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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Apr 1929, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1929 SLETED SECTION uyger ALN h~~ meets Mr. Seller ~oononaee . Heo Help Wanted--Male Pedestrian Struck HARDWOOD VLOOKS LALD ; Legal y a CERT CSTE, R t f W For w Toronto, April 16,--Struck by BY EXPERT MECHANICS ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA. U a es or | North 81 St. BI Manor AMBITIOUS INEXPERIENCED an automobile on Gerrard street : cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To-|and Land Co. Lots on Oshawa Park, "Fi I meos Gt, 5lWo0y men allowed fifty cents an hour, | near Chestnut, Sam Savinsky, 67- (fl | Old floors finished like new. ronto) pupils prepared for all exams. | Victoria Park and Peace Park. Terms | | Cl ifi d A d an Bushjnsbam anor. South learning best paying trades. kn- |year-old peddler of 622 Bay street, Storm windows, combination Oshawa, Wednesday, 93 Simcoe Bt. ;t- suit you Office 38 Simcoe St, N, assiiie $. 1 meoe St. iste Apts. Four 8nd | gineering, electricity, garage work, | sutfered the fracture of a leg yes. doors. General Contractors. North. Phone 23764F, (129-tf) ; (86th) iy ve om 3 Jaton Joavetiesces chaufteuring, bricklaying, barber-|terday, Ho was taken to Genocral ] ing, hairdressing, Literature free. |nospital and the driver of the ear, B. W. HAYNES ORUAN-| 5TX ROOM, NEW H ) PA First insertion--134 cents f 2 | toves, and fixtures, laundry rooms, | wri Domi i ist and chuirmaster of King street |street. All conveniences. A real buy s 4 "| Write, ominfon Government | Migs A, Stewart Galt of Ad- Kg Ph por word. with Electric Dryers, {ncinerator, |Chartered Trade Schools, King | miral road, Tan al the Ae - Ey i tad United Church will accept pupils in |$3,600. Phone 1637W, or 1972W, and shower baths. For further par- A y floor | plana, organ and You! Huss. ; -- (60tf) Minimum charge--30e. ll | ticutars. Apply Your Local Agent West, Toronto ph. 6 40. May 35) to police, Vict aaind fren. 6) ) "| Bouse on paved strest. Modern con- Bh sul ago eT as TIREF CLASE Cyclist. lojuted "| veniences, centrally located, Apply lltor Owner "oronto. "Appl Mr, pattern maker, familiar Toronto, April 16.---Reynolds Men's Topcoats, Special to (116-1 and ter Simcoe United Bix "0" Oshawa Dally Times, Three consecutive inser. | Grier, Phone 2089J . 111e8) with malleable practice, steady | Gofield of 66 Dixon avenue, 19 Olear ' . Shoirtunel pe A | Tre " (6018) ors far the soles af two | oud F . ork. State ase, J1petioncs and years old, was taken to St. Mich~ At $12.50 ot : W BS ROOMS R BRICK, insertions three --- s expec i "yn ' ER . Con. £ nude a Preon Sow i chétnut trim, French doors, oak sents a word), {| roomed suite in Victoria Apts. 2V1 Tier. E2poste py ste) dH Lot J. Sus 03 Dominion Clothing Store Office na 5 : flows down stairs at 153 Alex- Minimum charge for three ff | 5/00 St. South, Apply to Mr. | gyms -- TGH GLASS | Ing a bicycle, collided with an |] 08 King St. W. Phone 2141 banjo, Harry Wagner, Torontu | 4% Bt overlooking golt grounds. insertions, 80 cents. or 2 (1440) men with cars for permanent posi- | automobile driven by Ernest Hor --BAR- | teacher at Harris Music Store, 11 oe Phone 1357W, | Ratt Box sumber 10¢ additions) (fl| George", 804 Simcoe St. §. Every So: 5 Sok i Shel wpportuLizc fects of 105 HasH{ués resus, sisters, Conveyancers, Notaries divi Bienes a 5 Five