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Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Apr 1929, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1929 i Easy-to-Find n DIO Tonight's Best Features 7.30 WSB Atlanta. Program for the Blind, 8,00 Columbia: Fred'k William Wile; U.S. and, : Paul Whiteman's Orchéstra. BC NEARY RK a Hou - | oud aker, Leatrice Joy, Van and Jf Shreacle; Miss Patricol ; Little Jack WEDNESDAY'S BEST FEATURES $0.00 a.m, NBC System (WJZ)--Dr. Cope- land 3 f NBC System (WEAF)--National Home IT. Columbia Network: Ida Bailey Allen. 513 NBC System ny School. L185 NBC par) )--Household In- stituf Sw NBC Sytem (Central)--Farm and me . 1.58 Warad Chicago. Ass'n, Commerce 00 NDE System VITUS. Navy Band Nol iC, oP WEAR Pacific Vaga st <4 bonds reg WRC, WHO, WOW, WTAM. WLW Cinci. Musical Meanderings. §.30 WLS Chicago. Strolling Guitarists, TONIGHT'S PROGRAMS 8.9 WEAF (454)--New York. Bill ane to WRC. LW (428)--Cinci. Markets; Glad Girls. ' WBZ (303)--Springfield. Lowes orches. i NBC em Waldorf Astoria Concert to WEAF, WRC, Wi WEAL (283)--Baltimore. Sandman Witham 255.5) Rochester. Markets; WIZ GB New York. Old Man e. 428)--Cinci. Orchestra, 5.30 or oes nebo, La Soleil News WBAL (283)--Baltimore. Dinner mu- sic. DAF (492)--Kansas City. (Air School wey & )--Schenectady. ' Ten Eyck: ert, WGR (545)--Buffalo, Statler Orches. wiz (45) New York, Savannah or- to WBZ, ZA. 2.00 CY (06)--Pitts. Address; sacred SONKS. WDC ¢ WBAL, (283 §VUAU (25%)--Phila. Studio program. tem: Voters' Service to NAR WIC, WY, WRC, WIAR, and Akron, Tenor. --Baltimore. Amoco Pro- TIME TABLES C.PR. TIME TABLE, - 10 so Daily" except Sunda p.m. Hy a 8.03 p.m. Daily except Sunday. 11.10 p.m. Daily. 12.09 a.m. Daily. % All times shown above are times trains @evart from Oshawa Station. C. N, R, TIME TABLE Effective Jan. 6, 1929 Eastbound 8.23 a.m. ~Daily except Sunday. 8.58 a.m. ~Sunday ly. 9.59 a.m.~Daily. 1.17 p.m.~Daily except Sunday. 2.32 p.m. ~Daily except Sunday. 6,47 p.m.~Daily except Sunday. 9.42 p.m.~Daily. HE p.m.~Daily except Saturday. 09 a.m.--Daily, R25 am=Dally, 8.53 a.m.~Daily except Sunday. 6.20 a.m.=Daily. £.07 a.m.~Daily except Sunday, 2.06 p.m.~Daily except Sunday. i nan~Daily, 14 p.m, --~Sunday only. .27 p.m.=Daily except Sunday. B.45 p.m.~ Daily except Sunday. | Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville 4 BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Efrectrve_w. and alter Nov. 4. ROGR OA, WHAS, WFAA, WDAF, WOW, WMC, WGR, WBT, Nasu (258.5)--Rochester. News; stu. 10. HK Gio) Cleveland, Bohemian hr. iz (394.5)--New York. Smalle and obertson to KWK. NAC (244)--Boston. News; Amos n' Andy, WLW (428)--Cinci. Dog Talk; Gibson et Newark Songs; WRVA p20) Richmond. Amos and Andy; eview, 7.30 CRC (357) Toronto, Maytag Radio- ette, Columbia Network: Mobo bogie WA WCAU, WEAN: NETW, WAAL, WOES (70) --Mpls, St. Paul. Master - Musicians, WCAE "G42 --Pitts. Adress; Uncle 1m ; Soconyland to WEAF, Wi "WE WIC, WGR, WGY, w R Ww Entertain. WNAC, WCAQO, WIR (400)--Detroit. Talk; Enttrtainers WLW (428)--Cinci, Sohio Musicians to WTAM. . Columbia Network: "Washington Pol- itics" to WABC, WE NAC s 0g WMAT, _WJAS, WFBL, WCAO, WOWG, RMOX, KOIL, WHK, WCCO WCFL '(309)--Chicago. Popular pro~ gram, WCAU (256)--Phila, Theatre Review; Orchestra. NBC. System: Soprano to