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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Apr 1929, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1929 PAGE SEVEN (/ ITs Style No. 88x with LIPPER HEEL The full fashioned hosiery that outsells all others Why? Because it is unsurpassed value in a fullfashioned pure silk stocking at $1.50 New Spring Shades) CLEARSKIN BARESKIN! BEACHSKIN ROSESKIN FAIRSKIN ~~ SUNSKIN TANSKIN SPRINGTONE 'TERM HONOR LIST AT COLLEGIATE (Continued from Page 3) leen LeMee, Rae McMaster, Lorna Merrick, Flda Mountjoy, George Parker, Dean Patte, Allan Pennell, Iris Robertson, Olga Rolson, Har' old Sheridan, Melville Smith, Ber- tha 'Stephenson, Harry Stirling, Max Stroud, Dora Sweet, George Vice, Gertrude Webber, Thomas Wilson. ONE--Wilfrid Barnes, William Beaton, Harold Booth, Edward Bradbury, Wilfrid Bulmer, Mary Carr, Rybert Coulson, Clarence Dearborn, Agatha Dionne, Leonard Eccles, Charmion Felt, Doris Fish- er, Helen Fellka, Helen Fletcher, Hilton Fulton, Murray Gillies, william Haines, Doraine Hicks, Bernice Horton, James Horton, Vforton Kagan, FEugene Kearney, Florence Pallant, Arthur Patter- son, Cyril Patterson, Lloyd Pawl- ey, Marion Roughley, Norman Ruebottoyn, Jack Bherwood, Glad- ys Sly, Beatrice Suddard, Cather- ine Thorborn, Jack Thrasher, Phyllis Tresise, Nellie Watson, Zella Wesson, Lillian Williams, Russell Young. SECOND YEAR ACADEMIC 9 Honors Possible TEN--*Kenneth Kelly. NINE ~ Edith Cooper, Crom- well Young. EIGHT--Earl McLaughlin, SEVEN--Lillian Bell, Jack Hen- ley, Greta Maxwell, Isobel Smith, Mary Stenhouge. SIX -- Zena Goold, John Perk- ins, FIVE--William Cameron, Wu- ma Codk, Sylvester Houlihan, Jack Lander, Elsie Raike, Lloyd Steph- enson, FOUR--George Corben, Louise Courtice, Jack Eaton, Mary Fish- er, Angus MacKinnon, Robert Mec- Rae, Lloyd Smith, Ada Twuley, Ruth Wagar. THREE -- Aubrey Broadbent, Anna Marie Brown, Gordon bucs- nam, Lawrence Carson, John Car- ter, Helen Chapman, Reginald Evans, Douglas Gamble, Ray Gibbs, Dorothy Hancock, Ian Mc- Nab, Doris Millson, Maurice Mor- ris, Jack Peacock, Maurice Reed, John Shewchuk, Marion Tresise, Norma Turney, George Weldon. TWO--Jack Britton, Frank Bul- livant, Harry Cawker, Carsou Crothers, Gordon Davidson, Ruth i Fishleigh, Hazel Grierson, Bruce Halleran, Stanley Hill, Justine James, Ruth Jones, Stella Lesniak, Herbert - Mackie, Elmo Nesbitt, Lorne Thompson, Hedley Wesson. ONE -- Mazo Anderson, Edith Barker, Donald Black, Norman Boddy, Jack Germond, Owen Gif- jord, Jno, Grant, Frances Hockins, Clifford Jrving, Mike Kashul, Har- old Knibb, Marie McDonnell, Clifford McGraith, Audrey Me- Tavish, Kathleen Moore, Marion Normoyle, Doris Smith, Fred Smith, Hilton Stainton, Agnes Tierley, Lloyd Towns, * Additional honour made 'in German, ; THIRD. YEAR ACADEMIC 7 Honours Possible Eight--*George Bryce, ces Russell. : Seven--Arnold Jobb, Six--~Shirley Fowke. Five--Mansell Stacey. Four--Wesley Hicks, *Fran- Three--Zellinor Davidson, Stan- ley Harris, Rennison Hezzelwood, Lillian Jones, George Millson, Reba Mitchell, Lloyd Moody, Char- les Pearce. ! Two--Roy Core, Ora Gerrow, Muriel Gillott, Douglas Henderson, Edwin Higgins, Dorothy Holland, Bernard Kinlin, Helen Mason. Helen Michael; Margaret Patte, Howard Peterson, One--William Adams, Frances MeLee, Grant McIntosh, Carl Moore, Nora Mundy, Errington Parsons, Margaret Reed, Betty Robinson, Peter Sandford, Cora Sproule, Elinor Thickson, Betty Wilson, Harvey Weod. *Additional honours Greek. FOURTH YEAR ACADEMIC 9 Honors Possible Nine--Dorothy Crothers. Seven--Adeline Fowke, Marks. Six--Leonard, Brash, Dorothy Arthur, Durham, Ferne Ledgett, Jean Mathews, Hilda Rice. Five--John Dryden, Four--Ralph Irwin, Fred James Helen Morison, Juanita Rook, Three--Jean Scrimgeour, Gladys Thompson, Marie Valleau. Two--Albert Brown, Victor Evans, Kathleen Goheen, Brenton Hazelwood, Edward Henderson, Jack Henry, Clayton Holt, Mary