free, lessons | co THAME TIOURT TT Professions! or Business [| m0d¢rn convenfbnce. Telephone HA Ea (404) er Standard Ban ven on instruments sold. : H ) | le etc. Office over Standard Bank (rab. 30-iay 26) room} eictric tent ana waiars (ff "Cords $250 por 'ment [| 3650 OF #00 Disney, 29 King 8 |ioarn shoe businew. High school | pes Machinery Repairing #, Grierson, K.C., T: K. Creighton, garde grag ' g tre for pho for. wards lata 29 TO RENT--BACHELOR APART- sausation of Rarred, Butsy Bue : NOTHING TOO LARGE 7 B.A. Insurance . E. Gives, Third street, pO Ty auld flment in down town apartment : (nb fe J OY NOTHING TOO SMALL 5 HY , BARRISTER, | or AND SO TRANCE, | Bowm@ville, (89-c) |. block, water, electric light and Help Wanted --F emale ¥ohy 5 ; ' Notary, over Dewan yo King St. west, Oshawa. The old-|F IW GROOMED (Wl =~ TIMES CLASSIFIED ff] steam heat. Box 69, Oshawa. | WoNAN WANTED FOR "BED: | : Adanac Machine Sho ie. Store, 16 Simcoe str *| est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 R 'k Yneer house on Montrave ADS COST LITTLE; AC. i (1) | roomwork. Must be good cleaner, ne 161 King St. W. Phone 1414 '~. Phone 67. Residence 3206W. table Fire Companies. (118tf) | Ave. Sill down payments, Month~ | |i SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT. ILL A » a PLACING INSURANCE |!y term§ Apply 206 Pine Ave, i COMPLISH MUCH | Located on Gull Lake, Haliburton, WANTED EXPERIENT ast A y I | se, risters, etc. Money to loan. Alger|congyyy R, N, Johns, 80 Simcoe north. (89-b) 1H TELEPHONE 38 Jur furnished and "completely 1 oso te ois, Loo : g. osite Post Office, Phone , attended to | FOUR-MOMED HOUSE FOR |i equipped, Large living room with : : Bide opp Clon dg RA Your osmance wants Breed ag gn CCL TRL Ask for Classified Ad De. stone fireplace, four bed fooms Gray, 426 Simcoe street north. i * 4 Vv A Henry be . : | INSURARC SHAWA HOUSE | not refustl. Apply 620 Park Road | {| partmen inside uvators, large kitchen with ac 66s. (88¢) , ddd d { Sim- ' South. (89-h) i good cook stove, and large screen. | C GENBRAL, APPLY MRS. Yigtel$, Ronson, A to apd Land Co, Local agen; jor of. FOR SAE--SIX ROOM BRI Articles For Sale ed in verandah. Good safe sandy |¥. L. Henry, 231 King Street E, : . Insurance & Loans coe St. N. Phone of the best sh compan Higin 1 Oak beach. Canoe and motor boat, Mail "g8tt) MY Stmeoo Si, 8. 26tf) | fee 38 Simcoe St. N. (86-tf) | on Higin §, All conveniences, Oa . Phones 1198W--Office 1858J)--Residence erce Building. loan. { MIXED HARD AND SOFT nd all lies del floors. Stjll cash payment down. SOFT WOOD |and all necessary supplies deliver. A ESSE: Balagte it rties, Prico | $1abs. $3.50 per load, Also bone dry|ed dally. Season's wood and ice | wanted for | : Medical Transportation $400 bor we ier 4 | body wood. Waterous-Meek Limited, {supply installed. Apply Chas, M. |Manager, Traymore Savarin' mos. Ha Obstetric Special CARTAGE, MO NG G ay be deh oY est. Phone 2780, Dum 1288. (Apr. 26tf) | Mundy, c-o Oshawa Dally Time. taurant, (89-¢) Surgeon, stetrician, a lsand and cinders. cal and long } 90) | FOR SALE ~ HEINTZMAN CO. CO) | HOURBK EB PER WANTED -- a maternity work and di-| qigtance hauling, Phone 3048 and | parti VE ROOM re ) Pianos, new and used; also J, FOR RENT--FURNISHED FOUR arr fond Ag Bhd as vt rseases of women. Two years ost 2392F, Smith and Cox, 44 Bond 8t.