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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Jun 1929, p. 20

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PAGE TWENTY, eas sess AERA SSLS SSA asl assess ass s sss sass s ss asssssssy PPP PeTVVRVVIVIVETTVVVIVVVVVIVITIVVVIVITYVTTTTYYYIYTY EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS 2008200208080 0008 200008808088, 20.000 Ca a VIP TTVVVIVIVVIVEYY Customs Collections Brockville.--During the month of May the customs collections here totalled $16,293. . Inspection Postponed Fenelon Falls.--Cadet Inspec- tions at the High School was called off on Monday morning as the In- spector sent a message that he was unable to come, Graduated as Nursc Brockville.--~Miss Melba Jolins- ton, of Vorfar, recently graduated from the training school for nurses of the Montreal General hospital. Hotel to Open Brockville.--The Canada Steam- ship Lines announce that their ho- tel at Tadousac will open for busi- ness Saturday, June 22nd. This is one of the finest summer hotels on the lower St. Lawrence. King's Birthday Kingston,--Monday being the King's birthday, the various stores, postoffice and banks observed the day as a holiday and the town pre- sented a quiet appearance, many citizens motoring to Belleville for the races. New Walk Kingston.---A new cement walk is being laid on the street leaaing io the Town Hall and Public Li- brary, which will be greatly appre- ciated by the citizens as the old hoard walk which had been used for many years was rapidly going to pieces. : Went to Races Deseronto--Deseronto was large- ly. represented at the races and oth. er sporting events which were held at the Agricultural Park, Belleville, on the King's birthday. The wea- ther was ideal in the morning with intermittent showers during the af- ternoon. » VVVVTTVVVVVVIVVVIVIVIVYYTYIYTYY You Are Sure of Being NOURISHED If You Take Whar! Being Repaired Kingston.~--~Rapid work is being done in the matter of repairing the Yacht Club wharf, which is al- most completely covered by the high water. At the races on Mon- day it was impossible to use the long plier. Gets Sum For Repairs Port Hope.--According to the supplementary estimates which were tabled in the House of Com- mong by Hon, James A. Robb, Mon. day night, Port Hope was allotted $37,000.00 for repairs to harbor works under the Ontario Public Works program. : . Lake Still Rising Port Hope.--The belief that the lake level would reach its maxi- mum on June 1st is not borne out by harbor board records. The level has gone up half an inch since then and it is believed that it will con- tinue until the middle of June. Stolen Bieycle Recovered Kingston.---On I'riday afternoon a bicycle belonging to a son of Mayor Craig was stolen from the Collegiate Institute but the police recovered the missing wheel over the week-end. A lad found the bi- cycle in Victoria Park where it had been discarded and notified the police, Taken to Hospital Kingston--Robert Crawford was taken to the Kingston General Hos. pital on Monday suffering from slight injuries received when he was struck on the head with a base- ball while watching the game at the Cricket Field, His injuries were found not to be very severe and it was expected that he would be able to leave the hospital on Tuesday. New Lights Installed Kingston.--Ald. Dunphy, chair- man of the civic Property Commit- tee, has had two lights installed in front of the City Buildings on Ontario street. The lights have been placed in front of the two main doors and have been needed for some time. The improvement has brought forth most favoravie comment. Scout Groves for England, Brockville--R. J. Groves, King's Scout, of Lindsay, chosen from 500 Scouts in the district as one of 64 Scouts to represent Canada at the International Jambouree of Scout- fng to be held in England, is a {nephew of J. H. Groves, 36 Byng avenue, Before attaining the high- building ter than No man ters. We have only one duty and our endeavour is to do that duty well. abreast of modern building trends, particularly in spect of the use of lumber and certain complementary vice those commodities bet- or any other community. Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 est rank a Scout may attain he also secured, 'through his Scouting work, 26 proficiency badges, Producer Arrives Deseronto.--Mr, Pine, producer Co., of Fostoria, Ohio, arrived in Deseronto on Saturday and will re- main. here until the conclusion of the four-days' celebration on Juae 19th, This company has been en- gaged for the spectacular pageant which is to be held in connection with the U, E, L. Celebration. Wins Award Port Hope--According to the list of prize winners at Toronto West- ern Hospital, Miss Mabel Millcott of Port Hope has becn awarded the John. Medland prize for highest standing in practical work, The graduation exercises took place at Convocation Hall, Toronto, yes- terday evening when the diplomus and prizes were presented. Transferred Picton.--Mr. Roland Morden of the Staff of the Bank of Nova Sco- tia at Picton, has been transferred to the branch at Kingston. Before his departure, his fellow-workers in the bank presented him with a set of gold cuff links, The Try Us Club of Picton United Church, of which he was a member, preseniva him with an, Eclipse pen and pen- ceil, Church Street Finished Brockville,--Employees of the Ontario Amiesite Co., Ltd., have completed laying the surface on Church street between Buell and William streets and immediately started on the completion of East Market street. Tt is expected work will be commenced immediately on the concrete and amiesite pave- ment between Ormond and North Augusta road in Pearl street. Found 01d Coin Brockville.--While digging in his garden at Spring Valley a few days ago, W. H. Clow uncoyered a silver coin, bearing the effigy or King George IV and dated 1825, ahout a foot below the surface, The coin is almost as it left the mint and is being preserved by its latest owner. The premises were former. ly the "Six Mile House' on the Perth road. Claims $3,500 Stolen Belleville.--Police are probing a weird tale told by William Cover, garageman of Colborne, who states that he was knocked unconscious in his place of business early Tues- day and robbed of $3,500. It was learned this morning from reia- tives that the man is unable to speak intelligently or give a coher- ent account of the alleged assault. What he was doing in his garase at the early hour appears to be a mystery and the fact that he states he was robbed of $3,500 is caus- ing residents of the village no amount of concern. It is to keep re- products and to ser- anyone else in this can serve two mas- HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY Now is the Time to Fill Your Coal Bin With The Best Fuel Obtainable Jeddo Coal Cannel and Pocahontas And All Other Good Fuel CALL TO-DAY THE SERVICE AND SATISFACTION THIS COMPANY CUSTOMER ALSO ; Gravel, Sand, Stone, Lim and Building Material thinking of concrete work or your driveway, So when call and let us serve you. The Best. Dixon Coal, Gravel & Sand Co. Solvay Coke AND EXPERIENCE GIVES TO EVERY Prices Competitive, Service FOUR DIRECT LINES. Add To College Kingston, -- Accommodation at the Royal Military College, which was originally designed for consid- erably fewer Cadets than are at present attending, is to be enlarg- ed and made adequate by the erec- tion of a new building on a site to the south and in line with the present Fort I'rederick dormitory. Assurance of this was forthcoming when Tuesday night the sum of $56,000 was passed in the supple- mentary estimates of the Dominion Government for the work, Suffered Stroke Belleville.