WEAF, KSD, WFI, Eww: WGR (545)--Buffalo. Organ. WGY (379.5)--Schenectady. Concert or- he's t 0 Stromberg Carlson Sex N System: Stroi ": . Z, WBZ, WBZA, KDKA, tet to WJ Ze ZK, KOA, S, WSB, ; 8.30 NBC System: Michelin Hour to WIZ, WRAL. WIR, WBZ, WBZA, WHAM, KYW, WREN, KDKA, KWK, KVOO, WFAA, KPRC, WOAL | NBC System: Prophylactic Program to WEAF, WTIC, WIAR, WWJ, WEEI, WCAE, KSD, WOW, WTAG, WRC, WCSH, WGY, WHO, WDAF, WFT, WGR, WLS. . WPG (272)--Atlantic - City. String en- semble, 9.00 Columbia Network: chestra to WABC, WNAC, WEAN, WKBW, WLBW, WJ WADC, WKRC, WGHP, WDBI, WOWO, KMOX, WMAL, KMBC, WSPD, WCAO, KOIL, WFBL, AR, WHK, WLAC, WDOD, WCCO, WISN, WREC, Whiteman's Or- WCAU, AS, KSTP, WMC, WOAIL NBC System: Three-in-One Theatre to WJZ, WBZ, WBZA, WBAL, WHAM, KDKA, WLW, KYW, WREN, KWK. WOR (422)--Newark. Male quartet. WTAG (517)--Worcester, Studio; Mus. keteers. . 9,30 NBC System: Dutch Master Minstrels JZ, WBZ, WBZA, WBAL, WHAM, KDKA, WLW, KYW, WREN, WTMJ, WJR, KWK. WLS (345)--Chicago. Entertainers; Concert Orchestra, WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago., Musical pro- gram. 10.00 CNRA (322.4)--Moncton, Concert Or- chestra. : CNRW (384.4)--Winnipeg. Studio pro- gram. Columbia Network: Pan-American Un- ion Concert to WABC, WJAS, WFAN, C, WGHP, WCAU (256)--Phila, ette. NBC System: Clicquot Eskimos to WEAF, WEEI, WTIC, KYW, WJAX, WTAG, WJAR, KSTP, WTAM, : Syncomatics to WIZ, ., KWK, WREN, WLW, WJR, KDKA, WBZ, WBZA, WPG (272)--Atlantic_ City. Meeker's Orchestra; Musical Maids, 10.30 NBC System: Contraltones to WEAF, WFI, WHO, WTIC, WJAX, WMC. WGY (379.5)--Schenectady. Concert or- chestra, WGR (545)--Buffalo. Sheas Studio. NBC Svstem: Orchestradians to WIZ, WBRZ, WRBZA, WHAM, KOA, KYW, WRAL, KDKA, WIR, KSTP, WREN KWK. . WTAM (280)--Cleveland. Talk; Enter tainers, WTM]J (487)--Milwaukee. Musical pro- gram, 00 p.m, Whitby Hospital Busses Pn All Special Reasonable Rates and Drivers T A. GAR10m™. Propeirtor Bowmanville-- Phone 412 or 346 Phone 2283 W. A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 23%, Simcoe St. North Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Faultless Lenses Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELER Estab'ished 1886 | Oshawa Waiting Room. 10 Prince St.-- REPAIRING af your Watch : make it tell th 10 King St. W, OUR SPECIALTY . is not giving satisfaction we can repair and D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian National and Oshawa "Railroads. WATCHES e correct time Phone 180 KSD, WCAE, WTAG, WCSH, WFL |' Waterous- Meek | Limited UPTOWN OFFICE S80KingSt. W. Phones 1288 and 660 KSTP, WFI, wi ax Ww WEB, WHAS, WS WDAF, WSB, WBT, WRVA, .5)--Rochester, NBC Dh cheater, Opa, C. Redfi Wiz, WRC. WLW inci, Variety hour, WPG ( Atlantic City, Silver Slip. 1130 WLW (828) --Cinel. Quintile Ensemble 1200 KYW (Chicago, Panico's Or- KMBC (315)--~Kansas City. Dance mu- si CNRV (291)~Vancouver, Studio pro- | t. Paul. Entertainers. Rogx, 2 BS) fodts, WN lies orches, ver, le KFI (468)=Los Angeles, Concert' Os- RR (309! ttle. Male quartet. PRC (545)--Houston, Studio. WDAF (492)--Kansas City. Varied program, : OLD PARKDALE COLLEGIATE IS NOW IN WRECKERS' HANDS Toronto, April 2.