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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 May 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1929 PAGE THREE an Dead For Hours Found in Car in Garage on Olive Avenue D. Campbell Tells Story of Day of Tragic Explosion at Crean Mrs. Compbell 3 Escaped In- jury Although Walking in Front of Fated Building When Explosion Occur- red on May 15 MR. CAMPBELL JUST "THIRTY FEET AWAY Was Being Operated on by Dr. Crile in Annex Near Clinic Building -- Had 'Spent Day and a Half in Clinic Itself Impressions of the explosions at the Cleveland Clinic hospital were gi- ven to The Times today by Duncan Campbell, local photographer, who was being operated on when the 'ex- plosion occurred on the morning of May. 15, in an annex to the hospital about thirty feet away from the fa- ted building. Mrs. Campbell, he said, was walking in front of the Clinic when the explosion occurred, but un-| fortunately escaped injury and was not affected by the terrible poisonous gas which killed over 100 people. A few days prior to the disaster, Mr. Campbell spent a day and a half in the clinic building itself, wnder- going examinations by the specialists that had their offices in the clinic building. Then, when he had found it impossible to secure a bed in the large 300-bed hospital in connection with the clinic, which seemed to be perpetually filled, he had been placed in the small annex building, separa- ted from the clinic by a 'thirty-foot vacant lot, in a room facing the cli- nic building itself. "It was fortunate that the explosion was not heavy enough to dislodge any of the bricks or stone on the exterior of the cli- nic building, or it might have fallen right through the window of my room," Mr, Campbell remarked. The fact that Dr. G. W. Crile, the famous head of the clinic, was op- erating on Mr. Campbell in this an- nex at the time, probably saved the life of this eminent surgeon, in Mr, Campbell's opinion. Mr. Campbell was his last operating case of the morning, and as soon as the opera- tion had been performed, he was scheduled to return to the clinic buil- ding, where he might have been trap- ped and killed as a score of other em- inent surgeons were. Mr. Campbell retursied to his Osh- awa home Tuesday night, and this morning was back at his work in Campbell's studio, feeling much bet- ter than when he left the city, he declared. (Clinic Hospital {Blue Ruin Talk Quickly Refuted At the City Hall Calamity and Blue Ruin! Talk of them still persists even in prosper- ous Oshawa! This morning a re- porter on The Times was talking to an acquaintance whom he met at the city hall, and this man was very much excited about a certain company in Oshawa that makes a product used in the General Mo- tors plants. 'They have cut out their night shift, and men at the plant think they are going to pull out of Oshawa altogether," he said, and he was quite excited about 1t, Two minutes later, the reporter saw a building permit, issued this morning, for a small addition to be built by the same company! Which rather settled the 'pulling out" scare. TENDERS CALLED NEW CHILDREN'S SHELTER, OSHAWA $50,000 Building Will Be Built This Summer by Local Society A tender, call was iss A 'oday by C. C. Stenhouse, architect, on the new children's shelter to be erected this summer on Centre ot. by the Children's Aid Society, Tenders will be receivd by H. P, Schell, president of the local so- ciety, and close June 10. Plans prepared by Mr. Stenhouse call for a two-storey building, with the basement fully finished for occu- pation as one storey, 92 by 40 feot in size, of brick and tile construe- tion with slate roof and steam heating. Flooring will be of oux and mastic, with whitewood trim. The cost is estimated as in the neighborhood of $50,000, covering all trades. The new building will be erect- erected on a site recently present- ed to the society by J. D. Storie, and will contain separate dormi- tories for boys and girls, playrooms, etc., with a separate wing as an isolation hospital. The building committee comprises Warden Dob- son of the County of Ontario, Ma- yor T. B."Mitchell, of Oshawa, and G. W. McLaughlin, J. A Bickell, T. H. Everson, C. Schofield, and Alex Storie, of Oshawa. CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS | vw ar mes GARROW BEAUTY SHOPPE Miss Leah Garrow of the Garrow Beauty