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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 May 1929, p. 10

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PAGE 1EN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1929 PLANT SHRUBS AS A MEMORIAL 'AT HARMONY SCHOOL "Memory of Nathaniel : hy 'Harmony, May 9.--Miss Emma Johnson spent Saturday in Toron- to. -FOR SALE- Beautiful residence on the corner of Burk and King, 15 rooms and finished attic, two bath rooms, stool on first flat, hot water heating, 4 rooms in baseraent, also four room cottage with stool, splendid site for Exclusive Tea Room Tourists' Rest "%353VICE Lot 93 ft 6 in. on King by 203 ft 101/; in. on Burk. - M Jack Sanders is able to be out again after his long ill- "Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Haleomb and G. Colbran, of Halworth, York- shire, England, are visiting Mr, and Mrs, J. Saunders. ! Mrs. ¥F. Sprung and Mrs. Garrett, of Napanee, visited Mr., and Mrs. A. Lott on Tuesday, Mrs. N. Saunders spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Lowe in the city. "Mr. and Mrs. Hart, of Lindsay, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Terwille- gar on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F, Sanderson and family are moving to Toronto about the 24th of this month. : The sympathy of the community is extended to the Proctor family in the recent sad bereavement and afternoon tea on May 22, There will not be another tea.this month. Lunch was served by Mrs. K. Hern and Miss F. E. Baker. A good attendance was present at Sunday School last Sunday and enjoyed hearing Rev. G. W. Irvine, of Cedardale United Church, Osha- wa. Next Sunday 'Mothers' Day" will. be appropriately observed by a special program and a good at- tendance is hoped for. . Mr, and Mrs. Harry Gimblett spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Clark in the city. Mr, and Mrs. I. L. Healy spent Sunday with friends at Cobourg. Russel Gendron, of Toronto, has returned home after visiting for a week with Mr, and Mrs. Howara Gimblett. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scott are both Do You Own Your Own SEE THIS LAUDER Real Estate Insurance : ROAD BARGAIN CUTLER & PRESTON Mrs. Freeman and Miss Chrissie loss of a mother. Freeman, of Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hunking, on ' Tuesday. The Trail Rangers are not hold- ing any more club meetings until next September. ing 'the evenings for playing ball. The "Chums" C.G.LT. at the usual hour of seven o'clock on Friday night. The meeting was ppened by prayer by the leader, diss Mae Winter. A short business period wag conducted, then Miss Gladys Oke gave a reading and Miss Helen Hunking a reading. Beveral songs were sung and a few games played, The name. "Chums", which has been chosen for the club, seems very appropriate. A ban team was formed. was closed with prayer. Afternoon tea was served at the school on Wednesday and an enjoy- able social hour was spent by those present. It was decided not to hold The boys are us- Club met The meeting J C.P.R. TIME TABL Effective April 29, 1929. ata [& pS Nap £3-+3 28 J .m, Dail 8.03 p.m. 11.10 p.m. 12.03 a.m, Daily, All times shown above are times trains depart from Oshawa Station, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective April 28, 1929, (Standard Time) Eastbound 23 a.m. Daily except Sunday. ,58 a.m. Sunday only. .59 a.m, Daily, .17 p.m. Daily except Sunday. ,32 p.m. Daily except Sunday. .47 p.m, Daily except Sunday, Daily. 0 x Hoos 8 (23) . Daily. .m, Daily except Saturday. ah 1 AO) PN NBR IBS sed 23 ,39 a. .04 a. y. a.m. Daily except Sunday. 20 a,m. Daily. a.m, Daily except Sunday. p.m. Daily except Sunday. 37 p.m. Dally, p.m. Sunday only, Pp 3 5 5 6. 9 2 4, 7 7 m. Daily except Sunday. p.m. Daily except Sunday. SREYREISRIS ® Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after April 28, 1929.) (Daylight Saving Time) om, 10.50 a.m, , 12.45 p.m, 2 ---- NOW 5) HORNA LINE =o 00 SLH88s58883: * PUPTREYT 4.35 p.m. 6.45 p.m. gEpEpagas 2 P . J ESondaauws EREpEEBRBRRES ARLELRESS TUPPOVRTY om, 10.55 p.m. & BE: 'f : eB Sma PDE Mp TYEE eeE EBBE2B BEET? VEN wr BEBEBEE3 Somamannils 3 11.00 pm. 11.10 Time marked Whitby Hospital, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Arrive p.m, 10. 