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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 May 1929, p. 22

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do thousarids of the people of Oshawa find their greatest days when the rush of the wind on the' (4 4 THE OSHAWADA The Lure of the Open Road wf ow way threading its way, pret herds of cattle grazing fields--and a smoothly running motor to make possible the en- mer, and humidity of the city and the office or factory, or store. Motoring in these days is more than a means of going from one place to another. It is a recreation, Joyment pléasure in the dog days of sum- face acts as a wonderful tonic after the heat of fthe open road. Thus health-giving 'and. re-vitalizing, stirring up the blood to new activity and ing the sluggish brain. And Oshawa, on the main Ontario provincial highway, with good roads leading out to north, east and' west, provides the opportunities which are so much desired for the full enjoyment of the great out of doors behind the wheel of a modern automobile. | 1 J Scottish Nobleman"s Whim Converts Desolate Swamp Into Beautiful Landscape On the Edinburgh to Moffat road, between Leadburn and Lamancha, is noticed on the right-hand side a beau- tiful loch, with swans gracing its surface. Set amidst sylvan surround- ings, the whole aspect seems natural, especially wlen we see the great beeches and towering firs in the im- mediate vicinity, but if we could vis- ualize the landscape as it was 200 years ago we would see nothing but a dismal swamp, minus the great trees, and dangerous to man' and beast. Two hundred years ago that part of Peeblesshire, in the parish of New- lands, was known as Blair Bog. It was then a part of Lamancha 'estate, 900 feet above sea level, a desolate waste, and fit only for sportsmen. It was purchased about 1733 by Archi- bald, Earl of Islay, afterwards third Duke of Argyll, who was a deputy of Sir Robert Walpole and practically the Ruler of Scotland during a large art of the reign of George II Bought for the sake of its shootings, he built on it a small house and of- fices at the end of the fluid moss, where the present mansion-House now stands, and began to carry out a whim to drain the bog and plant it out with trees. The Duke:caused great open ditch- es to be cut,'with subsidiary smaller ones, and thus intersected the bog in stich a way as to draw all the water to the aforementioned loch. The moss, which varied from 12 to 20 feet deep and was very-treacherous, began to consolidate 'and became firm enough to be. planted, but not until after great trouble 'and expense had been incurred, the fluid moss con- tinually slipping - into "the great trenches and forcing re-excavation. By this time the name. changed from Blair Bog to Whim. The Duke plant- ed the higher, drier ground with beeches. These form the boundaries and have a noble and' striking: effect upon the landscape. Between the great open ditches, silver spruce and Scotch fir were planted, Many of the young trees -died, but the survivors, rearing their great heads skywards, testify to.what can 'be done with what seemed 'useless Souniry: On the north side is the farm of Blaircoch- rane, part of Whim, whose tenant, during the many years: of his ten- ancy, has done a .great.deal in re- claiming and maintaing in clean, fertile, condition the land which he farms. i Simcse St. M, BEFORE any MIRROR Your good taste will be reflected The real test of a suit is to see yourself before a mirror, Then, style, fabric, workmanship, fit and finish speak for themselves. Even you will appre- ciate the difference in favor of our clothes. $225° to $385° Some With Two Pair Trousers JOHNSTON'S Phone 676 the province of Szechun, 'Mrs. Butts met her - while at college in Toronto. A -------- ee -- Cellar that Paid for House The mansion-house, and also the square, can be seen from the public road. On the lands of Whim Farm are cavities here and there, from which freestone, limestone, and also coal had at one time been excavated, all being worked near the surface. Altogether the trouble and expense incurred by the Duke were very great, and it is questionable whether he derived any satisfaction from his whimsical yet bold experiment. He died in 1761, and Whim was pur- chased by James Montgomety for a very small sum. Mr. Montgomery bought the house furnished, just as it stood, and it is said that the value of the wine in the cellar was greater than what he paid for the whole es- tate. Mr. Montgomery, while oc- cupying Whim, attained to the posi- tion of Lord Chief Baron of Exche- quer. He carried on the task of re- claiming the morasses. He also en- larged the mansion-house, and built the adjoining square, which comprise a court of stables and other offices, with a striking architectural exterior. He resigned his office in 1801, and in the same year was created a baronet. He died in 1803. Sir James Mont- gomery lived also in Queensbury House in the Canongate of Edin- burgh, and is said to have been the last gentleman who resided in that historic mansion as such. The boggy lands of Whim are to be viewed, not as normal, but in an arti- ficial condition. The present propri- etor, Professor Ian Campbell Han- nah, F.S.A.