IME USTIAWA VAILT LIVES, SAIURUVAL, MATL 10, 1929 "Get the Habit" Come to Sunda Worship King Street Uiiited Church REV. CHAS. 8 CRAGG, M.A, DD, MINISTER Sunday May 19th, 1929 Address: 180 King'E. 11 AM.--SPECIAL SERVICES «THE VICTORIOUS CHURCH" Preacher Rev. S. C. Moore, M.A., B.D,, Special Music By Regular Choir, 2.30 P. M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL SESSION «SERVICE FOR OTHERS" Music by "An Old Time Choir." 7 P. M, SUBJECT REV. S. C. MOORE - Church--Telephone 2287 act ST. ANDREWS Presbyterian Church of the United Church of Canada REV. F. J. MAXWELL, Minister 11 a.m,~-- REV. F, J. MAXWELL, will preach. 3 P.M.--Sunday School and Bible Classes Men's Class Mr, C. M. Ewing, M. A 7 pm.-- Professor John Duxbury Will give his Great Masterpiece "THE KING OF KINGS" Hallelujah Chorus by the Choir YOU WILL BE MADE WELCOME CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH thol St, near Sim REV. ap A. ACKLAND, BT, iusto 11 aum~*Stephen--The Consecrated Business Man." 3 p.m.~Bible School with Adult Classes. 7 P M. "ls JESUS CHRIST COMING AGAIN?" Monday, 8 pm~Young People's Society, Meeting. Wednesday, § p.m.--Prayer Thursday, 8 pm.~Choir Rehearsal, FRIDAY, Rev, Munroe, of Montreal Children re), MAY 24 GRAND YOUNG PEOPLE'S RALLY or J rg ed eh ipa rogram. sgn on Fede, Mey ib. REV. R. A. ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH 10.15 a.m.----Early Classes for Young and Old. 11 am--"Sons' Fathers." 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.--Pastor"s Subject. Male Chorus At the evening service it is suggested that the Fathers and Sons attend together. EVERYBODY WELCOME WHATTAM 'Fathers' Sons" a A Christ Church (ANGLICAN) Cor, Hillcroft and Mary Sts. REV. R. 3 PATTERSON, . As Incumbent, 508 Masson St. Sunday, May 19 8 a.m, -- Holy Com- munion. Church parade of No. 8 Troup of Boy Scouts. 9.45 a. m. -- Sunday School. 4_p.m.--Baptism, 7 p.m.~Evensong, St. George's ANGLICAN Cor. Bagot and Centre Sts. CANON C. R. dePENCIER. M.A. 89 Athol Street West Holy Communion--8§ a.m. 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer Sunday School Centre St.----2.30 p.m. 7 p.m.--Evensong, Baptisms 2nd Sunday each month. In City Churches ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH - w-- tare of God's Presence - (From The Christian Science Monitor) How frequently today we hear decried the restlessness and haste predominant in the world! In daily pursuits the objective seems to be to "get done" or to 'get some- where," rather than to enjoy each and every step which brings about the fulfillment of the desired end. The fruits of haste are usually fric- tion and discord, for through haste little is harmoniously accomplish- ed, When we seem pressed on all sides by numerous demands and ex- acting duties, let us quietly and sincerely seek the stillness of God's presence. We shall then be able to perform in an orderly and harmoni- ous manner that which hitherto 'semed impossible; and our quiets ass and confidence will "bless the jsower and the seed." The prophet Isaiah said, "In re- turning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength." Let" us seek quiet communion with God. Let us remember Paul's words "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me;" and as we go about our daily work we shall find that ealm trustful thinking unfolds to us newer and greater opportunities for doing good 'and for receiving greater blessings. Those with whom we come in contact will feel the quiet assurance and confidence, and may themselves manifest less haste, rush, and impatience. Truly as we replace hurried thinking and acting with quietness in thought and deed, we shall see better and finer results in our daily work. 70 BURN MORTGAGE | JOHN DUXBURY The services at Albert Street] | United Church tomorrow will be of exceptional interest inasmuch as it is Father's Day in that church. At the morning service, fathers and sons attend together. The morn- ing subject is "Sons and Fathers." In the evening a full choir will as- sist in the musical part of the ser- vice. The evening subject is "Fa- thers and Sons", NORTH SIMCOE ST. UNITED Rev. A. Mansell Irwin, the pas- { tor, will preach at both services in the North Simcoe Street United Church on Sunday, his subjects be- ing rather unusual, In the morn- ing he will speak on 'Name and 'eputation,'"' and in the evening on "Temptation and Character." On Monday evening, at the young people's meeting, there will be a special program Dy the men of the congregation, including an oratorical contest. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Special Whitsuntide addresses will be the features of the Sunday servicég at Holy Trinity Church on Sunday, when the Rev. 8, C. Jar- rett, the rector, will officiate ut both services. EVANGELISTS, FIRST BAPTIST The service at First Baptist Church on Sunday will be of spe- cial interest, and will be conducted by the McMaster Evangelistic Trio, consisting of Leland Gregory, George Brown and Daniel Young, three young men wlio are gifted with many talents and consecrated to the gospel ministry. Special singing and inspired preaching will make these services memorable. The McMaster Evangelistic Trio will conduct special services every night in the First Baptist Church, up to Friday, May 24, starting at 17.45 p.m, BOY SCOUTS WILL ATTEND CHRIST CHURCH The annual Church Parade of No. 8 Troop of the Boy Scouts of Oshawa will be held tomorrow morning at 11-a.m,, when the boys will parade in uniform to Christ Church. The rector, Rev. R. B. Patterson, will preach a message appropriate to the occasion. NEW MINISTER AT KNOX CHURCH Centre Street UNITED CHURCH . REV. W. P. FLETCHER, B.A, 11 AM. -- "Border Christians" 2.30 P.M. School. 7P. M. -- "If You Are Thirsty, Come" Monday, 8 p.m. -- Young Prople's" Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- "Means of Evangelism" D.D. w= Sunday Pentecostal Assembly © 200 King St. Sunday, May 19 Sunday School, 10 a.m. 11 aum.~~Morning Ser- vice, 3 p.m. -- Afternoon Service. 7 p.m.--Evening Ser- vice. Subject "Relation of Christ to the Lord." Tuesday and Thursday Services at 8 p.m. ALL WELCOME The Rev. Duncan Munro, who was inducted as the new minister of Knox Presbyterian, Church on Sunday, will open his active min- istry in the local congregation with tomorrow's services. Mr, Munro was selected by vote of the con- gregation from a long list of candi- dates, and comes to Knox Church with an excellent reputation, both as pastor and preacher. In the morning, Mr. Munro will take as his subject, "Christ and the Old Time Faith." In the evening, his subject will be, "The Sword and the Trowel." REV. C. E. CRAGG Pastor of King Street United Church, where the mortgage will be burned on' Wednesday of next week. In honor of this occasion, special services, with former pastors occupying the ul it, will be held tomorrow a week from Weel from Sunday, SPECIAL SERVICES AT KING STREET UNITED CHURCH Congregation To Celebrate Burning of Morigage On Property Rev. S. C. Moore Will Oc. cupy His Former Pulpit On Sunday On Sunday next, May 19, com- mences a series of special services in the King Street United Church in the church mortgage. The history of this church is very interesting. It began as a mission of the Bible Christian Church back in the year 1857. At first the services were held in the Sons of Temperance Hall on Simcoe Street, The first church was built on Metcalf St. in 1863. It was enlarged in 1873, and again in 1885, The first definite step toward the new: church was begun in January, 1912, when the Pedlar People bought the old church for $5,000. After many properties were con- sidered, the committee =~ finally bought the lot on the corner of King and Charles. Work was be- gun immediately, with the result that the corner stone was laid in August, 1912, and the church dedi- cated in 1913, just 16 years ago. At the date of dedication the church had in cash and promises less than $20,000, while the total cost of land, parsonage and church amounted to $42,000. With a zeal of spirit and unity of purpose, the congregation set co work reducing the debt, and now after only 16 years the church and property are cleared of debt, ana achievement is the fact that be- tween $7,000 and $8,000 has been expended on the property by way of decoration and permanent improve- ments. And the growth of the congrega- tion has been very remarkable. Six- teen years ago, the membership was barely 600; today it is 1,150. Then 'the Sunday School was be- tween 600 and 600; today it is commemoration of the burning of T0 OCCUPY TWO LOCAL PULPITS Will Preach in Simcoe St. and St. Andrews Churches On Sunday WILL GIVE RECITALS Noted Elocutionist To Give Series of Eight Inter- esting Lectures An exceptional treat is in store omorrow for those who attend Simcoe Street United Church at the morning service and St, Andrew's United Church in the evening, for at these two services the sermons will be delivered by John Duxbury, known throughout the whole Eng- lish speaking world as England's greatest elocutionist and dramatic reciter. Mr. Duxbury, who is to spend several days in Oshawa un- der the auspices of the Ladies'ZAid Societies and Young People's Soci- eties of these two churches, is a man of extraordinary ability, and is equally as inspiring in the pul- pit as he is on the recital platform. His presence will add much to the services in these two churches to- morrow, and large congregations can be expected. To Give Recitals In addition to preaching twice on Sunday, Mr. Duxbury is to give a series of eight dramatic recituss, on Monday and Tuesday in Simcoe Street United Church and on Wed- nesday and 'Thursday in St. An- drew's Church. These recitals will be held at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m, and Mr. Duxbury has chosen the follow ing wonderfully varied and inter. esting subjects: In Simcoe Street Church Monday afternoon--"The Book of Job." Monday Mar- Pil ner." Val- 'evening--"Silas Tuesday afternoon--"The grim's Progress." Tuesday evening--"Jean jean." In St. Andrew's Church Wednesday afternoon -- Story of Prince Jonathan, Wednesday