PAGE SIX1L. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 15. Peeteetmtectertoue tect. Muskrat Season Over Bailieboro--The muskrat season is almost over on Rice Lake for this year, and the local trappers report the catch to be very much smaller than other seasons. New Parks Head Kingston.--The parks commit- tee has accepted the resignation of . Arthur Phillips, superintendent of parks for about twelve years, ana appointed John W. England to the position at $1,000 a year. Killed At Crossing Almonte.--While crossing the railway line at Wylie's Crossing, Almonte, Gravelle Doshack, a pros- perous farmer of the district, was knocked down and instantly killed by the 10,17 C.P.R. train. Transferred To Ottawa Brockville.--After spending two years in Brockville as board opera- tor for Mowat & MacGillivray, and Solloway Mills & Co. stock ex- changes, John Dixon has been transferred to Ottawa. ; Cars Came Together Kingston.--Two motorists, going at a fair rate of speed, came to- gether at the Finger-board, west of the city Sunday afternoon, and while one of the cars, a Ford, |- was seriously damaged, no one in either car was injured. Illegal Shooting Gananoque.--Recently the local overseer of Game and Fisheries seized four guns and a quantity of decoys, etc., the property of three Americans, who were caught shoot- ing ducks illegally on Grenadier island, and in court at Gananoque the offenders were fined $20 ana costs each. Motor Loans! Money At Once Let us re-finance your present contract or advance additional cash at a mo- ment's nofice. Courteous and confiden- tial. ' Our rates second to none. OPEN EVENINGS Motor Loans & Discounts Ltd. Room 6, 143 King St. East Oshawa, Phone 2790 EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS Eight-Year Sentence. ; Peterboro.--Abraham Faulkner, of Coboconk, was sentenced to eight years in Portsmouth Penitens tiary by Magistrate G. A. Jordan in police court this J offences against his three daugh- ters, aged 8, 13 and 15 years. { : 'Hole In One . Brockville.--J. Gill Gardner, president of the Brockville Coun- try Club, 'entered small and select company--so far as the local golf course is concerned--by sugcessful- ly negotiating a hole in one on | Saturday afternoon. 2 Comment Construction Brockville. H.' Holbrook & Son, contractors instituted the ini- tial preparations for "the construction of the Comstock Me- morfal Nurses' Home in Emma street for the General hospital nurses. Inquest Adjourned Picton. --Inquest into the death of the male infant whose body was found on the water's edge of the Bay of Quinte on the High Shore, three miles from Picton on Wed- nesday has been adjourned to May, 3rd by Coroner Dr. G. A. White- man. § Breaks Ankle Belleville.--Irvine J. Lyons; 20 Albion Street, Fish and Game In- spector for this district, had' the | misfortune to break: his left ankle while near Napanee recently. He was jumping over a rail fence and upon alighting his foot struck a rolling stone turning the ankle. Want Hog Fair Kingston.--At a meeting of "the Executive Committee of 'the Fron- tenac County Livestock Improve- ment Association held recently it was decided to encouragedthe hold- ing of a bacon hog fair in the 1a! for the swine breeders of the coun- ty. Kicked By Horse Kingston.--E. J. Finn, a young man living near Odessa, was brought to the Kingston General Hospital suffering severe facial 11+ juries received when he was kicked by a horse. The young man's jaw and nose were fractured and he was badly shaken up. To Install Telephones Brockville.--The Brockville Ho- tel Co., Limited, has entered into a contract with the Bell Telephone Co., for the installation of 85 tele- phones, with private branch ex- change, in the new Hotel Maniton- na. Seventy-six of the felephones will be in bedrooms. Billiard Tourney Opens 4 Kingston.