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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Apr 1929, p. 10

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. PALL a THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1929 FHANPTON PEOPLE "LOOK FOR PAVING BOWNANVILLE RD Rumored That Extension of Paved Road Contemplat- "ed This Year Hampton, April 23.--The W. C. T. U. héld its monthly meeting at # the home of Mrs, Thomas Pascoe on Tuesday, April 9, with an at- tendance of twenty-five. Five lad- 2 fes joined increasing the member- ship to 26. Mrs. John' Colwill gave 2 FLERE SE Pree: an itneresting talk on the origin of the W.C.T.U. and gave some in- teresting anecdotes in the life of ced E. Willard. Mrs. Johns and Miss Reynolds spoke on Sab- Mrs. C. J. Kers- % lake played a plano solo. Mrs. Roy % Knox gave an excellent paper on % "Temperance Education", Next 2 meeting is to be held at the home %of Mrs. Jebson on the second Tues- 5 day of May. . . The Young People's League "meeting on Friday night, April 12, "was in charge of the first vice-pres- ident, Miss Isobel Campbell. The 4 meeting opened with a hymn and gthe Lord's Prayer, Miss M. J, Ka- te! id - rson took charge of the worship 'period. Miss Lulu Reynolds gave «8 helpful talk offi "Spiritual » Gowth."" - 'Rev. J. RB. Bick. intro- sduced the book, "Christ" of the 2Round Table", taking the first "chapter on conversion. Miss Mar- +jorie Pascoe gave a reading. Roll 2call wag responded to by repeating wa Bible verse or a verse of a hymn. %The meeting closed by repeating tthe Mizpah Benediction, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Avery, Buf- / ALL Oddfellows & Rebekahs are cordially invited to at- tend the service commeme- orating the 110th, Anni. versary of the founding of the Order In Simcoe St. UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, APRIL 28th, 1929 at 8,00 P.M. Daylight saving OANTONS NO. 7 and NO. .-10 of TORONTO will be present. All mem- bers are requested to meet in The lodge room at '2 p. y m, sharp. ONTARIO REGIMENT BAND IN ATTEN. DANCE falo, visited at Mr, W. W. Horns on Sunday. \ Much sympathy is extended to relatives here, in the death of Mi. Frank Cole, Toronto, who was a former resident of this village, Mr, J. B. Horn and son, Clifford, and Mr. W. G. Horn, Peterboro, visited at Mr. W. G. Doidge, on 'Sunday. Mr. Frank Hastings, Toronto University, has been at home the last week, being ill with measles. Mrs. Clifford Colwill and daugh- ters, Ruby and Ruth, visited her mother, Mrs> Braund, of Oshaws, recently. Mrs, Gunn and son, Raymond, of Buffalo, are visiting her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. E, J. Clarke, Miss Mary Niddrie and friend, Whitby, visited her mother, Mrs. Georgina Niddrie, recently. Mr, and Mrs, J. A, Cole visited at C. W. Souch's on Sunday. Mr. C. W, Hastings was in 'Yo- ronto last week on business. places, are becoming good again. A detour still has to be made on the road to Bowmanville, on ac- count of the condition of the road south of the toll gate hill, Howe ever, we are looking forward to much befter travelling in the fu- ture, when we will have a paved road, an extension of the pavement north of Bowmanville being con- templated this year, CLAREMONT ROADS DRY, LAND TILLABLE Farmers Get Busy at the Spring Season's Work Miss Eilean ' Cooper, of Toronto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Cooper, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Robins, of Whitby, accompanied by their nephew, Master Jimmy Sloan, spent Sunday afternoon with Clare. mont friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Madill, of Stouffville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James B. Madill on Sunday. Mr, Robert Forsyth spent the ' | week-end with his family here. Miss Margaret Graham is cone fined to her home with a bad cold. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pilkey and little daughter spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Luth- er Pilkey. Mr, and Mrs. Comba, of Toronto, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. David Taylor on Sunday. Miss Margaret and Mabel Mc- Lellan spent the week-end in Ham- ilton as the guests of Dr. Florence Smith, : Mr. George Lee, of Stouffville, spent Sunday with relatives in the village. The Badminton Club is progress- ing favorably and the members enjoy many hours of pleasure at this most pepular game, Mrs. T. Oliver, of Toronto, spent, a few days last week visiting friends in the village. Master Hugh Pugh has returned home after spending a week in The roads, even though rough In Claremont, April 22 = : you would achieve smartness and - charm in' appear- ance have us give (you a modern style Eugene Permanent Wave Then you'll know your coiffure is al- ways correct, Babette Beauty Parlor Phone 2020 TS _\ Brooklin with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Elliot, Mrs, A. Anderson has returned to her home in the village after a pleasant visit with friends in the city. Mrs. George Lee, of Stouffville, is spending a week with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, J. B. Madill; Mr. Luther Bowes, of Peterboro, spent Saturday with his mother, Mrs. J. Readman, who continues very ill. » Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clement spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Sulman and family, Mrs. Esther Palmer left on Fri- day for Chicago to visit Her daugh- ter, Mrs. De Mert. The Ladies' Aid of the United Church is holding the monthly tea on Thursday afternoon in the basement of the church, These teas are being well patronized and are an encouragement to the society - Mrs. Hubert Yates, of Hamilton, is spending a few days at her home here. Rev. A. McLellan left on Mon- day morning for Dresden to attend the funeral of Mr. C. Atkinson, an old friend. Mrs, W. J. Miller, of Pickering, So crisp it crackles out loud! Your own ears will tell you how good Rice before you even taste them. {Those rice bubbles just pop and crackle when you pour on the milk or cream! And what a flavor! That toasted rice flavor--makes | your spoon get busy! Serve Rice Krispies for breakfast. Enjoy them for lunch with fruits or honey,_added. RICE KRISPIES Krispies are And because they are so nour- ishing and easy to digest, they are ideal for the kiddies'supper. Put them in soups. Make crunchy macaroons and can- dies. Eat them plain or butter and serve like pap corn. They're delicious dozens of ways. Order a crisp red-and-green package from your grocer to- day. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Wi sna ck br) TD. land Miss Edith and Mrs. Avery, of Whitby, visited with 'Mr. and Mrs, W, G. Scott, on Sunday, The beautiful weather of the last few days has dried up the roads and the farmers are getting busy on the land, Mr. and Mrs, Tom Scott, of "Wo ronto, are spending a week with Mr, and Mrs. D, A, Scott, ------ ee (UOR PROBLEM IS DISCUSSED AT MAPLE GROVE Charles Snowden Addresses Young People on Its Social Aspects Maple Grove, April 23.