THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1929 PAGE NINE OSHAWA CITIZENS GIVING SUPPORTO GRENFELL LECTURE Dr. Paddon Will Address Two Meetings Herc Monday "Seldom have the citizens of Oshawa done themselves greater honour that is theirs by virtue of their ready and generous response to the invitation to give counten- ance and support to the humanitar- ian and truly Christian work of the Grenfell Mission in the Labrador," said Rev. John Galt. secretary of the local Grenfell Committee, to The Times today. Sir Wilfred Grenfell is recogniz- , ed throughout the world as the outstanding, heroic missionary tig- ure of our day and generation, whose Knighthood, bestowed by the King in recognition of his great missionary and humanitarian achievements, was one of the most highly approved of the many wise and gracious acts of our beloved Sovereign; his work is recognized as being not only highly successful but also as absolutely indispensible in view of the rigours of climate, the hazards of occupation, the pov- erty of the people and the import- ance of their work in wresting from Avctic seas a great contribution tq the food supply of North America. Dr. Paddon, who will lecture in St. Andrew's Church on Monday evening at- 8 o'clock, is a graduate of Oxford University, and is well known to wield a facile pen. He has been a medical colleague with Sir Wilfred Grenfell for seventeen years in the Labrador and is pos- sessed of the most intimate know- ledge of th® work of the mission and also of the pdople on whose behalf it is undertaken and so can be depended on to delight as well as inform those who are forunate to hear his words and see his real- istic pictures, The service clibs of Oshawa, Ro- tary, Kiwanis and Kinsman's are » unit in support of thé event of Mon- day evening and in.addition they A BEAUTIFUL \ NEW HIGHBOY 06 BATTERYLESS ' $260 Com 3260 Compluse Thus beautiful new "Four. Ten" Highboy is the latest - result of Rogers constant aim to provide finer batteryless radio at ever-lessening cost to you. Jhe proven Rogers-Batteryless Receiver is equipped with the famous Rogers A/C Tubes (fully guaranfeed), Automatic Voltage Control, Rogers Output Filter, Phonograph "Pug. in" Jack --all the latest 1929 features. The cabin: is an entirely new and very modern design in rich, brown walnut. 'Radio is now a year 'round source of entertainment and education and Rogers (as any owner will tell you) is the ideal year round radio. Ask us to Demonstrate Generator & Starter Co., Ltd. 15 CHURCH STREET OSHAWA have arranged to do honour to Dr. Paddon with a united complimen- tary luncheon td be served in Ro- tary Hall, Centre street, at 12.15, on the same day, when the guest of honour will be heard in a man to man talk at the tables. The Ministerial Association has given its endorsement and the members are all making every possible con- tribution to make the visit of Dr. Paddon a real contribution to the Grenfell interests and an inspira- tion to Christian workers in Osh- awa. It is reported that some, at least, of the Young People's Socle- ties which meet on Monday eveus ings will either withdraw the meet ing or hold it after service on Sun- day evening. The committee have been suc- cessful in securing the services if G.. W. McLaughlin in the capacity of chairman at the lecture and were also happy to accept the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Conant, to Dr. Paddon, to be entertained in their home while in Oshawa. SCORES SEDITIOUS PROPAGANDAIN CANADIAN SCHOOLS (Continued from Page 1) lieve such a step was negessary. In the border cities, he said, the prob- lem was practically negligible, that the relation of the foreign pupils and those of Canadian birth could not be bettered and that by anticipating difficulty it would un- doubtedly arise, "Let parents see that their child- ren are happy and prospervus, anu as for the Reds," hes nappedhis fingers, "it takes a migusy lot to throw our school sygtem off the road and it is good enough, I be- lieve, to carry through on its own doctrine," he declared. Soon Become Canadianized Foreign races have a fine cul- ture from their native lancs, he New Martin Rin Tin Tin MILLION DOLLAR COLLAR ALSO BIG BOY COMEDY ist Episode. of New Serial "The Diamond Master" Regent Now Playing "Abie's Irish Rose" ~--With-- JEAN HERSHOLT CHAS. (BUDDY) ROGERS NANCY CARROLL ALSO COMEDY & FOX NEWS A 'Page of Household Hints Always Wear Clean Gloves Have you ever experienced the embar- rassment of pulling out a soiled and Care of Enamelware The pan in which milk has been boiled will wash out easily if a cover is put over the pan as soon as the milk is poured out and before the steam escapes. Allow the pan to cool before taking off the cover. Then fill with cold water and let soak until ready to wash. Edited by For your daintiest garments Rich Princess suds surge gently through the finely- woven threads, removing all dirt and grease and very little rubbing, 'if any, is re- quired. Princess Soap Flakes are inexpensive, too. They come in this big yellow " package and it is