| | wo. & 0 1 nutes from Motors latest models, terms arranged, C,|roomed suite, The Edward Apts. {2169J, (89-b) duate rience, Office and resi-| oo Has Monviiences. Oak too, Trull, Oshawa, Phone 553; 17 Quebec street, electric stove, |W A NT ---- GIRL AS ence 167 Simcoe St. N. (oor, Brock) COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR- | Price §3,000. Two hundred and MAL: ie APE, 10) Plepgnis oirigerator, electrlo wash- | mother's help; Saturdays only, Ap- hone 303. x SUR. | 28 85 Bond St. West. Phone 82. titty @wn, [Balance thirty dollars | WALLPAPER AND PAINTS, MOST ng mychine and Sever, Futnliare ply 227 Drew Street. Phone 1716F, bx WR aa resi. | 0 trucks for prompt sefvice Moving | per nfeth, including interest and Sopletes stock Ja Oshawa. Muttitt RT wig a> Dis oy. (89b) A i a DISNEY-COTT geon, > van and storage warehouse equip-| princi}, Apply 4 Bond St. W, {and Park, mcoe St, 8. ee. | COMPETENT GIRL WANTED FOL Ldn id dence, King St. East, corner Victoria ment, Baggage transferred to i. Phone 780. (89D) (6ste) (TO RENT--THREE UNFURNISH- | general housework with refer- ASK FOR IT BY * AMBULANCE St. Oshawa. Phone 94. from all trains. (64tf) en a " . ;1ed rooms, all modern conveniences, Celina St. Ph 1 ) R 0 AdES TOR BALE LOT 23, |FOR SALE -- QUANTITY _ OF le ences. Family of 8. Apply Mrs, T.| | | 87 a one 1082 DR. G T BERRY, PHYSICIAN, PERRY'S TRANSPORT AND | Con, Brock, Good building; fall |8Weet clover seed, White Blossom, Slot Jo Motors, ving 269304 op B. Mitchell, 209 Simcoe street N. NAME ach ade idrem, Office and Cartage, local and long distance atv: | wheat } plowing. Immediate vos. | Phone 1048 r 13 OFFICE BPACE TO WENT. AP- dias DY THOMAS' residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1155.) Ing: 91 Ritson Rd. N. Phone 20. | gessio} Apply R. Robertson, (Mar. 20-Apr, 20) | "Room 6, 143 King Street east, | EXP PRIBNCED GIRL WANTED ed -- | ARMSTRONG'S 24 HOUR TAXI | Blackwer, Ont. (390) | COOK THT ) for general housework. Apply Mrs D, PHYSI- > COOKING APPLES SOLD BY Phone 2790. (86-tL poly . DR. B. GALLE WOO. attention | service. Phone 678, Also local and : peck, bushel or barrel; ahe fresh | ROOMS TO v 53 | Crozier, 138 Simcoe street south. and Electro-| long distance mouinel: Abr. 18) ork Wanted eggs delivered, F., Shaw, 74 Park Rd. {Albert Street. (88h) (89¢c) | om ( ha pr. «7G | KE-UPPLSTERING, CHESTER: S., phone 631. (Mar, 22-Apr, 22) FOR RENT--ONE FURNISHED ax ; ED ¥TE NOGRAPHER WITH | 4 FOR SALE--EIGHT AND TEN nowledge ol ookkeeping. Apply | fields up to order. We save you |y,c' cement block and brick. 192 { penne A So housekeeping, Near (i; person at 25 King st. E. 0 ' L Phone 193 Alice St. Phone 2043J, TR dain. Sava (890) Ras money. ftimates free. G. A. Con- I daily Times, (88e) vi Mh y -, . -- r R. DAVID ARCHER, 3. 0n =o | SAXTPHONE §27. WH, CHAS. | 0o8; (6) (Mar.20-Abr. 20) | 5G ROOMS TO RENT. ALL | 1 ANTED HOUSEKEEPPE | | A GREAT LINIMENT W J SARGANT Y L J LJ (Apr. 3-May 8) stable. § Mechanic street. Phone L RC. sud 8 Eduburgh, a D FOR SALE -- QUANTITY OF |conveniences. Newly decorated, | Must be good cook. Apply Box "Vv" healing and soothing lini Physician, Surgeon and Obatetric- wary? Agnes giiest, Ble un ) | for andlelivered 75c. If rental (sweet clover seed, White Blossom. | Klectric range. No Boao to | Times. (89a) | A healh 3 and soopsing Hn fan. Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Phone . . supplie@l, Batteries repaired.