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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Jun 1929, p. 8

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AGE SICHT " THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1929 WELSH SOCCER WH Js a Lr LECTS BY 4-1 SCORE All Star Soccer Fo Fal To Stop Touring Welshmen Moir of Oshawa City Team is a Feature of Selects Loss --Hagen and Sathrang of Nationals Also Mentioned Toronto, June 6.--BEight thous- and Toronto sporting fans saw the loronte select soccer team go down to defeat before a superior Welsh international eleven at Maple Leaf stadium last evening by a 4 to 1 The attendance was disap- pointing, a large number of enthus- iasts remaining away. on account of The Welsh team was a good one, although not on , par with the Glasgow Rangers' eleven which was the visiting ele- , Nevertheless the Welsh selection was good value for a win, displaying a brand of foec- score. the cold weather, ven last season. cer which delighted the spectatois. Right from the start Wales made things interesting and before the game was 20 minutes old, Warren, who was unmarked, ran in a com- paratively easy goal which Halliwell with little effort. free kicks against Wales looked dangerous but were well taken care of by the visitors' defence. Clulow almost equalized, when, ceiving just missed the goal by inches. Sathrang gave Hunter a free away which the latter made good use of, bringing Gray to his knees to clear. Play had not proceeuea more than 25 minutes before War- ren netted the second goal for the visitors. Neither of Warren's gouis were justified as the played was unmarked and had little trouble. in securing his counters. onto team lacked the dash of thelr opponents and gave a somewhat diemal display during the first half which ended with a 2 to 0 lead for the Welsh team, Locals Show More Dash The second half opened with the locals pressing aggressively, both Clulow and Moir giving the oppos- ing defence a lively time with some tricky plays which ended witn a penalty against Wales. Sathrang took the shot, which struck the upright and was cleared success- fully. Neale added the third goal for Wales after eluding the Tor- onto defence. Shortly afterwards Davies, on a good play from viz- hear Two after re- a nice pass from Moir,he gui- The Tor- SENIOR C.0.B.L. BASEBALL DELORA GENERAL MOTORS DOUBLE HEADER AT Alexandra Park SATURDAY JUNE 8 First Game--2 p.m. Admission--50c (Including Tax) art, secured what proved to be"the Taffy"s final goal of the game. Toronto got into the picture and for the greater part of the second half gave an exhibition worthy of their home town, but Gray was too good for their best efforts, and it was well on when Hunter made no mistake in beating Gray for Tor- onto's only goal of the game. Moir figured prominently in the play preceding this lone tally, which was the best earned goal of the game. The Welsh with four goals up did not press matters to any great ex- tent towards the end of the final half. Nor were they permitted to do so by the worrying tactics of the local boys, who- played clever com- bination, which was a revelation as compared with their unsettled first period. Toronto did everything but score and should not have lost by 'so great a margin, The game was surprisingly clean. Referee Mitchell having little dif- ficulty in handling the various minor infringements, Hagen, Hun- ter, Moir and Clulow were the best for Toronto, as against a well bal. anced Welsh eleven. The teams: Wales--Gray; Russell and Lume. berz; Bennon, Keenor and Jen- nings; Warren, Neale, Davies, Jones and Vizard. Toronto-- Halliwell; Forbes and Noke; Hagen, Clulow and Herring; Gibson, Galloway, Sathrang, Hun- ter and. Molr. Referee--W. Mitchell. --Messrs. H, E. Sellen Evans, Junior Lacrosse Schedule June 12--Oshawa at Weston, 13---Torontos at Maitlands. 14~Mimico at Brampton. 19----Brampton at Torontos, 20--Weston at Mimico. 21----Maitlands at Oshawa, 26---Weston at Torontos, 28--Maitlands at Brampton, 27---Oshawa at Mimico, 1-=Torontos at Brampton. 4---Maitlands at Mimico. 4--Torontos at Oshawa. 6-----Brampton at Weston, 8--Mimico at Maitlands, 10==Mimico at Torontos. 11----Weston at Maitlands. 12--Oshawa at Brampton, 15----Oshawa at Maitlands, 17--Weston at Brampton. 18--Torontos at Mimico. 18----Brampton at Oshawa. 24--Mimico at Weston. 24---Maitlands at Torontos, 26---Weston at Oshawa. 290---Torontos at Weston. . 1==Brampton at Mimico, 2---Maitlands at Weston, B---Oshawa at Torontos. 