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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Apr 1929, p. 5

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DEATH OF SIR CLIFFORD SIFTON BRINGS FORTH TRIBUTES FROM Leas CEN EE 3 " adh TEAR REARIS RE SRAM MY PRR LAR eRRE A ~ NANY OFF Men of All "Honor to Sir Clifford as a Who 'Was a Leader in and Wide Usefulness Toronto, April 18.--From all over Canada, regardless of political opinion, poured tributes last night to the memory of Sir Clifford Sif- ton, who for more than 30 years had played a leading role in Cana- dian affairs, and who died yestur-] day in New York. Conservatives, Liberals, Progres- sives joined in expressing sorrow at the passing of a man they de- ed as the great colonizer of the prairies, Old friends in Manitoba who had known the Ontarian who 45 years ago arrived at the strug- gling little community of Winni- peg and grew to be a power of the prairies, added glowing tributes to the list. Hon. Justice C. A. Masten, who has been an intimate friend of Sir Clifford Sifton since they were room-mates at Victoria college, Co- bourg, over B0.years ago, spoke yesterday with deep regret of his friend's death. He had not known that Sir Clif- ford's condition was serious and was. shocked when the news was broken to him, He said: "I ex- pected him home in a few days and hoped we would have a game of golf." Memories of college days togeth- er returned as he talked of his friend. "I think his greatest char- acteristic was his loyality to his friends," he said. "I do not know She Feels Like a New Woman Now Says Ontario Lady after taking Dodd's Kidney Pills Mrs. L. Mitchell Was. Troubled With Her Back 'Chatham, Ont., April 17 (Special) "YT was troubled with my back so much, I could hardly work," writes Mrs. L. Mitchell, 85 Baxter Street, Chatham, Ont. "I used three boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and I feel like a new woman now. I have also used two jars of Dodd's Anti- septic Ointment and find it is the very best thing." When your back and limbs ache, and you experience dizziness and bladder irregularities, be quick to give the over-worked Kidneys for- titying help. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate the Kidneys. This treat- ment relieves you of discomfort, and wards off Rheumatism and Sci- atica. Dodd's Kidney Pills have been taken by thousands of men and wo- men all over Canada with very beneficial results. Obtained from druggists every- where, or The Dodds Medicine Co., Ltd., Toronto 2, Ont. NOTICE Change of Ownership Canadian Restaurant 39 Ontario St. On and after April 15th the above known business will be carried on by Mrs. Mary Hill of Alberta--a lady who has had many years' ex- perience in dining room and Restaurant work. Efficient management and proper service is assured. ORMER ASSOCIATES | Shades of Political Opinion, Unite in Doing National Statesman and One and the Newspaper Career of Varied Interests to whom that would more thorough- ly apply." Former 's te Sir William Mulock, chief jus- tice of Ontario, and a former col- news of his passing will be a ter- rible shock to his many friends, as it is to me. Dur the. time he was minister of the interior in the Laurier government I was.in more or less cl touch with him in con- nection with the administration of public affairs and I formed a very tainments. O f all men who have held high and prominent positions in the affairs of Canada sinte con- federation, none had rendered more valuable service to the dominion than he, In parliament he was a powerful debater and his able and affairs was of immense benefit to the country. Hig death is a na- tional loss." Were Students Together Justice W. R. Riddell said: "I knew him very well, for we were contemporaries at Victoria college, and deeply regret that he has gone, He was a keen student of political economy and Canadian history. A valuable asset in the political life of the country, who was highly re- spected for his great abilities and for his desire to do the right thing to further the best interests of the dominion and its citizens." George W. Beardmore, master of the Toronto and Eglington Hunt clubs, was grieved to hear of the death of Sir Clifford of whom he could not speak too highly. He was a great man and a great horse- man, a man who served his country faithfully and well, Mayor McBride said: "In the death of Sir Clifford Sifton, Can- ada has lost a great man, He ae voted all his life to the Interests of the dominion and put forth un- tiring efforts to promote its wel- fare." Sif Robert Borden sald: "I have learned with deep regret of the very sudden death qf Sir Clifford Sifton, whom I have known for more than 30 years. He was a man of remarkable, indeed excep- tional ability, of very strong char- acter, of