|{ Phone 1648 r 13, two boarders. Apply 163 Brock years been in popular de- Yard--89 Bloor Street E. 3020, residence 161 King St. E. Beauty Parlors (Mar 20-Apr. 20) [street onst. (88¢) Position Wanted eond Tor the velief of all Ones Emr Teteed Phono 31635. $060, 3110 ; FIRST CLASS GRAVEL, SAND, | FARM HOUSE AND % ACRE OF | STRONG CAPABLE GIRL WANTS | | external and internal pains. DR. ALVID E. STEWART, SPE- BETTY T.0U0 PERMANENT WAVE J. BEVAY17. A iS loam and cinders delivered, Prompt |Coumbia berry bushes to rent. [work four days a week, sleep in or NORTHROS actured by. Limited clalist in surgery. Office 142 Sim-|Shoppe. Permanent wave $7.50 and | Gurney Yrnaces installed, eave-|service, Prices reasonable. Phone | West on Bloor street. Apply Mal- out. Phone 1264, (89-¢) Toronto, Canada coe street North. Residence 166 |§10. Automatic machine. 1 extra |iroughingdc,, work guaranteed, rea- | 3116W, Percy Davidson. let Bros. "8811) 20. A 3 » Swab wifes: Moreh, Phone S083, licen stuger Wale, \Fhont 207 1 {omuole bos, vioqupt aticabon (ave. 10es1) | FoR WENT = Suramar) Roomand beard ye a as i - " ING--D0&s3 | F A Le) WINDOW AWNINGS, PORCH {ment, ground floor, private en-{RO A 3 4 .. Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist PERMANEN1 WAVING (DUES | PROMPTIE ON EAVE- (awnings, verandah curtains, can-|trance. central, All conveniences. !Oshawa Blvd, Five minutes walk FOR SALE OR ot need Finger Waving), $1.50.1troughinghd repair work. For ; Por= | PP 2293W A ' DR TF. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR las Branch, 111 Colborne St. |estimates ne 723 ring 4. i Pig Ay ET 1053 X 11a) a a. I ad] Ey Be, we es i EXCHANGE S t West, Toronto, will be at his| past. Phone 608J. (69-tf) (89-92-94-97) | FOR SALB--DRY BODY WOOD TO LET- tARAGE--VERY CEN- 5 t " Lo ell's Drug EXPERT MARCELLING -- BY ; ; a, tral, $3.50 per month. Phone 186. [for two, Apply 16 Brock street itl Store each Saturday, from 1 6 4| ECU Betty Lou Perman Si ain; Nissliaa pb. 1. EB. {35:0) west, Thone Le42wW, tats) (010) "BR"7: 9. a ou Ld Wy etty Warq at be i ' . FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUITA-|BOARD AND ROOM--THREE th, gas pumps, for consultation and treatment}, "wove Shop. Marcel and sham- 1 = (84-1 Wk.) | ple for one or two gentlemen; all Soann vi trom rH an 3 and 10 acres of choice gare Pb d throat of metals. Buyin of diseases Of Sar, He vr Tine ai|[c0 $1. Phone 2068. Li 'old 'cas and pout: | FOR SALE_LADY'S NAVY BLUE |conveniences, Apply 153 Albert ors, All conventences, Apply 166 | MmFy=1si:JW.Nag] le Sen lund, 'Call ay. 25 King Sl. Abre Phone 97. (49-tf) | WATSON'S ed for, Phone 2060m |SPTing coat, in perfect condition, {Street Phone 45. (89-c) | Agnes street. Phone 810J. St. East, BA A Beauty Shop, . 9 Celina St. Wel oe rOR th OG 134te) (8ize 36-38. Phone 8096W. (87-c) [THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, (88¢) TT Eye, Ear, N and oat Chima A ae oI Cl : : FoR : SALE--~SINGER DROP hardwood floors, Rew Jog a x RS LYCE 7€, ose Thr . y 5 : ead treadal sewing machine, prac- conveniences, use of 'phone. Nea i etl . DR, B. ¥. RICHARDSON, OFFICE Mares! 