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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 May 1929, p. 7

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11 AM. -- "A GREAT WOMAN" : Music Led by a Male Choir 5] A bouquet of flowers presented to the oldest and young. est ge vd resent. Will all women and girls sit in the Auditorium 2.30 P.M special program 6.45 P.M ~=AD.oven sestion ia Sunday School, A in keeping with Mother's ~SONG SERVICE. 7 P.M.--"CHRIST IN THE HOME" A Mothers Choir will lead the singing, ST_ANDREWS 1 1 a.m, "Home. Love and Mother." 3 p.m.--Sabbath School--Special Mother's Day Program Mr. C. F. Cannon B. A., will address the school 'Men's Class Mr. E. J. McGirr, B. A. 7 pm.~Evening Subject "A Beautiful Picture of Peace." How a Great Prophecy is being Fulfilled Special Singing "nd other pleasing features throughout of these services YOU or} BE MADE WELCOME Calvary Baptist Church Rev. H. A. Ackiand $B, Th, Ministér Mrs. Eva Rose York Will Speak at Both Services 11 AM "The Old Testament System of Redemption" 3 P.M. BIBLE SCHOOL WITH ADULT CLASSES 7P. M. "THE CHRIST OF TWO ETERNITIES" Monday 8 p.m. Young People's Society Waduasday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting Thursday 8 p.m. Choir Rehearsal FRIDAY, 7 P.M. CHILDREN'S SERVICE Mr. Stephens will bring his pictures and real live birds. A Hearty Welcome Awaits You (100 operatic or too common; Christ Church (ANGLICAN) Cor, Hillcroft and Mary Sts. REV. R. B. PATTERSON, M A. Incumbeut, 503 Masson St. Sunday, May 12 + 11 a.m.~--Morning Lares Subject: «= "The Years." m, --- Sunday For Mothers and 7 p.m lvensong. Sunday School next Sune day and for the Summer months at 9,45 a.m. sharp. \ EE St. George's ANGLICAN Cor. Bagot and Centre Sts. CANON C. R. dePENCIER, M. A. 39 Athol Street West Holy Communion-=8 a.m. 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer Sunday School Centre St.~~2.30 p.m. 7 p.m.--Evensong. Baptisms 2nd Sunday each month. Centre Street UNITED CHURCH REV. W. P. FLETCHER. B.A, D.D. 11 am. -- "What will you do for Mother?" 2.30 p.m. = Mother's Day in Sunday School. 7 pm -- "Is Life Worth Striving For." Monday, 8 p.m. -- Young People's Wednesday, 8 pm. -- "Agencies of Evangel- ists." Pentecostal Assembly. 200 King St. %. "Sunday, May 12 Sunday School, 10 a.m. : 11 a.m.--Morning Ser- vice, 3 p.m. -- Afternoon Service. 7 p.m.--Evening Ser- vice. Subject "Relation of Christ to the Lord." Tuesday and Thursday Services at 8 p.m. ALL WELCOME || Jer, 88 : Teainh " FHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 11, Ovei-Crowding 194y is Causing Problem at Toronto ro Of United C In a statement covering prob- lems of residence accommodation, Victoria College, Toronto, an- mounces that registration of stu- 'dents for Ontario and tal registration of 7567 students for the year now closi & 434 ale, Irom, the province of Ontario outs! ronto, 269 from the city of Me ao to and 62 from places outside the province. Household science brings the total over the 800 mark. ; n idly bei ans are rap ng concerts in The United Church of Can- i % gi a campaign to meet the needs of her university, Victoria University, Toronto, as represent ed by the overcrowding of Victoria College and the entire lack of per- manent buildings for Emmanuel College. In cities and larger towns throughout Ontario committees are being formed and arrangements perfected for a general canvass to commence May 12, The first phase of the effort, a canvass of ministers by ministers, was begun in March and is nearing completion, The local committee in this diss trict is emphasizing in its prepara- tions the call which this province makes upon the Churches for maine taining a high standard of spirits nal leadership. Communications have beén ree ceived at local headquarters stress. ing the serious situation confront hurch of Cry ing the two ¢olleges of Victoria University, Emmanuel and Victor- ia, in their efforts to measure up to the requirements of church ahd province. Chancellor's Statement "With the growth of recent years and with the coming of church union, only one building at Victoria hes been sufficient to meet de- mands and that is the men's dining hall," says Dr. R. P. Bowles, chan- cellor and president of Victoria University. As acting principal also of Vie- toria College, the arts college of his university, Chancellor Bowles points out that buildings erected in more than 300 students have now to care for 800 students in arts, without making provision