly, the atmosphere of devotion which filled the place. Jane, kneeling there when the service was over, and silence had flooded back in- to the church, felt as though she had been caught away (like someone in the Bible, she could not remember whom) into the Third Heaven, there SIMCOE STREET PENTECOSTAL MISSION (OVER THE ARCADE) " Sunday, March 31 Sunday School 10.00 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Evangelistic Meeting 7 pm. Prayer Meeting, eight o'clock. Committee in charge, Strangers Welcome. Friday to hear words untranslatable into common language, When she came into the churchyard, tears were streaming down her face, and she did not know it--EDITH OLIVIER, As Far as Jane's Grandmother (Martin Secker.) : : THE CROSS OF CHRIST The Cross of Christ! How bright it shines! Upon its 'beam His Head reclines, While Hands and Feet Are pierced and torn With cruel thorns. Mourn, sinner, mourn! Take thou thy cross! 'tis true thou canst not tel ; hat weal or woe thy fate may North Simcoe - St. United C hurch Rev. A. MANSELL IRWIN B.A., B.D., Pastor 89 Greta St. Phone 3263W , 11 a.m.--Baptismal Ser- vice. Ordination of the Session, Easter Music, 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Baster music and Eastertide Address; Monday, 8 p.m.--Sunday School night » he League. Special program, - CORDIAL WELCOME have in store, But this thou know'st full well; What e'er of bliss may be thy share, Our father offers more, Take thous thy cross! Though bent to earth beneath its weight, : ; Strive, strive, to hold it high. As pass the days thy strength shall grow. Some day thy cross Shall raise thee to the sky! man aa---------- Multitudes of people are willing to do anything that doesn't require any self-denial on their part. p . A revival may be expected when Christian people confess and ask for- giveness for their Sins. If you want a revival break up the fallow ground, the ground that pro- duces nothing but.weeds, briars, tin- . Pentecostal Assembly 200 King St. W. Sunday, March 31 ' Sunday School, 10 a.m. 11 a.m. --Morning Ser vice, 7 p.m.~--Evening Ser- vice. Tuesday and Thursday services at 8 p.m. Wednesday, 3 p.m. All Welcome. SUNRISE SERVICE The Oshawa People's Union will hold an Easter morning Sun- rise Service on Sunday morning from 7 till 8 o'clock in the Baptist Church, King St. East, You Are Invited Young HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Cor. Court and Barrie Sts. REV. S. C. JARRETT Incumbent : '30 Fairbanks St. ~~ Sunday, March 31 8 am. and Il am.-- Ch Celebration of the ly Communion. 3. p.m.--Special Chil dren's Service. 7 'p.m.--Choral Even- song. Special music and ad- dresses appropriate to the Festival will be given by the Rector. oy CHRISTADELPHIAN "Behold He (Christ) Cometh With Clouds and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him" The Risen Christ Is Coming Back Read Rev. 1, 5-7; (Heb. 11 and 12, 1-3; Clouds) Zech. 12, 10. KNOX Presbyterian Church Simcoe Street North and Brock 'Street Rev. John Lindsay, B.A., - Whitby Interim Moderator Rev. Geo. Atkinson of Guelph, Ontario Morning and evening 3 p.m.--Sunday School. A Cordial Welcome Always to Kuox Church Christian Science First Church of Christ, 'Scientist, 64 Colborne Street East Sunday, March 31 | " SUBJECT: ie ; by BB J Reality Morning Service at |1 am. Sunday School 12.10 a.m. Wednesday Meeting 8 p.m. Including testimonies of 'Healing L through Christian Science. You are ally invited to ate tend the services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room where the Bible and all authorized Christian Scienee literature may be read, borrowed or purchased and periodicals subscribed for, Open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 2 to 5 p.m. : Unity Truth Centre 8. 0. B "HALL, KING ST. E. Sunday, M 1 11 mday, March 31 Bverybody welcome hristian Hope™'. ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH REV. R. A. WHATTAM | 11 am.--Special Easter Program with Sunday School Groups assisting. | 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School and Eirra Bible Class. 7.00 to 7.15 p.m.--Easter Song Service : Special Music by the Choir after sermon on Several beautiful slides. Everybody Welcome "The cans and brick-bats.

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