PAGE TWELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1929 a ----hd EEE itv ' * Easy-to-Find"' RADIO PROGRAM Noe a The. Ca oak Mystery. yas SG 2 Fie Cosh 1 Choir of 10.00 N. Wie gar Strike Dance Orchestea--Dis. B.A. Roll. Army Band. dul, P.O. Musical Society, program to MONDAYS DAYTIME FEATURES iid ol FEAL ily York. U.S. Navy WOW. 1000 NBC. System. (WJ Z)Dr, Copeland hr 11.00 WENR um CW) Br. Copslan of 1.15 NBC System (WEAF)--Household In- stitute. p.m, WIR Detroit. Musical Matinee (daily. NBC. S; Stem (Central)~Farm and 5 yiul Mshwaukes, Orchestra concert. WM Chicago, Bridge Game, NBC System (WJZ)-- S, Marine band to WIR, WRC," KWK, WBZ, WLS, WGN Chicago. Tea Time Music. 5 Columbia Network: Roosevelt ensemble | Fisher Theatre . Enter- | WJR Detroit. tainers, . TONIGHT'S PROGRAMS NBC Systems Bill and Jane to WEAF, WRC, . WLW (428)--Cinci. Doherty's Trio, NBC System, Waldorf _ Astoria Music to WEA WRC, WCAE, WHO, WEEI, Wow. WCAH (209)--Columbus, Serenaders, WHK (216)--Cleveland. Picadilly Or- chestra, WJZ (394.5)--New York. Collins Five. WTAM (280)--Cleveland, Dinner con- cert, WTMJ (487) -- Milwaukee, Tour, Wado (447.5)--Chicago. Topsy Turvy Tin KYW (294)--Chicago. Uncle Bob. NBC System: 'hite House Dinner [ Music to WEAF, WSB, ' WEEI, WFI, WGR, WTAM, WTIC, WCAE, LL WJAR, WTAG, WCSH, WRC, WGY, Tid WBT, KSTP, WRVA, WJIAX, NBC System: Gold Spot Pals to WJZ, WBZ, KDKA, WLW. KDKA (306)-- --Pitts. U. of P, Address. WBAP (374.8)--Ft. Worth. Music; Sunday School. WCFL (309)--Chicago. Popular' pro- gram, WCAU (256)--Phila. Sylvania Orches. WDAF (492)--Kansas City. Dance and Concert Orchestra. NBC System: Spitalny's Music to WEAF, WRC, WGY, WSB. WGHP (246)--Detroit. Lady Moon; Concert. WHAM (238.5)--Rochester, Eastman Theatre Party. NBC System: "Talk; St. Regis Orches- tra to WJ WLW (428)--Cinei. Unique Trios. YOR gr Newark, Dinner Music; Fra 7.10 WOR Re) --Buffalo. Stat» 7.15 KDKA (306)~Pitts. Hom.c "Radio club WCCO (370)--Mpls, St. Tati. Barlow's Orchestra; Book Man 7.30 wez "@8)--Springhel. McErelly's or- E (242)--Pitts. The Strollers, NBC System: "Romance Isle" to WEAF, WTIC, WJAR, WCSH, WEEIL WGY (379.5)--Schenectady. Dinner mu- sic. WLW (428)--Cinci, Aviation Talk; or- chestra. WTAM (280)=Cleveland. Hollenden or- eatra. troit. Feature program Lamplit Orchestra 'WREN, KYW. wane aam=Aion, Musical program (2 h WGR 5) Buffalo. Organ. NBC System: Organ to WEAF, WTIC, WCAE, WWJ, KSD, WRC, WKY, KOA WEAA,'¥ WEEL KOA, WFAA, WEEIL NBC System: Goldman Band to AZ KWEK, WIR, KDKA, KYW WLW, WBAL, WTMJ, WHAS, WSB, WRVA, WJAX, KSTP, WEBC, WREN, WSM, WBT, WMC, KWK. WTAM (280)--Cleveland. Cleveland or- chestra. MOK (73)-5t. Louis, A WCAH ©3095 --Columbtss. Orchestra. gsr (208)--st. Paul. Kon (361)--Denver, Happiness period NBC System: Dance Band to WEAF, C, w AR, WGY, WCAE, WEEIL, KSD, WRC, WGR. v Interwoven Pair Orchestra; Old Timers Musical fea- WHE Bio icago. Quintet Brigodes OF» or Asantic City. Night Club to. ind hes. Ih Eh Ca Ji NBO! "System: E. ot ric, ih WAR WRC, wk, WHo, Wi WDAT, KOA, WHAS, WMC, WBT, WSB KPC, WTAG, WJAX, Wek wi WEB: WOAL So Rochasser, 4 muy- WISN (268)--Milwaukee. Studio pro-!