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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 May 1929, p. 12

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-- ONTARIO it ' r Trips 3 Rockpor I | creamery U making regular trips rough here, twice a week. el Rate Fixed "% Cobourg.--The rate of taxation 4th Cobourg for 1929 has been fixed at "48.6 mills, nearly two mills Higher than 1928 rate. % Napanee Boy Killed # Napanee.--Jack Irvine, aged 14, 4vas killed almost instantly last "might when he rode 'his bicycle in "front of an automobile. i _ 'Bad For Farmers % Seeley's Bay.--The continued dvet-weather is a decided detriment to the farnfers as they are unable fo gat the soil in shape for seeu- ipe. = First D, C. M. > Stirling.--The first Stirling sol- dier to win the D.C.M. in the Great ar, ex-Sergeant John McQuade, of the Royal Engineers, has died dt his home in The Raploch. 2 Warns Council Lindsay.--Owing to the serious financial conditions with which this fown is confronted, H, J. Lytle, town auditor, has issued a note of jrarning to the council relative to civic expenditures. . Service Satisfactory * Wooler.--At the meeting of the Murray Council, held recently, it was decided that the present tele- phone service was satisfactory and it would not recommend any fur- ther by-law permitting any other system. entering into the township. Pl NEWS Was at Hospital Kingston.--Miss _ Ruth Nash, daughter of Dr, C. C. Nash, was en- gaged just a year ago in nursing at the Cleveland Clinic Hospital 'where the explosion took place. Miss Nash is at present engaged at Christie Street Hospital, Torouty. ded for Iuspecti Picton --The inspection of Pic- ton Collegiate Cadets was held on Monday morning at the Collegiate campus, the inspecting officer of military district No. 3, Capt. W. Isbeter, being accompanied by Ma- jor Hill from Military Headquar- ters. : Telephone Accounts Mailed Colborne.--Local telephone sub-: scribers are receiving the special accounts which introduce the Bell Telephone Company's new billing system. These special accounts cov- er the transaction period between the old and the new systems, Standing By Lindsay.--While grain conges- tion of a serious yature is reported from Buffalo and Port Colborne ports, C.N.R. employees in Lindsay are standing by waiting for the grain movement over this division to the east, whenever that takes place. Board's Recommenlation Kingston.--The Board of Works will recommend the City Council to construct a permanent hreakwa- ter on King street west. The esi- mated cost of the outlay is approxi- mately $30,000 and the Board will ask that a bond issue be raiseu to cover the cost. WANTED FOR THE OSHAWA PUBLIC §CHOOLS (1) A Physical Director to take full charge of Physical Training in the Oshawa IPublic Schools. Applicants must be fully qualified in every particular, (2) A Musical Director to take full charge of the teaching of music, especially singing, for the Oshawa Public Schools. Apply, stating qualifications to J. A. McGIBBON Secretary, Oshawa, Board of Education, Oshawa, Ont. = i R-- g 0 on Ordered $ Brockville. -- Peter: Yates, who pleaded guilty to the theft of an automobile at Prescott, was taken yesterday from the jail by Deporta-; tion" Offficer' Roberts, Montreal, to that city, and will be deported:to England. : w Swimming Classes at "Y"' Kingston.--It is. confidently ex- pected that swimming classes at the local Y. M. C. A, will commence early next week. A schedule has been drawn up, but the days for the various classes may yet huve to be changed, and for this reasou it has not been made public. In Charge of Pavilion Kingston.--Mr. Roy Dougall, custodian of the Richardson Bath- ing Pavilion, ' took charge of the building on Wednesday, and on Thursday was putting things.in shape for the season. It is not likely * that .there will be much swimming locally before the first of June. : Jil Pastor Accepts Invitation Brockville.--Rev. G. F. Lalond, Alcove, Wakefield, Que, has ac- cepted the invitation to become pastor of the North Augusta Unit- ed Church, subject to action of the Settlement Committee, the trans- fer to take place at the end of tne .conference year. Animals Arrive Kingston.