--The first five billiard games played on Saturday even- ing in the R.C.A. Sergeants' Mess, Tete-de-Pont Barracks, between teams representing the Mess. and the Kingston branch of the Canas: dian Legion, resulted in the sew |. - Port Hope. week for ants obtaining an aggregate lead for. ints, and winning four tof 70. ..po ! games of the five. j Publishers Sue Town --The Amalgamated Publishers, Ltd, alleging damages for "illegal distress and' trespass, corporation "df. the. town. of . Port Hope 'and A.: J; Chesher by the issue of writ at' Osgoode Hall. EW "| To Erect Plant Prescott.--The Canadian Tw- proved Coal' Corporation: Limited 2 '(incorporated -under the Compan- fes Act, Canada R. G. 1927) has Place property, aboit a mile and a half from Prescott at'a possivie price. of $16,000 and expect to erect a plant: on the above site. Brockville.--On.- Saturday, aftor- noon Provineial Officer Alexander MacLéod, Prescott, lodged. in. jail here two men who appeared' before Magistrate! P.""K Halpin, 'charged with .hreaking into boathouses near that town: and of stealing certain articles therefrom. They were re- manded, sine die: by ; Magistrate Halpin. ; Rotary Election directors 'of 'the Belleville Rotary Club , resulted in the following members being named to go on the ballot from: which five will be chos- en. Ed. Berrstein, Van 'Blakslee, Chas.' Bishop, Chas. Dolan, Morley Duff, Chas. Cameron, R. J. E. Gra- ham, Al Stillman, Chas. Symons, Ed. Worth, Tom Webster. Ex-Mayor Dies Trenton.--Owen BE. Fortune, ex- mayor, well' known and highly re- spected resident of Trenton, passed away suddenly at his home, East Dundas Street. In his: normal health Mr, Fortune was about the house and was seized with a heart attack, ;and." specumbed "in fifteen minutes without regaining consci- ousness. 'Remanded For Week Belleville--Franklin Ballard, ar- rested by Kingston police and brought to' this city on Saturday by Sergt." Detective Truaisch, ap- peared today in police court before Magistrate Mikel and re- manded for a week. He was charg- ed with breaking and entering the stores of Sinclair's and the Oak Hall on September 23rd last. Smith's Falls School Smith's Falls.--At a joint meeting of the town council and the Board of Education called to consider sonic method to prgvide- additional accom- modation- for. public school pupils it was unanimously decided that the proposal of erecting a new public school to be placed in the hands of the electors at the earliest possible moment. p Fire Ménaces' Village hy. Sharbot Lake.--~The entire village of Sharbot Lake was menaced with destruction yesterday afternoon when flames' which started in the residence of W. H. Mallett, C.P.R, agent, swept through a block of nine buildings. The house and the ncarby Masonic hall were burned to the ground while have started an action against the' taken) an option: on the William: Belleville. --Primary elegtion for' ODAK FILM in the fame« iliar yellow box is de- pendably uniform. It has speed and wide latitude. hich simply means that it reduces the danger of under- and over-exposure. It gets the picture. Use Kodak Film for your contest picture-taking and be sure of good negatives. Send Your exposed films to us and be sure of good prints ~-- prints of prize-winning auality. Kodak Film in Your Size Always on Hand Here JURY & LOVELL King E. Simcoe 8S. Phone 28 Phone 68 Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS Toronto wholesale dealers are paying the following prices, delivered Toronto: Eggs, ungraded, cases returned--Fresh ex- tras, 26 to 2/¢; fresh firsts, 24' to '25¢; secs ous, 21 to 22, r ; 5 utter--Creamery, solids, pasteurized, No, 1, 41 to 42c; No. 2, 391-2 to -2c, Churning- cream--Special, 47c; No. 1, 46c; No. 2, 43. Cheese--No, 1 large, colored, paraffined and government: graded, 21 1-2 to 21 '3-4c. Chickens, 5 pounds ...seeees Do., 4 to. 5 lbs, Do., under: 4 Ibs. Hens, under 5 lbs, Do., 4 to 5 lbs. Do., under 3.1.2 Roosters .. Ducklings, Do., 4 to 5 Ii "TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale' dealers' afe quoting the following prices to the trade: Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 31 to 33c; cooked hams, 47c; smoked 'rolls, 25c; break- fast bacon, 26 to 38c; do., smoked, 30 to 40c. Cured meatsLong clear bacon, 50 to 70 Ibs., $21; 70 to 50 lbs. $19; 90 to 100 Ibs, and up, $18; lightweight rolls, in barrels, $11.50; heavyweight rolls, $38.50 per barrel. Lard--Pure, tierces, 16 1-4c; tubs, 16 to 16 1-22; pails, 16 3-4c; prints, 18 1-2 to 19c. Shortening, tierces, 13 .3-4 to 14 3.