| ram, BC System: The Camoh Mystery to WIZ, KWK, WBAL, KDKA, WBZ, KYW, WREN, WJR. 9.30 WAL > attimore. Ensemble. oan 389)--Chicago, Chicago or- NBC System: The 71's and S to wiz, 10.00 WBAL {283)--Baltimore. The Mary- NB stem: Lucky Sf Dance Or- Web. We So KSD, WTIC, WIAR WTAG, WCSH, WFI, WMC," WRC, WBT, WGY, WGR, WCAE, WJAX, WHAS, WHO, KPRC, WTALL, wr wow, WDAF, KVO0O0, WFAA, Ki WHAM (268)--Rochester. an, NBC Hora Melodrama to WJZ. Ne W (428)--Cinci. Honoluluans; Or- Columbia Network: Radio Forum KOIL, WMAL, DKA (306)--Pitts. Wm. Penn orches. KThS (374)--Hot Springs. Dance fro- w cau (256)--Phila. New WOR. (422)--Newark. Astor orchestra. KJR /(309)--Seattle, Reverie Hour, WCCO (370)--Mpls, St. Paul. Long's Orchestra. NBC System: Wright Sisters; Pollacks Orit to WEAF, WFI, WCAE, WWJ, , WHO, WKY, WIOD. wWGY' a. 5)--Schencctad. Comm, Nisy or spiiwaries: Collins Or- Ci NEC System: Slumber Music to WJZ, Ww. WLW (428)--Cinci. Gibson orchestra. WOR (422.3)--Newark. Golden's Orches. WTIC (500)--Hartford. Bond Orchestra WIR (400)--Detroit, News; Dance mu- WK (216)--Cleveland, Williams Or- tra, KOA (361)--Denver. Grabau's orchestra KSTP (205)--St. Paul. Amos 'n' Band concert. Randi (275)--St. Louis. Wylie's orches. 5 WSB (405)--Atlanta. Skylark. Dance Music; Program to WEAF, | Wow, wii, Wha, fa XV00, = WIE, Gel Yaak WLW, WK 230 NBO Sestem: Vocal to WEAF, WTIC, WFAA, W, ' WISN, Nic 'sre: P Confer WEBAL,- rE WET, KS oe wing, WREN, 1 fi J, WGY (379.3) Sehene tady. Organ, wi (326)--Detroit, Symphony Or- BE wily "et KVO0O0, SoM, ay, "WEY AA, 'WBT, WOW, K NBC' Syst Musi WIZ, WBAL, KWK. WRENS WR C (315.6)-- Washington, Washington 4.30 Wee (273)--Atlantic City. Concert pro- Bc System: McKi wiz, Kyw, KYW, WBAL, 12.7 82, WHAM, , KDKA, Wik: WREN, 5.00 CFCA (357)--Torontd. Record Hour. NBC System: Cook's Travelog to WJZ Jcay (256)~Phila. News; Jubilee we )--Detroif. I.B.S. Program fis Michigan those, Ww (428)--Cinci. Vesper services. 510 WCCO (370)--Mpls. St, Paul. Presby- terian Services, $13 WPG (273)--Atlantic City. Se: 5.30 Columbia Network: Poe yitaan Ser: WABC, WNAC, WAMAQ, WKRC, WGP WOWS, KMOX WMAL VB H WEA F, War. WCAE, WKY, y , WOC, NBC System: Dr. Harry E. Fosdick to WJZ, WBAL, WLW, KWK, WBZ, WBZA, WREN, WHAM. 6.00 CFCA (357)--Toronto. Concert ensemble KDKA 306) Pitts. Orchestra, Atisicl any & to KoIL, TMJ, WFI, AI, KOA, WBT, WHAS! WSM Special Programs for Sunday 1.30 NBC (WEAF )--Filipino Orchestra 2.00 NBC (WJZ)--Roxy Symphony 6.30 NBC (WEAF')--Dictograph Program NBC (WJZ)--Anglo Persians 7.00 WGN CHICAGO--Chicago Symphony to. WTMJ, WOW, KSD, WDAF, KSTP 8.15 NBC (WJZ)--Colliers Hour 8.30 COLUMBIA--Sonatron Program , 9.00 COLUMBIA--Majestic Hour 9.156 NBC (WEAF )--Atwater Kent Hour KFI (468)--Los Angeles. Concert orches, WCCO (370)--Mpls. St. Paul. Gold Medal Orchestra. WDAF (492)--Kansas City. Song Fest WGN (416)--Chicago. Dream Ship; Goldkettés - Orchestra, WHK (216)--Cleveland. Organ requests | WLW (428)--Cinci. Jack and Gene. SUNDAY'S PROGRAMS 9.00 WIZ (394.5)~New York. Children's hr. KMA (337)--Shenandoah, Morning ser- vices. 