1HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APKIL 13, 1949 EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS New Industry - ' Fenelon Falls--Fenelon Falls is get- ting a new industry, The Standard Pattern and le Co., which -ex- : ul to begin operating about May 4 HR ------ SAO ign or, hie vs " Street «Lindsay Ping say streets are in eto "ich, will a A ro yp probal at- nin of to as soon as cig San Paving Co. begin operations on the Fenelon Road. _ ! + Presentation to Colonel . Lindsay--At a banquet held: in the Hotel Benson. Col. Geotge A. Weeks, of the Victoria and Haliburton Regi- ment, who retires this year, was pre= sented with a beautiful travelling bag by members of the local Garrison Club Times Have Changed ' Lindsay -- How times do change! In 1929 the population of Lindsay is over 7,000. The population of Manilla is less than 150. In 1855 the popu- lation of Manilla was about 700 and Lindsay's population was 250. Minstrels At Prescott Brockville; ~-- Last evening the Brockville, Rowing Club Minstrels programme was presented before a small but appreciative + audience at the Victoria opera house in Prescott under the auspices of the hockey club of that town. Changes in Property Oakwood--There are some changes taking place at Oakwood. The house and post office owned by the late J. 13 Simcoe Street South r- QUALITY COAL Phone 3060 MALLETT BROS. DA F. Cunnings has been sold to Mr. Jas. Irwin, of Little Britain, . who moved in recently. Mr. George Bar- rie is retiring from the Barrie home- stead f west of Oakwood and has moved into the village. Cows Trespassed = Lindsay--A man appeared before magistrate G. A. Jordan yesterday charged with driving cows through 'town and letting them walk on and destroy the boulevards. He pleaded guilty and was fined $5. Bad Roads Trent River--Many cars have had to be hauled out of the mud holes on the Campbellford rcad. The road to Havelock is in a bad condition, the worst place being near the Maple Grove Cemetery, where cars sink to the fenders. f Rink Plans Ready Belleville,--Plans for the construc- tion of the new artificial skating ar- ena in this city are being considered. All of the options on the properties acquiried by the Arena Company have been taken up and work will com- mence in the near future, Demnand Exceeds Supply Kingston--For the first time since the commencement of the winter sea- son Major Alan 'W, Stroud, Superin- tendent of the Government Employ- ment Bureau, reported on Thursday morning that the demand for unskill- ed labor exceeded the supply. Have Begun Work Kingston. --S tone masons" have started work on the addition to St. Mary's of the Lake Orphanage on King street and from now on there will be considerable building activity in that locality, The addition is to be finished and opened some time in Au- gust. Chief Nurse Visits Belleville -- Miss Ahern, Ottawa, Chief Nurse for Canada of Metro- politan Life Insurance Company isin the city ofr a few days. Miss Ahern addressed the meeting of the V.O.N. Committee, held in th elibrary last evening. Half Objective in Sight Nearly half of the objective has al- ready been obtained and the pros- $9,000 objective set, declare officials of the Y.M.C.A. financial campaign which is being carried on by over a hundred 'enthusiastic business men this week. Cobourg Estimates Cobourg.--The public school has prepared its estimates for 1929, and is making a requisition to the Town Council for $24,947, which is an increase of $400 over last year. Teachers' salaries amount to $19,000. Customs-Excise R Produce Prices inthe -- - Commercial Markets TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS 'Toronto wholesale dealers are paying the ivered Toronto: following prices, deli standards, 43 1-2c; tone unsettled. Eggs, firsts, 25 to 25 1-2c tone steady. EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, April 13,--Receipts: 2,300; holdovers, 1,500; market active to all 5-10 15 cents higher, 160 Butter--Cr soli I 1; No. 48 1:3 pio iy 3 Lindsay--Customs and excise re- turns for the port to Lindsay for the year ending on the 3Ist of March, have just been announced. Within the past year the local office handled $243,486 'worth of goods. No compari- son between this and the amount handled in 1927 is available, Successful Smoker Another, successful meeting was held in the Legion rooms last night when F. L. Barrow, of the Service Bureau of the Legion at Ottawa, was the speaker. Mr, Barrow's work is in connection with pensions and his address was interesting and highly in- structive. Seven new Ss were 47c; No. 1, -46c; No. 2, 43c es. No: gfic; Cheese--No, 1 colored, paraffined and government graded, 21 1-2 to 21 3.4c. . Poultry-- 5 Nem 8 SBRRsan TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following piices to the trade: Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 31 to 33c; cooked hams, 44c; smoked rolls, 25c; break. fast bacon, 26 to 38c; breakfast bacon, 26 secured, Survey Elevated Scales Kingston.