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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Apr 1929, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1929 a NEW THORNTON'S CORNERS STORE MAY BE ERECTED Rumored That George Web- . ster is Planning New Building Thornton's Corners, April 16.-- A number of the veterans from this community attended the Vimy an- niversary banquet under the aus- pices of the Oshawa Post 43 of the Canadian Legion. The principal speaker was Brig.-Gen, J. A. Gunn, Past President of the Ontario Com- mand, Canadian Legion. Xow The school closed for a couple of hours on Friday afternoon last and both teachers and pupils marched down to Oshawa Memorial Park to help welcome the boys of the Young Al ia League. A wreath was p Mrs. Peter Moffatt was a recent guest in North Oshawa, with Mrs. Stanley Moffatt: The attendance on April 14 at Sunday School was 84. A box soctal will be held on Fri- day evening, April. 19th. The young people are also presenting a drama the same evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Prosser and family have moved into Oshawa. Mrs. J. Elliott spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gilbert vis- jted in Ashburn on Sunday witn Mrs. Gilbert's people. Messrs. Jas. Kinnear, Ceeil Dean, Lawrence Irwin, and Her- man Scott motored to Toronto for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred - Pascoe' and family have moved into the house recently vacaiéd by Mr. R. Winnocott. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Pascoe to our community, It is understood that our enter- prising store-keeper, Mr. George Webster, will soon start to build a fine mew store at the back of his present place. , There is still a good deal of #ll- ness among the people of the neigh- borhood. All are wished a speedy recovery. Mr. George Reeson was thrown from his buggy a few days ago. We are glad to say he was not seriously hurt. The Thornton's Corners Boy Scouts held their ninth annual ban- on the cenotaph by the boys.' quet on Friday evening last and about fifty sat down to the tables. The... principal speaker was Mr, | Frank C. Irwin, of Toronto, Pro-, vineial Commissioner of the Boy Scouts of Ontario. Other speakers were Scout Master Tindall, of To- ronto, and Scout Master Sutton, of Oshawa. 'Master Frank Hoag gave two splendid recitations; Mr. Gor-} don Irwin played several plano se lections; Mr. George Puckett, Oshe awa, gave several numbers on the mandolin, accompanied by Mr. Gor- don Irwin. Mr. Frank LeRoy proposed the toast to the visitors, which was re- sponded to by Scout Master Sut- ton, Scout Master Tindall and Mr. Jim Kinnear. Scout Master "Bill" Pierson was the chairman for the evening. Mr. Chester Robinson read the annual Scout report. About twelve ex-members of the troop attended, also several visit ing Scouts from Oshawa represents ing the different troops. Ten lad-: ies assisted at' the banquet. COLUNBUS GIRL "DIES SUDDENLY Miss Edna Robinson Suc- cumbs After a Brief Illness. Columbus, April 17.--Mrs. H. L. Pascoe is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. T. Scott, who has her niece there and is ill with measles. 3 Mr. Wm. Grant spent the week- end: with his mother, Mrs. Wm. Dyer. The young people's class will meet on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ross. We are glad to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dearborn, a recent bride and groom, to the village. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tarves spent Sunday at Blackstock with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Beacock. Mrs. (Rev.) W. L. Richards, of Whitby, will address the congrega- tion at Columbus United Church in the interest of the W.M.S, Eas- ter thank offering next Sunday, April 2, at 11 o'clock. Mr. Howard James and Mr. Har- ry Readwin, of Buffalo, N.Y., spent Sunday with Mrs. John James, Mr. Frank Richardson spent a few days at Ottawa last week, Mr. and Mrs, F. Wilson, of Osh- SPECIAL 3 Here Is Good News! Flo-Glaze Paints and Enamels, qt. W.H A 85 Simcoe Street North $1.25 PATTE Phone 125 awa, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson, . Miss Gilbert, from Toronto, is spending a few days at the home of "Mr.-and Mrs. J. Hislop. Mr. Wm, Dyer has purchased 2a new. automobile. . The whole community was great- iy shocked at the sudden death of Miss Edna Robinson, nurse in Osh- awa and Columbus, Her activity led no one to suspect' impending ill- ness, but on Thursday morning on the advice of her physician she was taken to the hospital. In spite of the best human effort her illness proved fatal and she died Saturday evening, April 13. . : "Though absent during recent years at the Port Ho Hospital where she completed her training yet her frequent visits to the old home community kept her one with its residents. Miss Robinson was a member of the Columbus United Church and was a young. lady of sterling qualities and unselfish' Christian character. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon from the home of her uncle, Mr. Jas. Scott, Columbus, and was largely attended. The service was conducted by Rev. J. F. Clugston, B.D,, local pastor, as gisted by Rev. W. M. Haig, former pastor of Gormley. The many floral tributes attested to the es- teem in which she was held. Two brothers, Alfred Robinson of Montreal and Wm. Robinson of Saskatchewan and two sisters, Ma- ble of Toronto and Mrs. Wm. Spray of Oshawa, survive, Interment was made at the Union Cemetery, PORT PERRY WANTS MANCHESTER ROAD Road is Impassable Still For All Except Pedestrians Port Perry, April 15.--Mrs. A. D. Peters is spending a few weeks in Toronto. Mrs. Roy Good and little daugy ter, Eva, of Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wells for a few days last week. Miss Marian McLaurin, of To- ronto, is visiting friends in Port Perry. Mrs. Neill Sweetman entertained a number of friends on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Crosier, of Oshawa, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Good on Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Harris attended th 1.0.D.E. convention in Hamilton last week. Miss McBride, of Niagara Falls, was home for the Easter holidays. Miss Louise Carnegie, of Toron- to, was home last week. Mrs. James Swan is in Winnipeg with her son, Mr. Cormack, who is very ill. We hope he will soon be restored to health. Mrs. Pollard, of Bowmanville, was with her mother, Mrs. Britton, last week. Miss 'Mary Walker entertained a number of her friends om Thurs- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cawker were in Toronto one day last weke, Mr. 'W. H. Doubt, of Oak Ridges, was in town for the week-end. Mrs. J. W. Burnham, who has been in Toronto for several months, has returned. home, Mrs. T. A. Nind spent a couple of days in Toronto, last week. The Port Perry Hockey Club is holding a dance in the Assembly Hall of the school on Friday, April 19 Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wallace have returned from Toronto where they had been to the fumeral of Mrs. risen, Parker Duofold Del in your city...as in Paris mod erne Black.and. Pearl Captivates the world on sight, $7.50,$8.50 and $10 Look now on the sovereign of the whole pen world -- Parker's new Duofold DE LUXE --sea-pearl combined with jet black Permanite. Not only a fine pen, but a jewel. As moderne as the moment and the mode. *Guaranteed against all defects. Now the better pen counters in your city have it. Step in and see how its extra luxurious lighter than rubber, and also non-break- able, : In Ink Capacity, Par- pens by 24%. --DUOFOLD." ker Duofold, size for size, exceeds average Look for the imprint-- "Geo. S. Parker Pencils to match pens: $5, $4, and $3.50, according to size. Metal case included with single Pen, or Pen and Pencil Duette. *The Parker Duofold Fountain Pen fs made PAVEMENT LAID ON | STCHARLES MILK i IML PLT or you This book, sent free, shows new . ways to serve more milk in the daily menu. Your family needs more milk. Serve it in their food, in soups, sauces, breads, desserts, candies. COUPON--"" 'THE BORDEN CO. LIMITED, 140 St. Paul Street West, Montreal, Dept. A. I would like St. Charles Recipe Book, free. [ASHBURN MAIL CARRIER RESUMES HIS DAILY 'ROUND Trains Start. Operating on C. P. R. Bringing in - Mail Ashburn, April 16. -- Mrs. (Rev.) W. B, Mitchell suf- fered a relapse last week and had to return to her bed again. A speedy recovery is hoped for by her many friends, Mr. Lou Richardson and grand- gon, Joe, visited Mr. Sam Roberts and other Columbus friends last "week. A number from here attended the play, "As a Woman Thinketh", which was given by the Greenwood dramatic club at Myrtle last week. Mr. Erle Batty has moved to the Jeffrey farm a mile north of Brook- Mr. Erle C. Caison. Mr. Caison has moved to Whitby, Mrs. Brown has returned to her home in Port Perry after visiting her sister, Mrs. Will Brash, Mr. Thomas Sanderson is moving north of 'Claremont this week to the farm which he purchased re- cently from Mr. Slack. Mr. Wal- ter Knight is moving on the San- derson farm, which he has bought. Mr. Fred O. Boyle has purchased new car. The recent rains have again made the roads in a desperate shape; they do not seem to have sufficient time to dry up between storms. ' Our mail carrier, Mr. Roy Thompson, is again able to make 4) a / succeed Mr, Stock. lin, which he bought recently from: hig regular daily trips as the trains on the C.P.R. are again running on schedule time, the washouts being all repaired and the tracks in the worst. places being all rebuilt. The finest tea you can buy--Red Rose Orange Pekoe. Made from juicy, flavor filled leaves--three days in bud, Every package guaranteed, us REDR TEA isgood ted RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE isextra good New Citp Treasurer Belleville.