9.30 WLW (428)--Cinci. Sunday School. iu (487)--Milwaukee, Services (2 10.00 WHR ) @16)--Cleveland. LBS.A. Pro- Wir (400)--Detroit. Baptist Services. 10.30 x (294)~Chicago. Courtesy pro- WsB (405)--Atlanta, Sunday School. 10.45 WEEI (308)--Boston. Services. wb LSD Phi, Holy Trinity church R (545)--Buffalo, Services. 110 FER (357)--Toronto. Services. A (306)--Pitts, Services. Woy ons) 2) Schetiectady. First Re- formed C 11.30 WIT Chicago, Gospel Taberna- MJ ( mace. Organ, AS heh (294)--Chicago. Peoples Church, 11.50 WCCO Ae St. Paul. Services 12.00 KFAB (389)--Lincoln. Services. 12.30 NBC System: Sylvestre Hour to AF, WADC (223)--Akron. Organ. wiz (394. New York, 8 tring quar~ to WBAL. 10 Weal (256)--Phila. Norris Players. (216)--Cleveland. - Orchestra, hf System} Artists Hour to WJZ, | WBAL, 5 1.15 RMA "sz Shenandoah. Sacred 'Songs @ 1.30 WORD 256) --Phila. Musicale. NBC. System: Fili Piso Orchestra to WEAF, WRC, W! WTAM, WHO, WHAS, RETP, WOW, 'WFAA, WWJ, WCAT 2.00 NBC System: Biblical Drama to WMC, WFAA KPRG wis KSTP, WIIG wh AF, K Te WOR! WG YA eran, prs Wome WIR ant Talk; Orchestra, Z, WBZA, WE. WESC, WIM], KDK oe KYW. WREN." XOA "KS wees (370)--Mpls. St. Paul. Christ ientist. 7.00 KDKA A Gu----Dints. Se Services. - KFNF (337)--Shenandoah. Golden Rule ices. Sore Aron. i Hr. NBC System: old pom lo- e to WEAF, WEE Wil FI, $a, WTAG, WC WGY, i 8 {228 Chicago, Sis Sig Suisemble tem: cago WeN reas, WOW, WDAR, "KSD, WHAM (258.5)--Rochester, Religious N. System: The Nomads to WJZ, year WK, WREN. SH ' (405)--Atlanta, Pomar's Orches. WAM (280)--Cleveland, Courtesy pro- 790 8FCK (87) Toronto, Serviess, AP y to BC System: jor Bowes WEAE: wi oR. Wie, WHAS: WSB, RDO WTIC, Cc, ¢, Wky, 'W C Sys ] Baldwin Concert We Z, WBZ, WBZA, WBA WHAM, WIR, WL WLW, WRE ROA, WSM WKY, WFAA, KPRC, WOAI, Ww. 800 Columbia Network: La Palina Smoker WFBL, WCAO, KMOX, WCCO, WLBW, hit DC, WGHP, WEKRC, WDAF (492)--Kansas City. Entertain. NBC S: poten Woe, WhIA Welodice on Ak Sali WM). WOAI, KST. wow 815 NBC 0g I= wae by Caitte. Study. im Colliers Hour to 1045 WDAF, (492)--Kansas City. Amos "n' NBC System: Feature P WEAY, WRC, W WOC, 'WOW, WHAS, WJAX, WK 256)--Phila, Dance ic. )~Detroit. News; es n' WEG GrAtante City. Or 7) Milwaukee, Orchestras Orchestra. Vancouver ttle, Salon 12.00 Ease er. Tue % Houston, Studio m WHK (216 {aeia. oN ie)---Chicago, imu 7 Miwaukee. Dance Music Dream Ship; 3 ARTIFICIAL COTTON CLAINED SU CESS VAD | British Textile Industry is Keenly Interested in Discovery London, April 6.