--Regu- lar services were held Sunday af- ternoon and were well attended as usual, The pastor, Rev, Stainton, B.A., B.D,, occupied tne pulpit and delivered a fine ad- dress, - Mr, Harold Mikel, Toronto, visit- ed his aunt, Mrs. Chester Power, last week. Miss Greta Munday spent the week-end with Miss Winnie Rick- ard, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Snowden at- tended the golden wedding celebrae tion of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Macklin, Cobourg, last week. Mr, and Mrs. Cyril Luke, Osha- wa, visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Metcalf on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, R, R. Stevens, Miss Ida Stevens and Mrs, W. J. Snow- den motored to Toronto on Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snow- en, Miss Mary Alldread visited her cousin, Miss Ellen Gimblett on Sun- ay. * Mr, Elgin Munday has returned home after helping in Jury's store, Kingston, for two weeks, League was held last week with Miss Marjorie Stevens vice-presi- dent again in charge in the ab- sence of the president, Mr, Elgin Munday. ' The following program was in charge of Jack Cator, third vice-president: Bible reading, Clif- ford Swallow; devotional topic, Etelka Trumble; readings by Elsie Samis, Lavonne Trimble, Hilda Foley, May Freeman; topic, "The Social Aspects of the Liquor Prob- lem", by Mr. Chas, Snowden, Voc- al duet, Miss Margaret and Mr. Fer- guson Abernethy; plano instru- mental. Lloyd Metcalf; and Florence Foley; Edna Swallow. Maple Grove young people pre- gonted their play "Take My Ad- vice' in Ebenezer church on Mon- dav evening. GOLDEN WEDDING OFTYRONE COUPLE Mr. and Mrs. Levi Skinner Have Been Married Fifty Years Tyrone, April 22.--Mr., and Mrs. Levi. Skinner will celebrate the 50th anniversary of their marriage on Friday, April 26, and Saturday, April 27. Miss Josephine, of St. Andrews, Saunders and Messrs. Willie and Wesley Little, of Oshawa, spent the week-emd with Mrs, Wm. Little. Mr. and Mrs, T. Tuilay and Ola and Bert, of Thornhill, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hooper, of Pontypool, visited Mr. and Mrs. David Hooper, Mr. and Mrs, T, I. Byam motor- ed to Cannington and visited Mr. and Mrs. Lillocrap. Mrs. Ed. Virtue still continues quite ill.. solo, Miss Less than two per cent, of the motorists in Ontario are the ones causing all thé trouble on the highway. What they lack in num- "bers they make up in activity.-- Chatham News, CUTICURA HEALS SKIN_TROUBLES Rash Broke Out. Face Dis- figured, Lost Sleep. "My eye to swell and a rash broke out. After a few days it would dry up and become scaly and my face started to swell. The skin itched and burned and I could not sleep nights. My face was 80 disfigured that I had to leave off work several times. "This continued for nearly two Jenin. Then I got a free sample of uticura Soap and Ointment. The inflammation went so I bought more and I used three cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura ey 8: Won a. was Dealed" Sign » Worsley, 403 Queen St., St. James, Winnipeg, Man. Don't forget to shampoo your hair frequently with Cuticura Soap. 2Be, Oinf it 25 and 80e, , Sold iit Are So fs 3.7 Wait Cuticura Sha Stick 25¢. Let us furnish you with quotations on your Painting and Decorating 85 Simcoe St. N. Phone 125 duet, Iva | ASSESSOR STARTS WORK THORNTON'S CORNERS DISTRICT Mr. Armour Takes Over Duties of John McGregor, Former Assessor Thornton's Corners, April 23,.