PPPOE 2a PPP eeeT id bo oy A Speeding Work Port Hope.--The work at Trinity College School is being further speeded slong by the arrival of a third concrete mixer. More Dog Cases Kingston. -- Six citizens have been summoned to appear before Magstrate: Farrel - on Thursday morning charged with allowisg their dogs to run at large. Customs Promotion Belleville.--John P. Kelso has Been promoted in the service of the Department of National Revenue and Customs Excise, clerk to cash- jer and computing clerk to Pres- cott. Burned in Explosion : Brockville.--Thomas 8. Guest, manager of the Domestic Service station, King street west, had a narrow escape from serious injury and was painfully burned about the neck and 'face in an explosion of gasoline fumes. Police Dog Killed Lindsay.--A four months' old pedigreed police dog met its death under the wheels of Mr. W. E. Ree- sgor's automobile on Kent Street last evening at 7.15 o'clock. Pickerel Fishing Trent River.-- Fishing for pica- erel has been good this week. T. F. Ward .has been successful in land- ing some fair sized ones nightly at the dock. Drowned Cornwall.--Robert J, Raney, 22, 44 Walter. street, a lineman em- ployed by the Bell Telephone Com- pany here, was drowned in the Black River, 20 miles east of Corn- wall, at 6.45 Saturday night, Domestics Wanted Peterboro--Labour conditions in the city of Peterborough are quite satisfactory, according to the sec- retary at the Labour Bureau, The majority of the best of the men are employed, but the drifter is always present. There is a great demand for skilled laborers, es- pecially in the iron trades and the demand for doemstics is brisk, with a scarcity of applicants. RN ONTARIO NEWS 'er is cold and t '| the district. {lives west of Fenella, is the first PW Ca Had Fhest "Dip" : Kingston.--A number of Kings- ton lads have alerady had theft first "dip". in theilake.. The wat- he boys state that about ten minutes is the limit for a swim. ; a 7 Made Secretary-Treasurer Picton. -- At a meeting of the Picton public school board, Mr. E. C. Garbutt was chose secretary treasurer to fill the; ncy 'caus- ed by the death of the late Edward Wright. Another Transfer Belleville--Again another trans- fer of desirable Front Street pro- perty has taken place. I. BE. Sha- piro, manager of the J. A, McNabb ladies ready to wear, announced to the Ontario that he had purchased the store now oceupled by the firm from F. R. Wotten Ltd. Promotions at Ottawa Brockville.--Miss Ethel Johns- ton, id 'Brinston, a graduate of the Brockville Business College, has .been promoted to a grade 2 stenog- rapher's position" in the Civil Ser- vice at Ottawa. Alex Factor, au- other graduate, is now listed as a Grade 3 clerk. Bring Back , * Lindsay.--Provingial Constable Wetherell left for Toronto Satur- day' to bring back two suspects ar- rested in connection with the re- cena burglary at Coboconk village. On May 5 Jackson's garage in that village was entered and three hun- dred dollars' worth of tires stolen. Seeding Delayed Fenella.--Owing to so much rain and cold weather spring seeding has been much delayed all through Eric Sandercock, who man in his community to finish seeding by May 8. Plangs Destroyed Peterboro.--Although yesterday was a bright, sunny day the tem- perature. dropped suddenly and there -was a frost last night. Twelve thousand tomato plants be- longing to C. E. Crebar, Downer's Corners, were killed by the frost. Compact--only 40" wide, J bic oven (16" wide and 20" deep). Moderate in WILCOLATOR OVEN HEAT CONTROL 4 he [2 er sired atolintly 1} ces. All Enamel Model No. 5-2. TASTY MEALS! . « + Just Like those On the Train HERE is something about Electric cook- ing that smacks of tasty dishes served in luxurious diners or great hotels. Electric cooking . . . at its best... is brought to you by the new Happy Thought . + .a range that teems with up-to-date features. Peek into the porcelain enameled oven! Note how the removable, inset elements leave every inch of space available for baking and roasting. You can safely bake cake and fish at the same time, as system of ventilation excessive moistures. the Happy Thought rids the oven of all WILCOLATOR OVEN HEAT CONTROL supplied with range, if desired, at slightly higher price. Write Happy Thought Foundry, Co., Limited, Brantford, for full information, or call at local representative. HAR N) RANGES 7 - Also Gas, Coal and Wood Ranges and Warm Air Furnaces | RE Adams Furniture Co. Ltd. 15 Simcoe St. South Oshawa Headquarters Oshawa EE ------ } 4 ' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1929 ASTHMA THIEF OF SLEEP all druggists. For comfort use R98 "RAZ-MAH Mr. Crebar set out the 120 flats containing 100 plants each and thinking that they would be al- right neglected to cover them. Held Rehearsal Peterboro.