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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Apr 1929, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY; APRIL 18, 1929 - ir < ' Er uf MEMBERS OF TWO FAM- "JLIES 'ARE MYSTERI- ** OUSLY § "Emergency Measures Taken .=-hy Council to Deal With Puzzling Situation . 'Glencoe, April 18.--An undiag- nosed 'disease of dreddful malig: nity; baffling the skill of the best available medical men of West Middlesex as well as government officers and specialists called from don' has caused the deaths of ur, 'members of two Ekfrid fami- 11s 'since Friday and a fifth victim reported at death's door in Vic- toria hospital at London, "rhe dead are: Mrs. Dugald Sin- clair and her 18-year-old daughterr of 'Appin, and Daniel Brown, 21, and Willie Brown, 9, sons of Thomas Brown of Tait's Corners, Souht Ekfrid. The {fifth sufferer from the outbreak is' Edward Sin- clair, age 21, whose mother and sister are now dead. Scientists Probing Case Coroner Dr. L. W. M. Freele of Glencoe, following a 'probe of the circumstancse, concluded not to hold an inquest, buf rather to hand the situation over for investiga- , .tion along scientific lines by repre- sentatives of the department of public health. Dr. John Dewar of Melbourne, the medigal officer of health Yor the vicinity) conferred 'today with Dr. T. J. McNally, divi- sional medical officér of health, who is expected' to visit the af- fected territory Thurgday. In the meantime the telephonic confer- ence between Dr. McNally and Dr. Dewar was followed by the ad- ministration of anti-diptheretic anti-toxin to other members of the Brown family who were in con- tact with both boys before their geaths as their own home. Tonight cultures were taken of stitute of Public Health, where it is expec.ed that the death dealing germ will be definitely identified tomorrow morning. In the mean- time- similar action 'has been or- dered fn the af ¢ the dats, though it e the Sinelairs and the probable may have been afflicced with different but equally pernicious diseasos. an unknown plague hangs over Ek- frid township. At an emergency session of the township board of health last evening a proclamation 'was issued banning public gather- ings of all kinds and closing churches and schools, Township authorities are . staggered by 'the a survey indicating that 400 to 600 residents of the district have visit- ed the Sinclair and Brown homes to tender sympathy and attend funeral services. The special bulletin issued by Dr. Dewar at the close of the em- ergency meeting tonight follows: (1)--There is every evidence of a contagion in the township, (2)--Effective measures are being taken at once to quarantine and isolate all cases. (3)--There will be no public meetings in the township or gath- erings of any sort until after May 1 at least. There are to be uo church services, (4)--~The schools will remain closed until May 1 at least. (5)--Funerals in 'suspected cases are to be private and all sani- tary precautions are to be ob- served. (6)--Dr. T, J, McNally, district medical officer of health at Lon- don, has been notified and his co- operation' asked, (7)--A diagnosis of the disease awaits the reports from the in- stitute of public health at London concerning analysis. (8)--Immediate {inoculation of all those who have come in con- tact with cases or suspected cases is recommended and may be made compulsory. REVIVE GOLD MINING IN NOVA SCOTIA Gold mining has had a distinct revival in Nova Scotia during the last few years, and operations are reported on a dozen or more old mines, Production, however, is stil limited to a few thousand ounces the Browns and sent to the In- Li annually. famous for Econotfty and Healthfulness 'With warming 'energy for cold Full size biscuits thoroughly baked vt sine biscuits tho ey Tost ful of days Madelty The Canpdian Shredded Wheat Company. itd. Glencoe, April 18.