-4c; tubs, 14 3-4c; pails, 14 3-4c; tins, 16 3-4c; prints, 15 3-4c. Pork loins, 32c; New - York shoulders, 22 1-2c; pork butts, 27c; pork hams, 27c. TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotaticns in effect on the St. Lawrence market, Toronto: Froduce only the frantic and untiring efforts of volunteers saved the other struc- tures from demolition. The total loss has not yet been determined. Would Amend Code Kingston.--A sensation was created in the city council meeting last night when Ald. William Holder sponsored a motion to have the criminal code amended "so that a judge of a coun- ty court or a supreme court shall not be able in criminal cases to re- fuse the verdict of a jury in refer- ence to the finding of fact." Alder- man Holder said he had reference to the recent murder trial at Coch- rane, in which Mr. Justice Wright gave a decision.» Mayor Craig ruled the motion out of order. FARMER $60,000 RICHER WHEN HE DUG POST HOLES Fres Gold Discovered Large Quantities in First Blast Matheson, April 24, -- W. Rhodes, Beatty township farmer, hag just finished digging a $60,- 000 posthole. He is reported to have the $60,000 in the bank and expects that the same hole will yield him double the amount, Eggs, extras, per dozen Do., firsts per dozen .. Duck eggs, doz. Butter, dairy, per pound . Do., creamery, per pound . Fruite and Vegetabl Asparagus, Carrots, 1l-qt. Do., 6-qt. basket ... PE: cEINS Beets, 11-qt. basket Onions, dry, 11-qt. Do., 6-qt. basket Cabbage . Caulifiower Spinach, peck Salsify, bunch Mushrooms, per pound . Leaf lettuce, three for . Head lettuce each .. Leeks, four bunches Potatoes, bags ... Cucumbers, each .. Parsley, per bunch Cress, three for .... Celery, per bundle .. Oranges, per dozen . Grapefruit, three for Lemons, per dozen .. Jananas, per dozen Sweet potatoes, 6 qt. . Cranberries, gt. Apples, 11-qt. basket . Rhubarb, three bunch New potatoes, peck Green beans, 6 qt. Green peas, 6 qt. Tomatoes, basket . Maple Syrup, qt. . Maple sugar, Ib, .. . Watercress, 3 bunches sense coo~ccoo ocooco PO TY Ten Engganeay PRODUCE AT NEW YORK New York, April 24.--Dutter easy; receipts, 19,570. Cheese irregular; receipts, 246,061. State, whole milk, flats, fresh, fancy, 22 to 22 1-2¢; specials, not quoted. Eggs, irregular; receipts, 69,716. Nearby henneéry white, closely selected, extra, 34 to 37c; nearby and nearby western hennery white, first to average extra, 30 to 33c; nea:- by Jisnnery brown, fancy to extra, fancy, 34 to 3c. TREAL PRODUCE MON Montreal, "April 24.--"Quiet and steady" was the general description of the butter market here yesterday, No ' chanegs- were annouriced in prices. Receipts were" ed poses of which 1,475 were from New - nd, : The cheese market continues. quiet, with Hh shightly easier undertone. Receipts." were' Xes, 4 Eggs were unchanged. Receipts . were: hea- vy, being the biggest day since last summer, || < v Atrivals totalled 6, ases. 