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Oshawa Daily Times, 20 May 1929, p. 12

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Insure - . Otonabee, -- Eades town- "ship 'council 'decided to insure against accidents on 'the town- : hips Yoads during 11 " L118. r Education. May. Have Contract - Brock .~--A. movement is un- der way to oganize a company of the Lanark and Scottish .Regi- 'ment (formerly the 42nd Regi- ment). in 'Carleton Place. : Piloting Valley Camp - ' Brockvile.--Captain Sam Vv. An- .derson, of Ogdensburg, is piloting "the 'steamer Volley Camp on: its 'trfps up and down the river this , season. Heart Attack Bellevile. -- While lifting heavy 'stones 'at Belleville, Frank Reid, Deseronto, was seized with a heart 'attack and died a few minutes lat- er. Jackson Park Bus .Peterboro. --Commencing Satur- day, May 18th, Jackson park bus will Tun on Park street to Char- lotte and Monaghan road. Cleaning Town Port Hope.--Clean-up, paint-cp and housecleaning days are not over in town and workmen of all , Kinds are in constant demand just mow, according to the verdict of © the busiest. men. New Continuation: School Fenelon Falls,--It is proposed to i spend $31,000.00 on a new con- tinuation school at the Falls. The TENDERS FOR COAL EALED tenders addressed to the Purchas- ing -Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, will 'be received, at his office ut 12 noon (daylight saving) W May 29, 1929, 929, fo the supply of coal for oH Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Quistio including the City of Ottawa. Forms of tender with specifications and eonditions attached can be obtained from G W. Dawson, Purchasing Agent, Department ..of Public Works, Ottawa; and R. Winter, "District Resident Architect, 59-61 Victoria ¥ Toronto, Ont.,- Tenders will not be consi unless. made on the forms supplied by the Department and in Jcsordance with right to" demand from the successful tendérer a deposit, not exceeding 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, to secure the proper fulfilment of the contract, served. is re. By order, S. E. O'BRIEN, Secretary rimant. of Publis, Works, wa, May 1 1929, ea: 1929. i have "cot "completed | a {the it site of East. Market street | old school has been condemned as out of date, the attendance is in the neighborhood of seventy. Brockville. ll Ce lets "employes ithic 'sidewalk in: | and Saturday. were engaged. in' laying the sidewalk in front of the Hotel Manitonna. * Major Bishop Transferred Kingson.--Major C. V. Bishop, who is carried 'on the strength of B Battery, R.C.H.A.,, while in England, has been transferred to the 2nd Heavy Bottery, R.C.A., Halifax, Farmers Discouraged Stirling. -- Farmers are pretty well discouraged over -the continu- ed wet weather. A few have their seeding well along but some who have low lying farms and different soil have scarcely any grain suwn. Tourist Traffic Increasing Port Hope.--The tourist araffic is increasing steadily and soon it will = dominate the . highway. Warmer weather will provide the desire to. get out 'into the wide open spaces. Farmers Hindered Centreville. -- The reavy rains are greatly hindering the farmers from - getting their spring's work don. Everyone thinks that much of the low land will have to be sowed to huckwheat or left un- worked. Members on Cruise Brockville. -- Arnold N, Smith, M.P.. of Cornwall, and a party of' western members of the House of Commons, were in town Saturday en route through the islands on the steamer Britannic. The. craft returned East this morning. Cadets Visit Canal Kingston. -- The first class ot cadets at the Royal Military Col- lege are to visit the new Welland Casal 'on Monday, May 27, at the invitation of the chief engineer in charge of construction, and will be given the opportunity of learning at first hand the 'methods of con- struction. Married to Brockville Girl 'Brockville, -- Dr. Wallace Dun- can, attached to the staff of the Cleveland clinic hospital and re- ported gassed in last Wednesday's disaster there, is morried to Miss Mary Spaidal, daughter of Mr. and ' Mrs. Donald 'MM. Spaidal, Bronxville, N.Y., formerly 'of Brockville and recent' purchasers of summer property at Ganan- oque. At latest reports Dr. Dun- der. truction'| ected to recover from the ithe gas. phe : + Near Cornwall ; DIREC lew -J. Ratiey was drowned in the Black River 20 miles east of here, when a boat in which he and a companion were, overturned. ' Raney, in attempting to right the craft, was struck on the head hy the boat and went un- His Sommpanion 4 succeeded' in. 