8--Brampton at Maitlanls, 12~~Mimico at Oshawa. TILDEN AND HUNTER WIN Linesmen and J. Zurich, June 6--In the first round of the Swiss tennis championship yesterday, Bill: Tilden, United States star, de cated Bileer, 6-0, 6-0, while Francis T. Hunter, his companion, was forced to threc sets beforc he could win from Flury, 2-6, 6-1, 6-4, Taking the court again in the sec- ond round, Tilden trimmed Cohn of Germany 6-4, 6-1, and Hunter defeat- ed De Grenou 6-0, 6-0. HAT is an old saying and a true one. But it's surprising how few people realize that it is true. How often have you your- self gone to your service man in a hurry and just had some grease added to what is already in your transmission and differen- tial? That's what yoti call greasing your car, but in reality, you might as well have saved your money, because the fresh grease is only wasted. Added to impure gredse, it immediately loses its value as a lubricint. What you should do is to have the old grease flushed out and a complete fresh supply put in. Your dealer sells and recommends "WHIZ" GEAR GREASE as the most perfect of tested greases. Drop in tomorrow and let him service your 2% sa uly ak expat gay. "Mrs. [NATIONAL] Idle Pirates Gain Lead INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost Rochester ........ Reading .. Baltimore Toronto Newark Montreal Buffalo .... Jersey City ...... WEDNESDAY'S SCORES Montreal Toronto .... (10 innings.) Jersey City Baltimore . 6 Reading Only three games scheduled. GAMES TO-DAY Montreal at Toronto (3.30 p.m.) Reading at Baltimore, Buffalo 'at. Rochester. Newark at Jersey City, AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost Philadelphia .. 10 St. Louis .. New York .. Detroit Cleveland ae Washington Soh, Chicago Boston WEDNESDAY"S SCORES New York. ...... 6 Cleveland ... 5 ..17 Chicago Washington .... 8 Detroit Philadelphia .... 5 St. Louis ..., serves e "sean PC 762 600 GAMES TO-DAY Chicago at Boston. St. Louis at Philadelphia, Detroit at Washington Cleveland at New York. NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost Pittsburg i 5 St. Louis ... Chicago ...ev0 New York .. Philadelphia .. Boston . Cincinnati WEDNESDAY: S SCORES Chicago ... Cincinnati . New York Only three games played. GAMES TO-DAY Boston at Pittsburg. Brooklyn at Chicago. New York at St. Louis. Philadelphia at Cincinnati, Ladies Tourney For Local Club Brantford, June 6--The annual meeting of the Ontario branch of the Canadian Ladies' Golf union was held yesterday. evening in the club- house of the Brantford Golf and Country club, The various reports showed that the branch is in excel- lent condition, The treasurer re- ported a balance of $151.98, The invitation of the Oshawa club to stage the 1930 tournament over that course was accepted, The officers were re-elected by acclamation as follows: President, Miss Jean Haslett, Hamilton; vice- president, Mrs. Ingersoll Olmstead, Hamilton; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. J. S. McCaughey, Glendale; handicap manager, Miss J, McFarlane; chair- man of pars committee, Mrs. E. W, Yhinington, Oakville; executive, Ferrie, Hamilton; Mrs, M. rt Hamilton, and Mrs, D. 'Coulson, Toronto, REDS GET PLENTY Cincinnati, June 6.--The Reds en. joyed their greatest runmaking spree of the season at the expense of the ty TH QU \ We AAA < " ye I, SAD Lk IRLERS NOW . E woRWS KING "i F SWATS OF Sw ._ "ce How many of yon ball fans re-down the first sack, and boy, what memPer "Big Boy" Alexander, who, last year, graced the line up of the Toronto Leafs, At first they would. a heat when he leaned on that pill! Now he is with the Detroit Tigers and the scouts predict that he will become another Babe Ruth. n't have him with the team becavse He is the talk of the major leagues 5| he seemed to bé weak on the hag, but they had to admit that he sure could paste-the old pill out of the lot. and more than one manager would reach good and deep into the money: bags to get his services. He is be~ coming known as "bad news" for The second season he made thepitchers. So let us all hope that grade and succeeded in holdmg"Big Boy" keeps pushing them up.' [Seo RT SNAPSHOTS Things are. starting to move in grouping has been arranged, the dates are not yet available. intermediate lacrosse circles. and the The group- ings have been fixed with the Oshawa intermediates in the same loop' with Oakwood Grads, This is a tough group and has in Oakville and Maitlands. some of the smart senior players that have been left out in the cold through the dropping out of a number of senior teams. Maitlands seem to be the team to beat according to' early reports, they have a strong lineup comprised of most of their last year