30 pm. 12.00 are through busses to a *0 quite 11, confined to their beds and under the doctor's care. Their friends wish them a speedy recov- ery. There have been six nice shrubs planted at the front entrance of the school in memory of Nathaniel Etcher, a senjor room member, who was killed by a truck on the high- way last winter. These shrubs were purchased by the school children. Mrs. W. Logie spent Wednesday afternoon in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hogarth, Miss Dorothy Hogarth, and Mrs. A. Lott gpent Monday in Toronto. Miss Rena Thomas, of Newcas- tle, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Terwill- egar on Sunday. Mrs. B. W. Haynes ig in the hos- opital where she underwent an oper- ation. She is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. B. Bates and fam- ily, of Windsor, were recent visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bates. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Tonkin spent Sunday with friends at New- castle. : A number of friends from the Adventist Academy gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Wagar on Tuesday night, and presented Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wagar with a beautiful floor lamp. An enjoy- able evening was spent and all good wishes extended to Mr. and Mrs. Wagar for a happy and prosperous married life. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Dafoe, of Niagara Falls, N.Y, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dafoe. Miss Helenora Lander is home from the hospital and getting along nicely. Mrs. W. Lott, of the city, spent Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. A. Lott. Miss S. M. Cobourn, of Colborne, week. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dafoe and Mrs. Carr, of Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dafoe on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kellett spent visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Hind last Sunday with relatives at Pontypool, COAL! COAL! Phone 193 W.J. SARGANT Yard--89 Bloor Street KE. Orders Promptly Delivered LUMBER & Building Materials Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. omelriy EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of: The Eyes in Modern Life ot Eres od emu Eye Care and Eye Strain Disney Block > 1516--Phone--1516 W. A. HARE Mrs, George Hart accompanied "Bill" Hart to Queen's University, received his B. Sc. degree. On May 16, the Ebenezer younk people will give the play 'Between the Acts" at Harmony community hall. T About fifteen school friends of Gerald Peterson were entertained at his home on Thursday, May 9, the anniversary of his birthday. A large birthday cake adorned the centre of the tea table, and the children did honor to the tasty re- freshments that were served. The evening was enjoyably spent, with several different games. Gerald received a number of birthday pres- ents, which he will prize even more when he is older and can look back with them and remember his happy For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S Kingston, on Wednesday, where he | 430 Simcoe Street South. Price $18,000.00, for further particulars apply * J. A. BICKELL Phone 1240W schooldays. The children left for their homes about 10.30, wishing Gerald many happy returns. WORK ON LAND 1 SLOW AT TAUNTON Cold, Damp Weather Is Great Hindrance to the Farmers 10 Simcoe St. S.--We Deliver Taunton, May 9.