great foresight and of wide vision. For many years in the House of Commons I opposed him strenuously. He was a redoubts able opponent and a powerful de- bater. Later in the reciprocity campaign of 1911, and throughout the war, I had his invaluable aid and co-operation. In 1911 it was suggested and indeed urged that he become a candidate, but he thoughs it better in the interests of the cause he had so much at heart that he should remain in the back- ground. From time to time dur- ing the war I consulted him on very difficult questions and I have a most grateful memory of his as- sistance, especially during the ex- tremely trying months of 1917." General A. D. McRae, chief Con- servative whip, said: "I regret very much to hear of the death of Sir Clifford Sifton. It was my privi- lege 25 years ago, when I was ac- tive in colonization work, to be very closely in touch with the de- partment of interior; and I may say, without any hesitation, thas the department which he directeu was one of the most efficient with which I have come into. contact. The deviopment of the west was due in no small degree to Sir Clif- ford's breadth of vision." Speaker Pays Tribute Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux; speak- BUY THE FEEDS IN STRIPED SACKS How Many Eggs did you get today? OUR hens aren't doing their duty unless you are feeding them correctly. And that means the great egg-making ration that is produced by The Quaker Oats Company-- . Quaker FUL-O-PEP EGG MASH This is an oatmeal-base feed, containing exactly the things a hen needs-- minerals, proteins, cop LIVER MEAL and molasses in dry form! Keeps hens healthy, lively, eager-to-lay in all weather. It's really inexpen- sive to use because it does so much more. We have it, HOGG & LYTLE, LIMITED Phone 203 BUY T A Oshawa, Ont. HE FEEDS IN STRIPED SACKS league of Sir Clifford's, said: "The: high opinion of his intellectual at- wise administration of immigration THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL | Call at our store for a booklet explaining with illustrations 'How to Hang Wallpaper and solve your decorat- ing problems. Kindly send order *with children W. H. A, PATTE 85 Simcoe St. N. ie Decorating and Painting contractor, Wall Papers, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Moulding, Glass, Win- dow Shades, Pictures, er of the house of commons, said: "The sad news of Sir Clifford Sifton's death will come as a shock to hig friends. We came to par- liament together in 1896, As a minister of the crown, he was cer- tainly very energetic. The prairie provinces owe him much of their development. No one was more familiar with the needs of western Canada, with the exception perhaps Frank Oliver. Though ndicapped in some respect by his firmity, as a debator in the house, was most direct and his cold lo- gic was overpowering. Sir Wilfrid Laurier admired his ability. They differed on a certain issue in 1905, and later on the gap widened, but with the old chief there never was any rancor." Loss To Canada © Winnipeg, April 18.--' The news of the sudden death of Sir Clifford Sifton comes as such a severe blow to me that I am absolutely unable to express adequately my feeling at the present moment," said Lieu- tenant-Governor J. D. McGregor. "I have known and have been so close- ly associated with Sir Clifford ever since we pioneered together in the early days of Brandon. I have so watched his career and so rejoiced as each successive honor was con- ferred upon him; I have enjoyed hig friendship to such a marked de- gree that his passing leaves me un- utterably sad. My admiration or his achievements is swallowed up in deepest grief at the loss of my friend." "Sir Clifford Sifton was a great force in his time," said H. A. Rob- son, K.C., leader of the provincial Liberal party. "His practical com- tribution to the settlement of the great west was inestimable in its value to the country. It was a pleasure to observe his great acu- men. He was a great Canadian and his loss will be seriously felt." Premier King's Tribute Ottawa, April 18.--'The death of Sir Clifford Sifton, which must come as a shock to the country, re- moves a foremost figure in our na- tional life," said Premier Mack~, enzie King in an expression of tri- bute. "Few public men have been more gifted in the variety of their btalents or in capacity for action. In law, in politics, in finance, in journalism, not to mention other spheres of activity. Sir Clifford Sif- ton's influence had long since come to be recognized as far-reaching and his position as outstanding. r. was widely versed in inter-imperia, and international affairs. Wit the more important political mov ments of the last 40 years and with the growth of Canada toward the fullness of nationhood, his name will always be identified. "Though