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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Jun 1929, p. 12

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+ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1929 SASKATCHEWAN ELECTION FIGHT 136 Candidates Are in Field for 61 Provincial [Seats 1 Regina, June 6.--~Two hundred thousand 'voters are to write an- other chapter in the political hie- tory of Saskatchewan today. The And the aim is always quality above all else. "SALADA" PAGE TWELVE MUSSOLINI FALLS FOUL OF POPE PIUS Pontiff Resssents Primordial Claim of Church to Con- trol Education Vatican City, June 6--Pope Pius X1, in an open letter to Cardinal Gasparri, papal sccretary of state, admitted he was frankly displeased before Judge O'Connell in county criminal court on the charge of publishing prospectuses, statements or accounts, knowing them to be false -in material particulars, with intent to induce persons to become shareholders or with intent to de- ceive or defraud the members, shareholders or creditors of the company, The trial is the result of the fi- vestigation into. the affairs of the Jackson Manion mine, conducted by the attorney-general's depart- ment in November, 1928, The in- vestigation provided a skirmish between wounsel at the outset of the trial, and the defence scored a victory when Judge O'Connell ruled against admitting a tran- with several statements in speeches made by Premier Mussolini on the Lateran treaties before the Italian ber and senate, speeches in question Jered delivered May 13 in the cham- ber of ties and May 25 in the senate and urged the ratification of the Lateran accords drawn up be- tween the Italian government and the vatican. ' His holiness replied to both these eches . in his letter to Cardinal sparri which was published to- night in the Osscrvatore Romano, finding in them "worse than heretical expressions as to the very essence of Christianity and Catholicism. Pontiff Deplores Rift The pontiff deplored the right in the understanding between the Fascist government and the Holy See which had come after such laborious dis- cussions . He termed it " an unwel- ceme and dolorous interruption." He concluded, however, that peace Yetween Italy and the Holy See would last because of his own faith in the fidelity and the goodwill of men, but above all because of his "greater faith in the help of Good." The pope reasserted the primordial claim of the Catholic church to sup- ervisc the education of youth and t the church's pre-eminence in Italy as Betty Robinson, ion training conse only American girl to win a track championship at Amsterdam, is taking an avia- at Chicago. Miss Robinson was given the deci. sion over 'Bobby' Rosenfeld in the 100-metre race at the Olympic games, causing a protest to be roge istercd by Canadians, the state religion, He stoutly defended the church from any imputation of encroaching upon the legitimate sovereignty of the | ¢ state, but insisted the church's right|s must be scrupulously respected. Taking up statements by Premicr Mussolini about liberty of conscience and full liberty for discussion, thc pope said this was a delicate question the faith ould be ion because of the He reiterated his but it was inadmissible that there absolute liberty of discus- it might easily damage slightly educated "and might casily become a dissimu- demand for Ya lated form of propaganda dangerous both to the state and to the religion." YOUR FAVORITE FRUITS SWEETENED DELICIOUSLY AND "JELLED" M°LARENS INCE © JELLY POWDERS SINVINCIBLE IN NAME AND IN QUALITY' McLARENS LiMiTED HAMILTON, ONT. full and perfect mandate for educa- tion for the church" and declared that the state cannot cither hinder or change the cxcercisc of that man- date. Pope Pius said the state had noth ing to fear {rom cducation under direction of the church, adding: "It is this education which has produced the good and higher aspects of modern civilization. From the first days of Christianity up to the present, fathers and mothers have sent or brought their millions o sons to educational institutions founded directly by the church." The pontiff criticized the premier's staterent that Ttaly was not a "Catholic state, but a Fascist state." He said: "No