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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 May 1929, p. 12

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raGE TWELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY leo, I 7 INSPECTION OF PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL CADETS Major Sowers Is Inspecting + Officer at Parade He Thursday Miss Neva Sine and Austen Mitchell Accept Other Positions Port Perry, May 14.--Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs of Toronto were at their sum-} mer home in Port Perry for the week-end. Mrs. Geo. Coates was in Toronto ane day last week. Mrs. A. D. Peters, who has been in - Toronto for a few weeks, has returned home. Dr. and Mrs. D. Archer and Miss Leila McMillan of Oshawa were in Port Perry on Friday, when they at- tended the funeral of the late Mr. Robert Bartley. : Miss Given Ettey of Toronto was home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gerrow spent Sunday with friends at Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Good of Osh- awa have moved to Port Perry and taken up residence in the house for- merly occupied by Mr. Percy Rolph. Mrs. Milne of Toronto spent Sun- day with her sister Mrs. Geo. Coates. Mrs. T. A. Nind and Mrs. A. H. Rose were the delegates from Port ing of the W.A. in Toronto this week. The Misses Harris were in To- ronto on Saturday. 'Wright Crozier of Manchester has rented the McConnell farm just north of Port Perry. Mrs. Alwood, who has been in New York, with her mother, for some time has returned home. Miss Neva Sine, teacher in Port erry High School has resigned and accepted a position on the staff f the onburg High School. Aus- Mitchell has also resigned and s going to Toronto where he has position on the teaching staff of he Toronto public schools. } sympathy of the community Is ed to Mrs, Robt. Bartley. in r recent bereavem ' Fong Soy, proprietor of the Port erry Cafe, who has been visiting is home in China for about two ears, has returned to Port Perry. Result of May examinations in ||First Book, Port Perry Public School were: -- at Ruth Carnegie 521, Bert De Shane 520, Marian Brent 469, Mike Naple 448, Dorothy Pyatt 446, Harry Carnegie 433, Charles Sutcliffe 429, Rody Hayden 413, Billy Beare 407] Gordon Sutcliffe 389, Bobby Jeffre 360, Constance Naple 341, Bruc Beare 324, Muriel Willan 311, Buy- gess Beare 302, Norman Gilboord 187. The annual inspection of the Po: Perry High School cadets took pl) on the campus, last Thursday morh- ing, inspecting officer being Majpr Sawers late of the Royal Canadian year are: Capt, Edwin Lieutenants Wallace McMillan Beverley Smallman. Drummer, bert Innes. Instructor, Mr. Gemmel, Dispatches concerning where Mrs, Gann is to sit, indicate that other people, tgo, have their parking problems.-- Council Bluffs Nonpareil. from chlo Perry who attended the annual meet- With Arnold's Markets Quality, the Standard Since 1889 / MEATS / PROVISIONS Cottage Rolls . ...lb. 27¢ Lard b. 16¢ Fray Bentos, Sliced lb. 25¢ Beef Bologna 1b FRESH PORK Shoulders. .. ......Ib. 22¢ 1b. 29¢ Wing Steak or Roast Round End Rump Roast ' Boned and Rolled 1b. 35¢ Shoulder Roast. . . Ib. 22¢ | Boneless Shoulder CLARK'S TOMATO CATSUP 12-0z. Btle. 17¢ QUEEN OLIVES 20-0z.Jar 2.5¢ LYNN VALLEY PEACHES 2 No. 2 Tins 3§¢ IN HEAVY SYRUP PEARL WHITE NAPTHA SOAP 10 Bars 39¢ DUTCH CREAM Sand ae wien 1b. 21e SALADA TEA Brown Label ib. 2 ) 1 For Roasting 2 ft FISH / i' Fresh Atlantic Codfish .......1b. 12%¢ Fresh Atlantic Fillets ........I. 21¢ Fresh Halibut, Sliced Fresh Boiled Lobsters ......1H. 30¢ Fresh Atlantic Flounders .....lb. 16¢ Supreme Brand dHlt Smoked Fillets.Ib. 22¢ {lif Highliner Smoked 'Al Haddies .......Ib. 18¢ Fruits / Vegetables CHOICE RIPE CUBAN PINEAPPLES Good Size 2 tor 33e¢ g VALENCIA ORANGES % Good Side Doz. 23¢ t ICEBERG LETTUCE 2 Crisp Heads 1 Qe LARGE GREEN CUCUMBERS 2 tor 1§5¢ FLORIDA SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT was Mothers Marke Arnoids Markel Husband and Wife Recommend Them Mr. & Mrs. C. Kesley find Dodd's Kidney Pills very beneficial Ontario Lady Suffered Very Much with Her Batk and Kidneys Chatham, Ont., May 15. (Special) Thousands of women who seem- ed destined to a life of frequent suffering have been entirely freed from their ailments by using Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mrs. Chas, Kesley, 