Shoppe, 245 Athol street east, wishes to announce that she is clos- ing her Beauty Shoppe every Satur- day afternoon during the months of June, July, August and September. (126a) MEMBERSHIPS INCREASE A large number of memberships to the Oshawa Motor Club are be- ing received this week due to tne heavy campaigning being done by members of the club in the city. It was understood that one mem- ber at General Motors has receiv- ed as many as fifteen membper- ships already. C. OF OC. MEETING A general meeting of the Cham- ber of Commerce will be held on some date before June 15 to con- sider the municipal bylaws on the hydro and gas plant purchase and the industrial areas issue being placed before the ratepayers by the city council. -It is expectea to have representation from the Hy- dro Electric Power Commision 3 at the meeting. WILL ATTEND MEETING Frank Mason, G. D. Conant and Leon Frazer, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of this city, were delegated yesterday at the meeting of the directorate in the board room to attend the annual meeting of the Central Ontario Power Association at Cobourg to- morrow, It is understood repre- sentatives of the city council will also attend the meeting. PROPOSED CALENDAR A questionnaire from the Cana- dian Chamber of Cmmerce as to whether the local Chamber was infavor of a National committee to study a proposed revised calen- da was approved by the directoraie of the Chamber in yesterday's ses- sion in the Board Room. The calendar to which the question- naire refers is called the Cots- worth Calendar, the principal of which is to establish a thirteen month year. KILLED STARTING MOTOR LAUNCH Saint John, N.B., May 30--John Marley was killed here last ev ening while preparing his motor boat for launching. The boat was jacked up near a building and settled to one side, crushing the unfortunate man's head between the hull and the wall of the building. No one saw the accident but it is believed death was instan- taneous. The body was found by a young son of the victim who is survived by his wife and three sons, the eldest ten years old. WOODSTOCK CHILD DRINKS COAL OIL (By Canedian Press Leased Wire) Woodstock, May 30.-- Bruce Mc- herson, fourteen monhts old Em- bro child, died this morning from drinking coal oil. The infant se- Cured a can of oil last evening and had swallowed a larze quantity of it before being noticed. WORK WILL BEGIN ON NEW CATHEDRAL Approximate Cost $200,000 Will Replace One Des- troyed in 1922 Ottawa, May 30.--The erection of a $200,000 cathedral and Bish- op's palace will be started immedi- ately at Haileybury, Ont., following the granting of the contract to W. Dagenais, building contractor of Ot- tawa, The cathedral, which will replace the Holy Cross Cathedral, destroy- ed in the fire of 1922 will be of Roman architecture. It will have 1 seating capacity of 500 and will have three altars in the sanctuary. The exterior will be of stone with a 125 foot bell tower surmounting the front part. Hope for Reciprocal Visit Victoria, B.C.--'"We are ledbing Canada wit hthe -hope that a heci- procal visit to Australia will be ar- ranged for Canadian boys," Major John J. Simons, leader of the Young Australia k League, gtated yesterday prior to embarking on the liner Aorasgi homeward bound. 'George GENEROUS PRIZES ARE OFFERED FOR ROTARY PARADE Varied Character of Classes Expected to Draw Out Record Entry List $150 IN AWARDS Thirteen Different Classes in Which Prizes Are Being Offered If a widely varied and generous prize list counts for anything, the big parade to be held in conjunction with the Rotary Street Fair on Wed- nesday, June 19, should be an out- standing success, and should bring out the keenest enthusiasm, Dave Tod, the chairman of the committee in charge of the parade, has com- pleted his prize list, and it is by far the most ambitious ever presented for a parade of this kind, Not only are there several new prize classes, but the amount of the prizes has been greatly increased, so as to make the entry of well-decorated floats worth while. The chief class provided for in the prize list is that for the best decora- ted float to represent a firm's pro- ducts or goods. For this class, which is expected to appeal particularly to manufacturers, sthe frst prize is $25.00, and there is also a second prize of $1500. It is expected that this class will draw some