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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 May 1929, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1929 AGE FIFTEEN S] ED SECTION meets Mr CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, | AR Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete. Lou yejanclh and general practice Offices 7%; Simcoe St. a wa. Phone 4, G. D. BA. "TLB.: APF. Annis, B.A. TLE FRANK S. EBBS yy Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey- Money to loan, Third floor 3 Alger Beil ailing: Opposite Post Office. ANK W.: E. N. of Commerce Building. Kio yr.) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- Yefanest, Money to loan. Office 1434 Kio, a Oshawa, Phone #445. Resi An GRIE & I TTN--BAT risters, veyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, etc. Office over S d Bank. Entrance Simcoe St. Phone 13. J. ¥. Grierson, K.C., T. K. Creighton, B.A. LOUIS 8. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Nntary, over Dewland's Store. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe street north. Phone 67. Residence 3206 W. PARKHILL AND . FIELD, BAR- risters, etc. Money to loan. Alger Bldg. Opposite Post Office. Phone 3614. A. J. Parkhill, A, C. H. Field GREDR AND HUMPHREYS, BAR: risters, Solicitors, etc. 24% Sim- coe St. N. Phone 3160. Money to ae Iran. (26t1) pL Medical DR. HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Special t+ferences to materni'y work and di- seases of women. "Oh years post graduate experience, ce and resi- dence' 167 Simcoe St. N., (cor. Brock) phone 303. (119-tf) DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence, King St. ast, corner Victoria St. Oshawa. Phone 94 DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children. Office and residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1155. DR. B. ). HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, special attention given to 'X-ray work and Electro- theopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office open 9 am. to * Fon Residence 161 King East. gn 2416. DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D., Sa L. R. C. ¥, and 8S. Edinburgh. Physician, Surgeon and Obstetric- fan. Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Phone 8020, residence 161 King St. BE. Phone 3155. (Deg. 31tt) DR. ALVIB' B, STEWART, SPE- cialist in surgery. Office 142 Sim- coe street North. Residence 166 Simcoe street North. Phone rH J. ARCH W C. Pi & 8. Edinburgh, Surgeon; 'Obstetrician, - special at- tention to maternity ork and :dis- eases of children. Office and resid- ence, 185 Simcoe St. North. Phone 3107. (tf) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 pm, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made at. drug store. Phone 97. (49-tf) M.D., L. Physician, wa, esday, 9 t,{North. Phone 2754F. (12 ORG ist and er of King strest United Church will accept pupils in' plana, organ and vocal music. Voices free, 63 Drew St. Phone A HAWAIIAN MUSIC AND TENOR banjo, Harry Wagner, Torontu teacher at Harris Music Store, 11 Simcoe St. S. Five free lessons given on instruments sold. (Feb. 26-May 26) PO OFF: TE. ViO- Hn, mandolin and Spanish guitar; graduate of Sophia University of Bank, | Music; studio at Wilson and Lee Music store, 71 Simcoe St. N. Phone 2388. (Apr. 30 1 mo) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. est, Oshawa, The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re- putable Fire Companies. ( a WHEN PLACING INSU consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe ANCE Your insurance wants attended to and your interests protected. INSURANCE-OSH HAWA HOUSE d Land Co. Local agents for one 2 the best English companies. oF 38 Simcoe St. N (86- EE Transportation CARTAG. MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders. Local and long distance hauling, Phone 3048 and 2392F. Smith and Cox, 44 Bond St. Ww. : COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR- age. 85 Bond St. West. Phone 82. 