--Hayor Craig receiv- ed word from the engineers who are working on the various Kings- ton elevator sites, stating that they had nearly finished their work and expected to be in Kingston early next week with complete and de- tailed reports. Bank Clearings Kingston --Bank 'clearings for the week ending on Thursday were -904,- 652.58 as compared with $666,428.48 for the samme week last year. During the week for last year there were two holidays, however, they account- ing for the big difference in the clear- ings. Calling For Tenders Peterboro.--Tenders for the Kresge building at the Kingan corner of George and Simcoe streets are to be submitted by April 17 to L. T. Bish- op, the company's resident engineer, Some of the local contractors are re- ported to be working on the plans, as well as scveral others in Toronto and elsewhere. Wall Collapses Belleville -- The stone retaining wall running from the old Montreal Bank property on Pinnacle street to Patterson street which has been in a dangerous condition for some time, pects are bright for reaching the bulging out with the pressure of Our Methods Insure Longer Life For Your Clothes HERE 'are many reasons 'why it is utterly impossible for you to give your wash work the protection and preserva- tion processes that this most modernly equipped laundry provides. For instance, you cannot buy in the stores a laundry soap as pure as the |, specially made soap we use. NA You cannot secure the degree of softness we attain in our scientifically processed water. Here your clothes are thor- oughly washed twice in 20 minute suds and then given 7 rinses in. the soft water in gently oscillating tumblers. Every stage of the washing is for thoroughness of operation and preservation of color and fabric. The Wash Way of the Modern Woman THRIF-T-SERVICE 8c 1b. Everything carefully washed and thoroughly rinsed in eight to ten changes of water, All flat work is ironed and carefully folded. Other work is returned damp; ready for starching. Minimum 75c Oshawa Laundry and Dry Cleaning Co. OSHAWA PHONE 2520 to 38; backs, peamealed, 29 to 3ic; do, ked, 30 to 40c. Cured meats--Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 Ibs., $21; 70 to 90 Ibs., $19; 90 to 100 Ibs,, and up, $18; lightweight rolls, in barrels, $11.50; heavy ;weight rolls, $38.50 per barrel Lard--Pure, tierces, 16 1-4c; tubs, 16 to 16 1-2c; pails, 16 '3-4c; prints, 18 1-2 to 19c. Shortening, tierces, 13 3-4 to 14 3.4c; tubs, 14 3-4c; pails, 14 3-4c; tins, 16 3-4c; prints, 15 3-4c, Porkloins, 31 1-2c; New York shoulders, 22 1-2¢c; pork butts, 27c; pork hams, 261.2. MONTREAL BUTTER LOWER Montreal, April 13.--An easier feeling de- veloped in the butter market and values for all grades were reduced 1 to 1 1-2c per pound. This was attributed to the heavy arrivals here yesterday. Receipts were 3,525 cases, 'The trade in cheese showed a slight im- provement an values were firmer. Receipts were 46 boxes, A fair trade was done in eggs and values were firmly maintained, Receipts were J,600 cases, Quotations: Cheese, Westerns, 22 1-Zc. Butter, No, 1, pasteurized 45c, Eggs, fresh extras, 3c; Do, firsts, 32. PRODUCE AT NEW YORK New York, April 13.--Butter steady, re- ceipts, 9,469. Creamery, higher than extras, 45 1-2 to 46¢c; do., extra (92 score), 45¢; do., firsts, (88 to 91 score), 44 14 to 3-4c. Cheese steady, receipts, 82,238, Eggs, firm, receipts, 30,868. Fresh gathered extras, firsts, 28 to 28 1.2c; do. firsts, 27 to 27 1-2c; storage, extra firsts, 29 1-4 to 29 1-2. CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, April 13.--Butter and egg futures worked generally lower on the Chicago Mer- cantile exchange yesterday. There is reluc- tance of traders to make heavy commitment at this time of year. The eggs spot re- mained unchanged while butter cash prices were easier, In and out trading was the rule and new investment was negligible. Open commitments--April fresh eggs, 31; April storage eggs, old, 132; April storage eggs new, 8; May eggs, 20; November eggs, old, 277; November eggs, new, 255; April butter, 76; June butter, 11; December but- ter, 185, Chicago Spot Market--Butter, extras, 43c; 2 bay ; 250 to 300 lbs., $11.75 to $12.15; 140 to 150 lbs. $11.50 to $11.75; pigs fn, vhicrweighis, $11.25; packing sows, $10.35 of cattle, 100; market steady; cutter cow $5.25 to $7.25; medium bulls, $9 to L293. Receipts of calves, 900; good to choice vealers active, steady, $5.25 to $7,25; med- ium bulls, $9 to $9.25, Receipts of calves, 900; good to choice, vealers