play- ers along with some of the St. Simons senior and others. Oakville will also be well represented with a strong team and will take a great deal of eliminating. The local intermediates have bee considered as in the running by the players that are familiar to fans of n working hard and they too will be remaining trio, they have a host of all athletics in' the city and they are known to excell in the national pastime, Next Wednesday will see the opening game in the junior lacrosse leas gue with the local juniors playing a prised of Weston, Brampton, Torontos, Maitlands and Oshawa. At the end of a single schedule t Weston. The junior group is come the second and third place roan will play a home and home series with goals to count and the winner of that will meet the group leader for the tit le. Tonight's sport card brings before the fans a soccer 'game at Alexandra Park between the two senior teams in a league game. Nationals are the favorites as they have not been defeated this season and have twice de- feated the Oshawa City team, in Connaught Cup games. This game to- night is a postponement of Saturday. Then there is softball intermediate, at the Motor City Stadium, Moffatt Motor Sales playing their first.game with A Y.M.C. and Cowan's Park the juveniles swing into action with St, George's playing the Red Ace juveniles. Last evening three local soccer players took part in the game between the selected team from the Senior T. & D. league and the touring Welsh team and the men from Wales chalked up their third win in as many games defeating the all stars four to one. thought of by the opposing players and his constant good work a feature in the game that was witnessed by a large crowd of soccer fans of Torontos and other cities in the province. . Moir of the City lineup was well i .| Fittirigs, outhit the Aces by, "LFittings Red Aces Lose Game to Fittings A--_---- Anotiier close opening game in the "I City and Industrial was that of the Hjunior series last night when the Fit- tings juniors took an eleven to nine verdict from the Red Ace juniors. a small margin, while Knox, the Fitting pit- cher, kept the hits scattered, he found a little difficulty in finding 'the plate, however, and walks were responsible in the initial' stanza, Four, Home: runs were banged out during 'the nine innings, thrée of them by, Fitting batters and one by a Red Ace. The circuit hitters are Leyden, | Evan, Love, Cornish. The box. a 3 | ccomoonnood S| aconnm--ocoy Cornish .,. Shelenkoff ... Hall ... Daniels , Bradd .......s Evans ....... Norris Guiltinan Little Lortie +..... re Bates > : | w=ammtntnmnamd| AttntntntntntnaW o| ~ocoonwne~TR| conn == { NCo~nnu--oolal coun wm ; sb 2N| --- | vwwooRo~oed Wh mOONNS 08 11°27. 5 4 Summary "Home runs, Leyden, Ev- ans, Love, Cornish. Three base hits: Shelenkoff. Struck out by Guiltinan, 5; by Knox, 3. First base on balls, off Guiltinan, 0; 'off Knox, 5. Umpires: 'Goodall and Holden, INTERNATIONAL ORIOLES DEFEAT NEXT IN LINE Baltimore, June 6.--The Orioles took a nip and tuck battle in the opening of the series with- Reading Keys here yesterday by scoring two runs in the eighth to win 6 to 4, after Reading had knotted the count at 4 all in their half of the same inning. Stuart Bolen was in hot water continuously with his wildness and was nicked for 11 blows, one less than Welch of the Keys allowed, MILLER HAS BEARS' NUMBER Bears fell a'victim to Don Miller the Black. Cats' newly ocquired within a week when they were beaten 7 to 3 here yesterday. in as many starts with Jersey City. With: the score deadlocked 3-3 in the fifth, the Cats got to Al Har- vin, the Bears' starting pitcher, in the seventh inning and scored fouf runs to win. the game .then and there. ROYALS TAKE FIRST ! Toronto, Ont., June 6.--~The Mon- treal' Royals came to town-yesterday, outhit the Leafs 14 to 8 and won the | first game of the series, 6 to 4, in 4én" innings. Creaming deitbles- to the left field barricade by first baseman Henry and. catcher Niebergall and a single by Haines decided the issue after the teams had finished the reg- ular nine rounds locked in a 4-4 tie. Jess Doyle :was doing the firing when the Royals broke up the ball game, the veteran right hander hav- ing gone to work at the opening of the 'ninth' after Walter Leverenz, the starting pitcher, had 'given way to pinch-hitter Satterfield in the eighth. The two runs in the tenth meant no- thing more than another defeat for Jess. It was his seventh, so he is ac- customed' to such happenings. a healthy tree. Early oil wells at Baku were scooped out by hand. | coooonmmootinl ccscanscat