THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1929 World Peace is ~ Urgea As Goal Tor Veterans Members of Red Chevron Club (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, April 24--Sir Robert Bor- den, Canada's war time premier, Soaking at the Ypres dinner of the . Ottawa Red Chevron club last night, urged the veterans of the first Cana- dian contingent to work for world ce. "Treaties cannot prevent war. orce cannot prevent war, In the last analysis, public opinion alone wil keep peace," Sir Robert declared. He further urged his. hearers to . stand for right and above all to have firm unwavering confidence in the future of Canada, its institutions 'and in the destiny of Canada in the British Commonwealth, Senator Major-General W, A. Greisbach, who went overseas with the Alberta Dragoons, presided. BOW STREET BOY WEIGHS 252 LBS. Max Starr, Age 17, Has Am- bition to Star in Films London, April 24.--'"Being very big isn't really a disadvantage ex- cept in an omnibus, where I bump my head and get hard looks from the person on the same seat." This is the outlook of Max Starr, of Bow, E., who at the age of 1¢ stands 6 ft. 4 in, in his stockings and turns the scale at 252 1bs.-- and he is still growing. He is a jolly-looking youth, and, as his mother eéxplains, '"'not so much fat as very, very big." "My worst difficulty," explained Max to a reporter, "is with my socks. Boots I can have specially made in size 13, I can manpage to obtain 17% in. collars, and a tailor will make my clothes at special rates, but I have to be content with ordinary socks in number 12. These only last me a day or two, because I wear them into holes, be- ing so tight, and after the first wash they are no good at all. No Worries "But I don't let any of these things worry me. People call me Sunny Jim about here, and'I don't trouble about getting thin. "1 did diet for three days once, but all that happened was that 1 felt very hungry. I haven't any special meals, I just eat anything and everything, and slightly more of it than the average adult. "I would like to go on the films," he added. "Of course, I suppose I should have to be a comedian--but they say I'm very witty. "In fact, I can do anything that other people do except 'touch my toes. "Take girls out? Oh, er, well, no. 'But anyway, I like being big. "I'm always healthy, so it must be natural, I wouldn't be different it I could--especially when watch- ing football matches." "Having so big a boy is a tre- mendous expense," explained Max's mother. "Right from babyhood everything had to be made speci- ally, and when he was only thir- teen he always paid full fare every- where because he was ashamed to * argue with conductors about his e. And now he says that he wants a special bed because the present one is too small." Max holds the local weight rec- ord for his age, but he is still far from rivaling Johnnie Trundley, of Peckham, who was London's "fat boy" 25 years ago. Johnnie at 6 stood 4 ft. high and weighed 140 lbs. He eventually turned the scales at 420 lbs. PENITENTIARY TERM FOR IMPORTING OPIUM (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Nanaimo, B.C, April 24--Ching Oing King, Chinese, convicted on a charge of unlawfully importing opium into Canada, was yesterday sentenced to six years in the penitentiary by Mr. Justice D. A. MacDonald, pre- siding at the spring session of the Nanaimo assizes, BISHOP OF EXETER WRITES OF EMPIRE Suggestive of National Boastfulness London, April 24--Lord Wil- liam Cecil, who is Bishop of Exe- ter, writing on the subject of Em- pire Day in the Diocesan Gazette says: "I must confess zrave fore- boding in regard to keeping that day. X feel that the boasting and jactitation with regard to Empire, which #s such a feature of our na- tional life, is calling upon us God's just pueishment for disregard of the plain teaching of Holy Wri 1a such maiters. During my life there has been an increasing tendency to boastfulmess. We apparently think that the braggart is the man who should rule the world. We fail to perceive that our duty is to pro- duce ordesr and discipline. There is every wmeason to try and purify the Empire from many sing that still defiley its Government. Hng- land used to be progressive, and led the world in enterprise and or- ganization, developed her indus- tries and imcreased her commerce. She is becomming torpid. She ap- peals to the Government to do what individual &d. She used to read her Bible, lteep her Sunday, and lead a Godly and chaste national existence. She is loosing the out- ward signs of religion and gather ing a reputation for unchastity. Surely a great national humiliation is before ust Weakness brings hu- miliation. Homiliation is.the