active, steady, $15.50 to $16; cull and common draggy, $8.50 to $13, Receipts of sheep, 1,700; lambs, 25 to 40 cents, higher, good to choice clippers, $16 to $16.50; top, $16.25; medium, $14 to $15; good to choice, woolskins, $17.25 to $17.50; medium, $16, TORONTO HIDES AND WOOL Toronto wholesale dealers in hides and wools, are quoting prices to shippers as fol- lows: City hides green, 10; bulls and brands, 6c; country hides, green, 9c; cured, 9 1-2 to 10c; calf skins, green, 14c; do., cured, 14 1-2 to 15c;, kip, green, 12; do., cured, 12 1-2 to 13c; horse hides, No. 1, $4; No. 2, $3; No. 3, $2 Wool, flat, free or rejects, 23c; rejects, de. Tallow, solid, in barrels, No. 1, 6 1.2 to 7c 1b; cakes, 7 to 7 1-2c. TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Local wholesale hay and straw dealers are making the following quotations to farmers (delivered at Toronto): No. 1 timothy, loose per ton $19.00 to $20.00 No, 1 timothy, baled Nominal No. 2, do., do. .. No. 3, do. do. Lower grades .. Wheat straw ... Oat straw TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba Wheat No. 2 Northern, $1.29. No .3 Northern, $1.25. No. 4 wheat, $1.21 1-2¢c. No. 5 wheat, $1.11 1-2c, No. 6 wheat, 95c. Feed wheat, 82 1-2. u . (c.if. Goderich and Bay ports. Price on track, 1c higher than above.) Manitoba Oats No. 1 feed, 53c. No. 2 feed, 52 1-4c. (c.i.f. Goderich and Bav Ports.) American Corn No, 2 yellow, kiln dried, $1.08. No. 3 yellow, kiln dried, $1.06. No. 4 yellow, kiln dried, $1.04. (Delivered Toronto.) Millfeed, delivered, Montreal freights, bags included: Bran, per ton, $31.25; shortes, per ton, $31.25; middlings, $36.25; ! Ontario oats--Good, sound, heavy oats in car lots, 45 to 50c f.o.b. shipping points. Ontario good milling wheat, f.o.b. shinning points. according to_freights, $1.28 to $1.30. Rarley--Malting, 70 to 73c. Ruckwheat--85 to 8c. Rve--No. 2. $1.05. Manitoba Flour--First patents, in inte, $7.40, Toronto; second patents, in jute, $6.40. Flour o Track, Montreal car lots, 9% per cent. pa- tents, per barrel, $5.70, earth behind, gave way last night and piled considerable stone and dirt on the street. Testing Brakes Peterboro-- While police in other centres throughout been making close check-ups of mo- tor car brakes, the .Peterboro force has not been idle in this regard, and during the past two weeks, nearly two dozen motorists have been ask- ed to give police officers "lifts" while they inspect the car brakes, Prescott Woman Held Brockville.--An hour after she is alleged to have robbed her daugh- ter-in-law of a purse containing $43, by snipping it off her arm with a pair of scissors, Mrs. Loret- ta Halliday of Prescott was arraign- ed before Judge D. H. Corcoran in Ogdensburg, N.Y., on a charge of robbery, waived examination and was held on $3,000 bail for the Grand Jury. Castle to be Occupied Kingston--Rickarton Castle on the Bay shore near Picton, the family home of the late A. W. Hepburn for many years, has been in the hands of decorators for several months past and now presents a delightful appear- ance. It needs only refurnishing to make it the same charming place it was before .It will be occupied by Brig Gen. and Mrs. B. R. Hepburn, who have recently returned from Florida. To Submit By-Laws Peterboro--Ratepayers and citizens of Peterboro will have three by-laws submitted to them on Friday, May 3. The Protestant ratepayers will vote on the issue of debentures for $300,- 000 for an addition to and the re- modelling of Nicholls Hospital; all ratepayers will be asked to approve of issuing debentures for $10,000 to improve the bathing beach at Inverlea Park; and those who are fortunate enough to have their names on last year's assessment roll will be given Ontario have W. an opportunity to express their ap- proval of daylight saving in the city of Peterboro from June 15 until La- bor Day. Grain Pool Payments R. Shields who helped organ- ize the Ontario Grain Pool in this district last year, reports that in- terim payment cheques at the rate of ten cents a bushel on all grades of wheat, oats and barley delivered by pool members were mailed last week, This payment of ten cents a bushel brings the wheat price on top grades delivered since September 15th last to $1.13. NO LITERARY HASH Book Agent--*"Have you a Char- les Dickens in your home?" Steve Kupfer--* No!" B.A.--*"Or a Robert Stevenson?" 8. K.--"No!" B.A.--"Or a Gene Field?" S. K.--"No, we ain't, and what's more if you're looking for them fellows, you might try the boarding house across the street."