Jersey City, June 6. -- Newark |. right hander, for the sécond 'time | This was Miller's second victory | 'Woodpeckers rarely disfigure a | | Concerning Cross Checks . Millard Whyte, a young, small but very enthusiastic fielder is the next man up and included in this introduction is the advice to those that may need it. Mil is a married man, and just recently married at that, so the girls have a poor chance of getting a tumble from Mil. ' It's no use, they are omniy wasting their time, that is auy that were awaiting this introdue- tion. Mil is a lover of the nation- al game for the game itself, and all through the winter his thouguts have been far ahead of the weather and now that the weather has caught up with them he is gomg great guns and working like a tro- Jan at every practice and game, Whyte started playing senior la- crosse last year with the' Jlotors, and in 1927 was one of the main- stays of the intermediate tedw. His condition is rated as being in the best of health and his work sflon the field is ever increasing in value, and in the next few games the name of Whyte will be a famil- iar name to the readers of the press reports of these senior zames, ine fastest games of Lacrosse played anywhere in the Dominion of Can- ada, and as it is the national game ihat practically gays the entire uni. verse, ' However, we do not want te blow, but we still maintain. that Mil Whyte is another of the team that will, with any luck at all; be rated as the Dominion champions; and what we mean to maintain is, that Mil is an ace high fella, so shake hands with him (that wrong) but say hello, any way, 1ne next time you see him. CHOCOLATE GETS DECISION OYER GREGORIO OF SPAIN Philadelphia, Pa, June 6--Kid Chocolate, flashy Cuban negro, was awarded the decision over Vidal Gregorio of Spain, in a slashing 10- round open-air bout at Shibe park last night. The verdict did not meet with the approval of many of the fans. Chocolate weighed 11934, Gre- gorio 11714. The battle was fast and furious from start to finish. With the open- ing bell, the rivals sailed into each other with rights and lefts to the head and body and kept it 1 until the finish. In several rounds they stood toe-to-toe, showering each other with body blows and upper- cuts. Neither, however, was able to floor the -other or to slow up his opponent. Chocolate gave a great exhibition of boxing and in this he excelled the Spaniard, but in no other way did he appear to have 'an ad- vantage, More than 20,000 fans wit- nessed the bout, LEADERS WIN FIRST Philadelphia, June 6--The Phila- delphia athletics took the first game of the series from the Browns ves- terday, well distributed hits being responsible for a 5 to 2 victory, Rube Walberg 2guin displayed: his majesty over the Louisions, this time holding them 4 four hits. Two of these were sticcessive home runs from the bats of Mehilo and Kress. Miller and Cochrane hit for the cir cuit for the athletics, the world's distributing New Orleans has largest . mahogany One cigar blend which never Shanges Dry the handy pack of five Bachelors Phillies heré yesterday and assaulted four Philadelphia hurlers for a 21 to 4 score, Cincinnati failed to score in only one inning and more than batted - round in the sixth, when nine runs were hammered over the plate, CARDS 4, ROBINS 8 Chicago, June 6. -- A four-run rally against Doug. McWeeny in the ninth enabled the Cubs to nose out the. Robins by 4 to 3 here yesterday in the opening game of. the: 'series. ' Brooklyn drove Berlyn Horne from the box and Mike Cvengros, his successor, gave way to'a pinch hitter, leay- ing Hal Carlson to get credit for the victory, GIANTS KNOCK CARDS DOWN ONE PLACE St. Louis, June 6. -- The Giants pulled the aCrdinals out of first place yesterday by defeating the National League champions, 6 to 4, while the Pirates were idle in the.vain, = : Carl Mays and {Bll Walker div- ided the Giant pitching, eredit for Ww are Your Brakes? the victory going to Walker, while the veteran ° Clarence Mitchell went. the route for the home team. RED SOX FATTEN AVERAGES Boston, June 6.--Even Manag- er Lena Blackburne took the rubber yesterday as the Red Sox hammered the White Sox pitchers for a 17 to .2 victory. Each of the Red Sox hit safely and drove. in' at leakt one run. They made 23 hits for a total of 39 bases. Berry led the attack with a homer, a double and two singles; Todt had to singles, a double and a triple, and Bill Bar- rett, formerly of the White Sox, @ homer and two doubles a Ah Will They Stand a Real Good Test? BETTER TRY ---

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