6 trucks for prompt service. Moving van and storage warehouse equip- ment. Baggage transferred to and from all trains. (64tf) TRUCKING, LOCAL AND LONG distance. Cunningham, 121 Albert St. Phone 18356. (May 8 1 mo) TAXI--PHONE 627. WM. CHAS Werry, 109 Agnes street. Care and courtesy. (Apr. 15 1 mo.) OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTABLISH- ed furniture movers; Park Road cartage. Frank Cowle, Prop. 65 Park Rd. South. Phone 215. (May 14-1 mo.) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shoppe. Permanent wave $7.50 and $10. Automatic machine. 1 extra free finger wave, Phone 2968. (88te) X. A G Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman- ent Wave Shop. Marcel and sham- poo $1. Phone 2968. (34tr) WATSON'S BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St. We specialize in ladies' hair cutting, marcelling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cents, For appointments phone 2653. (May 14 1 mo) MARCEL AND CURL--EXPERT work done, 75c. Powder Pum Beauty Parlor, 7 Bond Street East. Phone 3051. (104-tf) ALLADIN HAIRDRESSING PAR- lor, 10 Church St. Shampooing 50c, hair cutting 35c, trim 10, marcel and curl 0c. For appoint- ments phone 733J. Residence 2143M, (112-1wk.) Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. B. F. RICHARDSON, OFFICE over Mitchell"s Drug Store. Hours 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6. Evenings by appointment. Office phone 2660. Residence, 4327. (9tf) Nervous & Mental Diseases DR. R. B. E. WILSON. M.D, L. M., C. C. Dip. Psych., specialist in ner- vous, mental and diseases of the ductless glands; consultations, Of- fice and residence, Brock St. E., Uxbridge, Ont. Phone 133. Dental DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-Ray work. Gas extraction, Nurse in attendance, Phone 959. House 1312. (41 yr) DR. FRED A. FLORA, DENTIST, 87 King street east. Alger building. Phone 2860.' Evenings 'by appoint- ment. . (48tD) DR. H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. north, over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction. Phone 54 DR. L. E. HUBBELL, - DENTIST, Nitrous oxid en gas for extrac- tions. Office, "Royal Wo Bldg. Phone 948. reside DR. J. F. BROCK, Re -- 18 Simcoe St. N., over Dewland's. Phone 1957. Resl. 292W. Evenings by appointment. (July 4d DR. W. H. GIFFO Regent Theatre Bldg. Phone Tra. Residence L 66-tf DR. LANGMAID, DR. DAVABS, Dentists, 37 King St. BE. Special at- tention to gas extraction and X- ray work. ' Nursé ' in attendance. Phones 1243 and 231. (96tL) Eoriccorine and Surveyi DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- io Land Surveyors and Civil Engin- eers, sub-divisions, town ie municipal engineers. 365 or 411 Kin St E. Phones 2532) or 2544. (89t Automobile Repairing STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE 13 Church St. Repairs all kinds cars. Special attention to bumping and welding. Snappy Battery © service charging and repairing. (107t0) j Dressm~king LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S coats and dresses, masquerade cos- t mes. Fancy sewing done at reas- rnable prices, Phone 1347M. 21 Rowe St. (Feb, 8 tf) MAHONEY BARBER SHOP, 336 Mary street, up tp date barber shop. Your patronage is solicited. (114c) Money to Loan CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- ess loans arranged. Parkhil jeld, Barristers, etc. Alger Bldg. Phone 1614. (49tf) MOTOR LOANS--MOTOR LOANS, Discounts Limited, Room 6, 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 2790. (79tf) Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PA- perhanger, painting and graining. Prices right, work guaranteed. 