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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Apr 1929, p. 12

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PACE TWELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1929 AUTOS AND AIRPLANES ARE NO LONGER DEPENDENT ON GASOLINE A ------------ Brussels, April 25--Automobiles injected burns without explosion, producing extremely smoothly run- and airplanes are no long dep dent on gasoline for fuel, it was stated here Monday, for M, Lebacq, a Belgian engineer, is understood to have solved the great problent of us- ing oil as a spirit. The utilization of such cmbustibles as gasoline, maz- out, and even lubricating oil, which has already been used, will now b possible if the Lebacq apparatus is fitted to high-velocity motors, the invenfor states. ] Believing previous researches with a view of perfecting Diesel and semi- Diesel systems wrong, Lebacq aban- doned the beaten track, finding it possible to obtain lighting and com- pustion of all types of oils in non- compressed atmosphere, or one in which the compression was compar- atively slight, by putting, the com- wis under pressure before -in- jection, and maintaining this pres- sure constantly during the entire period of injection. W Treated in this manner, the spirit ning motors at all speeds. The ap- paratus which is gaid to be simple in design, is adaptable to any type of car. ; The consequences of his invention will be far reaching. Lebacq de- clares. Costs will be reduced to one-tenth that of gasoline, and the be | danger of explosion will be complete- ly eliminated. 'Planes will be enabled } Avr- % to carry lighter loads of fuel and fly longer distances without landing. Crossing the Atlantic at present fine, Using oil, the load may be re- duced 40 or 50 per cent. Local jour- nalists watched M: Lebacq give a de- monstration on a ten-year old auto- mobile, the engine of which had not been overhauled for four years, The engine, driven entirely by oil with- out the help of gasoline, registered 2800 revolutions per 'minute, as against the normal 2,400 without be- coming heated, the water radiator remaining lukewarm. La Advertising Has Splendid Result For Bowril, Ltd. At 'the Thirty-second Annual General Meeting of Bovril Ltd, held recently at River Plate House, Finsbury-circus, London, this is what the Chairman, Sir George Lawson Johnston said in his speecn about. the value of advertising. "It is not exactly how much you spend on advertising that counts-- any one can waste money on it-- but how effective you are. Bad ad- vertising is a waste of money to the advertiser, and the papers must appreciate people who can adver- tise well enough to get results; if profits are not earned, the adve:- tising cannot last, Probably the most certain way to waste money ] is to attempt to advertise a bad article. If your produce does not advertise itself to the consumer and his friends once he hag used it, your advertising expenditure is riot likely to be, very lucrative. "In a competition recently pro- moted by one of our papers to en- courage amateur advertisers no fewer than 3,600 entriés for Bovril advertisements were sent in. Some of the suggestions we have used in our publicity work; some we have not, although they have given us a good deal of private amuse- ment. One suggestion, accompan- fed by an appropriate sketch, show- ed a Bovril bottle knocking the let- ter "L" out of the word "influ- enza." Another design depicted Samson reclining in his tent asleep, with Delilah standing beside him holding a large bottle of Bovril in her hand, listening to the volece of a Philistine outside urging her = \0e wh A a -- ree ' Don't "Drive" Your Car to Old Age pEREsrs yomr car has been "broken in" --and Jha you bought it second He same ther case its lubrication deserves attention as that of a new car. When you pass the six thousand mile matk, car requires the same lubrication as when it registered half that distance. To stop giving your Jide just Rudy pin early old age. cheaper by far En gu greasing bills and an service is service. Don't Jet your car grow old in one season-- form the habit of having the grease in your differential and transmission changed every , 8,000 miles. Your dealer sells and recom- mends "WHIZ" GEAR GREASE for this summer's driving. Ontario Motor Sales, Ltd. WHITBY OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE EVERY i H : i { ABOUT IT , : Thy BODY' TALKING our Goodyear Dealers tre cord test TOD All Weather Tire Shop 11 Celina Street { Phone 2462 Moffatt Motor Sales *A STOCK OF GUOUODYEAR TIRES ALWAYS ON HAND" Simcoe St. N. Phone 913 takes a load of 6,600 pounds of gaso-|M® in the CANA » GREATEST $tMontclare Metagama 3Calls at Cobh To Liverpool "Dhichess of York To Belfast-Liverpool-Glasgow May 4 Minnedosa To Glasgow-Belfast-Liverpool Melita Duchess of Richmond seessenaer sesrrans hess of York To Plymouth-Cherbourg, South- ampton and Hamburg EMaY 13 ..osssnssrisnunrureshesainsse Montrose May 29 .. Montcalm To Antwerp May 2 . ... Montclare May 23 . . Metagama FROM QUEBEC To Cherbourg-Southampton May 7, May 28 Empress of Scotland May 21 Empress of Australia To Glasgow-Belfast-Liverpool Montroyal Apply Local Agents or J. B. MACKAY, General Agent Canadian Pacific Bldg., Toronto, to "leave his hair, Delilah, but take his Bovril." "Twenty thousand pounds has again been allocated to staff pen- sion fund purposes--a somewhat smaller amount going to the