THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1929 Kuiwting, brooms snd ne he Port # Daily Times | be received at the' olen Tolephons & Offics; Dundas Street, REPRESENTATIVE -- JAMES HOLDEN | Aged: Resident. of Whitby Recalls Events Attending Incorporation in: 1854 (By Staff Whitby, "May 22.--Three intet- esting circuistances, all connec with the year 1854, when Whit was incorporated as a town, are yecalled by William Wallace, ¥ wear old Green street resident, 'who was born here in 1846, and during his }{fe has been a mechanic, school teacher and pioneer western settler. Mr. Wallace, in spite of his advan ed age, is hale and hearty and po: sesses a memory which might put many a younger man to shame, His boyhood days were spent i Whitby, in later life he went west and then in 1916 returned to the town of his birth, The incorporation of Whitby as a town, as Mr, Wallace recalls, was attendant upon the creation of On- tario county and the subsequent choice of Whithy as the county seat. The court house, jail and registry office were located herp that year and the laying of the cor- ner stone of the court house was kd ceremony which gave cause for gens eral rejoicing and celebration. As a lad of eight years, Mr. alan attended this function and wa muchimpressed with what he saw pnd beard. Three bands were in EAT-- CREAM of & BARLEY a0 0 dure of Gost Hout Reporter) attendance, the Whitby, Oshawa and Brookiin bands. Eminent eiti- zens, . county officials, members of the Legislative Assembly and oth- ers were included among the guests and the day was devoted to flow- ery speeches and long orations. The contractor for the court house Was Mr. Wallace's father, the late Col. James Wallace, one of the pioneer residents of the community. More Rejoicing That same year the town people had another occasion for celebrat- ing when word was received from the Crimea that Sebastopol had-fal- of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, the citizens organized torch light par- ades and had a gigantic fireworke display. The Atlantic Cable had not yet been laid and news travell- ed slowly but some time later it was learned that the report was false. Three months elapsed and a re- port, confirmed this time by the proper authorities, told of the wul- timate downfall of the beseiged Russian fort. Nothing daunted the people of Whitby organized a sec- ond celebration and the town was again treated to a display of fire- works. Mr. Wallace remembers with delight that the small boys of the community were highly pleased with the whole affair, Fund of Information Seventy-five years have elapsed from that time to this and Whitby is now in its diamond jubilee year. Time has dealt gently, however, \ FEEDS 1 STRIPED SACK What makes a good hen good? best hen in the world can't do her work | unlessshegetstheright foed--thefeed that cone tains just the things a hen must have to make eggs, Quaker FUL-O-PEP EGG MASH This scientifically-prepared feed contains in (pro ions the various materials from which eggs are plus molasses and cod liver meal to keep the birds healthy and active in all weather. We have it-- come in and talk it over. Ton can start now. Orders filled without delay) HOGG & LYTLE, Limited len before the attacking British and |: French forces. As loyal subjects | with a Tete a old Citizen fand ne still takes a keen interest in all municipal affairs while he is an ardent reader, especially of histor- ical subjects. Born the son of a Scotch pioneer, he-himself followed the urge for adventure and was one { the early settlers in the Golden [district of British Columbia. Now, at the age of 83 he is still able ww spade his own garden and when interviewed by The Times yester- day, had just completed digging a large area. His fund of information on the early days in Whitby and Ontario county is almost inexhaus- tible. F, HOWARD ANNES STRESSES OFFER OF FREE SITES SHOWS OPPORTUNITIES BEING PRESENTED IN WHITBY Says It Would Be Disastrous For Farmers To Separate From Town Whitby, May 23.--In an inter- view this morning with F, Howard Annes further information in re- gard to the advertising of the town residential and industrial advant- ages was secured by The Times. Mr. Annes was enabled to make the arrangement with the Ruddy Company for the free service to the municipality that other places are paying ag high as $200 a year for because of the property, at the corner of Dundas and -Heury streets, being one of the most valuable on the Kingston Road for display publiciiy. It is prob- able, too, that the signs will be lighted so as to increase their use- fulness. In presenting his offer to the town council Mr. Annes stress- ed the benefits that should come from attracting the attention of manufacturers passing along the highway, the' traffic as a whole being estimated for the pPesent season to aggregate upwards of two million. This appeal for in- dustrial expansion iz based on the free sites which Mr. Annes and others are offering for this pur- pose, While Mr. Annes' properties are on either the Canadian Nation- al or Canadian Pacific main lines, 'his success in persuading F, IL. Beecroft who has a farm intersec- ted by