pain ful cure of vamrity. It is because I wish to savethe country I love this painful disciplime that I oppose the CRIGKET ELEVEN MANAGER KNIGHTED Given Recognition for Vic- tory of English Team in Australia London, April 24, -- Frederick Toone, manager of the Marylebone Cricket Club team that toured Aus- tralia recently and won four out of the five test matches, thereby retain- ing the mythical "ashes" for Eng- land, has received 2he honor of knighthood. Sir Frederick, as he now is, has been secretary of the Yorkshire Cricket Cluld since 1903 and i$ 61 years of age. He also managed the English t¢ams in Aus- tralia in 1929-21 and 1994-25, " INDIA IS THRIVIN UNDER SYSTEM OF WOMEN'S INSTITUTES London, Eng., April 28, -- The Women's Institute ides, which had its origin in Ontario some 30 years ago, is now thriving in India. In the province of Bengal they num- ber 250 and continue to grow in usefulness and numbers. They are called 'Mahila Samitis." Their magazine "Benga Lasshmf{" has a most artistic cover desigmeu by a distinguished artist. One page is printed in English. he last num- ber has announcement of the fourth meeting of the Saroj Malini Dutt Memorial Association, and of an exhibition of handicrafts, which which will be open for a week, Among the activities of the *Ma- hila Samitis" are noted that the members of Baitra Mahil Samitis Joined a volunteer corps and gave commendable service to the wom- en bathers. in the Ganges at Talk- alghat, Howratr, The Senhat{ Ma- hil Samitf staged Tagore's "Natir Puja" -- "The Worship of the Dance." Several girls of the local school were trained to act as play ers. In London, England, a commit- tee of Indian women has formed to further interest of the Mahila Samitis among people interested in social work in India. Mrs. Alfred Watt, the Canadian founder of the movement in Eng- land and Wales, present at the first meeting, expressed the joy with which Canada welcomed the Women Institute activities in Ben- gal. "No ocean can really sever the women of the different countries whose service for their feilow countrywomen is a common inspir- ation," she said. Supertwists Contribution to The Worlds Greatest lire Yon Goodyear Dealer ienites youto make an unusual ROY WILLMOTT SELECTED DEALER All Weather Tire Shop 11 Celina Street Phone 2402 Mofatt Motor Sales "A STOCR OF GOODYEAR "ITRES ALWAYS ON HAND" Simcoe St. N. Phone 915 New York, April 24.--"A Scots- man never gives up." True to the old gaitle rry of.the slans, Dunran cLeod, agent abroad for Canadian whisky | nouses, rebelled at giving up $40,- 000 he lost playing cards with two strangers on the White Star lingr Majectic, and they generously cut down the amount to" $10,000. Macleod gave up first a $5,500 cheque 'and then a $4,500 cheque but it was s0, painful he consuitea the purser about it. The purser SCOTSMAN, THOUGH LOSER, COMES 'OFF BEST IN CARD GAME ON SHIP notified the ship's detective pur- eau and two retectives met the lin- er at quarantine yesterday. They looked the two strangers over and told Mcleod not to give up--yet-- but to stop, payment on the cheques, and he would save every- thing but such cash as he lost. ' "I didn't lose any cash," said Macleod. "The first game they let me win $700 cash and I still have it." _ "I give up," said Detective John Kelly. 04 YEARS A CHURCH WILL NOW GEASE Guelph Church Will Cease to , Operate After 94 Years' Service Guelph, April 24.--After contin- uing to exist as an active Chris- tian organipation in Guelph for nearly a century service in Trinity United church will be discontinued at the é&nd of June. This action was decided on by the congrega- tion, after it had been found im- possible to meet running expenses and contribute the full allocation to the Missionary and Maintenance Fund. The resignation. of the pastor, Rev, F. E. Vipond, was re- luctantly accepted and plans are being made for the winding up of the church business. GASOLINE CAUSES FIRE AT OTTAWA Ottawa. April 24--When gasoline being used in cleaning floors at the residence of A. J. Freiman, prominent Ottawa merchant, ignited in some un- known manner last night, fire swept the rear of the house, causing dam- age estimated at $6,000. The two men who were engaged in polishing the floors, were painfully burned in at- tempting to extinguish the flames. Fire Destroys Building - Dundas--Fire today totally de- stroyed a two-story building, the pro- perty of E. F. Crump, and Albert Mason, and used for storing fertili- zer and farm and garden implements, A carload of fertilizer, valied at $1, 000, and placed in the strueture only the day before, was totally destroy- ed, and with it considerable other droperty of much value. Revival of Hand Weaving in Quebec - in Textile Industry Quebec Ciyt, Que., April 21. -- There has been a gréat revival of hand weawing in the textile indus- try in Quebec, The Cercles de Fer- mieres, of French Women's Insti- tutes, have been devoting much time to this. From one person who knew weaving in one cele, there are now 35 who can operate. In 70 branches there is a complete equipment to weave linens, cot- tons and woolens. Changes in Eastern Ontario Pdsitions of Agricultural Dept. (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Brockville, 'April 24.