differing from his party on more than one important issue, Sir Clifford never hesitated to assert hig firm belief in and ad- herence to Liberal principles and ideals. His death brings to mind the group of distinguished men by whom Sir Wilfred Laurier sure rounded himself in the formation of the Liberal ministry in 1896. It was due to his vigorous adminis- tration of the department of in- terior 'that immigration attained a large volume, that the settlemeny of the prairie country was rapidly advanced, and that it became one of the granaries of the world, thus giving impulse to the general pro- gress of Canada. He was a bold and original thinker. His views were broad. He never fndulged in petty or venomous criticism of po- litical opponents, and he was him- self unaffected by any kind of cri- ticism which was merely personal and did not go to.the root of tue policy he was advocating, I feel deeply the loss of one who has been a life-long personal and political friend." Born in Middlesx The youngest son of the late Hon. John Wright Sifton, he was born in London township, Middle- sex county. He attended Dundas collegiate, London high school and Victoria college, graduating from the latter in 1880, with his B.A. degree and winning the Prince of Wales gold medal. After taking the course at Osgoode hall he was called to the bar in 1882, and in C ds Checkec Arie 1905 was created a king's counsel. Early 'in life he had evinced an interest in Western- Canada which at that time was just beginning to assume an important part in Cana- dian affairs. Setting up practice at Brandon, Manitoba, he was soon appointed city solicitor and soli¢i- tor for the western judicial district. "Phrough contact with public life while occupying these positions, he became interested in the political growth of the west and in the Mani- toba election of 1888, accepted the nomination for North Brandon. This seat in the legislature he re- tained until 1896, when he joined the administration of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Enters Federal Sphere . In 1896 he was elected federal member for Brandon, retaining the seat until his resignation from the Laurier administration in 1911. During that period he was minister of interior and superintendent of Indian affairs, and while occupying this portfolio instituted a vigorous immigration policy which resulted in a decided influx of settlers. In February, 1905, he had dif- ferences with Sir Wilfrid Laurier over the school administration of Alberta and Saskatchewan and re- signed his portfolio, Following severance of close re- lations with Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Sir Clifford fathered an aggressive campaign for the conservation of the natural resources of Canada and became chairman of the con- servation of natural resources com- mossion, a position which he held until 1916. High Light of His Career In 1911 came the high light of his career, Sir Wilfrid Laurier had announced his polic yof reciprocity, based on the Taft-Fielding agree ment. Sir Clifford immediately championed with all the vigor he commanded, a policy directly aa- verse to that of his former leader. He campaigned Canada and his coldly logical, direct method of ad- dress won many electors, To him, more than any other man, has been attributed the downfall of tuw Liberal administration which haa held power for many years, Following his retirement from political life he entered the wonld of finance and commerce, and im- mediately rose to the front ranks of the industrial life of the domin- fon. He became the largest stock- holder in the Canada Western Light, Heat and Power company, managing director of the Imperial Pulp and Paper company, and was interested in numerous other en- terprises. Owner of Newspapers Tn business life his activities were also felt through the press. He acquired the Manitoba Free Press and several other papers, and built up one of the strongest news chains in the dominion, owning papers throughout the western provinces. Despite his myriad commercial connection, he yet found time to engage in sport and became known internationally as one of Canada's Quick Pile Relief Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid is guaranteed to banish any form of Pile misery, or money back. It gives quick action even in old, stubborn cases. Hem-Roid is a harmless tablet that removes blood congestion in the lower bowel--the cause of piles. It brings joyful re- lief quickly and safely or costs no- thing. Jury & Lovell and druggists eYeIywihete sell it with this guar- ntee, : leading sportsmen and horsemen. His stable was known ughout the continent, and he won high show ring honors, In 1903 he was elected president of the Ottawa Racing association, and was presi- dent of the 'National Bureau