both the railway systems in the north-east section of the town to offer a free site was the main argument for this move since large modern {industries deniard locations. where direct spurs to both systems are possible at reas- onable cost. Mr. Beecroft's lands comprise three of the four quar- ters at this insection. All the utili- ties of a city are available so tant this offer of a free site is a worth while one. At the harbor the fown owns properties that afford both rail service by the Canadian Natloual as well access to the docks for navigation facilities, Mr. Annes, too, has a site of similar character that he includes in his offer. The Farm Question One of the farm owners, Mr. Annes's views as to the embroglio between the town and the farm land owners was requested by the Times. This very question of the industrial expansion of the town is, in his opinion, one of the most $44 per ft. buys lot 48 x 200 on King St. E., near Young $27 per ft. buys a lot on Athol St. E., near Young St. J.H.R. Luke Regent Theatre Block CAR OWNERS! 86 KING ST. E. OSHAWA = You. Cai Save $20 to $27 per Year on the Upkeep of Your Car by joining . the Mercury Service Co-operative Plan wr full information fill in the-atiached coupon, , Mereury se Service poe ** me ~~" Ett: \ ® | Whibty if |two thousand acres surrounding important reasons why {it would be disastrous to the future of o. farms, with their the central neuclus of business and residences, should be permitted to go out into the surrounding terri- tory of the township of Whitby. Mr. Annes forsees a the experience of. that a parasitic growth like West- mount, Ross's Corners and Har- mony w of be . repe in the] itby by the severance a Se town of so Yarge a 'por- tion of its present area. He be- of This hat ith Je a: unfortunate prospe t- ter councils. will prevail na the two warring factions come together in a settlement which is very easy of accomplishment ag there is but little difference, except the renewal of the agreement for a five year period, to prevent a set- tlement and this periodic exten- sion of the agreement, is, in the opinfon of eminent counsel, pro- vided for in the special act of the legislature which was the origin of the arrangement made thirty- six years ago and that since at re- curring intervals, has regulary been renewed. TENNIS CLUB HERE LAUNCHES DRIVE FOR MEMBERSHIP May Add Two Additional Courts If Drive Is Successful (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, May 23.--A membership drive is now under way for addi- tional members for the tennis divi- sion of the Whitby Lawn Bowling and Tennis Club, There are no restrictions to membership and any one may join who is willing to pay the regulation fee, Last year there were 67 members and this season it is hoped that the membership will exceed the 100 mark. If the drive should prove successful two additional courts may be added, making a total of six. Junior' memberships allowing playing until 6 o'clock, after which juniors are not entitled to play. The fees for junior, ladies' and men's memberships are much low- er than those charged by the maj- ority of clubs. Three of the four courts have now been prepared and the tennis season is in full swing. BREAKWATER MAY (0 UNREPAIRED * FOR THIS SUMMER Public Works Department Engineer Says No Esti- mate Has Been Made vepetition raf | APPEAL ALLOWED. OF C. BROWN AND BRONSEN 'BROS. Trio Also Appealing Against Sentence For Entering Whitby Garage 5 (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, May 23.--The appeals of Chatles Brown, Edward Bros- nen and Alfred Brosnen from their conviction before the police magis- trate at Toronto on the 11th of Ap- ril on a charge of stealing an au- tomobile were allowed by Mr. Jus- tice Mulock, Mr. Justice Magee, Mr. Justice Hodgins, Mr. Justice Grant and Mr. Justice Fisher, in the First Divisional Court at Osgoode Haj, Toronto, yesterday. Brown, and Edward Brosnan had heen eaen sentenced to one year's imprison- ment, while Alfred Brosnen had re- ceived three months' imprisonment. - The three are alsp appealing against a conviction by Magistrate Willis on a charge of stealing a Quantity of cigarettes from Foley» Service Station, Dundas street east, They were represented by G. T. Walsh while W. B. Common appears éd for the Crown. WILE ATTERD SE RVICE IN OSHAWA CHURCH (By Staft Reporter) Whitby, 'May 23.~Officers and men of $C" Company, lotal unit of the Ontario Regiment are par- ticipating in the church parade of the regiment from the Armories. to Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Oshawa, next Sunday morning. The parade will be headed by the Regi- mental Band. y SOFTBALL DI AMOND NOW REALY FOR USE (By Staff Reporier) Whitby, May 23.--The softball diamond at the town park has been placed in good shape and is now in readiness for use by the town eh 1 teams. Judging from present in- dications there will be no bascball Circulation Canvasser WANTED Man or Woman Apply--- OSHAWA DAILY TIMES: | Ask For Mr. Boyce played here this summer and the park will be devoted to softball and soccer. PAVING DRIVEWAY INTO ® "REAR OF POST OFFICE (By Staff Reporter) . Whitby, May 23.