30 sents, For appointments ean} and Pressing tically new, sacrifice for quick ry |General Motors. Apply 817 Gud. Tanted, 1 conveniences, Apply a ee over Mitchell's Drug Store, Hours | phone . NORMARAMBERT --DRY | Phone 2978W. (87-¢) ;don Avenue, (89-0) : I 20 to 32 a.m., 2 to 5. Evenings by (Apr. 13-May 13) | cleaning ankessing. Goods called | FANURE FOR "SALE--§3 PER | FOR RENT--BARBERS space (ROOMERS and --BoARDERS ||) FOR RENT appointment, Office phone 3600. MARCEL AND ¥URL o%s. LW, for an deli e Phovie = go Bar load. Phone 2172J. §8f) (to rent. Apply Balahood's, 61 King |Wanted. Apply 152 Alice Stes J. mcoe St. South. {got St. ar, 19-Apr. St. Fast. - x tage Regldence, 132 J ent phone 33137, a ~" HIGH CLASS | SINGER SEWING MACHINE FOR Ey TO RENT, Ey gs Hi A APRIL 21ST} on Rice is s al \ Dental : (Apr. 1-May .1) {merchant td, Cleaning, press- Sale. Nearly new. Phone 2828W. (Npociy' Street. Phone 1864J. Board and room for married Bonniebrae Point yh EEG (TTPS DENTIST, | PARBERS--BRADY AND GRAH- |ing and repgg. 123 South Sim- (85¢) (89-¢) | couple. No children, Close to Mot- [lil A} conveniences. Beautiful Potatoes DR.'S. ). PHILLIPS, *lam, 77 Simcoe St. North. Up to|coe St. Telissw, FOR BALE--00 BOYS SUITS; ors if possible. Apply Box "1" || es, Basser' Phone | 959 ; y TO RENT--TWO FURNISHED i| location. Ready about May office over BDassetts. 1 'ldate barber shop. Your patron- | (Apr 4-May 4) (sizes from 25 to 33; two pairs long 'n ome gas stove, light, heat and | Times. (89a) | Ill 1st. Apply to I Residence 306. "YE: | ace 18 solicited. i (89¢) } = pants; made from all-wool Scotch lpatnroom, Apply 20 Maple St. |=8 = : 90 LB, BAG ..>.75¢c DR, FRED A, FLORA, DENTIS, | He ees TORS, Dirarking tweeds, checks and stripes. Regu- |Phone 759W. (89-c) | Room and Board Wanted || 37 King street east. Alger bulloing Marcel and curl 3c by Miss | CARTES Dh CHILDRENS boyd dion to dower ¥80% why [FOR ~ RENT--TWO LARGE | YOUNG COUPLE DESIRES ROOM | [i G. D. Conant HOGG & LYTLE Phone 3860. Evenings by (48te) | Keenan only. (88D) | coats and oh masquerade cos- : hd *~ |front rooms with private entrance, (and board in private family with Oshawa, Ont, ment. a ; tumes. Fancyving done at reas- | FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD FUR- unfurnished, all conveniences, {home privileges. Central. Apply ! TD. DR HM, COORE, RNCOR So Money to Loan onable price bone 347M, 21 Qiture for lewt Rousekeepiug: (S38 [Phone 13755. (89-0) | Rox "I" Times. (87c) 203 north, over Mitchell's CITY 7 ANS, PRO-|Rowe St. | (Feb. 8 tf) {be + |TO RENT--BRIGHT FRONT = Cy 7 ne Gas for extraction. Phone 34. {17s 20 Bg eR, & (89-0) (room, suitable for one or two gen- Boarders Wanted DR. L. E; HUBBELL, DENTIST, |¥velq, Barristers, etc. Alger Bldg. BIG SALE OF FURNITURE---15 {tlemen. Apply 243 Clark Street. |FOARDERS WANTED, 86 PARK Nitrous oxid oxygen gas for extrace| pone 1614. (49tf) : fron and brass trimmed beds, steel (89-b) {Road South. Phone 1717TW. tions. Office, Royal Bank Bldg. TY x ST springs, new felt mattresses, all| FOR RENT--8 ROOMED HOUSE. (89-¢) Phone 948. residence. 1378M. 5 | mortgages. Apply Louis S. Hyman, sizes, regular 18 and 25 dollars |Central. Close to Sengral. Motor DR. J. F. BRO , A i street north, on sale at $9.50 and $10.50. Side- {Barn on property. Possession May Simcoe St. N., over Dewland's. Barhater 16. Rime, gtrcet (441) boards, dining room suites, odd |1st. Apply 86 Division Street. ENGLISHMAN ADDS KARN Phone 1957. Resi. 202W. Evenings FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR FIRST |== Ell buffets, dining tables, kitchen and "89¢) . TO LEAD IN DERBY by appointment. (July 91) | mortgage loans. Prompt attention centro 'tables, odd dressers, = hall | FOR RENT--BATHROOM FLAT THE DRUGGIST |{| FL. BEECROFT DE W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE | given to builders' loans. McColm RAS BS EN ov orators, [Close to Motors. All conveniences. gpringtield, Ohio, April 14.