--~The pall of | 'possibilities of the epidemic after |- INFANT BORN IN INVESTIGATION IS SOUGHT BY HUSBAND OF MOTHER Woman Had Been Sentenced to Jail Only a Few Hours Before Hamilton, April 18.--Twin hoys were born to Mrs. Annie Minnigan | of 49 McAnulty boulevard, in her cell in the city jail late yesterday afternoon, and when medical help came, one of the infants was dead. The mother and other babe were rushed to the General 'hospital by Dr. L. A. Richmond, who answered the emergency call. 'Mrs. Minnigan was sentenced after an L.C.A. con- viction in police court. She was transferred from the police station to the jail in the patrol, a half hour before giving birth to the twins, Officers admitted that the seriousness of her condition was obvious. An inquest will be held. Conflicting statements were given last night regarding the care of the prisoner from the time she was admitted. The babes came between 5.30 and 6 o'clock. Dr. Richmond stated that when he reached the cell the first child had arrived, and ft was gtill-born, he added. Governor Lae londe of the jail said that arrange ments were made to care for Mrs. Minnigan when she arrived and that the doctor was in attendance at the time. The second child was not strong and the mother was in a weakened condition when rush- ed: to the hospital for attention. Mother and son were reported to be considerably improved last night. Press For Investigation Nick Minnigan, husband, critie- ized the officials and after express- ing indignation made it known that he inténds to press for a thorough investigation. He described the treatment of his wife as cruel. That the birth was premature, was tpe statement of the father, and he blamed the nervous tension result ing from the police court trial and jail experience. He did not learn that his wife had been sentenced to jail until a late hour and ag the birth was not expected for at least a week, did not take immediate action, but intended, he said, to consult the family physician today. The husband had also intendeu to make arrangements with the authorities to see that proper medi- cal attention was available whene ever necessary. Ther are two other children at home. MINERALS IN ALBERTA Alberta is famous for its vast resources of coal, for the rapid development of its oil and gas re- sources, and for the extent of its unique deposits of bituminous ON THE ST. LAWRENCE CANALS The total traffic, including boih through. and way, using Canadian canals along the St. Lawrence river,, amounted to 8,411,540 tona. The through traffic which traver- sed the entire leng'h of the canals amounted to 7,321,348 tons. GSHAWA FOLKS By W. H. Karn ERY TIME WE GO OUT YOU | and filled here. SAYING 3 WAS 22 WHEN WE MARRIED. DON'Y You Suppose THEM] AGE 1 PLEASE! THANKS TO T'LL ACT AS voung As) 0 STOR I'M GOING TO KEEP MY GCHOOL GIRL COMPLEXION! GO ON ACTING LIKE | AN OLD-HAS- ~IF YOU WANT TO / She can act young if she's in good health. The proper prescriptions for good health are given by your Doctor PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFI KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE EN El Eip p= \e 7 S CONTRACT PEAS-- We have a few lots of peas still to contraact and if you have a suitable field it will be worth your while to get in touch with us. Prices range from, $1.80 to $3.00 Per Bushel HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED SEED GRAIN BANNER OATS, COLORADO WHEAT, SPRING RYE, 6-ROWED BARLEY, MAR- QUIS WHEAT, 2-ROWED BARLEY RED CLOVER, SWEET CLOVER, TIMOTHY, ALSIKE, ALFALFA = JAIL CELL DIES ew .jcountry loses