--Harry B. Stock, for the past nine years city auditor, has been appointed to succeed the late E P, Frederick as city treas- urer, while Mr. Fred Chamberlain was chosen by the city council to The Democrats still have a cam- paign deficit of more than $1,000,- 000 and it's pretty apparent now that they could have made money by settling the election out of court, it-flavored, fare Orange, Chocolate, Vanills, Strawberry -- thick layers of delicious, pure creams fillings between crisp, light Biscuits, £ ies Biscuits In the store or on the 'phone, always ask for Quality Since 1653 68 " Wallace's father, Mr. J. B. Mor- row. Mrs, Wallace was with her father about three weeks before his death. - Master Lloyd Harrison was with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark, Scugog, fora few days last week. Members: of the I.0.D.E. are holding a bazaar, on Friday, April 19, in their 'rooms from three to six o'clock. It is hoped by Port Perry citi- zens that some day soon the road from Manchester to Port Perry will be paved. The road is still impass- able and walking is the order of the day if residents want to get into, or out of, town, other than by train. ROADS AT SOLIWA WORST OF SEASON Automobiles Getting Stuck Daily Trying to Navigate the Mud Solina, April 15.--Mrs. Del- madge, Bowmanville, is visiting Mrs. J. T. Rundle. Mr. Wallace Pascoe, Enfield, is visiting with Solina friends.- Miss Sadie Brodie, Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rey- nolds. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tink and Hilton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink, Bowmanville. Roads are the worst they have been this season. Cars are getting stuck in many places. Mr. C. M.. Mumford and Cyril, Zion, are visitors with Mr. John Baker. 3 Mr. Sam Dewell, Oshawa,.was at home over the week-end. Miss Margaret McKessock was at home over the week-end. League at Eldad opened with a hymn and after the business was dealt with Mr. Ernest DeBarr took the chair. Miss Edna Rey- nolds took the devotional topic and also read the scripture lesson. Mr, Alan McKessock gave B temper~ ance reading. Mr, R, J. McKésock gave a temperance topic, and George Werry played a plano solo. Then all enjoyed a geography match with Misses Ruth McKes- sock and Vera Baker as captains. On Friday evening about 70 of the friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Pascoe niet at their home and gave them a genuine charward, one of the old time kind with tin pans and guns and all the noise that goes with them. After all had helped with the racket, etc., they were invited into the house and enjoyed games and social in- tercourse and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe and Miss Werry served generous refreshments. { Miss Ella James ~ has gone to Bowmanville to reside. Mr, and Mrs. R. J. McKessock spent last week in Toronto, where 'Mr. McKessock attended the Edu- cational Association meetings, Miss Florence Walkington, To- ronto, and Miss Marjory Colacutt, Bowmanville, were visitors at the home of Mr. Walter Cryderman, : The meeting of the Sons of Tem- perance was held in the basement of the church where some candi- dates were initiated. The follow- ing program was given: Piano duet, Misses Ruth McKessock and Evelyn Tink, reading Miss Nora Werry, piano solo Mr. George Wer- ry, mouth organ solo Mr. Ralph Wilbur, study work by Rev. J. R. Bick. The Sunday services at Eldad were very good. (In the Sunday School a missionary program was given, with Mrs. Elgin Taylor pre- siding. The first number was = chorus by the junior girls, Misses. Norma Yellowlees, Hazel, Hise Flint, "Isobel Yellowlees, Grace Yellowlees. A splendid talk was given by Mr. R. J. McKessock on medical missions in India; also an exercise by four junior boys, Byron Nesbitt, Neil Yellowlees, James Smales and Howard Milison. ~ Mr. John Naylor has sold his form TRICIA--E JAY 15 jewel But movement ved dust-proof CR] ivy 8247 A hundred other BULOV A shapes and styles . . . . from $24.75 up / Tom Our New " 'TRADE-IN --J:\% 3 Here is big news for the people of Oshawa \ --for tomorrow we begin a TRADE IN SALE that will be the talk of the town. Just as you trade in your old automobile for a new one, you can now trade in your old timepiece for a latest model BULOVA WATCH. No matter how old your watch may be . .. even if it is bent and broken « «+ it is worth REAL MONEY to you while this sale is on. So bring in your old watch tomor- row! You will be surprised at the liberal allowance we will make on it toward the purchase of a new model lady's or gentleman's BULOVA WATCH. . with cursive engravings radium dialy BANKER---Dust proof case, 15 jewel 15 jewel Bulova move 837% Bulova movement piste wih mesh bund. 12475 ment s « ¢ ¢ 8 0 0 00 movement; $5000 RITA 14 ki: solid white golds 2 dine monds and & of res; 15 jewel Bulova oo sua; Shnple i stones to match 65° dust-prool caer feel Bora d case oven Tih Gade) Q78 SEIS Tere Beis £ cas bobs $3750 with fil letset Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner

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