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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Apr 1929, p. 8

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IHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, | UESDA YX, ArriL Jv, | Johnston Defeats Ebber in BASEBALL RECORDS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE : W..L. P.C. oe. T 2700 Baltimore Rochest 625 Toronto Weekly Pro Card Weekly Pro Show Meets With Small Success as Flyweights Battle Before Scanty House Toronto, April 80. -- Jackie Johnston of Toronto, Wn a ten round decision over Bobby Ebber, Toronto, formerly of Hamilton, in the main bout of a boxing caru ue the Coliseum here last night. It was a gruelling fight and a slug- ging match all the way with J ohn- ston's cleverness and slugging ab- ility earning him the decision. He landed more frequently than Eb- ber, using a stinging left to the face and a hard right cross to tne head and body. Ebber fought a game battle opening up a deép cut over Johnston's eye in the sev- enth round, but the younger man had plenty in reserve and won by a comfortable margin, Johnston weighed 123 1-2 and Ebber 122 1-4. The semi-final on the card was a whirlwind of speed and clever- ness, Doddy Oldfield, flyweight from England, taking the decision from Harry Goldstein, Toronto, formerly of Boston in a six round bout that was all action. Going forward all the time, Oldfield flafl- ed his way to victory, willing to take punishment, and was seldom slowed up by Goldstein's solid blows. The young Englishman outhit his opponent and kept the upper hand on a driving offensive practically throughout. Oldfield weighed 111 1-4 ad Goldstein 111 1-2. Qeorge Fifield, Toronto, 152 12, earned a close six round deci- sion over Dory Shimar, Syracuse, N.Y. 148 1-4. Tommy Mitchell, Toronto, 137 12, too a six round decision from Chris Newton, Toronto, 139, Mit- Now Playing chell's last round drive giving him the margin, Willie Ferguson, St. Catharines, Ont., 112 3-4, won from Erne Taylor, Toronto, 114, over the six round route, . : ---------------------- BOXING RESULTS Toronto April 30.--Willie Fer- guson, St. Catharines (112%), ob- tained the decision over Ernie Taylor, Toronto (114), after six rounds, Tommy Mitchell, (137%), obtained the over Chris Newton, (137%), after six rounds. George Fifield, Toronto (152%), obtained the decision over Dory Shimar, Syracuse 1481; ), after six rounds. Doddy Oldfield, Boston (114%), obtained the decision over Harry Goldstein, Toronto (1113) after six rounds. Jackie Johnston, (123%), obtained the ' decision over Bobby Ebber, Toronto (1223), after ten rounds. Referees: H. Osborne for first three bouts and Alex, Sinclair for semi-final and final. Judges: W. A. Hewitt and J. P. Fitzgerald, Pedlar People Start Tonight When the Pedlar People decided to withhold their entry in the City and Industrial League they also formed the idea of having a base- ball league of their own, this has been done and the first game was to have been played last night but owing to the falling mercury they put the opener off until tonight. Many people were in doubt re- garding the reason of the Pedlar People not being represented and this evidently is the reason. Their opening game tonight is followed by a series of games that will 'not only interest the Pedlar People but the softball fans in he city. The schedule has also the ad- vantage of being run off in a busi- ness like way and the finals will be played by the. time that the summer holidays start thereby not disrupting the teams by absentees. The schedule: ; 30--0Oftice vs. Tuesday, April Auto Shop. Thursday, May 2nd--Cornice Room vs. Tool Room, Tuesday, May 7th--Press Room vs. Office, Thursday, May 9th--Auto Shop vs. Tool Room. Tuesday, May 14th--Cornice Room vs. Press Room. Thursday, May 16th--Office vs Tool Room. Tuesday, May 21st--Auto Shop vs. Cornice Room. Thursday, May Room vs. Tool Room, Tuesday, May 28th--Office vs. Cornice Room. Thursday, May 30th--Auto Shop vs. Press Room. All games to start at 6.45 p.m., Daylight Saving Time. Toronto, decision Toronto Toronto 23rd--Press made the fest Goodyear Dealers invite you to PROVE the superiority of Supertwist tire cord onan ingenious cond testing machine 0 Come in today / +0 ROY WILLMOTT SELECTED DEALER All Weather Tire Shop 11 Celina Street Phone 2402 Moffatt Motor Sales "A STOCR OF GOODYEAR TIRES ALWAYS ON HAND" Simcoe St. N. Phone 915 Reading "oo. ome Toronto . wow cemms o oom Jersey City «oem Montreal ..