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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 May 1929, p. 2

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FIRST LOCAL GAME IN SOCCER LEAGUE SATURDAY, JUNE | Schedule Drawn Up At Meeting of Executive in : Brooklin (By Staff Repoter) Whitby, May 16.--The schedule games for the South Ontario Foot- ball 'Association was drawn up at a meeting held in Brooklin Tues- day night, Chief H. Gunson. sec- retary-treasurer of the local club and J. Scott, manager, attended the meeting as Whitby's represen- tatives. The team's first game takes place at the park on Satur- day, June 1, when the locals meet Goodwood. The first game at tne hospital will be played on June 5. between the town team and the hospital club, Fach team in the league plays 12 games with 2 yes. The schedule is as follows, All games are played on the grounds of the first named club: June 1--Claremont vs. Cherry- wood; Whitby vs. Goodwood; Brooklin vs, Green River. Whit- by Hospital bye June 8--Green River vs, Clare- mont; Whitby Hospital vs. Whit- by Town; Goodwood vs. Brooklin; Cherrywood, bye. June 11--Whitby vs. Green Riv- FOR THE 24TH Scotland Woollen Mills I S. Rotish, Mgr., 11 Simcoe 8. || ASSISTANT ASSESSOR Applications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned up until five o'clock p.n, Wed- nesday, May 22nd, for the position of Assistant Asses- sor for the City of Oshawa. State qualificaitons and age. ¥F. E. HARE, Clerk. Children's Reefers An sizes, to clear Each .... $2.49 Dominion Clothing Store 68 King St. W. Phone 214» Whitby Marks 75th Birthday Of Incorporation This Year ¥ Whitby, May 16. -- Whitby is now in its 75th year as an incor- porated town and judging from present indications the event will pass without a celebration of any kind to. mark he ran of the thréd-quarter century. post of On- tafio County's capital and the old- est'incorporated town in the coun- ty, Oshawa was incorporates ss a village in 1854 while Whitby was ingorporated as a town in Deéem- bér of that year by special act of the Legislative Assembly of Up- per Canada and ratified by the representative fo Her Majesty Queen Victoria, x 'It would seem but fitting if an old home 'week or 'old 'boys' reun- | ion were held this summer jf or- der to mark the 75th birthday of (By Staff Reporter) th sommunity. Whitby's sons and daughters are scattered in ev- ery province of the Dominion and almost in every state in the Union while some have even achieved fame in Great Britain and Ireland, the lands from which their fore- fathers sprung. Others are mak- ing their homes in more distant countries. No doubt if anouncement were made that the old town was pre- paring to celebrate the 75th an- niversary of its incorporation thou- sands would return to the scene of their childhood while others, unable to attend, would at least send their wishes of goodwill. It is possibly too late for action to be taken this year, but it is not too early t oprepare for next year. 'June' 12--Cherywood vs. Brook- lin; Goodwood vs. Whitby Hospi- tal; Claremont, bye. Bh June. 22,~Cherrywood vs, Whit- by Town; Claremont vs. Good- wood; Brooklin vs. Whitby hospi- tal. Green River, bye. June 26,--Whitby Hospital vs. Claremont. June 29.--Whitby vs, Brooklin; Green River vs, Cherrywood, Good- wood, bye. July 3. -- Whitby Hospitar ve. Cherrywood. July 6.--Claremont vs. Whitby town; Green River, vs. Gooa- wood; Brooklin, bye. ' July 13. -- Green River vs. Whitby Hospital Brooklin wu. Claremont; Goodwood vs. Cherry- wood; Whitby town, bye. July 20.--Cherrywood vs. Clare- mint; Goodwood vs. Whitby Town, Green River vs. Brooklin; Whitby Hospital, bye. July 23.--Whitb Town vs, Whit- by Hospital; Claremont vs. Green River; Brooklin vs.. Goodwood. Cherrywood bye. Aug. 3. -- Broklin vs, Cherry- wood; Whitby Hospital vs. Good- wood; Green River vs. Whitby town; Claremont, bye. Aug. 7.--Whitby Hospital Brooklin. Aug. 10.--Goodwood vs. Clare- mont; Whitby town vs, Cherry- wood; Green River, bye, Aug. 17.--Claremont vs, Whit- by Hospital; Brooklin vs. Whitby Town; Cherrywood vs. Green Riv- er. Goodwood, bye. Aug. 24,--Cherrywood vs, Whit- by Hosptl,; Whitby town vs. Clare- mont; Goodwood vs. Green Rver; Brooklin, bye. Aug. 28. -- Whitby Hospital vs. Green River; Claremont vs. Brook- EAT-- » A | CREAM of BARLEY i And Be Sure of Good Health V8. | County Manager Wanted By Canadian Life Assurance Company. Experi- ence is mot essential, but the man we want must already be successful in his own line of business and ambitious for increased opportun- ity and carnings. We are prepared to offer training and financial assistance. Correspond- cence Confidential, Apply Box 79. GREAT SINGING McMaster Evangelistic Trio INTENSIVE CAMPAIGN First Baptist Church . FRIDAY, 17th, 7.45 p.m. to Friday, 24th EVERYBODY COME--COME EARLY GREAT PREACHING Po 1¥ ZO=HZmun) co ) BASEBALL &| | LACROSSE | CLUBS | Order Your Club Sweaters SIBERRY'S better values on all sweaters, caps, etc. Your choice of 'colors with your club's crest, name or init- ials. guarantee " money. club i Get our prices we to. save you Siberry's Men's Wear 27 King Street East | 'in Goodwood while they play in lin; Cherrywood Goodwood. Whitby Town, bye. [5 UNHURT WHEN ~ AUTO OVERTURNS Hugh Schultz of Toledo, Ohio, Escapes in Acci- dent Near Whitby (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, May 16.