splendid (Continued on page 9) LAST. TRIBUTES OF RESPECT PAID TO AMBROSE E. HENRY IMPRESSIVE FUNERAL SERVICE WAS HELD YESTERDAY of . . Tributes Paid To The Lifle and Work of Prominent Citizen Banked high with beautiful tokens of sympathy in the form of flowers, the casket containing the body of Ambrose E. Henry, pioneer of this district and well known resident of Oshawa was taken from his late residence, Drew street here yester- day, to its last resting place. Many citizens of the city, former friends and acquaintances fyled by to pay last tribute to Mr. Henry whose life while here was a life of service for the community in which he lived. Funeral services at the home were conducted by Rev. Ernest Harstan pastor of Simcoe street United Church. The service was attended by many members of the Masonic Order in the city, Mr. Henry was an active Mason being connected with the local organizations more than fifty years. "A distinct loss to the community, whose place it will be unable to fill, Mr. Henry was born, lived and died in that city which he loved so well." These- were the appropriate tributes paid the deceased by Mr. Harston. "The great loss in case of death usually is confined to one circle but in this instance, the loss is twofold, for. Mr. Henry will be sadly missed in the circle of the Masonic Order as well as his own home." Fololwing the service at the home, the cortege followed the procession of Masons to' the: Masonic Temple on Centre street where another ser- vice was held. Impressive to the greatest degree, the ceremony was enacted within the walls of the new temple to Masonry where the body of the dead brother was laid in state while the service was conducted, The service at the grave was simple but impressive, the Masonic emblems of the deceased being placed on the casket as it was let into the earth at Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were Charles Pirie, W. McLaughlin, George Albert Crowle, H. Saunders . C. Stenhouse. » Hare, and C CANADA BREAD T0 BUILD ADDITION Will Construct $8,000 Stable and Wagon Shed Here An $8,000 addition to the Canada Bread company's depot on King street west will be constructed. im- mediately, a permit having been is- sued this morning at the city hall for the work. The contract for this job has been fet to W. R. Short, 18 Warren avenue, Oshawa, and the plans call for two additions, at the rear and at the side, 50 feet 6 inches by 60 fect and 16 feet 9 inches by 07 feet 6 in- |. ches in size, and one storey high. The additions will be biult of brick, with concrete flecoring, and will be used for stables and wagon sheds. COMPLETE ENSEMBLE He: Why did Marie marry such an old fossil? She: She had to have something to go with her antique furmiture.-- Life. Blackston: Lroes your wife open your letters? Whitewaite; Only those marked "private."--Answers, sn FATHER AND SON F JGURE IN CONFERENCE REV. W. P. FLETCHER B.A., B.D. Pastor of Centre Street Uniten Church, which was officially received into the [Bay of Quinte Conference of the United Chu:'h at its session in Nap- anee today. REV. W. G. FLETCHER, B.A. Son of Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Flet- cher, was received into fellow. ship of the United Church at the Bay of Quinte conference in Napanee today. Latest Financial News i Market S Toronto and New York Stock Stobie, Forlong and TORONTO Stock High Low 12.30 Abitibi 39 Bid Bell Tel. 165 Braz, .. a Br A. Oil Carl. Can. Dry Alcohol Can. Brd. Cockshutt Can. 2nd Cty. Dry. Ford "A" Ham. Brd. 4 Hys, Wh, Imp. Oil Ip. Oil nw. It. Pet, It. Nkl. Ms. Hr, Mc. Frt. S. Station Walkers Util. 16314 50% 4614 16 821 28 165 821; 271; 161; 82%; 29% 47% 161% 82% 291, 195 Bid 361% 22% 66 36 36135 22 66 47 64a 20% Standard Mines 109 105 22 19 28 27 28 Dal. Oil 440 400 400 107 19 Amulet 1300 3% 2114 34 590 2400 114 1660 80 13 2310 35 37 37% 1630 410 611; 5050 510 37 725 8T 715 525 Falcon. Gold Hill Grnda. Grdvw, Holl. -. He. Oil Howey Hd. By. Kd. Lke, Kt. Fir. Lk. Sh. Malar, Mn. Bs. MeDoug. Meln. Mn, Cr. Newbec Nrda. Pd. Or. Pion. ".. Sh. Gr. Siscoe Sd. Bs. S.W. Pt. Tk. Hg. 830 Tow. . 160 Vipond 80 Bid Ventures 900 Wr. Hr, 113 Wainwell HENRY T. SHITH WELL KNOWN MASON DIED LAST NIGHT Succumbed To Heart Attack While Reading Newspaper at Home Toronto, May 30.