--The textile in- dustry in England is watching with almost painful interest the develop- ment of a discovery which may pos- sibly relieve it from dependence up~ on the American cotton grower within a few years. Several months ago The Mont- real Star published the news of the finding in British Guiana of a wild plant, the fibre from which was be- lieved to be suitable for the mak- ing of cloth equal in almost every respect to that obtainable from cot- ton, It is now stated that pro- duction of the plant, hitherto a use- less weed, had reached a stage by which the company handling it would be able this year to furnish 80,000,000 pounds on a pro rata basis to English mills, Dr. C. J. Hedley-Thornton, the discoverer of the process; an chairman of the recently. formed English Artificial Cotton Produc- tion and Marketing Corporation, states that important developments are under way. His company has, received orders | for just over 1,000,000,000 pounds of this artificial cotton but this »|vear's limit of production will not exceed the figure mentioned above. Next year, however, it is expected that the yield will be very largely increased. European Growers Dr. Hedley-Thornton informs the press that arrangements are in the course of completion for the forma~ tion of a number of subsidiary com- panies for the growing and market- ing of the plant in Holland, Switz- Woy (379.5)--Schenectady. Television. | 11.00 Wik pd LL Wisconsin | bef ¢ {is mes erland, Italy, Czecho-Slovakia and Rumania, and these, when formed, will operate under the guidance of thie parent company. In addition to foreign estates for growing the. plant, extensive acre- age is to be taken over here and it is planned later to make arrange- ments with British farmers to grow the fibre as part of their normal crops, to be purchased by the corporation, Earlier reports made after exten- sive tests by textile men have re- sulted in glowing statements re- garding the quality, dyeing capac- ity and availability for mixing with other materials. "Artificial cotton" can be raised, it is claimed, to yield 700 to 500 pounds per acre and to sell at a fixed price of 12 cents a Hid whereas real cotton grows about 400 pounds to the acre and in Lan- cashire sells at 20 cents a pound. The roots, shives and leaves of the weed provide sufficient revenue to justify the growing of the plant, with the fibre cotton produced merely as a by-product, so that in case cotton growers should reduce costs to meet the 12 cent price the "artificial cotton" could be. sold as low as 2 cents a pcund, Hendley- Thornton declared. The artificial product is repre- sented as requiring only one-third the amount of dye as real cotton. It can be grown as far north as Canada, although experiments have shown a loose, sandy soil is best. Two crops a year, it is estimated, can be grown in Egypt, althouglf experiments in Sussex and Essex show that the British climate will produce only one crop a year. Hedley-Thornton, who declared his corporation started on a $500 capital, has declined Government subsidy. and has been offered un- limited financial backing, He plans a trip to America soon. Within five years, Hedley Thorn- ton told the United Press, he ex- d | pects most of the European coun- tries to be producing their own "artificial cotton" and that practi- cally the only absorber of Ameri- can real cotton output will be Eng- land. Even these exports will drop considerably, he believes, unless America takes up the artificial pro- duct. Poultry Demonstrations Kingston.