--A sedan cur driven by Hugh Schultz of Tole- do, Ohio, upset on the highway last' night one mile east of Pick- ering after it had careened into the ditch and then swerved sharp- iy on to the pavement again. Schultz was travelling west to- wards Toronto and apparently lost control of his car when it ran ino the ditch. In an effort to regain the road he made too sharp a turn and the machine turned over on its side. Schultz was unhurt, The accident was investigated by Highway Traffic Officer Hilliard. Warm Weather Brings Forth Trees' Foliage V8. (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, May 16. -- The warm weather of the past few days has done much to bring out the leaves and nearly all trees have burst forth in leafage. The town may well boast of hundreds of beauti- ful trees including graceful maples and stately elms. Practically ev- ery street is lined with trees. reall enhancing the desirability of the community from a resi- dential standpoint. EXHIBITION SOCCER, BROOKLIN, MAY 24 (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, May 16. -- The town football team will play Brooklin in exhibition game at the annual Spring fair being held at Brooklin on the 24th of May. A prize with $10 is being donated to the winning team, JOIN IN CELE- BRATION OF OSHAWA LODGE ANNIVERSARY (By Staff Repoiter) Whitby, May 16. -- Members or Vimy Ridge, L.O.B.A. Lodge jour- neyed to Oshawa last night where they joined with members of ueen Mary L.O.B.A. Lodge in celebrating the 17th anniversary of the Oshawa Lodge. The event was held in Rotary ' Hall. Centre street south. MINSTRELS VISIT PICKERING (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, May 16.--The Whitby Minstrels visited Pickering last night and were received by a large audience. Tomorrow night the Minstrels fulfil an engagement Orono on Monday night. On Tuesday and Wednesday nights they appear in Rotary hall, Osha- wa, CAR ACCIDENT + SMASHES FENCE (By Staff Reporter) 'Whitby, May 16 --A picket fence in front of the property of W. B. Pringle, Dundas street east, was smashed yesterday afternoon when a QOadillac car swerved suddenly from the highway and crashed afhinst it. The heavy machine was also damaged and had to be remov- ed to Foley's garage for repairs. The accident has not been reported to the local police and the name of the owner of the car has not yet been ascertained. You Can Lose That Indigestion PINK CAPSULES FOR INDIGESTION will restore your old pep and vigor. They are sold under a rigid guarantee, meaning no more indigestion, no more gas-- no more heartburn. Get a box now from Karn's or any good druggist. Bowmanville, May 16.--Things have happened in '*' "Vivre _, Bowmanville during the last .ew years which have never happened anywhere before, says J. Lake Mor- den, referring to the mating of dif- ferent varieties of geese and ducks at the Cream of Barley Camp. Last year a blue goose flew into the Cream of Barley stream, looked around, liked it and so decided to stay, After making itself quite at home it chose for a rhate an African Gander which is quite unusual and which was not believed by certain naturalists who visited the place until after they had seen them to- gether. At present the blue goose is setting while Mr. African Gander stands on guard and woe betide anyone who dares to approach their happy nest, Three years ago 8 Snow goose which is a rare species of the geese family came to the mill, It also made a home for itself there. Af- News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of The Times. Telephones--Office, 587; REPRESENTATIVE--RICHARD COWAN ange Things Happening Among the Birds Residing At Cream of Barley Camp (By Staff Reporter) ter lobking around it chose as its mate just a common old grey goose, They have been mated ever since and she is also setting now while he stands on guard, Another mating of unusual in- terest is that of a mallard duck mated with a wood duck. Strange as the mating may seem it is not hard to see why the wood duck is mated thus. The wood duck and the white call duck are the two rarest specles of ducks in the world, It thus appears that not being able to get a mate of its own species it then took the Mallard duck who was not at all disagreeable but is most likely proud of having such a8 rare mate, Around the Cream of Barley Camp at any time of the day may be seen many varieties of the goose and duck family, A few of these are the Mallard ducks, and black ducks, African swans and Chinese swans and the common old grey 80080.6 DAIRYMEN HERE MAY TRY METHOD USED IN DETROIT Recommended to Try Vic- trola or Radio for Bigger Milk Production (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, May 16.