--Ex, Motor Loans! Money At Once Let us re-finance your present contract or advance additional cash at a mo- ment's notice. : Courteous and confiden- tial. Our rates second to none. OPEN EVENINGS Motor Loans & Discounts Ltd. Room 6, 143% King St. East Oshawa, Phone 2790 of Buy General Telephone 262 HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY For Economy Hardwood Blocks Absolutely the Greatest Fuel Value in the City Truck Loads and Wagon Loads All Small Blocks Are Being Taken Out of the Above Loads and Sold in Truck Loads for $3.50 Limited Quantity Scrap Loads of Seantling nd Board Ends for Just Dixon Coal Co. Motors Four Direct Lines NEWC.P.R. CHARTER SEQUEL T0 BATTLE Saskatoon to be Side-Track- ed by New Line in - (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, April 13.--The dian acific Railway yesterdy secured a charter for a branch line from Lanigan to Prince Albert. This is the sequence of the famous fight this session for a Canadian Pacific branch line from Saskatoon to Mel- fort, which was opposed by Saska- toon, after the support promised from that city had led to the C.P.R. application for the charter, Following this the C.P.R applied and was granted yesterday, the Lanigan-Prince Albert ' charter, which gives direct connection be- tween Regina and Prince Albert, without entering Saskatoon. JURY & LOVELL'S Saturday Candy Special iy and toasted Marshmallows. For luncheon try i Timch, Ror} our special plate 3c 40c Jury & Lovell 10 King St. E.. : Phone 2223 For Your Ice Cream and Candy Needs I a) < osbork o Short Sleeves at - - Fugi Silk Dresses SATURDAY NIGHT 50 Only Fugi Silk Dresses are very attractive With long sleeves at - $3.95 $3.25 : | That have just arrived in a gorgeous array of colots. The styles - Phone 1000 : THE ARCADE LIMITED Simcoe Street North 2 5 A 5 roses od EIEIO CSOT SOT OC JOT SOC SO YO OT JO WL WO 00 SC JOC TO JOC WC CC JCC NC O00 OS Te Becta eoteetooteotoodoctoctectoctoctectoctoctuctoctocteabocte ds heated. EJ J J J J J Ja J J J J J Jb 8 6 ab a) When Cadillac makes such a statement 'you know it is so Cadillac can honestly say that in twenty-three years it has never exaggerated or over - emphasized and Cadillac can still truthfully, honorably say: There are no motor car manufacturing plants in the world in which every other consideration is so completely set aside for the attainment of the highest possible quality and precision as the magnificent manufacture ing laboratories in which Cadillac and La Salle are produced. It is actually the fact that the Cadillac Motor Car Company can and does build into Cadillac and La Salle not only the best in materials and workmanship but the finest possible artistic and scientific achievement in motor car design, engineering and manufacture. This is not only logical and reasonable but in a very real and literal sense inevitable. For back of traditionally superior Cadillac craftsmanship stand the colossal General Motors deliberately planned to achieve a purchasing power that permits value-giving in excess of any other s With the wealth of surpassing new engineerin, anufacturing refinements in rh Cadillacs and La Salles it becomes more obvious than ever before that if you want the kind of luxurious motoring that Cadillac gives you simply must drive a Cadillac or La Salle. Consider, for example, the Cadillac-La Salle Syncro-Mesh Silent-Shift Transmission--de- signed and perfected specifically for protection and m resources of motoring experience. Though these brakes are amazingly powerful and positive in action no effort is required to operate them. The slightest touch of the toe on the brake pedal and they respond instantaneously. Cadillac-La Salle Security-Plate Glass, with which Cadillac-La Salle windows, doors and windshields are equipped, i# not coiiventionally laminated sheets of cheap glass but the highest quality, perfect-vision plate glass that cannot be shattered in the event of collision or by stones flung up from the wheels of passing cars. 'These are but three of a host of similar exclusive ultra-modern manufacturing refinements corporated in Cadillac-La Salle. Experience these new features for yourself. Drive the new Cadillac or La Salle. Then see if you can find their equal elsewhere. i custom-built ile models, yA kbs designed and F built. : on mountain roads and in the maze of city 2 traffic. A vital essential in time of emergency, this transmission permits clashless, lightning- like shifting of gears with a finger-touch, at any speed, and without pausing in neutral. The sense of security inspired by the Cadillac- La Salle Duplex-Mechanical System of Four- Wheel Brakes: will prove a decidedly unique CADILLAC-LASALLE Cadillac-La Salle dealers welcome business on the General Motors Deferred Payment Plan. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Subsidiary of General Motors of Canada, Limited Oshawa, Canada Motor City Service, Limited ANDREW MOFFATT, PRESIDENT 26 Athol Street W. . Oshawa. Ontaria