evening--'Enoch Ar- den." Thursday afternoon--' The Di: vine Speaker." Thursday evening--"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Professor Duxbury has won for himself a remarkable reputation in his own particular art, and every one of these recitals will be well worth attending. "The nearly 1,000. Then the L.A.D. num- bered 40, and raised $209; now it numbers néarly 200, with a total receipts for all purposes of over $2,000. Then the grand total re- ceived per year was less than $5, 000; last year it was over $19,000. Then the missionary givings for the general fund was less than $500, with $166 for W.M.S.; now the assessment is $6,600 for gener- al misisonary work, and $1,360 for M.S. what adds to the wonder of this |W, The church is very fortunate in having the Rev. D. C. Moore witn them on Suiday. through the zeal and hard work of Mr. Moore that the great undertak- ing was carried to a successful ter- mination. On Wednesday the great- est event of all will be'the burning of the mortgage, when all the ex- pastors since 1913 will be present and deliver addresses. DANIEL YOUNG services in First GEORGE BROWN CONDUCTING EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN HERE LELAND GREGORY, Soloist Students of McMaster University; touring Ontario during vacation who opened a weck of evangelistic Church last night. The services will continue until Friday, May 24. It was largety |' The House of Friendship SIMCOE ST.UNITED CHURCH Minister: REV. E. HARSTON, LL.B. 52 Simcoe St. S. Church Of. Bagot St. Good Singi Fine Pots ip Helpful Services Sunday Services 11 AM. Phone 148 ®hone 3128 "THE STORY OF JOSEPH" PROFESSOR JOHN DUXBURY 3 P.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 7PM " THE BITTER MADE SWEET " Evening Service will be concluded in one hour. BRIGHT, BRIEF, BENEFICIAL THE MINISTER WILL PREACH A Hearty Welcome Awaits You Here. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Cor. Court and Barrie Sts. REV. S. C. JARRETT Incumbent 30 Fairbanks St. Sunday, May 19 8 am.--Holy Com- munion. Special Whitsuntide address 3 pm. -- Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. Special Whitsuntide Addresses. : Evangelistic Trio LELAND GREGORY: GEORGE BROWN DANIEL YOUNG Gifted with many Talents; Consecrated to the Gospel Ministry; Scriptural in Faith and Practice; A Happy and Effective Com- bination; Holding Services in the FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Nightly at 7.45 till Friday 24th Great Singing: Great Preaching of a Great Salvation, All in. vited and evrybody made welcome ! OOME AND HEAR AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF Professor JOHN DUXBURY England's Eminent Reciter Sunday, May 19 SIMCOE St. UNITED CHURCH ir AM. "The Story Of Joseph" ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH "The King Of Kings" ) y Truth Centre . HALL, KING ST. BE. Sunday, May 19 11 a.m.--Public Service. Sunday School Hverybody welcome The 30-year-old president of the University of Chicago should be young enough to appreciate "foot- ball, having beén raised under the new rules.--Detroit News. SIMCOE STREET PENTECOSTAL MISSION (OVER THE ARCADE) Sunday, May 19 Sunday School 10.00 a.m. Worship, 11 am Evangelistic Meeting 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting, eight o'clock. Committee in charge. Strangers Welcome. Friday North Simcoe St. United Church Rev. A. MANSELL [RWIN, .A.. B.D., Pastor 89 Greta St. Phone 3263W 11 a.m.--*"Name and Re- putation.'"' 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School 7 pm.--'Temptaton and Character." Minister at both Services. : Monday, 8 p.m.--Special Men's Program. Oritorical Contests. EVERYBODY WELCOME! ll SELES GRACE Lutheran Church Sunday, May 19 WELCH'S PARLOURS 9.30 a.m.--Sunday School. 10.30 a.m.--Public Worship Rev. A. C. Hahn, 256 Athol St. B ALL ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME Gospel Hall] Sunday, May 19 11 a.m, "Remembering |i the Lord." 3 pam.~Sunday School. 7 p.m.~Gospel Service. Tuesday 8 p.m. = Bible eeting. Friday, 8 p.m. Prayer Reading. ALL ARE WELCOME Erk od deters It Teles 11 T SCATTERED 1 ISRAEL WILL HIM and wild keep him as a Shepherd Presbyterian Church Simcoe Street North and Brock Street Rev. Duncan Munroe, M, Ay" Pastor 11 a.m.--Morning Subject "Christ and the Old Time Pain p.m. -- Sunday School any Bible Class. 7 p.m.--Evening Subject. "The Sword and the Trow- el". A Cordial Welcome Always to Knox Church a rr Christian Science First Church 'of Christ, Solentist, 64 Colborne Street East Sunday, May 19 SUBJECT: "Mortals and bam ortals"' Morning Service at 11 am. Sunday School 12.10 a.m. Wednesday Meeting 8 p.m. Including testimonies of Heallng through Christian Science. You are cordially Invited to at- tong the services and to make use ol 1) Free Public Reading Room where the Bible and all authorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased and periodicals subscribed for, Open on I'uesdays, I'hursdays ~.nd Saturdays from 2 to 5 p.m. CHRISTADELPHIAN LORD. O Palestine for. the Jews Read Jor. 30 Ere 300 3 Teen 3, 45.