340 Pine Ave, phone wor 2067w. j (72tf) THE OSHAWA PAINTERS -- Painting, Paperhanging, Grainin hy Signs and Monograms for Au biles, Etc. Reasonable prices. Phone 1495W. 14 Nassau St. (May 9-June 9) HOUSE o REA A OV Pk Victoria Park and Peace Park. Terms $o:it you. Offce 38 Simcoe SEN. { N. ROOMS chestnut trim, French doors, oak floors down stairs at 153 Alex- andra St, overlooking golf grounds. Also lots just west. Reasonable terms Phone 1257W. (68tf) FOR SALE--TWO ROOMED COT- tage and two lots. 211 Roxborough avenue. Will sell all or separate. Phone 1537W, hetween 6 and 8 p.m, (92tf) OR SALE--NEW N 6 room brick house. Reasonable cash payment accepted. Balance ar- ranged .Apply owner, 87 McLaugh- lin Blvd. (100¢7) HOUSE FOR SALE: FIVE ROOMS, furnace, electric, water, sewer; twenty-two hundred; terms; Phone 1754W, (Apr. 80-1 mo.) FIVE ROOM HOUSE, ONE ACRE of land with large hen house for sale. Cash or terms. Apply at Bradford, Harmony, or phone 1664W. (112-1 wk.) FOR SALE--EIGHT-R OO0MED house, near G.M.C., suitable for residence or rooming house; fruit garden and double garage. Phone 2692F. FOR SALE--HOUSE, JUST OFF Wilson Road; payments as rent. tf) For patriculars phone 2473W. (113-e) FOR SALE--NEW BRICK BUNG- alow: four rooms and bath, hard- wood floors throughout; all conve- niences. Phone 892W. (114-c) 3 HOUSES FOR SALE--RITSON road 6 rooms. All conveniences. Lot 38 by 235, $5600 down. Month- ly payments, $25. G. Kory. Phone 1105. (114 1 wk) SIX ROOMED BRICK HOUSE FOR gale, paved street, Close to Fittings, Malleable and Pedlars. Open fire place, oak floors, newly decorated. Immediate possession. Will take a lot or will exchange for small house in north end or small cash payment down. Balance as rent. Apply W. G, Miller, 4 Bond St. W. Phone 2780. FIVE-ROOMED FRAME HOUSE at Westmount; will take $100 down; balance easy. Apply Mack, 33 Arlington Ave. Phone 1909M., Oshawa. Ls (115-1) FOR SALE--GOOD and garden market farm on Lake of Bays, near Bigwon Inn, or will exchange for Oshawa propenty. Ap- ply 80 Bu 80 Burke St. (115-¢c) TWO SPECIALS--FIVE ROOMED modern bungalow with garage on paved street, $3,500. Also 7 room- ed attractive modern home. Spe- cial price, $4,800. Phone Holden, 371W. (116b) (1135-c) | D CHICKEN | Ww. Rates for Classified Ads. First insertion--13 cents por word, Minimum charge--30¢c. Bath Sabasdusn, insergon c Three consecutive inser. tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Box mumber 10c additional For Rent North Simcoe St., Simcoe Manor five rooms all latest conveniences including, Electric refrigeration, stoves, and fixtures, laundry rooms, with Electric Dryers, incinerator, and shower baths. For further par- ticulars. Apply Your Local Agent or Janitor on Premises. The Trusts and Guarantee Co., Ltd., Manager for Owner, Toronto. Apply Mr. Grier, Phone 2089J. (111tf) FOR RENT-- FURNISHED FOUR Grier, Phone 2989J. a) TO RENT--FARM HOUSE, rooms, % acre Columbia Rey bushes (berries yield close to rent). Will allow tenant space for gar- den. Apply Mallett Bros. (95tL) for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additions] word. TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC- COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad De. TO RENT--LARGE FRONT BED- room, furnished, in new home. Ap- ply 57 Nassau street. Phone 1122M. (112 1 wk.) HOUSE FOR RENT--SIX-ROOM cottage with conveniences; large garden and fruit; centrally located. Phone 91, Whitby, (113-c) GARAGE FOR RENT, $4 MONTH. 