'otatoes were dearer in Mont vance of 5 cents being' Prices: Cheese, westerns, 21 1-2 to 22. Butter, No, 1, pasteurized, 38 to 3c, Eggs, flesh, extras, 33 to 3c; fresh firsts; 31 10 c. 1, an ads CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, their fostion in spite of . increasing' 18 and closed unchanged on. the Chicago re cantile Exchange yesterday, The spot mar-- ket pr d the ph on dard at 44 1-4 cents di + fi ll higher price than extras at 44. cents, due to, it was believed, decreasi pi ion of standards and the failure pt JA vis ion in to keep step with the improvement qual- ity of 'butter. Egg futures advanced as was expected with moderate receipts and: steady | spot. Open commiitments: April fresh eggs, 23; April storage egsg, old, 77; April storage eggs, new, 8; May storage egs, 32; Novem. ber eggs, old, 267; November 'eggs, new, 334; April butter, 80; June butter, 13; December butter, 228. Two market receipts (New York and Chi- cago)--Butter today, 33,977; last year, 29,851; Eggs today, 10,558; last year, 91,787. Chicago spot market--Butter, extras, #ic; standards, 44 l-4c; tone easier. Eggs, firsts, 26 1-4 to 26 1-2c; tone 'easier, EAST BUFFALO LIVESTOCK East Buffalo, April 24.--Receipts of hogs, 1,100; holdovers, ; market fairly active, mostly to shippers; weights above 160 pounds strong to 10c higher; under weights, 15 to 25c lower; bulk 160 to 230 pounds, $12 to $12.15; packing sows,' $10.40 to $10.75; pigs and underweights, $12 to $12.15, Receipts of cattle, 75; steady; Medi good steers, $13 to $13.25; cutter cows, to $7.50; butcher cows, upward to $9. Receipts of calves, 300; vealers uneven, steady to 50c lower; good to choice, $16.50: to $17; sparingly to $17.50; cull and common, $9 to $13.50, Receipts of sheep, 700; virtually nothing done on lambs, quality only fair, good 10 choice clippers, quotable $16.25 to $16.75; shorn ewes, $10 down. TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: toba Wheat . No. 2 Northern, $1.21 3-4, No. 3 Northern, $1.17 1.4, No. 4 wheat, $1.121.2, No. 5 wheat, $1.03 1-2, No. 6 wheat, 88 3.-4c, Feed wheat, 77 1-2¢, (c.i.f. Goderich and Bay ports. track lc higher than, above.) Manitoba Oats No. 1 feed, 50 1-4c. No. 2 feed, 48 1-4c. (c.i.f. Goderich and Bay ports.) American No. 2 yellow, kiln dried, $1.00 3-4 No. 3 yellow, kiln dried, 98 3-4c. No. 4 yellow, kiln dried, 98 1-4c. (Delivered Toronto.) Milfeed delivered, Montreal freights, bags included, Bran, r ton, $28.25; shorts, per ton, $28.25; middlings, $35.25, Ontario oats--Good, sound, heavy oats in car lots, 45 to 50c f.o.b. shipping points. Ontario good milling wheat, f.0.b. shipping points, - according to freights, $1.28 to $1.30. Barley--Malting, 70 to 7c. Buckwheat--85 to 8c. Rye--No, 2, $1.05. . Manitoba flour--First patents, in jute, $7.30, Toronto; second patents, in jute, $6.30, Ontario Flour Price on Track, Montreal, car lots--90 per cent pa- tents, per barrel $5.70. Rhodes is pioneering on the edge of the northern clay belt. This spring he decided to fence in more of hi property. He had to use dynamite to dig his postholes. The first blast uncovered free gold, April 24,~Butter futures held |, _ HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY Absolutely the Greatest Fuel Value Obtainable BUY Truck and Wagon Loads of General Motors HARDWOOD All small blocks are being taken out of the above loads and sold in truck loads for $3.50 --Limited Quantity Scrap Loads of Scantling and Board Ends for just $4.00' Jeddo Coal Bituminous Solvay Coke and Cannel Gravel for Your Drive-way Cement For Your Gravel Sand For Your Plastering Lime For Your Sand All Building Materials Dixon Gravel & ~~ Sand Co. Dixon Coal Co. Telephone 262 Four Direct Lines Rhodes is reported to have sold his find to the Schumacher mining interests for $60,000 cash and a large share interest in the prupe:- ty. The posthole mine to be is only two and a half miles west of the Stewart-Abate mine in the Larder lake district. Rhodes dug his posthole on the same strike, The farm {is five miles from Matheson, The Stewart-Abate is in a prom- ising stage of development and the same formation is believed to ex- ist Rhodes' farm. In an open cut 100 feet in length of the Stewart. Abate 38 tons of ore are reported to have averaged $27.60. King Alfred has been given a bad reputation for allowing his landlady's cakes to burn, but that is nothing to what a woman can do with an electric iron br a gas stove.