-- Peterborough Male Voice Choir held an important re- hearsal in the Murray street Bap- tst church Monday for over two hours, in preparation for the visit to New Pork contest and Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church next week-end. : Wharfs Submerged Trent River.----The heavy rains which occur almost daily are keep- ny the land very wet and farmers are unable to finish their spring work. The river continues to be very high and many wharfs ana boat houses are completely sub- merged. ) Attracting Attention Port Hope.~According to a re- port which is current in what should be well-informed cireles, | the (favorable harbor conditons here are attracting the attention of a number of outside transpurta- tion people, who have big things in view for some lakefront point. Planes Not Coming Deseronto.--The Deseronto Post says that the high hopes which residents here have built up that two squadrons of planes were to spend thie summer here have been dashed to the ground. The pap- er states that perhaps one or two will be if Deseronto on survey work. 3 More Tourists Port Hope.----~The more plentiful appearance of American money in local circulation these days is an indication that the tourist season is starting in. The presence of U.S. autos on ahe streets and the larger number passing through is another indication. Appointed District Deputy Brockville.--B. F. Leeder, 74 Church street, has been appointed District Deputy of the Knights of Columbus for district No. 3, whieh includes the councils of the order at Brockville, Kingston, Belleville, Trenton, Smiths Falls and Corn- wall, He is appointed to succeed O. E. Fortune, of Trenton, ae- ceased. New Police Uniforms Whitby.--The members of the local police force will soon patrol their respective beats in brand new uniforms, the town council having decided that the time had arrived to purchase new equipment for the force. The town fathers also: de- cided to install fourway stop and go signals at the intersection of Brock and Dundas Sts. The lights will be taken on approval for 30 days. Go To Camp Belleville.--The Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment will go into camp from July 8th to the 19th of July at Petawawa for train ing. Lieut. H. Reynolds will be in command of the signal section and wishes to have a few more of the young boys join up. This is one ot the finest branches of infantry work. Picton Lady Golfers Picton.--Mrs. 8S. B. Gearing was re-elected president of the Picton Ladies' Golf Club at their annual meeting. Other officers elected were: Honorary presidents, Mrs. H. H. Horsey and Mrs. H. B. Bristol; vice-president, Mrs. E. M, Young; secretary, Mrs. F. H Min- aker. A committee was apppoint- ed to arrange for a bridge in the near future. Port Hope Stray Cow Port Hope. -- Five miles from Port Hope on the Port Hope high- way. a cow belonging to Melville Gordon strayed onto the road, causing some slight inconvenience to a man named Neal of Toronto, and might bave been the cause of a serious accident. During the storm Mr, Neal suddenly saw the cow loom up ahead of him as he was driving along, and rather than hit the animal, he swerved his car and pulled up along the grass at the side of the road. WILL RETAIN 'RED' IN PRISON IN INDIA | Trial of Candidate Opposing Simon in British Elec- tions Postponed London, May 22.--According to communist headquarters in Lobn- don the Indian government has postponed the trial of a number of communists charged with conspir- acy and sedition at Meerut until af- ter the British election in order to keep Shakat Usmani, one of the accused who has been nominated to oppose Sir John Simon in Spen Valley, in jail. This, they say, is another demonstration of the "tyr- anny of British rule in India." > Usmani proposes to conduct his campaign by a series of cabled mes- sages. Communist headquarters state that despite 'his impending trial he is able to compose the mes- sages at his ease." Usmant's candidature is a com- munist_protest against British rule in India and in particular against the Indian statutory commission of which Sir John Simon is chairman. At one time recently . 