126 Wellington St. E. Chatham, writes:-- 'I have suffer- ed very much with my back and kidneys I hardly had any rest un- til I tried your Dodd's Kidney Pills, I can honestly say I felt a different woman after I had taken one box; but I continued with them. The Doctor said after my examination, that my kidneys were in good form. My husband also uses Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. His work calls for a lot of stooping and he always feels fine after taking them. They seem to strengthen his back and put new life into him. You are at liberty to publish this letter. My recommen- dation might be the means of bene- fitting others." WORK PROGRESSING ONEBENEZER FARMS | Better Weather Has Proved a Boon to the Farmers Ebenezer, May 13--Sunday services at Ebenezer were good and were well attended. Mother's Day was obser- ved both in the Church and Sunday School. The pastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton was present at both church services and delivered two excellent sermons. The music by the choir added much to both services and a quartette by Mesdames G. F. Annis, K. E. Courtice, A. E. Rundle and W. R. Courtice was enjoyed by the con- gregation in the morning. During the morning service Rev. Stainton baptised Marjory Grace and Louis Charles, twin children of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rundle. : Sunday School held an open ses- sion in the afternoon and a Mother's Day program was carried out. The address on the subject of "Mother- hood" was ably taken by Rev. W. S. Boyce, The story entitled "The Quest" was told by Mrs. R, C. Pearce. Miss Florence Courtice gave a reading, Miss Vera Werry sang a vocal solo and Mrs. W. R. Courtice and Miss Hazel Rundle sang a duet, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hezzlewood of Toronto visited with relatives in this vicinity on Sunday. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held on Thursday afternoon of last week in the Sunday School room, The program was in charge of Miss Louise Osborne's group. It was fairly well attended and a helpful time was spent. The report of the W.M.S. convention recently held in Kingston was ably given by Mrs. W, S. Boyce and Miss Hazel Rundle who were present at the convention. The remainder of the program consisted of a vocal solo by Miss Vera Werry and an instrumental by Miss Louise Osborne. A satisfactory _ business meeting was also held. During this part of the meeting Mrs. F. Jackson was appointed Band Leader for S.S. No. 8, to carry on in the place of Miss Francis Hancock, Mrs. A. J. Gay and Mrs, Jackson are now' the leaders in that work. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnott and children, of Maxwell's, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs, Eli Osborne. The regular weekly meeting of the Young People's League will be held on Thursday night at the regular hour, There are only two more meetings before the League closes for the summer months and it is hoped that a goodly number will be present at these closing meetings. On Thursday evening the young people will present their new play "Between the Acts" .at Harmony Hall. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. N. Sinclair of Oshawa visited F. Worden on Sun- ay. The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Circle will be held on Saturday afternoon May 18 at the home of Miss Annie Holt, The meet- ing will be in charge of Miss Aura Osborne's group. The speaker for the afternoon will be Miss U. Spargo of Bowmanville who has a special in- terest in Mission Circle work. The President hopes that all the members will be present, Mr. and Mrs, J. Langmaid of Osh- awa were Sunday visitors at the home of their daughter, Mrs. R. C, Pearce. On May 21 the play entitled "Dea- con Dubbs" will be given by the Is Your Child Thin and Weak? McCoy's Tablets Puts on Flesh and Builds Them Up In just a few days--quicker than you ever dreamt of--these wonder- ful health building, flesh creating tablets called McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets will start to help any thin, underweight little ouw, After sickness and when the chil- dren are exceedingly puny they are especially valuable. All over North and South Amer- ica and even in Great Britain and Australia tens of thousands of skin- ny run down men and women have put