--Hamilton Herald. "CONFEDERATION" RESUMES SERVICE--MAY 19TH Canadian National Railways make the interesting announce- ment that the "Confederation" transcontinental train between To- ronto and Vancouver, will com- Melee its summer schedule on May th. This train brings to travellers to Western Canada, a fast, comfort- able service to Vancouver, via Win- nipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon and Edmonton. Modern all-steel equipment--Compartment; Obser- vation; Library; Buffet- Cars (Ra- dio); Standard Sleepers; Tourist Sleepers; diner and coaches. Full information and reserva- tions from ang Canadian National Agent. One by one the veterans of the old Parliaments pass away. Of the men who were in the Commons at the beginning of the present cen- tury hardly more than a score survive.--Ottawa Journal. Simmons' Walnut, finished hed, fitted with Simmons' Sagless Spring, Complete with Simmons' - Calcutta . Mattress, . Regular $21.85 Special CLOTHS Guaranteed Sunfast, 50 inches wide Casement Cloth in nice even weave in colors of Rose, Blue, Green, Cream and Brown. weight for overdrapes and Sunparlors Splendid $17.95 Splendid quality Poplins have just ar- rived in many useful shades of Rose, Blue, Brown and Green. Guaranteed Sunfast. Makes very rich drapes and Sunparlor. curtains. Regular: Reversible Rugs Fine Quality wool-reversible rugs in charming colorings and designs made in Scotland of erior Yarns. Size 30x60 Special each Size 25x50 Special each .... $4.75 PROVINCE REVERSIBLE RUGS In good patterns and colorings, Size 25x50 Regular $4.50 Each for ..ceveeesecsnses®®asnnnas Ruffled $6.75 CHAIRS New occasional chairs, that are the best we have ever had wuphol- stered in Jacquard and Mohair, frames are solid Walnut. Regu. lar $24.95 $19.75 Special $3.9° WINDOW SHADES White Window Shades in Oil Opaque quality mounted on serviceable spring rollers complete with brackets 86 in. only. Special each .... $1.00 SILK DRAPERY p~ Curtains Fine Quality Marquisette Ruffled Cur- Regular SPE | tains with colored stitched edges com= | 89c Special per yard . $1.35. Special -.....- New Designs in Silk Drapery ma- terials, that are extremely smart, small all-over patterns and the popular stripes are very much to the fore, all 50 nh.02 25 wide. Special per yard . $1.10 er emi] AXMINSTER RUGS Fine Quality Axminster Rugs in wonderful colorings, the patterns are copied from Oriental Rugs with all the charm of the Expensive ones. The ground colors are Fawn, Blue Rose and Taupe, Size . 4.6x7.6 Regular $18.50 for .......$16.95 == = JUNIOR LAMPS New Junior Floor Lamps with Standards'of Art: Iron that are also very smart with parch- $19.75 ment shades. complete plete with Tieback. Special $1.79 pr. 150 Ibs Ice FREE! REFRIGERATORS SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY OF WOOD AND METAL REFRIGERATORS IN WHITE OR GREY ENAMEL CONSTRUCTED OF WCOD $15.50 to H90.60 CONSTRUCTED OF METAL $18.25 to $90.00 Chesterfield Table Very Useful Chesterfield Table constructed of birch and finished in Walnut with Book Trough underneath $12.50 Ect Solid Walnut end - table in - various designs that are quite new in style. Ranging in price "$8.95 ». $22.50 New Bridge Lamp with fine Art Iron Stand- ards and new style Parchment shades that are very smart. Com- plete. $10.75 Special . ---"- : SSS Buy these on our Club | Plan . Pay 1-5 Down The Balance Divided ~~ into 5 Equal » A very smart range of Table Lamps have arrived, the bases are of Art Pottery with Parchment shades to match, make very use- ful presents. Come $5.50 yo $17.95 plete from -- WHITE ENAMELLED CHAIRS These useful white enamell ed chairs make a very smart kitchen outfit when used with Table as shown $2. 15 AWNINGS We will be glad to measure and quote prices on awnings Large. range of Patterns to choose from. LUKE FURNITURE COMPANY PHONE 78 and 79 at --_-- me ML = a = \ S55 D> = a --asaaaill} ee 42 inch White Enamel Porcelain Top Tables that are so useful in the Kitchen for baking purposes. They are Hygenic and easy "to keep in order, Special each $9.75