older contributors' fund, and a some- what larger amount to the general fund,' than was the case last year." SEEDING GENERAL ON MYRTLE FARMS Work Done During Long Fall Helps Considerably in Late Spring Myrtle, April 23--Miss Ruby Cook has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Beadle of Toronto. The members of the League have invited the Mount Zion dramatic club to present the play "Civil Service" on Friday night of this week. Mrs. (Dr) E. T. Slemon of the capital is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hoar. Seeding operations were com- menced quite generally on Monday and if the weather keeps at all fav- ourable it won't be long before every one will be well on with it. There was considerable ploughing and other work done last fall which helps greatly with the spring work. Mrs. Hattie Hudgins spent a few days last week in the city with her son. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Bradley were in Toronto on Monday. The Jupp Construction Co., which has the contract of continuing pav- ing operations from where they left off last fall near -Sunder- land to Lindsay were busy during the. earlier part of-the week haul- ing their road construction material through here and they expect to com- mence road@ building there very shortly. The boys who are working on the new line of the Bell telephone north spent the week end at their respec- tive homes here. They are progress- ing nicely with the work and expect to reach Beaverton with the line this week, Mrs. (Rev) R. J. Mariam and daughter Pearl returned last week from a pleasant vacation with the former's parents near Belleville, There is a bad epidemic of cold | going around here just now, which | in some' cases has developed into bronchitis and several infants have | been under medical care. There will be a special reception service held in the church next Sab- bath afternoon at 3 o'clock when the pastor, Rev. R. J. Meriam will give a special message to the new and old members and adherents of the congregation, essrs, Wolfe of Toronto spent the week end at their farm east of the village. 3 The Women's Mission Society held the April meeting in the church basement on Thursday afternoon, and besides transacting the usual business a pretty quilt was com- leted. y Mr. Mitchell of Oshawa has pur- chased the parcel of land west of the highway which belonged to Mr, Dave Ross' farm from Mr. Ross and it was reported he purposed building on it shortly. . INVESTIGATE DEATH OF MAN IN NORTH Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., April 25. --Provincial police are investigat- ing the suggestion by Joe Laird, local fur trader, that the body of a man found near mileage 111 on the Algoma Central Railway, might be that of Finnerd Larocque, a trapper who disappeared in 1920. Chronic Stomach Troubles Vanish PINK CAPSULES FOR INDIGESTION will drive away that chronic stomach trouble of yours. They are guaranteed to banish indi- gestion, gas, heartburn and ALL stomach disorders or your money will be refund- ed cheerfully. Sold by Karn's and all good drug- gists. PLAY PRESENTED AT Joyed by a goodly number on Mon- EBENEZER NONDAY "Take My Advice", Under Tuxis Square Auspices, is Success Ebenezer, April 23. -- A very ful and pl nt evening's entertainment at Ebenezer was en- day evening, April 22, when the Young People of Maple Grove pre- sented their play "Take my Ad- vice." The play was well given and the players and their trainer, Miss B, Souch are to be congratulated on the success. To pick a star from the cast would he difficult as each actor played his or her part in an excellent manner, The cast of characters was Bob Mannion, Editor of Eureka News, Mr. Jack Cator; Jimmy Sam- son, Business town waker, Mr, W. Laird; Jud Fenton, a lazy town character, Mr. Elgin Munday; John Wargrim, who controls Eureka, Mr. Ted Foley; Peggy Acton, who arrived in town three months ago, Miss Marjorie Stevens; Virgy Man- nion, Bob's sister, Miss Nellie Snowden; Mrs. Nelson Dodd, So- cletyleader, Miss Edna Swallow; Marcia Wargrim, daughter of John Wargrim, Miss Eileen Hoc- n. This play was given under the auspices of the Tuxis Boy's of Eb- enezer and the proceeds of the evening amounted to about $43. which was to be equally divided between the Maple Grove players and the Tuxis Square, DEATH PENALTY FOR POPPY GROWING Peking, April 25, -- The death penalty will be passed on any peas- ant in the province of Shantung found guilty of growing opium poppy. This is set forth in a circular order recently issued by General Sun Liang-chen, chairman of the Shantung provincial government, The order also provides for sev=- ere punishment for the magistrate of the district wherein the poppy is grown. It is also provided that all poppy plants in the various districts of the province must be destroyed within 15 days. TO APPEAL DECISION OF JUSTICE ROSE IN $60,000 FINE CASE Toronto, Ont., April 25---Ontario government will appeal the aeci- sion of Mr, Justice Rose at Osgoode Hall Tuesday which directed that the $60,000 fine in the Aemilius Jarvis case is the property of the City of Toronto, Hon. W. H. Price, Attorney-General has stated. "There will be an appeal on a point of law," said the Attorney-General, "We contend that the Dominion Legislation is ultra vires, notwith- standing the judgment." MOTHER TRAINS HER CHILDREN TO STEAL Paris, April 25.