--A number of superb thoroughbred animals arrived in the city this morning from How- ick, Quebec, consigned to W. H. Co- verdale at Lemoine's Point Farm, and attracted a great deal of atten- tion as they. were led through the city's streets on the way to their future home. Assistance Given Sharbot Lake.--On Friday even- ing last a large number of the resi- dents of 'Sharbot Lake went in a body to the new home of Mr. W. H. Mallett and gave a shower of useful articles to replace some which bad been , destroyed when Mr. MalV\ott's house was burned down about two weeks ago. Tied Up Ttrafiic Belleville.--A freight extra trav elling the south line caused a dis- ruption in the passenger service on that line, when a, slight derailment took place near Mohawk Camp near Deseronto, Monday night. An end was pulled out of one of the freight cars which caused three cars to leave the track but not the road- bed. TD TF \ke Guessing CONTEST The total Weight of Cake as Registered with the Mayor of Oshawa was 311bs 12 oz Announcing .. The North' End Clothes Hospital W. H. DOUBT Tailor Formerly of Port Perry_late of Tor- onto Agent for the famous "Top Notch: Clothing See our prices be. fore buying. A thor. ough service rend. ered in cleaning, pressing, and remodelling An 74 Simcoe St. North Apartment 3, Over Rex Harpe. Phone 2340M He -=",. Le pt LL M;ébeo.o Bo Chamber of Commerce Kingston--The Kingston Cham- ber of Commerce has been request- ed by the local committee of the United Church, to arrange to take the British Empire pilgrims for a motor drive around the principal points of interest in the ctiy and the surrounding district on the morning of their visit here on June 12th, Dies of Injuries Kemptville --Harry Gallagher, 26-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. David Gallagher of Winchester Springs, died at a Smith's Falls hospital Thursday atternoon fol- lowing injuries received when the coupe which he was driving was struck broadside by the fast Cana- dian Pacific Montreal-Chicago pas- enger train. Breakwater Favored Kingston.--The Board of Works wil lIrecommend that the City Coun- ¢il construct a permanent break- water on King street west. The estimated cost is $30,000. The breakwater question has been dis- cussed on. many occasions, but the recent heavy gales, which caused gerious damage along the water- front, brought the matter to a head, Golden Wedding Kemptville.--Mr. and Mrs. John Blaine received at their homes yes- terday many friends, who assembl- ed to congratulate them upon the attainment of their fiftieh wedding anniversary, and were overjoyed al- go to have an opportunity to hold a family reunion, with one excep- tion--Samuel, a son living in Reno, Nevada, being unable to return. Degree Team Entertained Prescott.--Zeta Lodge No. 1.0.0.F., Morrisburg, last night entertained their degree team in appreciation of their winning the Casselman shield in the recent de- gree competition of lodges in the district. Brother G. .R Dupreau presided, tlidre being about 125 members present. 311, Smiths Falls to Vote Smiths Falls, -- At a special meeting of the town council of Smith's Falls final arrangements were made for the passing: of two bylaws for taking the vote on the questions of daylight saving and the purchasing of a site and ercct- ing and equipping a new eight- roomed public school at a cost of $70,000. Judgment Accident Claim Brockville--In the action of Mal- colm Pollard, Toronto, against J. B. Elliott, Lansdowne, for damag- es arising out of an automobile col- ligion in the Township of Lans- downe, and which was tried by His altering |¢ Produce Prices in the =» 'Commercial Markets TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: x toba Whea No. 2 Northern, $1.13 3-4. No," 3 Northern, $1.10 1.4. No. 4 wheat, $1.04 1.4, No, 5 wheat, - No. 5 3-4. Feed wheat, 73 1-4. (cif. Goderich and Bay ports. Price on track, 1c higher than above.) TORONTO FARMERS MARKET The following are quotdtions in efiect ou St. Lawrence market, Toronto: $s, extras, dozen oe ton Bes, y seesine Butter, airy, per pound i ,, creamery, per pound .... Fruits and Vegetables Asparagus, bunch . Carrotts, 11-Gt. Dasket «.ssssses Do,, 6-qt. basket ... Beets, 11-gt. basket vor Onions, dry, 11-gt. basket Do., 6-qt. basket . cccoocoocooce coco ZRINEVTEEVSE EEuS Potatoes, Varser, » arsley, per Cress, three for .. Celery, per bundle . Oranges, per dozen Grapefruit, three for Lemons, per dozen Bananas, per dozen . Sweet potatoes, 6 gt. Cranberries, 6 qt. . Apples, 11-qt, basket Rhubarb, three bunches New potatoes, peck Green beans. 