'reaching shore. Fire Under Balrmay Kingston.--Fire, der the stafrway in t cupied by Mr. and Mrs, James Mc- Laughlin, 214 Stuart street and owned by the Byron Hopper estate, completely gutted the house in a serious outbreak late yesterday afternoon, : \ Large Tree on Fire Kingston.--Considerable :excite- ment was caused on Brock street just below University avenue last night when two crossed wires caused a flame which set a mear- by tree on fire. The tree was il- luminated with flames, making fit appear.very much like a giant Christmas tree, Bus Hits Horses Port Hope.--One of RS llocuits Toronto-Kingston buses c¢olliGeu Tuesday afternoon with a team of horses which were driven on to No. 2 Highway from a side road now. Colborne. Thomas Perrill, 86, was driving the team. He was thrown heavily to the pavement and suffered serious back injuries. Presbytemrial to Meet Ganandque.--Delegates from all sections of the Kingston Presby- tery, United Church of Canada, are expected to attend the fourth an- nual megeting of the Kingston Presbyterial which will be held in Grace Church, Gananoque, on ziay 21-22, The principal speaker will be Miss Ethel McEachren of Hamheung, Korea. Peterboro, -- The Peterborough Rangers and. Number 3 Machine Gun Company, 4th Battalion, are having a special train to Toronto on Saturday, May 25. at the special price of $3.05. The train will leave the C.P.R. depot at 2 p.m. The excursion is being run for the purpose of viewing the splendid military tournament, which is be- ing presented in the Coliseum from May 22 to 25. Carleton Place Tax Rate Brockville, -- The rate of taxa- tion in Carleton Place has been struck for the present year at 43 mills on the dollar. The salary of the clerk of the town has been increased by #5 per week; that of the chief of police to $150 per month; and that of the assessor- collector to $860 per annum. Railing for Walk Kingston.--In the report of the meeting of the board of works in connection with the proposal to The highways of buying ting in house ocs | Protection New ill Comfort 'New | Assurance for Women Gauzets--the mew improved Sanitary Napkins --- solve women's problem of per- sonal hygiene in a safer, more comfortable way. Made of highly absorbent tissue and antiseptic gauze. Buffed edges prevent irrita: tion. Underlayer protects clothing, Light, cool, easily discarded. Just ask for Gauzets. Box of ome dozen already wrapped. 40c. Sold only at the Rexall Stores. Save with safety at, your Rexall Drug Store Jury & Lovell's Simcoe S., King E, construct a concrete breakwater on King street west, it was stated that there would. be walk and promenade on the top of the break- water with a "railway." As was self-evident, this word should have been railing. Piaved Its Worth Campbellford.--Again the power plant owned and operated by the municipality hag proved its worth as a paying proposition. At its last meeting the sum of $15,000 was voted to be placed in th town funds for the purpose of relievng the ratepayer of a heavy burden in tax, New Service Station Port Kope.~The activity which has been apparent. for some time at the south. end of Mill street is showing results now, judging by the apparance of the new service station and the pros- pective addition to the landscape which the new pavilion will be. The ruins just behind the latter will lend a touch of antiqueness to the view. Drastic Steps Taken Uxbridge.--At a recent meeting of Uxbridge Town Council two drastic steps were taken, one to press upon the Minister of High- ways the need for connecting up the town with the Provincial Good Roads system, and the other to order a tax sale of all unpaid lands in town running over three years. EASTERN ONTRIRO An Old Official Dies Port Hoe.p--Mr. John Gamble, owing to advanced age anu ... health, tendered his resignation as market clerk, He was appointed to the position in 1869. He acted as market clerk, weighman, care- taker and turnkey, When any- thing was to be done about the town hall "John" was always. there to do it, He was an excellent of- ficial and obliging at all times. Wagon in Ditch Stirling. -- The vagaries of the high winds which prevailed Thurs- day was exemplified between Stir- It is re- --hi | Produce Prices in the oy Commercial Markets "0 Spey TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations i.f. Goderich and Bay C ris. Price' on track, lc higher than i TORONTO FARMERS MARKET The following are: quotations in effect ou th St. Lawrence market, Toronto: extras, per dozen x firsts per dozen Duck' eggs, doz. ... Butter, dairy, per "pound ., Creamery, pes pound .... Fruits and Vegetables Asparagus, bunch Carrotts, 11-qt. ba; Do. beat. Beets, 11-gt, basket ..... , Onions, dry, 11-qt. basket .... 