-- Whitby Lumber ana Wood Regent Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780.1 ¢ Lewis, 830 Bay St, Toronto. child's cribs with new mattresses, | Heat, light and water supplied. { pynghing first for the fifth consec- FOR SERVICE Yard, Phone Oshawa 324 Residence 66Y. 66-tf | migin 7713. (761) & tegulap $12 at 35.50, Jarlor suite { Also use of phone. Phone 1737J. utive day, Pete Gavuzzi, bearded GMAID, AVIS, | MOTOR LOANS--M ANS, 2 3 bloces 32.50 carvem aud vugm (89¢) | trekker of Southampton, England, | - PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFI | Lome Dentists, 37 King St. B. Special at-| pigeounts Limited, Room 6, 14% > 4 chairs at: less than half 'price: A TO RENT--UNFURNISHED FLAT. | increased his lead in elapsed time ' tention to gas extraction and X-|ging St. East, Oshawa. Phone Jot sof rockers. oad pF ih ena All conveniences, Wired for stove. | to amost a full hour. ray work. Suse h atteudanse 2790. (790) {HE CENTS | 1 oris chairs, Big ov Ae at this Olte to General Motors. Fhous He was the first of the 30 bun- | TWO--1027 $528 Phones 1243 an . ---- a nla" : C) | fons to complete the 43-mile dis-| Chevrolet Sedans Beko aa Painting and Decorating 1 1, 26% sale, The People's Furniture Store, ROOMS TO RENT---BOARD IF | tance from Columbus. His time Engineering and Surveying |y--: GORATING. , 17 Prince street, Oshawa. (sob) | desired. ~ Apply 74 Drew street, { wmas 6.2816. His elapsed time ROSS, AMES & DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- | paperhangiog, painting. ~~ Work == | GN LINOLEUM RUG 7X7, ONE | cmmetiio L. (39¢) | advantage put him 89 minutes and)" GARTSHORE CO. Second Hand Dealer in. Estimates ven. ld : 28 seconls ahead of Ed, Gardner, io Land S ors and Civil Engin guaranteed [ |) brown Sémmons bed complete for Seattle, Wash., negro, who came Hudson-Essex Distributors ects, subdivisions, town planning| Phone 942W. 135 Brock east. - I sale. Apply 265 Halg Street. : . municipal engineers. 35 or br' R. GUTSOLE, FIST CLASS PA- [cement BOLYOR saL%: : (890) SECOND HAND BEALER. FUR. ND HA CER "(I= Second: tudap, Curidnes time 9 Prince Stu Oshawa Phone 1100 StE. Phones 2392) of ge anton." 3i0 | orders in advancidelivery date. | LOOSE WAY FOR SALE--$10 A St. East. Phone Fri 236 'Hlger sprint was 6.58.40. M. B, Mec- 3 rices right, work ranteed. 340 | w "porrowdale. ne 1618 ton. Quick sale. Apply 165 Verdun $ | Automsbile RepUItg) EC rey fens Sis or Bi [nan oda ce) 0) Son Sate, Foal NJ tour STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE 18 72tf ee i -- | : Church St. Repairs all kinds ears. Radio Vice Lost and Found Pets and Live Stock and Granville fifth. J E Special attention to bumping and ling and: general house decorating, RADIOS i REPAIRS, | LOST BY A v | BT SKY WHIT RN (i ; ication. ; welding. Snappy Battery Service guiple, looks Pie. app! cation. Aerials erected, ntteries Te-|a purse, containing a sum of |Chicks Tom Barron strain. 15e Woman Injured im Collision charging and repairing. Poke. mY Apr. 8-May 8.) | charged, called f4a delivered, | money, between North Oshawa each, from guaranteed winter lay-|! Toronto, April 16.