--A widow who has trained her four children as thieves has had her career cut short at Le Creusot. She and her «children raided a cinema one night, but all the cash had been taken away, and they found only tickets, They returned the fol- lowing night accompanied by an- other young pupil, only to find that a tMp had been set and they were all arrested. When the police searched the woman's heme, they found a large number of stolen articles. 20 MINUTES One of these te talets--_ste, ela as soda will headache in 20 minutes. wy, Rojee Ue headache coming on, & tal will ward it off--nip it in the bud. * FOR RENT BONNIE BRAE COTTA Brae Point, Oshawa. Fine the lake, BE aris: Apply to G. D. Conant, Oshawa. y if Phones 1198W---Office a They Were a Great Benefit to Him Says Ontaric Man of Dodd's Kidney Pills Mr. M, Hay Suffered With Acute Pains in His Back Stratford, Ont., April 24, (Special) "About four years ago I suffered with. acute pains in my back," writes Mr. M. Hay, 71 Front St., Stratford, Ont. ° "Dodd's Kidney Pills were recommended to me by a friend. I bought a box and found great relief. From that day on I have never been without them." Dodd's Kidney Pills purify the blood, and pure blood carried to all parts of the body means new health and increased energy all over the body. Dodd's Kidney Pills are an excellent tonie, and now fis the opportune time to take them. During the long, weary winter months the system becomes weak- ened and gets in a run-down cdh- dition. Dodd's Kidney Pills work with Nature by encouraging and assisting the kidneys--to cast out everything impure or diseased. Dodd's Kidney Pills can be ob- tained from Druggists everywhere, or The Dodds Medicine Co., Ltd., Toronto 2, Ont. TWIN SISTER TAKES UP SONG WORDS London. -- When a 19-year-old girl forgot her words while sing- ing a solo before a Chertsey audi- ence recently, her twin sister, standing in. the chorus close be- hind, carried on from the next word. The twin continued until the soloist again picked up the words, The sequence of words was nov broken and some of the audience were unaware that the soloist had missed any words. Prescott.--The water in the St. Lawrence River yesterday attain- ed the highest point it has reached during the past eleven years. It ran over small docks and flooded the land along the banks in this district. FORMER RESIDENTS OF TION REPORTED T0 BE SERIOUSLY ILL Elvyn Lander and Daughter Suffer From Pneumonia in Saskatchewan Zion, April 22,~--Miss Annie Mc- Master assisted in the program at the music study club in Bowman- ville last Wednesday evening, when she played two German piano solos. Her mother was also present. Mr. and Mrs. Will Stainton and Miss Frances, of Buffalo, spent the week-end with Mrs. Jas, Stain- ton and family. Mrs. Stainton re- turned home with them for a two weeks' vacation. Miss Marguerite Conlin, of Ked- ron, visited Mrs. Elmer Wilbur for a few days; also Master Alan Wil- bur, of Solina, visited his cousin Gordon Wilbur over the week-end. Messrs, Tracy Glaspell and El- mer Wilbur recently - purchased new automobiles. Mrs. Everett Gifford has return- ed from Bowmanville hospital somewhat improved in health, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Balson and children and Mr, Walter Trull were Sunday visitors with Mr. Walter Vivian, Columbus, and Mrs. Thos. Trul] also visited in Columbus on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Steeves. Toronto, were Sunday guests of their cous- ins, Mr, and Mrs. Russel Perkins. Master George Hoskin, Oshawa, spent Saturday with his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson, Mr. and Mrs. John Rivell, So- lina, visited Mr, Jas, Cameron anu family on Sunday. Mr. Ted Chant, Hampton, was a Sunday visitor at home and at- tended the services. Wotd has heen received here of the serious {illness of Mr. Elvyn Lander, of Wolseley, Sask., former- ly of Zion. who has been {ll for six weeks with plural-pheumonia. His little daughter, Audrey, aged 7, algo has the same disease, and had to have an operation on her lung, For You MEN of your Free Trousers! Extra FRIDAY AND Pants| SATURDAY FREE! ONLY Come in and see Mr. Burton representative of Canada's largest tailoring house. He's bringing to this store a wonderful selection of the finest and newest TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE $24.00 Up 152 Simcoe St. South. CHAS. RICH MERCHANT TAILOR fabrics for Spring--also a complete range of Suits Topcoats already made up in the new styles for di Mr. Burton has been authorized to offer an extra Pants FREE with every order during his stay here, will be limited to Friday and Saturday: now--see the hundreds of fabrics he is range of prices to suit every man -- and make sur only. Come in showing, at the doctor removing a piece of her rib and inserting two tubes. Cobourg.--Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Male, formerly of Colborne, Ont., celebrated the sixtieth anni- versary of their marriage a few days ago at their home in Roches- ter, N.Y., when they received the congratulations and good wishes of a large circle of friends and relatives, DISNEY-COTT AMBULANCE 87 Celina St. Phone 1083 1838J--Residence ILE after mile. month after month year after year...Out in every they cost no more; . Goodrich kind of weather, over every kind of road, taking the rough with the smooth and making no fuss about it.. SILVERTOWNS the quality tira famed for absolute dependability wherever tires are used ..CAnd yet 1lvertown

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