-ees ome Buffalo em Newark: wus scmmunmnmss. id MONDAY'S SCORES Newark +.... 4 Toronto 3 Montreal ......18 Jersey City... 0 Reading .... 11 Buffalo .... 4 Baltimore .. 10 Rochester .... 9 GAMES TODAY Toronto at Newark, Montreal at Jerséy City. Buffalo at Reading. Rochester at Baltimore, NATIONAL 1EAGU OE nN 2a Boston Chicago Bt." LOUIE eens. s ermine New York .... Philadelphia .. Pittsburg ..... Cincinnati Brooklyn MONDAY'S SCORES Chicago ...-- 4 Cincinnati ... 3 St. Louis ..... 7 Pittsburg ..... 3 GAMES TODAY Boston 'at Philadelphia. New York at Brooklyn. Pittsburg at St. Louis. Chicago at Cincinnati. AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. P.C. 700 .692 556 .456 429 A417 376 .333 ------- 0 m-- = I] a oven [oo ee A444 400 364 .300 CS Philadelphia we. .ceex Ste LOUIE ees is uni imeenen New YOrk ...owwee sna ChICABO ...ccuumcninmimere Detroit Cleveland Boston Washington .... MONDAY"S SCORES xSt. Louis .... 3 Detrojt ...... 2 Chicago .... 13 Cleveland ... 4 Philadelphia 10 New York .. 1 x--Ten innings. ' GAMES TODAY St. Louis at Detroit. Cleveland at Chicago. Washington at New York. Philadelphia at Boston. AMERICAN BROWNS WIN IN TENTH Detroit, April 30.--The St. Louis Browns made it two in a row over Detroit here yesterday, winning a tight 10-inning struggle, 3 to 2, af- ter the Tigers had tied up the score in the eighth at two-all. 13-4 IS SCORE OF WHITE SOX Chicago, April 30.--Four Cleve- land pitchers all looked alike to the rejuvenated White Sox, who wallop~ ed out their third straight win be- tween showers yesterday. The score wag 13 to 4. PHILLIES ROUT YANKS Philadelphia, Apr. 30.--The Ath- letics routed the Yankees by a 10 to 1 score yesterday to' take the series two games to one, two how- ers and one timely triple account- ed for eight of the ten runs. Mule Haas and Al. Simmons each clouted homers in the third inning with a man on base on each occa- sion to wipe out from the opening frame. Henry Johnson wag shelled out of the box by these blows. INTERNATIONAL | HOMER WINS FOR BIRDS Baltimore, April 30.--A home run rap in the ninth by Dauuy Clark, pinch hitting for Keen, en- abled the Orioles to take a hectic 10 to 9 decision from the Roches ter team yesterday, and enabled tne Birds to oust the visitors from first place. WHERE IS THE SEVEN? Reading, April 30.--Reading pounded four Buffalo pitchers for 15 hits to score an 11 to 4 victory here yesterday. Two Reading pit- chers allowed only nine hits but were wild, issuing 11 passes, keep- ing the Bisons in the game. George Fisher of Buffalo, hit a home run, his second in two days. ° 17 HITS AND 18 RUNS FOR' ROYALS Jersey City, April 30.--Montreal Royals evened the series with Jer- sey City here yesterday, shutting them out by a score of 18 to 0. The AOI C2 0 Comeon, Play Ball or By Sistsmy Thomo Chocolate Wins a Yankee lead i I Ih, Lud "In Metropolis New Rork, April 30.--Kid Choc- olate, stiff-punching Cuban, knocked out Tommy Ryan of Buf- faloWin the first round of their ten-rouynd match in the Broadway arenal ast night, Chocolate weigh- ed '122:ponunds, Ryan 128. Lhogolate smothered his heav- fer rival from the opening bell and anded matters for the evening af- ter 1 minufe.and 55 seconds of the first round. i After a series of jabs and upper- cuts, ithe. "Keed" cracked over a heayy left hook that dropped Ryan for a count of eight. The Buffalo lad staggered to his feet only to run into a storm of punches, He stood up under the barrage, for a few seconds 'and then a left hook sent him to the canvas where he was counted out. » Black Bill Wins Black Bill, Cuban flyweight, stopped Routier Parra of Chile in the eighth round of the ten-round semi-final. The Cuban had much the better of the argument all the way and the bout was stopped af- ter five seconds of fighting in tne eighth round. Black Bill weigh- ed 112 pounds and Parra 112 3-4. 