for iLuv students' in preparation for the ministry. I's A] Principal From Rev. Alfred er, D.D,, L.L.D., Prineipal of Emmanuel Col lege, has come the statement that of The United Church for the train. ing of ministers and missionaries is without buildings end equip- ment." His reference is to Em- manuel College, which has been created by a merger of Union The- ological College, formerly huox, with the faculty of theology'ot Vic- toria University. The sum' of $1,200,000 is men- tioned as required by Victoria Uni- versity to take care of these needs of her two colleges. "lI Belong But I Do Not Go" A Story for the -- Children - 1892 for the accommodation of not "the central and largest institution' "Was it a puch of wrong or a statement of fact one man was making to another about his church? They met casually and were, discussing neighborhood mats ters. When the church was men- tioned, one said, "I belong there but never go." On being question- ed as to why, no good reason was given, himself being the judge. Mi- nor things assumed major propor= tions from the personal point of view or through obliquity of vision I do not know in his case what ex- cuses were given, but I think I could supply them. It may have been because the minister did or did not wear a gown, because the sermong were too long or dealt too much or too little with current af- fairs. It may have been the music, too much of it or not enough. Some- times members do not attend be- cause of the presence of other peo- ple. who are objectionable or be- cause, of objectionable men in the Session. The list is interminable if one sets out to construct it. I am not speaking of ill-health or age. Every congregation suffers from this sort of thing. At times it as- sumes the proportion of a spiritual epidemic. Members who do not at tend services do more harm than they think. It is not an idle saying in scripture, 'Neglect not the as- sembling of yourselves together." If we neglect the ordinances of the church we thereby help to destroy them. A Complimentary Vote Membership in the church gives 'God a complimentary vote, but by non-attendanée our influence and example are against the church. We are not helping forward the work which Christ and His disci- ples fhitiated, but we are counted against Him by the world. None attendance is the back door of the church and means after a time non membership, if not for ourselves certainly for our children. No ex- cuse can justify absence from the worship of God's house, It erects itself into an argument against Christ and His church.--Dr. Wil- liam Melville Curry, pastor, Ninth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. } MINISTER REMARKS-- me church members, like wheelbarrows, will only go as far as they are pushed---and even then they are difficult to move. It is true that beauty is only skin deep, but that ought to be deep enough to suit any ordinary more Some folks are like kettles-- they will sing though they are in hot water up to their neck. Haven't you noticed that those who are always giving themselves away are not worth having? I have met folks who didn' t need to turn out the light to be in the dark. --A. F. CHRISTADELPHIAN THE RESTORATION OF ISRAEL, Christ "The Branch of Righteous- ness yet to "Sit Upen the Throne of David" in Jerusalem as "King of the Jews" and of the World. Read - 7-28; .Luke 1 : 32-38; Ta A AN GRACE Lutheran Church Sunday, May 12 WELCH'S PARLOURS 9.30 a.m.~---Sunday School. 10.30 a.m.-- Public Worship Rev, A. C. Hahn, 255 Athol - 8. B ALL ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME { Church on Sunday. I was once wall behind a very handsomely dressed young girl, and thought, "I wonder if she takes half as much pains with her heart as she does with her per- son!" A poor old man was comiug up the walk with a loaded wheel- barrow; and, just before he reach- ed us, he made two attempts to go into the yard of a small house; swing back before he could get through. "Wait," said the young girl, springing lightly forward: "I'll hold the gate open." She did, and received his thanks with a pleasant smile. "She deserves to have beautiful clothes," I thought, "for a beautiful spirit dwells in her hreast." ==Little Corporal, In. City Churches ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH Special Mother's Day services are being conducted at St. And- rew's United Church tomorrow: In the morning, the Rev. F. J. Max- well will preach on 'Home, Love and Mother". There will be a spe- cial mother's day program