--F. C. Bulker, who has charge of the Poultry Promotion Department of the Livestock Branch of ominion D ment of Ag- riculture, Ottawa, was in the city on Thursday morning conferring with the Agricultural representative in connection with holding demonstra- tions to encourage the breeding of poultry. REPLACE worn tires NOW safer Gum-Dipped tires; and specify Firestones for your new car. There's a Firestone Dealer near you--he serves you better and saves you money. AW Sa ng FIRESTONE TIS TRE og RUBBER CO OF CANADA LIMITED : ONTARIO MOST MILES PER DOLLAR srestone Builds the Only CUMBIPPED TIRES - J he Credit Jeweller When We Test Eyes--Iitls Done Properly and Help Build Up Our SHOPPING DISTRICT 12 Simcoe Street South "You Get Married--We Feather the Nest" Phone 701 Radios--~and the Wonder Orthophonic Also Exclusive Dealer for the Victor Record in Oshawa Every Dollar Spent in Oshawa Helps to Build Up Our City. JURY & LOVELL Optical Parlors Phone 28 or 20 WBZ WREN, KSTP. YM) (487)---Milwaukes, The Ramb- DKA, WY DATBAL KOA, © WHAM, .. D..d. BROWN King Street West Your Laundry Done Properly Just Phone 2520 and a driver will call. OSHAWA LAUNDRY And Dry Cleaning Co. Mill Street Oshawa Dry Cleaning If you want your clothes cleaned so th=y will look like new, phone-- PARKER'S Simcoe St. S. Phone 788-789 BC. YAR (492)~Kansas City. 2.00 lumiia Network: Majestic. Air Thea- ADC, WBBM, ROL SN, CCO, WCAO, .WOWO, 'KMOX, WSPD, WENR (345)--~Chicago. Sunday ne 915 NRG Sm: Atwater Kent Hi Wi WOC, 'WGN, "ESD Wok wl, oon WGY, WFL' WTAM, WOW, KVOO, K AA, f, WSB, WBT, Ww. Y, WF. hi WOAI, KER, KST WMC. WBAL LoL Concert Or- Bm: tae " ystem: z, DKA, KE wha 9.30 C (517)=Toronto, Music veya wi (492)--Phila. Organ, 43. 0TR (400)--Detroi Happy Half 10.00 CNRW (384.9)--Winnipeg. Ft, Garry Concert. etwork: De Forest Band to EAN Ww. Borsalino Hats A complete mew shipment for Spring just received. Browns, Sands, Greys in Welt Edge, Snap Brim or Roll Brim. The very newest styles in the world's best Hat. $8.00 SIBERRYS' 27 King St. East Opposite Post Office Phone 1110 'AKE Pinkham's Phen- = rin: These little pink (Pl tablets. contain no 'nar- Bigs aM'S gptics. The will nog afece PH ENR IN 30c. at your drug store. EACH TABLET CONTAINS TWO GRAINS Of Packed in a handy metal [[]] conruns no nancones box to cal Sanya ypur poche Pinknam LABORATORIES or (if you \ LYNN, MASS, lady) in your handbag. Wee (272)--Atlantic City. Musicale. 10.15 NBC SR Studebaker SR ions {0 FI, WGY, WTAM, Musicale. WLW _ (428)--Cinci. 10.30 Columbia Network or In Oshawa Helps Oshawa - sp-- WMAQ; WHK, KMOX, 23 aps 9° Lake Gath Jt Us 0 DS REDE E TT