--The farmers' work on the land is progressing slowly on account of the cold wea- ther and the damp condition of the land. R. A. Hutchison, I. P. S., made his semi-annual visit to Maxwell's school recently. Congratulations are due Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Glaspell on the arrival of a son in the Bowmanville Hospi- tal. Both mother and baby are well, The meeting of the Ladies' Asso- ciation of Zion, which was held at the home of Mrs. W. Glaspell, was a very successful affair. A large number of ladies were present in spite of the rainy afternoon. Master Kelvin Edgar, of Oshawa, {| be well again. Oshawa, Ont. has been holidaying with his aunt, Mrs. Alan Davis. John MacGregor has been sick. His friends hope that he will soon $10,000 Loss in Fire St. Thomas, -- A large warehouse and {its contents, be- longing to George A. Van Order, commercial fisherman, wei de- New, Modern Brick dwell- ing. Large Living Room. Master Bed Room. A real bargain at $3600.00. Good cash payment required at this price. Tidy 6 room brick--on Mas. son St. Large lot with lots of shrubbery. Double garage. Modern dwelling with afl conveniences. Let us show you how-to-save taxes. To- tal Price less than $5000. THE DISNEY REAL ESTATE 64 KING ST. W, Telephone 572-223 Night Calls 510-1560 Phone 1550 Opposite P. 0. stroyed by fine of unknown origin at Port Burwell Wednesday night. Loss will be about $10,000. Stylish Shoes L COLLIS & SONS 30-54 King st. Ww. THREE DEAD WHEN AIRPLANE CRASHES Kassel, Germany, -- Passen- senger aeroplane of the Czechoslo- $350 Lots in Dearborn sub-division for sale, west of Simcoe §t. N. An Fly to get a grand site at host. J. H. R. LUKE 52 King St. E. Phones 871 or vak Aviation Company, flying\, from Prague to Rotterdam, crash- ed yesterday near Alterhagen, 12 miles southeast of Kassel, The pilot, the mechanic and one pas- senger were killed, Know your own city. Yestere day disclosed a surprising num- ber of citizens who had no idea of the number of polling subdivisions in which they live.--Peterboro Exe aminer, -- ELLA CINDERS--The Cheerful Manager I Crate 1 a TTT h AY By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb FIGURE TO MARRY IN REPENT AT LEISURE, YOULL BE LUCKY IF YOU HAVE A You BELONG TO THE PUBLIC, TOO, YOU KNOW, AND [T'S JEALOUS OF THINK A LONG TIME BEFORE SWAP FOOTLIGHTS FOR FIRELIGHT Bor AND SECAUSE BRINGING UP FATHER-- WELL WHOOREE MSCORK. AN' ME PAL DINTY ARE HOME A GIN an' BEVERY THING |S FINE- AND DON'T FORGET -- MOTHER 'WiLL BE HOME FROM ITALY IN A FEW DAYS - EVEN THAT DONT SPOIL THE DAY FOR ME- I'M GONNA HAVE ME LUNCH WATH DINTY- WHATS THE MATTER? WOOL LOOK LIKE ALOT OF BROKEN AX- HANDLES MY Wi 1ON'T SECAKIN TO ME- vd NS © 1929, Int'l Feature Service, Inc., Grea Britain rights LIKE THAT. ©. 77 fi reserved. weELL DON'T LOSE HER: YOULL NOT GIT ANOTHER ONE FELLING TOMMY Y{HO STARTED | MOTHERS DAY, i DADDY © | THE FOUNDER OF YOU GRAB AROUND H HUH! FROM THE WAY MUST THINK EVERY DAY (5 TOMMY5 DAY! EVERYTHING ERE YOU HE THOUGHT OF A SPECIAL MOTHERS DAY ORIGINATED WITH MISS ANNA JARVIS OF PHILADELPHIA. OM MAY 9,1914 HOODROY VHILSON ISSUED A PROCLAMATION CALLING ON GOVERHMENT OFFICIALS T0 DISPLAY HAGS ON MOTHERS DAY. OBSERVANCE OF MOTHERS DAY HAS NOW SPREAD TOMANY COUNTRIES. © 1929, King Features Syndicate, Inc., Great Britain rights reserved. 1.00 pm, 1115 pom, Time marked Whith, Hoepital F usses Occasions Reasonable Rates nd Carcht Drivers I. A. GARTON, LAA LR og Phone _ Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince St.-- GYPROC - CELOTEX . As a substitute for Lath and Plaster we highly recommend the use of Gyproc--a fire-proof product of exceptional lasting quality. CELOTEX--an insulating board-- Second-to-none. Courteous and Quick Service Company, Limited 2s Abers. Phone 230 OPTOMETRIST 23; Simcoe St North Hundreds, of ivople wear with utmost comfort Hare's Faultless Lenses IN THE UNITED STATES FOR HONORING THE NATIONS MOTHERS. IT 15 CUSTOMARY TO HOHOR DEAD MOTHERS BY WEARING A WHITE CARNATION, AND A RED CARNATION FOR THOSE WHO ARE LIVING. THIS MOTHER INSPIRED MOTHER'S DAY. TILLIE THE TOILER--Mac's Not Going to Get Gypped. 4 NO THANKS, MAC -1 WOULONT BE SEEN IN THAT WRECK A CAR YoU HAVE NOW = VAL THAT'S AN INSULT TO AX ME TO RIDE (N THAT PILE oF SUNS Yu ANYWAY Poutures Sradiste, Ie Grunt Briain

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