--While seated in the living room reading 4 newspaper last evening, Heury v3 Smith, 28 Craig avenue, succumb- ed to a heart attack before medi- cal aid could be secured The late Mr. Smith, who was in his 70th year, was grand scribe E of Grand chapter, Royal Arch Masons of Canada. He had been confined to his home for two days with a cold. He was one of the leading auth- orities on Masonic ritual and his- tory. Henry Thomas Smith was born in London, England, July 11, 1859, of French and Welsh an- cestry, and came. to Canada with his parents when a child. The family settled in London, Ont, where he was educated in the pub- lic and commercial schools as well as by private tuition... He came to Toronto about 1887 and for some time was a teacher at shorthand. Then he became a newspaper re- porter, following which he was ap- pointed stenographic reporter in the high courts of Ontario. For many years he was secretary of the Toronto Assessment depart- ment and editor of the Masonic Sun, a monthly publication, FIRST HAND INFO Claim Agent: Are you badly hurt? Accident Victim: I don't know. I haven't seen the paper yet.-- Judge. OPEED NG FILLED MEMORIAL DAY IN WASHINGTON Continued frem Page 1) Deacon Litz, driving the car with which Meyer won the race last year, was leading. He covered the distance in 13.56.68, an average of 107.568 miles an hour, Ralph Hepburn was second. Duray was third. At the end of fifty miles Litz con- tinued to lead with Lou Moore, who finished second last year, just be- hind him. Duray was third. Litz' time was 27.59.97, an average of 107.170 miles an hour. This exceeded the time for the first fifty miles of the 1928 race, Speedway, Indianapolis, Ind, May 30.--William Spence, of Los Angeles, was killed today racing in the 500 mile international race at the India- napolis speedway. Spence, one of 33 crack drivers of the world, competing in the event, turned 6ver on the southeast turn of the two and a half mile brick course, suffering a fractured skull, He was rushed to the track hospital, but died on the way. Spence was 24 years old and married. He was a relief driver for William Arnold in the race last year and finished seventh, Spence was a newcomer in major race competition. He had driven about 40 miles over the perilously bumpy brick track when his car tipped over pinning him beneath it. THE BIG CLINCH Fair Atnerican: . Oh, English are too slow. Englishman: Er--I'm afraid I don't grasp you. Algy,. you Fair one: Yes, that's just it.--Tit- Bits. MR. AND MRS. THOMAS BEL- LAMY, of Cannington, celebrated their golden wedding at the home | = FIFTY YEARS MARRIED ire of their son. Thomas, 7 Wood: ville avenue, East York Township ~ " ~ 2 ~ . & = MANY ATTRACTIONS] FOR TOURISTS AS SEASON IS OPENED Fine Weather Makes Ideal Conditions For Motoring in Canada ROADS ARE GOOD Chambers of Commerce Ready to Assist Motorists in Any Way Possible With the tourist season well on its way and Oshawa situated on one of the most important high- ways in the province, a large num- ber of visitors both Canadian and American will visit the city dur- ing the next few months. Although the time for outside tenting has hardly opened there are a number of autoists who believe the early summer is the time for touring and are taking advantage of the many miles of Canadian highways to enlarge their outlook on Can- ada. There has never been an in- stance in the history of the Domiu- ion. when conditions for seeing the country were more favorable. Smooth pavements, picturesque landscapes and many reaches of open country make a strong appeal to the businessman and city resi- dent who spends his winter ard early Spring in the recesses of an office, It is his chance to become more intimately associated: with the country he lives in, and the call to tour the Dominion comes even stronger when he is made to realize that there are in operation in most of the fair sized cities or- (Continued on page 9) FATHER AND SON WELCOMED INTO CHURCH MINISTRY FORMAL RECEPTION OF CENTRE ST. CHURCH AT NAPANEE Son of Rev. W. P. Fletcher Received Into Ministry at Napanee Conference At a special service held this morn- ing yn Trinity church, Napanee, the Center street United church and its pastor, Rev. W. P. Fletcher, B.A, D.D., were received into the Bay of Quinte Conference, now in session there. The hope was expressed that the United Church should not only be a united church but should more and more become a uniting church, welcoming into the fullest fellowship any group of