surprising how a few flakes foam into such mountains of suds. PALMOLIVE PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES Made in Canada Suggestions for Lovely Sha Hands I gave 3 very successful little bridge party last night. May and Dorothy used to be s0 embarrassed by their red, work- worn hands that I never dared to sug- gest cards. Their useless attempts to con- ceal their hands were pitiful. So I told them how I keep my hands soft and white. . It is just this-- After vainly trying various suggestions offered by my friends, I began to wonder if my red hands might be partly caused by the soap I was using for my house- work. Then I experimented with differ ent kinds of household sosp, and soon found that many soaps contained harsh chemical filler or an excess of caustic which played havoc with my hands. But soaps that were easy on the were never very effective for washing clothes and dishes and floors, and the hundred other household washing tasks. 1 inued hing until I di d Princess Flakes, which I found to be a perfect household soap, and they never have given me red hands once since 1 began using them. So I tell my friends about them évery opportunity I have, and after trying one package, they al- ways inue to use them. inserted? This may be avoided by giving the gloves good care and by home wash- ing, since many of the best looking gloves are made up in washable suedes and leathers, : 'Washable suede or glace gloves may be cleansed in lukewarm Princess Soap Flakes suds. Do not rub them--simply whisk them i Princess suds until the dirt is removed, Rinse well in clear water of the same temperature. Then place them, without wringing, in a towel to absorb surplus moisture, and lay out flat to dry. Do not let them dry over direct heat. A teaspoonful of glycerine and a few soap flakes added to the final rinsing water will impart a soft glossy sheen to the surface. Princess Soap Flakes can be used for every household washing task -- floors, woodwork, windows, or your heavy fam- ily washing. There's not a single thing in your laundry bag -- no matter how delicate--which you cannot safely wash with Princess Soap Flakes if it will stand clear, tepid water, I have tested Princess Sosp know that there is no better soap in any form on the market. Test them your- self--and see if you don't agree with me. I will be glad to have a free trial to me at 64 Natalie Street, Toronto, Ontario, enclosing 4c postage. Palmolive guarantee fo replace any wash- able garment which, by reaion of its Flakes, bas been its color made to run, provided such germent bas been washed in accordance with their instructions. tead of the d in the rich, eff knowing English was readily ov- ercome by a remarkable asset of persistency. "There is no more illiteracy among these new Cana- dians than among the old," he con- tended, and recalled with a smile how "Izzy" became "Harry." J. M., Bennett who had spent eight years recently in inspecting schools in Northern Ontario, be- lieved that the preparation of a manual would assist the teachers in bringing British ideals 'before little new Canadians, but that Mr. Hutchinson's resolution should in- clude the views of other Uanuusun~ izing agencies such as Boy Scouts, churches and other associations. At a suggestion of Mr, Bennett that the publicity of the resolution might be' harmful Mr. Hutchinson replied that he had not considered that phase and that he would ac- cordingly withdraw the resolution. "SW. R. Liddy, of Orangevill then proposed a resolution for a summer course for the instructon of teachers who were teaching for- eign pupils or a manual to assist them,b ut Mr. Benson thought that the dramatizing of Canadian his- tory, singing of Canadian songs and organized sport after school hours was a, more practicable way of moulding young Canadians. .He also thought the adoption of any resolution gave the impressin that the school system , was not now teaching patriotism, REVOLUTION N MEXICO DYING (Continued from Page 1) forces was sald to be at Culiacan, the state capital, which was re- ported filled with rebel wounded. The wounded were brought to Cul- iacan from La Cruz where govern- ment forces recently claimed a decisive victory. Americans arriving at the bor- i Jostorday fom the interior sa ere ha een heav. at La Cruz, y Sewing Counter Attack Reported Juarez,, Chihuahua, Apni] 4,-- Despite the announcement .from Federal troops that the battle at Jimenez had ended in a complete rout of the rebels, reports from an Associated Press correspond- ent and from rebel headquarters at Chihuahua City, received here late last night, said the revolution- ists had launched a counter at- tack on Jimenez and were battling the Federals in the streets of the town. The news of the counter at- tack was the only information on the baitle available at Juarez. Communication lines to Jimenez, which were disrupted Monday by the explosion of a trainload of dynamite, still were out of order. JUNIOR AUXILIARY OF ST. GEORGE'S GIVES A CONCERT Large Audience Attends Presentation of Annual Event The annual Junior