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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Jun 1929, p. 17

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» LIN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1929 'REV. DR. J. RUSHBROOKE Df London, ., general secre- tary of the Baptist World Alli- ance, who addressed the sessions of the Toronto Association of | Baptist Churches, while visit. ing this country. fd Here and There (319) 'The biggest shipment of live muskrats ever to be shipped from Canada, a thousand in number, were carried by Canadian Pacific Ex- press Company from Oak Lake, Manitoba to Hamburg, Germany, re- cently. They were trapped in the breading grounds on the Manitoba rat farm and shipped in boxes, each box holding twelve pairs. They ' were shipped on C. P. Freighter Beaverford from Montreal and the muskrats were in good condition with a minimum of casualties When they reached destination. The Royal York Hotel, Toronto, t hostelry and" highest in the British Empire, wiil be opened by His Excellency the Governor-General, June 11. The folowing day will be reception day for guests and the hotel is booked ta capacity. The whole water front of Toromto is rapidly resem- hling that of New York with the of immense structures of which this is the outstanding. On the authority of an official report recently issued it appears that the bicycle is gaining in po- pularity in Canada. In 1928 pro- duction of bicycles in Canada reached a new record with the selling value of products 52 per eent higher than in 1927. Last year 27,999 wheels were sold valu. od at §899,480. Within the next few weeks the est reforestation venture so made by the Ontario Govern- will be under way in the of 1,200,000 trees in the Thessalon district near the Soo. This is to be largely experimental and as a guide to schemes under contemplation for the future in different parts of Ontario. W. E. Wilford will assume the title of purchasing agent, Canadian Pacific Railway, Toronto, accord- ing to an announcement recently given out by B. W, Roberts, gener- all purchasing agent of the railway. Mr. Wilford will have most of the work in connection with the Royal York Hotel purchases, He joined the company as a clerk in the pur- chasing. department in 1908. Fourteen cases of orchids were earried from England to Japan re- eently under the auspices of the Canadian Pacific Express Company to the order of the Emperor of Japan, the Empress and members of the Imperial Court. They are sent out from England about three times a year and are highly prized by the Japanese Royal Family ané Court. A mew wheat, known as R49, may be the long awaited rust- resistant wheat. Canadian Govern- ment plant breeders have long been enting in an effort to de- velop a variety of wheat that will resist rust and at the same time be of high grade milling quality. Em- mer, which is a rough, large, rather poor-ylelding grain of the wheat family, which has seemed to be {rust-resistant, has been crossed with Marquis wheat and the pro- geny again crossed with Marquis, in a grain which is three- quarters Marquis stock. The plant breeders have carried on their ex- ents at the Manitoba Agricul- tural College and from as many as 86 strains developed, R-49 seems 80 far to be the most promising. The tarantula bite while poison- ous is not fatal to humans, as com- monly supposed. British troops in 1880 startea wearing uniforms of subdued col- ors. Pile Sufferers You can only get quick, safe and lasting relief by removing the cause ~--congestion of blood in the lower bowel, Nothing but an internal remedy can do this--that's why cutting and salves fail. Dr. Leon- hardt's Hem-Roid, a harmless tab- lot, is guaranteed to quickly and safely banish any form of Pile mis. ery or money back. Jury & Lov- oll and druggists everywhere sell It with this guarantee. HE NEVER COULD DIGEST HIS FOOD i ae Mr. Leo Godin JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worral, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist PHONE 3215 SHORT SKIRTS ARE. BANNED IN FACTORY Drive Against Immodest Clothes Launched by Strict Moralists GIRLS INDIGNANT Rome, June 6. -- The campaign started by the Bishops here against immodest feminine fash- ions--directed principally at short skirts -- has assumed much wider and more serious proportions, To date, the campaign has been a total failure. The casual ob- server has not been able to see even the slightest sign that women and girls mean to heed the counse: ot the strict moralists. They liked the short skirts and they kept on wearing them. Now it develops that the indus- trialists have become interested in modesty and that they mean to impose it upon the young ladies of the land by using an economic weapon. An important industrialist in Northern Italy, has issued an ord- inance to the female workersy of his huge cotton' works infornfing them that they would be immedi- ately discharged if after a certain date they came in to the factory wearing skirts. which were less than four inches below the knee, The owner of the mill informed London dispatches intimate that Ramsay MacDonald has practical- ly picked his new cabinct. Layout shows (1) Rt. Hon, Ar hur Hen- derson, former: home secretary, who is prominently mentioned as the new foreign secretary; (2) Rt. Hon, Philip Snowden, who, it is predicted, will be chancellor of the exchequer; (8) Lord Oliver, secretary for India; (4) Rt. Hon. Ramsay MacDonald, prime minis ter; (5) Capt. whose name is suggested as first Wedgwood Benn,: lor] of the admiralty; (6 Miss Margaret Pondfield, whose uname with Susan Lawrence's, is being connected with the ministry of health, and (7) Lord Thomson, prospective head of the air minis. try. them at the same time, that vhey would suffer the same fate if he received reports of "incorrect con- duct" by them even outside the factory. The reaction to this edict is awaited with interest, Many of the girls working in the plant regard the ordinance as an infringement on their personal rights. They contend that the economic weapon held over them amounts to almost slavery, Men Are Pledged In Genoa, an association of young men has been formed to combat "immodest feminine fash- fons. The members have plighted themselves not to be seen in the company of girls wearing short skirts, transparent dresses or 10w cut blouses. The Bishop of Lorento has or- dered that the following notice be posted on the doors of all the churches of his diocese: "Grown women and girls who are not completely covered and do not wear skirts at least six inches below the knee will not be allowed to enter this church." SAY MAN ADMITS VISIT T0 WINDSGR Des Rosiers Confesses He Entered House After Slaying Windsor, June Slayrent Des- Rosiers, 20, of Tecumseh, alleged slayer of Ernest Ducharme of that community, questioned yesterday at the Essex county jail at Sand- wich, admitted, police state, that he had visited Ducharme's, wife the night of the killing and after he had disposed of the body. Tonight police said that Mrs. Ducharme is to be questioned again in this regard. DesRosiers maintained today he did not tell Mrs. Ducharme of the death of her husband less than 'wo hours pre- viously. Mrs. Ducharme was held for questioning last night and then released. DesRosiers explained today, the officers stated, that after he had dumped Ducharme's body into Lake St. Clair he returned to the home of Mr.s Sarah Hennin, the mother of Mrs. Ducharme and with whom she had lived since sep- aration from her husband several } months ago. He said that he con- versed with Mrs, Ducharme several SINCE 1889-THE GUIDE TO HEALTHFUL ECONOMY! For forty years Arnold's Markets have supplied healthy) 2 id stuffs to Ontario housewives at economical prices. Sills 10 Ontario Jouscuives at Stoves) BHO nr SLICED BREAKFAST Bacon 1b. 29¢ SWEET PICKLED SHOULDER Pork 1b.21e¢ BEEF ROUND SHOULDER Roast 1b. 24e¢ CHUCK Roast 1b. 22¢ ROUND Steak 1b. 32¢ SIRLOIN Steak Ib. 35¢ VEAL BONED AND ROLLED Shoulder 1b. 29¢ FRESH FISH FRESH ATLANTIC Ib. 14¢ Flounders ..... FRESH ATLANTIC Codfish FRESH ATLANTIC Mackerel Haddocks .. FRESH CAUGHT Whitefish . FRESH CAUGHT Herrings . . FRESH CAUGHT Pickerel FRESH HADDOCK Fillets . "Ib. 12l%¢ . Ib. 22¢ 1b. 121%¢ RS Ubi £3 i Arnolds Market was Mothers Marke lighter ARNOLD' SARNA Tron BUTTER 2 bs. *70c COTTAGE BRAND ....... Lb. 3% AYLMER CHOICE PEACHES 21. Pork and Beans Ths 23 "CORN No. 2 23 e CLOVERLEAF SOCKEYE SALMON oo 2 4 c WETHEY'S PURE JAMS STRAWBERRY 32-0Z. 3 3 e JAR RASPBERRY 32-0Z. 3c Arnold's Markets, always on the alert to serve you, are featuring fine suggestions for salads, jellied meats, dainty selections of finer meats and sea foods. Visit your Arnold's Markels variety of foods. FRUITS VALENCIA ORANGES | GOOD SIZE--SWEET AND JUICY Doz. 21e¢ MESSINA LEMONS EXTRA LARGE SIZE FULL OF JUICE Doz. 25e¢ Asparagus 2 Bunches 19e¢ CHOICE RIPE TOMATOES ib. 19¢ EGYPTIAN COOKING ONIONS 5 Ibs. 23¢ AMMONIA 3 Pts. 1 Qc | Beef Bologna Sliced 1b. 23e Post's Bran Flakes Pkt. 11 minutes and left for home, Put At $19.95-- Solid walnut cedar chests, 42 inches long, in two- tone effect, fitted with lock and mounted on metal glides. Regular value $25.00. At $24.95-- Solid walnut cedar chests, 42 inches long, plete with lock and mounted on metal glide:. At $29.50-- Solid walnut cedar chests, 42 inches long, complete with lock and * mounted on metal glides, Queen Anne feet, with rails at either end in window seat effect. Solid walnut cedar chests, in antique two-tone effect, with half sliding tray and double walnut lid, 44 inches long. At $39.75-- Console style cedar chest, in antique two-tone walnut finish, 45 inches long, with built-in tray, complete with lock. At $50.00-- Heavy solid walnut cedar chest, with full length drawer below, built-in tray, console style, 45 inches long. $1.00 Delivers One to Your Home--DBalance Payable in Small Sums Weekly : ; Act at Once -- Have Protection for Valuable Clothing Before Too Late He IEE 7 Fak @ ilt-in tray, com- 'Are Your F urs WorthS Those who bought new furs during the past year or so will no doubt be keen to provide means for their care and protection. A real Tennessee Cedar Chest can be depended upon to take care of furs or other valuable clothes, for moths will not come near one. We carry a large stock of these famous cedar chests and can give you variety of choice in design and finish that will please you immensely. Some special and extremely easy terms are offered I ------ BEUE IF BE RTE This insignificant sum will send home immediately any cedar chest priced up to $35--correspondingly down on other chests higher priced: Balance in little weekly amounts delivery make it easy to pay for. A Cedar Chest small sums Will Make a Fi ine Gift to the June Bride. So many uses can bs made of a cedar chest for storing precious wedding: togs that the young wife will xem real gratitude the giver of one of thee practical gifts. Comei in and Select One To-morrow While Attractive Prices and Terms Prevail ember with Phone 701

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