followers of the Lord Jesus, Christ. At the same time there was also received into fellowship, Rev. W. G. Fletcher, B.A, who was absent from the conference owing to his seeking to complete his B.D. course at Union Theological Seminary, New York. Rev. W. G. Fletcher is a son of Rev. Dr. Fletcher, and has accepted a call to the pastoral charge of the West- wood district iin Peterborg Presby- tery. The reception at the same time of a father and son as ministers is quite unique. CONTRACT LET FOR $8,000 DWELLING W. J. Trick Will Build House For Mrs. H. S. Smith The contract for an $8,000 dwel- ling on Louisa street, to be built for Mrs. H. S. Smith, 10 Centre street, was let yesterday by C. C. Stenhouse, architect, to W. J. Trick Company, Ltd, of this city. Work will start at once on this dwelling. A separate contract for plumbing and heating has been let to Miller & Libby, Celina street, and tenders are still' being taken on a separate contract for the electrical work. Plans call for a two-storey brick veneer hcuse, 38 by 28 feet in size with oak floors, gumwood and basswood trim and hot water heating. OBITUARY MRS, CHILDERHOUSE, PEMBROKE Mrs. Samuel Childerhouse, a form- cr resident of Oshawa, died at her home in Pembroke, on May 10. Mrs. Childerhouse, whose maiden name was Marie Boston, was born in Strat- ford township, Ontario, 77 years ago, and after her marriage to Mr. Chil- derhouse, lived in Stratford, Pem- broke, Orillia, Parry Sound and Osh- awa. They celebrated their golden wedding four years ago. Joseph Chil- derhouse, of Oshawa, is a son. REASON TO AGREE "There ought to be only one head to every family," declared a man at the club "That's true," agreed a little chap, making figures on a piece of paper. "You agree, do you?" asked the first map with a smile. "Indeed, I do. I've just aid for hats for nine daughters."--. Notting- ham News, - ww ~ - A. BACKOGEORGE | OPENS NEW STORE Olympia Candy Works Opens Tomorrow at 78 King Street West Andrew Backogeorge, well known to Oshawa people as the proprietor of the former Olympia Candy store, now occupied by the candy parlor of Jury and Lovell, is again to enter the business field in Oshawa, Tomorrow morning le opens a new candy store, bearing the old and familiar name of the Olympia Candy Works, in new premises at 78 King street west. This store has been fitted up in splendid style for its opening, and Mr. Backogeorge will have it well stocked with the high-class varie- ties of candies for which he made himself an enviable reputation during the years he was formerly in business in this city. A special announcement of the big opening day tomorrow is made elsewhere in this issue of The Times. OPENING STORE ANDREW BACKOGEORGE Who is tomorrow opening his new Olympia Candy Store at 78 King street west. TEXTILES BUILD SMALL ADDITION Two Storey Unit Will Be Used as Water Softening Building A small addition, to be used as a water softening building, will be constructed immediately by Orien- tal Textiles, Ltd, to the east of the present plant, at Athol and Charles streets, it was announced today. A building permit, giving the value of the building as $1,200, was issued this morning. The contract has been awarded to the Gay Company Limited of this city and plans call for a two storey brick and concrete building, 16 by 18 feet in size, with a concrete founda- tion, tar and gravel roof, concrete floor downtsairs and hardwood floor on the second storey. A large tank will be installed in the build- ing, and water will pass through it for softening before being passed through to the dye room. A two-storey storage warehouse, used for storing raw materials for. use in the plant, was recently com- pleted by this company south of its plant. Card of Thanks Mr. Frankiln Allin = wishes to thank his friends and neighbours for their kindness and sympathy. Also flowers in his recent bereave- ment, (126a) Mrs. Wm. Culling and family wish to thank Dr. Ferrier, the Oshawa Fide Brigade and their many friends. for their kindness during their recent sad bereave- ment. Also for the beautiful floral tributes, (126a) Too Late to Classify FOR RENT--- SMALL HOUSE. Phone 2441W. (1256¢c) UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER TO rent. Phone 3216. (1250) TO RENT--THREE NICE LARGE rooms, All conveniences. Use of cellar. Very reasonable. Apply 323 Albert St. (125¢) TO LET--TWO LARGE UNFUR- nished