Kerr, Mackenzie King, Mildred Morris. One--Nona Armstrong, Helen Bowden, Mervin Gorman, Wallace Hare, Mildred Huns, Ruth Leth- bridge, Charles Mason. : FIFTH YEAR ACADEMIC 14 Honours Possible Eleven--Lawrence Cragg. Eight--Kenneth Heddon, Five--Flora McRoberts. Four--Lorraine Love. Three--Eleanor Fleming, icn Gummow, Two---Jack Guiltinan, Margaret Scerimgeour, Hazel Sweet, Mildred Webber, George Wilson. One--Harry Deyman, Ivah Fox, James Toppings. made in Ernie Mar- this cereal TALKS! Irs so crisp it pops and es when you pour on milk or cream. And what a flavor! Crunchy rice grains i --toasted golden brown, Rice Krispies are fine for any meal. Give them to the children for supper. Easy to digest, Order a red-and- green package from your grocer. Try the recipes for macaroons, ef. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Kell, FIRST YEAR COMMERCIAL 14 Honors Possible TWELVE--Mabel Canning, ELEVEN---Mary Rodesky. NINE---John Kuzmeliuk, Kath- leen Manilla, Wiliam Paraschuk. EIGHT--Dorothy Dyas, Jean Houlihan; Agnes O'Reilly; Florence Smith; Margaret Timmins; Bessie Watson. SEVEN--Noreen Griffin; Simmons. SIX--Marjory Bates; Jessie Fra- ser; Dorothy Galagher; Edna Hep- burn; Ruth McLean; Everitt Pog- son, Mildred Taylor. FIVE--Peter. Andrey; Russell Attersley; Edith Canning; Jennie Galewich; Basil Long; Ruth Lover- idge; Mary Muzik. VOUR--Roy Anderson; Grace Bull; Helen Chapman; Marjory Legge; Stanley Ogden; Carl Shaw; Jack White; Dora Wilson; Mary Yuskiw. THREE--Retha Barlow; ard Clapp; Marjory Clarke; ence Fitches; Mildred Hilts; McCulloch; Mabel Mills; Pugh; Beatrice Stirling. TWO--Seymbur Bigwood; Ruth Black; Lorraine Brown; Stewart Burk; Marguerite Burden; Bernice Dunford; « Fairley Evans; Helen Goulding; Arthur Henderson; Hel- John Leon- Flor- Jean John en Hodgkinson; Marion Johnson; Greta Kelly; Helen Mackie; Laura McKay; Margaret Petre; Minnie Savich; Walter Terry; Gladys White; Ruth Whiteoak. ONE--Ethelda Amsbury; Alberta Broadbent; Doris Bennett; Dorothy Chamberlain; Herbert Chapman; Douglas Clark; Raymond Cole; Lily Collis; Evelyn Cook; Marie Dear- born; Arthur Goodall; Rose Grab- oski; Lillian Green; John Grieve; Alex Hercia; Millie Hester; Leonard Jackson; Verna Jeffrey; Jack Kirk; Palmer Knight; Helen Kroll; Rose Mack; Anna Makarchuk; Donald McEachern; Madeline McGrady; Al- ice Monaghan; Bessie Morgan; Ir- ene Polston; Ethel Reece; George Sanderson; Leta Shelenkoff; Dor- othy St. John; Gordon Vinson; Ethel Wheeler; Stephen Wotten. SECOND YEAR COMMERCIAL 14 Homors Possible FOURTEEN--Rosalie Smith. Twelve--Sadie Harland; Marg- aret Henderson, NINE--Rena Hall, EIGHT--Isla Barker; Sisson; Jean Thompson. SEVEN---Reta Blake; Doreen Bligdon; Joseph Graboski; Ruth Harrison; Doreen Murphy; Minnie Rodeski. SIX. Dorothy Dorothy Long. FIVE--Doris Cobon; Helen Law. FOUR--Gladys Bickle; Verna Hodgkinson; Percy Johns; William Olenuck. THREE--Lillian Lee; Eleanor McGahey; Edna Morris; Vera Ni- cholls; Orvil Petre; Mavis Titley; Victoria Victor; Mildred Wylie. TWO--Bessie Alexander; Geo. Barclay; Eva Capitofsky; George Chant; Violet Clarke; Ada Cobon; Henry Foote; Esther Horton; Glad- vs Keys; Hilda Lawry; Gwendolene Laycoe; Doris Mackie; Grace Mar- tin; Harry McGraith; Bruee Minns; Wilson Norton; Aldine Stephenson; Albert Turner; Beryl Wilkins; Elsie Wood; Arthur Yeo. ONE--George Dickie; Dora Hod- gkinson; Hulda Parker; Helen Rid- gen. THIRD YEAR COMMERCIAL 13 Honors Possible TEN -- Mabel Britton; Smith. NINE--Frank Brown; Cook. SEVEN---Mary Coulter. FIVE--Gladys MeComb. FOUR--Greta Crouse; Makarchuk. THREE --- Florence Cornish} Jean Etcher; John Glad; Arthur Turner. TWO--TIrene Spencer. ONE--Mathew Bell; Alex Blythe; Phyllis Clements; Florence Keen- an; Reta Lang; Pearl Leach; Mil- dred Mechin; Mamie Petre; Oneta Wood. SPECIAL COMMERCIAL CLASS 10 Honors Possible TEN--Evelyn Hill, NINE--Frank Grose, SIX--Victoria Lesniak, Cyril Florence George Farrow; Frewaa FIVE--Eileen Brooks, FOUR--Florence Clifford. THREE--Velma Bone; Marjory Forsythe; Iona Junkin; Doris War- burton; Kathleen Warburton. TWO---George Campbell; Helen Howlett; Opal Stephenson. ONE--Jules Bernier; Jean Cart- Jright; Kathléen Cawker; Ruth ook. FRANCE TO BANISH LIGENTIOUS BOOKS Pictures of Nudes Will Dis- appear from News- stands Paris, April 30.