--Dairy men in the vicinity of Bowmanville who are always trying to get their cows to produce more milk will be interested in the new scheme that the Detroit Creamery Co., one of the largest dairy concerns in the state of Michigan is trying. Work- ing on the tip that cows have a fine ear for music, the company placed an order for an entire bat- tery of loud speakers to be install- ed in their barns at Mount Clem- ents, The first of the new horns was placed in position yesterday and the music was turned on just at milking time. The first notes that came were from the "Pile grims' Chorus," The hundred or more bovines in the barn turned their heads towards the sound box in a single movement. When the music was turned off the cows which a moment before had been standing quietly' chewing their cuds, began to exhibit restlessness, tossed their horns and switchea their heads. Another tune followed, "Love's Old Sweet Song." Immediately the cows settled down and became mo- tionless. The herdsman in charge of the farm says he expects to find out within a few days just what sort of music the cows prefer and he will try to give them only that sort. "We don't know yet what effect it will have on the quantity of milk produced, but we do know that the cows like the music and are vastly more contented when the radio is turned on," the chief herdsman gaid. This should prove of local inter- est as most dairy men in the vicin- ity of Bowmanville are for more produce, Try your victrola and see how it works if you baven't got a radio. Bowmanville datry men will be watching with interest to see how the Detroit firm makes out. MRS. CRYDERMAN CALLED BY DEATH Bowmanville, May 15. -- The death occurred this morning vot Mrs. J. H. Cryderman, after a lin- gering illness of some months, Mrs Cryderman was born in the city of Hamilton but moved to Bowman- ville after her marriage and has re- sided here ever since She was a devoted member of St. John's Ang- lican Church, taking a very active part in the women's organizations until a few years ago. She was well known in the district and was be- loved by those who knew her well, She leaves to mourn her loss, besides her sorrowing husband, two sons, Lawry and Fred, both of Bow= manville, one sister, Mrs. Wm. Mc- Lelland of Hamilton, and one bro- ther, Mr. H. J. Lawry of Hamilton, The funeral will take place Fri- day, May 17, at 2.30 p.m. from St. John's Church. Rev, Shires will officiate. Live Racoons Are Captured at Cream of Barley (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, May 15--An unus- ually interesting incident took place yesterday near the Cream of Barley Mill, when employees of J. L. Morden succeeded in capturing two live racoons. Frank Horne set out in the morning to kill some crows that had been around the place. He had crossed the stream by the mill and was looking through the pine trees when he no- ticed something moving in the foli- age. On closer examination he found it to be a coon. 'He imme- diately notified his employer who along with Alf. Shrubb took' the coon tongs and net and set out to capture it. On their arrival at the pine tree, much to their surprise they found two coons instead of one. Shrubb immediately climbed the tree and tried to place the tongs around one of the coon's neck. After several attempts ne succeeded in doing so. The other coon, however, had made his es- cape from that tree and was mak- ing good his escape when he was treed by one of the dogs. 'This coon could not be caught with the tongs. Shrubb therefore attempt- ed to shake it off the limb on STARTS ON JOURNEY ACROSS OCEAN THE The giant German dirigible, oted by Dr. Hugo Eckener, left its its second flight across the Atlantic GRAF ZEPPELIN AND ITS COMMANDER pil- | home base at dawn this morning on| with passengers and cargo, * which it was perched. J. L. Mor- den and Frank Horne held a net under the limb and when it was finally dislodged it fell into the net to become entangled in the meshes, The coons are now on display with the other five at the Cream of Bar- ley Camp. These have added great- ly to Mr. Morden's collection of an- imals. WHITBY MINSTRELS DRAW LARGE CROWD Appear in Pickering Town Hall Last Evening, Pro- ceeds Being $97 Pickering, May 16.