6 qt. . Green peas, 6 at. . 'Tomatoes. pound Maple syrup qt. Maple sugar, 1 1b, awberries, pt. atercress, 3 bunches TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS Toronto wholesale dealers are paying the following prices: (Buying) Egsg, ungraded, cases returned--Iresh ex- tras, 27 to 28c: fresh firsts, 25 to 26¢c; eur onds,, 22c to 23c. Jutter--Creamery, 1, 36 1-2-36 3-4c; No, 2, 351-2.35 J Churning cream: Special, 3%; ! No. 2, 35c f.0.b. shipping point. Cheese--No, 1 large, colored, parafiined and government graded, 17 3-4 to 18 1-2c. Poultry Alive Roosters 18 Hens, over 5 lbs. ane 27 Do., % Do., 3 Do., 'under 3 Ducklings, over 4 lbs. Old ducks, over 4 lbs, Guinea fowl, per pair Staggy chickens classed as old roosters, solids, pasteurized, No. > 2.33 3.4 $35 Lots in Dearborn Park sub-division for sale, Just west of Simcoe St. N. An oppor- tunity to get a grand site at low ost. J. H. R. LUKE King St. E. Phones 871 or 687w Children's Reefers An sizes, to clear Each $2.49 Dominion Clothing Store 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 30 ! last year, 70,406. TORONTO ROVISION PRICES : [are quoting the to. and up, $18; lightw $11.50; heavyweigh Is, Lard--Pure, tierces, 16 1-4¢; tubs, 16 to 16 1-2c; pails, 16 3-4c; prints, 18 1-2 to 19. Shortening, tierces, 13 1-2. to-14 1-2c; tubs, 14¢; pais, 14 "1:2c; tins, 16 1-2c; prints, 15 1:2. ne " Pork loins, 33c; New York shoulders, 23 1-%; pork butts, 27 1-2c} pork hams, 28c. r-- NEW YORK PRODUCE New York, May 17.--Butter, steady receipts 13,336. Cheese steady', receipts 115,349. Eggs, steady; receipts, 30,232, All grades unchanged CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, May 17 Novemper refrigerator egg futures cli 'another 1-8c on the Chi- cago Mercantile Exchange today for a new season peak at 36¢c ut realizing sales brought the close to the previous settlement. Other egg deliveries declined 1-8c though re- ceipts were moderate and the spot marksg firm, Fear of too big an advance at this season and the large measure of short cov- ering y day bably inf d ihe weakening. Butter was up in the June de- livery and unchanged in December's, Open commitments: May eggs, 66. June eggs, 27; November eggs, old, 199; Novem- berseggs, new, 1,069; June butter, 26; De- cember butter, 332, Chicago spot market--Butter, extras, 41 3-4¢; standards, 41 3-4c; tone firm, Lggs, firsts, 30 to 30 1-4c; tone firm, Two market receipts--Butter, today, 25,« 326; last year, 22,736, Egsg, today, 54,253; extras, 1-4 to market-- Butter, | New York spot Eggs, firsts, 31 43c; tone steady. 31 3-4c; tone firm, Street stocks--Butter, today, 85,736; last Jsar, id Eggs, today, 126,221; last year, 31,223, Movement at 10 markets--Butter net in, 503,001; last year, net im; 901,824, Eggs, net in, 53,872; last year, met in, 81,130. EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK Fast Buffalo, May 17.--Receipts of hogs, 1,800; holdovers, 1,400; market slow, steady, with yesterday's average top, $11.40; most desirable, 160 to 220 Ib, averages, $11.25 to $11.35; weightier butchers, mostly $II to $11.25; light weights and pigs, mainly $11 to $11.25; packing sows, $9.25 to $9.75. Receipts of cattle, 250; steers and yearlings slow, small lots of mixed yearlings, steady, $12.35; cows and bulls, steady; most slaugh- ter cows $8.25 to $9.50; cull grades, $5.75 to $8, medium bulls, $9.50 down, Receipts of calves, 1,100; market 50 cents lower; bulk, including top good and choice kinds, $15 to $15.50 ;cull and common, $8.50 to $12.50. Receipts of sheep, 2,600; fat lambs, 75 cents lower; bulk better grades, $-4 to $14.25; few fat ewes around $7. ii ye TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Local wholesale hay and straw dealers are making the following quotations to farmers (delivered at Toronto): No. | timothy, loose, per ton $19.00 to $20.00 No. | timothy, baled Nominal No. 2, do., do. « 14.50 15.60 grades Nominal 10.00 Lower 9.50 Wheat straw Oat straw .... Report of Synod Havelock.--At the regular meet- ing of Knox Christian Endeayor Society, held on Monday evening in the schoolroom of the Knox Pres- byterian Church, a report of the Synod meeting held in Toronto last vear was given. The president, H. F. McNichol, presided. It was de- cided to hold a strawberry festival on the manse lawn on June zu. Inspectors Busy Colborne.