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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 May 1929, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1929 TONIGHT'S BEST FEATURES ities Service, Concert 10 NBC (WEAR --fn "Bresing fn Faris CORDS 4)" heron: Bint 820 NEC WI 2 Philco Theatre Memories 1. Wash David Lr DAY FEATURES | 10.00 pi He Network: Ida Bailley Cinci. Women's Hour. 10.15 NBC System (WEAF)--Household in- stitute, Louis Panico or- 1.20 p.m, KYW Chicago. chestra. ee icago, Musical Potpourri. iy vag vs. Brooklyn. 1.30 x System' (WJZ)--RCA. Demonstra- 45 W 2.30 NBC or 2.45 WAAQ: Chicago. Cubs vs. Cincinnati 3.30 wiz New York. Vallees orchestra to WLW, WCFL. ps IGHT'S PROGRAMS (EASTERN STANDARD TIME 4.30 NBC System: Bill and Jane to WEAF, RC. 00 KDKA (306)--Pitts. News; Book Man. 50 RBC Fim Sherry's AR a WEAF WGY (379.5)--Schenectady. Markets; fusic. NBC System: Ballew's Orchestra to WJZ. G (204)--Chicago. Uncle Bob, NBC System: Raybestos Twins to WEAF, WTAG, hh AL WTIC, WGY, WTAM, WRC, WCSH, WCAE, WJAR WGR (545)--Buffalo, Statler orchestra. 6.00 WCAE (242)--Pitts, Talk; Motor News; Uncle Gimbee. . WCFL (309)--Chicago. Musical Pro- gram (2 hours.) NBC System: Scores; tra; Trio to WEAF, C. WGR (545)--Buffalo, Musical program. WJZ (394.5) --New York. Bonnie Lad- dies to WJZ. WLS (345)--Chicago. rts, Duo, NBC System: Health Talk to i WHAM, KOA, WLW, WBZ, WBZA, WCFL, WREN, KDKA, WJR, WTM]J, KWK, KSTP. 5.30 Manger Orches- WRC, Effective April 29, 1929, (Standard Time) Going West . Daily. , Daily, . Daily except Sunday. .m, Daily, . Daily. Going East .m, Daily. .m, Daily. .m, Daily except Sunday. , Daily, 3, .m. Daily. ot All times shown above are times trains depart from Oshawa Station. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective April 28, 1929, (Standard Time) Easthoun: 2 [1 [B28 BIBIIVITRA d a.m. Daily except Sundays 58 a.m. Sunday only, 59 a.m. Daily. 17 p.m. Daily except Sunday, & .m, Daily except Sunday. x .m. Daily except Sunday, p.m. Daily. .00 p.m, Daily except Saturday, mm. Daily: .m, Daily. 'Westbound ,39 a.m. Daily. ,04 a.m. Daily, .28 a.m. Daily except Sunday. ,20 a.m. Daily. 8 9, 1 2. 5. 9 1 1 2. P P Pp. P a 1 1 1 3217 FN 6.30 WBBM (389) -- Chicago. Kassel and Hoffman Orchestras, WIP (492)--Phila, Instrumental quartet NBC System: Dixie Circus to WJZ, WBZ WBZA, WBAL, KDKA, WLW, WMC, WSB, WIR, WHAS, KYW, 7.00 WBAL '(283)--Baltimore. Esskay Hour Columbia Network: Story in a Song to ' WOR, WNAC, WFBL, KFH, WMAL, WKBW, WADC, WREC, 3 iA waa, EMOX, WTAR, WNC WMAK, KOIL, WLBW, WGY (379.5)--Schenectady, Concert or- chestra to WHAM. NBC System: Concert Orchestra; Ca- valiers to WEAF, WRC, WEEI, KYW, JGR, KSD, WTAM, WLIT, WFAA, KOA," WCAE, WTIC, WKY, WWJ, Wo WOW, WOC, KSTP, WSAI, WJZ "(394.5)--New York, Vocal; "Old Man Donaldson." WLW (428)--Cinci, Educational Series. WPG (272)--Atlantic City, High School Orchestra. 2.30 CNRW (384,4)--Winnipeg. Concert, Ft. Garry NBC System: Armstron WIZ, WHAM, WBZ, KDKA, KWK, WLS, WBZA,"WREN, WBAL, WIR, WHAS, 'WSB, WLW, WET," WS) Columbia Network: Then and Now to Quakers to waiians, 8.00 NBC System: An Evening in Paris to WEAF, WEEI, WTIC, WRC, WGY, WCSH, WTAG, WGN, WGR, WCAE, WWJ, WDAF, KSD, WSAI, WOC, WOW, WJAR, WLIT. WIP (492)--Phila. Phila, Turngemeinde Society, NBC System: Interwoven Pair to WJZ, WSB, WSM, WBT, KPRE, WLW, WMC, WREN, KSTP, KDKA, KYW, WHAS, KWK, WFAA, WSB, KMOX, WJAX, WBAL, KOA, WRVA, WBZ, WBZA, WHAM, WOAL WPG (272)--Atlantic City. Pier Dance Music. 