6 basket . Aj ly vi Bist PH Rhubarb, three bunch C000 Oe O00D00000000O D000 C000S0080 coo8e RTT ror 232s TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS 'Toronto wholesale dealers are paying the following. prices: (Buying) A ungraded, cases returned--Fresh ex- tras, } Jresh firsts, 25 to 26c; seve onds., 3c. RE solids, pasteurized, No. 1, 36 1-2.36 3-4c; No, 2, 35 1-2 Churning cream: ial, No. 2, 3c fob. shipping point. Cheese--~No. 1 large, colored, parafiined and government graded, 17 3-4 to 18 1-2¢ Poultry Hens, over 5 Ibs, . Do., 4 to 5 ibs. ... Do., 3 1-2 to 4 lbs. Do.. under 3 1.2 Ibs. Ducklings, over 4 Ibs. Old" ducks, over 4 Ibs, Guinea fowl, per pair Staggy chickens classed as old roosters. day's average. desirable, 160 to 200 PROVISION. PRICES dealers are quoting the TORO! i the trade: Fn 16 16 1:2; ey, 16 3-4c; I 1s 1-2 to 19. Shortening, Linrees, 13 1-2 to 14 1.2; tubs, Jie; 30 pais 14 1-2; tins, 16 1-2¢c;. prints, Pork. loins, 33; New York shoulders, 23 1-2; pork butts, 27 1-2; 27 1-2; pork hams, 2c, EAST - BUFFALO FALO LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, Hey 18.--Hogs--Receipts, 900, holdoyers, 1,500, slow; bulk steady Mith Fri- ap AX to $11.35; weighty butchers, $11 hts and piss. $11 '10 50 frase, $11.25 11,25; afters steady; - week's = Jeunes, $14.75; best weighty steas, 41 40; most of the bulk fed offer: ngs, $1 14.25 ood cows, $5.50 to 10.25; cutter grades, 87 to $7.75; medium s largely. $8.50 to. $10. Calves--Receipts, 100; market steady; bulk | of good and' ¢ ie $is to $15.50; cull and or veudt to $12 cits, 100; today's trade 'nome. --r Closing at lambs trade 75 cents lower than last week's close; aged stock around 50 cents off; bulk good and choice cli ippers for week, $14.50 to $15; late top, $14.25; fat cwes, '$7 to $7.50; mostly $7 late. - CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, May 18. eq, commitments--May egks, 70; June eggs, 28; November eggs, old, 199; Novémber eggs, new, 1,167, June buf- ter, 27; December butter, 335, Two "market receipts-- Butter today, 24,331; last year, 21,771. Eggs today, 43,283 eggs last year, 52,624, Chicago spot market--DButter, extras, 41 3.4, standards, 41 3-d4c; tone firm. Eggs, firsts, 30 to 30 1-4c; tone firm, New York spot market--Butter, extras, 43c; tone firm, Eggs, firsts, 31 1-4 to 31 3.ic; tone firm, Movement at four markets--Butter, net in, 262,960; last year, net in, 114,918. Eggs, net in, 37, 560; last year, net 'in, 46,263. Street stocks -- Butter, today, 89,270; last year, 74,663, Eggs today, 122,494; 'last year, 141,322, Range of Prices 5 Open High Nov, new.. 0.3585 0.35} Nov. old no sales, May stgs.. 0.317% 0.32 June stge.. 0.31% 0.3134 Butter Prev. Chose 0.3553 0.317% 0.313% 0.44 0.42% Low 0.351% Close 0.353% Eggs 0.3176 0.32 0.31% . 0.31; 0.441% 0.4415 0,423 0.423; 4475 0.44% « 0.4234 0.423; NEW YORK PRODUCE New York, May 19.--Butter steady; receipts 8,647. Cheese. steady; receipts, 139,334, state wsole milk flats, frensh fancy, 22 to 2 1.2. Eggs firm; receipts, 20,870; nearby hennery whites, closely selected extras, 36 to 36 1-2 nearby and nearby western hennery whites, first to average extras, 32 to 35c. RC TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Local wholesale hay and straw dealers are .set, if they would win the flying fil a RARER AR RAL HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY. / Summer is almost here, or according to the date it should be, and' also the time to think of filling that bul Bin for Old: Man Winter, whiv never Sorgiils; but always comes. Call and Let Us Tell You About Our * Jeddo Coal Solvay Coke Cannel and Pocahontas And All Other Fuels That' Are Carried to Serve the People of Oshawa Call today and experience the service and satisfaction this company gives to every customer. Dixon Coal Co. RECT Phone 262 ©": making the following quotations to farmers (delivered at Toromto): No. 1 timothy, loose, per ton $19.00 to $20.00 No. 1 timothy, baled N No. 