160 Mill Street. (113-c) TO RENT--COMFORTABLY FUR- nished room with breakfast. Priv- ate home. Centrally located for gentlemen. Phone 2041M. (113¢) MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load, Also bone dry body wood. Waterous-Meek Limited. Phone 1288. (Apr. 26tf) FOR SALE--GRAVEL, SAND AND loam, Dump. truck service. Prompt delivery. For prices' phone 2873W. Pidgin, 97 Colborne St. E. (Apr. 17-May 17) WALLPAPER AND PAINTS. MOST complete stock in Oshawa. Muffitt and Park, 82 Simcoe St. S. (65tF) FIRST CLASS GRAVEL, SAND, loam and cinders delivered. Prompt service. Prices reasonable. Phone 31156W, Percy Davidson. (May 2 1 mo) MANUR?T] FOR 7JALZE. $2 PER load delivered. Phone 2172J. (112-1wk.) FOR SALE--SPRING CLEARING of bicycles and automobile tives, new and used at lowest possible figure, Cash or terms, 12 Athol May 6 1 mo) FOR SALE--SINGER DROP HEAD Sewing Machines. From $25 up. $6 down. $3 monthly. 46 King St. West. Phone 696. (1078) FOR SALE--HEINTZMAN CO. Ltd, pianos: new and used pianos, also radios, latest models; terus arranged. Apply C. Trull. Phone 1555J. (111-tf) Wanted to Buy MR. 8. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS and all kinds of metals. Buying scrap batteries, old cars and poul- try. Goods called for. Phone 2060m Residence 99 Mill St, (134tf) WANTED--GOOD BUSHY CED- ars; quote price delivered. Phoue 1741W. (115-a) Corsetiere MRS. PENT D, SPIRELLA Managing Corsetiere, Sprrella Shop 68 Elgin St. B. Phone 936. - Contracting CONTRACTING -- CONCRETE, Plastering. Electric or alterations. Phone 139 for prices. (May 1 mo.) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER-| fields made to order. We save you money. Estimates free. G. A. Con- stable, 74 Mechanic street. Phone (56tf) BATTERIES CHARGED CALLED for and delivered 75c. If rental supplied $1. Batteries repaired. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill street. Phone 1885W. (May 6 1 mo) WANTED--ALL KINDS OF GAR- dening work, sodding and grading. Phone 2918W. Call 162. Elliott Ave. (May 15-1 mo.) Shoe Repairing CLASS ORK GUARAN- FIR {teed, shoes repaired while you wait: Our prices are lower. 'Shoes bought and sold. Alex Swetlik, 48 Bond St. E. (May 1-1 mo.) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance, Residence, 6542 Simcoe street north. Phones 210J and 210W. DISNEY-COTT FUNERAL HOM« 87 Celina street,Oshaws. Corner Bruce street. Ambulance. Phone 1082. (96-tf) Pets and Live Stock COLLIE PUPS FOR SALE. APPLY James Fleming, north Oshawa. Phone 920 r 11. (114 1 wk.) FOR SALE WHITH LEGHORN pullets, all laying: 1 rooster. Ior quick sale phone 2335W. 1115-0) Golf Supplies Cleaning and Pressing RSAL X A S and dyers, the place for altera- tions and repairs, Phone 509. 1234, King West. Above Cannings Men's 'Wear. (Apr. 25 1 mo) Auctioneer PHONE . 716J, W. J. SULLEY, auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8. We can sell your odd pieces of furni- ture and other articles at our yards 41 King St. W., Oshawa. Oaterlo. Architects : GiG ENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496.}° Res. phone 909]. (8-tf) THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS- sociate architects, Simcoe St. 8. Over Felt Bros. (66t7) Watch Repairing F. A VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44%; Kisg Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. (296) T HAVE IN STOCK A COMPLETE line of the finest golf clubs ob- tainable from $2.50 up. Golf bags and balls, See these before buying elsewhere. Golf lessons by ap- pointment, Jack Roberts, Profes- sional and club maker. Phone 999. (May 7 1 mo) Radio Service FOR SALE--REFRIGERATOR-- Good condition, Phone 2441). (113-¢) FOR -SALE--ALMOST NEW chesterfield suite and rug (4% x 7%). For particulars apply 154 Division street after 6 p.m. (113¢) LADY'S CYCLE IN GOOD CONDI- tion, Cheap for quick sale, Phone 88F. (113¢) METAL GARAGE FOR SALE. 10 x 16. Apply after five p.m, 765 Rowena street. (113c¢) FOR SALE--PRIMROSE CREAM separator. Nearly new. Also new scuffle, Apply 26 Brock St. East. (113c) FOR SALE--ONE QUEBEC COOK stove, Nearly new. Apply 268 Clarke street. Phone 3180J. (113c¢) FOR RENT FURNISHED apartment for light housekeeping. All