--Many Park- dale old boys, not to mention the fairer gex, are watching with inter- est, and not a little regret, wreck- ing operations on Jamieson Ave- nue, just south of Queen Streety that, when carried to completion, will mean the passing from sight of the old building of Parkdale Colle- giate Institute, in which structure a great many Parkdalians received their secondary education. Shortly after the demolition of the old ' | school was commenced, many for- mer pupils and not a few present- day scholars of the collegiate spent many hours on the scene, picking up here and there a relic to take away as '"'treasure." dd INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER COOL IN SUMMER OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT. * PUPPIT MAKING DELIGHTFUL HOBBY Toronto, April 2.--A visitor to the studio of Miss Rosalynde Os- borne, a former resident of Hamil- ton, writes of the delightful results of a hobby which is really an an- cient art of China, and also of our Indians--that of making puppets from plasticine and plastic wooa. When asked how and when she decided to become the mother of marionettes, she. said: "It was a long time ago, when I played Ben Hur under the ndrsery table, That production was never quite suc- cessful, though. I had to make the three wise men out of the paper and there were other defects. At one end of the studio stqod the mimic theatre, the proscenium outlined with a band of gold and presently, Miss Osborne slipped be- hind the crimson draperies, the mask of a geeress appeared, and af- ter a brief prologue, the drop cur- tain was pulled aside to show the clockmaker's shop in'Nitta Syett's "Gift of the fairies." "You can do anything with my little people," sald Miss Osborne after, "so long as you don't ask them to do something beyond their limitations. nce St Oshawa, Ont. TORONTO MAN DIS IN AUTO CRASH Daniel Sinclair Instantly Kill- ed When Car Hits Radial "Locomotive (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Mimico, Ont., April 2.--Daniel Sinclair, 654, Torento, was killed here when a car in which he was a passenger crashed head-on into a moving radial car. William Quinlan and Wm. Draper, both of Toronto, received injuries but will recover. Quinlan was taken to the hospital, but Draper was able to proceed home after receiv- ing medical attention. An oppor. bunliy wget 8 grand ante st Tow J. H. R. LUKE 52 King St. E. Phones 871 or 687w According to the police, the car swerved to avoid a broken section of the pavement on the Toronto- Hamilton highway, while travelling at a high rate of speed and crashed into the radial car.An inquest wi be held tomorrow. SOURCE OF SUPPLY ; (London Answers) Avis--Have you heard the story about Alice? Ailsa--Heard it? Why, dear, I started it. "If you could have two wishes come true, what would they be?" "Well, I'd wish for a husband." "That's only one" "Yes; I think I'd save the other until I saw how he turned out," -- ---- ELLA CINDERS--The Kick-Back BAD, BLUNT, BUT ELLA IS NOT IN HER T--SHE WENT OUT WITH ANOTHER Mant ! Th al qh i BRINGING UP FATHER-- mM GOWN TO FIND OUT WHATS AILIN' OINTY: HE'S CERTAINLY ACTIN HOW ABOUTA LITTLE CHAT WITH YOL ? WHAT BOOK ARE WOU READIN ? SRINRRPISN 3 pt STSWES N) ; T, MEX SIMPKINS - HAD A ANONDBRFUL] SURE, OH, IT WAS DIVINE CITY {BUBBLES IN BEACH ie EXERCISE SUT UP 0 AD. IM ONE-ROUND HO ---- : ARE YU AWFUL RUSHED = TILLIE . © SEE GOSH, YES - \"E GOT IF THERE'S ANY

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