--The corn-borer I#- spectors are already on the war path in the lake-front districts, JURY & LOVELL Saturday Candy Special 48c per 1b. ASSORTED HAND ROLL AND HARD CENTRE CHOCOLATES BRAZIL ROCK TAFFY ............49¢ SEE OUR WINDOWS JURY & LOVELL 10 KING ST. E. PHONE 2223 . For Your Ice Cream and Candy HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY . Summer is almost here, or according to the date it should be, and also the time to think of filling that: coal bin for Old Man Winter, who never forgets, but: always comes. Call and Let Us Tell You About Our Jeddo Coal Solvay Coke Cannel and Pocahontas And All Other Fuels That Are Carried to Serve the People of Oshawa Call today and experience the service and satisfaction this company gives to every customer. Dixon Coal Co. Phone 262 ser FOUR DIRECT LINES | preparatory to checking up on the lages. til May Belleville.--A large the practicing physicians of Hasc- ings and Prince Edward Counties attended a meeting of the Medica: Society cornfields in the rural districts and the garden plots in towns and vil- Although growers have un- 20 to clean 'up the old stocks and stubble the inspectors are issuing instructions so that no one may fail, through ignorance, to comply with the law. Medical Officers for that district in number of tue Quinte Hotel. Election of officers' for the ensuing year took place as follows: President, Dr. Locke, Tweed: vice-president, Dr. Light hall, Picton; secretary-treasurer, Dr, H. Welsh, Roslin. ALL WOMEN ARE Wife (with newspaper): This er. ticle says that a person speaks on an average about twelve thousand words a day. Husband: I've always said you were aboye the average, dear.--Tit Bits, your roof! AEE nearby-a strong wind driv- ing the flames to renewed fury -- suddenly, a blazing brand hurled on How many families have This security is vital to your peace of mind--yet you getit at litle entra - cost when you select Brantford. Asphalt Slates. You also get permane' 3rd Prize Merchandise to Value of $5.00 Awarded to MRS. WINSTANLEY 151 ELLIOTT AVENUE with 31 pounds. 2nd Prize 'Merchandise to Value of $10.00 qwarded to MRS JAS WOOLLEY R. R. I, North Oshawa with 31 pounds 8 oz. These were the 3 nearest coupons sent in, SPECIAL SHOWING on MONDAY NEXT An Entire New Stock of Smart Merchandise for the 24th Including. The New Sleeveless Frocks, Velvet and Silk Ensembles, fancy pique ensembles, silk and constrasting color ensembles, 1st Prize Merchandise to value of $15.00 was awarded to MRS. MABEL OWEN 11%; SIMCOE ST. S. Whose coupon registered 31 pounds 9 ounces. ence, rich and varied colour harmonies ' and freedom from roofing trouble. Bonor Judge Reynolds in a special ¢itting of the county court held here two weeks ago, His Honor has given judgment for the plain- tiff for the sum of $310 and costs. More Dog Cases Kingston.--As the result of pro- ceedings taken by Inspector Ward, twelve more dog owners took out the necessary licenses. They were summoned before Magistrate Far- rell for neglecting to have their dogs registered and pleaded guilty, whereupon the court imposed a fine of $1 on each of the offenders and at the same time ordered the dog owners to take out -the necessary license. been made homeless through this vicious combination! How many lost their clothes, their furnishings--even their lives! BLE To remove this hazard once and for 'all, progressive home owners are no\ insisting on fire-safe roofs. That | why so many use Brantford Asphalt Slates ---because sparks and embers cannot ignite them. Flaming brands die out harmlessly on their slate: coated surface. i insurance on buildings roofed with: Brantford Asphalt Slates is itself a) convincing reason for using these handsome, heavy shingles. Inspect: a; ' Smart N. 8 NEW SPORT SUITS : A wonderful array of all Accessories. LEATHER BAGS, BELTS, NECKWEAR, HOSIERY AND LINGERIE In fact we can fit you out complete with the latest creations from every department. A VISIT WILL SURPRISE YOU i QUALITY ; | Brantford Roofing Phone 3060 | Branch Offions apd Wasshouses at Torents, Windsor, Winnipeg Mostesel, Halifax and Seine Jobs, M5. MALLETT, BROS. . Eo Sale by W. J. TRICK CO., LIMITED. THIET

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