8.30 NBC System: Schradertown Band to WEAF, WGY, WTIC, WDAF, KSD, WLS, WRC, WEEI, WJAR, WTAG, WCSH, WLIT, WCAE, WWJ, WSAI, WOC, WGR, WOW. WFLA (333)--Clearwater, Organ; gui- tar. NBC Syste; Philco Theatre Memories to WJZ, WHAM, KSTP, KWKH, KYW, WBT, WLW, WBZ, WBZA, WBAL, KDKA, WIR, WMC, WREN, WTMJ, WSB, KPRC, WOAI, WHAS, WFAA, 9.00 NBC System: Gossipers to WEAF, WGES (220)--Chicago. Varied program WCAH (209)--Columbus, Columbus hr, WDAF (492)--Kansas City, Dance mu- sic. WGR_ (545)--Buffalo. Arcadia Orches- tra; Two Bears, Columbia Network: Kodak Hour to WOR WCAU, WNAC, WEAN, WFBL, WMARK, WADC, WKRC, KMBC, WOWO, WGHP, WMAL, WIJAS, KMOX, WCCO. WPG (272)--Atlantic City. Ass'n, Banquet, 9.30 CFCA (357)--Toronto. Embassy orches. Columbia Network: Doc West to same network as "Kodak Hour," NBC System: ith the Senate to WEAF, WIAX, KVOO, WFAA, KY Bankers WIP (492)--Phila, Adelphia orchestra, WJR (400)--Detroit. Serenaders, bari. tone, NBC System: Spitalny's Music to WJZ, Whz, "WHZA, WREN ie to WI Gasinthe Stomach WLW - (428)--Cinci. Great Adventurer, 10.00 CKGW (312)--Toronto, Romanelli's of- cl h ; News, KDKA - (06)--Pitts. Slumber Music; WBAP (374.8)--Ft. Worth. Musical pro- AL (283)--Baltimiore, Wind ensem- le. NBC System: The Skellodians to WLS, KSD, WOC, WOW, WDAF, KOA, Kv0o, KSTP. WGN (416)--Chicago. Tomorrow's Trib,, sqldkettes Orchestra. N System: St. Regis Orchestra to EAF, WWJ, WSAI, WOC. NBC System: Slumber Music to WJZ, WLW, WHAS, WKY, WRC. LW (428)--Cinci. Jack and Gene, MAK (333)--Buffalo. Dance orches- tfa; News. lumbia Network: Enna Jettick pro- m, 10.10 WGR (545)--Buffalo, Statler orchestra. 10.15 WMAK (333)--Buffalo, News; Ritz or- chestra. 10.30 CFCA (357)--Toronto. Organ; Vocal. CAU (256)--Phila. Walton orchestra JR (400)--Detroit, Amos and Andy; Dance Misic, . WLW (428)--Cinci. Maytag program, WSM (461)--Nashville, Studio orches. 10.45 WDAF (492)--Kansas City. Amos and Andy. 11.00 KOA (361)--Denver. News; String Trio KSTP (205)--St. Paul, Amos 'n' Andy; Dance Music, KYW (294)--Chicago. Panico"s Orches, WBAP (374.8)--Ft. Worth, Songs; Maurice orchestra (2 hours.) WFLA (333)--Clearwater, Dance music Stylish Shoes I. COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King st. # | & oo : For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. S.~We Deliver BRITAIN'TO SEND REPRESENTATIVES) Only Way Trade Can Be Successful Says Premier Toronto, May 17. -- British 'in- dustry must send representatives to Canad and get into closer touch with Canadians if it wishes to de- velop an aetive trade with the do- minioun, Premier Ferguson asserted on Wednesday night in addressing the touring party of British ceramists at a dinner given by the clay indus- try of Ontario in the Granite club. The premier's speech was large- ly an expression of Canada's loyal- ty to the empire, hut he turned aside for a moment to offer this "word of criticism," as he termed it, of English isdustry's way of do- ing intra-mpire business. With this dinner, the touring party, which numbered about 50 members of the Ceramic Society of England, closed its one-day visit to Canada. For the past two weeks the party has been touring the United States, inspecting clay and brick works. See Things First Hand "The English," said Premier Ferguson, "have a most peculiar way of doing business with Cana- da, mainly by wireless and by mail. You members of the ceramics iu- dustry have done the proper thing in coming out here and seeing Canadians for yourselves. We are going to develop active business with the British only when he comes over here, as you have, and finds out jusa what the situation is here the kind of goods we wam and how we want them." The premier referred to the Prince of Wales as the' greatest practical psychologist he haa ever met, "Visiting this country and other countries," said the minister, he appears to be able to put his finger on the very situation that should be improved in every, case. And, moreover, when he goes back to England he never hesitates to say what he thinks will improve conditions, That is a great ser- vice and we appreciated here as well as you did in England." Hon. Charles McCrea, minister of mines, stated that the ceramic industry in Ontario was still in a crude sage of devlopment, but that in view of recent discoverim, in the James Bay region there was a possibility of a greater in- dustry being developed later. BANK SUSPECTS TO BE EXTRADITED Di Salvio and "Comsolo Not Wanted by Flagara Falls Police Toronto, May 7.