~Her back = | rental supplied $atteries re-{ana Eaton's store, Please leave -at |e: Phone Gordon Irwin 203 r 15. [injured in a collision between two | Jf Vetermary Surgeon a OSHAWA PAINTERS -- paired. Prompt 8 Moderate | Times office. (88D) an (89h) automobiles at Sherbourne and | |} DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN,|Painting, baperhanging, 8: | prices. Charles bs. Phone | ToT --ON MONDAY MORNING, Coat Repairing Howard streets, last night, Miss corey of : d Monograms for Automo- ) . Specialist diseases domestic animals, | JIENS #%, MORGEICR bie SNe | 10460, pr. 31 MO) I black club bag, between Oshawa Betty Minns, of 41 St. Helen's| ll Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King : . t ; by .|BEFORE YOU PUT YOUR FUR |avenue, was admitted to the Ortho-{ ii west. Phone. 629. (56tf) Phone 1495W. 14 Nassau St. Archit south and Oshawa north, C.N.R coats away for the summer, have |pedic hospital, at 100 Bloor streot - F5-STEELE Fa peal My 3) C STENHOUSIGENERAL stations. Fender please leave oe one them relined and minor repairs |west. Miss Minns was a passenger Corsetiere ED. STEELE, PAINTING A G : --- done. Guaranteed work done in an automobile driven by Fred 58 Elzin St. B. Phone 936. THOMSON AND Coupe. Terms can be arranged it "Wanted to Rent Stouffville, Ont. Swiss watchmaker, repair shep at DISNEY-COTT FUNERAL HOMd&|ALL KINDS OF TIRPATRING [farm, 1 mile east of Whitby, lease, A one bank references will motor; accept Ford in trade. Call corating, $29 Court St. Phone [architectural { kiond floor, ' r WES. PENTLAND, SPIRELLA |g134w. (Avr. 10:Mey 10) | Royal Bank Buildihone 146 Motor Cars Reon, 33 Eigin St. E. Phone 443. | whose car collided with another About 1,200 Square Feet Managlug Corsetiere, Sprrella Shop Undertaking Res. phone SO. @-t0) | FOR SALE --1998 CHEVROLET (89-1 mo.) ldriven By Thomas Berkett, of | [Hi ar LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. | soclate architects, desired. Phone 2595. (88b) gh : + Watch Repairing East, Re Hendates, Py Over Felt Bros. eal LG6R1) FOR SALE--FO FD TOUTE. | WANTED TO RENT--A STORE| Women on Mars have six legs. So| | Heat, Li t andJa nitor TH Ne 3 ERT [Simcoe street no ones a epg price $75, in good condition, Apply |on Simcoe or King streets, Will | that's how the dance craze ends? F_ A" VON GUNTEN, EXPER1|.;4 310w. Tire R to J. B., Johnston, Maple Lodge {buy out present lease and take long ! Centrally Located i Y ats 3 wh BL, 4444 King Street West. Your P15[87 Celina street, Oshawa, Corner at Ideal Tire Shov.| for sale. | $175 CHEVROLET SUPERIOR [be given. Apply W. G. Miller, 4 ANOTHER COLD : : = Brus street. Ambulesces. BL Jamieson Bros. Pho (tf) {Sedan; bumper, automatic wiper, | Bond St. W. Phone 2780. BR 66 " a och top, cushions v, b " i" thai'a what 1 i Hospitals St s and . new top, cushions like new, smooth (89h) ou a teeline Mr i eed, or | Apply Box | mesa mE ALi ASAE C--O aT Fv Fy Cy : HOSPITAL--WHITBY PRIVATE Piano Tuning WILLIAMS PIANO after 6. 236 Park Road South. Notice lospitat elves patients, very i . ! " renenable rates. Open for inspec. | BTANO TUNER=NEIL YELLOW: red stock for sale, pakvén per 133.0) Kare Brug Shere: a ~~ Oshawa Daily Times t, Oshawa, : ; informa | lees will be in town every week end|cent. Good investmbyr some | BUICK TOURING FOR SALE IN| Wm. Chas, Werry, Taxi phone tion hove Whitby 350. . Orders left at Harris Music Store fone. Address Mrs. good condition. 75 Ritson North. |No. 598 changes to 627 Monday . . Pgh' (Apr. 5-1mo) | Phone 14%. (Mar, 19-Apr. 19) |210 Beech Ave., Tor , ! (82¢) fam, April 15th. .. (87¢) | Your Nose Needs "Nostroline"

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