--Suffering a stroke two weeks ago, Levi Williams, 86, former police magistrate at Pic- ton, passed away Tuesday. His death removes one of the best known men in Prince Edward county. Levi Williams was born in North Marysburg, Jan. 10, 1844, 'He spent the greater part of his life in that township. Hé chose teaching as a profession and had charge of schools in both North ana South Marysburg. He was interest- ed in municipal affairs and served as township clerk of North Marys- burg from 1870 to 1876 and from 1,888 to 1923, In 1891 he was elected warden for the county. Another Bandit Enrolled Kingston,--Another bandit has been enrolled at the Portsmouth Penitentiary. He is Ralph Mec- Laughlin, who arrived at the big prison from London on Saturday. He was implicated in the sensation- al hold-up staged near London recently, when an attempt was made to rob a Detroit police officer but the latter opened fire and killed one of the hold-up party. Mec- Laughlin' was sentenced to five years for his part in the attempted robbery. He was brought here in custody of High Constable Whar- ton of the county police at London. PARTISAN CONTROL SINCLAIR DECLARES Kenora, Ont., June 6.--Charging that the administration of the Li- quor Control Act was strictly par- tisan and that party men were be- ing regularly appointed to posi- tions with the board, not free to make its own appointments or have full control of the staff, Wil- liam E. N, Sinclair, leader of the Provincial Liberal party, made a strong attack on the present Gov- ernment here last night, speaking to a meeting of Liberal members and. supporters in the council chambers Mr, Sinclair and his party which includes Dr. George A. McQuin- ban, Hon. Nelson Parliament, A. Phone 3060" MALLETT BROS. for the John B. Rogers Producing fi Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are i year 110,26. Eggs today, 13649; lats year, following prices to the trade: 4 Smokey meats--Hams, medium, 31 to 83c; cooked hams, 50c; smoked rolls, 28¢c; break- fast bacon, 26 to 38c; 5, peamealed, 31 to ¥c; do., smoked, 30 to 40c, Cured meats--Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 Ibs, $21; 70 'to 90 Ibs., $19; 90 to 100 Ibs, and up, $18; lightweight rolls, in barrels, $11.50; heavyweight rolls, $38.50 per barrel. Lard--Pure, tierces, 16 1-d4c; tubs, 16 10 16 1-2¢c; pails, 16 3.4c; prints, 18 1-2 to 1%. Shortening, tierces, 13 1.2 to 14 1.2c; tubs, Jaci pails, 14 1.2¢, tins, 16 1-2c; prints, 15 -2c. Pork loins, 31 1.2c; New York shoulders, 21 1-2¢c; pork butts, 26 1-2c; pork hams, 1-2, TORONTO PRODUCE Torontu wholesale dealers are offering pro duce tp retail dealers at the following prices: Eggs--Fresh extras, in cartons, 35c; fresh extras, loose, dic; firsts, 3lc; seconds, 2ic. Butter--No, 1 creamery, prints, 40 to 4ic; No. 2 creamery, prints, 38 to 3c, Cheese--New, large, 20c; twins, 20 1.2%; triplets, 2lc; stiltons, 26c, Old, large, 26c; twins, 1-2¢, triplets and cuts, 28¢c; old, stiltons, 30 Oto 3lc, -- Dressed ¢ 38.42 38.40 36-33 33 Do, 4 to 5 Ibs, .. 'es 32 Do., 31:2 to 4 lbs aes 0) Roosters 23 Ducks . 30.34 Broilers, 50-55 NEW YORK PRODUCE New York, June S5.-Butter firm, receipts 15,599. Cheese steady, receipts 155,716, Eggs firm, receipts 42,369, Fresh gathered extras, 32 1.2 to 33c; extra firsts, 31 1.4 to 32; firsts, 30 3-4 to Jc; seconds, 29 1.2 to 1-2, CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, June 5.~Traders in egg futures were cautious on the Chicago Mercantile Mo at ten markets--Butter, net in, 966,745; last year net in, 1,147,078, 5, Det in, 50,107; last year met in, 64,821, TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots; No, 2 Northern, $1.15 3-4, No, 3 Northern, $1.12 1-4, No, 4 wheat, $1.08 1.2, y No, 5 wheat, 98 1-4c. | Vv': No, Wheat oi (c.f, Goderich and Bay ports, Price on track, lc higher than above.) EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, June 5.