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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 May 1929, p. 20

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PAGE TWENTY THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1929 RR ATTENDANCE AT COURTICE CHURCH RECORD FOR YEAR Anidivorsary, Services will Be Held Second Sun- day in June Courtice, May 7.--Hugh Fitzsim- mons, Detroit, was a Seok end guest of Mr. and Mrs. S Brooks. Mr. -and Mrs, Na? Saider, Brantford, were visitors of her fa- ther and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nichols over Sunday. if and Mrs, Albert Rundle spent 2' few days in Toronto with their son, Elmer Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. Moore have moved into the old Trull homestead here. Services on Sunday were well at- tended. At the Sunday School ses- sion in the afternoon we had the largest attendance of any Sunday this year. Practising has begun for our anniversary which will be held the second Sunday and Monday in June. Sunday evening the service was withdrawn as the Tuxis boys and Trail Rangers were invited to New- castle church where a special meet- ing for boys was held. Several others accompanied the boys from here an were well repaid with the splendid address given there. Monday evening another play was presented in the church called "Be- tween The Acts" It was a farce = fires acts and was put on splen- didly by the young people. The characters were Grant Bennett, Mrs. Marshall, Alec Samson, R. C. Pearce, Walter Rundle, Miss Hattie Os- borne and Miss Marie Rundle. The proceeds were J ZION CHURCH WILL OBSERVE MOTHER'S DAY Special Services Will Be Held in Honor of the Occasion Zion, May 8--A special Mother's Day service will be held next Sun- day, May 12, at 10.30 o'clock, when a record attendance is asked for as there were 135 present last year, the superintendent is anxious to make a better record this year. The men's choir will sing some special numbers, and mothers and their babies are especially welcome. 'Members of the congregation are being asked to bring flowers for decorating the church. Miss Jean McMaster, R.N,, and friend, Miss Macintosh, R.N,, Tor- onto, visited JW, McMaster last week. Master Donald Burns, Oshawa, was a guest of his grandmother, Mrs. Thos. Trull, and his uncle Walter for a few days. Sunday's services were well attend- ed. The sermon was good and Mrs. Thos. Martin sang a splendid solo, "One Sweetly Solemn Thought." Practise for the anniversary start- d| ed last Sunday. Anniversary tea will be held on Monday, June 3rd, in- stead of the usual ddy, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Langmaid; Oshawa, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of their nephew, A. D. Langmaid. Mrs. Stainton has returned from Buffalo after a two weeks visit and Mr. and Mrs. Will Stainton and Miss Frances accompanied her home and spent the week end. Miss Bertha Northcott is in Bow- Field 16 CELINA ST. Garden Seed s A complete line of the best garden seeds in any quantity required. Timothy, Alfalfa, Alsike, Red Clover and Sweet Clover Fertilizers Steam Bone for Lawns and Shrubs. balanced fertilizer for vegetables and flowers. Cooper Smith Co. Seeds 484 a complete PHONE 8 NEWS OF BETHESDA | . Bethesda, May .7.--~Miss: Cole. was entertained at Mrs. McCready's in Bowmanville on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Everton White, Miss Marie and Elleanor . visited Mr. White's parents, Mr. and Mrs. White at Port Hope on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sid T. Sonar Masters Lloyd and Alden visited Mrs, Powers and Mr, and Mrs. Curtis of 'Orono on Sunday. Mrs. D. K. F Fraser and Miss Berta Cole attended last week's meeting of the Orono Dramatic Club held at Orono on Monday evening. Mr. Trompour preaehed a splendid sermon on Sunday morning. [2 RECEIVED INTO RAGLAN CHURCH Rev. Mr. Merriam Conducts Reception Service Sunday Raglan, May 5~During the 'recep- tion service on Sunday' afternoon with the pastor, Rev. Mr. Merriam, in charge, twelve young people. be- came members of the Methodist Church. The class comprised Allie Avery, Ila Wilson, Jean Thompson, Inez Tummonds, Mrs. Carl Avery, Marjorie Maze, Grant Bright," Bruce Bright, George Ormiston, Arthur Omiston, Frank Grose. Miss Irene Barker spent Sunday at the home of Irwin Ormiston. Seeding seems rather backward this spring, but the farmers are looking for warmer weather soon. Friends of Miss Edna McKee are sorry to hear that she is not as well as they would like to sce her. Mother's Day will be observed in the Sunday School and church. Rev. Mr. Merriam will be present and give an address along with the Mo- ther's Day program 'which is being used. Spécial music will also be given. Miss Hazel Pearson, Miss Tivilia Turner of Toronto spent the week end at 'their homes here. 