185,000 tons of beans were awaiting ship- ment along a railway in China. Produce Prices in the % | Commercial Markets TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following prices to the trade: y +S meats=«Hams, medium, 31 to 33c; cooked hams, 47c; smoked: rolls, fast bacon, t0 38c; backs, peamealed, 34 to 38¢c; do., smoked, 30 to d0c. : Cured nieats--Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 1bs., $21; 70 to 90 lbs., $19; 90 to 100 Ibs. and up, $18; lightweight rolls, in barrels, $11.50; heavyweight pi $38.50 per barrel. ard--Pure, tierces, 16 1.4c; tubs, 16 to 16 1-2¢; pails, 16 3-4c; prints, 18 1.2 to' 19%. Shortening, tierces, 13 1-2 to 14 1:2¢; tubs, Jct pails, 14 1.2¢; tins, 16 1.2c; prints, 5 1.2, Pork loins, 32¢c; New York shoulders, 22vic; pork butts, 26 1-2c; pork hams, 27 1.2c, TORONTO FARMERS MARKET The following are quotations in effect on the St. Lawrence market, Toronto: lucy i Lggs, extras, per dozen . age firsts per dozen Duck eggs, doz. ..... Butter, dairy per pound Do., creamery, per pound .... Fruits and Vegetables Asparagus, bunch ... Carrotts, 11-qt. baske Do., 6:qt. basket .. Beets, 11-qt. basket ... ions, dry, 11-qt. basket Do., 6-qt. basket Cabbage .... Cauliflower . Spinach, peck . Salsify, bunch . Mushrooms, per pound Leaf lettuce, three for . Head lettuce, each Leeks, two bunches . Potatoes, bag ... Cucumbers, each Parsley, per bun Cress, three for .... Celery, per bundle Oranges, per dozen ... Grapefruit, three for Lemons, per dozen .. Bananas, per dozen 3nd FS REG BD SODO0D0D ODDO ooo ELS RaRERE3aRLY o2 ooo gx 85% tty SS8BER I wn Sweet potatoes, 6 qt. Cranberries, 6 qt. ... Apples, 11-qt. basket . Rhubarb, three bunches . New potatoes, peck . Green beans, 6 qt. Green peas, 6 qt. "Fomatoes, pound Maple syrup, qt. Maple sugar, 1 Ib. Strawberries, qt. Watercress, 3 bunches o £30088 Ne OOO 0O~000000000P0c00~a 3 SESE TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS Toronto wholesale dealers are paying the following prices: (Buying) Eggs, ungraded, cases returned--Fresh ex- tras, 27 to 28¢; fresh firsts, 25 to 26c; sec. onds, 23c. Butter--Creamery, solids, pasteurized, No. 1, 36 3-4 to 37c; No. 2, 35 3-4c. Churning cream--Special, 3%: No. 1, 38¢; No. 2, 35c, f.o.b. shipping point. Cheese--No. 1 large, colored, paraffined and government graded, 17 3-4 to 18 1-2¢. Poultry-- Roosters Hens, over 5 lbs, . Do., 4 to 5 Ibs. ...... Do, 3 1.2 to 4 Ibs. .. Do., under 3 1-2 Ibs Ducklings, over 4 Ibs. 20 2 23 25 20 5c; break. | Old ducks, over 4 lbs, ...... 23-25 Guinea fowl, per pair ...... $2.00 Stagey ns classed as old roostess. TORONTO HAY: AND. STRAW Losal wholesale hay and straw dealers ing the following quotations to . ivered "at Ti to): imothy, loose, per ton $19.00 to $20.00 imothy, baled . +» Nominal No. 3 do., do, . Lower grades ... heat straw . at SLIAW seiosee CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, May 21.--More season records were smashed in egg futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange today when advances of $45 to $90 a car were registered at the close in the various deliveries, The new bulge, coming on top of yesterday's records, were based on improving spot and further bullish storage Jiatisiics released by the government on holdings the 26 lead- ing markets, Butter futures closed unchan. ged after a temporary dip of 1-8 cents hold- mg well in yi of growing rec # Tou commitments: May cggs, 61; June eggs, 28; Nov, eggs, old, 198; Nov. eggs, new 1,258; June butter, 27; . butter, 345. 26 cities---~Butter, today, 9,389,987; fast year 447) gas; eggs, today, 3,674,646; last year, 4, Two 'market receipts--Butter today, 42,401; last year, 32,440; cggs today, 89,479; last year, 115,262, Chicago spot market--Butter, extras, 42~; standards, 42c; tone firm; eggs, firsts, 30 1 2 to 3lc; tone firm, New York spot market--Butter, extras, 43; tone steady; eggs, firsts, 31 3-4 to 32c; tone firm. Street stocks--Butter, today, 102,699; last year, 81,703; eggs, today, 151,119; last yezz, 170,471, Movement at ten markets--Butter, net in, 520,119; last year, net in, 251,420; eggs, t1¢: in, 41,242; last year, net in, 92,362. NEW YORK PRODUCE New York, May 21.--Butter steady, rs. ceipts 23,337, Cheese steady, receipts 238,371. Eggs, firm receipts 54,849, Fresh gathered extras, 3c; extra firsts, 32 1-2 to 33c; firsts, 31 3-4 to 32; seconds, 29 1-2 to 31 1.2, EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, May 21.