their faith in McCoy's--and have not been disappointed. Try these wonderful tablets for 30 days and if your frail, sickly child doesn't greatly benefit you get your money back. ' Ask Jury & Lovell, T. B. Miteh- ell, W. H. Karn, or any druggist for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tab- lets--as easy to take as candy and 60 tablets, 66 cents--Economy Size $1.00. a a om ARI, TM AS fe South Oshawa Young People at Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bragg of Shaws and Mr, and Mrs. Elton Werry of Bowmanville spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. A. B. Werry. Regular services will'be held at Ebenezer on Sunday next at 10.30 am., 2.30 and 7 p.m. (Standard time). The time of the evening service has been changed again, Anniversary time is again. The Ebenezer church anni- versary will be held June 9 and 10. Weather has been more. favourable during the past week and fafrm work has been progressing a little more rapidly. NEWS OF COLUMBUS AND THE VICINITY Interesting Personal Jottings of the People of the _ Community Columbus, May 14--Miss Maxine Pereman who is in Oshawa Hospi- tal is _getfing along fine after her operation for appendicitis. Master Bobby Pollard of Oshawal, grandparents, Mr. and for a few days. Saturday with visited his rs. Wilson Mrs. Pollard spent her parents. Mr. and Mrs. from Blackstock visited Mrs. Fred Tarves. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Scott of Osh- awa spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Robt. Scott. Mrs. Geo. Crabtree has gone to visit with her daughter, Rev. and Mrs. Wilkinson of Clarkson. Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold Hayes and children spent Sunday in Oshawa with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. 'W. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pascoe. Howard James of Buffalo, N.Y, and Ed. James of Oshawa, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. John James. Miss. Marjorie Ashton, and A. Burk of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. Jas. Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson of Toronto spent Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ellens, Mrs. Robt Sutherland spent Sun- day.at Utica with Mrs, John Sather- land and children. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ellens visited with his sister, Mrs. E. Hancock in Courtice on Monday. : Mrs. Fred Tarves is spending a few days at Blackstock with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Beacock. FIXING HIGHWAY NEAR BROUGHAM Provincial And Local Gangs Are Making Repairs to the Road Brougham, May 13--Mr. Holmes has added a fence to his porch making his place more attractive. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Devitt wel- comed a little son to their home on Sunday, May 5. Week-end visitors included W. J. Brown and family, with his par- ents; Donald Beer at his home; Miss Jennie Duncan with her peo- ple; Miss Maggie Cassie with her brothers; Jack and Phyllis Jerow, and other Oshawa friends with Miss Brown; Harvey brothers with their parents; city friends with Mr. and Mrs. A, Lemon. Mrs. T. C. Brown, who has been visiting friends in Toronto and Woodstock the past week, returned home on Saturday. Mrs. A. Jackson, who went to Regina last week, returned on Sun- day, accompanied by her two boys. Wesley Beacock Mr. and Highboy Rogers Batteryless Radio ERE'S 'good news for ythose who are plan- ning "to purchase a radio soon. This popular Rogers model is now equipped with a newly-developed Dynamic Speaker, instead of the Mag- netic Speaker used formerly, And the price remains ex- actly the same--only $250.00 complete! The Dynamic Speaker is gener. ally recognized as one of Ne greatest recent improvements in radio." Its advantages are now Jou in this beautiful Rogers ighboy model, in addition to the many other advantages of Rogers-Batteryless ownership, Due to the remarkable develop- ment of chain broadcasting radio lms become a year 'round source of entertainment and education. And--as any owner will tell you--Rogers is the ideal year 'round radio. You are missing a lot without a Rogers. Ask us to demon- strate. Terms to suit your con venience® Generator & Starter Co., Ltd. _.i 18 Church St. Oshawa nearly here| . Here's real coffee flavour... captiv- ating, ..delicious « « « distinctively