--Receipts of hogs, 1,200; holdovers, 100; market fairly active to all interests; bulk, 150 to 210 Ibs, 15 cents lower, $11.50; extreme weights off 25 cents; 250° to 300. 1bs., butchers, $11 to $11.25; pigs and underweights, $511.25 to $11.48; packing cows, $9.50 to $9.75; few at $10, Receipts of cattle, 175; cows, steady; cut- ter grades, $5.75 to $7.75; fat cows, $8.75 to $9.75; late Tuesday, three loads weighty steers, Steady, $13.50 to $14.25. Receipts of calves, 500; vealers slow, 5 cents to 50 cents lower; good to choice, $15 to $15.50; common and medium, $13 to $14.50 Receipts of sheep, 100; market steady; 60 a yearlings, $12.50 down; fat ewes, lambs, $6 tc TORONTO FARMERS MARKET The following are quotations retail, in ef. fect on the St, Lawrence market, Toronto: extras, per dozen ., ' P Eggs, Bo. firsts, per dozen Duck eggs, dozen Butter, dairy per pound Do., Creamers, per pound .... Fruits and Vegetable: Asparagus, 3 bunche Carrots, 3 bunches Deets, 3 bunches .. Onions, dry, 11-qt, basket Do., 6-qt. basket .... Cabbage ARAN RE sous a Exchange today despite encour they might have taken from a firm spot market and diminished receipts. June storage pack- ed futures dropped $15 a car, while Novem. ber closed unchanged after an early ad- vance, December butter futures climbed $24 a car on the basis of smaller arrivals and steady spot, Open commitments: June eggs, 42; Nov, eggs, old, 180; Nov. eggs, new, 1,531; June butter, 30; Dec. butter, 382, Two market receipts--Butter. today, 25,184; last year, 25,780, Eggs today, 59,594; last year, 58,585. Chicago spot market --~Butter, extras, 42 1-2c; standards, 42 1.2c; tone steady to firm, Eggs, firsts, 29c; tone firm, New York spot market--Butter, extras, 43c; tone firm, Eggs, firsts, 30 3.4 to 3ic; tone firm, Street stocks--Butter today, 117,547; last Spinach, peck ushrooms, per pound .. Leaf lettuce, three for Head lettuce, each .... Potatoes, bag Cucumbers, 3 for .... Parsley, per bunch Cress, three for-.... Celery, per bundle . Oranges, per dozen Grapefruit, three for Lemons, per dozen . Bananas, per dozen Sweet potatoes, 6 qt. ., Apples, 11.qt, basket ., Rhubarb, six bunches New potatoes, peck . Green beans, 6 qt, Green peas, 6 qt, Strawberries, quart A. Colquhoun and Hobert F. Mill- er, arrived here yesterday after- noon and were met by prominent Liberals. The party went for an enjoyable trip on the Lake of the Woodsh efore returning for the meeting, "Political Interference' "There has been and is political intereference" stated the Liberal leader, "and political apointees have tht administration of the act, The amendments are not made in the interests of temper- ance and the sources of this reveu- ue are concealed." There must be a government which will allow its Government and board full scope, The Liberals will give this kind of government, said the speaker emphatically, Mr, Sinclair, in opening his ad- dress, thanked those responsible for their reception and the trip on theb eautiful lake. The problem of roads in the Kenora district was was a very important one and he felt that their requests were most reasonable. The tour had been ar- ranged in order to give them an opportunity of becoming better acquainted with the problems of the people of this district, and in order that the people might have an opportunity of meeting them. DANGERS OF TUBERCULOSIS DISCLSSED (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, June 6. -- Difficulties, financial ona otherwite, of provid- ing adequate medical health ser- A Per Yd. and Saturday special dhe % / OSHAWA, SORS TO THOS. MIL 500 yds Rayon Silk Dress Fabrics A wonderful range of these popular fab- rics that are absolutely tubfast. signs in various color combinations. Reg. $1.45 and $1.50 per yard. 25 de- Friday $1.25 per yd. vice for Ontario ere discussed at the Ontario nedical Health Offic- ers Association here yesterday. These, according to Dr, J, J. Fras- er, include an inadequate