-- Mr, and Mrs, Elgin Annis, Mr, Gor- don Annis and children were Sun- day guests with Mr, and Mrs, Ed- gar Pascoe, ) Mr, G. N, Robinson spent Friday in Toronto. Mr, Clarence Luke has gone to Guelph to take a position, The new assessor, Mr. Armour, has been calling on the neighbors the past week. Mr, John McGreg- or, who'was assessor for twenty- eight years, has resigned and Mr, H. | Armour has taken over the work. Mr, and Mrs. Bayly, Toronto, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Jus, Luke on Wednesday last. Mr. Ray Scott was home for Sunday, Mrs, Norman Buss and Mr, Wal- ter Buss motored to Toronto on Mr, and Mrs. G. H. Robinson spent Sunday at the home of mr. G. B. Mothersill, Mr, George Scott gpent the week- end at his home, Mr, Jim Kinnear has returned to Flint, Michigan, to continue his studies, Mr, and Mrs. George Walters and Mr, and Mrs. Roy Walterg, 'all of Toronto, were Sunday glests with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Buss. Miss Hughes, Toronto, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. Elliott. The young people held their an- nual box social on Friday evening last, It was a splendid success and about seventy dollars was 'Monday. made, Mr, Wm, Maw, Whitby, was the genial auctioneer and he kept all in high spirits with his witty remarks, Mrs, Harold Lick carried off the prize given to the one whose box brought the highest price, Mr, Wm, Garrard won the prize for the high- ost bid of the evening. Mrs, Roy Lick's box was bought by tune young 'people and presented to Mr, Maw, Mr, Roy Lick was the chair- man of the evening, A "Radio" play was presented during the eve- ning, "Station Y.Y.Y.Y." Mrs. A, [N, Sharpe kindly loaned the use of a radio for the evening. Mr, Har- old Pascoe was manager and Messrs, Gordon Reeson and Hugh Miles were in charge of the music, The cast of characters was: Nottie, Miss Susie Stonehouse; Carolyn, Miss Edith Elliott; Mrs, Winstead, Mrs. George Webster; Mr, Winstead, Mr, George Webster; Roger, Chester Robinson; Herbert, Morris Robinson; Chauffeur; Gor- don Hamlyn; Annie, the old maid, Miss Bessie Speck. or FOR A QUICK DESSERT WITH THE FLAVOR AND DELICACY OF THE FRESH FRUITS MLARENS INVINCIBLE JELLY POWDERS "INVINCIBLE IN NAME AND IN QUALITY" MCLARENS LIMITED HAMILTON, ONT. COAL-- Phone 193 W. J. SARGANT Yard--89 Bloor Street B. Orders Promptly Delivered Men's Black and Brown Oxfords. Special At * . $2 9 5 Dominion Clothing Store 78 King St. W Phone 2141 \ q A sd 1 : em A AD BAB-0O cleans linoleum floors with child. ike ease. Enamel and porcelain, everys BAB.O touches... gleams ! Try it} The Sure Wav to Save FEW MONTHS AGO we celebrated the 69th anniversary of t miles across the continent. il l 1 Now we come to another outstanding event of possibly greater particular interest to the women of Toronto--the First Anniversary whole year has passed since the first A & P food shop opened on Yonge f Our Opening in th City. It is hard to believe that a of Our Opening I the Queen Qty or i think of what has been all. OSHAWA ---TWO STORES--KINC ST. W. -- SIMCOE STREET 8S. atill » he great A & P Chain of Service, h hich 2, th ds of ds for the extraordinary values that were presented on that occasion. And Toronto YOUNG, SOFT-MEATED LAMB EXCELLENT FOR ROASTING Legs SUGAR-CURED, SMOKED S$ Average 10-12 Lbs, HAM, EXTRA FANCY MILK-FED Shoulder Roast PORTERHOUSE Front Quarters 355i%sp 1b. 18¢ Ib. 28c¢ ror Half Ham Legs--Shank Half . ..." .Ib. 28¢c Rump Fillets--Full Cut. .1b. 32¢ cuoice 1b. 18¢ with