'Baby Joe 'Gans, negro welter- weight from Los Angeles, earned a decision over Joe Reno, veteran Trenton, N.J. boxer, in a hard fought ten round bout at the St. Nicholas arena last pight. Gana weighted 143 1-2, eRno 145 1-2. GRANVILLE LOSES TIME BY PLACING SEVENTH Springfield, Mo., April 30.--Phil Granville, Hamilton, Ont., ran the 41 miles from Conway, Mo, to Springfield, Mo., in 5.58.40 yester- day to check in seventh, the posi- tion he holds in elapsed time. Granville's elapsed time 1s May 1st will see the opening in Canada of the pr A at the Maple Leaf Stadium, Toronto. Office boys will be killing their grand- mothers again and big business men will be having important appointments Some of them will have a hard time ex- plaining next morning where they got "that hoarse voice." out of the office that afternoon. President "Lol" Solman, realizing ronage, has reduced the entrance fee to 25 cents for all boys wearing shorts 223.53.15. He lost three minutes to Sam Richman - of New York, sixth in elapsed time, who finish- ed just ahead of him. Fond 1 ball WINDSOR TOURISTS WIN CLOSE GAME New Wes minster, BC., April 30.-- Windsor, Ont., collegiate the great importance of juvenile pat- and under the age of 15. This fours. Although the Leafs are not at the top of the International League they are playing fairly good ball, and as strength of the team is improved they should, as in previous years, be dan- gerous contenders for the pennant. may late the fad for plus alumni basketball team drew first blood here last night in the dom- inion finals by defeating New Westminster Adanacs 20 to 18. They will thus enter the final game on, Wednesday with a two-point the season advances and the hitting Canadian on Yale Crew New York, April 80. -- Sheer beef appears to have lost its poten- cy when it comes to winning crew races. All three that have been rowed in the east thus far have been won by th lighter eighv and Coach Ed Leader at Yale is pin- ning his hopes on a Varsity that averages but 173 pounds a man, Nowhere can the vogue for lighter and faster oarsmen be il- lustrated more strikingly than at Syracuse, where a mere welter- weight is pulling the bow sweep. Although weighing but 6 145 and standing only 6 feet 7 inches, Wil- liam Wetherell of Brockville, Ont., rowed regularly in the Freshman and Varsity crews in 1927 and 1928 respectively and no one cap- able of producing more power per pound has shown up to displace him this season. BIG SIX BATTING Rogers Hornsby and Paul Wan- er carried off the lion's share or the batting honors in the Big Six yesterday. Against Cincinnati the Rajah got one run and two hits in four times at bar, while Paul did the same thing 'agaiue. St. Louis, Hornsby's batting left him 'only eight points behind the leader, Goose Goslin, who did not play. His mark was .389. Wan- er crept up several notches on Lou Gehrig holder of fourtn place, who failed to hit in three tries, but still is a long distance behind. Babe Ruth and Jim Bottomley each collected one hit in four at- tempts with little effect on their averages. Ruth went up to .206 and Bottomley dropped to .31%. Gehrig's failure to hit put him out of the .300 class for the first time this season. The standing: G ABR H PC 36 3 14.389 42 10° 16.381 38 7 12.316 31 7 9.2% 39 6 10.256 34 5 7.206 Goslin, Senators .9 Hornsby, Cubs. 11 Bottomley, Cds, 12 Gehrig, Yanks. 9 Waner, Pirates 10 Ruth, Yankees. 