sce of salaries, The danger of human beings receiving tuberculosis from cattle had been proven from investigat- fon, sald Prof. James Miller, Queen's University, Kingston, in his address on "Bovine Tubercul- osis." Tests gave Canadian cat- tle the cleanest bill of health, he said, but tuberculosis was present in the dairy herds of every coun- try and wherever it was present it was a menace to life. Testing of dairy herds and pasteurization 'of milk were the methods of combat- ting the evil, His suggestions were repeated by Dr. Bell, Deputy Minister of Health, Senator Dr, Gustave LaCasse, medical officer of Tecumseh, wu- dressed the delegates at the morning sesion. or a 50c jar 25c cake JONTEEL SOAP GIVEN AWAY with every purchase of a 30c jar JONTEEL COLD CREAM Jonteel Combination Cream The Two for 50c Summer Toilet Goods Sale To introduce and acquaint more people in this community with the merit of the toilet goods which may be secured throughout the year at your Rexall Drug Store, we are privileged to offer you at this particular time many favorite, nationally ad- vertised prepatations at remarkably low prices, We recommend these toilet creations with complete assurance that they will give absolute satisfaction, in accordance with the manufacturer's guaranty. Outstanding in this unique sale are many incomparable articles which are being given away with purchases, This sale continues throughout the month of June. J n 25c with RU GIVEN AWAY Both for 50¢c TINY TOT TALCUM_ POWDER every 50c pair Pure Gum BBER BABY PANTS 75¢ CARA NOME with Oxidized Silver Cap and a 39c Large tube Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste That corrects acid mouth and sweetens the breath BOTH FOR 75¢ PURSE VIAL Our new 50c Tube of Mentholated Lavender Shaving Cream GIVEN AWAY with every purchase of a $1.00 Bottle of Lavender Shaving Lotion It leaves the most satisfactory sensation after shaving Both For $1.00 White, Flesh, Brunette, or 75¢c box CHERISETTE FACE POWDER 75¢ LORIE LOOSE POWDER VANITY Total Value $1.50 BOTH FOR 98c Polo Tan Shade and a FREE 35¢ Cake LANGLOIS SOAP FREE with each 2 cakes purchased $1.00 worth for 70c li ' 78c Box La Reve Stationery Ripple Finish, Four shades and white in- ner lined Envelopes. Sale Price 59c¢ QUININE HAIR TONIC Nourishing to roots. Stimulative blood activitiy scalp nerves. Massage the scalp daily using this excellent tonic. PRICE 2) 39¢ and: 79¢ hair to and Klenzo Shaving Cream Quickly softens the beard without rubbing in with the fingers. Its billowy lather remains moist while shaving. Big Jumbo Tube Sale Prie 39¢ 35¢ GUM RUBEER DIVING CAP AND 50c BOTTLE FRENCH BALM To keep the skin Soft and Clear Both for 65¢ Riker's Lilac Vegetal Pentagon Single Compact Pentagon Double Compact Narcissus Talcum Powder Assorted Purse Vials .... Other Toilet errenrseanes Lorie Lavender Water, 1 oz. Riker's Greaseless Brilliantine ...... Klenzo Dandruff Remover ...................... 59¢ Henna Shampoo Powder .................. 3 for 25¢ * Emulsified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo .............. 29¢ Cherisette Rouge or Lip Stick .................... 39¢ Articles a seen 1'LB. BOX Peanut 'Lasses Kisses 49¢ Bar 1 LB. BOX Peanut Brittle SWEET PICKINS Chocolate Egyptian Palm Soap .. Radio' Toilet Soap .... Paradis Toilet Soap .. Floral Powder Puffs . BILLIE BURKE Chocolates 60c¢ 1b. Goodform Hair Nets, Firstaid Kits, large .. Travel Kits A Few Other Examples Bay Rum, 4 oz. bottle .... Pocket Perfume Atomizer ............... Riker's Antiseptic Mouth Wash ....39¢c and 79¢ shapes wna minninnS for: 28e * Portfolia, Paper and Envelopes Firstaid Kits, small ........ccccoviiiniinnnn, ven for 13c . 3 for 29¢ " all shades and 50c $1.19 REXALL SERVICE STORES IN OSHAWA JURY AND LOVELL. SAVE WITH SAFETY AT STORES FREE DELIVERY Simcoe St. South Phone 68

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