--Niagara Falls, N.Y., police having intimated that they are unable to connect Joseph di alvio and Anthony Consolo, two of the men under arrest at Brockton, Mass, with any of the crimes com- mitted at the Falls the Attorney- General's Department is expected to take immediate action to have them brouhgt back to Ontario to answer the charge of holding up the Can- adian Bank of Commerce at Beamsville last month. Proceed- ings have already been instiureuw and will be pressed with vigor It was stated last week tuau these two men would be tried at Niagara Falls before the Beams- ville bank robbery charge could be pressed. . The extradition demand will be based upon .an allegd coniessru. by Harry Hiscock, former Beams- ville youth under arrest at the Falls, and a statement by a couple who auto was stolen by the bank hold-up men, The couple were also robbed near Burlington Beach. Two of the five men under ar- rest are also wanted in St. Cathar- ines in connection with the robbery of Gasbarini's store at Lake street and Russell avenue. The store was held up on two occasions sev- eral weeks ago by two men, both armed, and on the last occasion Gasbarini was shot in the leg while retreating to the rear of the store, Provincial Inspector Stringer is at work on this robbery and the Beamsville bank crime. DEFENDING MO BOY KILLED FATE Boy Fired at Father When Latter Was Assaulting Mother (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Parry Sound, Ont, May 17.--An- thony Tucker, thirteen year old Trout Creek lad who shot and killed his father must stand trial for mans- laughter, The grand jury at the In every community the power which drives the wheels of pro- gress is supplied by active indus- try. It is this industry which does the world's work, makes history and guides its destiny. In this industrial activity the part of the architect and builder stands second to none. Our aim is to serve this particu- lar division of industry, 'n our own community, better than it has ever been served before. Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 spring assizes here on Wednesday brought in a true bill against him, | T ELLA CINDERS--Thoughts At Night MARR HE WANTS ME TO GIVE UP THE STAGE AND GO WEST WITH HIM, WHERE. THE ONLY STAGES HAVE FOUR. WH EVERY GIRL LOOKS TO THE DAY ONE, THAT ONE HUSBAND, BUT USUALLY THE VE BEEN ONE ALL BY MYSELF FOR A LONG TIME AND I'M USED TO IT! cker's father is alleged to have cen in the act of assaulting his wife sn in a drunken rage when the boy fired the fatal shot. By Bill Conselman and Charlic Plumb 1 By Geo. McManus BRINGING UP FATHER-- a.m. Daily except Sunday. 82 p.m, Daily except Sunday. p.m, Jaily, 14 p.m. Sunday only. .27 p.m, Daily except Sunday, 8.42 p.m. Daily except Sunday, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after April 28, 1929.) « «3 NNano Is Dangerous Recommends Daily Use of Bisurated Magnesia to Overcome Trouble ' Caused by Acid Indigestion Gas in the stomach accompanied by a full, bloated feeling after eating are almost certain evidence of the presence of excessive hydro- THIS ID A FINE STATE OF AFFAIRS: MAGGIES COMIN' HOME TO MORROW AN HERE'S AN IMITATION OF HER FINE NECK LACE AMBULANCE WELL-ALL 1 KIN DO 'S TO PUT IT IN HER JEWEL CADE AN' WAIT UNTIL SHE FINDS IT OUT AN' THEN BE RRADY TO TATE A RIDE In AS MRD -NGGD 1S COMING HOME TO-MORROW | <3 THOUGHT YT WIA] iy, NECK LACE TWO OF BEM ONE OF EM MUST BE REAL THERES NOT ENOUGH DETECTWWES IN, THE WORLD * eb) i chloric acid in the stomach, creating so-called y § "acid indigestion." Acid stomachs are dangerous because too much acid irritates the delicate lining of