--Hogs--Receipts, 900; holdovers, 400; market active, mostly 5 to 15¢ up, top, $11.65 bulk, 220 pounds and down including lightweights and pigs;, $11.50 to $11.65; weightier "butchers, $11.15 to $11,40; packing sows, steady, $9.50 to $9.75. Cattle--Receipts, 125; steady, commond and medium - cows, $8.50 to $9; cutter grades, $5.75 to $7.75, Calves--Receipts, 400; steady to weak; bulk good to choice vealers, $15 to $15.50; cull and common, $8.50 .to $12. Sheep--Receipts, 400. Not enough fat lambs to make a market; few springers;, $17; odd lots, fat ewes, $6 to $7 steady. LOCAL GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba Wheas' No. 2 northern, $1.14 1.2. No, 3 Northern, $1.11, No. 4 wheat, $1.07 1.2. . 5 wheat, 7c. No. 6 wheat, 8 eed , 73 1-2. ort Corie aud (A 3 track, 1c hi 1.2. and 3 porta. Price on 'No. 1 feed, 46 3-4c. No. 2 44 1.2c, cit Selah, and Bay Ports.) MISFORTUNE DOGS CTY MOTORAN Follows Unlucky Driver Toronto, May 22, -- Misfortune during the past few weeks has kept doggedly upon the trail of Charles Cairns, 2 Morton road, the T.T.C. motorman who .is now awaiting trial on a charge of man- slaughter arising out of a fatal ac- cident in which the street car he was driving was involved on April 20 last. On April 17 the death was ans nounced of Adelaide Amanda, wife of George Cairns, of 46 St. David street; and the funeral was set for two days later, That was Charles Cairns' old mother. He was at the funeral on the Friday afternoon. Then, after paying his last respects at the graveside, he hurried off to work. Some hours later, between two and three o'clock Saturday morning, his Bloor car collided with an automobile, and both vehicles burst into flames. J. W. Barnes was burned to death and Charles Cairns, who had applied the emer- gency brakes which automatically lock all the doors, barely ecaped with his life. : Two weeks later, on Sunday, May 5, Mr. Cairns was walking from the office at the Coxwell car barns to take out the car he was to drive that day, when he was of the other men who was leaving for the day. His thumb was lac- erated and his left leg badly bruised. He hopes, however, to be in pretty good shape again by the time his case is brought to trial. Nearly 2,500,000 tong of rice will be raised in the Phillippines this year. Hawaii's sugar crop this year weighed 950,000 tons. HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY Summer is almost here, or according to the date i should be, and also the time to think of filling that coal bin for Old Man Winter, who never forgets, but always comes. "Call and Let Us Tell You About Our "Jeddo Coal Cannel and And All Other Fuels That Are Carried to Serve the People of Oshawa ( Call today and experience the service and satisfaction this company gives Dixon Coal Co: Phone 262 oF" Solvay Coke Pocahontas to every customer, struck by the automobile of one |' SUSPEGT ARRESTED AT MORROW HOME Mysterious Stranger Held in Connection With Black- mail Plot North Haven, Me., May 22.-- This island, where nerves have been on edge for 24 hours follow- ing reports of a plot on the life of Constance Morrow, was thrown dents here say that it is the first time in 200 years that a person has been held on that charge. The man said his name is Robe ert Tondera, that he is an inven~ tor and aviation mechanic and that he has a mission to see Col. Lindbergh. Asked why he pick ed out the noted flier, the man said he wanted to reach "the highest man in the buiness." Tondera arrived here on the v.30 p.m. boat from Rockland yes- terday. He carried "a little black bag," and his actions.guickly at- tracted the attention of the guards around the Morrow houhe and the local police. into excitement at midnight last night by the arrest of a myster- fous stranger from Mexico City. The man, who had attempted repeatedly to reach the Morrow home, where Col. Lindbergh, his fiancee and the women of the Mor- row "Tamily are staying was held as a suspicious person. Resi- QUALITY COAL Phone 3060 MALLETT BROS. South porcelain tops. Simcoe Street Exceptional Offering in Electric Rangettes Equipped with three 660-watt elements, two heat switches, cord and plug, over 12 by 12 by 12 takes 10-inch roaster, vitreous Attractively priced at, $23.50 3-PIECE SIMMONS' BED OUTFIT Comprising a steel bed in walnut finish with inch and half continuous posts and solid panel, link fabric spring and all felt mattress. Regular $25.50. $19.95 Trim. CHAIR OR ROCKER In Chinese Seagrass with green LAWN SWINGE Made of hardwood strong bolted construction, painted red natural, four passenger siza $9.45 Simcoe Street lire Topr and | ! vy i : { 0 haa y ys 7 Es In Chinese Seagrass with round HAMMOCK CHAIRS With heavy striped Duck seat and back adjustable to four positions. | . V7 7 77- =) z TABLES $1.65 BE TT [ 2/4 7 7 oe