'Wm. Bright has purchased a new sedan. Mr. and Mrs. L. McKee of Man- chester and M. Dring of Oshawa spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Dring. Mr. and Mrs. Timms entertain- ed a number of gril, friends to a dance on Saturday night. Ivason Moore has purchased a new automobile. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cook of Co- lumbus visited with their daughter, Mrs. C. Gordon Brent on Sunday. Harry Blanchard visited with friends in the village on Sunday. J. T. Evans motored to Toronto oneday during last week. Some of the farmers are prepar- ing for the early potato market and are busy planting potatoes now. Mr. and Mrs. W. Knapp of Co- limbus spent Monday with M. Knapp and family. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dearborn were Sunday guests "of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson. The long distance Bell telephone line is well underway. The last gang is stringing wires now which will complete it through this neighbor- hood in a few days. Several from here attended the presentation of a wicker rocker, and a bouquet of lilies which was given Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dearborn on Friday night of last week in honor of their recent marriage. of 'Pickering Mr. Our vegetable seeds are all tested for JM germination by Agriculture at Ottawa. the Department of We accept® no seeds from our growers that will not measure up to government test. We carry a full line of vegetable seeds in BULK or 5c PACKAGES Hogg & Lytle LIMITED 54 Church St. Phone 203 _ aa el ny BROUGHAM BRIDGE SUBJECT OF MANY VILIFIGATIONS Dissatisfied With the Work Brougham, May 8.--Mrs. (Rev,) R. Ferris and little son, of -Lon- don, Ont., and Mrs. (Dr.) Tomlin- son, of Claremont, called on old friends one day recently. Mrs. Edgar Hain has moved to Oshawa, There is great activity in road building at present, owing to the recent heavy rains finding the weak spots. : Many and vile are 'the epithets hurled at the heads of the county officials who are responsible for the temporary. bridge over Duffries creek at the Brock Road. RICHARD WALTER DIES AT TAUNTON Was Respected Member of the Community Taunton, May 6.--On April 29 one of the oldest and most widely known residents of this community, Richard Walter, died at his home here. Born in England eighty-three years ago, he came to this country with his parents as a lad of eight years, and has lived in the vicinity prac- tically all his life with the excep- tion of a number of years which he spent in Dakota. Since his return he has lived with his nephew, Mur- ton Walter, on the old Walter home- stead which has remained {in the family for over seventy years. In addition to farming he was widely known as a drover. As a young man he married Eliza Wade, a daughter of Charles Wade, who predeceased him fifty-three years ago. Although he leaves no chil: dren, there remain to mourn his loss three sisters, Mrs. Allen, of New- castle, Mrs. Pascoe of Solina, besides a number of nephews and nieces. The large funeral on Wednesday and the floral tributes attested to the popularity of the deceased. Among the latter were remembrances from Mrs. Allen and family, Mr. and Mrs. | Norman Samis, Newton, Murton and Elmer Walter, Mrs. Terwillegar and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pascoe and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Couch, Mr. John Pascoe and family, BiG POULTRY FARM FOR HAYDON NAN Mr. Sharpe Is Making Ex- tensive Alterations and Improvements Haydon, May 8--Mr. and Mrs. L. Disney and family of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. H. Campbell of Osh- awa spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and little son Ross visited Mr. and Mrs. John Brown at Orono on Sunday. . Beech and Miss Ada spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmer, Burketon. Fugene Beech, Queen's University, Kingston, has gone to Saskatchewan where he has charge of a mission for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. McLean, Wallace and Jean of Pontypool, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil 'Coulter and family of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. J. Moffat of Orono, and Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank Coulter of Bowmanville visited El- mer Bradley on Sunday. Mrs. Richard Ashton visited with her son Lloyd Ashton. A large number of men are at work on Mr, Sharpe's bm east. of Haydon, . formerly owned by Col. L. T. McLaughlin, building and making preparations for a huge flock of poul- try, and making other alterations and improvements on their beautiful farm home. Young People's League met as usual on Tuesday evening. The. pro- gram was in charge of the first