Augiliary concert was held in the school room of St. George's Hall last evening before a large audience. The children did their parts well and delighted the patrons of the evening. The proceeds amounted to $100 which was most gratifying to those in charge. The program was as follows: Opening song, by all Juniors; piano solo, Eileen Birchall; recita- tion, "What We Are" five Juniors: Folk Dance by eight rirls; recita- tion, "My Dolly", Kat. '~an San- ford; . dance, "The Vanity "ax" Alberta Judd; nursery rhyme. seven girls; recitation "I'll Just Explain", Winnie Carter; Medley clog dance, senior girls; wand drill, six girls; song, "Tommy Thumb", four girls; recitation, "The Dancing Class", Eileen Birch- all; dance, "Irish Jig" Catharine Merritt; scarf drill, eleven girls; Dostures, senior girls; song, Milli- cent Elston; violin solo, Betty Fuller; club swinging, senior girls; dance, "Highlahd Fling", Alberta Judd; song, 'Good-night Song", ten juniors; dance, "Tennis Dance" senior girls; short sketch entitled "Aunt Debby's Speculation", "Motor Loans! Same day service Let us refinance your present contract or advance additional cash at a mo- ment's notice. Courteous and confiden tial. Our rates second to none. OPEN EVENINGS Motor Loans & Discounts Ltd. Room 6,143 King St. East Oshawa, Phone 2790 in every way, and now I sent to you, if you will write 13 Simcoe Street South en -- ------ Guarantee been washed with Princess Soap d in texture or 27-29 Stylish Shoes I. COLLIS -& SONS 50-54 King st. said, and the difficulty of mot| FES 2 5 200 5 56 3 20 3 2 7 Ho 4 PERE IR TATE yon Fk Sr de key Js TS flexible bracelet is outstanding charm. The "M158 LIBERTY" comes in a lux- urious velvet box of soft jade green. Brgmaved FE ulova 2475 PATRICIA -- case; 15 jewel movement . . REVERE--Attractively engraved, dust proof case; ho $ 247 5 BANKER---Dust-proof case, 15 jewel Piles eee $2475 We are AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS [for BULOVA Watches *% Jk yedey : : Pali The "Miss LIBERTY" comesBwith exquisitely engraved case, tastefully set with six sparkling emeralds or sapphires. The filigree At $37.50, the "MISS LIBERTY" represents incomparable valae. Be sure to see this beautiful watch today! We are also displaying a magnificent selection of 'other shapes' and styles . . . for men and women .. . . from $25.00 to $250.00 SENATOR ~-- Richly engraved proof case; radium dial; 15 jewel Bulova movement. Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner KRERIKX RRXKX 33t OUIICINC The AY (eA% 4 wong 226 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 x XE EE = Bucs newest lady's wrist watch creation...the "MISS LIBERTY"... introduces a new standard in watch styles . . . and watch prices. set with matching stones, making an ensemble of wrist; = Jewel | oN mgt fomp ete with mes $5000 seve evsee for BULOVA Watches EEA RER 0. 8.0.0 00 0 9) Ld ETI 3332333332323333333 FFF IIIS IIIS SSS] Attractive Values In New Spring Footwear! For the smart Miss Col. legiate--a new design from the States. The semi-sandal pattern with a modish square toe and cuban heels. Comes in patent only. Sizes 3 to 7 y $3.95 Ladies' Quality Shoes This particularly attractive offering of Ladies' quality Shoes includes both ultra stylish and conservative patterns. Ma- terials include patent, satin, si n beige and trotteur tan, Straps, ties and pump styles are shown in a variety $ 4 95 of heels. Sizes 8 to 7. Pair . . [] Men's Shop ~ Outdoor Shoes Boots Men's Solid Leather Outdoor Men's Shop Shoes that are light Boots of the better grade. Black and serviceable. Leather or Pan- | or brown, heavy oiled grain up- co Soles. Sizes 6 to 11. pers. Leather or Panco Pair ...... soles. Sizes 6 to 11. Pr. Men's Oxfords Men's snappy black Oxfords with comfort and wear 'combined. sizes. 6-11. Pair . .. EEE Oxford vu 'mfort and style for wide feet for ladies. Among other shoes just received is a fine Black Kid EEE Oxford, made in a new, smart pat- tern. .Sizes 3 to $3.95 8. Pair .... « sve Window Zhe Burns Co. "40 Years Dependable Service" $4.50 ROM our many new lines we have chosen several timely values in each department. Our windows and in- terior displays are specially devoted to new arrivals. See Our Boy's Window Boys® good grade Box Kip, solid leather Boots with sturdy Panco soles. Good service combined with economy, Sizes 11-1834 Sizes 1-514 Sizes 1-5 $2.75 $2.19 Boy's Oxfords Another shipment just received of our popular Ox- ford for boys. Like "Dad's" in style and fit. $3 25 Sizes 1 to 5% em L] See Children's Window Patent Straps Patent Straps Children's sturdy play Oxfords with Panco soles Children's Pat-| Children's smart | Black, brown or ent Straps with | patent straps smart lizzard [with buckles patent. Some with fancy trims. trim. and fancy trims. Sizes Sizes Sizes 5-73 Sizes 5-734 $1.49 $1.75 Sizes 8-104 Sizes 8-101 $1.75 | $2.25 Sizes 11-2 11-2 - $1.98 | $2.75 Limite Boys' sturdy play Ox- fords in black or brown with Parco soles: Sizes 11-13 $1.99 Sizes . Sizes 5-73% $1.59 Sizes 8-103 $1.79 Sizes 11-2 $1.99 Oshawa and Gananoque