2, do., do, . Lower grades . Wheat straw Oat straw RUTH ELDER WILL RETURN TO HUSBAND Ls Angeles, May 20. -- Hollywood sheiks 'are,' to all appearances, just film lovers to Ruth Elder. Their passionate wooing on the screen is not cqualled by their abilities off the lot. It would seem as though the film Don Juans needed a direct-| or to urge them on away from the the lot, at parties, The reason for the bust- -up Was um known. gaged, Gibson, the hard-riding hero. of t Western films. But, although "Hoo had lassoed Ruth, he was unable tg tighten the knot. or in the streef Soon after, Ruth again became ents This time it was to Hodf Now, the star has become recotls ciled with her ex-hubby, Lyle Womit ack. Itis reported here that the pai} may soon rewed. Womack recently returned here afs ter having spent six months with the Byrd expedition in the Antaretic. The pair were divorced in Panama lasi December. Womack charged his wife with being "cold and superior." player. Ruth has definitely gifen the movie fast workers the go-bye. Ben Lyon was the first to win a place in Ruth's affections. The pair were reported engaged. But the handsome movie sheik was unable 10 hold Ruth for long. Their constant companionship became a matter of occasional greetings as they met on QUALITY COAL Phone 3060 MALLETT BROS. Refrigerator Well constructed Refriger- ator in Golden finished with galvanized lining, A smart, 150-1bs. Ice Free With Every | Reseigeratot Sold | Refrigerators Special 'size front Icing Refriger- ator constructed of Ash and finish- ed in Golden. Size 24 iin. wide. 50 in. high. $34.95 White enamelled Refrigerator of useful 'size that sells well in these days of White Enamel Kitchens. - Also has White Enamel interior. Size 25 in. wide, 45 $32. 50 in. high FERS NRE BCR ling and Springbrook. ported that a Mr. Thompson of that district was driving a team and wagon down a main road when the wind caught the wagon rack, blowing it clear of the wag- gon with Thompson aboard and into a deep ditch filled ith ater. RECOVERY OF MANY GASSED HOPED FOR Forty Still Receiving Treat- ment at Various ® Hospitals Cleveland, Ohio. useful box for a small fam- ily. Size 23 in. wide, 39 in. ._ high, $15.50 Each «..... . OLLOW the highway markings and you can't go OB wrong.". ... That's the advice the Automobile Club gives you before starting on a motor trip. You follow the well-known, well-marked roads. And you reach your destination the safest, most comfortable way. Why not follow the same rule in your shopping? Why not stick to the "highways of buying"? They have been just as carefully plotted, and are just as carefully marked as the great motor roads you've come to depend upon. Marked by the trade marks of re- liable, adverti May 19.--Re- : rtised products. covery of most of the victims still receiving treatment from poison Refrigerators gas they breathed in the Cleveland Finished in White or Grey Enamel Cinic ealastrophe, fije i Bi We have a comblete r of 's - . SY ange . these ras poorest for by phy A fine qual Ref : / Weé Only five person were regarded are showing for the first time and. Bem ot ak Sena hres" ot dhom chall be glad to have you call and covery o was predicted. Three of the five examine the beautiful workmanship and finish of this new product. They range in price as follows: still in a precarious condition were clinic physicians and an- $18.25 $20.25 $27.25 $45 $57. 50 $90 other was a girl employed at the clinic. Some 40 others, however, Buy these Refrigerators an our Club Plan Pay 1-5th Down, Balance in § Eaual Monthly Paymuate Luke Furniture ins: 63 King St. East Refrigerators A very popular size and finish- ed in. golden with galvanized lining. Size 25 in. wide, 41 in. The next time you go shopping' follow these "high- ways." 'Before you start, look through the advertise- ments in these columns: Pick out the products you want. Notice the names and trade-marks that identify them. And then ask for them by name. ' high. $19.50 The death list mounted to 124 with two additional deaths last night. The advertisements are sign-posts to guide : best and i i Man and Two Children Murdered Jou to the . most reliable merchandise. Waseco, Minn.--The bodies of a farmer and two of his rer were found near his farm home, five :miles northwest of here, club- bed to death Saturday night. DELIVERY BOY WANTED S. A. GATES 22 Simcoe St. North Phone 78.79

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