enjoyable, 52 "You'll drink it again" There was a fair attendance at church on Sunday. The appoint- ed program for Mothers' Day was followed, the pastor, Rev, Mr. Fer- guson, giving the address, Maury White and John Knox read suitable selections: for the occasion. The church was decorated with spring flowers and blooming plants. On Friday evening, May 10, Mr. and Mrs. Gannon gave a birthday party to their friends in honor of their niece, Miss Welma Ferguson, who has beén with them for some months. The party took the form of a card party and dance, held in the town hall, where the neighbor- hood enjoyed a social evening, No. 7 highway is receiving spe- cial attention from local and pro- vincial sources. . Mr. Shaver shipped an Alsatian police dog last week to the north country. The average life expectancy of an undented fender in this pros- perous center of population is three days.--Ohio State Journal: War is. much worse than tue modern hell. -- Boston Shoe and Leather Reporter. FATHERS' DAY AT "RAGLAN: SUNDAY Rev. Mr. Merriam Will Con- duct Special Service, With Male Choir Raglan, May 14--Mothers' Day was observed at the regular church services on Sunday evening. service was in charge of the pas- tor, Rev. Mr. Merriam, and he gave a splendid address on "Mothers." The mothers' choir sang a beauti- ful selection. Fathers' Day servic- es are also being held at the regu- lar hour, 3 o'clock, next Sunday. A fathers' choir is expected to lead | the singing. Mr. and Mrs. R. Radbourn and daughter, Maryillyn, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her sis- ter, Mrs Norman Hewison. Gordon and George Thompson, of Toronto, were at their homes for over Sunday. Meredith Dring is driving a new coupe, Mr. spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs, W. Latimer and son, Ross, of Toronto, were at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Luke for Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellington and som, Ron- ald, visited their parents here The community welcomes Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Oshawa, who have rec- ently moved to the village for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. W, Street, Beula Dring, of Toronto, and Meredith Dring, of Oshawa, were Sunday vis- itors at their home here. spent the week-end at their respec- tive homes, Epson and Bowman- ville. CANADIAN GOLF CHAMPION- SHIP The Canadian amateur golf cham- pionship contests are to be held this year on the course at Jasper Park, Alberta, the famous mountain resort on the main line of the Canadian National Railways, from August 19 to 24. The inter-provincial match for the Governor-General's cup will be played at Jasper on August 19. It is expected that a number of east- ern amateurs will participate in the Canadian championship contests while enroute to' Del Monte, Cali- fornia, where the U.S. Amateur championship is to be held Sept. 2nd to 7th. You Are Sure of Being NOURISHED If You Take BOVRIL The |. nd Mrs. Eugene Dearborn |. 15 STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM STRAPS, PUMPS Patents, Satins, Brown and Black Kid Leathe ers. Regular up to $5.50. A BC D E and EE widths, Sizes 3 to 7, A (er DIP TIUR FOCI FLEA, REEF TY UNAS TNR Miss H. Ackney and I. Gilbank | Pussy-Foots for Baby Sites 210 6 JH VRLBUT shoes add to the well-dressed appearance of any children. The few extra cents you pay for Hurl. buts mean a better shoe, scientifically constructed to hold its shape, and built of leathers that give longer wear and smart appearance. Sold and Recommended by BURNS CO., LIMITED King & Simcoe Sts. Oshawa ca Week End Specials Ladies' ~ Ready-to-wear Ladies' $20.00 Will be sold this week-end at 25 per cent. dis- count. The coats on sale represent the finest spring styles and colors no coats sold that cannot bear our guarantee of satisfaction. MILLINERY COATS of values A large assortment of Milinery to go this week-end at 25 per cent, res duction. See this wonderful range Ladies' DRESSES $20.00 Ladies' Dresses this week-end at The Fair will be subject to a 25 per cent. discount and our complete stock of dresses offer every advantage to the ladv who wishes a wide range to choose from, $1.95 to $4.50 All Our Merchandise Will be Subject to 25% Discount This Week end Only THE | FAIR Simcoe Street South

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