in the Sunday School, which will be ad- dressed by Cecil F. Cannon, B.A, supervisor of the public schools of Oshawa. In the evening, the Rev. Dr. Maxwell is explaining the very fine picture, "Peace", an original paint- ing of considerable value and spe- cial significance, which has been recently presented to the St. Au- drew's Sunday school by Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McLaughlin. There will be special singing at all of these services. CEDARDALE UNITED CHURCH Services of a special nature will be held in Cedardale United Church on Sunday, A children's service, with children's choir, will be held in the morning by the Rev. G. W. Irvine, pastor. The Sunuay school at 2.30 p.m. will be an open session, to which all parents and children are cordially invited. H. B. Wilson, superintendent, will be in charge of the mother's day pro- gram, with a special address on the subject. The evening service will be led by the women of the con- gregation. Mrs. G. W. Irvine will preside, and there will be a ladies' choir to assist with the music. Miss Dearborn, Mrs. H. Day and Mrs. F. Jones will sing. Mrs. A. M. Irwin (N. Simcoe St. Church), will be the special speaker at the evening service. CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH "What will you do for Mother?" will be the theme of the sermon to be delivered by the Rev. W. P. Fletcher at the special mother's day service in Centre Street Church on Sunday morning. ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH Mothers' Day will be. celebrated by specie] services at Albert Street United Chureh on Sunday. In the morning the subject 'will be 'Moth- er's Worth", and arrangements have been made to provide cars to bring elderly people to church. Those desiring transportation are asked to telephone to 567F. In the evening the service will be in charge of the mothers of the congregation. There will be a mothers' choir of forty voices, and Mrs. George H. Abrams of Toronto will address the congregation. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Mrs. Ira Smith will speak at the First Baptist Church on Sunday afternoon at the Sunday school ses sion. In the morning, Rev. John Galt will preach on "The Grace of Motherhood"; and in the evening his subject will be, "The Disgrace ot Motherhood." KING STREET UNITED CHURCH Mothers' Day will be specially ynbserved at King Street United At the morn- but the gate was heavy, and would | Unitod Churc REV. E. HARSTON, L.L.B. Minister 1m AM. The "Motherhood OF GOD" Sunday School - 3 p.m. (MOTHER'S DAY PROGRAM) All the Churches Bid You a Hearty Welcome Mother' S I'vio part: Mrs, C ARIA--"Then Shalll Mr. CHORUS--"The Heavens are Telling" (Creation) .. M. Mundy, Mrs. W.H. Scilley, Mr.R. Ho den SOLO---Eye Hath Not Seen (Holy City) Miss Marian Ross ARIA--'It Is Enough" ot go {Elijah) Mr. C. RR, Hayden Mendelsshon. . Pa'terson the Righteous Shine." (Elijah) ............Mendelsshon. W. H. Scilley 7 PM. MUSICAL FESTIVAL TRIO---*1 Waited for the Lord" (Hymn of Praise) ...Mendelsshon. A. Hare, Miss Leah Garrow, Miss Jean Keddie Mrs. W. ARIA--"Arm Arm Ye Brave" (Judas Maccabaeus) Mr. George Fleming eeeeeess (Messial) THE MINISTER AT BOTH SERVICES CHORUS--*"Hallelujah" veeness. Handel Handel TERR THE HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP aE ing service, a bouquet of flowers is to be presented to the oldest and youngest mothers present, and in the evening the music will be led by a mothers' choir. An open ses- sion of the Sunday school will be held, with a special program in keeping with mothers' day. HOLY TRINITY: CHURCH A special Mothers' Day service will be held in Holy Trinity Church on Sunday forenoon at eleven o'clock, when .the church parade of the girl guides, under the direc- tion of Miss Howden, will be held. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. Alexlander McGregor, pastor of the church at Welcome, Ontario, will conduet the services in Knox Presbyterian Church to- morrow. NORTH SIMCOE ST. CHURUM "Mother and the White Carna- tion" is the subject of a special ad- dress to be delivered in North Sim- coe Street United Church tomorrow morning by Lucien Michaud, expert florist, us a Mothers' Day message. The Young People's League will have a Mothers' Day program on Monday evening. SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH Mothers' Day will be observed by special services in Simcoe Street United Church on Sunday. At tne morning service, the Rev, BE. Hars- ton will preach on the appropriate