(Scot), F.S.A, takes a keen interest in his property.--W. M'K, in The Edinburgh News. LIFE IN GHINA LIKE VOLGAND Mrs. McCartney. Will. Re- turn to China After Year in Canada (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Edmonton, Alta, May 22.-- "Sitting on top of a volcano" is the way it feels to live in parts of China. The speaker was Mrs, McCartney who arrived in this city to stay with a sister whom she had not seen for 13 years. Mrs, Mc- Cartney has spent thirty-four years there and is going back after She spends a year with her.sons. A daughter, Mrs. V. R. Butts, lives in Chung King where Mrs. Mec- Cartney's home is also located, in 1800 miles inland on the Yangste river. husband former Brantford and Paris, On- , tarfo, man he is now manager ox the Imperial Chemical company for the province of Szzechun with headquarters at Chung King, Asked if she had been is any of the "Chinese wars," Mrs, Mcuart- ney said she had mever been mol- ehted personally, but felt called upon on one occasion to defend her husband with a revolver wnen a group of Chinese threatened to throw him in the river. Her daughter quite recently was a vic- tim in a melee. She was beaten and thrown on the sands of the river when she refused to pay more than the standard fare which the man in charge of the boat demand- ed, because he suspected her of having more money on her person, knowing her to be a woman of means. The fracas was witness- "ed from. outside her home by the Chinese servants who came to her rescue and defended her by get- ting 'bodily between the boatman and his gang, until her husband arrived. © Chinese servants are reliable, Mrs, McCartney said. She had one in her household who in his 28 years of service, has never been found unfaithful, and anoth- er a woman, has been with her for 20 years. 69 WOMEN ARE SEEKING ELECTION Miss Eleanor Rathbone In- dependent Representative Nominated Yesterday London, May 22.--Bringing the total number of women seeking 'el- ection to the House of Commons in the present election campaign to 69, Misc Eleanor Rathbone was nominated today for the combined universities. She is runnng as an Independent. The women candi- dates include ten Conservatives, 80 Laborites, 25 Liberals, three Communists and one Independent. i ud an i ! UY 0 AAR Guu i" - im, | TTR wie AES TEAS Our Club Plan Purchases of $25.00 may be had as low as $5.00 down and $1.00 per week. On larger amounts you pay 1-5 down the balance divided into 5 equal monthly payments. : Grass Rugs and e ILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1929 The Season of Wicker has arrived which in the furniture business means "Summer is here" verybody is preparing to live out doors most of the time. ..Make your Verandah, - Porches and Sun Rooms bright and attractive with the latest Furniture and Rugs specially made for this purpose. We are showing a fine line in the very newest of Rattan Furniture in colored effects, that are very smart. We invite you to come and look these over. The prices are withn the reach of all. Being marked exceptionally low for this high class merchandise. 3 Piece Porch Sets 3 Piece Porch or Verandah Set comprising 2 comfortable tub shaped chairs and settee, the effect is blue and Chinese red, colors stand well as the reeds are dyed separately before it is woven. Strongly 'made and light to move about. Regular $52.45. Special ........ eerseaiies Simmons' Hammo Couch upholstered in strong khaki duck fitted on link spring with well made cushions. we Special $11.95 sis Special $5.50 Canopy Regular $8.95 ............ Special $7.95 $46.75 Maple Verandah ROCKERS Strongly made Verandah Rockers in maple finished in natural shade with seat of woven split cane always a favorite for the verandah. They range in price from the very low figure of, each, $2.75 t0 $5.95 3-piece Porch Set 3. Piece Porch Set comprising 2 chairs and round table, constructed of best dyed rattan in Chinese blue relieved with bands of yellow... A most attractive Set, Regular $35.50. Special Very smart are these new Rice Grass Rugs in many artistic designs and colorings. They are closely woven and have the appearance of ex- pensive rugs. Size 4x7 Regular $1.65........ Special $1.39 Size 6x9 Regular $2.95 .......Special $2.69 Awnings We will be glad to quote prices on any awnings. It will pay you to see our pat- terns and get our prices before purchas- ing. Our expert will call and give price complete installed. A atl Bamboo Porch Screens $7.50........ Special $6.50 ° LU AEROLUX PORCH SCREENS Aerolux Porch Screens are one of the best known makes on the continent they are sold in increasing numbers every year, and those who are looking for something better in the way of Porch Screens cannot do better. The even spaced wooden slats let in the air, but keep out the sun. The colors are good and stand up well. Specially priced for this week. Size 5.3x7.6 .. . $6.85 Size 6.0x7.6 : . $8.15 Size 8.0x7.6 $10.25 Size 10.0X7.6 ........ccoursessssessisressenerre $12.95 KE sesesessnses FURNITURE COMPANY 63 King St. E.

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