conveniences, Near Motors. Phone 2297, 105 Colborne street east. (113c) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, IN new home, light and water includ- ed, three minutes' walk from Mo- tors. Apply 305 French Street. (114-c) TO RENT--FRONT ROOM FUR- nished as bed sitting room, suit- able for friends; also furnished bedroom for two gentlemen, all conveniences; central. Apply 178 Albert Street. Phone 731J. (114-c) TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED rooms to rent with private family. Reasonable. Apply 300 Leslie Ave. (114¢) Help Wanted--Male MOTORISTS! --SEND $2 FOR Safe-Drive-Anti-Glare device. Elim- inates glaring headlights, and blinding sun. Agents wanted. The Armstrong Company, 70 Lombard, Toronto. WANTED--YOUNG MARRIED man, with commercial course aud general office experience, with small industrial firm in city. Ap- ply in own hand writing, stating experience with reference and sal- ary expected to Box 72, Times. (114-b) MOTOR MECHANIC WANTED. {Cox Motor Sales, 10 Bond Street, 'West, Oshawa. (114-c) SALESMEN FOR NEW FORDS. Apply in person at Cox Motor Sales, 10 Bond Street, West, Oshawa. (114-¢) SALESMAN WANTED FOR HIGH class sausage and meat products to cover Oshawa, Whitby and points east to Cobourg and Graf- ton Commission basis only. Reply Dumarts Limited, Kitchener, Ont. giving full details and past ex- perience. (114b) Help Wanted--Female EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES wanted, to take charge of depts.; unexperienced need not apply. Steels Consolidated Ltd. (113-¢) WOMAN WANTED TO DO WASH: ing and mending in own home, Apply, Box 70 Times. (113c; SALESLADY FOR NEW FORDS. Apply in person at Cox Motor Sales, 10 Bond Street, West, Oshawa. (114-c) YOUNG GIRL TO BE GENERAL- ly useful. Apply after six, 157 Ag- nes Street. i (115-¢) WANTED--GIRL FOR CONFEC- tionery store. Apply Box 76, Osh- awa Daily Times. (115-c) EXPERIENCED CEMENTERS ON raincoats wanted: Apply Mr, Lea- ger, 26 King street east. (115¢) Position Wanted YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSI- tion as stenographer, graduate of Baker's Business College, Lind- say. Apply Miss Colley, 22 Elm street, Phone 1296F. (113¢) FOR RENT--THREE FURNISH- ed rooms. Apply 93 Yonge street. (114c) TO RENT--TWO FURNISHED rooms, light, heat, gas stove and bathroom, no children, Apply 20 Maple St. Phone 799W. (114c) TO RENT--2 FURNISHED OR partly furnished rooms, Nicely decorated and bright. Suitable for light housekeeping. North end. Box, 78 Times. (114c) FOR RBENT--A NICE 4 ROOM apartment. Centrally located. All conveniences. Suitable for elderly couple. Apply J. C. Young, 4% Prince St. Phone 793. (S-T-T) HOUSE TO RENT: FURNISHED, 6 rooms, bathroom and garage. Apply Box 77, Oshawa Daily Times. (115-c) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping. 158 Celina strett. (115a) FOR RENT--2 OR 3 UNFURNISH- ed rooms, Immediate possession. Apply 231 Eulalie Ave. Phone 2709W. (115¢) FOR RENT--LARGE FURNISHED room, suitable for light housekeep- ing. Conveniences. 51 Nassau St. Phone 667J. (115a) FOR RENT--3 UNFURNISHED rooms, all conveniencts, wired for stove, central, Apply 160 Agnes street. Phone 1168J. (115¢) ALL XINDS OF SECOND-HAND lumber; bricks, plumbing fixtures, new doors and window sashes from 25¢ up. Dominion Wrecking, Cor- ner Olive and Drew. (114-b) FOR SALE--1 HOOSIER KITCH- en cabinet; golden finish; almost new: $42. Phone 1276W. (114-c) FOR SALE--COMBINATION COAL and gas stove, in good condition, $25. Apply Harry D. Wilson Hard- ware. (114-c) FOR. SALE--BROWN WICKER baby carriage in good condition, Bargain for quick sale. Apply 43 Richmond St. West. (114-c) FOR SALE-- FOUR BURNER gas stove, Cheap. Phone 1871M. (114b) FOR SALE-- USED McCLARY electric range. Good working or- der. Price $25. Harry D. Wilson's Hardware. (114c) FOR SALE--WHITE TRON CRIB, complete with spring and mattress. 