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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jun 1929, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1929 DECORATION DAY "AT ORONG JUNE 30 Last 'Sunday of June Fixed as Date for This An- "nual Servi ce id Orono, June 10.--Miss Edna Stutt, teacher at Wesleyville, was home over the week-end. 'Allison Cowan, a student at the University of Toronto, left last week to take a position in the Muskoka. district for the holiduy season. Mrs. Ervan Rainey spent a few days last week visiting friends at Peterboro. James Patton, of Toronto, an old Orono boy, was taken with a lignt stroke one day last week, His sis- ter-in-law, Miss Bella Watson, is assisting in nursing him, Mrs. Haw was called to Peter- boro, Tuesday, her daughter, Miss Florence having been taken seri- ously ill with appendicitis, and taken to Nichol's Hospital where she underwent a successful opera- tion. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Brown, of Peterboro, on" their honevmoon were guests over Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Ervan Rainey. They left Wednesday morning on a motor trip to Detroit to spend a day or so with her sister, Mrs. Whittaker. The marriage was solemnized at 4 o'clock on Tuesday at Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Truin Harris and son and daughter, Miss Francis and friend were recent guests of Isaac Cobbledick. Congratulations are being exten- ded to James J. Gilfillan on pass- ing his final examinations, Com- merce and Finance, Toronto Uni- versity. Mr. and Mrs, Gilfillan at. tended the graduation exercises at Toronto on Friday last. Mrs. A. Wesley, Miss Davey and Mr. 'Walter Eagleson, of Toronto, John Elliot, of Bowmanville, and Jas. A; Fowler, of Oshawa, were recént guests at the home of Mrs, 3, A. Fowler, Centre Street. There was a large attendance at the meeting called the Royal Tem- plats of Temperance in the hall here Sunday evening. The speak- erg included Messrs. T. Robertson, J. Buchanan, E. Brintnell, leaders of the Order in Ontario, who advo- cated the organization of a lodge hére. The speeches were inter- spersed with vocal numbers ana s well sung duet by 'Messrs. A. J. Knox and Harold Allin, formerly of this town, on trumpet and eu- phonium, and music by Park street Sunday. School orchestra. Mrs. A. Callender, of Port Hupe, spent a few days with friends here, guests of Mrs. M. L. Travelle. Robert Gordon, of New Toronto, spent a week with friends here. Mr. Gordon resides with his son-in- law, Jas. Carleton. (Alex Rutherford, of Toronto, spent the holiday, guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Knox, 'Mr; and Mrs. T. Powers and dfughiter, Miss Vera, of Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Orley Conlin, and family of Oshawa, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill. A meeting of the quarterly Board of the Park street United Church circuit was held in the school room on Monday evening last. A request from the pastor, Mr. Sterling, that he be granted an extended holiday during the com-~ ing summer, he to be responsible for the pulpit supply for Sundays, was unanimously granted. A com- mittee was appointed to be re- sponsible with the pastor in secur- ing @& suitable supply. By unani- mous vote, an expression of appre- ciation for their untiring service was extended to Mr. and Mrs. Stey- ling, coupled: with an 4nvitation 'to remain in the charge for another conference year. Mr. and Mrs. - Alex Walsh, of Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. C. Walsh and son, Tommy, Mrs. Jas. Cobble dick of Calgary, now of 'Toronto, Mrs. (Rev.) Chas. Adams and daughter, Florence, and friend, Sid Lathan, and Mrs. (Dr.) Holdcroft and baby, Betty, of Havelock, were guests of Miss Florence Cob: bledick and Mr. Howard Walsh. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Tuck, who spent the past week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Bil- Do you take Yeast for your feest fa 4 If so, use ROYAL YEAST CAKES the standard of quality for over 50 years. lings, returfied home Monday. Mrs. Billings accompanied them. Mrs. Taylor, of Toronto, who has been visiting the past month with the Misses Waddell returned home on Monday. Mrs. W. H. Cooper, of Ponty- pool, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry. and family, of Bethesda, and the Misses Sanderson, of Arcala, Sask., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, C. . Awde, } Mrs. W. Walsh and" son, R. S. Walsh, of Toronto, accompanied by Mrs. J. Cobbledick, of Calgary, Alta., were week-end guests of Mrs. M. E. and Miss M. A. Walsh. Miss Annabell McKay of Col. borne, spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. J. R. Cooper. John Armstrong returned home last week from his annual spring trip through the western provinces, representing his company, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hill and little daughters, Eileen and Glona, Pittsburg, Pa., and Mrs. H. D, Townsend, of Niagara Falls, Ont. spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Kerslake, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Somerville were in Toronto on Thursday at- tending the graduating exercises of Toronto University when their sum, Andrew A Somerville, received his degree as doctor of dental surgery. Mrs. James Dickson and daugh- ter, Miss Margaret, are attending graduating exercises at Victoria College, when Miss' Marion Dick- son, graduate in Arts, will receive her degree. The directors of the cemetery Company have named Sunday, June 30, as Decoration Day, anl the last Sunday in June as a fixed date for future decoration days. This year, as usual, the Orono Band will march from the Armour- fes to the cemetery, starting at 2 o'clock. The veterans and frater- nal societies have been invited to join the parade and take part in the decoration service. Local min- isters will be present for the ser- vice. Miss Dancy, Leaskard, treated her entrance class to a motor rip on Monday afternoon, and on thelr réturn, Master Ralph Butler en- tertained them at a birthday sup- per, when a pleasant time was spent. The nurses forming the graduat. ing class, Oshawa General Hospi- tal, among whom were two Orono young ladies, Miss Marion Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, and Miss Neva Rainey, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Rainey, received their graduation diplomas, on Monday last, at the annual exercises held in St. Ag- drew's Church. Miss Brown won the F. W. Ross Scholarship for highest standing, $50 in gold, and Miss Rainey the Alice Moore prize for practical dietetics. Among those of our town who attended the graduation exercises were Rev. and Mrs. Sterling, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rainey, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Rainey, Mrs. O. J. Knox, Miss Sadie Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tamb- lyn, Mr. and Mrs. John Tamblyn, Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Miss McKay, Mrs. O. W. Rolph and Mr. and Mrs. M. J, Tamblyn, BLOSSOM TIME IN SOLINA DISTRICT Drive Through the Country Is Described As Delightful Solina, June 10.--Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Hardy, of Bowmanvilig, James Reeson and Miss Marion Reeson, of Columbus, Geo. M¢Cul- lough, of Raglan, Miss Bradley, ot Orono, Alec Walker, of Port Hope, and Mr. Blewitt, of Orono, visited Harvey Hardy. Will Leask, of Taunton, visited John Baker. Miss Florence Ashton, of Shaws, visited H. Tink and family. Levi Norton and men of Ux- bridge are busy shingling C. How- sam's barn. Mrs. S. BE. Werry Wednesday to her Bowmanville Hospital. proving nicely. Blossom time is quite evident in the country and a drive through this district is delightful. The tra- dition of having all the seeding and planting finished at Solina by May 24, was certainly delayed this year. Some are just planting thelr mangels and potatoes this weuk, others still sowing barley. Wm. Cowling, of Hampton, vis- ited Mrs. Sidney Hockaday. Mr. and Mrs. John Challis visit. ed the Misses Hockaday, also Mrs. Thos. Osborne. Miss Bellman, of Bowmanville, visited Misses H. and M. Baker over the week-end. Mr. snd Mrs. L. Luke, of Osh. awa, Mr. and Mrs. A. Peters and Miss Mary, of Hampton, Mr. Wm. Lammiman, sr., Mrs. Wm. Lammi- man, jr, of Oshawa, Mrs. Nancy Lammiman, of Toronto, and friend from Oshawa, Mrs. J. B, Ho- garth, Jessie and Jean, of Hamp- ton, visited