the record and no Montreal, April middle-aged, little. wo yd with a low, soft voice, hop 'appear before the House of ind next ant to the Marie L'Epine fortune. The Misses Mason, three of the hing Saimants to the wealth of M L'Epine, who ied intestate ani 4 ote in 1798, found their ap peal barred by the Statute of "Limé tations. Miss Jesste Mason, of 10 Xi dare Gardens, Bayswater, is no recognized as the appellant, an she hopes to get a decision of; th Chancery Division and the Court Appeal reversed in the House o Lords. She told a Press Fepresentative that, as she had not yet been able to lodge a preliminary sum of £70 against costs, the House of Lord hall extended the time given to he in which to find 'the money. ¥ "If I can raise the money, in all about £1,500, I shall go to te House of "Lords," she said. "I have been working on this bs matter of six years. i "It was only two years ago tha my sister and I found in the regis- ters of St. Martin-in-the-Fields a marriage entry proving that Marie L'Epine had been married in Lon- don, and that her daughter and our ancestor, Abigail Eccles, was legitimate." George III presented the 'money to Lord Howe in recognition of his services abroad, with the stipula- tion' that in the event of heirs bf the L'Epine family being discavey- ed he would hand back the prop- ert; The' estate was valued in 1792 at 245 ,000;, and 'at compound interst of 2} per cent. would now amount to many millions. | As it was believed 'that Marie | L"Bgine had no legal heirs, the for- tune, instead of going to a daugh« ter, became escheat to the Crown. Miss Mason is appealing on be- half of all the claimants. SEGRAVE IS CALLED SPEED MERCHANT Praised by Prince of Wales at Automobile Club's Dinner . London, April... 18.--Calling Major Henry O'Neill Déhane grave "One of the world's spe in a characteristic speech at the Royal Automobile Club's dinner last night, paid jribuie to .the pluck and skill of the Etonian, wno ig, A 18.--A quiets}... motnith to press her ap bpeal as claim- | merchants," the Prince of Wales, | - al price in Frigidaire "PAGE THIRTEEN 13 Su ANEW IGIDAIRE NOW ON DISPLAY "Cold Control 5 the lowest history Bowra Electric Shop 20 Simcoe St. North Sole Agents for Oshawa Phone 1075 oo holds the-world's records on land and sea. Major Segrave was accompanied by his wife," while 'near him 'sat Capt. J. B. Irvine, designer of 'the automobile Golden Arrow, with} Mrs. Irvine, and Hubert Scot ~Pain designer of the metorboat Miss England, with his wifé; Sir Char- les Waketield, who gave the £1,000 trophy which Ségrave wins by |. breakfng the land speed record, also was present. \ The Prince said: "Major Se- grave has just lately proved to the whole world that a British motor car with a British motorist inside it is the fastest thing that travels on dry land." Referring. to the death of Lee: Bible, the Prince said: "The only on the other side was the death of the gallant American when he | was attempting to beat the Preah record," The Prince aroused laughter | when he said: "Segrave was travels ling so fast that even the Amer: ican 'movie' men could not catch | him. " Major- tribute to American ship: sportsman- "They couldn't have treated citizens." He sald he was giving |. up motor boat racing unless this ¢ other English defender of the tities] appears. Sir Charles Waketield presented the trophy to Major Se-|. grave and made a short speech. HUMAN BONES FOUND Montreal, April 18--Human bones | believed to have been the property of a doctor or medical student, were found bolted to the bottom boards of an old wooden box in the base- ment of a downtown store yesterday morning. An employee was clean-| ing the cellar when he made the dis- covery. The skull of a adult and bones of a child were.found in the box. They were all bolted in place. Detectives were called 'and the bones removed to the city morgue. : ote A GOLD ORES va Scotia sold ores are essen- but in some]. cases" gold: i fated with ar- senical Dyvites ho COULDN'T EAT MEALS "Gas on my stomach was so bad ing Adlerika, I eat as I wish and er. Even the FIRST spoonful of Ad- lerika relieves gas on the stomach and removes astonishing amounts thing that marred his success over |: ve responded with a] .