rooms with or without gar- age, light and wate. $20 per month. Phone 2748W, (126¢) TO RENT--BATHROOM FLAT, unfurnished. Immediate possession. Apply 215 Frances street, Phone 1424F. (126d) MODERN 6-ROOMED HOME FOR sale. 160 Bruce street. Hardwood Polished floor. Phone 732W. Post Mortem Being Held But No Indication of Foul Play Has Been Uncovered Sam Klemzuk, Ukrainian Boarding at 55 Mill St, and Baker by Trade Found Behind Steering Wheel at 233 Olive Avenue HAD BEEN DEAD FOR ALMOST DAY Came to This Country in 1907 and Was Well Known Among Ukrain- ian Population of City-- Two Brothers and Four Sisters Living in Canada cy! rel Sam Klemzuk, unmarried and' boarding at 55 Mill street was found: dead sitting behind the wheel in.a- Chevfolet sedan inf a garage belong- ing to Mike Porayko, at 233 Olive avenue last night. From all appear- ances the man, who was of Ukrainian birth had been dead for nearly twen- ty-four hours, since rigor morsis was well set in when the body was loca- ted. No indication of death on the pre- mises at 233 Olive avenue was shown until Mike Porayko, after he had come home from work, went to the garage in order 'to fix the brakes of the car which he believed were not in good working order. He had not been near the garage since the day previous when he left everything in good condition. The large docrs of the garage was locked but the side entrance had not been -locked. ody Behind Wheel Upon opening this door he per- ceived the body of his friend repos- ing behind the wheel with the head against the door. Believing him to be sleeping, for he had slept in the car at odd times before, he went back into the house to tell his wife, a sister of the deceased, that her bro- ther was outside. When he went back and found the body stiffened, he im- mediately got in touch with Coroner Dr. F. J. Rundle who communicated with police. The body was removed to the Disney-Cott Undertaking Far- lours. When found, Mrs. Porayko, said, there was blood on the mouth and nose, but no indication: of foul play was found. It was stated this morn. ing that a post mortem will be con- ° ducted and although death is believ~ ed to have been due to natural caus- es, the autopsy will definitely 'ascer- tain the truth of this, Came Here in 1907 Sam Klemzuk came to this country in 1907, and was engaged recently as a baker in the plant of John Dasik, Mill street. He was paid last Sat- urday by Mr. Dasik who stated to The Times that he did not see Klem- zuk since that time. Fred Klemzuk, a. brother of the deceased, who boards at the Porayko home declar- ed that he had not seen his brother since Monday afternoon, and Mrs. Porayko also saw him for the last time alive Monday afternoon. The body was found at five o'clock yes- terday afternoon. Besides his brother Fred and sis- ter, Mrs. Porayko, there survive a second brother Steve, in Oshawa, and three sisters, Mrs. Stella Woytok, of Windsor, Mrs. K. Konoposki,' and Mrs. Annie Hrysay of 'Oshawa. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. Coming Events 8 Cents per word each in- sertion. Minimum charge for each insertion, 35c. RUMMAGE SALE UNDER THE auspices of the Guild in St. George's Parish Hall, Cenire street, Thursday, May 30th, At 2 p.m. Anyone having articles of clothing, etc., kindly send. to Parish Hall, Thursday morning. (124D) RUMMAGE SALE KING ST. Church basement Friday, May 31st at 1.30. Good bargains. (TT) RUMMAGE SALE AT THE MAR- ket, Friday May 31, 2.30 p.m. W125b) RUMMAGE SALE AT MARKET, 1.30 p.m. Friday, May 3lst, Mary street Home and School. (125b) RUMMAGE SALE AT THE MAR- ket Friday, May 31st, 2 p.m. under the auspices of Ritson School. (125b) DANCING AT THE LITTLE Cedar Grove, town park, Whit. by, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturdgy evenings, also square dancing on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Music ' by Blue Bell Orchestra. (125b) CONSULT MADAME ZEDDA, palmist, 224 St. Julien street, (125b) MADAME ROSE, PALMIST, 21 Maple St. Phone 2372F. Hourg 2 to 9. (T-T-S.if) PEARSON HAT SHOP ARE showing the summer felts in all the leading shades. 7% Simcoe St, North. (Upstairs). (1262) SALE OF HOMEMADE COOKING at Mary street school Saturday, June 1st, 1.30 o'clock. (12682) PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE IN THE Orange Hall Friday, night. (128d) . (1262)

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