9 lead. The half-time score was 15 to 10 in favor of the Easterners. Montrealers Win JOHNSTON DEFEATS EBBER IN TEN ROUND TORONTO PRO BOUT | SPORT SNAPSHOTS same workouts he will have sit up and take notice, ing the cause, Some of the baseball Aarabs are McDougall, C Gower, Goodall, Workman, Alex "Julius" Tonight there is the question of thrashed out and this will a chance to say his say to the Ontario Rugby new play. election. Building of the General Motors, lowers to see Jackie Johnston defeat ---- . Kohen's the name! And for fear that any one doubts the veracit of this article/we will say right here and now that all information divulged was given to us by Morris Kohen' himself. ) Last night the intermediate baseball aggregation held a meeting in their executive offices on North Simcoe street with the result that this out- fit have decided to play under a different name than last year. In other seasons they have been playing tinder the name of the Christians but have devided to find a more basebally name, How about the 'Aarabs? (that ig not mispelled.) "Kohenie" is all optimism about the prospects of this new outfit and says that they will be holding practices in the near future and that at these a host of players that will make other teams The only thing that is lacking in the making of a really smart intermediate baseball team is a number of real hurlers but this will right itself as there are a couple of servers of note that have signified their intentions of join~ , Chief among them is Jack Bond the ex-Delor® star and also the sterl- ing outside wing of the Blue Devil Rugby team, players around town expected to line up with the . C. Elliott, J, Carter, The "Little" Boys, Lowery, , k "Stew," "Stew" who?, "Stew" Carver, of course, Grey, Stacey, Frink, Broud, Salter and Petre. the proposed forward pass to be : be done at a meeting of those that will be made to use this freak play if the ruling is;agreed upan and put into effect. At the meeting tonight all the members of the team and club will have and after all is said and done a letter will be sent Football Union cither approving or denouncing the One team alone cannot keep the play from being brought into force and the final decision will rest with the league officials, but, every club is asked for their opinion and the decision will be in favor of the majority as in an The discussion is called for seven thirty at the Industrial Relatiohs The Toronto fight fans are falling off in their attendance of the weekly pro shows being put on in the Queen City and last night there was few fol- the former Hamilton boxer, Ebber. HOME RUN STANDING Home runs yesterday -- Haas, Athletics, 1; Simmons, Athletics. 1; Kamm, White Sox, 1. National League leaders -- Ott, Giants, 3; Jackson, Giants, 3; Hermans, Robins 3; O'Doul, Phil- lies, 3; Harper, Braves, 3; Wilson, Cubs 3; Hafey, Cardinals, 3; vres- sler, Robins; 2 Grimm, Cubs, 2; Hornsby, Cubs 2. American league leaders--Blue, Browns, 3; Ruth, Yankees, Gehrig, Yankees 2; ics, 2; Dykes, mons, Athletics, 2; Averill, Indi» ans, 2; Gehringer, Tigers, 2; Alex» ander, Tigers, 2; Clancy, White Sox, 2; O'Rourke, Browns, 2, League totals -- National, 453 American, 37. Grand total, 82. Foxx, Athlet- Athetics 2; Sime Some people get ahead, and some can't resist the temptation to buy a thing that is only one dollar down, --Kingston Whig-Standard, Davis Cup Trials Toronto, April 30.--Marcil Rain- ville, Montreal, sprang a surprise at the Canadian Davis Cup trials here yesterday by trimming Wil- lard Crocker, Montreal, ranking No. 2 player in Canada, in three straight sets. The scores were 6-3, 62, 6-2. Crocker for the past several years has represened Canada in the sin- gles and doubles of the Davis: Cup competition, Rainville, ranked No. 9, appear- ed in perfect physical condition and should he continue to perform in the same brilliant style as he did yesterday he will possibly nose out either Dr. Jack Wright, No. 1, or Crocker for one of the singles berths on the Canadian team. Rainville drove hard and his placements were all that could be desired .yesterday. He scored many points with beautiful cross court shots. Crocker at times displayed brilliant tennis but he could not cope with the playing of his fellow Montrealer, The only other official test match was a doubles between Rainville and Crocker against Gilbert Nunns, ranking No. 3, and Dr. Art Ham, ranking No. 4, both of Toronto. Thig match produced some 'smart' tennis. The Montrealers won in five