vice- piesident, Miss Annie Trewin, The ible reading was given by Miss Mabel Beech; devotional period: by Mrs. Henry Ashton, topic was given y Mrs. Theron Mountjoy; a selec- on of music by the girl's Sunshine Class; reading by Mrs. T. Cowling, piano solo by Mrs. A, Hare, After the usual exercises meeting. closed with Mizpah benediction. Mother's Day program is prepared for next Sunday. MOTHER'S DAY AT TYRONE CHURCH Will Be Observed by Spe- cial Service Sunday Morning Tyrone, May 8&---Mother"s Day services will be fittingly 'observed on Sunday miorning at 10.30 o'clock. Wear a flower in honor of mother. Mrs. Stutt of Orono is visiting Mr. and. Mrs. H, Hills, Brenton McCulloch = of Oshawa spent the week end at home: Miss Brent, Miss May Brent and Mr. Howard Brent visited friends in Pontypool. Mr, and Mrs. Davis have moved from Norman Collacutt's to the house ownéd by Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hodgson. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Russel Wright on the birth of -a daughter. being "scholars are - practising The Sunday School teachers. and for' 'their ization. usual anniversary services to be held shortly. M. J. Sharp & Sons of Toronto are building extensive up-to-date poultry houses on the farm formerly owned by Col. L. T. McLaughlin. VUIFICATIONS wo ourpur TBE ON CONTRACT BASIS Forty Million Pounds of Wool Marketed Since 1918 Toronto, May 11--The signing of wool contracts will be a live sub- ject of discussion amongst Cana- dian sheepowners this year, They are to be given the opportunity of indicating whether they approve of the contract method of marketing wool in comparison with the voi- untary pool method in effect for the past 11 years. Since its organization in 1918, the Canadian Co-operative Woo! Growers has marketed over forty million pounds of Canadian wool and is generally recognized as a well. established marketing organ- This volume, the result of flyctuation from year to year, has been coming forward largely in a voluntary way, The pressure for a change in the system of collecting wool through- out Canada has arisen, during the past two years, from the shippers themselves. They claim that it has now been well demonstrated that the contract of marketing agree- ment is an essential part of the machinery of every stable and suc- cegsful marketing organization. Further, they were unable to find a satisfactory explanation as to why the constant shipper should wish to carry the 'in-and-outer'" or why the regular consigner to the Co- operative through his local associa- tion should allow the "in-ana- outer'" to ride on his wagon during a year of poor markets. Delegates to the Eleventh Annu- al Meeting of the Canadian Co- operative, as held recently, in To- ronto, were firmly of the opinion that little difficulty would be ex- perienced in signing up the neces- sary volume, namely, three million pounds and placed themselves on record as heartily in favor of a con- tract. As a result, a Dominion- wide campaign is being started at once, with 3,000,000 pounds a year as the objective, or slightly under the average amount handled by the Wool Growers annually. This sign up, of course, will have no effect on the present season as the first of the 1929 clip is already arriving at Weston. I bi Fit : i mn IH mm I pass EA El Ww Wa A LL lif HH i nt iii onyx 0 Tre Really Smart Woman poarticularizes in the choice of . her shoes. First and foremost, she must have true style . . . the correct interpretation of the season's smartest mode. "Onyx" Styles . . . known | AL A Mr, if STY LE for among smartly dressed women, are distinguished by their beauty of line, individuality of design and perfection ir finish. "ONYX" Styles offer you foot smartness and delightful comfort. Have us demonstrate the proper fitting essential to foot comfort . . . make your selection from the season's new models. Be smartly, comfortably shod . . . at a moderate outlay. The Burns Co., Ltd. Cor. King and Simcoe Sts., Oshawa af DY. | { / \ EE FREER RARARAR AR ZL \ wl LA il I i TT eee / ZT ar i 1 i py Bendix Four - Wheel Full Force Feed Lub: , Red Seal Continental Motor Brakes Morse Silent Timing Chain rication r T O DURANT _"60" SIX CYLINDER SPECIAL SEDAN Mile after Mile THE more you drive a Durant car the more it establishes itself isf 2 your confidence ! This is the experience 'of thousands of Durant owners.....and itis their recommendation that is prompting thousands more to turn to Durant. There is 2 new car awaiting your inspection--at your dealer's-- now. See it..... admire it..... drive it! DURANT MOTORS of CANADA LIMITED - TORONTO, CANADA Built by Rugby Trucks 1; Ton and 1 Ton Capacities RANT GC OO OO D Cc A. R THICKSON MOTOR SALES OSHAWA - ONTARIO

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