subject, 'The Motherhood of God." At the evening service there will be an elaborate musical festival in keeping with the occasion, with special soloists and musical nuw- bers, including selections from Mendelssohn's "Llijah'", Handel's "Messiah", and Haydn's *"Crea- tion." GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Pastor Hahn will speak on tne topic: "Testifying for Jesus". The gervice will be preparatory to the Mission Sunday, which will be ob- served a week from tomorrow. LUTHERAN SUNDAY SCHOOL IS OPENED IN LOCAL CHURCH Rev. A. C. Hahn has opened a Lutherail Saturday school, with the purpose of giving the older pupils of the Sunday School a wider bacn- ground of religious education. The clags meets in the pastor's study every Saturday morning at 9.30. It was felt that the work done in the Sunday School classes was hardly adequate for intelligent churcu membership, and to overcome this deficiency the Saturday School was begun. As text books the school is us- ing a small Bible History contain- ing 79 Bible stories, and 'Luther's Small Catechism'. The history and purpose of Luther's Catechism was especially stressed, in view of the fact that the booklet is exactly 400 years old this year. The Lu- theran congregation fully concur- red in this movement for more thorough religious training, as shown in the resolution, that "eve- ry pupil of the Saturday School shall receive the text books free, at the expense of the congregation." More than 600 horses took part in the recent annual parade of van animals in London. Nearly 94,000,000 pounds of rubber were shippepd from Sumat- ra in the last 12 months, SIMCOE STREET PENTECOSTAL MISSION (OVER THE ARCADE) Sunday, May 12 Sunday School 10.00 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Evangelistic Meeting 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting, . eight o'clock. Committee in charge. Strangers Welcome. Friday TRINITY CHURCH Cor. Court and Barrie Sts, REV. 8. C. JARRETT Incumbent 30 Fairbanks St. Sunday, May 12 8 a.m.--Holy Com- munion. 10 a.m.--Church Par- ade of the Girl Guides, under the direction of Miss Howden, Leader. Sermon. 11 a. m. -- Specal Mother's Day Service. 3. pm. -- 'Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. North Simcoe St. United Church Rev. 3 MANSELL IRWIN, A., B.D., Pastor 89 Greta St. Phone 3263W 11 a.m.--'"Mother and the white carnation." Address by Luciem Michaud expert florist. 2.30 p.m.~--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Public Worship. Monday, 8 p.m.--~Mother's Day program in the League. EVERYBODY WELCOME! REV. R. A. program. ~ ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH 10.15 a.m.--Early Classes for Young and Old. 11 a.m.--Pastor's Subject-- 'Mother's Worth'™* Cars provided for elderly friends. 2.30 p.m.-- Open Session of Sunday School. Special 7.00 p.m.--Service in charge of the Mothers of the Congregation. Mother's choir 40 voices. Mrs. H. George Adams, Toronto will speak. EVERYBODY WELCOME WHATTAM Phone B567F, First Baptist Minister . REV. JOHN GALT "Mother's Day" AM. "The Grace of Motherhood." P.M. "The Disgrace of Motherhood." 3 p.m. Mrs. (Rev.) Ira Smith Speaking, Friday 17th at 7.45 p.m. "The S. McMaster Student Trio" will begin an 8 day Evangelistic Mission. All are cordially invited to hear these Gifted and Consecra- ted Workers = Preach and Sing the Gospel According to the Scriptures. Unity Truth Centre 8. 0. BE HALL. KING ST. & Sunday, May 12 11 aun. - Public Service -- Sunday School {i Everybody welcome Presbyterian Church Simcoe Street North and Brock Street Rev. John Lindsay, B.A., Whitby Interim Moderator Rev. Alexander 'McGregor of Welcome, Ont. 8 p.m.--Sunday School. A Cordial Welcome Always to Knox Church * -- Su, Christian Science First Church of Christ, Scientist. 64 Colborne Street East Sunday, May 12 . SUBJECT: "Adam and fallen man" Morning Service at 11 a.m. Sunday School 12.10 a.m, Wednesday Meeting 8 p.m. Including testimonies of Healing through Christian Science. You are cordially Invited ta at- 1204 the services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room where the Bible and all authorized Christian Science literature may be read. borrowed or purchased and periodicals subscribed for, Open on l'uesdays, I'hursdays -.nd Saturdays from 2 to 5 p.m. Gospel Hall Sunday, May 12 11 a.m. "Remembering the Lord." 3 p.m.--Sunday School n.--Gospel Service 8 pm. -- Bilis $§ pm Pruyue : Reading. ALL ARE WELCOME

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