the stomach, often leading to gastritis accom- panied by serious stomach ulcers, Food fer- ments and sours, creating the distressing gas which distends the stomach and hamp- ers thé normal functions of the vital in. ternal organs, often affecting the heart. It is the worst of folly to neglect such a serious condition or to treat with ordin- ary digestive aids which have no neutralizing effect on the stomach -acids. Instead get from any druggist a few ounces of Bisurated Magnesia and take a teaspoonful or four tablets in a quarter glass of water right after eating. This will drive the gas, wind and bloat right out of the body, sweeten the t stomach, neutralize the excess acid and pre- Arrive Arrive | vent its formation and there is no sourness Oshawa Bowmanville | or. pain. Bisurated Magnesia (in poyder or 6.50 a.m, 7.20 a.m. | tablet form--never in liquid or milk) is harm- 7.50 'a.m, less to the stomach, inexpensive to take and 8.50 a.m, the best form of magnesia for stomach pur- 20 a.m, poses. It is used by thousands of people who enjoy their meals with no more fear of indigestion, (Daylight Saving Time) 'v Hospital 10.50 a.m, 12.45 p.m. AWN BLaRL=S385R84E 4.55 p.m, 6.45 p.m. . Sen PPEPRTTOepES 38pE3B83a3a: bt) EEE 10.55 p.m. =oOWN * BF ESomomac £ @ 838k bot od SHY Fd £8 BUT TUTRPOEe Baga td I= & Semana is gd @ » LENE LN=Sm Sa 28 « 1.00 p.m, MILKY JUICE A REFRESHING DRINK. THE CABBAGE - LIKE BUD AT THE TOP OF THE TREE IS BOILED AND EATEN. PALM WINE IS MADE FROM THE SAP. 4.35 p.m, WELL, LEARNED ff soo 1! SOMETHING ABOUT J THAT LITTLE HUTS, TODAY. t HUT ACROSS i THE STREET HAS ADENOIDS. | COPRA 15 THE DRIED HUT MEAT OF THE COCONUT 4 6.50 p.m, EEE EES NAAN S unas WHAT 1S COPRA, DADDY © ) 8 5538388388 B23 Sn ---s 83 b=} a8 .- UPTOYPPY S in ed I = 11.00 p.m. 11,10 .30 p. Time marked through 'Whitby Hospital, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa Whitby : 9.30 a. 9.45 a.m, 12,15 p.m. 2.30 p.m, 4.30 p.m. 6.30 p.m, 8.30 p.m. 10.45 p.m. are g B23p3s3 busscs FOR THE OIL IT YEILDS WHICH IS USED IN MAXIG SOAP AMD CAMDLES Arrive Hospital 0.00 a.m. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Your Eyes and Health Eye Care and Eye Strain Disney Block > 1516--Phone--1516 Going Eas Leave 'Whithy 10.15 a.m, 12.45 p.m, 2.45 p.m. 4.45 p.m. 6.45 p.m, 6 JHE LEAVES ARE USED IN MAKING BASKETS AMD FANS AND TO THATCH COTTAGES. THE HUSK YIELDS THE COIR FIBER FROM YIHICH ARE MADE MATS, ROPES AND BRUSHES. THE HOOD FROM THE LOWER PART OF THE TREE 15 USED FOR BOATS AND HOUSES, © 1929, King Features Syndicate, Inc., Great Brita aghts aerved WHERE IN TROPICAL COUNTRIES, PRINCIPALLY NEAR THE SEASHORE .MO TREE KNOWN TO MAH HAS A HIGHER COMMERCIAL VALUE THAN THE COCONUT, THE FRESH MEAT OF THE NUTS FURNISHES ANGURISHING FOOD AND THE .00 p.m, 9.30 p. 11.30 p.m, mM. through busses to W. A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 231, Simcoe St North Hundreds of gvople wear utmost comfort .m. are 1. A. GARTON, Proprietor Bowmanville--Phone 412 or 346 Phone Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince St.-- with h Hare's Faultless Lenses LISTEN, MAC, OLD PAL - LOAN ME FIFTY CENTS, WILLYA 7 | WANTA BLY TILLE ANOTHER WELL, IT MEANS A WHOLE LOY TO ME -\ SAW HER PRETTY LIPS TOUCH (T- I'M GONNA KEEP IT IN THIS BOOK HERE WGAEE, THERE'S THAT ROSE \ GAVE TILLIE YESTERDAY | GUESS SHE COULDN'T HAVE CARED A WHOLE LOT FOR ME OR SHE'D HAVE TAKEN (YT : HOME WITH HERS ZZ] = === F === = =~ \} A liniment possessing exceptional healing and soothing properties. for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises, colds, coughs, bronchial afflictions, sprains, strains and all the common ailments of man and beast. Be prepared for emergencies--buy a bottle of this old reliable household remedy to-day. Manufactured by NORTHROP & LYMAN CO. LIMITED « TORONTO, CANADA

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