389 Jarvis. (116-¢) KITCHEN CABINET, ALMOST new. Apply No. 3 apartment, over Beaton's Dairy, King St. W. (115-b) PRIVATE SALE OF FURNITURE: dining-room suite and divanette suite. Phone 2522W., 322 Jarvis St. (115-b) CREAM WICKER BABY CAR- riage, large white crib; both in good condition. 348 Mary it. Phone 1621M. (115-c) LOT FOR SALE--CORNER ATHOL Phone 1558K. and Yonge streets. (115¢) RADIO. SETS INSTALLED, RE- paired, rebuilt or rewired, F. A. Diplock, 126 William St. E. Phone 2035M. Endorsed by National Ra- dio Institute, Washington, D.C. Expert service at reasonable price. (Apr. 19-1mo) Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING, NINE CENTS yard, pleating, buttonholes, dress- making, alterations, Mrs. Dell, 261% Simcoe south. Phone 1656. May 13-1 mo) RADIO SERVICE AND REPAIRS, tubes and sets tested, batteries re- charged, called for and delivered, rental supplied $1. Batteries re- paired at moderate prices. Char- les Wales, Phone 1046J. * (May 7 1 mo) = Business Opportunities For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT--TWELVE acres of land, four miles from Osh- awa. Apply Mrs. Edgen, North Oshawa R. R. No. 1. * (113-¢) For Exchange ICE CREAM AND CONFECTION- ery business for sale on main city street, grand opportunity to make money. Terms very desirable, Box 81 Times. (115¢) WILL EXCHANGE UPRIGHT piano. Good condition for good used radio. and small cash pay- ment. Apply Box 66 Times. (113¢) Wanted to Rent WANTED--FOR JUNE 3RD-- clean house with garden for reli- able adult family; rent reasonable. Tinker, 510 Front St. (114-c) SMALL HOUSE, EASY REACH OF city, steady tenant for suitable house. Apply Box 78, Oshawa Daily Times. (115b) FIREMAN, FOUR YEARS' EXPE- rience in all kinds of stationary boilers and stokers. Two years' ex- perience in firing locomotive. Fourth-class Certificate pending. Apply 68 Third Ave., Oshawa. (115-¢) WISHES ' POSITION OF Apply (115-b) A MAN any kind, or farm work. 150 Mill St. Lost and Found LOST--GOLD BROOCH, BE- tween Cedardale and New Martin Theatre, Saturday night. Finder please 'phone 19727. (113-¢) LOST--BETWEEN CANADA Bread and Foley's Service Station, Whitby,--envelope containing $15 and odd change Finder kinaiy leave at Canada Bread, Oshawa, and receive reward. (116-¢) LOST--A FIVE DOLLAR BILL. Finder please notify Mr. Foote, v1 McGregor St. Reward. (115-a) LOST--TIRE, TUBE AND RIM for Chevrolgt truck; reward. Ap- ply Fred Flintoff & Sons, South Oshawa. (115-c) LOST--GOLDEN BRINDLE BULL dog, license No. 82. Finder please notify R. Russell. 'Box 398, PO. or phone 908r24. (115b) Second Hand Dealer SECOND HAND DEALER. FUR- niture bought and sold. 186 Bloor St. East, Phone 1617M. (tf) Roomers Wanted RESPECTABLE YOUNG MEN wanted as roomers in clean home with every convenience. Apply 10 Simcoe St. North. Phone 72. (113-c) Room and beard Building Supplies FOR SALE--SAND, GRAVEL, stone and black loam, $1.60 a yd. For quality and service 'phone Essery Bros. 332 ring 11. (May 1-June 1) CEMENT BLOCKS FOR SALE: To insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance. of delivery date. W. Borrowdale, Phone 1618. (78-tf) Motor Cars OAKLAND TOURING CAR IN CAR IN running condition, $100 cash. 100 William St. East. (114b) FOR SALE-- FORD , TOURING car in good running condition. Cheap. Good tires and curtains. Phone 728 r 23 or call after 6 p.m. A. Mcintyre, Town Line, east of Harmony. (114c) FOR SALE--1927 CHEVROLET sedan. In good condition. Phone 695M. (114d) USED CARS FOR SALE 1923 Superior Touring, all overhauled 1923 Oakland, new paint 1923 Ford Sedan 1923 Ford Sedan, real good 1923 Ford Coupe 1924 Chev, Coupe 1924 four pass. Chev, Coupe 1925 Dodge Sedan 1926 Star 6 Sedan 1926 Overland 6 Coach Battery Specials: 11 plate, guaranteed 1 year $ 13 plate, guar. 18 months 8.95 13 plate, heavy duty guar- anteed 2 years 11,95 Only a few on hand; act quick. Luke Motor Sales. : Phone 382W. Whitby, opposite, Public Library. (115-¢) * Vetermary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Dog 20 ospital, 203 on west, Phone 629 Sot) 400 6.95 BOARD AND ROOM AT 68 GIBBS street, Phone 1492M. (92-1 mo.) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO or thgge young gentlemen. Central, Apply 110 Albert street. Phone 2617J. (113c) ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE home; every convenience. Close to ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO, private home, home privileges. Ap- ply 344 Athol street east. (112tf) Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS, PORCH awnings, verandah curtains, can- opy tops installed. T. Taylor, Tor- onto. Oshawa phone 1053. (77-tf) Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at Ideal Tire Shop. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros. Phone 438. (tf) Public Notice Notice is hereby given that pur- suant to Section 14 (3) of the Di- vision Courts Act, R. S. 0. 1927, a meeting of the Division Court Board will be held on Monday the 17th day of June 1929, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenon, at the Court House, in the Town of Whitby, for the purpose of taking into consideration an application for the establishment of a Division Court for the City of Oshawa and the Township of East Whitby in the County of Ontario. James E. Thompson, Judge; J. F. Paxton, A. Dobson, Warden; A. N. Middleton, Inspector. (115-121-126-132) The only people I have aeard speak EnglislY as it should be spoken were an Indian and a Scotsman,--Miss Sybil Thorndyke. EARLY RUSH OF IMMIGRANTS 13 EXPECTED Quebec Prepared for Large Flood of Newcomers to Canada BEST ACCOMODATIONS New System of Medical In- spection Abroad Greatly Helps the Reception Quebec, May 15.--Now that Can= ada's immigration season via the port of Quebec has been inaugurat- ed with the largest inaugural move- ment in years recorded, the recep- tion buildings maintained here by the Dominion government will be alive with teaming throngs of new- comers for many week-ends to come. Although five British and foreign immigrants lit- erally poured over the wharves when the season got under way over the week-end of April 27, Canada's well-established standard of efficiency in reception and distri- bution was fully maintained. To any who may have had misgiving concerning immigration inspection, the spotless walls and floors of the building, the uniform courtesy of 'officials of the Immigration De- partment and the clock-like preci sion with which all official mach- inery moved must have been agree- ably surprising. All passengers for inspection move direct from their ship through covered passages to waiting-rooms in the immigration building where they rest until their turn for in- spection. Returning Canadians are dealt with first. These occasion little delay and soon pass through. Then follow British families. The new system of medical inspection abroad greatly facilitates the re ception and distribution at the port of arrival. Best of Comforts After being found all in order the newcomers pass along a broad corridar to the baggage room where they identify their baggage. Rail- way offices where tickets for any destination in Canada can be bought or presented for examina- tion are located on the same floor. Here also funds may be exchanged for Canadian money at current rates, While the man of the fam- ily is attending to these details the mother may take younger children to the Red Cross Nursery on the same floor where trained nurses are at her command and children can be washed, fed and rested. In case of illness, doctors and nurses are immediately available. - A din- ing room furnishes substantial, well-cooked meals for 35¢ and at a canteen nearby food for any length of journey can be bought at low prices fixed by the Canadian Gov- ernment. Railway trains for all destinations in Canada draw up immediately alongside the immi- gration building and after a brief rest the passengers are directed to their trains and the second stage of their journey begins. NEW DEVICE T0 'CAN' FULL-LENGTH NOVEL OR PLAY PERFECTED Phonograph Can Be Made to} | Spiel Off Latest Best Sellers in Two Hours * New York, May 16.