--Both drive- ways leading to the rear of the post office from Brock and Dunaas sireets are now being paved. The contract for the work has been let to M. Campbell, cement contractor. COMMENCE WORK ON GARAGE Whitby, May 22.--Work on the new garage and automobile show room to be built at the corner of Dundas and Ash streets by Thread- gold Bros., local contractors, will commence shortly. The lot is now being filled in and levelled in pre- paration for the building of the foundation. * The new building will add much to the appearance of the gtreet as this corner has long been an eyesore. T (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, May Tavish, of the Department of Pub- lic Works, Ottawa, made an inspec- tion of the local harbor recently, acting upon fustruction from Hou, J. C. Elliott, Minister of Public Works. The engineer spent several hours at the harbor aud after the inspection admitted to Town En- water was in a state of disrepair but hazarded the opinion that uoth- ing could be done this year as no | 23.--Engineer Mec- | gineer H. L. Pringle that the break- | Wax Paper 15-Sheet es "or 250 appropriation, had been made by Parliament, unfortunate. however, bor were allowed to be ruined stmo- ly because the cstimates for year did not include a sum for the repair of the breakwater between the east pier and the mainland, They declare that weather condi- tions have made this a case of em- ergency, and that if the breakwater is left in {ts present condition for another year the damage inflicted by the lake on the government docks, private property and the harbor. itself might far exceed the cost of immediate repairs. The work could be included in the supplementary estimates this year and the town council will likes ly again impress upon the Depart- ment of Public Works the urgency of the situation. In fact, the sup- port of the Ontario County council may be solicited as a resolution from this body, endorsing the stand of the town council, it is believea would add considerable weight ro the request. DIPHTHERIA CASE FOUND IN WHITBY (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, May 28.---One case of diphtheria has been reported in town during the past week. cautionary measures have been taken, however, and Dr. C. F. Me- Gillivray, M.O.H., has given assur- ance that there is no danger of wu diphtheria epidemic. Pile Sufferers You can only get quick, safe and lasting relief by removing the cause congestion of blood in the lower bowel. Nothing but an internal remedy can do this--that's why cutting and salves fail. Dr. Leon- hardt's Hem-Roid, a harmless tab- let, is guaranteed to quickly and safely banish any form of Pile mis- ery or money back. Jury & Lovell and druggists everywhere sell it with this guarantee. : | SEE OUR HOLIDAY ! SPECIALS In MEN'S WEAR i Scotland Woollen ! Mills I | S. Rotish, Mgr., 11 Simcoe 8. || Local officials feel it would be | if the har-| the | Pre-. C.&B. Branston Pickles 8-0z. Jar 24c Extra Special | Luscious Raspberry Jam Rich in Fruit--40-o0z, Jar Bloater Paste 3-0z. Jar Maple Butter ~ TedbuiTT ueviai ie Clark's Potted Meats, Per Tin . &alonia English Style Biscuits, Box Every Part of the E Contributes to EMPIRE WEEK MAY 25" «© JUNE I¥ Empire Shopping Week is to produced within the Empire. goods, for by buying Canadian goods we are developin, A unit of the greatest retail organization in the British Empire, this Groceteria is an important outlet for Empire Products, 'Empires Buyers are Empire Builders." Paste, Jar Makes Rich Sandwiches A Whelesems Spread 30c concentrated flavor ALL FLAVORS Shirriff"s Lushus Jelly Powders The Delightful Jelly with rich Sernsd Tins 2 5c &aionia Pickles Sweet, Sour, Mixed or Mustard--Add zest to a cold meat. Fresh Cut ASPARAGUS, 2 for 25¢ HOME GROWN RHUBARS, Sc Bunch Open All Day Saturday Large Boxes 9 am. to 6 p.m. rr Extra Speciall MAPLE LEAF MATCHES Fanoy Early Crosby--The Finest Quality First SPECIAL! EATON'S Special Blend TEA Try this fine flavored Cup--Black only COFFEE | The Cup of delightful | Bator and aroma. 696 © Per SPECIAL! Flower and Vegetable Seeds 10 Packets 25¢ "STORE HOURS: 6) oice naturally is for Canad. A great For the Holiday * Canada Dry 19¢ Ginger Ale pt. Heinz Sandwich Relish, 8-0z. Jar . . 7 Paste, Per Tin . . EATON'S Assorted Candies, Per Box Pascall's English Fruit Flavors pur Table romote a preference for goods greater Canada, and, of course, a greater Enipirs. Canadian in its inception, Canadian iu its ideals, you will find Outstanding Specials featuring Canadian and Empire Products. "Empire Buyers are Empire Builders." Toy Pails of Bowes' Peanut Butter 28¢ Hall's Sandwich Chicken mpire ee a Ae ee ee ee Pa ian Extra Special | treat for the Kiddies ¢ Bisto 7 Gravy Salt se hr. 20¢ &ailonia Choice Quality TOMATOES 25¢ Large Size Tin 22 | 2 w 250 14 Eatenia Marmalade 43c for EATONIA 40 oz. Jar __ &atonia Assorted Nut Ba and wholeso -- ------ slonia C4 -colate Bars rs--iresh q ea ars 10e SPECIAL! Machine Sliced Cooked Ham 47c 1». me. oS DELIVERY 10.30 a.m. 2.30 p.m. 4.30 p.m. Ex 'CULVERHOUSE PEARS in Light Syrup--No. 2 Tins No. 2 size tins Tins for Year 23c G ROLE. Open All Day Saturday - tra Speciall Tins for 23¢