- us better had we been their own | * BOLTED IN OLD BOX| GAS, GAS ALL THE TIME| 1 couldn't eat or sleep. Since tak-|' never felt better."--Mrs. Jas, Fill- & of old waste matter from the sys tem, Makes oy your meals 3 'be er what ° you have fir or your stomach and bowels, Adlerika will surprise | you. Jury & Lovell. Druggists. Fine Foods for Every Meal | At Prices Which Are Much Lower Than Usual A & P Stores Are Food Headquarters. Your Favorite Nationally Advertised Brands , of Groceries. . . . Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. . . . Foods Gathered From the: World's Four Corners. . . . In Fact, Foods for Every Meal May Be Purchased at A&P... .AndataSaving. And A & P Meat Markets Stock All These Fine Foods, : . . « And Choice Cuts of Meat and Quality Fowl and Fish As Well. 29 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA oo -- CHOICE CUTS OF YOUNG ROASTING SHOULDER Fresh BUTT ROAST PROPERLY AGED AND CURED CHEESE New 1b. 26¢ RICE, Fancy Blue Rose RAISINS, Thompson's Seegless PORK Old Ib. 31¢ % a 21bs. 15¢ 2 lbs. 21c Lean LEG ~ RUMP RACK pron WEAL Shank Half SHOULDER ROAST NEW SHIPMENT JUST IN-LARGE SIZE PRUNES Fancy Santa Clara 2 lbs. 29¢ SOAP FLAKES, Princess = = = Pkge. 20c ARROWROOT BISCUITS, Christie Brown 1b. 25¢ FILLETS ROASTS EXTRA SPECIAL! TENDERLOINS be 4 TEA SALE. OUR' OWN BLENDS--BOUGHT DIRECT [ION TO YOU 'BLENDED INDIA Ib. 49¢- INDIA C = =1lb. 73e "WING, rmgz cur cor ROAST RUMP Round or Square Cutlb.23¢ PRIME RIB, First 4 Ribs PORTERHOUSE, Best Cuts SHOULDER, Round Bone Cut B. 17¢ ASSAM and INDIA - Ib. lc outlier FRO = Ib. 75¢ FLOUR, Five Roses 24-1b; Bag $1.09 SPAGHETTI, Heinz Cooked: "Medi um Tin 15¢ E QUALITY=NO. 2 SIEVE PE § Standard Quality 3 I;.} ate 2 5" 33¢ Ib. 27c i. 35¢ b. 31c Short Cut SWEET P, * TOMATOES; Choice ty '!" No, 21% Tin 12¢ PALMOLIVE SO ise Quality oy $Bars 19. MACARONI Ready Cut "3 bs. 15¢ PICKLED--4 TO 7 LBS. AVERAGE SHOULDERS 1b. 176 CALVES LIVER, Fresh Sliced 1b. 49¢ PORK SAUSAGE, Small Links Ib. 25¢ AMMONIA, Snowflake - * Pkge. 8c SHREDDED MARMALADE Stiritr justits 12.02, Jar 7c. FANCY SUGAR-CURED BREAKFAST BACON Sliced 'GEO. WESTON CO. BISCUITS (WEEK-END oo rca y 1b. 27¢ [|| SELECTOR Assorted Package Ib. Pkg. 25¢ DILL PICKLES, Libby's "5&"™ 3 for 10c SWEET MIXED PIC PICALLILI, Crosse & Blackwell Jar 25¢ CANDY LES Pint 25¢ PEA MEAL COTTAGE ROLL AIRPORT CHOCOLATES, 1b. Box ... 20¢ BORDEAUX CREAMS, Fivh. Phe... 10c BUTTERSCOTCH WAFERS, 1b. seeve 25¢ CAKES, Pure Gold Assorted 4 akes O'HENRY BARS, each .. TAL MIXTURE, Hard Candies, Ib, 15¢ BY THE PIECE sessasrases SC Ib. 25¢ FINNAN HADDIE "gi. 23% 1h, '18 FALMON STRAT HADDIE FILLETS, FE pa Ib, 18¢ FLOUNDERS, Fresh ®t sn [b, 15c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ONLY THE CHOICEST AND SOUNDEST FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SOLD AT A & P POTATOES New Florida Stock 6 Ibs. 21¢ CARROTS, New Texas, 2 Bunches., 15c GRAPEFRUIT, 'Floridas, es or 21 _ APPLES, Fancy Winesaps, Doz. ....., 25¢ BANANAS, Ciioice Ripe Fruit, Doz... 2l¢ ORANGES, Foe, Giemin 0 0 er No Hs ac CABBAGE Extra Special! Nv 3 Ibs. 11c Green FISH N he Meated aliced Ib. 27c. DE ---- Dundas _ New Store Opens Friday, Api 19, at 122 King St,

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