hard sets by scores of 4-6, 6-4, 7-9, 6-3, 6-3. The playing of all four men was good but often erratic. Crockegp es- pecially being brilliant at times. Many long rallies featured the match, The Toronto couple took the first set 6-4, but the Montreal- ers evened the count by taking the second, also by a score of 6-4, The third set was a battle royal with first one pair leading and then the other. The Toronto team finally winning out 9-7. After a short rest the four resumed their hostil- ities. In the fourth and fifth sets the team work of Nunns and Ham took a "flop" and Crocker and Rainville won both sets by a 6-3 score to take the match, Dr. Jack Wright, ranked No. 1, did not perform yesterday as he had a slightly sprained wrist. He is expected to take part today. Can- ada's Davis Cup team will be chosen from these five players. your pocketbook also Good roads everywhere, nowadays. No wonder more people are riding C.C.M. Bicycles.. Why don't you, too, ride a C.C.M. and make a plea- sure of the daily journey back and forth. Your health will benefit, and Work... School..Play. The Triplex Crank Hanger, Hercules Coaster Brake, 20-year Nickel Plating, three coats of Enamel baked on over a coat of rustproof and Dunlop Tires are distinctive superiorities of C.C.M. Bicycles. Any man trained to handle tools, machinery or metals can see that BOY HIT BY AUTOMOBILE Windsor, April 30.--Fourteen- year-old Maxwell McPherson of Canadians went on a batting ram- 'page, hammering the Black Cats' three college pitchers, George Man- Get your C.C.M. catalogue at the INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER COOL IN SUMMER OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT. fredi of N.Y.U.,, Arthur Smits of Columbia and George Miner of by- racuse for 17 hits. DOYLE LOSES THIRD Newark, Apr. 30.--Pitching with all his old-time skill and craftiness failed to win a ball game for Jess Doyle yesterday, the Bears twice coming from' behind to squeeze out a victory in the ninth, 4 to 3. It was Doyle's thir ddefeat in as many starts, but not since 1926 hag the veteran given a more impressive hurling display than he did yester- day afternoon as he stood out on the windswept hilltop and held the Bears to six hits, and only one to the fifth. 3 HE KNEW HOW "Good morning, Farmer Moggs," said the butcher to a customer. "How are you?" "Quite well, thanks," responded the, farmer. "Wife and family quite well?" "Yes, quite well." "Well, then," continued the butcher, "I know now that the leg of mutten you had, and never paid for, and was bad, must have been good." 3 . | NATIONAL BRAVES CLOSELY FOLLOWED BY CUBS Cincinnati, April 30.--The Cubs moved to within one-half game of the league leading Braves yester- day, Manager McCarthy's murder- ers' row bunching five hits in the sixth inning for four runs and de- feating thé Reds 4 to 3. Root best- ed Donohue in a pitching battle. ST. LOUIS LUCKY St. Louk, April 30.--A wild 8th inning in which the Cardinals were issued five passes and aided by a wild pitch, enabled St. Louis to even the series with Pittsburg yes- terday, 7 to 3. Clarence Mitchell, -| Cardinal spitballer, was effective after the first inning, blanking tne Pirates in eight frames, HOW HE KNEW "That man cheats," said a golf- er, as he entered the clubhouse. "He lost his ball in the rough and played another ball without losing a stroke." "How do you know he didn't find his ball?" asked a friend. "Because I've got it in my pock- et. Walkerville, suffered a fractured skull yesterday morning when struck by an automobile. The dri- ver of the machine, Mrs. J. E. skilled Canadian workmanship goes into C.C.M. Bicycles. And clever engineering, too, Friction and wear reduced to almost 9 nearest C.C.M. Dealer's or write to Canada Cycle & 'Motor Co, Limited, Weston (Ontario), Zeron, was exonerated by police. nothing, - aia sa HL inti - Montreal, Winnipeg or Van- CCM: Bicycles CLEVELAND--COLUMBIA--RED BIRD PERPECT--MASSEY also C.C.M. Joycycles for Children Phone 277. 20 Church St.

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