--J. R. Ostler, of Plevna, formerly assistant district agricultural representative for Huron County, has been appointed to suc- cess A. A. Knight as district agri- cultural representative for Leeds County, with headquarters in Athens, W. A. Davidson, who has been act- ing as represenfative at Athens goes to Lanark county to succeed Fred Forsyth, transferred to Bruce county, Tuberculosis Control Bill Is Planned Winnipeg, April 24.--Before proro- gation of the Manitoba legislature, Hon. E. W, Montgomery, minister of health and public welfare, plans to introduce a bill providing for a tu- berculosis control programme. Clin- ics would be provided to fight the disease and medical examinations in- stituted. INVESTIGATION OF EXFRID EPIDEMIC FAILS 175 PURPOSE Minister - of Health States Deaths Were a Coincidence --Cause Unknown -- Toronto, April. 24~--Unable after a week's investigation to find the origin of the epidemic in Ekfrid township, Middlesex 'claimed four lives and caused ser- fous illness among half a dozen others, Hon. Dr. Forbes Godfrey, Minister of Health, in an official statement today arrives -at the conclusion the deaths were a co- incidence. ASSISTING MINERS London, Eng., April 23,--Wom- en's Institutes in England have been helping the miners and in a number of places have got behind the scheme of transference of min- ers and families to districts where livings can be made. The chief difficulty in this has been securing employment and housing accom- modation. Many branches have done their part by giving substan- tial sums to the relief fund, INOCULATION CLINICS Fredericton, N.B., April 23,--A number of clinics for inoculating against diptheria have heen spon- sored recently by New Brunswick Women's Institutes. county, 'that, Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co. Ltd. UsedCars "With New Car Warranty" All our "USED CARS" are put into first class order, regarding paint, tires, upholstering and mechanical con- dition, 'etc. and sold with same "Guarantee as given on a new car." This is the Safest Place to Purchase a good "Used Car" Down Monthly Payment Payment 192§ Essex Coaches Three to ' choose from. .................. we $290.00 $42.00 1928 Essex Sedan ......c..c.oconnivree. $300.00 1927 Essex Sedan ....... vreenns $270.00 1927 Essex Coaches «+ $250.00 1928 Durant 6-55 Sedan ... $355.00 1927 Chevrolet Sedan .. $210.00 1928 Essex Coupe, Rumble Seat.... $330.00 1923 Soort Buick Roadster Your present car taken in as cash on the Down Payment of Any car we have in stock. Be sure and see our stock. Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co. Ltd. 9 Prince St. Oshawa Phone 1160 'THETHER you're in Quebec, Ontati times or on the Prairies--the sign of the Red Indian is a friendly beacon guiding you to Canada's highest quality oils and gasoline. 'Wherever you drive, look for this sign of the Red Indian. It identifies McColl-Frontenac service. It leads to clean, comfortable rest rooms--to capable and courteous operators--to men ever ready to give you the efficient, dependable service for which McColl-~ Frontenac stations are famed. your car , o, the 'Masi GAS clutch, ' RED INDIAN MOTOR OIL An oil prepared to do battle with heat," superheat. An active, fighting oit-- dry, MOTOR FUEL oi re only ates knocking. an entirély new conception flashing, surging power. | cycle The world's latest and greatest motor fuel at McColl~ Frontenacstations and dealers, * Asyour car glides over the hills, Cyclo does three jobs. Elimin- Cleans your motor of carbon. Gives you tougher, longer-lived. An oil that keepsyour motor sweet--hum- MARATHON HI-TEST Touch the starter--relcase the That's all... with Marathon in the tank. Response to the spark is Instanta- neous because Mara-~ thon is slow-burning. tremely low boiling point. A true * hi- test,"volatile, straight distilled gas, uni- formlycleanand pure. OLINE and has an ex- ming like a top. Your first test will provide convincing proof. of -- \ 7 I, , I McCOLL-FRONTENAC OIL COMPANY LIMITED Offices ond plants ot Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Vancouver. Toronto and Montreal. ~ Distribution warehouses as other convenient points,