Mrs. T. Baker. A goodly number attended Zion anniversary services = on Sunday, although the weather was cool, The church was nicely . filled to hear Rev. Manson Doyle. returned vn home from She is im- JOINT MEETING BY HAMPTON W. N.S. Will Invite Girls of Band and of Circle to Quarte:- ly Tea on June 15 nine, Hampton, June 10,--The young people's meeting on Friday, May 31, was In charge of the fourth vice-president, Wilfred Smale. The psalm was read by Vera Shackle- ton, and the devotional period tak- en by Mrs. Jas. G. Burns. A pa- per on Dr. Isaac Watts was read by Florence Burns. A review of the hymn 'Jesus Lover of My Soul," was given by Wilfred Smale and the meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. May meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. W. Virtue. In tne absence of the president, Mrs. (Rev.) J. R. Bick, the first vice- president, Mrs, Geo. Barron, took charge of the opening exercises, A program was presented by Mrs, Grace Clatworthy. A short review of chapter 8 in the Study Book, "Drums In The Darkness," was taken. Arrangements were made to havé the next meeting take the form of a quarterly tea to be held at the home of Mrs. Hilton Peters, on Saturday, June 15, when the Mission Circle and' Band will be invited to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Curtis visited Mrs. Jno. Pye, of Enniskillen, re- cently. Mrs. Chas. Langmaid visited E. Wilbur, of Taunton. Migses Fdith and Marjorie and a a ak L. 'T. 'Pascon visited H. G. Pascoe, of Zion, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Lorenzo Trull and family and Miss Ruth Johns vis- ited Mr. Arthur Stainton, and at- tended the anniversary services at Zion on Sunday. GOLDEN WEDDING AT PORT PERRY Mr. and Mvs. Boe Have Been Married 50 Years on June 3 Port Perry, June 10--Miss Dorls MacGregor is visiting friends In Detroit. : Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jackson re- turned last week from a delightful trip to New York. The Misses McPhail are in To- ronto, where they intend to spend some time. On Monday, June 3, Mr. and Mrs. D. Boe celebrated the fiftietn anniversary of their wedding. About eighty guests were present to aid in the celebraticu and the happy couple were the recipients of many beautiful gifts, including a purse of gold, from the family a purse of money, from Mrs. Boe's family and from Mr. Boe's family, a lovely floor lamp. Mr. and Mrs. B e have four children: Mrs. Isaac Walcon of Keswick, Mrs. Malcolm Beare of Port Perry, Arthur of 'I'o- ronts, an? -mes 'of P. ' Purry, and nine grandchildren. Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. Fred Meeham of New York, Mrs. Armitage of Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dawes of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. James Ward, Toronw. Miss 'Grace Rose, daughter; of Mr.-and Mrs. <A; H, Roge, and Lewis McLean, son of Mr;'and Mrs. W. T. McLean, received their de- grees of M.A., and Miss Isabel Lu- cas received her degree of B. A. at the University of Toronto, Miss Lucas is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lucas of Port Perry. H. H. Stone is moving into: the store now occupfed by the Rite Hat Shoppe shortly, and P. G. Morrison is moving his drug store into the store to be vacated by Mr, Stone about the enid of June. Grant Rundle, ' of Toronto, was home on Sunday, ,. Mrs. Downer, of Lindsay, has moved into Port: Perry, and with her daughter, Miss Downer, will occupy the apartment 'over the Suteliffe store. Hardy Purdy, of Toronto, is spending some time with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. E. H. Purdy. Frank Ardron, of Florida, is vis- iting Port Perry friends. Mr. and Mrs." G. Gerron were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Beacock, of Scugog, on Sunday. Mrs. C. C. Keele, of Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cockburn, this week. CLAREMONT TEAM WINS FIRST GAME Defeat Cherrywood 1 to 0 in First Fcotball Match of Season Claremont, June 10.