--The inven- tion of a new device for production of '"'canned" entertainment, com- bining the principles of the sound films and the phonograph, has been perfected by science. Mem- bers of the Acoustical Society of America, in convenion at the Heit Telephone Laboratories here ast week, missed hearing the interest- ing details of the invention, known at this stage as a 'film phono- graph," by reason of the fact that at the last minute the paper of Dr. C. W. Hewlett, of the General El- ectric Laboratories at Schenectady was withdrawn from the program. Dr. Hewlett, who was ready to proceed with a 30-minute demon- stration lecture, to the United Press that it had been decided that publicity regarding the device was undesirable now. Perfection by means of record- ing sound upon film in connection with the motion picture industry is said to lie at the basis or .ne "film phonographs." Entire novels or entire operas may be placed upon a comparative- ly short film, which, replacing the familiar disc, could he placed on the "film phonograph" and re- produce uninterruptedly over a period of two hours or more, Thus the "tired business maw" might rest his eyes and recline in comfort while hearing a 1avorite book or play read to him or might enjoy -a complete opera or otires musical production of length with- out interruption. Radio programs of particular in- terest by such a device may be "canned" and produced at will. A film record of historic events could thus be filed away for posterity. Instead of the film of thousands of feet required in.the production of talking motion pictures, this phonograph film, relieved of the thousana | DISNEY-COTT AMBULANCE 87 Celina St. Phoae 1082 Machinery Repairing , NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL * Adanac Machine Sho 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 For Better Values in DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store Corner King and Prince Cash or Terms Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELER Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South Chevrolet Touring Car $100 down and $15 per month. ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. 9 Prince St., Oshawa Phone 1100 Hudson-Essex Distributors' ~--the ideal of all © that is fine and new in ringeraft-- revealing lute fidelity to highest quality and a fine- ness of finish and design heretofore - unapproached. May we show you ; the combination { pictured above -- an unusual value. Set with fine quality diamond and five stone wed- dingring, , the pair D.J. Brown The Jenne aaa iy ons 199 necessity of reproducing pictures with the sound, may be as short as 30 or 40 feet. Lines of pro- duction, reproduced on the film, , are almost microscopic in size, and hence may be almost innumerable across the width of the film, The detail of the device corres ponding to the needle in the pres ent phonograph proceeds the length of the film and automatical- ly turns to the next line, retracing the length of the film and continu- ing the operation indefinitely to the end. \ By a large majority the people of Stratford endorsed the expendi- ture of $15,000. for an airport. The community of the future without such a convenience will be side Atracked.--Brantford Expositor.

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