onc wishes: to admit th: at the Fascist state is not in accord with Catholic doctrine and practice in. re- gard to its order of ideas as well as its order of practical action. Other- wise the state could not be Catholic," E-- TW. A. HARE | OPTOMETRIST 23Y; Simcoe St. North Hoadreds of peuple wear with utmost comfort Hare's Faultiess Lenses PLEA re \ NAME. ABY"S FOOD is of first import- ance. So nurse him if youcan. If that is not pos- sible put him on the food that has been used with success for countless thousands of babies since 1857-- EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK Pure, easily digested, always the same, it is the safe food for bottle-fed infants and is highly en- dorsed by leading doctors. Feedings are easily prepared; directions on every can. Sold by all grocers. FREE \\ * Two books every mother will love to have, "Baby Welfare and "Baby Record Book". Mail coupon today. Ae THE BORDEN CO. LIMITED, Dept, A, 140 St. Paul Street West, Montreal nas Please send me (Me Baby Books. ADDRESS for the child's recovery. nature of the story their ballots will tell will not be disclosed until the close of the polls, at 5 o'clock, Mountain Standard Time, when voting in the Provinces seventh general election will have been completed, Every one of 61 seats in 58 con- stitutencies is contested by candi- dates of the Liberal Government, which has held office since the formation of the Province twenty- four years ago. A total of 75 other contestants, of Conservative, Pro- gressive and other affiliations, are seeking office, Forecasts of perfect weather in all parts of the Province indicate that a record vote is possible, Elections in Isle a la Crosse and Cumberland, far north ridings, represented by Liberals in the last Legislature, have been de- ferred. While adherents of the Conser- vative cause contend that the ele¢- tion will mark the overthrow of what they term the "Liberal mach- ine," Liberal estimates of the results' of today's voting refuse to place the total of successful, Op- position candidates at more than 15. In the last election, held in 1925, Opposition members totalled 12, but dwindled "to 9 in the course of subsequent Assembly ses- sions. Though the return of Pre- mier James GG. Gardiner, in North Qu"Appelle, where he is one of the three candidates, is virtually con- ceded, several members of tie Cabinet re expected to encounter stiff opposition, With the exception of the Pre- mier, all Cabinet (members are faced with the prospect of straight tights. INJURED CHILD RETURNS HOME Little Toronto Lad Makes Remarkable Recovery After Accident e------ ' Toronto, June 6.--One leg still in splints and his little head clean- shaven, five-year-old Francis Brierley left St. Michael's hospital yesterday, having achieved one of the most remarkable recoveries in Toronto medical history. He returned to, his home at 82 Carlaw avenue almost six weeks after he had been struck down by an automobile in front of the house--after he had lain for a month and a half in a hospital cot, For 10 days no hope was held His little head had been battered by the automobile, the skull terribly frac- tured. For almost two weeks he aly insensible, his death expected hourly, Then a period of semi-consclous- ness began, and the semi-con- sciousness seemed worse than the insensibility, for the pain from his wounds was agonizing. Three weeks after he had been hurt he became wholly conscious but unable to speak. His mind, it seemed, had been permanently af- fected by his injuries. Day after day, his mother, hend- fng over the child, coached him to frame words, Finally, one word passed his lips, 'Mama'. After that he learned a few more, and soon he was speaking akain, his tongue as clear as before and his faculties normal. Gragually his wounds healed and his spirits with them. The day came when he could sit up in his cot, supported by pillows, A few days ago, a visitor to his bedside was greeted by a plece of cake thrown accurately and en- thusiastically. It was just another of the eigns that Francis was fast regaining health and strength. Is Your Child Thin and Weak? McCoy's Tablets Puts on Flesh and Builds Them Up In just a few days--quicker than you ever dreamt of---these wonder- ful health