trained, 1b. 32¢ wives of Toronto. "Thank You." plished. Today over 60 smart, new, spic- and-span A & P Food Shops are staffed courteous clerks to every home in every district, We cannot let so important a milestone pass without expressing our appreciation for the success which we owe to the house- The occasion calls for THE GREATEST VALUES THAT EVEN THIS GREAT INSTITUTION CAN COM- MAND--which are herein presented. But even this seems inadequate for the oc- casion. Nothing seems to express our senti- ments so well as the simple, old-fashioned LESS RUBBING AND CLEANER LAUNDRY $04P serve 10 Bars 45¢ GLASSCO OR AYLMER GREEN LABEL Jam 40-0z. Jar 39¢ Strawberry EXTREMELY LOW PRICES ON CORN Standard Qual... .2 No. 2 Tins 21¢c Fancy Qual. Crosby. . No. 2 Tin 13¢c A & P MARKETS CARRY ONLY THE FINEST GRADE OF BEEF. YOU'LL RECOGNIZE ITS HIGHER auALY WHEN YOU CHOOSE YOUR ROAST ROASTS With Large Tenderloin 1b. 35¢ SHOULDER--Round Bone ............ Ib. 18¢c RUMP--Round Side ... BLADE--An Excellent Roast .......... lb. WING--Cut Short ..... 25¢ 22¢ 30c CEE ELLE EEE EEN] 1b. cevmessnsnenvy Ibs 'CHICKENS For BROOKFIELD BRAND, 4-LB. AVERAGE, MILK-FED Roasting ib. 42¢ PORK TENDERLOINS--Fresh ........ Ib. 52¢c CORNED BEEF--Cooked ...... . Sliced 1b. 25¢ BEST QUALITY BOILED HAM Thinly Sliced Ib. 48¢ PEAMEAL EXCELLENT QUALITY, FRESHLY SLICED BACON FANCY SMOKED BACK ..........1b,40c BREAKFAST .... Ib. 25c PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLLS CALVES' LIVER--Fresh ......... Sliced lb. 45¢ DILL PICKLES--Medium Size .. conse. 3 for 10c By the Piecelb. 25¢ COD, Fresh, By the COCOA, Rowntree's .... JUBILEE SNAPS, NBC....... semesters nnnans Cessna FISH Piece ............-:1b. H4e HADDOCK, Fresh, Headless and Dressed . 1b. 13c HALIBUT STEAKS, Fresh, Fancy White. Ib. HADDIE FILLETS, Fresh Filleted......lb. TROUT, Fresh Georgian Bay ..........lb, 32¢ 29¢ 21c WEEK-END SPECIALS BUTTER Fancy Bulicuris 2 Ibs. 87¢ FRESH CREAMERY ....cvu0e vise 2 lbs, 85¢ MILK Eagle Brand 3 Tins 50¢ PURE RENDERED---MAKES BEST SHORTENING Condensed LARD (Except Swift's) 2 Ibs. 2%9¢ FINE GRANULATED SUGAR an Ta 10 Ibs. Sac KETCHUP--Heinz Pure Tomato.. .Lge. Btle. 23c VI-TONE--Iit Peps YouUp .........lb, Tin 5lc V4«lb. Tin CALE ee | | BLENDED AND ROASTED IN TORONTO--ALWAYS FRESW BOKAR "25,5 Lielb. Xin 28c Ib. Tin§S5c 8 0'CLOCK--A PURE SANTOS--LB. 41c. PASTRY FLOUR--Primrose . ..... 7-1b. Bag 31c JELLY POWDERS ™h Rivers 5 Pkgs. 25c RECOMMENDED BY BEAUTY EXPERTS EVERYWHERE LUX TXoilet Soap 3 Cakes 19%9¢ SALT--Regal or Free-Running.....3 Pkgs. 25¢c DUAL CREAMS--Weston's Biscuits. . ... Ib. 27¢c A HEALTHFUL CEREAL KELLOGG'S All Bran Lge. Phg. 18¢ 'WEEK-END SPECIALS FRUITS and VEGETABLES POTATOES, Fancy New Floridas. ...6 lbs. 19¢ BANANAS, Large Ripe Fruit.doz. 21c CARROTS, New Texas ASPARAGUS, New Carolina..lb, 30¢ sss sersanaass ++4.2 Bunches 15¢ ORANGES, Good Size Nayels LEMONS, New California... doz. 23¢ doz, 43¢c CUCUMBERS, New Florida.? for 13¢ CABBAGE, New Carolina. ..........3 lbs. 11¢c Y-SAVING SPECIALS 15+Ib.. Tin 23¢ ASPARAGUS TIPS, Aylmer's .. PINEAPPLE, Del Monte--Sliced .. APPLE SAUCE, Aylmer--Choice. No. 2 Tin 2% vesssssss 2 No. 2 Tins 27¢ 2. Ibs, 19%¢ JIF, Cleanses Sheerest Fabrics JELLY BEANS ...c.ccaqitsssissoans "eas GLLETTE BLADES, Genuine ........ oe LUSHUS, Shirriff's Jelly Powders . DATES, Excellence Brand OXYDOL, Cleanser New Store Opens same. 2 ATLANTIC & PACIFIC NTIC & New Store Opens Friday at Walton St. Port Hope

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