--A capacity house greeted the Whitby Min- strels upon their appearance in tne town hall here last evening. The colored men surpassed themselves on entertainment, their songs and' jokes being well received while the vocal numbers showed quality and training. The play "The Scheme That Failed," which comprised the sec- ond part of the program was a light sketch, with many laughable situations, It was exceptionally well presented and the minstrel orchestra entertained during in- termission. A. W, Lynde conduct- ed the minstrels while the play was under the direction of Mrs. F. G. Erskine. : The entertainment was given un- der the auspices of the Unitea Church Yeung People's Societies the proceeds of the evening amounting to $97. SPECIAL PROGRAM RT. OFT, MEETING Visitors From Toronto and Oshawa Address the Council cers representing Oshawa Council, No. 58 Royal Templars of Temper- ance were visitors at the Excelsior Lodge of Bowmanville, last "even- ing. The meeting was full of in- terest and included a program, of reading and recitations by various Toronto and Bowmanville artists. Among the many fine speakers: of the evening were Brother Tom Robertson, General Manager for Canada of the Royal Templars of... Temperance, Brother John Buch-7 anan, Past Dominion Counciller, s and Robert E_ Britnel, Grand. Councillor for Ontario, all of Tors. onto. Mrs. Robertson and. Mrs. , Britnel spoke on elocutionary con-y tests, ; At the close of the meeting, re-,, freshments were served. A vote 07: appreciation to the Bowmanville Council was passed by the visiting. members, to which Brother Elliot," Select Councillor of Bowmanvilie © Excelsior Lodge, replied. The vis-: iting representatives from Oshawa: were, select councillor Brother W, _ ticherds, press reported Brother David Smith, chaplain sister Mrs. ; J. Comrie and secretary Sister Ida _ Comrie. : One of our clergymen has dis- 2 covered that a girl who works does not ruin her chances of get-. ting a husband, and this is particu , larly true of a girl who works fast... --New York Evening Post. Large | Package ake advantage of these DELIVERY 68c Ib. Eaionia COFFEE 10.30, 2.30, 4.30 A 2500 Sv 73 It's May-time, the beginning of the holiday season, and we are offering you a regular carnival of values to make your shopping here a pleasant, 'money-saving holiday. money-saving specials. Prices Effective May 17th to 22nd inclusive CHIPSO "Quick Suds" Gold Soap '" Washes OD 5 Compare these prices. Bars for Ser IEE ce Clothes Clean" 23¢ STORE HOURS 9 to 6 Daily Eatonia Strawberry ) Jam, 16 oz. ...... ) ) &aronia Tomato Ketch A Piquant Relish. Bottle... Paper rolls FOF......ciitimrnimiinmis White Beans Makes a substantial meal. 2 bs. for 23¢ SALMON Salm Tin For Shining Floors 25¢ . 20¢ Pennant Brand Toilet | Fancy Red Cohoe Rich red British Columbia Johnston's Liquid Wax 39c %-pt. Tin 1-vt: Tin 89¢ SPECIAL! Pork Chops 32¢ 1b. up 75¢c 18. - 4-1b. 38c¢ Salonia TEA Rhubarb Sc Home Grown Pineapples 2 for 25¢ Tec EATON'S Milk-O-Lax Known as Milk of Chateau M el 16-02. bottle. . Health Salts A Nippy Sandwich Spread. go %-1b. DEES. wren 180 Sulphur and Molasses With Cream of Tar- tar. The Spring Blood Cheese For the Stomach. Pleasant to take. tins for... Fry's Cocoa For rich Cakes, Pud- dings, Candy, or asa Ivory Soap Guest size bar 2 Bars for Sc 'urifier. 16-0z. jar........ 28¢ Marma- 19¢ Eatonia lade 16 oz. jar SPECIAL | California Seedless Raisins 2 ibs. for 19¢c SPECIAL | Standard Quality WHOLE BEETS 2 tins for 25c¢c Salonia Pickles Add zest to your meal Salonia Chocolate Bars A treat for the kiddies --for you, too! $8 bars for Weston's Creamy Sodas The fresh, crisp biscuits. | Med. Pkge. 2 for 285¢ Aylmer's Early Crosby, finest quality, 2 tins for.............. 270 &atonia Canned Peaches In heavy syrup. No. 2 tin... 23¢ The Breakfast Cereal Kiddies Like. 280 For kitchen, laundry and general Large package... PORK and BEANS ; 2 House Cleaning Aids Extra good sweepers. Each 78¢ Glllett's Lye, tin Corn Puffed Wheat 2 Pgs. fOr.......coniiinrnnin Oxydol household purposes. ves BOG SPECIAL! Heinz In Tomato Sauce small size tins = : Tins : for 19c¢ ! Salonia Brooms Ammonia Powder Aylmer Red Pitted Cherries +A delicious desert. No. 1 tall tin... 146 &a Baking Powder--~Ne Algm ing results. successful bak- 110. - 2c Wethey . 16 oz. Jar Red Currant Jelly 24c¢ varnishes. 42¢ pint ACORN brand--a value in fine quality paints and remarkable Grape 16-o0z. Jar 15¢C oun Mayfair With the flavor of luscious Grapes Marmalade 34c | -- -- a. | r= | A-- ~ TI EATON Co. 4

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