--The Govern- ment has sounded the death knell of licentious books and m ines fwhich for years have made colored pilctures of nudes familiar sights on the bookstands of Paris and other French cities. The Government is preparing an edict to banish such pictures as a result of protests from various or- ganizations, The project of the law already has been passed by the Senate, tend- ing to ratify the international con- vention signed at Geneva, 1923, for repression of traffic in obscene puv- leations. The liberty with which spicy stories, daring drawings and porno- graphic photographs have been published will be greatly dfminish- ed by the new edict. Many publi- eations which were so well known during the war will come under*tae ban, it is understood. Objections against such publica- tions were remewed when new magazines recently appeared with photographs of nude women per- forming dances or dong calisthenics in a health camp. The magazines purported to be spomsors of natur- alism, and all contained scientific articles explaining the photograpns. The efforts of a Catholic, priest who went from store to store, and tore up all the obscene magazines he could find, gave the reform movement great impetus. Occasion ally, when he was frustrated in his efforts, he would buy the books, and then rip them into fragments before the eyes of an astounded crowd. Many protests have appeared in the press recently against books which are advertised by announce- ments intimating that they are ris- gue, when actually they are not, These books are sealed with trans- parent tissue paper, which eannot be torn until after purchase, thus drawing out the imagination of the prospective buyer of suggestive drawings, The project of the law which has "Two lumps and cream; as usual, Madam ?"* -- A Cunard Deck Steward takes a respectful, pere sonal interest in all his you could keep him as your butler . . . so self effacing, so competent is he. -- He makes you feel at home. Self Cungrdd Book through The Robert Reford 0., Limued Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto (Tel. Bian, 3471), or any steamship L Weekly Sailings to Euvepe i from May 3rd from Mantrea! (and Quebec). - CUNARD Cabin, Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class already been adopted by the Senate by Premier Poincare. was presented in the name of Presi- dent Doumergue by a group headed COULDN'T HAVE THAT An American millionaire was he ing shown by an agent over a Highe land estate he intehded to buy. When they reached the house the millionaire noticed over the en- trance hall the. motto-'""East, West, Hame's Best," Turning to the agent, he remark- ed, peinting to the,;motto~~"I must make one stipulation, That fellow Hame has got to take down his ad- vertisement." . TERRE 3 CAmIDS SESE A Tres BARRYMORE SEAT gL -at- » PE rr Guaranieed RUG S Theseason's newest BARRYMORE creations have just arrived and are now on display in special exhibitions at all leading stores. Included are strikingly handsome Wiltons, Axminsters and Saxonies. All sizes; qualities to meet every requirement; moderate prices. Do not fail to see the new BARISTAN RUGS Seamless, loom-tufted Domestic Orientals of rare beauty and fine value. Exquisite repro- ductions of famous Orientals, . . thick pile ... rich colors . . . lustrous sheen. - bo & N17 Are Always Available Luke Furniture Co. Phones 78-79 *The original pointed heel made in Canada~Trade Mark Registered) [3% ™ ~ 4 Ars HE 54 4 Let Us Show You Our Stock of Barrymore Rugs

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