of Breeding in 1909. In 1884 he married 'Miss Eliza- beth Burrows of Ottawa, who pre- decased him three years ago. Five sons blessed the marriage, and the father .prided bh If on their suc- cess in. business life, That pride felt grief, however, in the death a few months ago of Major Winfield Sifton, his son, who also succumb- ed to heart affection. With Lady Sifton, the late Sir Clifford was presented at the cor- onation of King George and Queen Mary in Westminster Abbey In 1911. In the same year they were presented to their majesties at St. James, and while in England, again renewed the acquaintances which had been made while Sir Clifford was attending the imperial confer- ence in London in 1907. . MINING IN QUEBEC Quebec is geographically the largset province in Canada and is rapidy increasing in importance as a mineral producer. The richness and extent of its famous asbestos deposits, still the world's greatest source of supply, may be rivalled by the newly discovered waalth of the Rouyn copper-gold area. MANY EMPLOYED ON ROADS The number of persons employ- ed in road construction in Canada during 1927 reached a total of 34,230, and was higher than in any of the last eight years In many disrticts this work {s sup- plementary to the occupations or- dinarily followed by the nearby residents, particularly agricultur- 'ists, during the slack periods on NEW MARTIN -Theatre- GW' Now Playing ADDED ATTRACTIONS 2.30-7.00 9.00 P.M. Something Different! "ROMANCE AND BRIGHT LIGHTS" _ MARY ASTOR with- y0HN BOLES LAUREL.HARDY COMEDY SCENIC-NEWS D 8, 1929 PAGE FIVE i---- Another Shipment Just Arrived EE SE SE leece Back Leatherette. Trench Coats The best quality offered regardless of price. | Colors: brown, navy, champagne. black and red. | || The most practical all weather coat you can buy, | Our Special Price Young Women's and Matrons' HATS A Truly Sensational Value for Friday and il In conjunction with our associate stores we cleaned a manufacturers' |i complete stock. And we secured them at our own price. | Allover Flower Hats that have been selling at $3.95 and $4.95. Silk and | straw hats from $3.95 to $5.50. All new in this morning. On sale for Saturday The best for pains and headaches, 100 tablets == En (OIE) "DUSKA" This exquiste new Toiletry Russian design in price. Face Powder Foundation Cream Cleansing Cream .... Duska Rouge . 59¢ of Royal Red packages offers a first-class line of toiletries at a very moderate 75¢ wee T8¢ vernnnenn88C Duska Soap per cake ........25¢ Save With Safety at . JURY AND LOVELL'S REXALL STORES This is to remind you of the many useful, important items which your should possess, and of the many economies which may be effected by phoning or calling for any of our special BARGAINS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY == ESS ee re AIDS TO HOUSE CLEANING household DISINFECTANT NO. 6 This fluid is many times as strong in disinfecting as pure carbolic acid .When mixed with water it a safe milky emulsion of great cleansing value. Per Pint .... 50c Cesar tata RED CEDAR FLAKES Sprinkle these among your winter garments when packing away and keep the moths away Package .. 25¢ MOTH BAG FREE with each pkg. WHISK BROOMS Or fresh green stock tightly bound and v metal top and 19 Cc Household Rubber Gloves ring. Special N per-pair ........ san 49¢ € 0OOT COMEIORTS Jonteel Creams and : Face Powder 50c Each SPECIAL OFFER THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY A 25¢ Powder Puff Free with each 50c¢ purchase of Jonteel REXALL Corn Solvent An efficient application for the painless removal of corns. 2 5 It is guaranteed. Bottle C Foot Soap, 3 cakes . Foot: Balm .......icovivinininne Corn Pads .........ixsesrenren. 356 35¢ Lorie Hair-Fix ........ 29¢ 50c Eau de Quinine ........29¢ 35¢ Cocoanut Oil ..........23¢ Your Down Town Rendezvous Callous Pads. .......ccoeneiienen.35¢ Foot Powder . 40c Scholl's Three Necessities Pack- age FREE with $1.00 purchase of Scholl's remedies. : SCHOLL'S REMEDIES LARVEX $1.00 MOTH BALLS LB. 15¢c FLY-TOX.. 50c-75¢ GARMENT BAGS $1.00 TINY TOT TALC 25¢ and 15¢ Wash Cloth Free with each Tin === [SHAVING NEEDS) KLENZO SHAVING CREAM Rubberset Lather Brush Regular Value $1.50 Special, the two for .... 98¢ PURETEST MINERAL OIL The best corrective medicine for constipation. 16 oy $1.50 (EXXXXW) PURE CASTILE SOAP Per Bar .. -19¢ CASTILE CAKES 8 cakes for .........25¢ PALM-OIL SOAP Four 10c cakes for .. 25¢ WHEN IN NEED OF DRUGS PHONE ab 50c and 90c per Jar PEPTONA The Tonic of Spring. Puts pep in your step. At... The Rexall RY 2) a= CANADAS | King E. Phone 28 AVORITH Jury and Lovell DRUG STO Simcoe S. Phone 68 Special .... Lilac Vegetal Regular $1.00 Bottle 1) ¢ "esse an Delivery From Our Two Service Stores In Oshawa

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