building, flesh creating tablets called McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets will start to help any thin, underweight little one. After sickness and whea the chil. dren are exceedingly puny they are especially valuable." : All over North and South Ameri- ca and even in Great Britain and Australia tens of thousands of skin. ny run down men and women have put their faith in McCoy's--and have not been disappointed. Try these wonderful tablets for 30 days and it your frail, sickly child doesn't greatly benefit you get your money back. Ask Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mitch. ell, W. H, Karn, or any druggist for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets ~--as easy to take as candy and 60 tablets, 60 Sents-~Economy Size, $1.00. The LEADING JEWELER er ache 12 Simeoe St, South (i Felt Bres. MRS. C. B. STENNING Wife of the secitary of the Avia. tion League of Ci at Mt, Dennis airport just "be- fore she left by mail plane for Montreal on June 4. MINE MANAGER TRIAL ON TODAY Harry E. Harcourt Tried on Charges of Publishing False Matter Toronto, June 6.--Harry E. Harcourt, formerly managing director of Jackson-Manion Mines script of the evidence taken at the investigation, 'Fresh from the gardens' Limited, began his trial yesterday Golden crisp wafers with iced fillings. Always fresh and delightfully flavored. In the ase or.on the phone, always ask for ies Biscuits Fhe Standard of Qudity fince 1853 KEEP mE BALL ROLLING ALL THE YEAR ROUND / We are enjoying good times in Canada--let us keep it that way by buying practically all our needs at Home and within the Empire. At all Loblaw stores you will find a wide and choice selection of Home and Empire pro- ducts, and of course at the lowest prices. ITEMS MARKED SPECIAL 39 Simcoe St. N 156 Simcoe St. Stere Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday close: 12.30 p.m. Saturday close: 10.00 p.m. S. DELIVERY HOURS: Daily 10 am., 4 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m., 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. ON SALE AT THESE PRICES JUNg 7 to JURK 33% WATCH FOR YELLOW PRICE TICKETS THEY DENOTE SPECIALS Loblaws Cake Coffee LOBLAW'S §, Fresh Grou Baking Powder CHARM Brand-- tesssstesaenas al Blend-- ease Spinach ATLMER Fancy Quality sense Corn AYLMER Brand--Choice Quality--No. 2 size tin... Muffets Jou a always depend on * oo oa i Lge. Lux For all Fine Laundering... Rolled Oats Freah Milled. co. cocsoes oe soon" CREA Res 0 0%. Jar... everson ommanenon, Red Plum Jam Macaroni Lb. 36¢ Rich Fruit and Nut Cake.. Lb. 32¢ Shredded Wheat Biscuits. . . 2 Pkgs. 23c 080 being treah. ee useeceomane Ready Cuts or Shells... . o.oo SPECIAL~ SALMON Lb. 43¢ Tin 21c Fels Naptha Soap. .3 Bars 20c 2 Tins 27c Lemon Cup and Orange Cup C. & B's.~13 oz. Bottle...... Bottle 33¢c Large Bottle ............... Bottle 59C Orangeade and Lemonade EEOVAR oi messes 3 Tins 25¢ 2 Tins 25¢ Pkg. 12¢ Pkg. 19¢ 2 Pkgs. 17¢ 3 lbs. 15¢ _..Bottle 19¢ Pure raze Marmalade Large 400z. Jaf ..cm nme nee A JT 27C Pure Raspberry Jam Jar 36¢ 600% §1ams Jer... ce eommone cw msf JRL 29¢ Lb. 9%¢ Delicious for ib. Sandwiches INGERSOLL Loaf Cheese 36° fa 4 4 L - Serve, WE SELL FOR LESS \YJ/ i SHIELD BRAND CALEDONIA Mayonnaise Mayonnaise Delight SHIELD Brand..§ oz, Jar 31¢C Me read "4 oz. Jar 17¢ Pimento Mayonnaise SHIELD Brand. . 8 oz. Jar 31c Yoeal for Salads... en... 3 OF: Jar 17C Mayonnaise Dressing SHIELD Brand ova... 8 0Z. Jar 28¢ Salad Dressing SHIELD Brand, creamy. 8 02. Jar 24¢ Soap Chips _ 21bs. 25¢ Pols Berry. Jom, oz. Jar 39¢ McLaren's Mustard Ko. 2 Size Tumbler. . ...... Tumbler " Sanitary Straws... 2 Pkgs. sc. Lunch Rolls 15 Sheets to 8 Roll canoe ne 3 Rolls 10c Wild Strawberry Jam a HY we Mr oR Quality--No. 2 size tin CHOICE PINK a SPECIAL- AYLMER Pure Strawberry JAM 36° 40 oz. JAR SPECIAL~LOBLAW'S BLACK Jar 37c RE __..2 Tins 29¢ ts ATS. Yaa on... Tin 16c Bean Hole Beans wet--With that A New Product Dith at ud Tins 29¢ Tomatoes HO ny Brande phi Pure Maple Syrup SPECIAL~LOBLAW'S Fresh Valencia sesssssscssacans a cked--Fancy Quality--) Tying 27C Bottle 29¢ 58¢c Lima Beans Bi & M280. cnoncmmsssosce Tin 17¢ LAZENBY'S Chef Sauce Borris 23° WE SELL FOR LESS

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