--Miss Ei- leen Cooper spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper. * tia Miss Mary McNab is spending a few days in Toromte. ' Chas. Sargant, of Markham was in the village on Wednesday. Donald Rawson, of Toronto Uni- versity, spent a few days last week with his mother, Mrs. Reuben Raw- gon. Miss Vera Linton, of Balsam, spent Sunday with her parents in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bushby and little daughter, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs, J. Bushby. Miss Isobel Gregg, of Toronto. Normal School, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, David Gregg. Miss Sybil Shaver, of Brougham, spent the holiday with her grand- mother, Mrs. R. Rawson. Mr. Lyost spent a couple of days last week visiting friends in Belle- ville. Luther Bowes, of Peterboro, spent Friday with his mother, Mrs. J. Readman, who is confined to her bed through illness. Mrs. D. A. Scott is spending a couple of weeks in London and Windsor. J. B. Madill is slowly recover: ing from his recent illness. The favorable weather of the last week has enabled the farmers to get along nicely with their seed- ing operations. Miss Ruth Studderford, assist- ant teacher in the Continuation School here, has returned after be- ing off duty for a couple of weeks through illness. The first football game of the season was played in the Memorial Park here on Saturday evening last between the Cherrywood team ana the Claremont team, the latter winning by 1 to 0. 44 \ Nd % 2) / N DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE WHEN YOU GET IT? There is a wonderful opportunity for misrepresentation in lumber products, unless the buyer is dealing with a firm whose integrity 'is unquestioned or un- less he himself is thoroughly familiar with grades. ' A grade called number one, is not always the first grade, and many de- ceptions are practised by unscrupu- lous dealers on basis such as this. We buy and sell our stock on standard grading rules only, and are particularly careful to point out to the buyer just what grade he is buying, and wherever possible, we show him the actual stock before he gets it. This is the safest way for you and for us. Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 Cyclo Gas - MOTOR FUEL A high benzol content and unabrasive clean~ ing properties make RED INDIAN MOTOR OIL A real fighting, heat re- sisting motor lubricant that gives added power HETHER driving in congested city traffic or motoring on the open country highways, RED INDIAN products will give your car new power, pep and pick-up under all road conditions. The new power will take those second~ gear hills on high -- the new pep will flash you to the front when the red light turns to green -- and the new pick-up passes that other car on theopen road. All these extras at a mere pressure of the accelerator. The trail of Red Indian Stations now stretches from coast to coast .. . there is one in your neighborhood. Drive in and try the famous products that are enjoying a Dominion-wide popularity. A straight run GASOLINE, free from sulphur and other harniful corrosives. Although of a compara~- tively high gravity, MARATHON is slow burning. It gives a smooth, even surge of CYCLO GAS an ideal motor fuel. CYCLO GAS (No Knock) Motor Fuel gives added Mr. and Mrs. H. A, Pascoe was in Trenton on Sunday. : Mr. and Mrs. C, Howsam and Mrs. wv > ael visited at Port ight of RED erry with Mrs. Williams and Mrs. pep to any motor, old a correct weight o power impossible to obe Cook. : : or new. : INDIAN for every motor. tain from ordinary Sidney Hockaday is improving : i his property by building a modern 4 j ", 3 i hen house. ROYAL | Words ighari dll McCOLL-FRONTENAC OIL COMPANY LIMITED f EAS i swered as to' why any car should . , Offices and Plants at Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. be sasstiucied to travel 60 .miles an hour, . But, protests the Bor- dk ; d Distribution warehouses convenient point: CAKES | der Cities Star, liow else could peo- | mM Er A SR RY ot atte : > et] -- Soak a cake of Royal Yeast, with a little sugar, in tepid water over night. Stir well, strain and drink the liquid. - Flavor is im- proved by adding the juice of an orange. to any motor by sealing the pistons against com pression losses. There is YES, HOW ELSE? (Toronto Globe) Hon. George S. Henry says he ple who aren't going anywhere in particular get there ahead of time?

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